How to cook sprat from capelin in a slow cooker. Sprat from herring in a multicooker

24.04.2019 Grill menu

I love to cook. But the most disgusting for me is to clean the fish. Just hate it! Especially if the fish are small. I usually entrust this exercise to my husband. But for the sake of such yummy, as homemade sprats, I am ready to accomplish the feat, ready to gut not only a kilogram of capelin before cooking, but even two or three. By the way, homemade delicacy turns out excellent and from fresh-frozen sprat or herring. Today we will learn sprats in a multicooker - a basic recipe, you can use it for any fish.


  • Capelin - 1 kg
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 glass
  • Black tea (brewing) - 10 bags or 7-8 st.lozhek leaf
  • Vegetable oil - ½ cup
  • Salt - about ½ tbsp
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Black pepper (peas) - about 10 pcs.


  1. First cooked capelin. Since the fish was frozen, it first defrosted it. Then she cut off the heads and gutted the insides. Carefully washed and left in a colander to drain the remaining water. She got butter, salt, tea leaves and spices. Put to boil water in the kettle to brew tea.

  2. I filled the brew with a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes to infuse (under the lid). You can leave a little longer - 20-25 minutes. Since I have a leaf tea leaves, I strain the tea leaves through a strainer. And if tea bags are used, then after brewing, they should be removed. Tea (it turned out straight teapot) poured into the bowl of the slow cooker. Poured salt, stirred, so that it sold. Infused vegetable oil and once again well stirred. Added lavrushechku and peppercorns.

  3. In the tea-oil mixture carefully laid out capelin. By the way, you can do the opposite - first, put a small fish in one or two layers in an empty bowl, and then pour the tea-oil mixture (mix in a separate container) and throw the spices.

4. Close the slow cooker (Redmond M60) and turn on the Quenching mode for two hours (the mode works without active boiling and boiling). Further, the "sprats" are prepared without me, but all this time I can do other things. After all, peeping and checking with the endless opening of the lid will only violate the temperature mode of the device. And as the cooking time has expired, then you can already have a look (sprats are ready in the photo) and try. So capelin is ready. MV off and leave the fish in the bowl until it cools completely. Where the bowl cools - in a slow cooker or outside - does not play a huge role.

  5. I put the cooled fish in a convenient dish (for me the food container is most convenient). At the same time I try to extract bay leaves (it seems to me that if left behind, they give bitterness). Pour part of the liquid in which the fish were extinguished. Keep in the fridge. But we eat quickly. Do not store for a long time, the most two or three days. Well, and, if on a festive table, then disappears instantly.

  6. Eat "sprats" as you like. Most often it is a variety of sandwiches. There are lots of options for them, and the simplest one is a piece of bread, two or three small fish on top, and a sprig of greenery for decoration.


  • 1 kg capelin
  • 200 ml of boiling water
  • 50 ml of soy sauce
  • 2 handfuls of onion peel
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil
  • 3 tbsp. black tea
  • 1 tsp salt (with a slide)
  • 3 bay leaves
  • on 5-8 peas of black and fragrant pepper

Sprat - a product that was very popular in the recent past. No holiday was complete without the notorious sprats sandwiches. Now they are cooked less and less, and the fish is really tasty. Of course, there is nothing easier than to buy a jar of canned sprats in the store, however, both the quality of the fish and the flavors and preservatives used in its preparation are in great doubt. But to prepare an analogue of the famous sprat is very simple and at home. For this, any small fish will suit: capelin, sprat, sprat. When choosing a fish, be sure to consider its size. For sprats, smaller ones are better suited, then all the bones will surely dry out well and will not be felt. When using large fish carcasses, it is necessary to increase the quenching time accordingly. We will gotvovit sprats in a multicooker from capelin. This is just one of the suitable types of fish for this dish!

The process of cooking sprats at home in a multicooker is extremely simple, not counting, of course, the time spent on preparation. But the result will exceed all expectations. Interestingly, the desired color and aroma can be achieved with natural ingredients: onion peel, black tea and the most common spices.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare the necessary products. Fish to defrost. Black tea must be taken without additives.

  2. Clean the capelin by removing the head and all the contents of the abdomen. Thoroughly rinse each fish under running water.

