Oak barrels. How to make cheese from sour milk at home You can make cheese from sour milk

06.01.2024 Healthy eating

Many people try to make cheese at home, and here it is important to use a successful recipe for the first time, which will make you want to experiment with cheese further. There is such a recipe! The cheese turns out to be similar to Adyghe cheese, and various additives to it allow you to get a very interesting and tasty result every time. The main option - homemade cheese - a recipe made from milk and cheese without additives - can be included in the children's menu. In addition, the cheese turns out to be dietary due to the fact that products with minimal fat content are used, which means you can eat it without worrying about weight gain at all. It is very convenient to prepare the cheese in the evening, then in the morning you are guaranteed a light, healthy and tasty breakfast.


  • milk with fat content from 1 to 3% 1 liter
  • kefir with fat content from 1 to 3% 1 liter
  • chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • coarse table salt 4 tsp.

As additives:

  • small bell pepper 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • fresh herbs or
    dried herbs to taste

From this quantity of products, the output is approximately 550 g of homemade cheese.

How to make homemade cheese from milk and kefir

Storing homemade cheese must be in the refrigerator.

It can be wrapped in a clean cotton napkin or placed in a paper bag or enamel tray.

Homemade cheese is a tasty and healthy snack, the preparation of which does not require special culinary skills. It can consist of milk, fermented baked milk, sour cream, cream and other dairy products.

The main advantage of food prepared at home is the absence of taste stabilizers, preservatives and harmful palm oil. In this article we will get acquainted with several preparations of a dairy product, and also learn about the important intricacies of the cheese making process.

  • Subtleties of making cheese
  • What can you use to cook cheese?
  • How to cook ricotta?
  • Reviews and comments

What types of cheeses can be made?

There are at least 100 recipes for making homemade cheese, each of which has its own characteristics.

Therefore, you can prepare not only traditional hard cheese yourself, but also the following types:

  • fused;
  • cream cheese;
  • Suluguni;
  • Adyghe;
  • mascarpone;
  • paneer;
  • feta cheese;
  • brunost;
  • feta

Some of the above dairy snacks can be used as a base for making sweet desserts, baked goods, creams and fillings. In addition, the homemade product may include nuts, dried herbs, oriental spices, pickled or fried mushrooms and even pieces of bacon.

Subtleties of making cheese

Whichever recipe you choose, you need to take into account several important points that will make the product really tasty:

  • To prepare the snack, it is advisable to use homemade milk with high fat content. At the same time, it is better not to take UHT dairy products at all;
  • To really ripen the cheese, cook at least ½ kg of mass;
  • The hardness of the mass depends on the degree of press pressure;
  • It is advisable not to store homemade cheese in the refrigerator for more than 7 days;
  • The whey that remains after straining can be used to make pancakes, okroshka or dough.

It is also worth noting that a snack prepared with your own hands can be stored in cotton cloth, but not in a plastic bag. The milk mass must “breathe”, then its taste is not lost.

What can you use to cook cheese?

If you decide to cook a dish for the first time, but you don’t have special forms, you can use the following types of utensils:

  • colander;

  • enamel bowl;
  • saucepan (preferably with a non-stick layer);
  • gauze folded in several layers.

You will also need some kind of heavy object that can be used as a press. Then the excess whey will drain out of the mass faster and you will get a beautifully formed head of homemade cheese.

How to prepare Adyghe cheese?

The proposed recipe for homemade cheese made from low-fat milk and kefir is good because it is not necessary to use pepsin, a gastric enzyme, as a “hardener”. Often, novice cooks overdo the dosage of this ingredient, which is why the appetizer becomes downright rubbery.

So, to prepare the product we will need:

  • 3 liters of low-fat milk;
  • 2-3 tsp. salt;
  • 1 liter of fat kefir.

Cooking process:

  • Pour kefir into an enamel saucepan and place on low heat;

  • Once the curds have separated from the whey, strain the liquid, setting the curds aside;
  • Then the whey is deliberately “forced” to sour by leaving it at room temperature for a couple of days;
  • After this, milk is poured into a metal container and brought to a boil;
  • Then the whey is sent there, after which they continue to cook the milk mixture over low heat;
  • When the cheese rises to the top, it is separated from the whey and suspended in cheesecloth over the sink to drain off the excess liquid;
  • Then I form a round head from the mass and place it in a low container under a press;
  • Then the “semi-finished product” is put in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, after which you can try the finished product.

Homemade mascarpone recipe

Cheese made from kefir and sour cream has a fairly liquid consistency, so it is convenient to spread on bread. In addition, this delicacy is often used as the main ingredient for preparing sauces and spreads.

To make mascarpone at home, we need to take:

  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 1.5 kg of sour cream (fat content from 20%);
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  • Sour cream and milk are poured into a sufficiently deep container, after which the contents are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed;

  • Then the saucepan with the mixture is heated over low heat to 75 degrees, stirring constantly;
  • Then pour lemon juice into the mixture and wait until the mass curdles;
  • Remove the heat under the pan, but leave it on the stove for a few more minutes;
  • Meanwhile, take a colander and lay out gauze folded in several layers on it;
  • Place the curd mass into a colander and wait for the whey to drain;
  • After about an hour, the cheese product is squeezed out, but not too much;
  • Then the mascarpone can be transferred to a container with an airtight lid and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

By adding sour cream, the snack turns out very tender and airy. If someone finds this recipe too simple, use chopped nuts or dried herbs as fillers. Such ingredients will definitely not spoil the treat.

How to cook ricotta?

Ricotta is one of the most beloved dairy products by Italians. Homemade cheese is made from milk and kefir, although the original recipe uses whey instead of the first ingredient. However, even a small “amendment” to the recipe does not improve the taste of the cheese mass.

To make it, we need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 150 ml fat kefir;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Milk is heated in an enamel saucepan, after which all other ingredients are added to it;
  • Mix the “milkshake” thoroughly and wait until it curdles;
  • Then the resulting curd is drained into a colander and hung in gauze over the sink.

In this case, the product turns out to be crumbly, so there is no need to press it with a press. The snack can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Cream cheese recipe

For those who are cool about hard cheeses, this recipe for making curd cream will be to their liking.

In order to make a delicious treat yourself, we will need the following components:

  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 1 liter of fermented baked milk;
  • ½ homemade milk.
  • In a separate bowl, mix all the ingredients at once;

  • Then place a colander on the pan and lay out gauze folded in three layers;
  • I pour the milk mixture into the prepared colander and close the lid, after which the entire structure is sent to the refrigerator for a day;
  • During the specified time, all the whey will flow out of the mass and only curd cream will remain on the gauze.

The cream can be spread on bread or used as a layer for pies and savory cakes.

From the specified amount of ingredients, the output will be at least 500 g of curd snack.

To make delicious cheese from kefir and homemade milk, you don’t need to have extensive culinary experience.

The recipes proposed in this article are quite simple to implement, so not only professionals, but also gourmets who want to enjoy the taste of a natural cheese snack can cope with the task.

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like cheese. It is delicious both on its own and as part of other dishes. It is usually prepared from fresh cow or goat milk with the addition of salt, herbs and other spices. After this, the cheese matures and is then served. But an equally tasty product can be obtained from sour milk. It's easy to prepare. In our article we will present a step-by-step recipe and photo of cheese made from sour milk. There are several options for preparing it, the best of which will be discussed below.

