Oatmeal pancakes are a light dietary treat.

14.08.2019 Dishes for children

New believers in healthy eating are preparing to give up their favorite treats for good in favor of wholesome but unpalatable food. Fortunately, not all healthy foods are unsightly or tasteless.

Is a healthy and tasty alternative to flour pancakes.

How to eat pancakes and lose weight?

If, in pursuit of a slim figure, you had to forget about your favorite pastries, there is a way to make up for the loss. These are oatmeal pancakes. Both tasty and healthy, and the figure will not suffer.

Oatmeal is a faithful assistant for those who are losing weight and tries to get rid of cellulite. It is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and proteins, but not everyone can eat porridge all the time.

A breakfast of boring oatmeal will replace a pancake made of it, which is more pleasant both in appearance and taste. In addition, the recipe is so simple that a few minutes is enough to get an almost culinary masterpiece.

Diet oatmeal is very popular today and is widely discussed on social media. It's worth trying this miracle to see how easy it is to keep fit by eating delicious meals. The dish is satisfying, but does not cause a feeling of heaviness. One pancake is enough for breakfast.

Among other things, oatmeal during weight loss will allow you to avoid losing weight in your wallet, since the few ingredients of the dish are as affordable as possible.

How to make an oatmeal pancake?

There are many recipes for making oatmeal pancake. Here are a few of them:

1st recipe


  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt pepper.


  • preheat a frying pan;
  • mix all the ingredients and beat;
  • pour the mixture into a dry frying pan or oiled;
  • cook over medium heat with the lid closed;
  • when the pancake grabs on one side (after about 3 - 5 minutes),
    turn over and fry for another 3 minutes on the back side;
  • Put the oatmeal on a plate, put the filling on one half and fold the pancake in half.

The dish is ready.

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2nd recipe


  • 4 eggs;
  • 10 tablespoons of oat bran;
  • 50 ml of milk.

Cooking features:

  • beat the eggs into a froth, pour in the milk, add the bran and knead the dough;
  • fry in a dry skillet.

3rd recipe


  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 cups oatmeal
  • 4 glasses of milk or water;
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch.

Cooking features:

  • pour the flakes with milk or water and wait until the liquid
    will be absorbed;
  • mix the flakes with eggs and starch,
  • cook in a greased skillet.

4th recipe


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of finely ground flakes;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat bran.

Cooking features:

  • pour boiling water over flakes and bran;
  • add eggs;
  • bake as usual.

5th recipe


  • 1 egg;
  • protein of 1 egg;
  • 15 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 15 g of oatmeal;
  • salt or sweetener.

Cooking features:

  • break an egg, add protein, cottage cheese and salt or sweetener,
  • add cereal and milk;
  • fry for 3 - 5 minutes on one side and 3 minutes on the other.

Due to the presence of cottage cheese in the composition, the pancake will turn out to be softer and more tender.

6th recipe


  • 50 g of oatmeal;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 30 g of dried fruits (dried apricots or prunes).

Cooking features:

  • when frying, you need to take into account that the oatmeal turns out to be larger than the usual one.

Dried fruits turn the pancake into a dessert and make it even healthier.

7th recipe


  • 1.5 cups oatmeal;
  • 1 cup cheese whey
  • 2 tablespoons of bran;
  • salt and sweetener.

Cooking features:

  • mix the ingredients with a blender and bake.

The oatmeal will turn out to be delicate and thin. There are no eggs or milk in this recipe, which makes this oatmeal suitable for consumption even during fasting.

  • depending on whether you use whole oatmeal or grind them into flour, different pancakes are obtained (from whole flakes - more crisp);
  • instead of pancakes, you can make small pancakes from the same mixture, from which children will be delighted;
  • if you add 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa powder and sweetener to the recipe(sugar - for those not counting calories), you get chocolate oatmeal;
  • if you cook oatmeal without milk and cottage cheese it is drier and crisper;
  • as additional ingredients for oatmeal, kefir, sour cream, soda and vinegar are used;
  • other similar ingredients can be used in place of oatmeal or oat bran, for example, buckwheat flakes or rice bran, and supplement the diet with buckwheat and rice pancakes.

Only a lack of imagination or unwillingness to make a dietary dish too high in calories can limit the choice of fillings for oatmeal. Here are some great filling methods for oatmeal.

