Hawthorn jam for the winter recipes. What can be prepared from hawthorn berries for the winter - recipes for jam, jam, jelly, compote

07.01.2024 Restaurant notes

Post created: 10.09.2015 15:40:01

Hawthorn puree

Hawthorn recipes for the winter

Hawthorn compote for the winter - a healthy recipe

You can prepare an interesting, very healthy and aromatic compote of hawthorn berries for the winter in just 30-40 minutes. This compote has a rich taste and a light, pleasant smell.

Hawthorn is a berry that is good for the cardiovascular system. It restores the nervous system, improves immunity and saturates the body with useful substances.

In order to enjoy healthy hawthorn compote throughout the winter months, you can prepare hawthorn for the winter. A lot of different dishes are prepared from it: liqueurs, tinctures, preserves and jam. The dessert, created on the basis of wild berries, has a pleasant aroma and excellent taste.

For this recipe, choose a ripe, large hawthorn without flaws or external damage, with a pronounced taste and aroma. It is recommended to collect hawthorn berries for canning in dry, sunny weather.

More compote recipes for the winter:

Ingredients for hawthorn compote

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cup hawthorn berries
  • 100-150 g sugar (to taste)
  • pinch of citric acid (small)

The amount of ingredients is indicated for one 1.5-liter jar. But in general, these figures are approximate; be guided by your dishes.

Wash and sterilize jars for preparing hawthorn compote over the winter in advance.

You can also add apples, chokeberries and other fruits and berries to the hawthorn compote.

Hawthorn compote for the winter - recipe

Prepare the berries. Hawthorn fruits need to be sorted out, cleaned of twigs and debris, rinsed in cold water and dried, placed on a clean waffle towel.

Place clean hawthorn berries in pre-sterilized jars.

Boil water and pour boiling water over the hawthorn in jars. Cover with lids and leave for 25-30 minutes.

Then pour the water into a deep saucepan, add citric acid and boil again.

Pour sugar into jars with hawthorn and pour boiling water with citric acid from a saucepan.

Roll up and turn the jars over onto a clean towel. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave them like that until they cool completely.

That's it, the hawthorn compote is ready for the winter! Enjoy a healthy and aromatic drink at any time!

Hawthorn compote for the winter - a recipe for your health!

Harvesting hawthorn for the winter

Post created: 10.09.2015 15:40:01

Hawthorn is a sweet-tasting berry with juicy pulp. But it is valued more not even for its taste, but for its medicinal properties. The fruits of the plant are useful for heart diseases, help cope with hypertension and strengthen the immune system.

And if you like the taste of hawthorn, or you want to use it for medicinal purposes, then why not use simple recipes for preparing it for the winter? Having properly processed the berries, you can store them for a long time while preserving all the nutrients and vitamins.

Even with long-term storage at low temperatures, the fruits will not lose their medicinal effect. That is why this recipe for preparing hawthorn is so popular among housewives.

Before storage, the berries need to be prepared - sorted, washed and separated from the bunch. Very often, hawthorn goes into the freezer straight uncut. But this is not always convenient, since if you continue to eat it, the bone will still have to be removed. The fruits are placed in the cold packaged in bags or plastic containers. There is another way - lay the hawthorn on a tray, freeze it in this form, and then put it in a container.

Frozen hawthorn can then be used for various purposes - added to teas and compotes, or used to make pies.

Dried hawthorn is added to teas and decoctions. Such drinks will ease the symptoms of a cold and help cope with the disease.

Freshly picked hawthorn is sorted and washed. Look carefully - damaged or rotten fruits are not sent for drying! The drying process can be carried out either on parchment or on a baking sheet in the oven. The second option is preferable, since it will take less time and the berries will not rot (as sometimes happens when drying in natural conditions with humidity above normal). Hawthorn is dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60 C.

Dried fruits are stored in glass jars and canvas bags.

Having dealt with drying and freezing, let's see what can be prepared from hawthorn.

Berries in sugar are the simplest recipe for preparing hawthorn for the winter. The resulting product is used as a tasty and extremely healthy cold jam.

We pre-prepare the hawthorn - wash and dry it. Now you need to roll the fruits in powdered sugar and place them in a jar. We do not fill the container completely - leave 5-8 cm for sugar. The top of the jar is covered with parchment or gauze. But there is no need to tightly close the berries - they can “suffocate”.

You can enjoy candied hawthorn after a couple of months - it’s both tasty and healthy. It will be a great way to keep warm on cold winter evenings.

Hawthorn puree

Unusual hawthorn puree can be used in the future both as an independent dessert and as a sweet addition to other dessert dishes.