To prepare this product you need about three hours of free time and a minimum of ingredients. How young homemade cheese will taste depends on the quality of the sour milk. When choosing it, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. Pasteurized milk is not suitable for making cheese because it becomes bitter when it sours.
  2. The best option is farm or homemade cow's milk. Firstly, it has a high percentage of fat content, and secondly, it sours very quickly. It is enough to leave a can of milk on the table overnight, and in the morning you can start making cheese.
  3. Instead of cow's milk, you can use goat's milk. In this case, homemade cheese will taste more like feta cheese.
  4. The taste properties of the finished product depend entirely on the quality of the milk. The fattier it is, the tastier the cheese will be. The yield of finished products also depends on the percentage of fat content of the milk.
  5. Lemon juice or vinegar will help speed up the souring process. They should be added to milk when heated to help it curdle faster.
  6. The cheese will turn out denser and not like cottage cheese if the mass formed after separating the whey is put under pressure.

How to make cheese from sour milk?

Many homemade products are much tastier and healthier than store-bought counterparts. This also applies to cheese. In addition, it can be made from sour milk, and this is an excellent way to recycle products that are not fresh. Depending on the time allotted for the whey to drain, the cheese can turn out crumbly, like cottage cheese, or dense, like feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. It can be placed under pressure using a jar of water, or left to separate the liquid naturally for 2-3 days.

It's hard to believe, but making cheese with sour milk at home is very easy. The main thing is to choose high-quality, full-fat milk and prepare the right dishes. An aluminum pan with a non-stick coating or a slow cooker will do. Sour milk burns during cooking, so you will have to stir it frequently.

List of ingredients

The simplest recipe for sour milk cheese consists of using the following products during the preparation process:

  • sour milk - 3 l;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.

The above quantities of ingredients should yield 400-450 g of cheese and about 1.5 liters of whey. It can be used when kneading dough for bread or pancakes. You can cook less cheese. But it is advisable to start the cooking process when there is at least 1 liter of sour milk available.

The calorie content of 100 g of such cheese is approximately 113 kcal or more. The final result depends on the fat content of the milk.

Step-by-step preparation

The recipe for cheese made from sour homemade milk consists of performing the following sequence of actions:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Add salt according to recipe. You can add more, but then the cheese will taste more like feta cheese.
  2. Using a mixer, beat eggs with salt.
  3. Pour the sour milk into a suitable saucepan. Bring it to a boil, then add vinegar and stir.
  4. Boil the sour milk until the whey separates. Don't forget to stir constantly so that the mixture doesn't burn.
  5. Add beaten eggs with salt to hot milk. Bring to a boil and after a minute remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Line an empty pan or a special mold for preparing cheese with gauze folded in several layers. Pour the whey and curd mixture into the well in the center. Cover it with the hanging ends of the gauze. Tie the gauze tightly or put pressure on top if you used a special form.
  7. Hang cheesecloth over the pan to allow the whey to drain into it. Place the dishes in a cool place.

Maturing and storing cheese

In total, preparing young cheese from sour milk may require 3 hours of free time. The curd mass, suspended in gauze over the pan, should be kept in a cool place for at least two hours. The cheese obtained as a result of this manipulation will be quite loose. To make it crumble less when cutting, you need to put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. If you keep it at low temperatures longer, it will begin to harden.

Cheese made from sour milk should be stored in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days. It is recommended to wrap it in cling film or place it in brine. It keeps well open on a plate.

Cheese made from sour cream and sour milk

A delicate product with a creamy taste and high fat content can be prepared according to the following recipe. This cheese is made from sour milk, but with the addition of sour cream. The result is simply amazing, as you can see for yourself:

  1. Pour sour milk (2 l) into an aluminum pan. Immediately add sour cream (200 ml) to it and mix.
  2. Place the pan over medium heat and bring its contents to a boil.
  3. Separately, beat 3 eggs with a whisk with salt (50 g). Add the resulting mass to boiling milk along with citric acid (1 tsp) and apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp). The last two ingredients are optional. But they will help the milk curdle faster.
  4. After adding all the ingredients specified in the recipe, the milk should boil for another 20 minutes. During this time, it will be divided into curd mass and whey.
  5. Pour the milk from the pan into a colander lined with gauze. Tie the edges of the gauze and let the serum drain. Place a jar of water on top as pressure.
  6. After two hours, remove the cheese from the gauze and transfer it to a plate. Place the product in the refrigerator to ripen for 12 hours. In taste and appearance it is very similar to suluguni.

Recipe for sour milk cheese in a slow cooker

With the help of a kitchen assistant, even seemingly complex dishes are very easy to prepare. You can also make cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker. You can learn how to do this correctly from the following instructions:

  1. Pour 1 liter of sour milk into the multicooker bowl. The higher the percentage of fat content, the tastier the cheese will be.
  2. Beat a raw chicken egg with a fork with salt and add to milk. Mix.
  3. Turn on the “Baking” cooking mode for 10-12 minutes.
  4. Prepare the sieve by lining it with gauze so that the edges hang down. Place a sieve on a deep bowl or pan.
  5. Pour the contents of the multicooker onto cheesecloth. Pick up the ends and tie a knot on top. Put oppression. Leave the sieve at room temperature for at least 1.5 hours. The longer the pressure remains, the drier the cheese will turn out.
  6. To make the cheese easy to cut and not crumble, it is recommended to fill it with whey and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe for homemade cottage cheese from yogurt

By following the following procedure, you can easily prepare delicate and very tasty homemade cheese:

  1. Pour the milk from the can into the multicooker bowl. The volume of liquid depends on the size of the container. For a four-liter bowl, 3 liters of milk will be enough.
  2. Cover the multicooker with a lid and leave the appliance at room temperature overnight. To make good yogurt, 12-15 hours of time will be enough.
  3. Set the multicooker mode to “Warming” for 1 hour. During this time, a lot of whey should separate from the curdled milk.
  4. Turn off the multicooker and leave the resulting curd mass in the bowl for another 60 minutes.
  5. Prepare a colander and place it in the sink or on top of a pan where the whey can drain.
  6. Transfer the curd mixture from the bowl to a colander. Let the serum drain. As soon as it stops dripping, it means the cottage cheese is ready.

If, despite observing the storage conditions, the dairy product still goes bad, do not rush to throw it away and count the losses incurred.

It’s better to find a worthy use for it, for example, prepare delicious cheese from sour milk at home, it won’t take you much time. You don’t have to wait weeks and months for it to ripen; you can taste the finished product on the same day.

It's not just a squeak that hooks you, although it is a fun trick. I used raw goat's milk, of course. You can use any raw or pasteurized animal milk rather than UHT. Stir this and heat to 86 degrees.

Once the milk reaches 86 degrees, sprinkle one whole packet of Mesophilic Starter Culture-like on top of the milk. Let it just sit there for 2 minutes to get it stuck. Stir it in a downward motion. Make sure your spoon touches all areas of the milk and that you go all the way from the bottom to the top as you “stir.”

Homemade sour milk cheese: a quick recipe


  • - 1 l + -
  • - to taste + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - to taste + -

How to make homemade cheese from sour milk without spices

This recipe is truly unique, because it allows you to quickly prepare homemade cheese from sour milk with your own hands, without the use of sourdough and auxiliary equipment.

