Recipe for fried pork steaks. Pork steak - three signature recipes

23.06.2020 Dishes for children

Steak connoisseurs believe that this dish can only be prepared from certain types of beef. In our country, the culture of steak is just emerging, so the observance of all the culinary canons of cooking steak is rather exotic. In addition, others in food culture are quite controversial and not always justified.

The arguments of some nutritionists about the right and wrong meat are interesting. In the first category, they include chicken, turkey, veal, and pork, in their opinion, should be on the sidelines of cooking. Let's not talk about the motives that encourage people who consider themselves specialists to have such an opinion, but look back at our past. Our ancestors from time immemorial raised pigs and ate their meat with great pleasure. Moreover, such food not only did not lead to diseases, but also made people stronger and more resilient.

In the modern world, pork is no less popular than beef when cooking steak. Under the steak in this case should be understood as a method of cooking.

Pork and steak

America is one of the main contenders for the title of discoverer of the steak. She has great chances, because for Americans, steak is not just fried meat, it is part of culture and ideology. And for some, perhaps, a kind of religion. This attitude towards fried beef appeared for a reason, because the first colonists who arrived in the New World ate such food.

The use of pork for cooking steak was born in the vastness of our Motherland. This is due to the ancient traditions of housekeeping, which, of course, is reflected in the diet. According to the orthodox adherents of the classic steak, pork is not suitable for it. They believe that this is unacceptable and even blasphemous. However, no one can dispute the fact that properly cooked pork is soft and juicy. At the same time, the taste of the dish is excellent, and the benefits are obvious.

Meat selection

The dish can be prepared both from a whole piece and from a tenderloin. To get a juicy and dense steak, take the meat from the back of the carcass. The sirloin steak is drier, but much softer.

When choosing meat, attention should be paid to the presence of a natural casing. When frying, it will become an obstacle to the juice that stands out.

Butchers cut the carcass according to a certain scheme, so the neck, shoulder, thigh or chops are already ready on the counter. All of these are good for a steak. However, it happens that a piece consists of long fibers. In this case, the way out is simple: it should be cut across the fibers into pieces with a thickness of 2.5 cm to 4 cm.
The color of the meat can say almost everything about its quality. In fresh pork, the flesh has a light pink color. Dark red meat should alert.

If the meat has been frozen, then this is not the best option. It is desirable that the meat is chilled. Before use, take it out of the refrigerator and allow time for it to reach room temperature.

Pork that lacks stubborn or veined fat is not a good choice. The fact is that during cooking, fat makes the meat more juicy and fragrant.

Myths about pork

Pork is a hearty and healthy meat.

The opinion is constantly imposed that pork is harmful, especially if it is fatty. Everything is different, since a well-cooked steak from this product is a healthy and, to a certain extent, dietary dish. In particular, if a person complies.

The use of pork by athletes, teenagers, people engaged in heavy physical labor is necessary, as it is a source of protein. For other people, including young fashionistas who take care of their figure, and the elderly, pork is absolutely harmless. It is only important not to overdo it with the portion size.

A small piece can not only satisfy hunger, but also give a feeling of satiety for a long time. With regular and not necessarily frequent use of pork steak, the body is saturated with the necessary amount of amino acids and vitamins belonging to group B, which has a beneficial effect on all human systems and strengthens its immunity. Pork tenderloin contains an almost complete spectrum of trace elements. At the same time, there are no carbohydrates in pork, and the content of proteins and fat is 20% and 7%, respectively.


When cooking the same piece of pork using different temperature conditions, the juiciness and taste characteristics of the steak will differ significantly. Similarly beef steak, pork can be obtained with varying degrees of roasting.

When cooking meat for 8-9 minutes on fire at a temperature of 180 ° C, it is completely fried and there is no juice inside it.

To achieve normal roasting, the meat is fried at the same temperature, but for 4-5 minutes. At the same time, light pink juice will remain inside the piece of meat.

You can get a low-rare steak by raising the temperature to 180-200 ° C and cooking time about 4-5 minutes. The internal juice has a bright red color, although there is no blood in it.

For people who prefer to eat meat with blood, it is kept at 200 ° C for a short time - about 2-3 minutes. The inside of the meat is red.
Heated meat has a specific taste, that is, without roasting. It is cooked at the maximum temperature for no more than one minute. Inside the steak is raw, it is sealed by the outer crust.

