Burger king diet or how not to get better from fast food. Healthy look: Burger King Burger King energy value

When the first Burger King fast food restaurant opened in 1953, its menu consisted primarily of hamburgers, french fries, soft drinks, milkshakes and desserts. After the chain was sold to another owner and renamed in 1954, it began to expand the menu, adding various sandwiches to it. Burger King currently has a very varied calorie content, with main ingredients besides beef offering chicken, fish and vegetarian options including salads and other additions include the breakfast menu and various beverages.

As the company continued to expand outside the United States, localized versions of the menu began to appear in restaurants around the world to suit regional tastes and cultural or religious beliefs.

To increase sales, Burger King sometimes introduces a limited time offer on certain product groups or introduces some completely new items intended for long-term or short-term sales.

The company introduced its first breakfast menu, along with a special line of signature sandwiches, in 1978. Burger King's expanded menu was then part of a plan to expand the chain and enter the international market, as well as in order to successfully compete with McDonald's. This was successful - at present, the restaurant chain is one of the most popular among those who sell fast food.

The most famous menu item

The most famous product offered in this restaurant is the Whopper. It was first introduced in 1957, and since then its recipe has been improved several times. You can often hear that the Whopper is the main competitor of the Big Mac from McDonald's. There are indeed similarities, but differences can also be seen. So in the "Whopper" from "Burger King" the calorie content is higher - 670 Kcal, while the nutritional value of the "Big Mac" is 540 Kcal. What's more, the product from Burger King does not contain cheese. That is, when it is added at the request of the client, the burger will become even more high-calorie.

Whopper's standard composition is lettuce, pickles, fresh tomatoes, onions, mayonnaise, ketchup, and, of course, a large beef patty. In some countries, other sauces are used to prepare it, and they also offer additional ingredients, including and There are also double and triple Whoppers, offering 2 or 3 cutlets, respectively.

All this implies that the calorie content of dishes at Burger King is simply huge, especially if you order large portions. For example, if, in addition to Whopper, you take an additional dessert with sauce, you get almost a daily nutritional requirement for an adult.

Are there lighter products?

But still, fast food lovers can find lighter dishes in this retail chain. The brand owners take into account the interests of people who follow a healthy diet, so for some menu items they reduce the calorie content in Burger King. Caesar salad, for example, has only 343 kcal when using all the ingredients.

The composition of this salad almost does not deviate from the classics - grated Parmesan cheese, fresh vegetables, croutons and pieces of fried chicken fillet with Caesar sauce. However, the serving of the dish here is noticeably different - the sauce, croutons and chicken pieces are served separately, which allows you to independently vary the size and nutritional value of the portion.

Preparing such a salad at home is very simple - you need to dry small pieces of white bread (you can add a small amount of garlic), fry the chicken fillet until and then mix it all with fresh vegetables in a separate appetizing dish. The sauce is sold ready-made, so cooking does not take much time.

If you are confused by the calorie content of this salad in Burger King, you can change the recipe and make it easier. For example, bake chicken fillet, not fry.

What else can be attributed to light fast food?

The restaurant's menu also offers other dishes with chicken. If you continue to explore the calorie content of Burger King dishes - Caesar Roll is quite suitable as a relatively healthy snack. Of course, its lightness is imperfect - one serving contains 390 Kcal, but compared to Whopper, it noticeably wins.

In fact, it is a copy of a similar dish from McDonald's - it includes chicken, lettuce, tomato, grated cheese and Caesar sauce. All this is wrapped in a fresh flat cake.

Can you cook it yourself?

"Caesar roll" can be prepared with your own hands without much effort. For 6 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cups chopped;
  • 2 cups fried chicken fillet, cut into strips;
  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese;
  • ½ cup Caesar sauce;
  • 6 small thin pita breads.

Mix first 3 ingredients in a large bowl. Add Caesar sauce to them and mix very thoroughly. Apply 2-3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in the middle of each of the pita breads, wrap in rolls. If desired, you can fry the finished roll in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.

The finished dish tastes almost the same as served in the Burger King chain. The calorie content of the roll can be reduced by putting boiled or baked chicken in it instead of fried.

In addition, the above mixture of ingredients can be served as a salad. To do this, do not wrap it in pita bread, but sprinkle with crackers. And if you're not one of those who count calories, you can complement the dish at your discretion - for example, add finely chopped fried bacon to it.

In Burger King, even adherents of a healthy diet can find food that suits them. To do this, you just need to know the calorie content of each dish.

The rhythm in which modern people exist makes it impossible to stop and think about yourself and your own health. A large number of fast food, which multiply like mushrooms after rain, is a clear proof of this. People have forgotten that you can only eat right at home. Food prepared by yourself from fresh and tested products. In addition, tossing a hamburger or nuggets into your stomach and running on about your business is often the only possible solution that comes in a hurry. As it turns out, you can also eat in fast food restaurants without much harm to your own health and diet.

Eating a bunch of calories along with a “delicacy” from fast food without harming yourself is not an easy task. However, you can try! Let's talk about food at Burger King today.

Burger King: food rules

The Burger King fast food restaurant came to us from America. Today, this network is available to more than 70% of the world's population. No amount of warnings will make fast food lovers stop and switch to proper nutrition. They still run to the mini-restaurant for a juicy burger or french fries, a steak or a roll.

If it was not possible to avoid a trip with colleagues or relatives to this institution, use a few tips from doctors and make a choice in favor of the following dishes:

  • "Caesar Roll";
  • a large portion of salad "Mix" with tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Caesar salad with chicken;
  • cheeseburger with cheese and vegetables;
  • hamburger with cutlet and pickles;
  • shawarma from the restaurant;
  • chicken nuggets;
  • coffee or tea without additives.

