Dark agave nectar. Agave syrup benefits and harms

And gava is a perennial plant growing in deserts and semi-deserts that looks like aloe. In North and Central America and Mexico, its beneficial properties have been known since ancient times. To make agave syrup, plant juice is used, saturated with polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals. Due to the prevailing fructose content (80-95%), the resulting nectar at a low calorie content is one and a half times sweeter than sugar.

When consumed in moderation, the syrup improves metabolism, helps the absorption of calcium and magnesium, and reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

Agave syrup and nectar are equivalent names for the same product. It is obtained from the juice of the core and leaves of the plant, it contains the probiotic inulin, which stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes and the elimination of toxins. The syrup is a natural sweetener and has a subtle honey aroma with caramel notes.

Syrup history

Sugar agave juice for the preparation of sweet dishes and drinks was used by the ancient Aztecs. It was used by Mexican Indians to heal wounds due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. After the discovery of the properties of fermentation, tequila became a famous drink from agave.

Interest in the plant in the 21st century was attracted by its rare carbohydrate composition in combination with a reduced level of the glycemic index.

The pleasant delicate taste of agave syrup has made it a common substitute for sugar in cooking: it does not distort the aroma and texture of baked goods, it keeps biscuits soft, and its rather thick consistency allows you to accurately measure the required amount.

How syrup is made

The heart and leaves of the plant are used to make agave nectar. After evaporation for 48-72 hours, the pulp is crushed and crushed to extract juice. After filtration, the resulting broth is heated at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees, which allows you to preserve all the valuable enzymes and vitamins. As the excess liquid evaporates, the product thickens.

Beverage varieties

Blue agave syrup is famous for its best taste. Depending on the type of processing, a distinction is made between light and dark varieties. Pekmez is prepared without the inclusion of sugar and additional additives by heating, settling and filtering natural juice. The long evaporation process gives the nectar a dark amber color and a rich molasses aftertaste. Light varieties are thoroughly filtered, are not enriched with fructans, have a golden hue and a light taste of flower honey with a caramel smell and fresh herbal notes.

Benefit and harm

Agave syrup is used instead of sugar for dietary nutrition. Its advantages include:

  • saturated mineral and vitamin composition;
  • the content of inulin, which lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • due to the sweeter taste, less nectar is required to be added to food and drinks;
  • positive impact on the work of the digestive tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • elimination of toxins and excess fluid from the body;
  • provides quick satiety and reduces appetite;
  • strengthening of immunity.

Caution should be exercised when using agave juice sweeteners as a sugar substitute for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. With excessive consumption, there is a risk of rapid weight gain, as excess fructose leads to the accumulation of body fat.

In case of pathologies of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, hormonal disorders, prior consultation with the attending physician is required. Due to the content of natural contraceptive substances in agave, it is not recommended to introduce the product into the menu when planning a pregnancy. The benefits and harms of agave syrup are associated with the moderation of its consumption and the individual characteristics of the body.

Chemical composition

The product includes:

  • selenium;
  • calcium and magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus and iron;
  • potassium;
  • beta-carotene, vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, E, K;
  • essential oils.

80-90% of nectar consists of fructose, which is absorbed by the body more slowly than glucose, which prevents a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. The inulin content promotes the production of beneficial bacteria and the optimization of intestinal motility.

Nutritional value

Agave nectar contains 76% carbohydrates, 0.5% fat, 0.1% protein, and does not contain cholesterol. Suitable for diabetics in moderate doses, the nutritional value of agave syrup is lower than that of sugar.

Calorie content and glycemic index

Nectar is used for fasting days and dietary nutrition due to the reduced calorie content, which is 310 kcal per 100 g of product. Fructose helps to maintain optimal metabolism, stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body. The GI (glycemic index) of agave syrup is 16-20 units, which is due to the low percentage of glucose.

Compared to sugar, which has a GI of 70 units, nectar is broken down by the body gradually and does not provoke a sharp release of insulin. Sweet agave syrup for type 2 diabetes will be an alternative to add to baked goods and tea.