It is easy to see the dependence of roasting on temperature and cooking speed. This is the principle of cooking pork steak. Using it and basic recipes, you can not only learn how to cook pork, but also improvise with it.

Basic pork steak recipes

There is a widespread belief that cooking a steak on your own will not lead to anything good, that only a professional with exceptional knowledge can cook it from special meat using a unique technique.
It is undeniable that cooking pork steak requires certain knowledge and skills.

However, you can cook tasty and juicy meat on your own. The main thing in this matter is the roasting time and the correct preparation of the meat. Chilled meat should be removed from the cold, 20 minutes before cooking. Or you should buy the freshest fresh meat. Next, the dish is prepared according to one of the methods listed below.

in a frying pan

The steak will taste better if you use a heavy-bottomed pan to cook it.

In addition to pieces of meat cut into portions, you will need oil, preferably freshly ground pepper and.

Cooking meat is carried out in a special grill pan or in a regular pan with a thick bottom. The dishes are preheated over high heat. At the same time, do not bring it to a temperature that leads to the appearance of smoke. A frying pan with a less massive bottom can only be used for frying filet mignon.

Before cooking, a mixture of pepper, spices and a pinch of salt is rubbed into the pieces of meat. Then they are lubricated with a small amount of oil. Oil is also added to the surface of the pan, with just a few drops.

Pieces of steak are placed on a hot frying pan without touching them with each other. An indicator of the required heating temperature is the characteristic sizzle of the meat. After four minutes, the fire is brought to a moderate level, and the meat is fried for another couple of minutes. The meat is then turned over. To do this, it is advisable to use flat tongs so that the surface of the steak remains intact. The process continues for 5-6 minutes so that the meat gets medium roast. If a greater degree of roasting is required, the cooking time should be proportionally increased.

The readiness of the meat is determined by pressing on it with your thumb. If the meat has retained suppleness, then bloody juice is contained inside. When done more, the pork will feel firm.

After getting the necessary roasting of the steak, you should not rush to serve it on the table. It is transferred to a flat dish or on a wire rack and covered with food foil. This is necessary for the steak to fully reach and acquire the full range of taste qualities. The dishes with the steak are left in a warm place, for example, near the lit burner of a gas oven.

In the oven

The dish is prepared from the same ingredients that are used when frying in a pan.

The oven is preheated to 200°C. On a baking sheet, it is necessary to spread food foil, the size of which is four times larger than the pieces of meat. Steaks rubbed with spices are coated with oil. The foil should also be covered with a small layer of oil. After that, pieces of meat are hermetically wrapped in it. The foil should have a few holes in the top to allow steam to escape.
The meat should be in the oven for 40 minutes, after which the foil on top unfolds and the meat is turned over. Full readiness of the dish comes in 10 minutes. Before serving, the steak should reach the technology described above for 5-10 minutes.


The products in this case are the same as in the previously described cooking technologies, but vegetable oil is excluded.

The brazier must have the required heat. Meat is placed on its grate, and after three minutes it is turned over. Further cooking is carried out until the required roasting is achieved.

Before serving, the dish is aged under foil for about 10 minutes. During this time, it becomes more juicy and saturated with aromas.


The ingredients remain the same as when frying in a pan.

The meat is rubbed with spices and oil. Oil also needs to be added to the slow cooker. Next, the device is transferred to the mode intended for frying. You should wait a bit until the oil warms up. After that, put the steak, close the lid and cook in the frying mode. This takes about five minutes on one side of a piece of meat and the same amount of time on the other.

little secrets

Meat for cooking a steak, unlike barbecue, does not have to be prepared. If desired, you can marinate the meat. Marinades that are used for barbecue are quite suitable for this.

It is desirable to serve the dish on flat plates or boards, which are supplied with a sharp non-serrated knife of small length. If the steak is cooked at home, and not outdoors using an open fire, then it is recommended to warm the plates a little.

Lettuce and fresh vegetables are the best side dish for pork steak.

When using the right technology for cooking pork steaks, the taste will surpass any other method of cooking this meat.

