What spices and seasonings are sprinkled on pizza? Spices for the perfect pizza What seasoning is sprinkled on pizza.

The Italian dish loved by millions of people has an incomparable, special taste. About what seasoning is sprinkled on pizza, how to achieve its taste will be discussed in this article. Of course, each hostess has her own opinion on this matter. Let's clarify that we are talking about the option that can be called "professional" pizza, from good restaurants and pizzerias.

What does pizza taste like?

Pizza has a "natural" taste, which is formed by its main ingredients, especially cheese. Overloading the pizza with spices is not recommended. You need to use them very little, but it is better to experiment by changing the filling products. And the better the raw materials, the tastier your pizza will become.

But there is a certain set of spices and herbs to give the original taste, it is sold in stores, the bags are called "Pizza Seasoning" or sometimes "Italian seasoning". Many chefs use just such mixtures in their work or use their components according to their own recipes.

Oregano is the main spice for pizza

The main seasoning for the so beloved Italian dish is oregano or oregano in Russian. A plant of the clear-flowered family, grows everywhere, cultivated in the West. Origánum vulgáre gives Italian pizza its characteristic flavor and aroma. No oregano? Better not to start making pizza.

You need basil - an important seasoning for pizza, more for the smell. Among the other components of the pizza seasoning, we note laurel, parsley, rosemary, coriander. All this needs to be added without being too zealous.

Pizza is not an easy dish, despite the seeming simplicity of the recipe and cooking technique. Therefore, all over the world, except perhaps Italy itself, people prefer pizza prepared by professional chefs. One of the proposals of our restaurant is the delivery of pizza and rolls in Moscow around the clock. When preparing real Italian pizza, we use only the freshest spices and seasonings as seasonings, as you can see for yourself by placing an order.

The soul of any dish is sauce or spices that are added to it. The traditional pizza seasoning is, of course, oregano.

Features of spices

But each region has its own traditions, according to which marjoram, basil and other ingredients are also added to the Italian flatbread.

Marjoram common in Mediterranean cuisine, as it mostly grows in this region. It is added to pates, sausages, sauces, and some types of soups. Just like oregano, marjoram is used in food for more than just taste. It has a healing effect, improving metabolism. This is especially important when the dish contains fats and meat, which are much better absorbed with spices.

Basil added to traditional Italian dishes. But it depends on the personal preference of the person and on the customs of the family. Basil is used in different cuisines: European, Asian, Eastern. Therefore, for most gourmets, its taste is familiar.

Savory used by the ancient Romans, who prepared a vinegar-based sauce from it. Chunks of fish or meat were dipped in the sauce. Savory is quite common in Europe. For example, it is included in the classic Bulgarian ketchup recipe.

Below are a few variations on the composition of the pizza seasoning. You can use them or, by showing imagination, come up with a recipe on your own. No matter how tasty a classic Italian dish turns out, the question arises: what seasoning is added to our pizza?

The fact is that Italians are a people with a rich culinary imagination. Don't think that everyone cooks the same dish. Not only in every region, but every family has its own recipe.

Spices and herbs for pizza

There are several traditional pizza and casserole seasonings that are more popular than others:

  1. (or oregano ) Is the most commonly used pizza seasoning. Although not only for her. This spice is suitable for grilled meats, pies and homemade sausages. In addition, oregano also harmonizes with tomatoes, cheese, cottage cheese and some seafood. A spicy, slightly bitter taste is formed due to the content of essential oils. Italians often use this additive, including in pasta.
  2. ... This spice tastes great with oregano. The reason is not only in taste. The fact is that they are relatives and belong to the same family. This spice also has a very specific smell and taste. If earlier such spices were not used in the family, then you need to start with small doses.
  3. ... If you ask Italian chefs what kind of seasoning goes well with pizza, you can hear about thyme. This aromatic herb is combined with both oregano and marjoram. Thyme is a fairly well-known herb that is part of the Provencal herbs.
  4. ... Another spice added to the spice mix. To a question posed to an Italian: what seasoning is added to pizza, in addition to those listed, most likely the answer will be about basil. It is popular both in the north and south of the country.
  5. ... It is also added to the pizza spice mix. True, less often than the others. This is due not to the low qualities of this ingredient, but to culinary traditions. In some countries it was used more, in others less.
  6. , ... If when asked what spices can be added to pizza, you would expect that the recipe includes the most unpretentious and common in the middle lane, then you will be very mistaken. This tradition appeared due to the fact that in our country these seasonings are more common than others.
  7. ... These include black, scented, chili, paprika and others. Paprika is used more often than others. But you can also add other types of peppers. The main thing is that they are fresh and of good quality.