The recipe for harvesting hawthorn for the winter is simple. The berries are pre-sorted and washed. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan, into which we add water so that it covers the berries just a little. Cook the hawthorn for no more than 5 minutes, and then let the broth cool slightly at room temperature. Now puree the berries through a sieve. You can use a meat grinder for this. But first you will need to separate the seeds from the berries. Fill sterilized jars with the finished puree. We roll up the container.

You can add sugar to the hawthorn puree (before sealing the jars) - no more than 200 g per 1 kg of berries. The benefits of the product will double if you add other berries, such as raspberries or cranberries, to the puree.

Large-fruited garden hawthorn preparations for the winter

Many summer residents have hawthorn growing on their plots. You can make a lot of preparations for the winter from hawthorn berries. At home, you can prepare various drinks, jelly, jams, marshmallows, seasonings for other dishes, purees, juices, etc. from hawthorn.

Hawthorn juice

Recipe: for 1 kg of hawthorn - 50 g of granulated sugar and 1 liter of water.

Boil the washed hawthorn fruits in a small amount of water over low heat for 1-2 hours, rub the resulting mass through a sieve, add water and sugar to the resulting puree, bring to a boil and cool.

Hawthorn jam with apples

Make a puree from hawthorn fruits that have been mashed through a sieve and stewed over low heat, combine with pureed apples, add granulated sugar, mix and cook over low heat until the jam reaches the desired thickness.

For 1 kg of hawthorn fruit, take 1 kg of apples, 500 g of granulated sugar and 1 liter of water.

Hawthorn puree

The collected hawthorn fruits should be left for a day to ripen, then washed thoroughly, placed in a pan with water and cooked until softened and boiled. Rub the resulting mass through a sieve and package it in sterile glass jars. Store in a cool dry place.

For 1 kg of fruit, 1-2 glasses of water.

Hawthorn marshmallow

For 1 kg of puree, 200 g of granulated sugar (you can make pastille without sugar). Add granulated sugar to the puree prepared according to the recipe described above, stir, spread the puree in a 1 cm thick layer on wooden trays and gradually dry in the oven or stove.

Hawthorn candies with nuts

Prepare according to the previous recipe and add chopped nuts (100 g per serving).

Hawthorn and apple pies filling

For 500 g of puree, 200 g of apples and 50 g of granulated sugar. Take hawthorn puree, add peeled, finely chopped apples and cook the mixture for 5-10 minutes, add granulated sugar, mix and use as a filling for pies. Hawthorn compote Remove the seeds from the ripe hawthorn fruits, pour in 30% sugar syrup and leave to steep for 8-10 hours. Then drain the syrup, boil and pour it over the fruits placed in glass jars. Pasteurize the compote and seal the jars. Store in a cool place.

Hawthorn pureed with sugar

Blanch selected ripe hawthorn fruits for 2-3 minutes. in boiling water, rub through a sieve or colander, mix with sugar, put in glass jars, pasteurize and roll up.

For 1 kg of puree 500 g of sugar.

Everyone knows the healing ones, which have been used by pharmaceutical companies for a long time, producing popular and effective medicines from the fruits. Homemade preparations made from attractive bright red berries are also of considerable value.

What can you prepare from hawthorn for the winter, and how to do it correctly, preserving the maximum of the beneficial and healing properties of the berries? This is exactly what we will talk about next, and offer some of the best simple recipes.

Hawthorn compote for the winter - a simple recipe


Calculation for one 3 liter jar:

  • fresh hawthorn – 400 g;
  • purified water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 240 g;
  • – 1 medium pinch.


Making hawthorn compote is extremely simple. The main thing is to choose ripe, rich red fruits, without any flaws or damage. Rinse them under running water, remove the stems and let them dry a little. Now we put the hawthorn in dry and sterilized jars and fill it with purified water heated to a boil. Cover the vessels with sterile lids and leave for about twenty-five minutes.

After the allotted time has passed, drain the water, add a pinch of citric acid to it and let it boil again. At the same time, pour the required amount of granulated sugar into the jar. Fill the blanks with boiling acidified water, seal them hermetically, turn them upside down and thoroughly wrap them in a warm blanket or blanket for slow cooling and natural self-sterilization.

If desired, hawthorn fruits can be supplemented with apples, chokeberries or other healthy berries, thereby diversifying the taste of the preparation.

How to make hawthorn jam for the winter?


  • hawthorn (peeled) – 995 g;
  • granulated sugar – 995 g;
  • citric acid – 1 medium pinch.


Just like for compote, to make jam you need to select the ripest and highest quality hawthorn fruits, wash them and dry them. Now we remove the stems and tails from each berry, cut it into two parts and scrape out the seeds. Place the pulp in a vessel suitable for cooking jam in it and sprinkle with granulated sugar. The weight of the last and already peeled hawthorn fruits should be approximately the same. We give the preparation time to brew at room conditions and release the juice from the hawthorn halves.