Filling for a sweet pancake

  • Jam with cottage cheese... If you stuff the oatmeal with cottage cheese mixed with jam (jam), it completely replaces the cake.
  • Banana with cheese... An unexpected but successful combination of ingredients for the oatmeal filling. Sprinkle the banana cut into rings with grated cheese.
  • Curd mass with banana.
  • Cottage cheese with apple.
  • Peanut butter with banana.
  • Cheese with persimmon.

Salted pancake filling

  • Cheese. You can put on one half of a hot pancake and cover with the other.
  • Chicken with cheese and carrots. Pre-boiled meat, cut and put on a pancake. Top - grated carrots and grated cheese.
  • Sausage with tomatoes and dill. Cut the boiled sausage into small pieces and put on a pancake. Put the tomatoes cut into rings on the sausage along with the dill.
  • Minced meat and bell peppers. Fry the minced beef and chicken and put on the oatmeal. Cut the peppers into rings and place on the minced meat.
  • Vegetables. You can use tomato, cucumber, avocado, or experiment with other vegetables.
  • Fish and cheese. Put boiled fish and grated cheese in oatmeal. Garnish with salad or dill.
  • Cheese with green salad.
  • Green salad with vegetables and olives.
  • Mushrooms.

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How many calories are in oatmeal?

Nutritional value and calorie content of oatmeal pancake depends on the recipe.

If the pancake consists of 1 egg, 1 protein, 15 gr. cottage cheese, 10 ml of milk, 15 gr. oatmeal and salt, it threatens the figure of everything 142 calories... Fat in such a pancake will be 6.3 grams, proteins - 12.8 grams, and carbohydrates - 7.6 grams.

Having information about the calorie content and nutritional value of the main ingredients of oatmeal, it is not difficult to determine how much the finished dish will "weigh" and choose a recipe. There are only about 36 calories in 10 grams of oatmeal, 1 gram. proteins, a little more than half a gram of fat and 6 grams. carbohydrates.

1 egg contains 85 calories, 7 grams. proteins, 6 gr. fat and less than half a gram of carbohydrates. In 5 gr. sunflower oil - almost 45 calories, 5 gr. fat. To keep the oatmeal as low in calories as possible, it must be cooked in a dry frying pan, without the use of oil, and recipes with the lowest egg yolk content should be used.

Oat pancakes can be one of your family's favorite foods. Because this is not only a healthy diet, but also just a delicious product. Such pancakes are useful for those people who constantly have to count calories while cooking - those who want to lose weight, as well as diabetics, athletes, dancers.

It is known that oats are less nutritious than wheat. In the recipe, part of the wheat flour is replaced with oatmeal. Sometimes products are baked entirely in oatmeal. At the same time, the taste of the dish is very pleasant, in no way inferior to classic pancakes. Especially if you use different fillings.

Classic oatmeal pancakes

Before you start baking classic oat pancakes, you should get acquainted with the features of the dough. Then the result will be great.

Of course, for those who value the dietary properties of oat pancakes, we advise you to use low-calorie foods - low-fat dairy components, water instead of milk, give up sugar, wheat flour completely. Forget about yolks, take only whipped whites for making pancake dough.

In addition, oatmeal pancakes are good for breakfast, because they contain a lot of slow carbohydrates that are absorbed by the body for several hours. This makes it possible to maintain energy for a long time. Therefore, oat pancakes are great to eat before strength training, not after.

Is it possible to completely remove the oil from the recipe when baking oat pancakes? If you are using a specially coated pan, the answer is yes. In other cases, even "Tefal" must be at least slightly lubricated with butter - butter or vegetable. You can pour a little oil into the dough, then you don't have to cover the surface of the pan with fat every time.

The spring rolls work well with a thin, elastic dough, so you don't need to add baking soda to it. If you prefer thick, spongy pancakes, then it is better to use baking powder. It should be noted that the oatmeal dough turns out to be denser than usual. Therefore, before cooking, it is required to sift the flour so that it is enriched with oxygen, the base becomes airy and light.

Pancakes with various fillings are a symbol of Russian cuisine, the arrival of spring, abundance and prosperity. But it is also a very high-calorie product that is completely unsuitable for dietary nutrition. What to do - give up the traditional delicacy, without giving yourself indulgences? By no means, pancakes can be dietary and low-calorie, only they need to be properly prepared from the appropriate products. What diet pancakes are made of and what recipes to follow - we will tell you in this article.