The use of syrup in cooking

Agave nectar is one hundred percent susceptible to yeast fermentation, completely soluble in water, does not lose its beneficial properties when heated, which allows the syrup to be used when baking sweet pies and biscuits. The light creamy-caramel flavor of the sweetener does not change the taste of the products and retains the splendor and softness of the dough. Nectar is used in the preparation of:

  • yeast dough pies;
  • biscuit and shortbread cakes;
  • cookies, muffins and gingerbread;
  • cocktails and smoothies;
  • homemade ice cream;
  • creamy and other desserts;
  • compotes, jelly, fruit drinks.

Pancakes, pancakes or waffles poured with syrup will acquire a delicate and pleasant taste. The impregnation of the cakes will give the cake softness and a light, unobtrusive caramel flavor. Nectar will serve as an excellent topping for ice cream, muesli and coffee, adding subtle honey notes.

The product is harmoniously combined with green, black, white and herbal teas. The daily intake is no more than two to three spoons. Suitable for vegetarian and raw foodists.

How to replace syrup?

If you have individual intolerance and other contraindications, you can take similar products instead of agave nectar.

Maple syrup

A healthy substitute is maple sap nectar. It contains over 50 antioxidants and minerals. Does not cause manifestations of food allergies, has healing properties, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increases the body's immune defenses, has a mild caramel taste. Nutritional value is 260 kcal. However, glucose predominates in the syrup, so it is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus.


The honey herb, which grows in South America, is tens of times more sweet than sugar, has zero glycemic index and calorie content. Normalizes blood glucose levels, has antibacterial properties. But you need to get used to a specific taste.


Natural sweetener extracted from sugarcane stalks, corn cobs, birch wood. Does not cause a jump in blood sugar, has a low calorie content, does not have any off-flavors. However, in some cases it gives a laxative effect, in case of an overdose it provokes diarrhea, flatulence.

Replacement of agave nectar will be honey, rice syrups, artichoke, lucuma powder. Despite the reduced calorie content, all types of sweeteners are recommended to be used in moderation and taking into account individual contraindications.

You have probably heard about agave more than once. Such a plant is known even far beyond the borders of the countries in which it grows. This is due to the fact that the agave plant is a raw material for the production of drinks such as pulque and tequila. However, this is not its only application. It is now very popular to replace sugar with agave syrup. It is about him that will be discussed in our article.

What is agave?

Agave is a plant (exotic) native to the volcanic soils of Mexico. The culture blooms for a single time, drawing huge crowds of tourists who want to see a stunning sight. All over the world, agave is known as a raw material for the production of the famous tequila.

At the word "agave" beautiful exotic pictures of the tropics appear in everyone's imagination. This is exactly what agave syrup manufacturers are counting on, advertising their products as a completely harmless and at the same time healthy sugar substitute.

How is the product prepared?

Agave syrup has been known for a long time. It is prepared using approximately the same technology as maple syrup. The juice is placed in containers and evaporated until it thickens to a certain consistency. The liquid should be viscous. This is agave syrup. Depending on the duration of processing, the mass may have a light yellow or dark color.

However, the production of syrup on an industrial scale is slightly different. Given the number of processing stages that raw materials undergo, it is difficult to say whether at least something useful remains in the final product. We can definitely say that we are purchasing a product with a high fructose content.

But how useful or harmful it is depends entirely on how it was processed. Agave syrup has a fructose content of 70-90%, which is the same as in corn syrup, which has long been banned from use. Several countries have banned its use in food production due to its potential to lead to obesity. Let's see - what are the benefits and harms of agave syrup.

Product taste

Agave syrup is often compared to honey. This is a completely wrong approach. And there is nothing in common in their tastes. Everyone who has tried to use agave syrup instead of sugar says that it has a special, unique taste. Someone picks up plant notes in it, someone creamy. And for some, the product generally resembles molasses. Whatever one may say, there is nothing to compare the taste of agave syrup with, since it is unique in its own way.

