How to layer a biscuit. Impregnation for chocolate cake: the best options, a recipe with a description and photo, cooking features

22.09.2019 Fish dishes
The best impregnation for biscuits.

Do you know how to soak a biscuit so that it is very tasty, not dry and fragrant? If not, then use these recipes.

Biscuit impregnation syrup
-Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
-Liquor, or tinctures, or Water - 7 tbsp. spoons
-Cognac - spoon
Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water over it. While stirring, the syrup is brought to a boil. Then it is cooled and aromatic substances are introduced: any liqueur or tincture, vanillin, cognac, coffee infusion, any fruit essences.

Chocolate impregnation
-Butter - 100 gr.,
- Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon,
-Condensed milk - half a can
The impregnation is prepared in a water bath. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan, put it on fire. And inside a large pan, put a pan of a smaller diameter, in which to prepare the impregnation.
Put all the impregnation ingredients in a smaller saucepan, cut the butter into pieces to melt faster.
To stir thoroughly. But do not bring it to a boil. I am using a mixer. Soak the cake with hot soaking, preferably a warm or hot crust.

Currant impregnation for jam cake
-0.5 cups currant syrup
-2 tablespoons of sugar
- one glass of water.
This impregnation goes for the Negro cake in foam. But it can be used in other cakes in combination with sour cream. The preparation of the impregnation is standard. Mix all ingredients, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until sugar dissolves.

Impregnation for cake
-250 g sugar
-250 ml of water,
-2 tbsp. Cahors spoons,
-1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved.
Bring the syrup to a boil, add vanillin and lemon juice.
Cool the prepared syrup.

Coffee syrup
-Water - 1 glass
-Cognac - 1 tbsp.
-Ground coffee - 2 tbsp.
-Sugar - 1 glass
Sugar is poured with water (half a glass) and heated until the sugar grains dissolve; the dissolved syrup is brought to a boil, coffee is brewed on the remaining amount of water (half a glass), which is placed on the edge of the infusion plate. After 15-20 minutes, the coffee is filtered and the pure coffee infusion is poured along with the cognac into the sugar syrup, which is thoroughly stirred and cooled.

Impregnation with green tea and lemon
Brew green tea, add lemon juice there. When it cools down, soak the cakes.

Pineapple impregnation
It is made with canned pineapple syrup. I do it by eye. Dilute the syrup a little with water, add lemon juice, a drop of cognac for aroma and on the fire for just a couple of minutes

Milk impregnation 1
Pour a jar of condensed milk with 3 cups of boiling water. Add vanilla, let cool, and saturate the cakes very generously.

Milk impregnation 2
Bring 3 cups milk to a boil with 1 cup (250 ml) sugar

Lemon impregnation
1 cup boiling water + half a lemon, cut into wedges + 3 teaspoons of sugar + vanilla. Gave it to brew, just cooled down. I ate lemons, used liquid.

Orange syrup
- finely chopped peel of one orange
-1/2 cup orange juice
-1/4 hour sugar
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer until the sugar dissolves. Reduce heat and cook open for another 15 minutes or until the syrup is reduced by half. Soak the cakes warm.

Cherry impregnation
Pour into a cup about 1/3 of the cherry juice, add 1-2 tbsp. sugar, 3-4 tablespoons brandy and top up with water so that the total amount of impregnation is about 1 cup. I calculated the amount of impregnation for a multi-level layer, if you make one cake, half a serving may be enough for you.

To begin with, the biscuit is tasty and tender in itself, and therefore you don't want to spoil it or "weigh it down". This should be our main task.

And a couple more "discoveries" that I myself came to or found in recipe reference books.

Do not rush to grease the cakes with cream while they are hot! This will not make them particularly tasty: the top layer will be saturated, but the middle and bottom of the cake will remain dry.

Therefore, our actions:

  • The first thing you need to make the cake soft and to retain moisture in it is to allow the biscuit to cool slightly after baking. Then it is wrapped in a film and placed in the cold for at least 8 hours.

  • Second - 20-30 minutes should pass between the impregnation and lubrication of the cake with cream.
  • Third! Sponge cake does not belong to desserts "a la guests on the doorstep" in any way. After we soak the cakes and before serving, time should pass, at least 6 hours.

