Canned cod liver dishes. Cod liver salads: recipes with photos

12.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Peel the cod liver from the films, put it in a saucepan with boiling water, put on a quiet fire. As soon as the water boils, turn off the fire and infuse the cod. Then again put on fire, bring to a boil and remove from heat for 3 minutes. Then return the pan with cod liver to a quiet fire, bring to a boil and insist.

How to cook cod liver

Cod liver - 900 grams
Water - 2 liters
Vinegar - 2 teaspoons
Bay leaf - 3 pieces
Black pepper - 8 peas
Salt - a pinch

How to cook cod liver in a saucepan
1. Clean cod liver from films, wash in cold water.
2. Pour 2 liters of water, vinegar, put bay leaves, pepper, salt into the pan, place on medium heat.
3. After boiling, put cod liver in a saucepan, wait for it to boil.
4. Remove the pan with cod liver from the burner, let the broth brew for 2 minutes.
5. Put the pan back on the burner, let it boil, remove from heat, leave for a couple of minutes.
6. Return the pan to the burner, wait for it to boil.
7. Turn off the burner, leave the pan with cod liver to brew for 5 minutes.

How to cook cod liver in a water bath
1. Clean cod liver from films, wash in cool running water.
2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the liver, mix with your hands.
3. At the bottom of a liter glass jar with a screw thread, put bay leaves, black peppercorns, cod liver.
4. Cover the jar with a screw cap, but do not twist it.
5. Pour 1.5-2 liters of cold water into the pan.
6. Put a double-folded cloth napkin on the bottom of the pot with water, press it with a jar of cod liver.
7. Place a grill grate on the burner, turn on the stove to medium heat.
8. Place a pot with a jar on the grate, bring to a boil.
9. Reduce heat to low, cook for 1 hour.
10. Remove the jar from the pan, tighten the lid.

How to salt cod liver

Salt - 1 tablespoon
Cod liver - 1 kilogram
Black pepper - 8 peas
Bay leaf - 6 pieces

How to cook salted liver
1. Clean the cod liver from films, rinse thoroughly in cool running water.
2. Rub the cod liver with salt.
3. Arrange in two half-liter jars with screw caps an equal amount of bay leaves and black peppercorns, cod liver.
4. Cover the jars with screw caps, but do not twist them.
5. Pour 1.5-2 liters of water into a large saucepan, place jars with cod liver in it.
6. Place the pan on medium heat, wait until it boils.
7. Reduce heat to low, keep on the burner for 60 minutes.
8. Remove the jars from the water, tighten the lids.
9. Cool canned food at room temperature, put in the refrigerator for storage.

cod liver salad

Canned cod liver - 190 grams
Carrots - 2 pieces
Potato - 3 tubers
Eggs - 3 pieces
Hard cheese - 50 grams
Mayonnaise (low fat) - to taste
Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces
Green onion - 5 arrows
Black pepper - 3 peas

How to make cod liver salad
1. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, place on a strong fire, let it boil.
2. Wash potatoes and carrots, do not peel.
3. Put potatoes and carrots in boiling water, keep on medium heat for 40 minutes.
4. Pour half a liter of cold water into a separate pan, place on a strong fire, after boiling, lower the washed eggs, cook for 10 minutes.
5. Pour boiled eggs with cold water for 10 minutes.
6. Drain the water from the pan with boiled vegetables, cool them, peel, grate.
7. Peel the cooled eggs from the shell, separate the protein from the yolk.
8. In different bowls, grate the protein coarsely, the yolk - finely.
9. Drain the oil from the canned food, put the cod liver in a cup, mash with a fork.
10. Peel the pickled cucumbers, cut into thin strips a few millimeters thick, 2 centimeters long.
11. Wash green onions, cut into thin rings a few millimeters thick.
12. Grate cheese.
13. Crush black pepper in a mortar.
14. Put grated potatoes, a layer of cod liver on the bottom of the dish, sprinkle with black pepper, green onions, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise, put pickles, egg white, carrots, cheese, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle with egg yolk.
15. Place the salad in the refrigerator for a couple of hours so that the layers are soaked.