Modern syrups

The recipe for making syrup from a plant has been known for hundreds of years. However, it was used in those regions where agave grows. And only in the last decade has the product reached a wider range of consumers.

Beneficial features

Real agave syrup is really healthy because it contains: vitamins A, E, K, B, PP, as well as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, iron, sodium and phosphorus. Such a product is especially useful for those who follow diets. Due to fructose, the syrup ensures normal metabolism, helping to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Medicinal properties

Agave contains fructans and saponins. The latter are also found in the roots of other plants such as ginseng. It is saponins that have an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthen immunity, and have an antimicrobial effect. The Aztecs also used agave tincture to treat various wounds.

One of the varieties of fructans is inulin, which has a number of properties:

  1. Studies have shown that inulin may be beneficial for overweight people. The substance affects blood sugar levels and increases the feeling of fullness, thereby reducing appetite.
  2. Inulin has been shown to lower cholesterol levels in the body and may also lower the risk of certain cancers.
  3. The beneficial properties of the plant allow it to be used to prevent pregnancy. In China, substances such as dynordrin and anordrin are isolated from agave, which are included in the group of contraceptives, they can be taken only a couple of times a month, unlike other pills.
  4. Studies have shown that inulin improves calcium absorption by twenty percent, which leads to an increase in tissue density by fifteen percent. Such properties of the plant are important for people of age, whose bones are prone to fragility.
  5. Agave contains steroidal saponins that are good anti-rheumatic agents.

Agave can be used as a remedy and at home. People suffering from neuritis and rheumatism can apply a cut sheet to a sore spot, wrapping it with a bandage. Such a compress must be kept for at least two hours. If an agave leaf causes a burning sensation, then you can dilute the natural juice of the plant with water in equal proportions, and then use it for compresses and lotions.

Syrup application

The syrup is used for a variety of purposes. It is even served as a standalone drink or at the end of a meal. In the homeland of agave, syrup is considered a good aperitif. It is served in small glasses (no more than 50 grams). A syrup served as a dessert is able to raise the mood and tone the body.

In addition, it goes well with gold and silver tequila, as well as with all kinds of liqueurs. A good bartender will be able to offer at least fifteen syrup cocktails. The most famous among them are "Watermelon Margarita", "Mexican Breakfast", "Postcard from Italy" and "Platinum Berry".

Agave syrup is used in some countries for the production of confectionery.

Is the syrup so safe?

The benefits and harms of agave syrup are the subject of much debate among experts. Marketing miracles have led to an incredible popularization of the syrup. However, some scientists believe that the product is far from safe. Unfortunately, it is currently advertised as a sugar substitute for diabetes because fructose is low on the glycemic index. But do not forget that fructose can dramatically increase the resistance of the human body to insulin, which is also quite dangerous.

In addition, American scientists in the course of research have come to conclusions about the dangers of using monosaccharides, since they lead to liver damage. Such conclusions were made regarding corn syrup. So this also applies to agave syrup, the level of fructose in it sometimes greatly exceeds that of its corn counterpart.

What are the modern syrups from the store?

All of the above useful properties of the plant itself and the syrup from it can be talked about when it comes to a natural product. It is difficult to say how good and safe the syrups offered by different brands are. Much depends on the initial raw materials, on how the fermentation process took place (preferably low temperatures, since this allows you to reduce the loss of natural enzymes). A good syrup can be considered, in which the fructose content is 50%. It is difficult to find such a product in stores. As a rule, syrups of all brands have a rate of about 90%.

Unfortunately, many manufacturers make a product that is far more dangerous than corn syrup. Therefore, if you decide to consume agave nectar, then you should be more responsible when choosing a brand.

Why is fructose so important to the body?