I named all the main subtleties. Now you can go to the impregnations for the dessert themselves. I'll start with simple recipes.

Impregnation for biscuit from sugar and water

Advantage: always in stock. This impregnation is universal. It is basic and can be used to construct more complex and interesting tastes. You can add both juices, spices, and aromatic substances such as zest (except for spices, everything is added only to chilled syrup).

Recipe: Ideally, water and sugar are taken in a ratio of 6 to 4. For 6 tablespoons. water needs 4 tablespoons. Sahara.

  1. Heat the water;
  2. Add sugar to it. Stir gently to dissolve the sugar;
  3. The syrup will boil and immediately remove the bowl with it from the heat so that the syrup does not thicken and caramelize. Cool down.

This biscuit impregnation does not contain alcohol, the most common and simplest. Vanilla extract can be added to it when it cools down to room temperature to add a sweet aroma. But the main thing is that it goes wonderfully with any cream and crust: coffee, chocolate, citrus and fruit.

I have used this impregnation in many other recipes.

Advantage: Another basic universal impregnation. Here are just children to the cakes moistened with it, it is better not to let them. But for an adult company, good cognac added to syrup has a number of advantages. Of course, this is not a 2-in-1 drink and a snack. No. Then why is Algolol in the cake? The aroma and taste of cognac is very rich, it will decorate the biscuit, give it a piquant sophistication.
Another important detail. The fact that there is an alcoholic drink in the composition is more noticeable if a low-quality product is used. Therefore, it is advisable to choose not a confectionery brandy, but an expensive, proven one. Then the taste will be softer, more voluminous.

  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Cognac - 60 g.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook:

Put sugar in boiled water and stir. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Add cognac when syrup is at room temperature. Stir - and you can grease the cakes.
Most often, such impregnation includes additives: juices, coffee, etc.

Here are some recipe options:

- with coffee

  • Water - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • Cognac - 2 tablespoons;
  • Coffee - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

I used this impregnation for.

How to cook:

Boil 1 tbsp. water with sugar. Cook with 0.5 tbsp. water coffee, insist, then strain. When the drink and syrup are at room temperature, mix and add the cognac.

- With cherry juice

  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Cherry juice - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Cognac - 3 tablespoons

Boil water, stir with sugar, keep on fire for 3-5 minutes. To keep the juice bright and retain its taste, add only to the cooled syrup. Stir well, add cognac and grease. This impregnation option is perfect not only for, but also for.

- With lemon juice

  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Cognac - 3 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp

Prepare syrup by boiling sugar and water for 3 minutes. Cool and add cognac, vanilla and lemon juice.

Impregnation for milk biscuit

Advantage: Suitable for light cakes. Very gentle impregnation. And this recipe is the basis, you can come up with it yourself or take the already compiled impregnation options.

Recipe: I will give 2 options.

With milk

  • Milk - 3 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Stir and simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved. The cooled impregnation can be used to grease the cakes.

With condensed milk (I will give proportions for a large cake):

  • Condensed milk with sugar - 1 jar;
  • Water - 3 tbsp

How to prepare such an impregnation:

Pour boiling water over the condensed milk. Stir well and let cool.
Both options can be complemented with vanilla, cinnamon, melted chocolate, or brewed coffee.

Impregnation for jam biscuit

Advantage: you can take any jam: cherry and strawberry, apricot and apple. Both purchased and homemade will do.

  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • Jam - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Mix everything and boil. Cool and pass through a sieve.

Advantage: the wine makes the cakes juicy and aromatic.

  • Wine - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Spices - (any to your taste, for example, cinnamon or coriander).

The wine is heating up. Sugar is added. And it is boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved. Spices are added and removed from the stove, cooled.
The density of this impregnation can be adjusted. The longer the wine syrup is on the fire, the thicker it is, but the alcohol content is less.
This biscuit impregnation, the recipe for which I gave, is suitable for both red and white wines.

How to calculate the amount of impregnation per cake?

How to determine if this impregnation is enough for one cake and for the whole cake?

There is a simple formula: for 1 part of a biscuit, you need 0.7 parts of impregnation and 1.2 parts of cream.