  3. Brew black tea with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Then strain, throw away the tea. Pour sunflower oil, soy sauce into tea, add salt, bay leaf and peppercorns.

  4. On the bottom of the bowl of the multicooker place onion peel, which must be thoroughly rinsed beforehand with sand.

  5. Top lay the capelin. This should be done carefully so that after cooking it is convenient to remove the fish and the sprats are smooth.

  6. Pour the prepared tea solution.

  7. Set on the panel of the multicooker the “Quenching” mode, time 60 minutes. Cook with the lid closed. Periodically, 2-3 times for all time, you need to check the presence of fluid. After an hour, without opening the lid, transfer the slow cooker to heat maintenance mode for another 60 minutes, then leave the sprats in the slow cooker until they cool completely.

  8. Fragrant home sprats from capelin in a slow cooker are ready to eat, you can try. Very tasty if you serve sprats on a slice

Sprat prepared in a multicooker, from my point of view, almost does not differ from the store to taste, but does not contain liquid smoke - a known carcinogen. In addition, with such a stewed fish, you can cook a variety of salads and it is perfect as a snack to any side dish. And even at cost, domestic sprats are much cheaper than purchased ones, and no special labor costs are required of you. Sprats in the slow cooker are prepared without worries - almost without your participation, so once you have prepared one in the slow cooker, you will definitely want to repeat your culinary experience. The only time is cleaning the capelin. Will have to handle every fish.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh frozen capelin;
  • 2 tea bags or 1 tbsp. teaspoon black tea;
  • 0.5 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;
  • 10-12 black peppercorns;
  • 5-8 bay leaves;
  • 150 ml of boiling water;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil.

Method of cooking sprat in a slow cooker

We wash the freshly frozen capelin in water and tear off its heads, grabbing the back of the head with our fingers - in this case, the insides are pulled out along with the head. Slightly undercut the abdomen and scraping all the black film from the inside, as it gives the dish bitterness. Doing so with all the fish, wash them again in the water.

We put the carcasses of capelin on the pot of the multicooker so that they completely cover the bottom with one layer. Sprinkle fish with black peppercorns and bay leaves.

Pour boiling water over tea bags and leave for about 1-2 minutes. If you brew loose tea, then it will need to be drained through a strainer so that tea leaves do not get into the cooking dish. Add salt and granulated sugar to strong tea.

Fill capelin with tea and add vegetable oil there.

If possible, cover the fish with a flat plate and put pressure on it. For example - a half-liter jar of water. Activate the multicooker board for the “Quenching” mode for 40 minutes and close the lid. Do not choose too powerful mode, as your sprats on it will be released. When the capelin starts preparing, you will feel the spraying aroma spreading through the kitchen. Approximately once or twice in the cooking process, lift the lid and look at the slow cooker to follow the cooking. In my Delphi, it happens that the water boils away too quickly and therefore you have to add a little boiling water so that the fish will not burn or stick to the hob.

When you hear a beep, sprats can be tried. Very carefully reach them with a slotted spoon or a spatula, as they become brittle. Sprats are tasty both hot and cold, but before you begin to tasting them, remove all bay leaves and peas.

Sprats have always been considered a tasty product that is present at every holiday table. Even those who did not particularly love the fish, never refused sprats sandwiches. They have always attracted others with their bright and rich taste.

Unfortunately, in our time, sprat manufacturers do not pay the necessary attention to the quality of their manufacture. Moreover, this question is relevant in relation to many products, including meat and dairy. In this regard, the real housewives master the home technology of cooking various products. Sprats are also no exception. The process of home cooking has many advantages and the main one is quality control. No one would cook for themselves from non-fresh ingredients. Everyone who does this knows that there is nothing superfluous that could harm their health, they are not supposed to use sprats, especially as regards preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemicals that modern food manufacturers are so fond of.

Sprats should be understood as a separate type of fish, but in no way a way of preparing certain types of canned food, as some “experts” believe. The name of this delicacy received from the name of a small fish, which is the source material for the preparation of such canned food.

You can use the following fish:

  1. Perch.
  2. Sprat.
  3. Baltic herring.
  4. Another small fish that does not have scales.

Before cooking the delicacy, the fish must be carefully washed and the heads removed, although this may not be done. In addition, you must have all the necessary containers and other tools and components for each recipe.