- How to choose canned cod liver:
1. The highest grade of canned cod liver indicates that it was made immediately after the fish was caught and processed.
2. It is better to buy canned cod liver made in the fishing areas: Murmansk, Arkhangelsk.
3. High-quality canned food should contain only salt and cod liver.
4. Data on the expiration date of canned food should be stamped on the bottom of the jar or on the lid.
5. The lid and bottom of the jar should not be swollen.
6. If you shake the jar, no gurgling sounds should form, since cod liver is laid out as tightly as possible in high-quality canned food.

- Cut out the liver from fresh cod must be carefully so as not to damage the thin shell. Next, carefully cut off the gallbladder so that it does not burst.

canned cod liver taste bitter if it was frozen before cooking or canning.

Cod liver contains useful substances for humans: fish oil, vitamins A (cod liver contains more than other products this vitamin, which is responsible for cell health), D (health of bones and skin, the endocrine system), E (metabolism), folic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, iodine and proteins.

Cod liver is practically not for sale fresh(only in canned). The price of canned liver is 200-300 rubles / 200 grams. The cost is due to the distance from Russia and labor-intensive production: the liver retains a maximum of useful properties only in the first hours, when it needs to be conserved, so the liver is processed right on the ships.

For receiving the freshest cod liver is recommended to catch fish on your own or buy not gutted.

If cod liver has rough smell, it is worth changing the water three times during cooking.

- calories cod liver - 600 kcal / 100 grams. Cod liver is considered a very high calorie product.

Relationship to cod liver as delicacy came from the USSR, when you could get cod liver for a lot of money, or through friends. Currently, cod liver can be found in almost any store.

Cod liver serve as an appetizer with boiled potatoes and eggs.

- Shelf life cod liver in an open jar - 2 days in the refrigerator.

Cod liver is a unique product that contains many vitamins, minerals, trace elements and has a lot of useful properties. We wrote about all the benefits of this product. It is found fresh frozen or canned.

Cod liver dishes are quite famous and are of great variety. Salads and snacks with this ingredient are especially popular. But, it is worth paying attention that all foods are high-calorie, so you should not abuse them.

The step-by-step recipes with photos described below will tell you what to cook from cod liver for a festive table or for a regular home meal.

Salad "Sea"

If you want to make a cod liver salad for the holiday table, this original recipe is what you need. It will pleasantly surprise guests not only with its unique appearance, but also with its amazing taste.


  • Three boiled eggs;
  • Fresh cucumber and canned corn - 100 g each;
  • Puff pastry - half a kilo;
  • Mayonnaise - 90 g;
  • Cod liver - 140 g;
  • Onion - 35 g;
  • Pepper and salt - to taste;
  • Sesame - two large spoons;
  • Sugar - one large spoon;
  • One chicken egg;
  • Natural vinegar - two tablespoons;
  • Water - 100 ml.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Cut the onion into medium cubes, add vinegar, sugar and water. Mix well and leave to marinate;
  2. We take two layers of cling film and roll out puff pastry between them with a layer 3-4 mm thick. Cut out eight strips from the dough, the width of which is 4 cm and the length is 10 cm. Cut the strips diagonally;
  3. We cut out a circle from the dough, which is 7 cm in diameter. We wrap a large ceramic dish with foil and lay out test triangles in the form of octopus tentacles. Lubricate the top of the tentacles with a beaten egg and attach a circle;
  4. We coat the whole octopus with an egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds, attach the eyes. We heat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the products for half an hour, cover with foil;
  5. We cut the cod liver into small pieces, the cucumber - into cubes, the eggs - finely (you can use an egg cutter). We add canned corn and onions, which we squeeze from the marinade. We fill our masterpiece with mayonnaise;
  6. Pepper and salt to taste, mix well and lay out a slide on a dish. From above we attach the cooled octopuses.

Your guests and family will be delighted with such a wonderful salad. Children will especially like it.

Lavash roll with cod liver

This dish can be served as a main course or as an addition to first courses.


  • Processed cheese - 100 g;
  • Cod liver - 200 g;
  • Four to five boiled chicken eggs;
  • One thin pita;
  • Green onions and dill - one bunch each;
  • Cucumber;
  • Mayonnaise - two or three large spoons.