It is no secret that glucose is the source of life for the body. Common sugar contains both fructose and glucose. Of course, people prefer to consume the first substance. But it is worth remembering that fructose is absorbed by the body in a completely different way than glucose. It is completely consumed by the liver, damaging its cells in the process. This means that it is capable of provoking a number of chronic diseases. It is worth noting that a few centuries ago, people consumed much less fructose than now (by 400-800%).

Fructose is converted to adipose tissue

As we said, too much fructose has a detrimental effect on the liver itself. Experts have proven that it is almost completely converted into fat. This is why fructose is the main cause of obesity.

The situation is completely different with glucose, only 20% is processed by the liver. The irony is that people consume fructose in order to avoid obesity, not knowing that it is it that is the source of those extra pounds.

It should be understood that the fructose contained in vegetables and fruits is not at all the same substance that is present in synthetic syrups. The natural substance enters the body with minerals, vitamins and trace elements. But fructose syrup has no nutritional value. And these substances are processed in different ways.

Fructose is an incredibly cheap sweetener, which is why it is used in a number of countries for the production of many products, but there is not a word about it in the labeling. This means that there is a risk of exceeding the daily intake of this substance.

Many people switch to agave syrup as a safe natural sweetener because they believe it is safer for their health. They want to avoid the known sugar problems, but not give up sweets.

So what is agave syrup and is it as beneficial as the manufacturers say?

What is agave?

Agave Is an exotic plant that grows in the volcanic soil of Mexico. It blooms only once, gathering crowds of tourists who want to see this phenomenon. However, agave is better known to us as the plant from which tequila is made.

Chopped blue agave fruits.

At the word "agave", pictures of tourist excursions, romantic evenings under the starry sky and mysterious shamanic medicine appear in my head. It is these images that agave nectar producers are counting on, advertising their product as not only a harmless, but also a useful sugar substitute.

However, given the number of processing steps required to obtain "nectar", the final product has almost nothing to do with its noble parent, being just a high fructose syrup. Depending on how the raw materials are processed, the syrup may end up having more or less fructose, but the amount will still be too high to be harmless to humans.

The truth about agave syrup

If the vendors promoting this product were aware of the effects of agave syrup on the body, perhaps they would be more cautious in extolling its supposedly miraculous properties.

Agave syrup or "nectar" is nothing more than a laboratory-generated product, during the production of which fructose syrup is condensed.

The calorie content of the syrup directly depends on the concentration of fructose and can be, on average, from 307 to 399 kcal per 100 g.

Unfortunately, marketing miracles have led to an astronomical rise in syrup popularity among people who believe they are doing their bodies a favor by avoiding refined sugar in favor of artificial sweeteners. Worst of all, agave syrup is often touted as a diabetic product due to the fact that fructose has it.

In addition, in one of the reports on the threats of using corn syrup due to fructose, a group of American specialists published the results of laboratory studies that prove the danger of this monosaccharide as a substance that leads to liver damage. This is doubly relevant when it comes to the use of agave syrup, as its fructose content is sometimes double the average fructose content of corn syrup.

But what about the companies that have received awards for the production of ethical products?

Indeed, there are companies that strive for excellence and are guided by ethical standards in the production of syrup:

  • Working with indigenous peoples;
  • Use of raw materials without pesticides;
  • Fermentation process at low temperatures, reducing the loss of natural enzymes;
  • Production of syrup with fructose content as close as possible to 50% instead of more than 90%, etc.

However, most companies make a product that is, in fact, much more harmful than sugar and corn syrup. If you do decide to use agave nectar, it is worth looking for an ethical brand, but the cost of their products is much higher, and it is better to be ready for this completely safe.

Fructose is a "metabolic poison" only when consumed more than 25 g per day. However, this applies not only to syrup, but to all other fructose-containing foods. Sweet drinks, sauces, pastries, etc.

Why is fructose so important in health matters?

Not all sugars are created equal, although you may have heard otherwise. The fact is that all organs of your body, each of its cells, moreover, almost all living things on the planet, use glucose as "fuel for life."