Useful video on the topic

When cooking a pork steak in a pan, you can limit yourself to a minimum of spices, salt and pepper. But if you want to bring out the taste of meat, making it richer and brighter, and the texture more tender and juicy, get acquainted with various cooking recipes and delicious marinades. The result is a juicy, soft cooked pork entrecote. However, a proper steak will not fry on its own. What makes for good cooking?

How to cook the right steak

First: you need to know what part of the carcass to take. The second important point is the marinade.

For cooking, it is better to take the neck part of the carcass. Carbonate, loin on the bone, tenderloin under the ribs are perfect. Take meat from parts that did not move much during the life of the pig, so it is more tender. An ideal piece should not have fatty layers. But if there is no way out, take with a minimum amount.

The secret of a delicious dish in a pan is in its quick frying. It contributes to:

  1. Slicing with a thickness of not more than 5 cm. The classic height of a piece is 2.5 cm, no less. For entrecote with blood, cut thinner.
  2. Slicing pork not along, but across the fibers.
  3. Piece temperature. The meat should lie down at room temperature. Cold pork will cool the pan, as a result of fast frying it will not work, and the dish will lose its juiciness.
  4. Remove excess moisture from the piece by blotting with a napkin.
  5. Fry in hot oil. This will quickly grab the edges of the piece, sealing the juices inside.

How to fry a classic steak in a pan

Keep the classic recipe for roasting delicious tender pork meat.


  • Sliced ​​steaks.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt, ground pepper, garlic (optional).

Step by step recipe with photo

Cut the pork into the desired thickness.

Dry with a napkin, pepper.

Splash a little oil on a piece, spread it over the surface of the meat.

Heat oil in a frying pan. Lay out the pieces. Fry 1-2 minutes on the first side.

Flip, fry the second for an additional 2-3 minutes. Crush the garlic cloves with a press, throw the gruel into the pan. It is not necessary to do this, but it will turn out very tasty.

If the piece is thick, I advise you to put it on the edge, adding a couple more minutes of cooking.

You need to salt the already prepared dish, removing it from the pan.

Pork steak in a pan with Korean soy sauce

They say that marinade makes pork delicious. It's hard to argue with that after trying Korean sauce.

  • Pork - kilogram.
  • Onion - ½ part.
  • Soy sauce - ¼ cup.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sesame oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Garlic slurry - a large spoon.
  • Green onion - feather.
  • Pepper - ¼ large spoon.
  • Sesame seeds - a large pinch.

How to marinate:

  1. Cut the pork into portions.
  2. Make a puree of garlic cloves, add sugar, chopped onion (half rings) and green onions. Pour in the sauce, pepper. Stir the marinade.
  3. Place the steaks in a bowl. Mix well, distributing the marinade over the meat. Do other things for 2-3 hours.
  4. Drain the sauce, blot the pieces a little.
  5. Heat oil, fry until tender. Sesame oil is expensive, so you can add it to the marinade, and fry in the usual, sunflower.

A simple marinade for pork steak

The dish is extremely loved on the American continent. The recipe that I offer is popular in Canada. That's what it's called - Moneral.

Would need:

  • Paprika - 2 large spoons.
  • Black pepper - the same.
  • Garlic and onion, powdered or granulated - a tablespoon each.
  • Coriander - Art. a spoon.
  • Dill seeds - a spoon.
  • Hot red pepper, ground - a spoon.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Divide the meat into portions.
  2. Make a marinade by mixing spices and seasonings from the recipe list.
  3. Rub steaks with marinade. Leave for a couple of hours.
  4. After the time has elapsed, fry in a well-heated oil in a pan. Choose the degree of roasting yourself.

T-bone steak

A very simple recipe for frying a juicy steak without removing the bone. Take pork from the costal part, this is the best place.

Would need:

  • Meat with bone - 700 gr.
  • Olive oil, salt, ground pepper.


  1. Rub the whole piece with oil.
  2. Cut with a knife in several places without cutting all the way through.
  3. Heat a dry frying pan without adding oil.
  4. Grill the steak on one side for 5 minutes (low rare).
  5. Flip a piece, cook the same amount more. If the piece is large, add a couple more minutes for each side.
  6. Mix salt and pepper.
  7. Take out the entrecote, rub with the mixture. Cover with a plate, hold for 5 minutes to infuse the dish.