Cooking instruction:

  1. We free the eggs from the shell and rub on a coarse grater;
  2. Finely chop the washed dill;
  3. Peel the cucumber and cut into small pieces;
  4. We remove the packaging from the processed cheese and three it on a fine grater;
  5. Open a jar of canned cod liver and put it in a salad bowl. Knead it with a fork, add the grated egg, onion, herbs, cucumber, melted cheese. Add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly with a fork;
  6. We spread the pita bread on the surface of the table and carefully coat it with the resulting mass. We wrap it with a roll and put it in the refrigerator to soak for several hours;
  7. Cut the roll into small pieces crosswise with a sharp knife and arrange on a plate.

A simple and quick snack is ready.

Cod liver soufflé

Cod liver dishes can be quite satisfying or, conversely, lighter. This dish is prepared quickly and turns out to be very tasty, original and tender.

Composition of products:

  • Potatoes - 400 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Lemon;
  • Cod liver - a jar;
  • Dried mint - two teaspoons;
  • Two chicken proteins;
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Softened butter - two large spoons.


  1. Boil potatoes and cool, beat with milk;
  2. Separately, beat the whites with a pinch of salt into a strong foam;
  3. Put the liver and proteins in potatoes, add a few drops of lemon juice and a little mint. Salt and pepper to taste, beat well;
  4. Lubricate the baking molds with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the resulting mass. Sprinkle mint and breadcrumbs on top. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and send the product there for 20 minutes;
  5. After this time, remove the soufflé from the oven and enjoy the unique taste.

It can be eaten both hot and chilled. Sour cream is served hot, to which a few drops of lemon juice are added.

Cod liver pate

This is a simple snack that is easy to prepare at home. Such a paste can be spread on bread or filled with tartlets.

For 4-5 servings you will need:

  • A jar of cod liver;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Potato and onion - one each;
  • Mustard - a teaspoon;
  • Hard cheese - 20 g.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Grind the onion, put mustard in it, then pour a little boiling water so that it covers the onion-mustard mass. Mix everything and let stand for a couple of minutes;
  2. We recline the onion mixture on a sieve and wait for the excess water to drain;
  3. Open a jar of cod liver, remove the liquid. We knead the pulp with a fork and report to the onion, which has already been marinated;
  4. Boil the potatoes and, removing the peel, puree with a blender. Three cheese on a grater with large holes. We combine these components with the ingredients from the previous stages;
  5. Three boiled eggs on a grater and add to the rest of the ingredients in a salad bowl;
  6. We mix everything well. To get an even more delicate and soft texture, you can additionally pass the finished product through a blender.

Snack pancakes

Recipes for cod liver dishes are quite diverse. Snack pancakes are one of the easiest and quickest options for a delicious and satisfying snack.

Ingredients for 20 servings:

For test:

  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Milk, tomato juice and flour - a glass each;
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • Sugar - a teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1/4 of a small spoon.

For filling:

  • A jar of cod liver with a volume of 230 g;
  • Chicken boiled egg;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g.

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add, sugar and beat;
  2. Pour the tomato juice, add the flour and beat again until all the lumps are dissolved;
  3. Add warm milk and vegetable oil, mix well;
  4. From the resulting mixture, fry pancakes on each side;
  5. Knead the canned food together with half the butter with a fork, add eggs and cheese, grated on a grater with small holes, mix;
  6. We send the finished filling to the refrigerator for half an hour;
  7. We cut off the edges of the pancakes so that they become square;
  8. We place them on a table or a large plate and put the filling on top;
  9. Roll each pancake into a roll and cut into pieces about 3 cm thick.

We spread the finished appetizer on lettuce leaves and put it on the table.

This is not a complete list of dishes. You can independently come up with your own unique combinations of ingredients and create new dishes. You just need to not be afraid to experiment.

Video: Cod liver salad with croutons and corn

There is not a single person on earth who does not like salads. Some strictly follow the recipe during the cooking process, others use it only as a recommendation, preferring to introduce something new. This is how some of the cod salad recipes appeared that can decorate any table. The product is successfully combined with lemon juice, vegetables, herbs - all this is used in cod liver salad in a classic recipe.