Common cane sugar or sucrose contains two simple sugars: 50% glucose and 50% fructose. However, many, with a choice of glucose or fructose, would prefer the latter. And they cannot be blamed, because the very word "fructose" is associated with fruits, and they, accordingly, are useful.

It cannot be said, of course, that fructose is the embodiment of evil, but its increased use leads to problems, the basis for understanding which lies in how the body processes it.

There are two main reasons why fructose is so damaging:

  • The body metabolizes fructose differently than glucose. Fructose is consumed only in the liver, affecting its function and damaging cells, as well as, which can lead to many of the effects of chronic alcohol consumption, up to the "beer belly";
  • People consume fructose in amounts that are 400-800% higher than a hundred years ago.

Fructose is converted to fat

Fructose is almost entirely consumed by the liver, since it is the only organ that can work on this "fuel", but an excess of this substance hurts the health of the liver itself and, moreover, is almost directly converted into fat. For this reason, fructose is one of the leading causes of obesity.

Unlike fructose, only 20% of glucose is processed in the liver, since almost every cell in your body can use glucose directly as an energy source, so most of it is burned by the body after consumption.

The irony is that in an effort to avoid sugar obesity, people consume the component that leads to greater obesity.

It's also important to understand that fructose in fruits and vegetables is not the same as synthetic high fructose syrup. Natural fructose comes with enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, while fructose syrup has no nutritional value at all.

In addition, in natural products the fructose molecule is actually attached to other sugars and for its absorption it must be previously "broken down", which increases the amount of sugars that are not absorbed by the body at all and are naturally excreted. At the same time, the fructose in the syrup is in a free state, which means it will be completely or almost completely converted into fat.

In addition, pure fructose confuses metabolism, which seriously disrupts appetite regulation systems and leads to overeating.

The effects of fructose on the liver, as mentioned, are similar to those of alcohol and can lead to NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease).

This is why excessive fructose consumption quickly leads to weight gain and abdominal obesity in tandem with classic metabolic syndrome.

Significantly, fructose is a cheap sweetener, which is why it is added to almost all imported processed foods with a distinct flavor. However, it is rarely present in product labeling, which is why people often exceed the dose of 25 g per day.

Of course, only exceeding the permitted dosage of agave syrup is harmful. Drinking good quality syrup in limited quantities is safe. However, this does not deny its high calorie content, which at least will not speed up the process of losing weight.

30.03.2016 Pelagia Zuikova Save:

Hello dear readers! I think everyone wondered: how to replace sugar? Yes, so that it is sweet and without harm to health and figure. Once upon a time I learned about such a plant as agave, and also tried a product made from it - agave syrup.

The benefits and harms of agave syrup, its properties and contraindications - that's what we will talk about today. Sit back more comfortably as I have a story to tell you.

Agave is a plant that grows in Mexico. It blooms only once, which attracts tourists. But the plant itself is useful not only in nutrition, but also in industry.

However, we still know agave as the plant from which tequila is made. But in fact, not only it is made ... How about a sweet syrup from this plant?

The syrup is made from the soft core of a plant that is about 7 years old. Juice is squeezed out of it into special containers. Then it is evaporated until it thickens and turns into a viscous liquid with a sweetish taste.

Depending on the duration and temperature (usually 55C) at which the liquid is processed, nectar has a different consistency and color - from transparent to brown. Therefore, there are light and dark agave syrup on the market.

The recipe for the production of this "nectar" has existed for several decades, but it did not reach widespread use so long ago. And now the syrup is used as a sweetener by adherents of a healthy diet, being fans of this delicious product.

Chemical composition of agave syrup

The beneficial substances that make up nectar are very diverse and include:

  • calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • dozens of essential oils;
  • vitamins E, K, A, groups B and D.

The calorie content of the syrup is 320 kcal per 100 grams. Yes, about the same as that of sugar, but due to the high content of fructose, which is absorbed more slowly than sucrose, the consumption of sweets is minimized.