Now cover it and let it sit for 45 minutes. Touch all parts of the milk with a spoon. Cover and let it sit for another 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, your milk should turn into curd. It will be firm and shiny and may have some watery drips on top.

So you want to test it for a "clean break". This will tell you if he is ready for the next step. Insert your clean finger into the curd, then lift up. You want to see a tear like that. If it spreads like cottage cheese over your finger, it's not ready.

Then let the curds sit for 5 minutes. They will begin to displace the whey. Now place the pot on the lowest setting on your stove. Better with a glass of wine. The curd will displace the whey all this time. Many curds will break when you stir. There will be a lot of things not to do, and they remain large.

Just 40 minutes (20 are spent on preparing the products and another 20 on the cooking itself) of basic steps and 2 hours of downtime under pressure - and homemade milk cheese with herbs is ready to eat.

Let it harden for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then invite your household to try your homemade product.

  • We wash the dill under running water, then chop it finely.
  • Beat the egg and salt with a mixer at high speed. In this case, salt is added solely to taste. If you are a fan of salty cheeses, such as feta cheese, then add more salt.

Fans of fermented milk products, which have a pleasant sweetish tint, can add a little sugar. The proportions can be different: 2 pinches of sugar and 1 salt, 1 pinch of both, or to taste. You don't need greens to make unsalted cheese.

After 30 minutes, take a scoop of curds in your hand and squeeze them gently. If they stick together but can then be easily pulled apart with your fingers, it's ready. If not, go get another glass of wine. You have even more options. Place the whey in a pot that is shallow enough for the curd, inside a sieve to be mostly submerged.

How to make cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker

Leave it there for 10 minutes. You would also need to be quiet if you were sitting. After 10 minutes it should be in a thick mat at the bottom of the filter. Then place half on top of the other half and put it back into the filter and the strainer back into the whey for 10 minutes.

  • Add chopped herbs to the beaten egg mixture and mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon.
  • Pour the sour milk into a deep saucepan or multicooker bowl, and pour in the mixture of beaten egg and herbs.
  • Place the pan over medium heat, bring the contents to a boil, then simmer the product for several minutes. This is necessary so that the whey is separated from the curd.
  • Place a colander on a clean container (saucepan or deep bowl - use your choice), cover it with multi-layer gauze (3-4 layers), and pour the boiled curd mass with separated whey onto it.
  • The bulk of the whey will immediately drain, and the remainder will go away when we place a small pressure on the gauze bag (tied in a knot) with homemade cheese. Sour milk cheese should stand under pressure for 2 hours in a cool place.

Sour milk cheese with sour cream

After the second 10 minutes, turn the curd over. Let it sit in the serum for 10 minutes. Keep the flap every 10 minutes so that all flaps are one hour long. This is before they were the final size. This is when they are final size. L. table salt.

Close the bag and carefully move the curds inside, coating them as evenly as possible with the salt. Then try to keep them away from your family. If you are unable to, there is a risk that they will devour the entire bag of curds before you settle down. Now you are already about 4 o'clock.

  • After a couple of hours, remove the pressure and place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it hardens and stops crumbling too much.
  • After half an hour, you can treat your family and yourself to ready-made homemade cheese made from sour milk (the recipe for which we reviewed step by step).

From the specified amount of ingredients, you will get approximately 150 g of fresh homemade cheese.

And you deserve to eat as much curd as you can fit in your stomach. But since it takes so much time, so much work and so much milk for a small amount of curd, you may decide to ration them. One cottage cheese per family member, per day.

How is lactose-free milk produced?

Psalter of goat cheese. Access to specialized information exclusively for members and subscribers is now open to you. Lactose milk sugar is broken down into its parent sugar by the enzyme lactase. Although lactose-free dairy products may still contain residual lactose, they are generally well tolerated by people with lactose intolerance.

With a piece of white bread, with any not very spicy sauce or with exquisite French wine, fermented milk cheese, you can have a delicious lunch and satisfy your hunger for a long time.

You can also serve milk cheese with fruits, vegetables, add it to baked goods or bake pasta with it. No one can limit your imagination in this matter - in skillful hands, homemade milk cheese will always find a worthy use.

People who are affected by lactofamilial absorption tolerate milk sugar in milk and dairy products such as yogurt, cottage cheese and fresh cheese because they cannot fully digest it in the intestines. Therefore, various dairies offer lactose-free dairy products. Products with less than 0.1 grams of lactose per 100 grams of food are considered lactose-free and therefore well tolerated. To remove lactose, dairy products are treated with the enzyme lactase.

This breaks down the milk sugar lactose into the two parent sugars glucose and galactose. Because both types of sugar are slightly sweeter than lactose, milk has a slightly sweet taste. The lactase is then inactivated by heating the milk, and the milk is simultaneously pasteurized or ultraheated. Dairy products such as cream, yoghurt, cottage cheese, mozzarella or fresh cheese are then made from lactose-free milk. Enzymatic lactase is obtained from molds or yeast. They can be genetically modified.

How to make fermented milk cheese with sour cream

To make milk cheese with sour cream at home with your own hands, you need a minimum of inexpensive ingredients and 3 hours of time. With sour cream, tender cheese made from sour milk will turn out even more delicious, it will acquire an interesting creamy shade and will turn out fattier than usual.

There is little salt in the product, so if you are not a fan of salty foods, then this recipe is just for you.

However, German manufacturers of lactose-free dairy products guarantee that the lactase comes from non-GMO production. Lactose-free products are also available in organic quality, especially in natural grocery stores and health food stores. Some manufacturers also offer fresh milk. For some people with lactofamilial absorption, it is not necessary to have a special butter with lactose-free butter or butter with about 0.6 g of lactose per 100 g of the relatively small amount of milk sugar, which is easily tolerated by many affected people.


  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp;
  • Sour milk (or curdled milk) – 1 l;
  • Dill greens - to taste;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

Making cheese from sour milk with sour cream

  1. Heat the sour milk with added lemon juice over medium heat.
  2. Beat eggs, sour cream and salt in a deep bowl with a mixer.
  3. Pour the resulting egg-sour cream mixture into warm milk and continue to bring it to a boil. After boiling, cook the sour milk over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Finely chop the greens and add them to the boiling milk mixture.
  5. After 20 minutes of cooking, the whey will separate from the curd mass. Then the cheese can be transferred to a colander lined with gauze, wrapped the product and placed under pressure on top of it (first place a plate or saucer, and then a full can of water). The serum will drain within 2 hours.
  6. Subsequently, we take the cheese out of the gauze and put it in the refrigerator for a while (about 12 hours) so that it cools a little and brews (ripened).

For cut and hard cheeses such as gouda or mountain cheese, the lactose is already destroyed in normal cheese ripening, so special products make no sense. However, lactose-free, manufacturers guarantee that the residual lactose content is less than 0.1 grams per 100 grams. Since people with lactose intolerance are able to tolerate vastly different amounts of lactose, sufferers themselves should check which normal dairy product they can still tolerate and when more expensive lactose-free products are beneficial.

Goat cheese was a precious antique. Nobody knows when and where the first cheese was made. This was, of course, long before the birth of Christ, presumably in the Middle East and around the Mediterranean, and coincidence likely had its hand in play. So there are some legends around a popular food that, in fact, contains some facts about the creation of cheese.

The taste of this cheese is very similar to the well-known and beloved suluguni cheese, only our homemade version is much tastier and healthier than the store-bought counterpart.