Steak with herbs in a pan

Delicious spicy marinade with oriental notes.


  • Meat - 1 kg.
  • Oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt, thyme, dry rosemary, black pepper, basil.

How to fry:

  1. Divide the washed and dried piece into pieces, cutting across the fibers.
  2. Brush each with oil, rub with pepper mixed with dried herbs.
  3. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
  4. Roast until done. Be sure to hold it under a closed lid when finished so that the juices are distributed throughout the steak.

Marinade for pork steak

Proper steaks are prepared with a minimum set of seasonings. However, it has recently become customary to marinate portions before frying, so as not to be limited to one taste.

Not every marinade is suitable for pork. I offer the most successful combinations.

  1. Cognac, mustard powder, vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, honey. Reminds cooking pork, the recipes of which can be found in another article.
  2. Rosemary, basil, thyme, soy sauce.
  3. Soy sauce, ginger, garlic, sunflower oil.
  4. Dark beer, molasses, soy sauce, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, rosemary, onion.
  5. Garlic, chili pepper, olive oil, salt, white pepper.
  6. Paprika, orange zest and juice, parsley.

How long to fry steaks

There are several degrees of roasting. Many have heard of steaks with blood, weak roasting.

To understand the readiness, press the piece with your finger. Softness and suppleness speaks of insufficient readiness.

Video with a detailed story about cooking juicy pork steaks. May you always be delicious!

A steak is a thickly cut and fried piece of meat with thin streaks of fat. It goes well with baked, fresh or boiled vegetables and can be a great option for a family dinner. Today's article contains the most interesting recipes for pork neck steaks in a pan.

For the preparation of such dishes, it is desirable to use fresh and high-quality meat that has not been pre-frozen. Ideally, it should have small fatty streaks, giving it a special softness and juiciness. The selected meat is washed in running water, wiped dry, cut into sufficiently thick pieces and kept in a marinade made on the basis of soy sauce, mayonnaise, kefir, wine vinegar or any other ingredients.

As for spices, basil, coriander, cumin, rosemary and ground black pepper are best for cooking pork neck steaks. In addition, many recipes call for the use of garlic, celery seeds, thyme, and other seasonings.

Marinated pieces of meat are sent to a well-heated frying pan and fried until cooked. The duration of the heat treatment depends on the desired result. So, to get classic steaks, from which juice does not stand out, they need to be fried for eighteen minutes, and it will take a little more than sixty seconds to cook meat with blood.

Steak in lemon marinade

This juicy and fragrant dish has an amazing taste that lovers of well-done meat will surely like. To prepare it you will need:

  • 400 grams of pork neck.
  • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • ½ tsp ground garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons dried rosemary.
  • 1 tsp basilica.
  • Salt (to taste).
  • Vegetable oil (for frying).

Washed and dried meat is cut into fairly thick pieces, put in a bowl and poured with a marinade made from citrus juice, crushed garlic, basil and rosemary. All this is slightly salted and placed in the refrigerator. Not earlier than five hours later, future pork neck steaks are sent to a hot frying pan greased with vegetable fat and fried until tender. The best side dish for browned meat will be fresh vegetables.

Steak marinated in wine vinegar

Meat made according to the method described below is very tender and juicy. Therefore, it will be an ideal option for a family dinner. Before you cook pork neck steaks, be sure to make sure you have on hand:

  • Kilo of meat.
  • A teaspoon each of cumin and mustard seeds.
  • 3 bulbs.
  • A tablespoon of wine vinegar and vegetable oil.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, parsley, fresh thyme and ground pepper (to taste).
  • Vegetable oil (for frying).

Washed and dried meat is cut into approximately equal layers, the thickness of which is about two and a half centimeters. Pork prepared in this way is poured with a marinade made from onion rings, crushed garlic, salt, ground pepper, mustard, cumin, thyme, parsley, vegetable oil and wine vinegar. All this is kept in the refrigerator for at least two hours. At the end of this time, the meat is removed from the marinade, dried and sent for further heat treatment. Pork neck steaks are fried in a frying pan greased with heated vegetable fat until cooked. Serve them with baked potatoes or any vegetable salad.

