Simple recipes without frying. Dishes without frying

Nutritionists often recommend focusing on fish dishes. They contain necessary and at the same time easily digestible protein, valuable fatty acids, a lot of useful vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for strong teeth and bones, good brain function, and flawless functioning of the endocrine system. Despite the fact that today it is easy to bake fish in the oven or slow cooker, many people prefer to cook it in a frying pan. Meanwhile, fried foods are not at all healthy, quite the opposite. Therefore, we decided to tell our readers how to deliciously cook fish in a frying pan without frying.

Cooking secrets

What kind of fish do we usually consider tasty? Juicy, tender, with a pleasant aroma and melting in your mouth. At the same time, we want the fish to look appetizing. If you know a few secrets, then this is exactly what fish cooked in a frying pan will look like.

  • The main rule is not to skimp on quality. Even pollock and hake can be cooked deliciously, as long as they are not too frozen. The most important thing is not the type of fish, but its quality and degree of freshness. Remember that fresh fish can also have a “smell.” If the carcass is lethargic, the tail and head hang down, the eyes are cloudy, and there are dark spots on the scales, it is better not to purchase such a fish. When purchasing frozen fish, you need to make sure that its expiration date has not expired, that the color of its meat corresponds to that of fish of this family, that it is not yellow, and that the ice crust does not exceed a couple of millimeters.
  • Many chefs believe that frozen fish, no matter how you cook it, turns out a little dry. In fact, this only happens if it has been thawed in water. When defrosting in the microwave, the fish becomes loose and falls into pieces, which is also not good. So there is only one way out: be patient and wait for the fish to thaw on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Mistakes made when cleaning, gutting and cutting fish can also be costly. At best, the pieces will take on an unappetizing appearance; at worst, the fish flesh will become bitter due to the gallbladder being damaged due to negligence. For this reason, it is necessary to know how to properly process fish.
  • When cooking in a frying pan without frying, the fish can only be stewed.
  • It is best to stew fish not in water, but in a fatty sauce, giving preference to sour cream rather than mayonnaise. You can also stew fish in a frying pan in cream or milk - it will also turn out delicious. The less fat in the fish itself, the more fat there should be in the sauce.
  • If the fish has too strong a specific odor, you can neutralize it with the help of strong-smelling herbs (rosemary, thyme, dill, parsley) and lemon. White and black pepper are suitable seasonings for fish.
  • To make the fish more tender and juicy before cooking it in a frying pan, it doesn’t hurt to marinate it for at least 15-20 minutes. Then it will turn out really tasty.

You need to know these secrets no matter what recipe you use to cook fish in a frying pan. However, the choice of recipe is also important. We have collected proven recipes that allow you not to worry about the results.

Salmon in cream sauce


  • salmon fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • cream – 0.2 l;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • dill and parsley - half a bunch each;
  • butter - a quarter of a pack;
  • wheat flour - a tablespoon.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. If you have a whole salmon, fillet it. It is enough to defrost the finished fillet.
  2. Wash and dry the fillets with a towel. Cut into medium sized cubes.
  3. Melt butter in a frying pan. Place salmon pieces in it and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer the fish in a frying pan under the lid for 5-7 minutes. The intensity of the flame at this time should be minimal, and the fish should be stirred occasionally so as not to burn.
  4. Dissolve flour in a small amount of cream. Add cream in small portions, stirring.
  5. Pour the cream over the fish, increase the heat slightly and simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. Season, add salt, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Add garlic chopped into very small pieces. Simmer covered for another 10 minutes.

Salmon prepared according to this recipe should be served with a side dish of potatoes or rice, but it can also be combined with pasta. If you are going to serve salmon with pasta, add a teaspoon of Italian herb mixture when cooking. In this case, its duet with pasta will be even more harmonious.

Cod stewed with vegetables


  • cod fillets or stacks – 0.8 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • carrots – 0.2 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Prepare the cod by cutting it, washing it and drying it with paper towels.
  2. Pepper and salt, season with aromatic herbs and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. While the fish is marinating, prepare the vegetables: cut the tomatoes into slices, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots.
  4. Place the cod in a frying pan, place a mixture of onions and carrots on it, cover with tomato slices and brush thickly with sour cream.
  5. Simmer covered over low heat for 25 minutes.