You can serve the finished fermented milk product as an independent dish, or as an auxiliary ingredient for preparing salads, sandwiches, pizza, pastries and all kinds of main courses.

Naturally, the priests left the sacrificial drink for some time, and after a few days, with the help of lactic bacteria from milk, it became the first fermented milk cheese. At some point, one of the priests - probably sinfully - had to test the gods and thus find a taste.

"Cheese from a calf's stomach!" Even in this seemingly peculiar statement, there is a lot of truth. Supposedly, Stone Age hunters discovered a wonderful white substance in the stomach of a calf that was very tasty. The animal must have drunk its mother's milk shortly before its death, and a special fermentation enzyme in the stomach of young animals, the laboratory, caused the milk to become a white mass.

Despite the simplicity of making milk cheese, sometimes housewives have unpleasant moments during the cheesemaking process. To prevent them from affecting the final result, we offer simple recommendations to help you improve the taste and quality of homemade cheese.

To make delicious homemade cheese, we need undiluted village milk with a high percentage of fat content. As a rule, they use sour cow's milk, but if you prefer goat's milk, you can use that too.

Another legend states that shepherds kept their milk in dried sheep's milk, and so the milk came into contact with rennet. In any case, people already ate cheese in ancient high cultures: in his Odyssey, the ancient poet Homer describes the magical powers of cheese. Hippocrates, the most famous physician of antiquity, prescribed cheese as a remedy, and goat cheese was an important commodity for the Greeks. Even in ancient Rome, cheese was not a concept. Additionally, an important feature of the hard cheese helped the Romans in their European campaigns.

The hard cheese is very good and durable, which made it an excellent food for legionnaires. In the Middle Ages, monasteries were especially interested in cheese production. They collected the peasants' recipes and wrote them down. This is how the craft of cheese was slowly born. As cities grew in the late Middle Ages, the cheese trade also grew. Cheese was easily transported from country to city because it did not spoil so quickly even during long trips.

Cheese made from goat's milk will taste more like feta cheese.

If you are not in a hurry, then there is no need to add anything; let the process of separating the whey from the curd occur naturally.

But if time is tight for you, then cooking can be speeded up by adding vinegar, soda or (best of all) lemon juice to the curdled mass. They will provoke an accelerated separation of the serum, and you will not have to wait up to half an hour.

This fundamental research led to the mechanization of the cheese trade and then - by breeding cows to ever-higher milk yields - to the industrialization of the cheese industry. The crumbs are crushed with cheese. The basis for all cheese is milk, whether it comes from cows, goats, sheep or yaks. This milk - until it is processed without processing, it is called raw milk - is now heated: in raw dairy cheese it does not exceed the body temperature of dairy animals, and for industrial cheeses up to 75 degrees Celsius.

The advantage of this extreme heat treatment is obvious: the milk is thus almost completely sterile and therefore harmless to health. This advantage, however, is at the same time a major disadvantage: all the enzymes that form the taste disappear from the milk. The cheese will not taste as good for a long time as regular raw dairy cheese.

This is a prerequisite for all cheeses made with sour milk. The process of straining is simple and does not differ much from traditional straining: we line a colander with several layers of gauze, put cottage cheese and whey in it and give the semi-finished mass time to get rid of excess moisture.

If you like soft cheeses, then you don’t have to use oppression. To make the dairy product hard, you need to put a jar of water in it for several hours. Subsequently, the cheese can also be put in the refrigerator so that it dries out slightly and finally thickens.

Now the milk is packed. Depending on the composition used, you can later obtain either sour cream cheese, rennet milk cheese or sweet milk cheese. Dairy milk cheese is prepared by adding lactic acid bacteria. Milk sugar is converted to lactic acid, and the acid coagulates milk protein. The main representatives of this type of cheese are quark and fresh cheese.

Most cheese is made by adding rennet. This enzyme, formerly made from calves, now often genetically modified, causes milk protein to coagulate. The milk, so thickly packed, is now crushed using a cheese rack. The solid ingredients are called "break", the liquid "whey".

To give homemade cheese a special taste, you can add any herbs (dill, parsley, celery) and your favorite spices (basil, herbs de Provence, oregano, etc.). But this stage is not obligatory, you decide for yourself how it tastes better to you - with or without additives.

The more the cheese grinds the bark into the cheese, the more whey is squeezed out, and then the cheese becomes harder. Now the cheese is placed in the mold. This finally separates it from the whey. Then the mass is placed into the mold. Small cheeses such as Camembert are defatted by hand and placed in special perforated molds from which the remaining liquid drips out.

Finally, the crack can also be extruded and formed under pressure. The latter method predominates in industrial cheese production. After a while the cheese becomes salty. Salt flavors the cheese, removes extra whey from the loaf, and preserves and promotes crust formation. Finally, the cheese ripens: for this he leaves it in first place in the world. Depending on the variety, it may take a year. On the other hand, soft cheese is ready for sale within a week. The special atmosphere in the ripening cellar is decisive for the formation of the aroma.

That's probably all you need to know about how to make cheese from sour milk at home. Simple technology and a minimum of physical effort in exchange for a healthy, nutritious product (100 g of fresh cheese contains about 300 kcal) with an unusually delicate taste - what more could a housewife wish for?

Sour milk can be used not only for baking.

It makes wonderful cheese.

Moreover, there are a huge number of recipes for its preparation.

Let's not let good things go to waste?

Sour milk cheese - general principles of preparation

For cheese, you can simply use sour milk or shriveled yogurt. The final products will differ from each other, but only slightly. Salt, eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese, and butter are usually added to milk. Sometimes soda, lemon juice, vinegar and other ingredients are added to speed up the separation of whey or cause the product to melt.

All cheeses made from sour milk must be expressed. To do this, use several layers of gauze. The prepared mass is poured into it and left for a while. If the recipe requires it, then oppression is applied. The weight makes the cheese denser, not like cottage cheese.

Sour milk cheese with egg

A simple recipe for sour milk cheese at home. A great way to identify unclaimed sour milk.


1 liter of milk;


1. Break an egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, and beat with a fork.

2. Combine the egg and sour milk, stir, pour into a saucepan.

3. Place the mixture on the stove and start heating. Stir, don’t go far.

4. As soon as the egg and milk begin to coagulate into flakes and the whey has separated, remove the pan from the heat. Let it sit for half an hour.

5. Line a colander with 4 layers of gauze and pour the mixture.

6. Raise the edges up and express the serum.

7. Place pressure on the cheese and leave for two hours. The longer the cheese lies under pressure, the harder and drier it will be.

Homemade sour milk cheese with sour cream

A variant of another simple cheese with eggs, which turns out to be fattier and tastes very similar to suluguni. We use any sour cream, but not less than 20%. By the way, it can also be sour; it is not necessary to use a fresh product.


2 liters of sour milk;

400 g sour cream;

1.5 tablespoons of salt.


1. Place a saucepan with milk on low heat.

2. Break all six eggs into a bowl and add salt to them. If you do not want to get a very salty product, then add less salt.

3. Add sour cream to the eggs and beat together. You can use a whisk or mixer.

4. Pour the egg mixture into the milk that has begun to warm up.

5. Stir everything thoroughly, you can turn up the heat.

6. Cook the cheese until the whey is separated.

7. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and let the whey drain.