Sprat cooking recipes at home

Classic recipe

For this you need to prepare the following components:

  1. 0.5 kg of any small fish. Both fresh and frozen fish will go.
  2. A glass of vegetable oil, and any. The most important condition is rich aroma.
  3. One tablespoon of tea leaves, adding to it various flavors. Experience shows that the most interesting may be bergamot.
  4. One pair of bulbs, which should be juicy.
  5. Do not forget about bay leaves.
  6. Pepper - 5 pieces.
  7. Salt to taste. The ideal option is sea salt.

The best vessel for cooking sprats is a cast iron boiler. First of all, sunflower oil is poured into the vessel, after which it is well heated on the fire. While the oil is being heated, the onion is cut and the tea leaves are prepared.

After the oil has warmed up well, add fish and chopped onions to the kettle. After that, very strong tea tea leaves are added here with the addition of all the spices. And, finally, the boiler is closed with a lid and left on low heat. Cooking sprat lasts a long time. This is necessary so that the bones soften and when they are eaten they are not felt on the teeth.

At this stage of cooking, the dish has to be stirred quite often. For this purpose, suitable wooden spatula. Moreover, it should be done carefully enough to keep the fish whole. After all, the whole sprats, and not pieces, are served at the table, especially for the holiday.

When the product is cooked for a long time on the fire, almost all the moisture is evaporated. This is not necessary to allow and constantly add boiling water to the dish. The moisture level should be constant.

How to cook sprats in a multicooker

Recently, the slow cooker is very popular because it helps to cook any dishes. The most important thing is that you do not need to stand over it: you have loaded all the ingredients, closed it, turned it on and wait for the product to be prepared.

For cooking sprat in a slow cooker you need:

  1. Prepare 1 kg of peeled small fish (capelin).
  2. Brew strong tea: 10 packets per cup of boiling water.
  3. Take one tablespoon of salt.
  4. Pour into a glass (1/4 part) sunflower oil.

Cooking technique

At the initial stage, capelin is prepared: it is removed from the entrails and the heads are cut off, and then washed well under running water. Following this, tea is brewed and salt is added with sunflower oil. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Then the fish in order fit into the slow cooker and filled with a mixture of tea, oil and salt brewing. Pepper and bay leaves are also added to the slow cooker. Alternatively, you can use the purchase of spices, with liquid smoke. The dish is stewed for 2 hours.

To cook this delicious dish, you must cook:

  • One kilogram of sprat.
  • Brewing from large leaf tea.
  • One fourth of a glass of vegetable oil.
  • Coarse salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking sequence:

  1. The sprat gets rid of the entrails, cutting off the heads, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water.
  2. All fish is laid out in rows in a multicooker bowl.
  3. Brewed strong tea and mixed with soy sauce.
  4. Spices and herbs are added to taste.
  5. If a brine is prepared, it is added to the multicooker bowl. It should be enough to fill the fish completely.
  6. Quenching time is about 2 hours.
  7. After cooking, the finished product is laid out in any container, and preferably in glass jars.

To do this, the following components are purchased:

The main component is considered to be herring, which must be prepared in advance. To start it will have a little sweat in the oven or stew in a container. After that, you need to leave the fish so that it is present in its juice.

As additional ingredients fit:

  1. Salt and sugar to taste.
  2. Tea leaves are made from ordinary black tea.
  3. Liquid smoke for flavoring (as needed).
  4. Onion husks, which will provide the necessary, rich color and flavor.
  5. A little pepper and bay leaf are enough. Excess spices can spoil the whole product.

Simple sprats: cooking recipe

No less interesting may be a simple recipe for cooking sprat. What you need for this:

  • Peel the fish.
  • Sprat laid out in a baking tray. At the same time, you need to control that the fish lay tight.
  • Tea is brewed with boiling water: it needs up to 500 ml. At the same time, it should be remembered that tea in packets is worse than black leaf tea.
  • Tea and spices are added to the fish.
  • The oven is heated to 150 degrees, after which the fish with spices is placed in it.
  • Set the temperature controller to 120 degrees and stew the fish for 2 hours.