Important rules for making low-calorie pancakes

  • Even low-calorie pancakes are carbohydrate foods to eat in the morning. Best for breakfast
  • If the recipe calls for the use of eggs, ideally only take whites, and you can make a hair mask from the yolks. Beat the proteins well with a mixer
  • The calorie content of the dish will noticeably decrease if it is cooked not from wheat flour, but from oatmeal, buckwheat, rye, etc. You can also use durum wheat flour
  • Prepare low-calorie pancakes with milk from a low-fat product, or use milk no higher than 3.2%
  • For frying, choose pans with a high-quality non-stick coating so that you can minimize the amount of oil. And if you add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the mass, you can not use this product during frying.
  • If you are preparing a dish with a filling, make sure that it is also dietary. Do not use preserves, jams, condensed milk, sour cream, or butter. A light, low-fat and not very sweet filling will be appropriate here: low-fat cheese or cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast, fresh fruits with spices. A relatively low-calorie filling will be a mixture of apples, cinnamon and honey, or oranges and dried cloves - it will turn out sweet and sour, but healthy, and the spices will "deceive" our receptors. Just do not put a lot of honey in the filling, otherwise the benefits of pancakes for weight loss will be leveled. For the filling of apples and honey, fruits can be slightly baked in the oven - this is tasty and healthy
  • Do not add yeast to the mass - they will not add special taste, but the calorie content of the dish will significantly increase

Diet oat pancakes

There are many recipes for preparing such a dish, consider the most popular of them.

Low-calorie oat pancakes with milk

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal
  • Half a liter of milk
  • Half a liter of water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Salt to taste


  • Cook oatmeal in milk and water
  • Then we cool it and grind it in a blender, the porridge should resemble a liquid paste in consistency
  • Put sugar and salt, egg - mix everything well
  • Fry in a pan in olive oil

Diet pancakes from oatmeal on kefir

  • A glass of flakes must be poured with a glass of kefir and left to swell for half an hour
  • The flakes can be pre-ground to make oatmeal pancakes - they will be more tender
  • Then you need to add 1-2 eggs, a pinch of soda and salt, a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • Mix everything well and fry in a pan with the addition of a drop of oil

How to bake diet oatmeal - a simple recipe

This is not just a delicacy, but an excellent substitute for white bread. Oatmeal pancake can be used instead of pita bread for breakfast, wrapping a delicious and healthy filling in it. It is prepared very easily:

  • Grind three tablespoons of oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, which are cooked for a long time. You do not need to grind into flour
  • Pour the ground oatmeal into a bowl, add the chicken egg there
  • Mix well and salt to taste
  • Add three tablespoons of milk, mix well again and fry without oil

How to make diet pancakes without flour? Above, we reviewed the recipes without the use of "classic" wheat flour, replacing it with oatmeal. But there are recipes for "light" delicacies without the use of any flour at all: for example, it can be replaced with a banana.

Low Calorie Banana Pancakes

For cooking, we only need bananas and egg white. But this recipe requires certain culinary skills as the "dough" will be runny.

  • Mash the banana with a fork and add 4 egg whites to it
  • Mix well, add cinnamon or other spices if desired
  • Stir again and fry in a good non-stick skillet
  • You will get a completely protein delicacy, while moderately sweet and really low-calorie - 150 kcal per 100 grams

Buckwheat diet pancakes

Such a dish will be very healthy, satisfying, not too high in calories and rich in many vitamins and minerals. Buckwheat flour can be bought at the store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, buckwheat needs to be sorted out, rinsed, calcined in a pan until crackling and cooled. Now you can grind the cereal in a coffee grinder in small portions and start preparing the original delicacy:

  • Buckwheat flour - 100 grams
  • One large chicken egg
  • Warm boiled water - a glass
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Pinch of baking soda, slaked with vinegar
  • Vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon

How to make low-calorie buckwheat pancakes:

  • Pour the water into a large bowl and dilute the honey in it. Add slaked soda, vegetable oil and an egg there.
  • Beat the mass well with a mixer and add buckwheat flour
  • Knead until the dough is smooth
  • Heat the pan well, lightly grease with oil and fry the cakes