Steaks in mustard marinade

It is fragrant and will surely please even the most discerning gourmets. Under its appetizing crust hides a tender pulp that goes well with almost all side dishes. Therefore, such necks can become a worthy decoration of any feast. To prepare them you will need:

  • 600 grams of meat.
  • Large bulb.
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.
  • 30 grams of mustard.
  • Salt, black and red pepper (to taste).

Pre-washed and wiped dry meat is cut into one and a half centimeter layers. The resulting pieces are salted, peppered, smeared with mustard and left for at least an hour. Then the marinated meat is laid out in a hot frying pan, greased with vegetable fat, and fried for three minutes on each side over high heat. Then the gas pressure is reduced, and onion half rings are added to the steaks and stewed all together in a closed frying pan. After five or seven minutes, they are removed from the stove and served at the table.

Steaks in cognac marinade

We draw your attention to pork neck steaks, which allows you to cook a moderately spicy and very aromatic dish. To play it, you must have at hand:

  • 200 milliliters of not too expensive cognac.
  • 2 raw steaks.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt, thyme and pepper (to taste).
  • Olive oil.

Before frying the pork neck steaks, the pieces of meat are washed in cold water and dried with paper towels. Then they are laid out in a suitable bowl and combined with crushed garlic, salt, thyme and ground pepper. All this is poured with half of the existing cognac and a teaspoon of olive oil. After a couple of hours, the pieces of meat are removed from the marinade, blotted and placed in a heated frying pan, which already has a little vegetable fat. Fry the steaks over medium heat, not forgetting to periodically turn over. They are served with a sauce made from the leftover cognac, warmed up with the juice in which the meat was cooked, and half a glass of water.

Steaks in kefir marinade

Using the technology below, incredibly tasty and tender meat is obtained. But it is prepared using a minimum set of spices, which means it is optimally suited for a family dinner. Before you cook pork neck steaks, be sure to double-check whether you have everything you need at your disposal. In this case, you will need:

  • 500 milliliters of 1% kefir.
  • Kilo of meat.
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper (to taste).

Thoroughly washed and dried meat is cut into fairly thick layers. Then they are rubbed with salt and spices and placed in a container filled with the required amount of kefir. After a few hours, the pork steaks are laid out on a dry hot frying pan and fried until cooked, not forgetting to periodically turn over. Browned juicy meat is served with any fresh vegetables or boiled potatoes.

Steaks marinated in soy sauce

According to the recipe below, you can relatively quickly and easily prepare a delicious and fragrant dinner for the whole family. To do this, you should have at hand:

  • 220 grams of pork neck.
  • Half a lemon.
  • Small bulb.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 15 milliliters of olive oil.
  • Chilli.
  • 10 milliliters of soy sauce.
  • Salt, lavrushka and (to taste).

It is desirable to start the process with the preparation of the marinade. To do this, spices, juice of half a lemon, grated onion, crushed garlic, crushed bay leaves, a pinch of salt, soy sauce and chopped chili are combined in a deep bowl. All mix well and pour the required amount of olive oil. In the resulting marinade, pre-washed meat, cut into rather thick layers, is immersed. All this is cleaned in the refrigerator for at least an hour. We cook pork neck steaks in a hot thick-bottomed frying pan, lightly greased with vegetable fat. The duration of heat treatment depends on the thickness of the pieces.

Steaks with cherry tomatoes

This recipe will surely interest busy housewives who have to combine work and housekeeping. It allows you to cook delicious meat with a vegetable side dish as quickly as possible. To implement it, you will need:

  • 600 grams of pork neck.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • 180 grams of cherry tomatoes.
  • ¼ pack of butter.
  • Salt, coriander, ground and hot pepper (to taste).
  • Olive oil.

Washed and dried pork is cut into layers, the thickness of which is about two centimeters. Each of them is rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices, and then left for a few minutes. After some time, they are fried in a hot frying pan, greased with olive oil. Lightly crushed garlic cloves and cherry tomatoes are added to the browned steaks. all this is heated over low heat for two minutes. Then spread the butter in a common frying pan and wait until it melts.

Initially, beef was considered the main ingredient of the steak. But lovers and admirers of this dish claim that pork is easier to cook and can be marinated in different compositions, getting new shades of taste.