8. We tie the loose ends, put a little pressure, and let the cheese get stronger for several hours.

9. Remove the gauze and use the prepared product for sandwiches and other dishes.

Cheese made from sour milk and cottage cheese

A variant of curd cheese made from sour milk, which requires cottage cheese. It is better to take a delicate, fatty product.


A liter of sour milk;

300 grams of cottage cheese;

1 pinch of soda;

0.5 tsp. salt.


1. Mix cottage cheese with milk. If the product has grains, you can grind it.

2. Add soda, egg and salt. Stir well and leave for half an hour.

3. Place on the stove, start heating, but do not let the mixture boil.

4. As soon as the whey leaves the flakes, place the heated mixture in cheesecloth in a colander.

5. After the main part of the whey has drained, we put pressure on the cheese.

Homemade sour milk cheese with dill and garlic

Another recipe for natural sour milk cheese at home. This product is distinguished by the extraordinary aroma of garlic and the beautiful appearance of green dill. If there are no fresh sprigs, you can add dried dill.


2 liters of sour milk;

3 spoons of sour cream;

1 tsp. with a mountain of salt;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 bunch of dill.


1. Beat sour cream with eggs and salt until smooth.

2. Combine with sour milk, stir, place on the stove.

3. Heat, stir.

4. Remove from heat as soon as the whey is gone. Leave on the table to allow the mixture to cool until warm.

5. During this time, finely chop the dill or take a teaspoon of dried herbs.

6. Peel the garlic. Let's chop it finely too. Or we pass the teeth through a press.

7. Add garlic and dill to the cooled mixture, stir.

8. Drain into a gauze bag and hang for half an hour to allow the whey to drain.

9. Place in a colander and place under slight pressure for two hours.

Cream cheese made from sour milk

A variant of a very delicate cheese made from sour milk with lemon juice, which can be used for various desserts, sweet creams, salty and savory spreads for sandwiches. The beauty of the recipe is that this cheese does not require warm processing.


800 ml fatty sour milk;

200 ml sour cream 10%;

1 pinch of salt;

1 tsp. lemon juice.


1. Combine all cheese ingredients and stir thoroughly.

2. Take a large piece of gauze and roll at least eight layers. You can use thin cotton fabric.

3. Place in a colander.

4. Pour the entire mass. There is no need to heat anything.

5. Place the colander on a bowl or on an empty saucepan. Cover the top with a lid and place the structure in the refrigerator for a day.

6. Open it and evaluate the consistency of the cheese. It should be creamy and there will be some whey left in the pan.

Spicy mass for sandwiches with sour milk cheese

Curd cheese made from sour milk is great for making sandwiches. Spicy pasta recipe.


200 g homemade cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.2 tsp. red pepper;

3 sprigs of dill;

2 spoons of sour cream;


1. Chop dill and garlic, mix with sour cream.

2. Add hot pepper to them, add salt to taste.

3. Mix curd cheese with hot sour cream, bring the mass until smooth.

4. Pasta is ready! We use it for sandwiches. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Roll with sour milk cheese

A variation of an amazing snack roll made from pita bread. Curd cheese easily solves the filling issue and allows you to prepare it very quickly.


250 grams of cheese;

50 grams of sour cream;

1 bunch of greens;

Salt, pepper and garlic.


1. Cut fresh cucumbers into cubes and place them in a bowl for a while.

2. Place the cheese in another bowl, add sour cream and garlic cloves. The mass needs to be peppered and salted. Stir the salted cream thoroughly.

3. Chop the greens. You can take onion, dill, parsley or a mixture of all these types.

4. Unroll the pita bread on a flat surface.

5. Spread a layer of salted cream.

6. Sprinkle with fresh cucumbers and herbs.

7. Wrap the pita bread in a roll and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

8. Take it out and cut it into pieces of 2-3 centimeters. You can simply strip across or at an oblique angle.

9. Transfer the rolls to plates with herbs and serve.

Peppers stuffed with sour milk cheese

For such a dish, it is best to use peppers of different colors, it will turn out much more beautiful and interesting.


180 g cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 boiled egg;

2 sprigs of parsley;

1 fresh cucumber.


1. Grind the cheese. Add chopped herbs to it.

2. Place a finely grated egg, add garlic and salt. For spiciness, you can throw in a little pepper.

3. Finely chop the cucumber and add it to the filling.

4. Wash the peppers, free the insides from the seeds. It’s better to take three different colors to make a “Traffic Light”.

5. Stuff the cavity of the peppers with the prepared salad. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

6. After two hours the filling will get stronger, take out the peppers.

7. Cut crosswise into rings. We do not make thickness more than one centimeter.

8. Decorate the plate with lettuce leaves, lay out multi-colored pieces of pepper with filling.

Pancakes with salmon and sour milk cheese “Rolls”

Recipe for delicious pancakes with curd cheese made from sour milk. It is not necessary to use salmon, you can use another red fish.


A glass of milk;

A glass of flour;

Salt, sugar;

A little oil;

250 grams of cheese;

70 grams of mayonnaise;

1 clove of garlic;

5 sprigs of parsley;

100 g red fish;


1. Prepare the dough for pancakes. Beat the egg, add a pinch of salt, add half a teaspoon of sugar, add flour and milk. Break up all the lumps with a whisk.

2. We bake ordinary pancakes in a frying pan and leave to cool. You will get 3-4 pieces, depending on the diameter of the frying pan.

3. Prepare the cream filling. To do this, mix curd cheese with garlic and mayonnaise, season with chopped herbs.

4. Cut the cucumbers into long strips, as for classic rolls.

5. We also cut the fish into strips.

6. Grease pancakes with curd cheese.

7. At the edge closest to you, lay out a row of fish and cucumber strips.

8. Roll up the rolls and leave the pieces for ten minutes.

9. Using a sharp knife, cut the rolls into two-centimeter pieces. Serve on plates, placing 8 pieces in a serving.

If the milk for the cheese has not yet completely soured, you can speed up the process. Lightly heat the spoiled product, add lemon juice, a little dry acid, a couple of drops of vinegar or a spoonful of sour cream. Leave it on the table in a warm room, the souring process will go much faster.

The fat content of cheese and its taste directly depend on milk. You should not use low-calorie foods for cooking. The cheese will turn out dry, tasteless, and the yield will be small.

Sour milk is prone to burning. Therefore, you need to use a non-stick pan for cooking, and stir the mixture regularly while heating.

You can add not only salt to cheese, but also sugar, raisins, vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, different types of pepper, and turmeric.

If, despite observing the storage conditions, the dairy product still goes bad, do not rush to throw it away and count the losses incurred.

It’s better to find a worthy use for it, for example, prepare delicious cheese from sour milk at home, it won’t take you much time. You don’t have to wait weeks and months for it to ripen; you can taste the finished product on the same day.

Homemade sour milk cheese: a quick recipe


  • — 1 l + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - taste + -

How to make homemade cheese from sour milk without spices

This recipe is truly unique, because it allows you to quickly prepare homemade cheese from sour milk with your own hands, without the use of sourdough and auxiliary equipment.

Just 40 minutes (20 are spent on preparing the products and another 20 on the cooking itself) of basic steps and 2 hours of downtime under pressure - and homemade milk cheese with herbs is ready to eat.

Let it harden for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then invite your household to try your homemade product.