Cooking corn pancakes

  • Heat one and a half cups of milk and pour it into a deep bowl
  • Add a couple of chicken eggs there, salt, pour 3.5 tablespoons of sugar and mix the mass thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency
  • Pour 200 grams of corn flour in small portions, stirring constantly
  • We introduce 100 ml of vegetable oil and knead the dough well
  • Give the mass a little "rest"
  • Warm up a frying pan greased with a thin layer of oil
  • Before baking each "cake", the dough must be mixed - corn flour is granular, it constantly settles to the bottom of the container
  • Fry on each side for two minutes

Low-calorie pancakes on the water

This delicacy can be made from any type of flour. We will give you another recipe for cornmeal, which will be more dietary than the previous one.

  • Break two large eggs into a large bowl, add a little salt and sugar
  • Beat well with a mixer or hand whisk
  • Pour in 750 ml of warm boiled water and beat again until a cap of foam forms on top
  • In a separate container, mix a glass of wheat flour with a teaspoon of starch, sift the resulting composition through a sieve into the egg mass
  • Now add a glass of sifted cornmeal
  • Stir with a mixer or blender until the lumps disappear
  • Add 100 milliliters of vegetable oil and knead the dough again
  • Let the dough stand for 15 minutes so that the flour swells
  • Grease the pan with oil and bake

Lowest calorie diet pancakes

Rye pancakes, the calorie content of which is only 115 units per 100 grams, or 40 kcal in one piece:

  • Beat two eggs, adding a whisper of salt and 700 ml of water
  • Sift 150 grams of rye flour into the resulting mass
  • Add one spoonful of vegetable oil and mix well
  • Leave for at least 40 minutes to disperse the lumps
  • Bake in a non-stick skillet
  • Remember: rye pancakes are baked longer than "regular" ones

From bran and cottage cheese:

  • We take a tablespoon of wheat and oat bran, mix with 1.5 tablespoons of soft cottage cheese and one egg or protein
  • Pour the dough into a non-stick skillet and fry on each side

Diet pancakes on kefir

Whole Grain Flour:

  • Mix a glass of kefir at room temperature with an egg, salt and slaked soda
  • Mix with a mixer or blender, or manually - with a whisk
  • Add half a glass of flour in portions to the mass, then add a tablespoon of vegetable oil
  • Stir the dough until smooth, there should be no lumps - and let the mass stand for 15 minutes
  • Grease a non-stick skillet with a thin layer of oil and fry the cakes on both sides

Slimming benefits

It is always difficult to limit your diet, but if you sometimes indulge in a relatively dietary analogue of a fatty carbohydrate dish, the likelihood of a breakdown decreases. Moreover, the diet is not always celery for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you choose a competent, balanced menu, there will be benefits for both weight loss and health.

We have provided recipes for low-calorie diet pancakes, fortified with fiber and high in protein. Fiber is very useful for weight loss and overall health: it helps to speed up metabolism, gives a feeling of satiety and fullness in the stomach, cleanses the intestinal walls, and has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

Moreover, such pancakes have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, provide the body with energy and complex carbohydrates that a person needs even on a diet.

To bake low-calorie pancakes, it is not necessary to follow these recipes in strict accordance. Feel free to experiment: add stevia or honey instead of sugar, mix grated fruits into the dough, season the mass with your favorite spices. So the dish will turn out not only even more dietary, but it will have an original taste. And spices will not let you "get bored" even on a diet and will help speed up your metabolism. There are even diet pancakes with meat: you need to choose lean poultry meat, and instead of high-calorie sauces add the same various spices: a mixture of peppers, curry, ground ginger, etc. And don't forget to add fresh vegetables to these dishes.

Type of pancakes (without filling)

Calorie content per 100 grams

Oatmeal on kefir

Oatmeal with milk

Oatmeal in water without oil

Oat bran

No eggs and milk



Corn on the water

From bran and cottage cheese

Whole grain flour

Buckwheat flour


Probably, you cannot imagine a Sunday or holiday breakfast without such a dish as pancakes. Ruddy suns delight the eye and make you swallow saliva in anticipation. However, not everyone can afford to enjoy classic pancakes. They are known to have a rather negative effect on the figure.