Classic recipe

This salad is not so easy to prepare, but it is worth it because of its unique taste. It is prepared in layers, and each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. In order to do it, you need to take:

First you need to boil the carrots and grate it on a medium-sized grater. Open the jar of liver and drain the oil, then put it in a deep bowl and mash with a fork to small pieces. Put the liver in the form of a circle on a pre-prepared shallow dish so that the finished salad looks like a fluffy cake.

The next layer will be onions. It must be peeled, finely chopped, squeezed out the resulting juice, lightly pepper and put on the first layer. Gently place grated carrots on top of the onion and brush with a thin layer of mayonnaise. To create the next layer, grate potatoes, add pepper, grease with mayonnaise.

Open the canned corn and drain the liquid. Put it on carrots and coat with mayonnaise. On top of the corn, grate or cut the cucumber into small cubes. This is the top layer of the lettuce.

Spread all the edges with mayonnaise and put the finished dish in the refrigerator for half an hour to infuse it. After that, remove and gently wipe off excess drops of mayonnaise. Make sure the salad cake is flat and ready to serve.

Salad in the shape of a snake

Such canned cod salad is on almost every table. It can be served both for a weekday lunch and for a festive table. In order to cook it, you need to take:

  • 1 can of canned liver;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • onion;
  • low-fat mayonnaise 100 grams.

To begin with, boil the carrots and eggs until tender. Grate the cooked carrots, leave in a deep bowl. Peel the eggs, divide into whites and yolks, grate separately on a fine grater. Onion cut into small cubes.

According to the salad recipe, you need to drain the oil from canned cod liver, and knead the product itself with a fork. Next, take a shallow dish of the right size and put the liver mixed with a small part of the mayonnaise. Lettuce is laid out in the form of a crawling snake.

The second layer is onions. Proteins are laid out in the third layer and smeared with mayonnaise. From above wake up with yolks.

Puff salad needs to stand in a cold place for about an hour to infuse. Cod liver in salads recipes can be replaced with canned fish, such as saury.

Light snack in tartlets

In the preparation of a light cod liver salad, the recipe is not a feature, it's all about making small portions into tartlets. In order to prepare a salad, you will need:

  • 1 can of canned cod liver (250 grams);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 lemon;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • salt to taste;
  • tartlets.

First you need to boil the eggs hard boiled, then put in cold water to cool. Peel the cooled products from the shell and crush with a fork to small crumbs. After that, put in a deep bowl.

Open a can of canned food and carefully drain the oil. After that, add it to the crushed eggs, mash again with a fork until the pieces are the same size. You can mash the eggs and cod liver with a fork and separately, and then add them to one bowl and mix, but in no case should you use an electric meat grinder or blender. After all, when using electrical appliances, you get a homogeneous mixture in the form of gruel, which is not necessary in this recipe.

Finely chop the green onion and add to the resulting salad. Lemon juice is added to taste. To do this, you need to cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it with your hands in the right proportion. Next, salt the resulting mass to taste and mix well.

Arrange everything in ready-made tartlets. In the absence of crispy baskets, the salad mass can be laid out on croutons or toast from black bread. Serve with hot soup.

Soufflé salad with Chinese cabbage

This cod liver salad is delicious, very tender and high in calories. It can also be served without a side dish. It is prepared in layers, and to impregnate the dish, it is necessary to leave it for 1.5 - 2 hours. In order to cook it, take:

  • 1 jar of liver;
  • 150 grams of celery stalk;
  • 3 sheets of Beijing cabbage salad;
  • 5 grams of gelatin;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar 70%;
  • 50 grams of mayonnaise;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

The first thing to do in this salad is to dissolve the gelatin in 150 - 200 grams of cold water.. After the mass swells, it is heated over low heat, stirring continuously, until the grains are completely dissolved. Remove the liquid from the stove. Mayonnaise, vinegar, salt and pepper are added to water and gelatin. The resulting mixture is placed in a cold place to thicken the jelly.