  • We wash the dill under running water, then chop it finely.
  • Beat the egg and salt with a mixer at high speed. In this case, salt is added solely to taste. If you are a fan of salty cheeses, such as feta cheese, then add more salt.

Fans of fermented milk products, which have a pleasant sweetish tint, can add a little sugar. The proportions can be different: 2 pinches of sugar and 1 salt, 1 pinch of both, or to taste. You don't need greens to make unsalted cheese.

  • Add chopped herbs to the beaten egg mixture and mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon.
  • Pour the sour milk into a deep saucepan or multicooker bowl, and pour in the mixture of beaten egg and herbs.
  • Place the pan over medium heat, bring the contents to a boil, then simmer the product for several minutes. This is necessary so that the whey is separated from the curd.
  • Place a colander on a clean container (saucepan or deep bowl - use as desired), cover it with multi-layer gauze (3-4 layers), and pour the boiled curd mass with separated whey onto it.
  • The bulk of the whey will immediately drain, and the remainder will go away when we place a small pressure on the gauze bag (tied in a knot) with homemade cheese. Sour milk cheese should stand under pressure for 2 hours in a cool place.

  • After a couple of hours, remove the pressure and place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it hardens and stops crumbling too much.
  • After half an hour, you can treat your family and yourself to ready-made homemade cheese made from sour milk (the recipe for which we reviewed step by step).

From the specified amount of ingredients, you will get approximately 150 g of fresh homemade cheese.

With a piece of white bread, with any not very spicy sauce or with exquisite French wine, fermented milk cheese, you can have a delicious lunch and satisfy your hunger for a long time.

You can also serve milk cheese with fruits, vegetables, add it to baked goods or bake pasta with it. No one can limit your imagination in this matter - in skillful hands, homemade milk cheese will always find a worthy use.

How to make fermented milk cheese with sour cream

To make milk cheese with sour cream at home with your own hands, you need a minimum of inexpensive ingredients and 3 hours of time. With sour cream, tender cheese made from sour milk will turn out even more delicious, it will acquire an interesting creamy shade and will turn out fattier than usual.

There is little salt in the product, so if you are not a fan of salty foods, then this recipe is just for you.


  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp;
  • Sour milk (or curdled milk) – 1 l;
  • Dill greens - to taste;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

Making cheese from sour milk with sour cream

  1. Heat the sour milk with added lemon juice over medium heat.
  2. Beat eggs, sour cream and salt in a deep bowl with a mixer.
  3. Pour the resulting egg-sour cream mixture into warm milk and continue to bring it to a boil. After boiling, cook the sour milk over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Finely chop the greens and add them to the boiling milk mixture.
  5. After 20 minutes of cooking, the whey will separate from the curd mass. Then the cheese can be transferred to a colander lined with gauze, wrapped the product and placed under pressure on top of it (first place a plate or saucer, and then a full can of water). The serum will drain within 2 hours.
  6. Subsequently, we take the cheese out of the gauze and put it in the refrigerator for a while (about 12 hours) so that it cools a little and brews (ripened).

The taste of this cheese is very similar to the well-known and beloved suluguni cheese, only our homemade version is much tastier and healthier than the store-bought counterpart.

The finished fermented milk product can be served as an independent dish, or as an auxiliary ingredient for preparing salads, sandwiches, pizza, pastries and all kinds of main courses.

Despite the simplicity of making milk cheese, sometimes housewives have unpleasant moments during the cheesemaking process. To prevent them from affecting the final result, we offer simple recommendations to help you improve the taste and quality of homemade cheese.

To make delicious homemade cheese, we need undiluted village milk with a high percentage of fat content. As a rule, they use sour cow's milk, but if you prefer goat's milk, you can use that too.

Cheese made from goat's milk will taste more like feta cheese.

If you are not in a hurry, then there is no need to add anything; let the process of separating the whey from the curd occur naturally.

But if time is tight for you, you can speed up the preparation by adding vinegar, soda or (best of all) lemon juice to the curdled mass. They will provoke an accelerated separation of the serum, and you will not have to wait up to half an hour.

This is a prerequisite for all cheeses made with sour milk. The process of straining is simple and does not differ much from traditional straining: we line a colander with several layers of gauze, put cottage cheese and whey in it and give the semi-finished mass time to get rid of excess moisture.

If you like soft cheeses, then you don’t have to use oppression. To make the dairy product hard, you need to put a jar of water in it for several hours. Subsequently, the cheese can also be put in the refrigerator so that it dries out slightly and finally thickens.

To give homemade cheese a special taste, you can add any herbs (dill, parsley, celery) and your favorite spices (basil, herbs de Provence, oregano, etc.). But this stage is not obligatory, you decide for yourself how it tastes better to you - with or without additives.

That's probably all you need to know about how to make cheese from sour milk at home. Simple technology and a minimum of physical effort in exchange for a healthy, nutritious product (100 g of fresh cheese contains about 300 kcal) with an unusually delicate taste - what more could a housewife wish for?

Treat yourself and your loved ones with a wonderful and, most importantly, inexpensive treat, from its preparation you will only have pleasant impressions.

Happy cheese making!

If you accidentally have a fair amount of milk sour - from 1 liter, then do not be upset and do not throw it away.

You can easily and quickly make homemade sour milk cheese, which is very healthy.

In just a couple of hours you will have delicious homemade cheese ready.

It tastes like feta cheese.

Ingredients for 130-150 g of cheese:

  • 1 liter of sour milk
  • 1 egg
  • dill greens optional

How to make cheese from sour milk:

1. Wash the greens and chop finely.

2. In a deep bowl, beat the egg and salt with a mixer at high speed.

The more you salt the cheese, the more it will taste like Brynza.

3. Add chopped herbs to the beaten egg and mix the products.

4. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add the egg mixture there.

5. Place over medium heat, bring to a boil and simmer for a few minutes until the whey begins to separate.

6. Place a colander on an empty pan, but it is best to use a special one, line it with gauze and pour in the heated milk mixture.

7. Cover with the hanging ends of gauze, put pressure on top and send the cheese to a cool place for 2 hours.

To make the finished product harden and crumble less, keep it in the refrigerator for about half an hour before serving.

This cheese can be stored for no more than 7-10 days.

Sour milk cheese with sour cream


  • 1 liter of sour milk or curdled milk
  • 4 tbsp sour cream
  • 4 eggs
  • dill to taste
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 0.5 tbsp salt

Making cheese from sour milk:

1. Heat milk with lemon juice in a saucepan.

2. Beat sour cream, eggs and salt with a mixer.

3. Pour the mixture into the milk in a thin stream and continue heating.

4. Cook for about 20-25 minutes. Add finely chopped dill.

5. When the whey has separated, pour the mixture into a colander or covered with gauze.

6. Wrap the mixture on top with gauze and place it under pressure (a saucer and a jar of water on top).

7. After about 2 hours, the whey will drain, you can take out the cheese and put it in the refrigerator to ripen. But you can eat it right away, it’s also very tasty.

How to make cheese from sour milk in a slow cooker


  • sour milk - 2 l
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • salt - to taste

How to make cheese from sour milk:

1. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.

2. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl and pour them into the milk, add salt, mix.

3. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” or “Stewing” mode.

After 20 minutes, you will notice that the whey has separated and the curd remains at the bottom.