Tomatoes give the fish a pleasant acidity; thanks to sour cream, it turns out tender and juicy. Mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish. Don't forget to put on the plate the vegetables with which you cooked the cod in the pan.

Fish casserole in a frying pan


  • capelin – 0.2 kg;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • flour – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Beat eggs with milk, salt and pepper.
  2. Wash the capelin and dry it. There is no need to cut it apart.
  3. Add a little salt and pepper to the flour, put it in a bag, place the fish in it and thus roll it in flour.
  4. Place in a frying pan and heat over low heat under the lid for 3 minutes, turn over and keep in the frying pan under the lid for the same amount of time.
  5. Pour in the egg mixture and cook until the dish has the consistency of a tender casserole.

This recipe makes a self-sufficient dish; you don’t need a side dish, but a vegetable salad wouldn’t be superfluous.

There are many recipes that allow you to cook fish in a frying pan, tasty and at the same time healthy. The main thing is to know the basic principles, and then you can experiment in search of a unique dish with a unique taste.

Dishes without heat treatment- these are, first of all, those dishes that are best prepared in the summer. In the heat, you don’t really want to cook, fry, or bake anything. I want something very easy that doesn’t require too much time to prepare. That is why among the “summer” recipes there are so many that exclude heat treatment of products.

The dishes discussed in this case are very diverse. These are all kinds of soups, main courses, salads, appetizers, sauces, desserts, drinks. Thus, dishes that do not require heat treatment can be prepared for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Moreover, the main component of such dishes is not only vegetables and fruits. It can also be meat, fish and eggs. For example, the famous Tartar is raw minced beef with a raw egg, salted and peppered. This dish is considered a real delicacy. In addition, the filling for the famous sushi and rolls includes various types of fish that have not undergone heat treatment. Although, of course, you still have to boil the rice. However, for this operation you can use a special device for cooking rice, and then you won’t have to languish in front of the stove in the heat.

However, it is not only the reluctance to use a stove in the heat that can prompt you to prepare a dish without heat treatment. For raw foodists, for example, such food is the main one. They adhere to the theory that during heat treatment all the beneficial substances contained in products are destroyed. This is why raw foodists don’t even cook cereals. So, for example, they simply pour lukewarm water over buckwheat and leave it to swell. Of course, this takes a lot of time, but the result, in their opinion, is worth it. In general, the theory about the benefits of foods that have not been exposed to heat is correct. It is a well-known fact that vitamins, as well as micro- and macroelements, are destroyed as a result of heating. That is why, along with the time saved (as a rule, such dishes do not require too much time to prepare), you will also receive enormous benefits for the body!

If dishes without heat treatment interest you, then we suggest studying the photo recipes for their preparation given on our website. Thanks to them you can make your daily menu more varied. By the way, these recipes are designed not only for seasoned cooks and housewives with solid experience in preparing dishes, but also for people who do not know how to cook at all. For example, all the steps in the recipes are described in as much detail as possible, and they are also equipped with photos, which will become an additional hint!

Cutlets, as you know, are a rather high-calorie dish because you have to use a lot of oil to prepare it. It is for this reason that people who carefully monitor their figure cannot afford to consume this dish. However, if you know good recipes, you can prepare diet cutlets that will contain a minimum amount of calories.

Buying the right products

First, to prepare such a dietary dish, you will need to choose lean meat, preferably beef. You can also use chicken or fish to prepare dietary cutlets, since this meat is considered dietary. The main thing is not to buy pork or lamb for making cutlets, as this meat is very high in calories.

After the necessary products have been purchased, you can begin preparing the dish. They are prepared in the same way as regular cutlets, that is, you need to add onions, ground potatoes, bread and an egg to the minced meat. But if a person wants the cutlets to contain even fewer calories, then the bread can be replaced with cabbage and the potatoes with carrots. If a person loves vegetables, then he will definitely like this dish.