A jar of canned cod liver is opened and the water is drained from it. After that, the contents from the jar are transferred to a bowl and knead with a fork until smooth.

Celery is washed and finely chopped, added to the crushed liver. The products are carefully combined with the gelatinous mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed and laid out in a pre-prepared form. After that, leave until the jelly solidifies completely. To prevent the appearance of unwanted odors in the dish, when sent to the refrigerator, cover the form with food foil or film. Which option to choose - the chef decides.

When the salad has completely hardened, it is taken out of the refrigerator and the form is lowered into hot water for 5 - 7 seconds. Leaves of Beijing cabbage are placed on a dish with shallow edges, and the resulting soufflé is placed on them, turning the shape over.

Boiled eggs are shelled and the whites are separated from the yolks. Finely chopped green onions are laid out on top of the souffle with the first layer, then the yolks are rubbed on a fine grater.

To decorate a delicate soufflé, you can use protein and a little boiled carrot. To do this, carefully cut out flowers from three proteins and lay them in the middle of the salad. Cut boiled carrots into three parts and cut nine long sticks out of them. Roll the bars into loops and lay them, imitating the petals of a flower. A bright addition to the decorative composition can be fresh parsley leaves.

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Salad features and new ways of serving

In a puff cake with cod liver, it is important to take into account several nuances.

  • Of the many ingredients, at least one component must absorb fat. Usually it is boiled potatoes, rice or an egg.
  • Spicy recipes = greens and vegetables with a spicy taste - green onions, pickled onions, dill, pickled cucumbers.
  • And the color often comes from boiled carrots, yolks or dark sweet dried fruits (raisins, prunes).

Most cod liver salads are cousins. but in serving ready-made dishes you can dream up due to fine cutting of the components and the viscous texture of the main ingredient:

  1. Let's make a filling for stuffed eggs or tartlets from a homogeneous salad mass;
  2. We fix the mass with a slide on a bagel or put it on a small toast, getting a miniature canapé sandwich,
  3. Roll lettuce into balls to roll in sesame seeds or breadcrumbs.

Classic layered with potatoes and carrots

The first recipe - a classic layered and very tasty cod liver salad - will require a large dish and a detachable baking dish

Cooking time. Boil the ingredients - 30 minutes. We collect the salad - 20 minutes. We insist in the cold - 2 hours.

We need:

  • Cod liver (regular canned food) - 250-270 grams
  • Potatoes (boiled in uniforms) - 1 pc. large (200-250 grams)
  • Carrots (boiled) - 1 pc. large (200 grams)
  • Eggs (hard boiled) - 4 pcs.
  • Green onions - 1 bunch of medium thickness (adjust to taste)
  • Salt and mayonnaise (about 100 ml) - to taste between selected layers

How we prepare:

Briefly - step by step layers in the classic cod liver salad recipe:

  • Potatoes (tamp!) - Cod liver - Egg whites + mayonnaise mesh - Green onions + mayonnaise mesh (do not tamp!) - Carrots + most mayonnaise + tamp tightly - Egg yolks.

And now in detail - with hints and photos for each step.

Boil hard boiled eggs (10 minutes). Boil potatoes in uniforms and carrots.

To easily peel vegetables and eggs, immediately after cooking, put them under cold water.

We clean the boiled root crops and three on a coarse grater.

Chop the green onion very finely. Open a jar of cod liver oil and drain the oil. They can be seasoned with other dishes. Mash the cod liver with a fork to a comfortable paste-like consistency.

We clean the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.

How easy is it to separate the components of a boiled egg? We draw a knife across the egg, as if denoting the median circle. Open the halves and remove the yolk, as shown in the photo below.

We grate the whites and yolks - just like the rest of the components.

We take out a convenient tool for quickly forming a salad in layers:

  • Detachable baking dish
  • And a silicone spatula for dough, which is convenient to tamp the layers of lettuce.

An ordinary spoon will do: you need a little more dexterity

We will collect the salad in a baking dish (16-17 cm), putting it with the top smooth side down.

Distribute all layers evenly and gently press down.

The first layer is grated potatoes, which will absorb the fat from the liver and keep the salad from leaking and losing its shape.