Classic seasoning composition

In order to find your favorite taste, you have to try different combinations. In addition to taste, all spices also provide aesthetic pleasure. The pizza looks "naked" without splashes of colored spices. As you can see from the list, the answer to the question: what seasoning is sprinkled on pizza does not find a definite answer.

If you cook pizza often, then it makes sense to prepare the mixture in advance so that there is a small margin. If any spice seems to be superfluous, you can replace it with any of the above. All herbs are applied dried. Seasoning ingredients:

  • oregano () - 2 parts;
  • and savory - 1 part each;
  • and parsley - 1 part each.


  1. Take any volume as a basis, for example, a teaspoon.
  2. Mix all ingredients in appropriate proportions. For example: 2 teaspoons of oregano, 1 teaspoon of basil, etc.
  3. Best stored in a jar made of opaque materials.

Spice Pizza Dough

Not only the filling, but also the dough can be made spicy. For this, the same ingredients are used that were listed earlier: oregano, parsley, basil, savory, marjoram and others. You can put only one component, but you can use several at once, as here. Would need:

  • flour - 2 cups, sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • a mixture of spices (oregano, marjoram, basil) - 1 tsp;
  • dry yeast - 0.5 teaspoon, salt - 0.5 tsp.

The dough is prepared like this:

  1. Stir in sugar, salt, yeast.
  2. Add sifted flour, premixed with herbs.
  3. Add a little warm water, knead the dough.
  4. Put it in a warm place for 40 minutes.
  5. From the finished dough, you can prepare a pizza base.

Pizza has been considered an Italian traditional dish since ancient times. The variety of this dish is highly developed.

No pizza preparation is complete without individual seasonings and the right spices. There is nothing complicated in the preparation of a seemingly ordinary pizza, but there are also some subtleties and nuances. If you are used to looking for an Italian delicacy using search queries such as Mytischi pizza around the clock and the like, you may not know some of the features of its production.

Oregano and basil are the most essential ingredients in pizza making. In the preparation of a special sauce, bay leaves and parsley are used. Spices such as pepperoni and rosemary are also popular. Some dishes even have names similar to those of the spices that are present in its composition. This will be, for example, the Peperoni pizza.

Basil is a very spicy and aromatic herb. It has a very light bitter taste. There are many varieties of basil varieties. The most popular purple basil. This herb will complement the taste of tomatoes better than anyone else, and they are the most important ingredient in almost any pizza or sauce for it.

Oregono has a smell similar to marjoram, but they are completely different in taste. Oregono is also called oregano. In Italy, it is customary to use oregano not only in pizza, but also in spaghetti and other culinary recipes. Which are no less popular in national cuisine.

Provencal herbs are also a topical pizza mix. It contains almost all spices. Such as: thyme, rosemary, sage, basil, mint, savory, marjoram, oregano and others.

It is not recommended to use mayonnaise or ketchup in the process of making pizza. They can only spoil the taste of the dish. It is best to make your own sauce. This sauce should include: parsley, bay leaf, rosemary. Do not forget that all spices must be added strictly in moderation. Because each herb has its own strong flavor range.

In order for the pizza to turn out the same as in a restaurant, it is better to add all the additives to the sauce itself or to the dough for the dish. Fresh grass can be finely chopped and garnished with it on the prepared dish, that is, the pizza itself. Olive oil must be present on the same table with pizza. Oil is necessary so that the pizza itself does not remain as dry as it is when served. Rolling the pieces in a boat, pour it on top with olive oil, such a correct use of pizza will not allow the oil to drain from it to the bottom.

Italian cuisine has long been popular in Russia. Many traditional Italian recipes have become hits altogether. For example, pizza has been one of the most popular gourmet dishes around the world for many years. Pizza is a welcome guest at youth parties or children's parties, get-togethers with friends and even anniversary celebrations. Delicious flavored pizza to order is the best decoration for any evening.