Bake cutlets in the oven

To prepare delicious and, most importantly, dietary cutlets without any oil at all, you can use the oven, that is, bake the cutlets with it. To do this, you will only need to use a couple of teaspoons of oil, but only to grease the baking sheet, otherwise the cutlets will stick to it.

Next, you need to carefully place the diet cutlets on a baking sheet and bake them for about fifty minutes at a temperature of two hundred degrees. After this time, the diet cutlets will be ready and can be served. This way, cooking cutlets is much more convenient and faster, because you won’t need to stand at the stove for hours. In addition, such a dish turns out to be very tasty, so family members or even guests will definitely not be disappointed in the treat.


In addition to baking, cutlets can be cooked using steam; for this you will have to purchase a pressure cooker or a double boiler, or use the steaming function in a multicooker. Steamed cutlets are also considered very tasty and contain very few calories, because no oil is used in their preparation. So they can be safely consumed even during a diet.

If a person buys a steamer for cooking cutlets, he will not regret it, because with the help of this technique he will be able to cook, in addition to cutlets, a huge number of delicious and very different dishes. And you won’t have to spend a lot of time preparing food, because this wonderful technique does more than half the work for a person.

Lent is not only a time for spiritual, but also for physical cleansing. For those who do not strictly adhere to fasting, it is allowed to prepare dishes with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Many people worry that they will have to eat tasteless dishes, but this is not entirely true, because today there are simply a huge number of easy-to-prepare Lenten recipes that do not require the addition of vegetable oil. Such lean dishes without oil turn out to be quite filling and at the same time, dietary, thanks to which, by adhering to fasting, you can also get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

Buckwheat with mushrooms, cooked in pots

Cooking in pots is not only very convenient, but also delicious, because such dishes will remain hot much longer, which is convenient if relatives do not have time to arrive in time for dinner. It will be enough to simply leave the pots in the switched off oven. Buckwheat with carrots, mushrooms and fried onions turns out incredibly tasty, tender, satisfying and aromatic. This is simply an ideal dish for those who strictly adhere to fasting, since you do not need to use vegetable oil to prepare it.

2 tbsp. water (cold!)
1 small carrot
2 onions,
500 g champignons (fresh!),
1 tbsp. buckwheat,
salt - a little, to taste.

First, we prepare the champignons - wash the mushrooms thoroughly and cut them into small slices. Peel the carrots, wash and chop on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes.

Place a frying pan on the stove, heat it thoroughly, lightly fry the carrots, onions and mushrooms. There is no need to add oil, as the mushrooms will quickly release their juice, but you must be careful so that the onions do not burn.

While the vegetables are frying, we prepare the buckwheat. Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly with cold water several times until the water is perfectly clear.

As soon as the vegetables are ready (they need to be fried for about 10 minutes), mix them with washed buckwheat, lightly season with salt and place in prepared pots, while pouring out all the juice that the mushrooms release. And then pour plain water into the pots, since the buckwheat with vegetables should be completely covered with liquid.

Place the pots in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and leave for exactly one hour.

Lenten buckwheat with mushrooms in pots is ready and can be served. The amount of ingredients is designed for two servings, so if guests are expected for dinner, it is worth remembering this.

Lean vegetables cooked in pots

During Lent, it is allowed to consume vegetable oil only on weekends, and on other days only lean dishes without oil. On weekdays, you can cook very tasty, tender and satisfying vegetables in pots without adding oil.

4 tbsp. l. tomato paste,
1 large onion,
1 large carrot
4 small tomatoes,
1 bell pepper (preferably red pepper)
1 small zucchini
garlic cloves, bay leaf and salt - a little, to taste.

First, we take the zucchini and peel the peel, as it will give off bitterness, after which we cut the zucchini into half rings. We cut carrots and tomatoes into not very large cubes, cut the onion into half rings. Place all prepared vegetables in a separate bowl and mix, lightly season with salt.

We dilute tomato paste in a small amount of water. Next, take the salted vegetables and transfer them to pre-prepared pots. This amount of vegetables can be distributed into two not very large pots or cooked in one large one, whichever is more convenient for you.