That is, the syrup saturates well. This makes the use of syrup more beneficial both for the health of the body and for the figure of those with a sweet tooth. I think you understand that we are all women and that's okay. So why deny yourself healthy sweets!

Useful properties of agave syrup

Considering all of the above listed useful substances that are contained in this product, its benefits are as follows:

  • it is a natural sugar substitute that can be used while losing weight without harming the figure;
  • has a low glycemic index (15-17);
  • contains up to 5% inulin.

Thanks to inulin, which is a polysaccharide, beneficial bacteria and probiotics are produced in the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the proper functioning of intestinal motility.

And the proper functioning of the intestines affects the skin of the face and body, making us even healthier and more attractive. Therefore, dear ones, this should not be forgotten.

Harm and contraindications

1. The main disadvantage of this product is almost 100% fructose content, which in large quantities can provoke rapid weight gain.

Therefore, it is necessary to use in food no more than a spoon or two of this sweetener. Do not worry, this amount is enough to make any drink or dessert sweet without harm to the body. Everything needs a measure, friends.

2. Agave syrup should be eaten with great care for people who suffer from kidney and liver disease, as well as cystitis.

3. Do not introduce it into the diet of couples who are planning to have children in the near future. The plant contains substances that suppress the reproductive functions of the body, due to which products containing agave are a natural contraceptive.

4. It is also believed that fructose can cause blood resistance to insulin when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, it is worth using this sugar substitute with caution for people with diabetes.

How to use agave syrup?

This unique product is mainly used in cooking. Personally, this is how I used it.

  1. Agave nectar is added to all types of baked goods (cookies, cakes, rolls, muffins, gingerbread, etc.).
  2. Also, the syrup can be used ready-made, pouring them, for example, pancakes, ready-made pastries, ice cream, giving them a caramel taste.
  3. Tea cannot be ignored - herbal, black, green and white. Combined with nectar, their taste is excellent. Try it yourself!

When buying this product, always pay attention to the fact that it is a pure syrup without third-party impurities and even more chemical additives than many manufacturers sin.

Ok, dear readers. So we figured out what the benefits and harms of agave syrup are, we learned that it is an almost irreplaceable product in the diet of people who look after their health and figure, but are terribly fond of sweets.

I hope my article was useful and you learned a lot about this wonderful product that has already captured the hearts of many.

P.S.S. Tell your friends about the article, and also share your impressions in the comments. And do not forget to subscribe to new articles - there is still a lot of interesting things to come. Until next time, friends!

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Agave syrup is a product unique in its properties, which has become widespread in our country due to its availability and relative cheapness. The use of syrup has become widespread in the countries of Eurasia relatively recently and came to us from Mexico. This product has a very sweet taste, the saturation of which is several times higher than the sweetness of granulated sugar that we are used to.

Agave is a plant of the family of the same name, and its appearance is associated with aloe in most people.

The sap of the plant, which has a strong sweetness, is extracted from the unopened blue agave flowers. This process is rather laborious and consists in cold pressing of nectar. Although this method is not used in industrial production due to its low productivity.

The syrup is saturated with fructose, which, unlike sugars, is more easily absorbed by the body, although it is no less harmful when used in food in large quantities.

This article will tell you how to use this product, unique in its properties, in various spheres of life, what should be avoided and what indicators to be guided by in the choice.

Using agave syrup

The use of agave syrup has found its niche in various spheres of human life.

In cooking

In cooking, agave juice is used as a sweetener, and is also used in the production of homemade vodka. Although the latter is a rather expensive undertaking, the cost of the sweetest product is relatively high due to its overseas origin. Agave juice is used in the production of homemade wine drinks and artificial honey.

Agave syrup is used in cooking, desserts and drinks.

But you need to use the highest quality product for food. In the best quality syrup, the amount of glucose should be close to 50%. Of course, such syrups will be more expensive than their counterparts, but they will do much less harm, and in some situations they will even bring invaluable benefits.