Oat pancakes come to the rescue, the recipe for which we offer you today. This is a great alternative for the usual classics of the genre, only without the "harmfulness": butter, flour, yeast, sugar, etc. Most diets and principles of proper nutrition do not accept these products. Sugar is too high in calories. Pancake oil is very harmful. Yeast - will provoke intestinal problems. In general, the prospect for those seeking to lose weight is unimportant.

What is oatmeal?

This is a recipe for proper nutrition, a dietary one, according to which thick pancakes are prepared from Hercules flakes, thin pancakes are baked from oatmeal, oat bran is used to prepare a healthy PP dish for breakfast.

Baking called oatmeal is a healthy and tasty diet food that allows adherents of the principles of good nutrition (PP) to eat deliciously - eat pancakes and lose weight at the same time.

Calorie content of oatmeal, how many calories

Calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates - KBZhU oatmeal per 100 grams without filling:

  • calories - about 200 kcal;
  • proteins - about 9 grams;
  • fats - 9.5 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 4 grams.

How to eat pancakes and lose weight?

If, in pursuit of a slim figure, you had to forget about your favorite pastries, there is a way to make up for the loss. These are oatmeal pancakes. Both tasty and healthy, and the figure will not suffer.

Oatmeal is a faithful helper for those who are losing weight and trying to get rid of cellulite. It is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and proteins, but not everyone can eat porridge all the time.

A breakfast of boring oatmeal will replace a pancake made of it, which is more pleasant both in appearance and taste. In addition, the recipe is so simple that a few minutes is enough to get an almost culinary masterpiece.

Diet oatmeal is very popular today and is widely discussed on social media. It's worth trying this miracle to see how easy it is to keep fit by eating delicious meals. The dish is satisfying, but does not cause a feeling of heaviness. One pancake is enough for breakfast.

The benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal is a real find for those who are losing weight or just stick to a proper diet. The original dish is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Its useful properties include:

  • Appetite control. The richness of complex carbohydrates leaves a lasting feeling of fullness, making pancakes an ideal breakfast option.
  • Weight loss. A tasty start to the day is the key to a great mood. Prolonged satiation will eliminate unnecessary snacks until your next meal.
  • Cleansing the body. The fiber included in the composition cleanses the intestines, getting rid of toxins and toxins.

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

Classic oatmeal for proper nutrition

These pastries are especially tasty with a variety of fillings. But first you need to learn how to properly prepare the base. Ingredients: 1 chicken egg, 3 large spoons each of milk and oatmeal flakes (long boiled), salt to taste.

  1. It is very important to grind the rolled oats first in a coffee grinder. It should turn out fine, but not turn into flour.
  2. An egg is broken into a bowl with the prepared ingredient. The mass is kneaded and salted.
  3. It remains to add milk and bake the cake in a frying pan without oil.

Oatmeal stuffed

The oatmeal pancake according to this recipe turns out to be quite dense and it definitely needs a filling. In the season of fruits and vegetables, any salad or randomly chopped vegetables is ideal, and a filling of cottage cheese with herbs and cucumbers (fresh or salted, depending on the season) will also be good. Chopped fruits (berries, banana, pear, apples, etc.) combined with or without cottage cheese will make this dish almost a cake. Curd cheese, boiled chicken meat, lightly salted fish in any combination to your taste will also be appropriate.


  • egg - 1 pc.
  • oatmeal - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • milk - 60 ml.
  • salt - a pinch


  • Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with milk and egg, add salt and beat. We get the dough for oat pancake.
  • Pour the dough into a dry or slightly oiled frying pan and fry on both sides over medium heat. Damn rolls over well.
  • Put the finished pancake on a large plate, put the filling on one half of the oat pancake (in my case, cottage cheese + cream + greens + red pepper), cover with the other half of the pancake and serve.

Oatmeal according to this recipe turns out like a flat cake, a little thick, quite dense and dryish. That is why it requires a filling and is perfect for it: it is flexible and folds well. Without the filling, it is better to prepare the oatmeal in a different way.

The portion turns out to be quite satisfying, so you can divide it into two parts. The oatmeal itself has a calorie content of 165 kcal, a whole pancake "weighs" 250 kcal, and it turns out to be much less stuffed. The final calorie content depends on the filling. This is a quick and healthy breakfast.

