Simple chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker. Chocolate sponge cake: secrets of cooking in a slow cooker and oven

05.01.2024 Dishes for children

The site already has recipes for sponge cakes with cocoa, however, I want to add another classic chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker. If you know how to bake sponge cakes in a slow cooker or oven, you won’t be scared by any guests, and you won’t be afraid of any holiday, because such a sponge cake will serve as an excellent basis for any chocolate cake, you just need to cut it into layers and coat it with your favorite cream. Having mastered the art of making sponge cakes, you will be able to delight your loved ones with delicious homemade cakes more often.


  • 6 chicken eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup flour (200 ml regular cups)
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 g vanillin (optional)

How to make chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker:

Break the eggs into a mixing bowl, add sugar, beat with a mixer for 7-10 minutes until a dense white foam forms.

Eggs for the biscuit must be chilled. The bowl for beating must be completely clean, without traces of fat, otherwise the eggs will not beat well.

In a separate bowl, mix sifted flour, cocoa powder and vanillin.

Add the flour mixture into the beaten eggs in small portions and gently mix the dough with a spoon or spatula. In this case, the mixer can no longer be used.

I am often asked about the need to add baking powder or soda to biscuit dough. Recipes for classic biscuits, consisting only of eggs, sugar and flour, do not add baking powder (soda), the dough will rise perfectly due to well-beaten eggs. Baking powder is added when preparing biscuits, which include, in addition to classic ingredients, other products, for example, in,.

I did not add baking powder to this sponge cake with cocoa.

Grease the multi-cooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it, set the “baking” program for 65 minutes. Prepare chocolate sponge cake until signal. After the signal, remove the biscuit using a steamer basket.

For those who want to bake chocolate cake in the oven, let me remind you of the main rule of baking sponge cake: do not open the oven door for the first 25-30 minutes of baking, otherwise your sponge cake will settle. You need to bake this biscuit in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

The finished biscuit must be cooled completely.

The perfect base for desserts, cakes and pastries is ready. The sponge cake turned out light, fluffy, airy, and, as always in a slow cooker, smooth and beautiful! Any cream goes well with it: creamy, sour cream, and fruit. The sponge cake turns out tall, so it is enough for a cake for a large family.

Bon appetit!!!

Chocolate sponge cake, baked in a slow cooker, is good because even the most inexperienced housewife can cook it. The first time I made it, it turned out airy and baked.
And how many desserts can be made from the finished biscuit!!! You can cut it into cakes and soak it in condensed milk, sour cream, or layer it with some kind of fruit filling. There are many options!

Chocolate sponge cake in boiling water turns out very juicy, so you don’t even need to soak it. And for amateurs, you can also experiment with various additives.

Cooking time: 20+60+20


  • 2 cups wheat flour
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1.5 teaspoons baking powder. If there is no baking powder, you can take 3 tsp of either baking soda or 3 tsp of baking powder - it doesn’t matter.
  • 6 tablespoons cocoa powder (good brand "Red October")
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • one packet of vanilla sugar or vanillin
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 200 ml or one glass of milk
  • half or a third of a glass per 200 ml of sunflower oil, add to the dough for porosity
  • one glass of boiling water

How to cook chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker:

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks.

Using a mixer, beat the whites with sugar until stiff.

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl: 2 cups flour, 1.5 tsp. soda, 1.5 tsp. baking powder, 6 tbsp cocoa and a bag of vanillin.

Add yolks, a glass of milk, 1/2-1/3 glass of vegetable oil to the whipped whites. And gradually introduce the dry mixture, carefully stirring with a spoon. At the very end, pour in a glass of boiling water.

Grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter.

Pour the dough for our chocolate sponge cake into a slow cooker.

Cook the chocolate sponge cake in the Panasonic multicooker in the baking mode for 60 minutes and add another 20 minutes without opening the lid.

In 80 minutes our chocolate biscuit in boiling water ready!

We take out the biscuit, turning it over, using a steam basket.

Top view of chocolate sponge cake.

Let it cool on a wire rack so the bottom doesn't sweat.

Chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker can be used for cakes, cupcakes, cookies or you can simply top it with chocolate icing.

Chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker or chocolate sponge cake in boiling water. “I Am a Cook” appeared on our website - Dishes in a slow cooker. A multicooker is a wonderful invention, it is simply irreplaceable for your favorite housewives, since cooking any food in a multicooker saves a lot of your time, and the cooked food turns out tasty and aromatic. And so, welcome, dear housewives, a wonderful step-by-step recipe - chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker.