The second layer is the cod liver itself.

The third layer is grated egg whites, on top of which we squeeze out a mesh of mayonnaise and, without pressure (!) Smear it over the entire surface.

When buying mayonnaise, we choose vertical packaging. If it does not have a convenient tip, cut off a very small corner so that the stream of mayonnaise can be thin.

The fourth layer is green onions: it is convenient to distribute it by hand. On top of this layer, you can also smear with mayonnaise, but you should not smear it and press the cut.

Fifth - grated carrots. We will lightly tamp this layer again, cover with mayonnaise and distribute it tightly (!) So that the whole carrot is covered.

The last - sixth - layer: grated egg yolk shavings.

Secrets of taste and stable shape

As you noticed, we use mayonnaise and salt to taste. Usually it is worth salting the densest layers - potato, protein, liver and carrot. And with mayonnaise, you can coat only those ingredients that are too structural (green onions, protein). Then the salad will not float, but appetizingly soaked in sauce.

The choice of mayonnaise is up to you. We use a classic (without additives) and light in fat sauce, because the dish is oversaturated with fats due to fish liver.

The result of the work is colorful in spring! We let the salad stand in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours to get the perfect ensemble, which is so easy to cut into portions, like a delicious cake.

Amazing with cod liver and prunes

A recipe in which everything is exactly the same as in a classic salad, but we replace the green onions with finely chopped onions and pieces of prunes. Do not be surprised! A custom twist with these sweet dried fruits will make this fish dish even more tender.

We take the ingredients and peep the processing sequence in the photo above.

Finely chop a small white onion and pour boiling water for 2 minutes to remove the bitterness.

Prunes (5-6 large fruits) are soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes, dried with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.

A layer of prunes with onions - in place of green onions.

The algorithm for assembling an amazingly delicious cod liver salad with prunes:

  • Potatoes - Cod liver - Egg whites + mayonnaise mesh - Onions + prunes + mayonnaise mesh (do not tamp!) - Carrots + most mayonnaise + tamp tightly - Egg yolks.

Paradox layered with raisins and nuts

This recipe attracts with a festive abundance of ingredients and an unusual combination of sweet raisins, crispy apple, hard nuts and fish liver.

We need:

  • Cod liver - standard can (250-270 grams)
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs. medium size
  • Hard boiled eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrot - 200 grams
  • Apple (sweet and sour variety) - about 100 grams
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 teaspoons
  • Hard cheese (for example, Russian) - 100 grams
  • Green onions - 1/2 medium bunch (3 sprigs)
  • Black raisins - 1 zhmenya (10-15 pcs.)
  • Walnuts - 2 squeezes
  • Mayonnaise - up to 100 ml

How do we prepare salad?

Grind the ingredients known from the recipe above, as described.

Soak the raisins in boiling water for 20 minutes. If very large, cut each berry in half.

Coarsely chop the nuts with a knife (or in a blender). Three large apples and sprinkle with lemon juice - for additional sourness of the salad and preservation of the light color of apples.

A piece of cheese is slightly frozen - it will be easier to grate it.

We collect cod liver salad with raisins and nuts in layers:

  • Potato - Cod liver - Green onion - Apple + mayonnaise mesh - Raisins - Cheese + mayonnaise mesh - Carrots + mayonnaise dots - Nuts.

Ideal for stuffing with egg and pickled onions

We need:

  • Standard can of cod liver
  • 5 hard boiled eggs
  • 1 small white onion
  • Light mayonnaise - to taste
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - optional

Cooking is very simple.

  1. Drain the oil from the liver, knead with a fork.
  2. Marinate finely chopped onion: add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar (9%), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, mix, leave until the juice starts up. Drain the juice and combine with cod liver. If you are afraid that the onion will be sour, rinse in a sieve and let drain completely.
  3. A bit of mayonnaise completes the picture - for a viscous consistency that holds its shape well.

In the photo - very tasty tartlets stuffed with the described salad. You can buy ready-made molds in every large supermarket.

This is the perfect cod liver salad recipe for stuffing eggs, canapé sandwiches or snack balls. For the latter, we interrupt the salad mass in a blender or thoroughly mash with a fork.