Oat pancake diet recipe

Oat pancakes are not only a dietary, but also a very tasty and healthy dish that will benefit your figure.

To prepare these oat pancakes, take:

  • 1 cup oatmeal (you can grind ready-made oatmeal);
  • 1 yogurt;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Salt, cinnamon to taste;

Steps for making an oat pancake:

  1. Mix the milk warmed to room temperature with half of the yogurt and eggs. Add salt to taste.
  2. Add oat flour and stir in a blender until smooth.
  3. Bake pancakes in a preheated pan.
  4. Grease the finished pancakes with yogurt inside and fold them in layers, like a cake.
  5. Pour yogurt on top of our pancake cake, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Delicate diet pancakes can be served for breakfast and as a dessert with berries, fruits, yoghurt, low-fat cottage cheese and chocolate for children.

Oat pancakes with banana and almonds - recipe with photo

Another recipe for unusual, but very tasty pancakes. For them you need to prepare:

  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 30-40 gr. almonds (actually a handful);
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon;
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg;
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 1 tsp vanillin;
  • 1 medium banana;
  • 1/2 cup milk (can be substituted for soy milk)

Do you want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you

  • Heat a skillet over medium heat. For one pancake, you need to take less than half a ladle of dough. Make as many pancakes as fit in the pan.
  • Bake pancakes for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  • Diet oat pancakes with banana are ready.
  • Oatmeal for the Ducan diet

    • glass of water;
    • egg - 1 pc;
    • half a glass of oat bran;
    • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

    Making oatmeal according to this recipe is simple and quick: the whole process, including kneading the dough, will not take more than half an hour. This is about the same as indicated in the first recipe, but the calorie content is lower - 120 kcal per standard 100 grams.

    1. First, let's make the dough - you just need to mix all the ingredients and knead. The dough for oatmeal according to this recipe should be thick, this is important!
    2. Next, preheat the oven, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.
    3. We form pancakes with a spoon and spread on a sheet.
    4. You need to bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

    Even a schoolboy who does not want to eat oatmeal will gladly eat oatmeal. This breakfast will please both the always in a hurry employee and the girl who wants to keep the figure. For those on the Ducan diet, there is also a “safe” sugar-free recipe. The most important thing is that the dish is not high in calories and quickly cooks ... why not an ideal breakfast?

    Maslenitsa is ahead and you will certainly want to pamper yourself and your guests with home-made fragrant ruddy pastries! Read our article and find out how to make dietary oat pancakes, because you really want variety even in traditional cuisine. In addition to the fact that this dish is unusually tasty and really differs from the one we are used to from wheat flour, it is also very useful!

    4 reasons to learn how to bake diet oatmeal pancakes


    If you absolutely do not like oatmeal, and it seems that any cereal dish will have the same taste and texture, be sure to try making pancakes! Due to fine grinding of flour and frying in oil, oats will acquire a completely different flavoring shade - unlike either the sensation from standard wheat pancakes, or, moreover, the usual oatmeal.


    If the oven is based on flakes not instant, but those made from whole grains, then it is difficult to overestimate the positive effect on the body of such a dish. Coarse fiber cleanses the intestines, minerals and trace elements preserved in the membranes, make our body stronger and healthier. The feeling of fullness comes faster and lasts longer, which is especially important for people prone to overeating.

    One has only not to be lazy and look for what you need on store shelves. In an ordinary supermarket, oatmeal looks the least presentable and is usually quite inexpensive. It is also sold in specialized health food departments, where flour can also be found.

    Low calorie content

    Pancakes made without sugar and in water or skim milk can rightfully be considered the ultra-low calorie champions. In 100g there will be less than 80 units, which in itself is very little for flour baking. Of course, there are a number of nuances in their preparation, which we will discuss below, but if the goal is to get rid of excess weight, or at least not gain it during the Maslenitsa week, diet pancakes made from oatmeal are what you need.

    In many diets, including protein for exercising and even performing athletes, this dish is not the last, as it is a source of proteins and complex carbohydrates.

    Lean pancakes mean zero-calorie, but how to find out the calorie content of pancakes or how to reduce it, you will learn from our detailed articles.