That is, if the cake is 1 kg, then impregnation - 700 g, cream - 1 kg 200 g. But we don't bake such a big cake very often. The best option is a biscuit for 6 eggs. It weighs approximately 400-500 grams. So, to soak it, you need 280-350 grams of syrup, and 480-600 grams of cream. These figures are approximate, because everyone chooses according to their taste. Some people like cakes drier, others like more wet ones, and so that it flows down.

How to distribute the impregnation?

It is best to do this with a spray bottle (yes, you can start it specially for this purpose). Then the impregnation layer will lie flat, unlike pouring with a spoon. A brush will work too. In short, there is a choice.
A few words afterwards. Impregnation is an important part of the dessert; without it, the colors fade. Yes, and dry cakes are obtained if the cream is too thick or soufflé between the cakes, or soft cheese as an interlayer. Of course, it's still delicious, I admit it. But not bright. Therefore, I propose to be creative in the choice of impregnation. What am I considering? Whether there will be berries in the cream or in the decoration of the cake. And also, what kind of cream, both in density and composition. If berries (fruits) in the decor and / or cream are supposed, then berry syrup, fruit juice, if desired, some alcoholic beverages can and should be added to the impregnation. Checked! This synchronicity is very impressive! For example, this rule works well in the "Drunken Cherry" cake.

A little nuance. You know, some things only need to be tested on their own experience. How many have heard that it is better to soak light cakes with light syrups or milk. For dark ones, almost all impregnations can be used. But when I saw how unsympathetic the classic coffee-impregnated biscuit looks, I realized that the color of the cakes should also be taken into account.

The usual biscuit will be complemented by impregnation with the addition of honey, alcohol, coffee, vanilla ... The list is huge. And it is better not to stop the fantasy, let him suggest. For example, the aroma and soft aftertaste of lavender, zest, green tea, nut essence, milk, from canned pineapple syrup, etc. are interesting. do not play in discord. Only it is worth considering the consequences, for example, it will not be too lemon-lemon and sour-sour, if the taste of this citrus dominates everywhere. Maybe “smooth” it with heavy cream or butter?

I am always grateful to those who help to learn new things and not to forget old recipes! Show off your inventions and secrets, supplement the article, share and tell! After all, our goal is to make holidays and weekdays beautiful and incredibly tasty!

I look forward to your feedback =)
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Almost all confectionery products are prepared on the basis of a biscuit. The difference lies only in the thickness, density and the presence of additional components in the composition. We can safely assume that the biscuit belongs to the basics of cooking. If you prepare the dough correctly, the baked goods will be tender and airy. They supply the base with various flavoring impregnations, be it chocolate, lemon, mint, orange. The end result varies depending on personal preference.

Biscuit syrup: a classic of the genre

  • drinking water - 180-190 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 125 gr.
  1. Pour water into a saucepan, send to the stove. Set the heat to medium, wait for the first bubbles. Add sugar as soon as it starts bubbling.
  2. Do not stop stirring the contents, turn the burner down to a minimum. Now you need to wait for the grains to dissolve, then you can turn off the stove.
  3. Cool the impregnation to room temperature by slightly covering the dishes with a lid. You need to achieve an indicator of 36-38 degrees. Use a pastry thermometer for convenience.
  4. You have now sugar-based biscuit syrup. Favorite liqueurs, liqueurs, juice from berries or fruits can act as flavors.

Cocoa syrup

  • condensed milk (not boiled) - 175 gr.
  • butter - 90 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 35 gr.
  1. First, build a water bath. Prepare a medium-sized saucepan, pour plain water into it and send it to the stove. Take the second heat-resistant container, insert it into the first, resting on the handles.
  2. The bottom of the last container must be immersed in water. It is in this dish that the ingredients for the syrup will be placed. Now chop the butter into cubes, grind with cocoa powder.
  3. Transfer the ingredients to a saucepan, stir, and wait until thawed. When the oil takes on a liquid form, start slowly introducing the condensed milk. Stir, simmer until the first boil.
  4. Next, remove the dishes from the water bath, work through the contents with a blender or mixer. The syrup should rise and thicken. Cool the impregnation to the temperature of the cake, use as directed.