4. Place double folded gauze in a colander. Place the cottage cheese on it.

5. Wrap the future cheese in cheesecloth and place under a press.

6. Take clean cold water and dissolve salt in it.

7. Place the compressed cheese in water to soak.

In a couple of hours, the delicious cheese made with sour milk will be ready.

Bon appetit!

And there are more recipes for you.

If, despite observing the storage conditions, the dairy product still goes bad, do not rush to throw it away and count the losses incurred.

It’s better to find a worthy use for it, for example, prepare delicious cheese from sour milk at home, it won’t take you much time. You don’t have to wait weeks and months for it to ripen; you can taste the finished product on the same day.

Homemade sour milk cheese: a quick recipe


  • - 1 l + -
  • - to taste + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - to taste + -

How to make homemade cheese from sour milk without spices

This recipe is truly unique, because it allows you to quickly prepare homemade cheese from sour milk with your own hands, without the use of sourdough and auxiliary equipment.

Just 40 minutes (20 are spent on preparing the products and another 20 on the cooking itself) of basic steps and 2 hours of downtime under pressure - and homemade milk cheese with herbs is ready to eat.

Let it harden for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then invite your household to try your homemade product.

  • We wash the dill under running water, then chop it finely.
  • Beat the egg and salt with a mixer at high speed. In this case, salt is added solely to taste. If you are a fan of salty cheeses, such as feta cheese, then add more salt.

Fans of fermented milk products, which have a pleasant sweetish tint, can add a little sugar. The proportions can be different: 2 pinches of sugar and 1 salt, 1 pinch of both, or to taste. You don't need greens to make unsalted cheese.

  • Add chopped herbs to the beaten egg mixture and mix the mixture thoroughly with a spoon.
  • Pour the sour milk into a deep saucepan or multicooker bowl, and pour in the mixture of beaten egg and herbs.
  • Place the pan over medium heat, bring the contents to a boil, then simmer the product for several minutes. This is necessary so that the whey is separated from the curd.
  • Place a colander on a clean container (saucepan or deep bowl - use your choice), cover it with multi-layer gauze (3-4 layers), and pour the boiled curd mass with separated whey onto it.
  • The bulk of the whey will immediately drain, and the remainder will go away when we place a small pressure on the gauze bag (tied in a knot) with homemade cheese. Sour milk cheese should stand under pressure for 2 hours in a cool place.

  • After a couple of hours, remove the pressure and place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it hardens and stops crumbling too much.
  • After half an hour, you can treat your family and yourself to ready-made homemade cheese made from sour milk (the recipe for which we reviewed step by step).

From the specified amount of ingredients, you will get approximately 150 g of fresh homemade cheese.

With a piece of white bread, with any not very spicy sauce or with exquisite French wine, fermented milk cheese, you can have a delicious lunch and satisfy your hunger for a long time.

You can also serve milk cheese with fruits, vegetables, add it to baked goods or bake pasta with it. No one can limit your imagination in this matter - in skillful hands, homemade milk cheese will always find a worthy use.

How to make fermented milk cheese with sour cream

To make milk cheese with sour cream at home with your own hands, you need a minimum of inexpensive ingredients and 3 hours of time. With sour cream, tender cheese made from sour milk will turn out even more delicious, it will acquire an interesting creamy shade and will turn out fattier than usual.

There is little salt in the product, so if you are not a fan of salty foods, then this recipe is just for you.


  • Sour cream – 4 tbsp;
  • Sour milk (or curdled milk) – 1 l;
  • Dill greens - to taste;
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tsp.

Making cheese from sour milk with sour cream

  1. Heat the sour milk with added lemon juice over medium heat.
  2. Beat eggs, sour cream and salt in a deep bowl with a mixer.
  3. Pour the resulting egg-sour cream mixture into warm milk and continue to bring it to a boil. After boiling, cook the sour milk over low heat for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Finely chop the greens and add them to the boiling milk mixture.
  5. After 20 minutes of cooking, the whey will separate from the curd mass. Then the cheese can be transferred to a colander lined with gauze, wrapped the product and placed under pressure on top of it (first place a plate or saucer, and then a full can of water). The serum will drain within 2 hours.
  6. Subsequently, we take the cheese out of the gauze and put it in the refrigerator for a while (about 12 hours) so that it cools a little and brews (ripened).

The taste of this cheese is very similar to the well-known and beloved suluguni cheese, only our homemade version is much tastier and healthier than the store-bought counterpart.

The finished fermented milk product can be served as an independent dish, or as an auxiliary ingredient for preparing salads, sandwiches, pizza, pastries and all kinds of main courses.

Despite the simplicity of making milk cheese, sometimes housewives have unpleasant moments during the cheesemaking process. To prevent them from affecting the final result, we offer simple recommendations to help you improve the taste and quality of homemade cheese.

To make delicious homemade cheese, we need undiluted village milk with a high percentage of fat content. As a rule, they use sour cow's milk, but if you prefer goat's milk, you can use that too.

Cheese made from goat's milk will taste more like feta cheese.

If you are not in a hurry, then there is no need to add anything; let the process of separating the whey from the curd occur naturally.

But if time is tight for you, you can speed up the preparation by adding vinegar, soda or (best of all) lemon juice to the curdled mass. They will provoke an accelerated separation of the serum, and you will not have to wait up to half an hour.

This is a prerequisite for all cheeses made with sour milk. The process of straining is simple and does not differ much from traditional straining: we line a colander with several layers of gauze, put cottage cheese and whey in it and give the semi-finished mass time to get rid of excess moisture.

If you like soft cheeses, then you don’t have to use oppression. To make the dairy product hard, you need to put a jar of water in it for several hours. Subsequently, the cheese can also be put in the refrigerator so that it dries out slightly and finally thickens.

To give homemade cheese a special taste, you can add any herbs (dill, parsley, celery) and your favorite spices (basil, herbs de Provence, oregano, etc.). But this stage is not obligatory, you decide for yourself how it tastes better to you - with or without additives.

That's probably all you need to know about how to make cheese from sour milk at home. Simple technology and a minimum of physical effort in exchange for a healthy, nutritious product (100 g of fresh cheese contains about 300 kcal) with an unusually delicate taste - what more could a housewife wish for?

Sour milk can be used not only for baking.

It makes wonderful cheese.

Moreover, there are a huge number of recipes for its preparation.

Let's not let good things go to waste?

Sour milk cheese - general principles of preparation

For cheese, you can simply use sour milk or shriveled yogurt. The final products will differ from each other, but only slightly. Salt, eggs, sour cream, cottage cheese, and butter are usually added to milk. Sometimes soda, lemon juice, vinegar and other ingredients are added to speed up the separation of whey or cause the product to melt.

All cheeses made from sour milk must be expressed. To do this, use several layers of gauze. The prepared mass is poured into it and left for a while. If the recipe requires it, then oppression is applied. The weight makes the cheese denser, not like cottage cheese.

Sour milk cheese with egg

A simple recipe for sour milk cheese at home. A great way to identify unclaimed sour milk.


1 liter of milk;


1. Break an egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt, and beat with a fork.

2. Combine the egg and sour milk, stir, pour into a saucepan.

3. Place the mixture on the stove and start heating. Stir, don’t go far.

4. As soon as the egg and milk begin to coagulate into flakes and the whey has separated, remove the pan from the heat. Let it sit for half an hour.

5. Line a colander with 4 layers of gauze and pour the mixture.

6. Raise the edges up and express the serum.

7. Place pressure on the cheese and leave for two hours. The longer the cheese lies under pressure, the harder and drier it will be.