Recipe for chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker

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Chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker

Chocolate sponge cake

Type of dish: Baking

Cuisine: Russian


  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.,
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp.,
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.,
  • soda - 1.5 tsp,
  • baking powder 1.5 tsp.
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp. l.,
  • milk - 1 tbsp.,
  • water - 1 tbsp.,
  • vanilla sugar 20 g,
  • refined sunflower oil - 0.5 tbsp.


  1. First of all, we need to combine eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar and beat everything with a mixer until foam forms, about 4-5 minutes.
  2. Then, combine the sifted flour, cocoa, baking powder and soda.
  3. Then add milk and sunflower oil to the egg mixture and mix well.
  4. Then, stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture in parts.
  5. Pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting mixture and stir immediately.
  6. Grease a multicooker pan with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or waffle crumbs.
  7. Bake the biscuit for 75 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
  8. Note: if you have a baking mode for 50 minutes, you must immediately start the program again and finish baking the biscuit for 25 minutes.
  9. After baking, the biscuit must be immediately removed from the mold.
  10. Please note that in order to carefully remove the biscuit from the mold, you need to place a steaming container on top and turn the mold over.
  11. The chocolate sponge cake comes out of the mold very easily and it turns out tall, moist, tender and very tasty.

Enjoy your tea!

An airy and soft chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker is prepared very quickly and does not require complex ingredients. In order for it to acquire a classic taste, you must adhere to the recipe and follow simple rules. The dessert dough is quite capricious and can behave differently. The recipe for chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker is much simpler than its counterpart in the oven. The baked goods do not burn and do not lose a large amount of moisture, as they are prepared in a special mode with the lid closed.

  • sift the flour immediately before kneading the dough to make it fluffier;
  • Separately beat the whites with a pinch of salt and the yolks with sugar and vanillin;
  • the baking dish must be prepared in advance, greased and sprinkled with semolina, flour, cocoa or crackers;
  • it is filled no more than halfway so that there is room for rising, otherwise the dough will begin to overflow from the baking bowl;
  • baking powder and starch must be mixed with flour, you can also use soda.

The cake is well coated with jam, cream and preserves, filled with icing, decorated with whipped egg whites or cream. 3 best recipes will allow you to surprise your household with new desserts. Each of them leaves the flight to imagination. Recipes for chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker make it possible to quickly put a delicious dessert on the table.

Cooking time is 1 hour. It may vary depending on the volume of dough and the size of the multicooker.

Classic chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker

Chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker, the recipe for which is usually called classic, requires a minimum of ingredients. You can make it quickly and treat your household with wonderful pastries. Dessert can be classified as economical. A classic chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker does not burn or dry out. It comes out a little moist and airy. To suit your taste, the cakes can be greased with cream, jam or filled with glaze.

Product composition

The dessert recipe requires precise adherence to proportions. A delicious chocolate sponge cake consists of a minimum set of components:

  • 6 eggs;
  • sugar in the amount of one glass;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 4 spoons of cocoa;
  • vanilla sugar for dough;
  • mixture with baking powder and soda, 0.5 grams each.

Grease the pan with butter to prevent the cake from sticking. You can use semolina, flour or cocoa as a topping. A classic biscuit contains a minimum amount of ingredients. The preparation time is only 1 hour, after which you can serve the dessert on the table.

Cooking step by step

To make a fluffy chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker, you must follow the proportions and follow the recipe. To increase the volume of baking, all ingredients are taken in double volume. You can also calculate the proportion for a smaller cake.

  1. You need to separate the whites and yolks and beat them in a separate bowl with added sugar. This procedure will take at least 7 minutes. Then mix both masses and beat with a mixer for another 3 minutes. Finally, vanillin is added to the mixture. The eggs must be cooled first. To make the protein foam stronger and more stable, you need to add a pinch of salt to it.
  2. You need to sift the flour, then add cocoa, soda and baking powder. The dry mixture is carefully poured into the egg mass and mixed with a spoon. Using a mixer at this stage is not recommended.
  3. You need to grease the mold and place it in a slow cooker with dough reaching half the bowl.
  4. In the “Baking” mode, the sponge cake is cooked for 1 hour, after which it should stand on the heat for 10 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to remove the cake from the multicooker when it has cooled or is slightly warm.

It’s easy to make a chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker, and it’s even easier to serve it. Any cream is suitable for lubricating the cakes. You can simply cut the biscuit and serve it warm. Jam or preserves are also used for decoration and decoration.