Place the vessel on the stove and heat the contents with frequent stirring until all the sugar crystals dissolve and the delicacy boils. After five minutes, turn off the heat and leave the hawthorn in the syrup to cool.

Heat the jam base again to a boil, cook for five minutes and cool, leaving it on the stove. After this, boil the treat for the last time, add citric acid at this stage, stir until all the crystals are completely dissolved and pour into dry and sterile glass jars. After the vessels have slowly cooled upside down under a warm blanket, we send them for storage with other preparations in the pantry.

How to dry hawthorn for the winter?

If you don’t have time to make compote or jam from hawthorn, then save the valuable fruits for the winter by freezing or drying. There shouldn't be any problems with freezing. But in order to properly dry hawthorn, you need to know some subtleties.

If there is such an opportunity and favorable weather conditions, washed and dried hawthorn fruits can be dried in direct sunlight, spread on a piece of fabric in one layer. And in an apartment or in cloudy and cold weather, it is better to use an oven or electric dryer for this purpose. The temperature during the drying process should be at sixty degrees.

From time to time we check the readiness of dried hawthorn by squeezing several fruits in the palm of our hand. If they stick together, then we continue drying. The remaining specimens on the palm individually will indicate the correct degree of readiness. Now you need to place the workpiece in a fabric or paper bag and place it in a dry place protected from external odors.

Everyone knows that hawthorn has medicinal properties; it is even included in many medications. Homemade preparations from these berries will be no less useful. There are many recipes for preparing hawthorn for the winter; from its fruits you can make not only amazing drinks, but also many other preparations.

Everyone knows that hawthorn has medicinal properties.

From these bright red fruits you can make jam, confiture and sweet jam. Even children will certainly like such delicacies. And preparing such desserts will not cause any difficulties.

Hawthorn jam

Even novice cooks can prepare a sweet dessert from healthy berries. As a result of the work, jars of jam appear on the shelves, which can be eaten with a spoon or added to baked goods.

Required components:

  • 1 kg of hawthorn;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid.

Even novice cooks can prepare a sweet dessert from healthy berries.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries should be washed and dried on a towel, remove all the stems and cut in half to remove the seeds.
  2. The pulp must be placed in a saucepan and covered with sugar, wait until the fruits release juice.
  3. Cook, stirring constantly, until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  4. Set the treat aside and cool.
  5. You need to boil the jam twice more for 5 minutes.
  6. Then it should be packaged in sterile and already dry jars and cooled immediately.

Autumn generously gives us gifts. Just make sure to recycle it. Every year we harvest a large harvest of hawthorn, but it can be dried, rolled into compotes, boiled, hawthorn jam and jams.

Hawthorn fruits are very useful; they will help calm the nerves and heart, but at the same time have a tonic effect. Hawthorn helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, bleeding, obesity.

Hawthorn contains ursolic acid. This substance promotes skin regeneration - restores collagen, and has vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and cardiac stimulating properties.

To get delicious hawthorn jam we will need:

hawthorn – 9 kg (62 cups),

Granulated sugar – 3.4 kg,

Water – 31 glasses,

Citric acid - 1 teaspoon (or juice of 1 lemon).


Peel the berries from stalks, twigs and black spouts (sepals, otherwise when wiped they will end up in jam.

In three hours, the two of you can easily empty half a basket. Pour water over the berries (half a glass of water for 1 cup of berries), cook until soft - about 20 minutes. Pour the broth into a saucepan - we will need it later.

Rub the berries through a colander. This is also a very long process.

We get two fractions, what passed through the sieve and waste - hawthorn berry puree.

And what remains in the sieve is the peel and grains.

Pour the broth over the waste from rubbing and cook for 15 minutes, strain again through a colander.

Combine with previously pureed puree and weigh. I got 3.4 kg. For 1 kg of pureed mass, add 1 kg of sugar, pour all the drained broth over it. Let stand overnight until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

Boil with occasional stirring over low heat until sour cream thickens for two and a half hours.

We check the readiness - drop it from a spoon onto a plate, let it cool, if it doesn’t spread, then the jam is ready.

Autumn is a wonderful time, pampering us with all kinds of berries. Blood-red hawthorn fruits are one of the most beautiful and delicious means for healing our body in general and the cardiovascular system in particular.

You can learn more about the biochemical composition, therapeutic effects, contraindications and some methods of harvesting medicinal berries.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the use of hawthorn berries in cooking and folk medicine, because the dream of most of us is to be treated deliciously! And confirmation that something healthy can also taste very good is all kinds of desserts and drinks made from blood berries. Ripe hawthorn fruits have a mealy consistency and a delicate sweet-sour taste.