Coffee syrup with cognac

  • granulated sugar - 60 gr.
  • filtered water - 190-200 ml.
  • ground coffee (loose) - 45-50 gr.
  • cognac - 25 gr.
  1. Prepare a saucepan or brew coffee in a turkey. In the first case, transfer the free-flowing composition to a bowl, heat it on the stove, fry for 1 minute.
  2. Boil water in a separate bowl or kettle, pour coffee liquid over it. Set the heat to medium, cook until the first boil. When this happens, remove the saucepan and wait until the foam subsides.
  3. Repeat the steps 2 more times, then cover the coffee with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. After passing the allotted time, pass the drink through cheesecloth, we do not need thick.
  4. Pour sugar into the coffee, put it to boil again. Wait for the beginning of seething, stir. The sand crystals should melt completely. Check the composition for grains.
  5. When the sugar has melted, remove the syrup from the heat, let it cool to 38-40 degrees. Then pour cognac into the mixture, stir, proceed to soak the cakes.

Orange juice syrup

  • orange peel - 70 gr. (from 1 fruit)
  • granulated sugar - 60 gr.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 120 ml.
  1. Grate the peel with a medium or fine grater, or you can grind it in a blender / meat grinder. Transfer the shavings to a saucepan, add citrus juice.
  2. Put on low heat, cook for 3 minutes. After this time, add sugar, stir and simmer the mixture until the grains dissolve.
  3. Now boil the impregnation for another 8 minutes, the composition should become less voluminous. Increase the exposure time on the stove if necessary. Strain the syrup, saturate the biscuit cakes with it.

Strawberry syrup

  • fresh strawberries - 280-300 gr.
  • drinking water - 300 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 45 gr.
  • cognac - 50 ml.
  1. Rinse the strawberries under the tap, then transfer to a sieve. Let the liquid drain. Send the fruits to a blender, mash. Transfer the contents to 5 layers of cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Now you need to send the remnants of the cake into a saucepan, mix with sugar and water. The contents are placed on low heat and cooked for at least 7 minutes.
  3. This period is needed to dissolve the sand granules; without this, the preparation of the syrup becomes impossible. Next, filter the composition through a sieve or cheesecloth, you should get a homogeneous liquid.
  4. Add strawberry juice to the composition, stir and boil again. Let the impregnation cool to a temperature of 33-36 degrees, then use it as directed.

Lemon syrup

  • drinking water - 245 ml.
  • vanilla sugar (optional) - to taste
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 55 gr.
  1. Rinse half the citrus and puree with a blender or grater. Send the pulp and zest to a saucepan, add boiled water. Insist the product for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Now work the composition with a potato pestle so that the remaining juice comes out of the pulp. Strain the broth several times through cheesecloth. Pour vanillin and sugar into the resulting infusion.
  3. Turn on the burner on low power, cook the base of the syrup over this heat. The duration of the heat treatment is 10 minutes. Stir, turn off the hotplate.
  4. Let the infusion cool to 35 degrees. It is important to bring the impregnation to homogeneity. Grains of granulated sugar and vanillin should not float freely in it.

The biscuit syrup is based on water and granulated sugar. The classic impregnation turns out to be moderately sweet, not cloying. You can prepare it or use other recipes with the addition of cocoa powder, orange peel, lemon, strawberry, natural coffee, cognac. The syrup is often accompanied by liqueur, rum, currant or pineapple juice.

Video: impregnation (syrup) for a biscuit cake

Impregnation for a biscuit is one of the most important stages in the preparation of an appropriate dessert. With its help, ordinary cakes become softer and more aromatic. Together with a suitable filling, such a dessert will become the star of the sweet table and will be remembered for a long time by everyone present. Impregnation is a must for rolls and biscuit cakes, regardless of the chosen dough and cream recipe.

Preparation of the biscuit impregnation starts with regular sugar syrup.... To do this, mix ordinary water and granulated sugar in a saucepan, and then bring the mixture to a boil. If there is no time or desire to experiment with more interesting recipes, then this is quite enough for soaking the cakes. However, you can use more original culinary ideas. To do this, it is enough to add some aromatic ingredients to the classic syrup. Among them are all kinds of tinctures, liqueurs, fresh fruit juices, vanilla extract, brandy, etc.