Chocolate sponge cake in boiling water in a slow cooker

A simple chocolate sponge cake is prepared in a slow cooker over boiling water. It turns out soft and airy. It contains components that can be found in every home. To make a chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker, you need to follow the tips, proportions and recipe.

Required Ingredients

It is much easier to cook a biscuit in a slow cooker than in an oven. It doesn't burn and rises well. For baking you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs – 2 pieces;
  • sugar – 2 cups;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • one and a half small spoons of soda and baking powder;
  • 6 spoons of cocoa;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • a third of a glass of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of boiling water.

Cake crusts made with water turn out juicy if they are not overdried and are good. If you increase the number of proportions, you can take a glass of cocoa, just be sure to sift it well.

Cooking steps

Chocolate sponge cake from a multicooker is prepared within an hour. It can be decorated with berries, cream, nuts. Serve warm and cooled. To prepare chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker, you will need to first cool the eggs in the refrigerator.

  1. They are separated into whites and yolks and beaten with sugar separately. The first - until dense foam, and the second - until thick. Then both masses are combined and mixed.
  2. You need to add milk and butter to the dough, mix everything with a mixer until smooth.
  3. In a cup, mix flour, soda, baking powder, cocoa and sift to give the dough airiness and avoid lumps.
  4. The egg mass and flour mixture are combined slowly with constant stirring.
  5. When the dough is already smooth, without lumps or bubbles, a glass of boiling water is added to it and everything is quickly mixed.
  6. The form is covered with parchment and greased with oil. The dough is poured into it, having a fairly liquid consistency. There is no need to add flour, otherwise the cake will be very tight and lose its airiness.
  7. In the multicooker, select the “Baking” program and set the time for 1 hour. When the ready signal sounds, the lid must not be opened. While heating, the biscuit should simmer for another 20 minutes.
  8. You can remove the cake only when it has cooled completely.

The fluffy sponge cake is divided into half along the side, greased with any cream or jam and served. You can simply cut the cake, it is also very tasty.

Video of making chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker


Chocolate sponge cake with cherries and nuts in a slow cooker

For a chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker you will need cherries and nuts. The berries can be taken fresh or frozen. The choice of nuts is also unlimited by one type. Baking in a multicooker turns out airy and fluffy, and does not burn or settle.

Basic Ingredients

For a multicooker smaller than a small 3-liter one, you can prepare a chocolate sponge cake with cherries and nuts within an hour. For dessert you will need:

  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • 80 g flour;
  • 200 g cherries;
  • 20 g nuts;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 20 g corn starch;
  • a pinch of salt.

You can make a pie with kefir, then the amount of flour added will increase. The quantity of products is designed for 6 servings.

How to cook step by step

  1. The eggs must be cooled in the refrigerator and then divided into yolks and whites. The dough is prepared according to the traditional classic recipe. Separately, grind the yolks with half the sugar, and then beat the whites until thick foam. Be sure to add a pinch of salt to them. Then the foam turns out thicker and denser. It is recommended to beat eggs with sugar with a mixer.
  2. The two egg mixtures are combined; a spoon may be needed for this purpose, but it is better not to use a mixer.
  3. The nuts are roasted and ground. They are mixed with sifted flour, cocoa, starch and baking powder in a separate bowl. You can use different nuts for baking: hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts or walnuts.
  4. To give the biscuit a special, inimitable aroma, pour a spoonful of liqueur, rum or cognac into the dough. Then the egg and flour components are combined together. You need to mix them from bottom to top using a spatula. The mixer will only compact the dough too much, and it will not rise to the required volume.
  5. It is recommended to thoroughly grease the mold with butter and sprinkle flour on top. The dough is poured into it. Its volume should not exceed half the bowl so that nothing spills out during baking.
  6. You need to put cherries on the dough. Berries can be fresh or frozen. It is imperative to drain off the excess juice and, of course, remove the seeds.
  7. The multicooker lid closes tightly and the “Baking” mode is set. The biscuit is prepared within 40 minutes. After the all-clear signal, there is no need to rush to open the lid and take out the pie. It must stand for at least 10 minutes.
  8. You can take out the biscuit only after it has cooled down a little, so as not to break it or spoil the appearance.

The dessert can be served with tea or coffee. It looks great cut into pieces. The sponge cake can also be divided into two layers along the side. For these purposes, a fishing line or a thin knife dipped in water is suitable.

To make a real cake, you need to prepare the cream. It can be creamy, protein or custard. For chocolate sponge cake prepared in a slow cooker, any layer is suitable. The top cake, in which the cherries are baked, can be decorated with whipped cream.

The nuances of preparing chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker

To properly prepare chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker, you need to follow a few simple rules. They allow you to achieve the necessary airiness of the dough and a special taste.