Pork steak - cooking secrets

Pork steak, the recipes of which are presented below, is easy to cook. Just remember a few rules:

  • It is recommended to use exceptional fresh meat for cooking;
  • The meat is allowed to come to room temperature before frying;
  • If you are cooking a frozen pork steak, leave the meat overnight on the top shelf of the refrigerator;
  • To dry the meat from excess moisture, use a paper or clean woven towel;
  • The optimal piece thickness for a pork steak is 2.5-4 cm;
  • Divide a piece of meat into portions across the fibers;
  • The finished steak is served on heated plates.

All recipes for pork steak say that you need to have a grill pan for cooking (for lack of it, you can use any heavy pan). So the heat is distributed evenly, which means that the meat is fried as it should.

Juicy pork steak | Charm Lady

The most important thing in frying is to put the steak in the pan at the right temperature. It should be very high, but without the appearance of smoke from burning oil. The hiss of a steak that has fallen to the bottom of the dish indicates the correct temperature. When the meat is “sealed” and has acquired the first crust, the fire on the stove can be reduced. After that, the appearance and degree of readiness are brought to the desired.

After heat treatment, the meat should be allowed to rest (5-10 minutes is enough). Such a rest will give and add juiciness and characteristic notes to the dish.

Pork steak - three recipes with photos

The first recipe for pork steak in a pan is for connoisseurs of the taste of spicy herbs. Healthy, fragrant and tasty rosemary and lavender will emphasize the taste of juicy meat.

Pork steak with lavender and rosemary


  • 4 servings of pork steak;
  • 0.5 st. olive oil;
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh or dried lavender;
  • 2-3 sprigs of fresh or dried rosemary;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper (freshly ground)
  • 0.5 tsp salt (it is recommended to use sea salt);
  • zest of one large lemon.

Cooking: If you use fresh herbs, you need to activate essential oils in them. It is better to do this in advance. Herbs can be beaten off with a meat mallet, rolled out with a rolling pin for dough, or simply pressed tightly with the bottom of the pan several times. Then the spices are combined with the oil and brought to a boil. Five minutes on low heat will be enough for the oil to be saturated with the aroma of herbs.

In the oil, which has cooled to room temperature, add the remaining ingredients and then send the meat to the marinade. 20 minutes is enough for the steaks to take the right amount of flavor from the dressing.

Average cooking time is 10 to 15 minutes per side.

Pork steak in the oven

Pork steak can be easily cooked in the oven. A more dietary option for those who want to eat a steak and save their figure.

Compound(based on 4 people):

  • pork neck - 1 kg.
  • onions - 3-4 (medium size)
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • thyme - 1-2 sprigs
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp
  • cumin - 1 tsp
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil (for marinade) - 1 tbsp.
  • sea ​​salt and coarse black pepper - to taste.

Cooking: For this pork steak recipe in the oven, you need to marinate the onion in advance. Cut it into medium-sized rings and mix with the marinade. To prepare the marinade, all the ingredients of the recipe must be ground (use a mortar, blender, or place in a plastic bag and beat with a rolling pin). Stir the onion placed in the marinade and leave until it absorbs all the flavors.

Next, you need to marinate the steaks themselves. In a suitable dish that can fit in the refrigerator, layer onion (1st and 3rd layer) and meat (2nd layer). The minimum marinating time is a few hours, the optimal is a whole night.

Before being sent to the pan, the meat must be freed from onions, dried with a paper or woven towel and generously greased with vegetable oil.

Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. You can also cook in a pan, while using a little oil, fry the steak on both sides (about a minute on each side).

Steak with mustard in a pan

Pork steak in pan |

This pork steak recipe can be cooked in a regular frying pan. Photos of the finished dish prove that without the characteristic stripes, the meat looks just as good. The steak is prepared quite quickly and is not difficult at all.


  • 600 gr. pork tenderloin
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 30 gr. mustard
  • to taste red and black ground pepper and sea salt.

Cooking: dry thoroughly washed meat with a woven or paper towel. Cut into portions and lightly beat off (it is advisable to use a rolling pin or a wooden mallet). Salt and pepper on both sides. Send to a bowl and add mustard. Mix thoroughly and leave to soak for an hour.