The calorie content of these dishes ranges from 17.6 to 315 kcal.

You can eat as much fast food as you like without harming your figure if you keep the menu within 1500 kcal. per day.

How to make a fast food meal safe?

  1. Use the table where there is a calorie content of each dish, and calculate the daily calorie in such a way that you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. Start your meal with a glass of water.
  3. Order all salads without filling (it is the sauce that doubles the calorie content of food).
  4. The ideal option for choosing would not be the three-story King, but the small Whopper.
  5. Instead of brownies and shakes, order freshly squeezed juices. In addition to their undeniable health benefits, you will satisfy the raging feeling of hunger a little.
  6. After eating a portion of a high-calorie meal, remember the abundant powder and the amount of flavor enhancers that are added to it in order to stimulate appetite. Don't order another serving! Your stomach is already full, and soon you will receive a signal of a feeling of satiety.
  7. Eat slowly, trying to stretch the meal time as much as possible. Then your stomach will understand that it has received enough food, and soon the feeling of hunger will recede.
  8. Among other things, remember the health troubles that threaten you if you abuse fast food. Is the momentary pleasure of a juicy and tasty burger worth it?

Diet Whopper: Myth or Reality?

According to the manufacturers - "Whopper King" is not harmful to health. Their opinion is based on the fact that the dish is prepared without the use of vegetable and animal fats. Beefs are grilled (open fire).

So, there are pros and cons of this processing method:

  • "Per". As a rule, grilling food is considered one of the correct cooking techniques for those who want to lose weight.
  • "Against". In this case, questions arise only about the quality of the raw materials from which this cutlet is prepared. On the grill, even the poorest quality beef can be made attractive. All the remaining ingredients that make up Whopper King are a collection of calories, fats and carbohydrates. It is worth remembering only that the bun for him is made from the highest grade flour, and there is no need to continue further.

We eat fast food from the Burger King menu and lose weight

If you are a supporter of healthy eating, but there is only one Burger King in the area where you can eat and not leave your entire salary, then stick to the following menu:

For dessert, you can have ice cream. The calorie content of a small serving is a little more than 100 kcal. However, to do this, exclude some dish from the lunch menu.

If you stick to this diet, then the total number of calories will be an average of 1500 units.

Calorie table of dishes from the menu "Burger King"

Name Serving Weight (g) Calorie content of the dish (kcal.)
Whopper 279 576
Whopper with cheese 304 680
Whopper Mini 154 319
Double Whopper 355 815
Triple Whopper 431 1036
Big King 200 424
Big King XXL 345 936
Tendercrisp 269 622
Crispy Chicken 189 485
Long Chicken 209 580
Grill Chicken Barbecue 298 694
Cheeseburger 122 242
Hamburger 110 200
Nuggets Burger 155 419
Steakhouse 150 416
Fish King 127 484
Focaccia Fresh 224 406
Cheesy Joe 250 700
French fries 74 203
King Free 116 319
King Free small 106 288
Rustic Potato 170 379
Crispy Chicken 209 230
Caesar salad 100 97
Salad Mix 75 18
King Salad 127 26
Onion rings 95 278
Nuggets (4 pcs.) 64 176
Nuggets (6 pcs.) 96 264
Nuggets (9 pcs.) 144 396
Wings King (4 pcs.) 115 253
Wings King (6 pcs.) 172 380
Wings King (9 pcs.) 258 570
Hot brownie with ice cream 130 434
Horn 69 108
Belgian waffle with ice cream 100 435
Ice Twist Strawberry with cookies 170 237
Chocolate Sunday 150 268
hot blondie 80 356
Cheesecake with strawberry frosting 100 304
Chocolate Shake 100 154

It must be said that you will gain the number of calories a person needs per day if you order only a couple of dishes. At the same time, you will satisfy your hunger only for a short time. Therefore, order not so high-calorie and harmful dishes and follow the advice of those who follow their figure.

To do this, you need a table of calorie content of different foods and a strict calculation of the calorie content of the food that you have already eaten or are just about to eat. However, do not make it a rule to constantly eat at fast food restaurants. It is better to alternate it with healthy homemade food. For example, a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with a boiled egg will be much healthier than any hamburger.

McDonald's vs Burger King (video)

If the hardship has got you into such a jungle that any other food, except for Burger King, can lead to food poisoning, then buy what Zozhnik ordered.

In fact, we didn’t have to choose for a long time: the menu kindly indicated all the “light” dishes on the menu: two salads, a burger and a roll-rap with chicken.

We take “King Salad” (140 rubles), coffee (70 rubles for an Americano) and a burger “Barbecue Chicken Grill” (140 rubles).

The salad was supposed to be such a “yogurt” dressing. Hell composition. Shame on you, Burger King!

In general, they did not risk their stomach and the salad was eaten “dry”. Well, what can I tell you about this salad? Just the truth: tasteless. A small amount of coarsely chopped tasteless vegetables. If you chew cellophane, then about the same feeling in your mouth will remain.

FatSecret said that there are only 26 calories in this “dish”. If we couldn’t read fine print or didn’t care about what gets inside us, then we would add a wonderful branded sauce. Thus, the salad would “become heavier” by 75.5 kcal.

But the “Grill Chicken Barbecue” burger, in our opinion, is completely in vain ranked among saints to diet meals. The same honest FatSecret reports: a sandwich weighs 298 g and contains 694 calories, 35.3 g of fat, 55.1 g of carbohydrates and 36 g of protein. As soon as the tongue turned to call a diet dish, which includes fried bacon, mayonnaise, cheddar cheese and barbecue sauce?