    Despite the fact that the pancake taste of oatmeal baked goods differs from the classic one made from wheat flour, it goes well with both sweet and salty fillings. Pancakes can be stuffed with fish - canned or slightly salted, caviar, cottage cheese with herbs.

    And for those with a sweet tooth, try sahzam jam, fresh fruits and berries, and sweet low-fat yogurt. Well, for those who decided to cook oat pancakes out of curiosity, and not out of a desire to lose weight, they can safely add condensed milk, sour cream, chocolate paste and other goodies.

    So, admit that you are already intrigued and want to know how to bake a stack of an unusual treat or flavorful snack.

    All recipes are very simple, choose any!

    Diet oatmeal pancakes, milk recipe


    • Oat flakes - 100 g;
    • Skim milk (0.1%) -500 ml;
    • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • Sugar - 2 tsp;
    • Salt - a pinch;
    • Cinnamon, vanillin - optional.

    We bake diet oat pancakes with our own hands

    1. Pour oatmeal in a saucepan with 1 cup of milk and put on a small fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling, turn off and cool.
    2. Grind the resulting porridge into a homogeneous mass with an immersion blender or in a bowl.
    3. Drive in 2 eggs, add the remaining milk, add sugar-salt, spices as desired. Beat everything until smooth with a mixer.

    If you need to dilute the dough a little, add milk or add boiled water instead. If it seems that it turned out to be watery, just let it stand for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the oatmeal will swell even more.

    Frying pancakes in a non-stick pan

    For those who do not count calories in this case, we recommend that before pouring each portion of the dough, grease the bottom with either a piece of raw bacon - it gives an appetizing color scheme and an amazing crunch, or add a drop of vegetable oil - for a golden brown crust and juiciness.

    Put the finished baked goods in a pile and serve them hot with your favorite fillings!

    Do you want to get the result without messing with the preparation of porridge? Then our next recipe will do.

    Diet homemade oatmeal pancakes


    • Oat flour - 130 g + -
    • - 200 ml + -
    • - 200 ml + -
    • - 2 tsp + -
    • - pinch + -
    • - 2 pcs. + -
    • Baking powder - 1/2 tsp + -

    How to bake oatmeal pancakes step by step

    You can cook the flour yourself - just grind the flakes in a mill or blender, or you can buy it in a special store.

    1. Beat eggs with milk, sugar and salt until smooth.
    2. Gradually add flour, water and mix. Add baking powder.
    3. Pour a portion of the oil into the pan, heat it for half a minute and pour a portion of the dough so that it lies in a thin even layer. We do not make the fire too strong, otherwise the edges will start to burn, and in the middle the pancake will remain wet.
    4. Turn it over, keep it a little less on the back side - it is almost ready - and put it on a plate.

    We put the finished pancakes in a neat pile and serve with caviar, sour cream or slightly salted salmon. Since the dough is not sweet, this kind of filling works best with them.

    In conclusion, we offer you a recipe that even athletes bake!

    Low Calorie Oat Pancakes, Sweetener Recipe


    • Oat flour - 100 g;
    • Boiled water - 80-120 ml;
    • Skim milk (coconut or soy) - 150 ml;
    • Sea salt - a pinch;
    • Sweetener - to taste;
    • Egg whites - 2 pcs.

    Cooking your own dietary oat pancakes

    1. Mix the oatmeal flour with milk, beat until the lumps disappear, add sakhzam to taste.
    2. Then we gradually introduce water so as to achieve the desired consistency. Depending on its temperature and flour grinding, you may need it less or more - we adjust it along the way.
    3. Separately with salt to the peaks, beat the proteins with a mixer, spread the fluffy mass into the dough and mix with a spatula. Now we do not use the mixer, otherwise the air effect will not work.
    4. In order not to spoil such a delicately prepared dietary dough with improper frying, which will easily add another fifty calories to the pancake, we do it as follows.

    Before pouring the first portion of the dough, grease the bottom of a non-stick pan with a napkin soaked in olive oil. It's all. No more fat is needed, then we bake it dry. But this is not critical if you immediately fold the oat pancake four times or stack one on top of the other. Under the influence of temperature and condensation, the baked dough will not remain dry, but dietary - yes!

    As you can see, diet oat pancakes are easy to prepare, because we need the most ordinary products for them! Be sure to try pampering yourself and your loved ones with an original dish at the family table during Maslenitsa week.