Fry in vegetable oil on both sides for no more than 4 minutes. After frying on the second side, add onion half rings to the pan and leave to simmer all together for about 3-5 minutes.

Steak is a cult American dish, it is in this country that they love and know how to cook steaks. However, the dish was not invented on a distant continent, at least, judging by the name, the word "steak" comes from the Old Norse "fry".

A traditional steak is a thick piece of meat cut across the grain from an animal carcass. Usually, beef is used for cooking, less often veal.

In Russia, a steak is often made from pork, since such meat is easier to purchase in the distribution network, in addition, it is easier to prepare, which greatly reduces the risk of ruining the dish.

Pork steak - food preparation

In order for the steak to turn out to be truly tasty and juicy, you should carefully prepare the products.

Marinate the meat in spices (garlic, onion, spices), salt and olive oil), put in a container and refrigerate for several hours (you can leave the pork overnight).

Before placing the meat on the grill over the fire or in the pan, be sure to let it lie down for at least 30 minutes at room temperature so that the pork warms up well and then evenly fried.

Pork steak - preparing dishes

The container for marinating the steak should not be aluminum, otherwise the meat will acquire a special flavor. For frying meat, you can use a frying pan or a grill. If the pork is cooked on the stove, sprinkle the pan with olive or sesame oil (vegetable oil is not recommended). The meat must be laid out in a carefully heated dish, otherwise the cooking technology will be violated and the meat will turn out tough.

Recipe 1: Kefir Pork Steak

Kefir makes the meat much softer, so its use is very important when cooking a steak.

- 1 kilogram of pork neck;
- 1/2 liter of kefir;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method

We beat the steaks, coat them with spices and salt, put them in a deep container, add kefir. The meat should be marinated in kefir for several hours, after which it should be put in a frying pan (vegetable oil should not be used, the meat will not burn, because it is perfectly "saturated" with kefir).

Fry the pork on high heat, a few minutes on each side, constantly turning over. If the meat starts to burn, add a little kefir.

To determine the readiness of pork, you can make a small incision, the steak juice should be transparent.

Recipe 2: Pork Steak with Ribs

It is not at all necessary to use the loin of pork for cooking a steak, you can take meat with a bone.

- 1 kilogram of pork with ribs;
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
- 2-3 tablespoons of sesame oil;
- ground black pepper;
- red ground pepper;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 2 tablespoons of ketchup;
- 1 hot pepper;
- Dill;
- salt.

Cooking method

We cut the pork, the thickness of the meat should be equal to the width of the rib.

We prepare a marinade from sesame oil, lemon juice and salt.
Thoroughly lubricate the pork with marinade and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

We prepare a hot seasoning of garlic (we pass through the garlic), ketchup, hot pepper (remove the seeds and finely chop), herbs.

Half an hour after the steaks were taken out of the refrigerator and smeared with hot seasoning, put them in a frying pan, fry for about five minutes.

While the meat is roasting, preheat the oven. Transfer the steaks to a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Recipe 3: Pork Steaks with Mayonnaise and Garlic Sauce

Tender pork meat is perfectly complemented by mayonnaise and cheese.

Meat Ingredients:
- 1 kilogram of pork;
- 2 onions;
- 1/2 teaspoon hot pepper;
- spices (curry, rosemary);
- olive oil;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Sauce Ingredients:
- 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method

Cut the meat into pieces for steaks, salt, fry in olive oil until a crust appears. Remove the pork from the pan, pepper, rub with seasonings, bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the steaks from the oven, grease each with a sauce made from mayonnaise, cheese, garlic and pepper, bake until a golden crust appears.

  • Not all meats are suitable for cooking steaks. Experts recommend using back stegnyaks, they consist of several muscles, such meat has a more attractive texture, it is soft, juicy and fragrant.
  • The ideal thickness of meat for steaks is from 3 to 5 centimeters.
  • The steak should not be kept on fire for a long time so that it turns out with blood, 1-2 minutes of frying on each side is enough, the average level of frying is 3 minutes, 4 minutes is enough to get a well-done meat.
  • After the meat is removed from the heat, it must be allowed to stand for 5-10 minutes (cover with foil).
  • Fresh meat is not suitable for cooking steak, pork must be at least 20 days old.