How to bread snack balls? Finely grated protein with dill, simply chopped greens, finely grated yolk, walnut crumbs, sesame seeds, crackers, grated hard cheese.

Piquant with peas and pickled cucumber

We need:

  • Cod liver
  • 2 eggs (hard boiled)
  • 3-4 sprigs of green onions
  • 2-3 pickled cucumbers
  • Half a can of canned green peas
  • A little light mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon

We prepare a very tasty salad quickly and easily: finely chop the onion, eggs and cucumbers, knead the liver and mix in a bowl, where we also add green peas. Season with mayonnaise - voila! Everyday ingredients, but festive piquancy and rich taste!

Traditional with rice, cucumber and dill

The composition of the ingredients is uncomplicated, the salad is collected in layers, each level is lightly smeared with dressing. You can add creativity and form the salad in portions in a transparent dish (tall glass bowl, wide glass or faceted glass).

For 2-3 servings we need:

  • 200 grams of cod liver
  • 2 cucumbers (fresh or pickled)
  • 1.5 cups boiled rice
  • 4 hard boiled eggs
  • Green onion to taste
  • 1 medium bunch dill
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream

Step by step instructions are given in the video:

OK it's all over Now. Today, very tasty cod liver salad recipes are over. Keep an eye on the light so you don't miss the next batch of step-by-step recipes with photos. Your visits are always welcome!

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In the culinary world, cod liver is considered a delicacy, and nutritionists offer it for medicinal and health purposes. And all why - because this product is just a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, and they are very well accepted by the body. The main vitamin that predominates in the composition of the product is vitamin A, it helps maintain good vision, normal brain and kidney function, strengthens teeth and hair, etc.

She still has many useful properties, but, however, despite all the advantages, it is harmful to consume cod liver in large quantities, everything is good in moderation. And it is advisable not to eat it just like that, in its pure form, it is better to cook various dishes based on it, so it will be tastier and healthier.

I cook cod liver on my own - canned food at home, not only because of the economy, but because it turns out tastier with my own hands, and the yield of the finished product is much greater than in a regular factory jar, which is not planned to be consumed in the near future, you can roll up and store for quite a long time, taking it out as needed, which is very convenient.

In addition, fresh cod liver is not at all expensive, it’s quite easy to cook canned food from it at home - it couldn’t be easier, the savings are quite significant, so I recommend it. How to cook cod liver at home - step by step recipe with photos.


  • fresh cod liver (2 kg)
  • salt (2 tbsp)
  • bay leaf (2 pcs per jar)
  • black peppercorns (2-3 pieces for each jar)
  • jars glass screw (four half liter)

How to cook cod liver at home recipe with photo

Rinse and put into jars

1. Put the cod liver in a colander and rinse under water, put it on a towel or clean cloth to remove excess moisture, add a little salt on top. We throw peppercorns and bay leaves into clean half-liter jars (they do not need to be sterilized), lay it out almost to the shoulders of the jar, but rather loosely, it is not necessary to ram it.

You don’t need to add anything else to the jars; during the cooking process, cod liver releases a fairly large amount of fat, which will be a good natural preservative for it. Canned food at home - a step by step recipe with a photo.

We put the jars in the pan, cook

2. Take a voluminous pan - I have five liters, you can put a towel on the bottom of the pan, put the jars there, cover, but do not twist the lids, pour water up to the shoulders of the jars, turn on the gas and wait for the water to boil in the pan. Then we reduce the gas to a very small one and leave the jars to languish in the pan for 2 hours. We monitor periodically the boiling of water in the pan, if necessary, add warm water. Canned food at home.

We twist the jars, try the finished product

3. When the cod liver is ready, take out the jars from the pan and immediately twist them, turn the jars upside down, let them stand and cool, then you can remove the canned food prepared at home for long-term storage. But, I think, nevertheless, you left at least one jar for testing, we will spread cod liver on bread and try what yummy it turned out to be.

Now we know how to cook cod liver at home and you have a strategic supply of jars for the right occasion, which will always help you out if you need to quickly prepare some kind of snack or salad.