Pleasant sweets based on hawthorn

How to make hawthorn jam

Sort the berries (1 kg), rinse with water, place in an enamel or copper bowl, add water so that it just covers them, boil until soft, grind through a sieve with the addition of half a kilogram of granulated sugar and one teaspoon of citric acid powder. Cook the berry puree over low heat until thickened. Choose the consistency yourself - if you like thick jam that needs to be cut with a knife, then cook longer and vice versa.

How to make sweets from hawthorn fruits

Add sugar and starch to the finished thick jam prepared according to the previous recipe at the rate of 0.4 kg of sugar and 0.1 kg of starch per 1 kg of mass. Spread the thoroughly kneaded mixture onto a wooden board in a 1.5 cm layer and level it using a wooden spatula. Using the blunt side of a knife, cut into rectangles, squares or diamonds (optional), cover with a thin layer of powdered sugar and place the board in a well-ventilated place for several days to dry.

Sweets are perfectly preserved in glass or tin jars with a lid. Several sweet diamonds throughout the day will saturate your body with vitamins and minerals, charge you with vital energy and optimism, help your brain with nutrients, and also allow you not to feel tired.

Recipe for hawthorn in powdered sugar

Peel the ripe berries from the sepals using a knife, wash under running water, dry on a kitchen towel, spreading them in one layer. Then roll the fruits in powdered sugar and transfer them with a spoon into a glass container, shaking it periodically to compact it. Fill a wide-necked jar or bottle (for example, a ketchup bottle) ¾ full. Fill the top with powdered sugar, tie with gauze, and put parchment on top and place in a dark place (best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator) for 2-2.5 months.

Use this healing dessert instead of jam, adding it to tea or spreading it on sandwiches. Regular consumption of sweets helps cleanse blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, get rid of chronic fatigue and strengthen the heart muscle.

Healing drinks from hawthorn

Oatmeal jelly with hawthorn

A unique medicine against arterial hypertension and cholecystitis. Including just one glass of this healing elixir in your diet every day will allow you to normalize your blood pressure and significantly improve the condition of your liver and gallbladder.

Bake one kilogram of hawthorn berries until soft in the oven, cool, rub through a sieve, adding 0.1 kg of granulated sugar.

Prepare an oat decoction: pour 0.3 kg of oatmeal or flakes with three liters of cold drinking water, leave to steep for 12 hours, bring to a boil and strain. The remaining cereal can be used to prepare milk porridge.

Add oatmeal broth to the berry puree with sugar, stir, pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Take 120 ml of oatmeal jelly in the morning and 100 ml in the evening immediately before meals.

Drink with hawthorn and wort

Prepare hawthorn puree: After keeping the berries in a dry room at room temperature for at least two days, rinse them, add water, boil until soft and grind through a sieve. Place the finished puree into sterilized jars for further storage under nylon lids in the refrigerator. Use the puree as needed for culinary or medicinal purposes, in this case for making kvass.

Mix a tablespoon of berry puree, natural honey, concentrate for making kvass (sold in supermarkets) with a glass of boiled water (chilled). Pour the drink into a glass, add an ice cube and drink in small sips through a straw. You should drink no more than two glasses of pureed hawthorn kvass per day. After just a week of drinking the drink, you will notice a surge of vitality, improved memory and clarity of thinking, and the disappearance of migraines caused by changing weather conditions.

Drink with dried hawthorn fruits and chicory root

Regular consumption of a drink made from hawthorn and chicory powder is not only a replacement for traditional caffeine-containing drinks, but also an excellent way to improve your health. This coffee substitute has a diuretic effect, eliminating swelling by removing excess fluid from tissues, gently lowers blood pressure, improves immunity, cleanses blood vessels, and heals the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Grind ½ kg of dried hawthorn and 150 grams of chicory root (dry) into powder in a coffee grinder and store in a sealed glass jar. Use instead of black tea or strong coffee to invigorate, improve performance, activate vitality and brain functions in a dosage of 1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. If desired, add cream, whole milk, natural bee honey or sugar to the drink. No more than 2 glasses of healing drink are recommended per day.

The use of juice, alcohol tincture and infusion of dried hawthorn fruits in folk medicine

For medicinal purposes, the juice of fresh hawthorn fruits is taken 50 ml along with a tablespoon of bee honey three times a day.

An infusion of dried fruits is recommended for use for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. 50 grams of berries are poured with boiling water in a half-liter thermos overnight. The strained drink is consumed 100 ml four times a day half an hour before meals.

You can learn in detail how to prepare and use hawthorn alcohol tincture (in vodka) in therapy.

Carefully! It should be noted that you should not overuse tasty and healthy fruits in order to prevent disruptions in the functioning of the heart and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. A day you can enjoy only a glass of fresh berries or their equivalent in ready-made form.

Thanks to the unique composition of hawthorn and a huge number of biologically active phytonutrients, any recipes based on it are popular among people. Berries are especially useful for the elderly, patients who have had infectious diseases and people constantly experiencing heavy physical activity.