The main components of pizza

In addition to the filling, the composition of which directly depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the cook, the pizza must include dough and sauces. Adherents of classic Italian recipes even single out cheese as a separate ingredient. We offer you a list of standard ingredients for making a classic pizza:

  • Dough base;
  • Tomato;
  • Greens.

As mentioned earlier, depending on the recipe, this list can be supplemented by a host of other ingredients: for example, such as sausage or meat, mushrooms, shrimp and other seafood, peppers, seaweed and even pineapples.

Pizza spices

Fresh and dried spices are extremely important for pizza: they give a unique aroma and significantly expand the flavor range of the product. Each chef chooses spices for a dish in his own way. Pizza offers truly endless possibilities in this regard. Each time you can change the composition of the mixture, find new proportions of herbs and create new unusual flavor combinations. For individual ingredients, you can select a special scent where it is appropriate.

The most typical spices that no pizza can do without are, of course, oregano and basil. In addition to these herbs in various proportions and combinations, the following can be added to the aromatic ensemble:

  • Bay leaf;
  • thyme;
  • parsley;
  • rosemary;
  • cardamom;
  • coriander;
  • fennel.

Of course, you need to observe the measure and try not to overdo it with such a bouquet of spices. Therefore, if you choose what else to add to your pizza, treat your dish with delicacy and do not mix everything at once. And now a few words on how to make your pizza taste unforgettable:

  • Oregano is one of the most popular spices in Italian cuisine. It is distinguished by a bitter taste and a bright aromatic aroma. That is why, in combination with the sweetish, mild basil scent, oregano gives pizza a noticeable taste.
  • When using pizza sauce, it is recommended to add parsley to it. It needs a little, since it has a rather bright taste.
  • Bay leaf can also significantly enrich the flavor of the dish. It makes the sauce spicy and flavorful.

There are a great many combinations of combinations of seasonings. They are as unique as a person's fingerprints. In Italy, it is considered special chic if the chef has his own recipe for the spice mix. So don't be afraid to experiment to find the perfect match.

If you want to try real Italian pizza right now - pizza delivery in Primorsky district is at your service. There is a delivery service in TOKYO-CITY restaurants: we deliver orders to all districts of St. Petersburg.

How much does Pizza Seasoning cost (average price per pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Pizza is rightfully considered one of the most popular and favorite dishes in the world, which is of Italian origin. It seems to be nothing special - unleavened flour tortilla, fresh tomato, cheese, meat ingredients ... But in the opinion of many experts, the pizza seasoning is the fundamental ingredients in this dish. Spices and herbs (fresh and dry), which are added not only to the sauce, but also to the dough, greatly improve the taste of the pizza, as well as the nutritional properties of the finished dish.

Today, there are almost endless combinations of pizza seasoning that can be added to this Italian meal. By choosing the ingredients listed below in your pizza seasoning, you can experiment by reducing or increasing the amount of aromatic herbs and spices until the taste of the finished dish seems perfect to you.

Pizza seasoning composition

So, the main types of spicy and fragrant ingredients in pizza seasoning are oregano (oregano), green and purple basil, parsley, fennel, marjoram, rosemary and thyme. In addition, bay leaves, garlic, coriander, cumin, and cardamom are often found in pizza condiments.

Perhaps the most popular spice in pizzerias in Italy is oregano - we can say that this is the most basic and must-have addition for pizza. Oregano is highly regarded for its very pleasant, albeit slightly bitter, aftertaste.

Sometimes basil is used instead of oregano (oregano) or even together. It has a softer and sweeter taste. Moreover, Italians claim that French basil is the best variety.

Pizza spices such as parsley are recommended to be added to the sauce. It should be borne in mind that this herb is characterized by a pronounced taste, so it is better not to overdo it with it. Meanwhile, the bay leaf makes the pizza truly Italian. It is popular in sauces and has a rich, spicy taste.

According to Italians, combinations and types of pizza seasoning are as individual as a person's fingerprints. By the way, dry spices and spices are best added to the dough, and it is advised to pour fresh ones on the finished cake.

Summing up, it is worth noting that it is the pizza seasoning that makes this dish a real Italian pizza. The main thing is not to be afraid and feel free to experiment, creating your own combination of spices and aromatic herbs, collecting the set in a jar with a characteristic inscription. If, after all, this is difficult for you, the modern food industry provides a truly huge assortment of various types of pizza seasoning ready-made.