Now pour the diluted tomato paste over the vegetables - it is important to ensure that the water in the pots almost completely covers all the vegetables, and only a small top remains above the water.

If necessary, you can add a little water until the desired level is achieved. Now lightly salt the vegetables again, mix everything thoroughly and place the pots in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. If the dish is prepared in two small pots, then the cooking time will be about an hour, and if in one large one, then two hours.

About 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add a bay leaf to the vegetables in the pots, and as soon as the dish is ready, squeeze the garlic into the vegetables (literally one clove).

Salad with apple, pumpkin and walnuts

Even during Lent, you can prepare a delicious dietary salad, rich in valuable vitamins that are so necessary for the body during this period. The salad prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty, tender, juicy and appetizing, so it is ideal not only for fasting people, but also for those who regularly follow various diets, since it contains virtually no calories.

1 handful of walnuts,
1 tbsp. l. honey (maybe less or a little more),
1 lemon,
4 sweet apples,
500 g raw pumpkin.

First, we prepare the pumpkin - peel the skin, and then grind the pulp on a coarse grater. Take an apple, wash it, peel it, remove the core, and grate it on a coarse grater. Next, take the walnuts and chop them (you can grind the nuts in a mortar), but not too finely.

In a separate container, mix apples, pumpkin pulp, nuts, add the juice of one lemon and slightly sweeten with liquid honey (the amount of honey depends on your own taste preferences, if desired, you can omit it at all). Mix all ingredients thoroughly, then transfer to a salad bowl, and you can serve.

Lenten salad with cabbage

This salad turns out to be very tasty, tender and dietary, it is prepared without adding vegetable oil, so it is simply ideal for a Lenten table.

2 or 3 pitted prunes,
400 g white cabbage,
1 small carrot
lemon zest, sugar and salt - a little, to taste.

Take the cabbage and cut it into small strips, then add one small pinch of salt, lightly season with sugar, and then mix everything with your hands and during this process lightly knead the cabbage, thanks to which it will become more tender and soft and release the juice.

To keep the prunes soft, they must be soaked in advance and then cut into thin strips. Peel the carrots and chop them on a fine grater. Grind the lemon zest in the same way (you will need the zest of half a lemon).

In a separate container, combine all the ingredients, mix everything well, and you can serve the dish.

Diet beans

Beans prepared according to this recipe are simply ideal for a Lenten table, they are easy to prepare, and the result is a delicious dish with a minimum amount of calories.

1 bunch of fresh herbs,
1 large onion,
2 tbsp. colored beans.

First, we prepare the colored beans - fill them with hot water (it is best to use boiling water) so that all the top beans are covered, then cook the beans until they are fully cooked (until they become soft). Season with a little salt, add the onion, cut into small cubes, and cook the beans for another half hour.

Before serving, add chopped herbs - the dietary beans are ready.

Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms

To eat tasty and healthy dishes even during Lent, you should try preparing cabbage soup with mushrooms according to the following recipe.

1 parsley root,
1 small carrot
2 medium onions,
3-5 potato tubers,
25 g dried mushrooms,
500 g sauerkraut,
salt, fresh herbs, garlic - a little, to taste.

First, we take the dried mushrooms and fill them with hot water, wait until they become soft (this procedure must be repeated two or three times), and then transfer them to a saucepan. Pour cold water into a saucepan and put it on the stove, cook the mushrooms for about half an hour, as the mushroom broth should be well cooked.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small slices. Clean and finely chop the onion. We peel the parsley root and carrots, wash them, and then chop them - you can cut them into small cubes or chop them on a coarse grater (here it all depends on personal preference).

As soon as the mushroom broth is ready, put the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, add a small amount of salt and spices.

Squeeze the sauerkraut thoroughly (if the cabbage is very salty, then rinse it under cold water to remove all excess salt), then transfer it to a saucepan.

As soon as the potatoes are completely cooked and all the vegetables are thoroughly cooked, remove the saucepan from the stove and add a garlic clove passed through a press.

The cabbage soup is completely ready and can be served.