In medicine

In folk medicine, plant juice is used as an active dietary supplement that can fight inflammation of various organs. It is believed that the product has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and slow the growth of various types of neoplasms. The product is also used as a stimulant for the production of substances responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body, which becomes relevant for the elderly.

Another manifestation of the beneficial properties of agave syrup is its ability to quickly relieve pain and relieve stress under the following conditions of the body:

  • radiculitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • bruises;
  • sprains.

The pharmaceutical industry produces preparations based on natural agave juice, which have a contraceptive effect and quite effectively help to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, sweet agave juice is used to prepare masks that strengthen hair.

The product has a beneficial effect on the skin affected by acne and boils. The action of the plant is close to the action of the agave habitual for us. But you need to use either fresh agave juice, or a special cosmetic preparation obtained by the cold method.

How to replace agave syrup?

How to replace agave syrup, many people who have seen this ingredient in the composition of the recipe are thinking. In the recent past, it was believed that corn syrup copes with this perfectly, but after conducting laboratory studies that confirmed the danger of developing obesity when using the latter, it was agave syrup that was preferred. Although it is unsafe, as, indeed, all sugars, regardless of their origin and method of production.

Maple syrup is considered another possible substitute, which is also lower in calories.

Properties and quality

The properties of agave syrup have been studied for a long time, as well as their effect on the human body as a whole. It has been proven that this product is of proper quality and produced by a bona fide manufacturer contains about 97% fructose. A fructose saturation of 85% is considered a tolerable deviation.

The quality of the product and its properties also depend on its color, and it, in turn, completely depends on the method of obtaining the syrup and the degree of its filtration.

Distinguish between light, dark and amber colors of the finished product. Each of them differs in chemical characteristics, in particular, the amount of the main component in it. The composition of the sweet product obtained by a non-industrial method is as follows:

  • fructose;
  • dextrose;
  • sucrose;
  • inulin.

The maximum specific gravity among all components belongs to fructose, and the remaining substances occupy approximately equal shares in the total amount.

Medicine has proven that, in comparison with other sugars, the use of fructose has a more favorable effect on the body and metabolic processes occurring in it, although it cannot be considered completely safe.

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of agave syrup have long been studied by physicians and scientists, and people, meanwhile, are actively using the product in their diet. Today, many families use this syrup instead of granulated sugar due to its less harmful effects on the body. And consumer reviews of this product are pretty good.

Only now science does not adhere to such an opinion, and more and more facts are found indicating that, using in their diet, it would seem, a natural substance that a priori cannot be harmful, people cause great harm to their body.

They started talking about the benefits of the product when they began to use agave juice in the diet and nutrition of people with diabetes, positioning the product as an absolutely harmless substitute for traditional cane or beet sugar.

The undeniable fact remains that blue agave juice has a lower glycemic index than ordinary sugar, and therefore the product is more fully broken down in the body, and less energy is expended on its processing. But at the same time, it has been proven that the regular use of this sweetener can play a cruel joke and suppress the natural ability of the digestive tract systems to properly and fully absorb insulin.

Therefore, the use of exclusively agave juice in food can cause the following persistent and irreversible disturbances in the body's work:

  • rise in blood pressure;
  • rapid deposition of subcutaneous fat, especially on the abdomen and buttocks;
  • stimulation of insulin resistance (resistance);
  • deterioration of the liver.

And although this syrup is positioned as the most harmless, you should not use it in case of diabetes mellitus, tendency to obesity, pregnancy at any time and breastfeeding, as well as in early childhood.

Moderate use of this nectar is acceptable for people who do not suffer from liver disease and do not belong to the above categories.

When using any product unfamiliar to the regional cuisine, it is always advisable to use it in small doses, and also strictly monitor the manifestations that may occur in the event of an allergic reaction to the components.

The naturalness of the product undoubtedly attracts the attention of people, but when deciding to use this product in your diet, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, based on your own convictions.