  1. To make the dough porous and rise well, you need to sift the flour immediately before cooking. It fills with air and gives volume. A tall sponge cake will satisfy the taste of the most demanding housewife.
  2. The finished dough does not tolerate low temperatures and drafts. It weathers and shrinks very quickly; to prevent this from happening, you must immediately begin baking the cakes.
  3. If the sponge cake has risen well, but is constantly opened to make sure it is ready, it will turn out to be spoiled. Do not lift the multicooker lid not only during baking, but also for another 10 minutes after turning it off.
  4. Whipped whites are easy to check for stability. You need to scoop them into a spoon and turn them over the cup. If the mass does not fall out, then the whites have been whipped enough.
  5. To cut the cake along the side, it is advisable to use a thin fishing line. It makes the separation process more subtle and does not break the dough like a knife.

You can decorate the top crust with whipped cream and make a layer out of it. To make a biscuit in a multicooker very tasty, you must follow the basic rules, adhere to the proportions and recipe.

Hi all! Today I have a chocolate sponge cake for you, a recipe for the slow cooker and oven. The recipe for chocolate sponge cake is very simple, and that’s what captivates us. Eggs, sugar, flour and cocoa can be found in any home and make an excellent dessert for tea in the form of a chocolate sponge cake or cupcake. The chocolate sponge cake turns out to be tall, airy, tender, tasty, moderately sweet, with chocolate and vanilla aroma (with the addition of vanillin). The structure of the sponge cake with cocoa turns out to be porous, but not as juicy and soaked as the chocolate sponge cake in boiling water in this cake, so soaking will not interfere with it. I gave the recipe for the impregnation for the biscuit in the “” cupcake. By cutting this sponge cake into 3-4 layers and soaking it in cream with condensed milk, custard or sour cream, you can easily assemble a wonderful tall chocolate cake. And if you grind such a biscuit into crumbs, you can make “Potato” cakes or add crumbs from the scraps to the filling for homemade chocolate truffles. My step-by-step photo recipe and tips will help you prepare a simple, delicious chocolate sponge cake even for a novice cook. Showing your imagination, you can add different fillings to this classic recipe and make a chocolate sponge cake with cherries, poppy seeds, nuts, raisins, chocolate crumbs, surprising your loved ones and guests with a new dessert for tea. For the basis of the sponge cake or cupcake, I used a sponge cake made from 7 eggs, which I baked in a slow cooker.

Faceted glasses

How to make a good chocolate sponge cake

There is nothing complicated in this cooking recipe, the main thing is to beat the eggs with sugar well until a dense thick foam, which will remember the shape of the waves or peaks, spreading slowly.

But I recommend starting the preparation of any sponge cake by preparing a baking dish (it needs to be greased with butter) and sifting the flour (in this recipe with cocoa and vanilla). Baking powder and baking soda are not used in this recipe.

Break the cooled eggs into a dry, tall bowl, never aluminum, and begin beating with a mixer. Then gradually, without ceasing to beat, add the entire amount of sugar to the egg mass. When I'm in a hurry, I just combine the eggs and sugar and whisk.

When the egg mixture for the sponge cake is whipped to stiff peaks, remove the mixer to the side. We take a dry spoon or spatula; I really like to mix the biscuit dough with a spatula from a multicooker. Add sifted flour and cocoa in small portions

and mix the biscuit dough with rotational movements from top to bottom.

There should be no lumps of flour left; the photo shows what consistency I got for the chocolate sponge cake:

We put the poured dough for the cake into the form of a multicooker or for baking in the oven; in the multicooker we bake the chocolate sponge cake on the “Baking” mode for 65 minutes. And in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake the sponge cake with cocoa for about 40 minutes (plus or minus 5 minutes, a lot depends on the oven).

I bake chocolate sponge cake in a Panasonic multicooker. After the signal, it is better not to open the multicooker lid immediately, but to let it sit on the heat for 10-15 minutes, then turn it off. A sponge cake made from seven eggs in a Panasonic multicooker with a 4.5 liter bowl rose very well. With the lid open, cool the biscuit with cocoa slightly in the multicooker itself, as soon as it moves away from the walls of the bowl,

Insert a steam baking tray into the multicooker and tip the chocolate cake onto it. Next, cool the biscuit completely on a wooden board.

Depending on why you baked the chocolate vanilla sponge cake according to this recipe, soak it in syrup (often piercing the top surface with a knitting needle or pencil), simply sprinkle with powdered sugar or cut into cake layers.

Enjoy your creativity with the Recipe Notebook.