Lenten apple pie

This pie is simply a godsend for people who strictly adhere to Lent. The pie prepared according to this recipe turns out incredibly tasty, tender and aromatic. And no one can even think that it was prepared without adding vegetable oil.

1 kg sweet apples,
1 tsp. baking powder,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp. chopped cinnamon,
1 tbsp. decoys,
1 tbsp. sifted flour,
apricot jam, liquid honey, poppy seeds and nuts - a little, to taste.

In a separate container, mix all dry ingredients.

Wash and peel the apples, then chop them on a coarse grater, add poppy seeds and nuts.

Take a baking dish and sprinkle the bottom with a few tablespoons of the dry mixture, spreading in an even layer.

Now put a layer of grated apples on top, pour a small amount of liquid honey on top.
Thus, we lay out several layers, and the last layer should be from a dry mixture (there should not be very much of the mixture, since the crust can turn out to be very hard).

Place the pie in a well-heated oven and bake for 50 minutes, after which we remove the pan from the oven and leave for a while. Once the cake has cooled slightly, spread a small amount of apricot jam on top and you are ready to serve.

Lenten potato soup with garlic

This potato soup is prepared very quickly and quite easily, and the dish turns out appetizing and quite filling.

4 small potato tubers,
2 liters of vegetable broth,
2 small garlic heads,
ground black pepper, salt and herbs - a little, to taste.

Don’t worry that the recipe contains a large amount of garlic; the result is a dish with a delicate aroma and delicious taste.

First, turn on the oven, it should have time to warm up to 190 degrees. Place the garlic on a baking sheet and leave in the oven for half an hour. As soon as the garlic becomes soft in the middle, you can take it out.

Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into not very small cubes. Place the potatoes in a large saucepan and cook until half cooked, season lightly with salt.

Cook the broth for 5 minutes, then drain the potatoes and add them to the broth.

Peel the garlic cloves, press them using a press and leave a few cloves to decorate the dish. Add garlic to the soup and cook for about a quarter of an hour, after which we can pour the soup into plates, decorate with garlic cloves and serve to guests.

As you can see, lean dishes without oil are no less tasty. Bon appetit!

Tell me how to prepare low-fat main courses without frying? and got the best answer