Homemade sour milk cheese with sour cream

A variant of another simple cheese with eggs, which turns out to be fattier and tastes very similar to suluguni. We use any sour cream, but not less than 20%. By the way, it can also be sour; it is not necessary to use a fresh product.


2 liters of sour milk;

400 g sour cream;

1.5 tablespoons of salt.


1. Place a saucepan with milk on low heat.

2. Break all six eggs into a bowl and add salt to them. If you do not want to get a very salty product, then add less salt.

3. Add sour cream to the eggs and beat together. You can use a whisk or mixer.

4. Pour the egg mixture into the milk that has begun to warm up.

5. Stir everything thoroughly, you can turn up the heat.

6. Cook the cheese until the whey is separated.

7. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and let the whey drain.

8. We tie the loose ends, put a little pressure, and let the cheese get stronger for several hours.

9. Remove the gauze and use the prepared product for sandwiches and other dishes.

Cheese made from sour milk and cottage cheese

A variant of curd cheese made from sour milk, which requires cottage cheese. It is better to take a delicate, fatty product.


A liter of sour milk;

300 grams of cottage cheese;

1 pinch of soda;

0.5 tsp. salt.


1. Mix cottage cheese with milk. If the product has grains, you can grind it.

2. Add soda, egg and salt. Stir well and leave for half an hour.

3. Place on the stove, start heating, but do not let the mixture boil.

4. As soon as the whey leaves the flakes, place the heated mixture in cheesecloth in a colander.

5. After the main part of the whey has drained, we put pressure on the cheese.

Homemade sour milk cheese with dill and garlic

Another recipe for natural sour milk cheese at home. This product is distinguished by the extraordinary aroma of garlic and the beautiful appearance of green dill. If there are no fresh sprigs, you can add dried dill.


2 liters of sour milk;

3 spoons of sour cream;

1 tsp. with a mountain of salt;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 bunch of dill.


1. Beat sour cream with eggs and salt until smooth.

2. Combine with sour milk, stir, place on the stove.

3. Heat, stir.

4. Remove from heat as soon as the whey is gone. Leave on the table to allow the mixture to cool until warm.

5. During this time, finely chop the dill or take a teaspoon of dried herbs.

6. Peel the garlic. Let's chop it finely too. Or we pass the teeth through a press.

7. Add garlic and dill to the cooled mixture, stir.

8. Drain into a gauze bag and hang for half an hour to allow the whey to drain.

9. Place in a colander and place under slight pressure for two hours.

Cream cheese made from sour milk

A variant of a very delicate cheese made from sour milk with lemon juice, which can be used for various desserts, sweet creams, salty and savory spreads for sandwiches. The beauty of the recipe is that this cheese does not require warm processing.


800 ml fatty sour milk;

200 ml sour cream 10%;

1 pinch of salt;

1 tsp. lemon juice.


1. Combine all cheese ingredients and stir thoroughly.

2. Take a large piece of gauze and roll at least eight layers. You can use thin cotton fabric.

3. Place in a colander.

4. Pour the entire mass. There is no need to heat anything.

5. Place the colander on a bowl or on an empty saucepan. Cover the top with a lid and place the structure in the refrigerator for a day.

6. Open it and evaluate the consistency of the cheese. It should be creamy and there will be some whey left in the pan.

Spicy mass for sandwiches with sour milk cheese

Curd cheese made from sour milk is great for making sandwiches. Spicy pasta recipe.


200 g homemade cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

0.2 tsp. red pepper;

3 sprigs of dill;

2 spoons of sour cream;


1. Chop dill and garlic, mix with sour cream.

2. Add hot pepper to them, add salt to taste.

3. Mix curd cheese with hot sour cream, bring the mass until smooth.

4. Pasta is ready! We use it for sandwiches. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Roll with sour milk cheese

A variation of an amazing snack roll made from pita bread. Curd cheese easily solves the filling issue and allows you to prepare it very quickly.


250 grams of cheese;

50 grams of sour cream;

1 bunch of greens;

Salt, pepper and garlic.


1. Cut fresh cucumbers into cubes and place them in a bowl for a while.

2. Place the cheese in another bowl, add sour cream and garlic cloves. The mass needs to be peppered and salted. Stir the salted cream thoroughly.

3. Chop the greens. You can take onion, dill, parsley or a mixture of all these types.

4. Unroll the pita bread on a flat surface.

5. Spread a layer of salted cream.

6. Sprinkle with fresh cucumbers and herbs.

7. Wrap the pita bread in a roll and leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

8. Take it out and cut it into pieces of 2-3 centimeters. You can simply strip across or at an oblique angle.

9. Transfer the rolls to plates with herbs and serve.

Peppers stuffed with sour milk cheese

For such a dish, it is best to use peppers of different colors; it will turn out much more beautiful and interesting.


180 g cheese;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 boiled egg;

2 sprigs of parsley;

1 fresh cucumber.


1. Grind the cheese. Add chopped herbs to it.

2. Place a finely grated egg, add garlic and salt. For spiciness, you can throw in a little pepper.

3. Finely chop the cucumber and add it to the filling.

4. Wash the peppers, free the insides from the seeds. It’s better to take three different colors to make a “Traffic Light”.

5. Stuff the cavity of the peppers with the prepared salad. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

6. After two hours the filling will get stronger, take out the peppers.

7. Cut crosswise into rings. We do not make thickness more than one centimeter.

8. Decorate the plate with lettuce leaves, lay out multi-colored pieces of pepper with filling.

Pancakes with salmon and sour milk cheese “Rolls”

Recipe for delicious pancakes with curd cheese made from sour milk. It is not necessary to use salmon, you can use another red fish.


A glass of milk;

A glass of flour;

Salt, sugar;

A little oil;

250 grams of cheese;

70 grams of mayonnaise;

1 clove of garlic;

5 sprigs of parsley;

100 g red fish;


1. Prepare the dough for pancakes. Beat the egg, add a pinch of salt, add half a teaspoon of sugar, add flour and milk. Break up all the lumps with a whisk.

2. We bake ordinary pancakes in a frying pan and leave to cool. You will get 3-4 pieces, depending on the diameter of the frying pan.

3. Prepare the cream filling. To do this, mix curd cheese with garlic and mayonnaise, season with chopped herbs.

4. Cut the cucumbers into long strips, as for classic rolls.

5. We also cut the fish into strips.

6. Grease pancakes with curd cheese.

7. At the edge closest to you, lay out a row of fish and cucumber strips.

8. Roll up the rolls and leave the pieces for ten minutes.

9. Using a sharp knife, cut the rolls into two-centimeter pieces. Serve on plates, placing 8 pieces in a serving.

If the milk for the cheese has not yet completely soured, you can speed up the process. Lightly heat the spoiled product, add lemon juice, a little dry acid, a couple of drops of vinegar or a spoonful of sour cream. Leave it on the table in a warm room, the souring process will go much faster.

The fat content of cheese and its taste directly depend on milk. You should not use low-calorie foods for cooking. The cheese will turn out dry, tasteless, and the yield will be small.

Sour milk is prone to burning. Therefore, you need to use a non-stick pan for cooking, and stir the mixture regularly while heating.

You can add not only salt to cheese, but also sugar, raisins, vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate, different types of pepper, and turmeric.