Interesting!   If the fish immediately begin to spread out of the pan, not allowing it to cool, then it will immediately fall apart.

As mentioned above, any small fish, including sprat, will fit for self-cooking sprat.

What you need for this:

  • 1 kg of sprat.
  • Any black tea - 3 tablespoons.
  • One glass of water.
  • Tablespoon salt, no top.
  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml.
  • Pepper is black and fragrant.
  • Vinegar - two tablespoons.
  • The first brewed tea with boiling water, based on one cup.
  • While the tea is brewed, cook the fish, removing all unnecessary.
  • After cooling the brew, add vegetable oil and salt to it.
  • The fish is placed on a paper napkin to dry out a little.
  • The fish is laid out in a slow cooker, backed up.
  • Sprat languishing in the mode of quenching for about 2 hours. Before that, you need to remember to add spices to the fish.
  • After cooking, when the dish cools, it can be placed in the refrigerator.

Advantages of sprat made at home, before purchased

In modern conditions, when all manufacturers are engaged in total savings, as well as replacing natural products with artificial ones, both completely and partially, cooking food at home is of particular relevance. For example:

  • Home product consists of natural ingredients, which can not be said about the purchased products.
  • Naturalness of the product is always guaranteed.
  • The quality of home cooking is always higher.
  • Homemade product is always prepared without the addition of various chemical additives.
  • As a rule, an expired product can be purchased from a store.
  • In addition, if you prepare sprats yourself, it will be much cheaper. And if you catch fish in a pond or on a river, then the price for this product will generally be minimal, with maximum quality.

Independent preparation of sprats does not require special skills, it is enough to set a goal and have the desire. If you cook sprats in a multicooker, then you do not need to follow the process. In other words, it will take a minimum of time.

Sprats at home is best to cook in a slow cooker. You can cook them in a cauldron or utyatnitsa, if you do not have such an assistant. I admit, I cooked them only in a slow cooker - simple, convenient and tasty. What more to wish for?

I found another great time when there were no problems with the quality of canned food. Sprats in the banks were of very good quality, although the price for them was not small. Riga sprats were considered the most delicious, the most expensive in price, and the most scarce. They were bought only for holidays, to make sandwiches with a slice of cucumber and a slice of lemon with them.

Later, I learned to determine the size of the fish in the banks. This could be done by a bar code, or rather by its first digit. I don’t remember exactly which number, but the fish really went in different banks of different sizes. The largest fish came with caviar, and in the bank of it about five pieces were placed at most. Such a beauty for sandwiches was not good because of the size, but it was great in the company for boiled potatoes.

Now the quality of canned leaves much to be desired, this is very mildly said. The price for them is transcendental, and what they no longer need is put inside. Even Riga sprats are not the same, it is felt that they are made with the addition of liquid smoke instead of natural smoking. Although it is possible that not the original reaches us, but a pathetic fake, of which there are a great many now.

In other words, I do not buy canned food for my family, if possible I do it at home. It is clear that this is not a real original, but only its similarity. But everything is natural and useful, and this is important. For example, salted mackerel at home I get just delicious, no purchased it can not be compared. So, who with me in the company - we will start! The recipe for home sprats for you!

Sprat at home recipe:

  • For me, the basis is any fish from Privoz - sprat, capelin, sprat - one kilogram;
  • A glass of tea (250 ml) - 3 tbsp. dry tea (black, filled with boiling water);
  • A teaspoon of salt (without top);
  • Vegetable oil (refined only) - 100 ml;
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. (if wine, then more);
  • Black pepper peas - 5-6 pcs .;
  • Allspice - 5-6 pieces;
  • Bay leaf - three pieces;
  • Smoked prunes (large) - 6-8 pieces;
  • Onion husks (washed and dried) - a large handful.

Sprats at home in a multicooker:

That's all, we easily prepared sprats at home. And, as far as they could, brought the recipe closer to the original. But, of course, this is not the original, do not forget about it. In any case, sprats in a multicooker are tasty, useful and inexpensive. And this is by today's standards almost the most important thing!

Good appetite!

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Sprats at home in a multicooker - a good and useful alternative to purchased canned food