Answer from Nighthawk sage[guru]
There are many such dishes:
1) mashed potatoes (without butter)
2) stewed lean cabbage
3) crumbly porridge without oil
4) baked potato
5) boiled fish or poultry or meat
6) stewed beets or carrots or vegetable stew without oil
7) eggplant caviar
8) dumplings, pasta (pasta), dumplings
In fact, these are variations of ordinary dishes - there are many of them
Cold beef elite
We buy BEEF MEAT “broth”. (No tails, ears, legs).
Let it cook... carefully remove the foam... .
Add whole carrots and onions. . black peppercorns...salt...
Cook for 5.5 - 6 hours... Cool.
We take the meat out of the broth and cut it up.
Strain the broth and pour it over the meat placed in the molds.
If you like it with garlic, pass a little through a press and place it in the mold on top of the meat before pouring.
For 8 servings:
1 kg frozen fillets of two or three types of fish (carp, white fish, pike, haddock or cod, etc.)
2 eggs
2-3 onions
3 carrots
1-2 pinches of dry ground herbs (cumin, coriander, dill, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc.)
Ground black pepper
Sweet pea,
Bay leaf
Garnish: horseradish with beets (standard jar)
1. Sprinkle frozen fish fillets with salt and leave to defrost. Rinse, place in a food processor and pulse into fine mince.
2.Add eggs to the minced meat, mix, add seasonings.
3.Whip until an airy, light mixture forms. Form meatballs. Place in the refrigerator.
4.Chop the onions and carrots.
5.Put onions and carrots in a saucepan with water. Boil. Cook until half cooked. Add salt, dry herbs, bay leaf and allspice.
6.Add fish balls to the broth and bring to a boil again. Add more water if necessary to keep the balls covered. Cook at a low simmer for about 12-20 minutes.
7.Allow the fish to cool slightly and remove from the liquid.
8.Serve the meatballs warm or cold, garnished with horseradish and beets.
Fish sandwich (Fillet-o-fish) =
Ingredients of 1 serving:
Boiled fish fillet 75 g
Hard cheese square slices 35 g
Grated garlic – 1 clove
Pickled (or fresh) cucumbers, cut into slices - 1 small
Mayonnaise – 20 g
Ketchup – 20 g
Mustard – 3 g
Sour cream – 10 g
Celery, dill, fresh parsley, 1 sprig each
Lettuce leaf – 1 large
Sandwich bun – 1 pc.
1. Boil the fish.
2. Three garlic,
3.cut the cucumber and cheese into slices.
4. Cut the lettuce leaf to the size of the bun
5. Mix: sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, garlic. Divide into two parts.
6. Divide the bun into 2 halves.
7.Spread the bottom of the bun with half of the liquid mixture and place a lettuce leaf.
8. Place the fish on top.
9.Put cheese on the fish.
10.Cucumbers on top. And coarsely chopped greens.
11. Cover with the 2nd piece of lettuce and spread with the 2nd part of the liquid mixture.
12. Cover with the 2nd part of the bun.
Eggplant caviar in Georgian =
Eggplants - 250 g
Walnuts - 50 g
Garlic 50 gr.
Parsley - 1 bunch
Ground black and white pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Eggplants in their skins are baked in the microwave for 15 minutes (or in a regular oven).
Mash it with a fork, add crushed walnuts, garlic, ground black and white pepper, and salt. It turned out to be a viscous mush.
Sprinkled parsley on top and served with pita bread
Frozen green beans - 500 g
tomatoes -600 g
walnut kernels - 0.5 cups
onions - 2 heads
garlic - 1 clove
green cilantro - 1 sprig
parsley and basil - 3 sprigs each
salt - to taste.
Chop the tomatoes into a saucepan, put on the fire, let simmer for 1-2 minutes, then remove from the heat and rub through a sieve.
Cut the bean pods into pieces, boil, combine with chopped onion and tomato puree, bring to a boil, add a mixture of crushed walnuts, salt, capsicum, garlic, cilantro, as well as finely chopped parsley and basil.
Boil again for about 10 minutes.
Source: Orthodox cuisine to help you!

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Tell me how to prepare low-fat main courses without frying?

Answer from I won't tell anyone[guru]
Bake in the oven or simmer in a frying pan with water, or cook something in a double boiler.

Answer from Lyudmila Vinogradova[guru]
In a double boiler, you can bake in the oven in a sleeve or foil. You can simply simmer it in a saucepan.

Answer from Unknown[master]
for the time being.

Answer from Tesoro[guru]
Grease the foil lightly with oil, put thin potato slices, add a little salt, top with fish fillets, add a little salt, spread with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs. Wrap it in a hot oven for half an hour :)

Answer from Vladimir Ptokhov[guru]
Boiled veal for banquet
Strip a piece of veal flesh from the veins and rinse thoroughly with cold water. Place in a pan of such a size that there is as little space as possible in it. Pour boiling meat broth so that it slightly covers the meat. Add pepper, bay leaf, salt and cook over very low heat for about 40 minutes. You can steam it for about an hour. Check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a toothpick until the red blood stops flowing. Allow to cool without removing from the broth. Serve cold, cut into slices with sour cream, horseradish and mustard or lingonberry sauce.
1500 g veal (shoulder), 1 tsp. salt, 5 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves
Steamed fish ring (an old Russian recipe for sterlet and pike perch)
The gills are cut out from gutted fish, and the bone “bugs” from the sides of sterlet and sturgeon are also cut off and cleaned. After adding salt and pepper, cook for a couple of hours (less large pike perch), adding bay leaves and tarragon to the water. To do this, the fish is rolled into a ring, tying the head and tail or pinning it with a pin. After cooking, immediately place it on a dish, put boiled potatoes and broccoli in the middle, and fish in a ring around it. Pour over sour cream, diluted lemon juice with mustard, and garnish with herbs, lemons, olives, and gherkins.
1000 g sterlet or pike perch, 600 g potatoes, 100 g sour cream, 1 lemon
Photo of portion