Usually, such flavors are added at the very end of the preparation of the syrup, when it has already cooled down well. After that, it is enough just to mix the impregnation once and start forming a cake or pie.

Secrets of making the perfect biscuit soak

Although the impregnation for the biscuit is not the main component of the cake, it is she who gives it softness and juiciness. Various syrups will allow you to experiment with the taste and aroma of familiar dishes, making them more and more interesting. How to make a biscuit impregnation in one case or another, you can learn from useful culinary notes:

Secret number 1. Sugar syrup does not need to be boiled for a long time, it is enough to make sure that all the sugar is dissolved in the water.

Secret number 2. Before adding alcoholic flavors, the syrup must be cooled to at least 40 degrees.

Secret number 3. For 200 g of syrup, add about 1 tablespoon of alcohol (liqueur, cognac, tincture). This amount will be the most optimal, since it will give the impregnation a pleasant aroma, but will not cause an alcoholic aftertaste.

Secret number 4. To soak the cakes well with syrup, you need to let the biscuit brew for at least 6-8 hours and only then cut it into pieces.

Secret number 5. The syrup is absorbed best in warm cakes, so if the biscuit has cooled down, you can warm it up a little in the oven or microwave.

Secret number 6. When choosing additional ingredients for impregnation, pay attention that they do not contain dyes, otherwise the appearance of the cake will suffer.

It is difficult to imagine something simpler than this recipe. With its help, in literally two minutes, you can make a classic biscuit syrup and significantly improve the taste of your dessert. For a more aromatic syrup, you can use any flavoring agent, be it vanilla, liqueur, cognac, or fruit juice.


  • 6 tbsp. l. water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine the ingredients in a small saucepan and place over low heat.
  2. As soon as the mixture boils and the sugar grains are completely dissolved, remove the container from the heat.
  3. Cool the syrup to room temperature before soaking.

Interesting from the net

This recipe produces a very sweet and aromatic impregnation. It is favorably distinguished from its closest competitors by the presence of fresh strawberry juice. Nevertheless, this syrup is only suitable for those cakes, the filling of which is in good harmony with the berries. Before adding cognac and directly impregnating the biscuit, the syrup must be cooled.


  • 300 ml of water;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cognac.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse strawberries, peel and squeeze juice out of them.
  2. Put the remaining cake in a saucepan, add water and add sugar.
  3. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes, then strain through a fine strainer.
  4. Add strawberry juice to the resulting impregnation, stir and boil again.
  5. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes, cool to room temperature and pour in the brandy, mix again.

For a chocolate sponge cake, it is best to use a coffee aroma impregnation. It will most harmoniously fit into the dessert and will give it an amazing smell. Coffee liqueur will further enhance the effect, although if you wish, you can replace it with an alcoholic drink with any other flavor. Only ground, natural coffee should be used.


  • 2 tsp ground coffee;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coffee liqueur.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour coffee into a saucepan and pour over hot water, boil.
  2. Remove the infusion from the heat and let it stand, covered, for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain the contents of the saucepan, then add sugar to the remaining liquid.
  4. Bring the syrup to a boil again, cook for 3 minutes over low heat.
  5. Cool the contents of the pan, add the liquor and stir.

Now you know how to prepare an impregnation for a biscuit according to a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

To prove to everyone your culinary skills and personally establish yourself in the role of a rather talented pastry chef, you need to cook a sponge cake. Having ruined a mountain of products, we still achieved lush cakes, and now we have a new task - how to make the biscuit juicy and prepare the impregnation for it. In general, the role of this additive in sweet baked goods is quite extensive: it moisturizes the product and makes it more aromatic, imparting certain notes of taste.

Why do you need to soak a biscuit?

Almost every biscuit masterpiece must be wet processed. This allows, first of all, to save eaters from the need to choke on a dry cake, pastry or baba. Secondly, such measures allow to increase the shelf life of the product, well, and thirdly, the syrup for impregnating the biscuit is capable of both making the taste of the pastry chef more intense and bright, and veiling the egg flavor, because the dough, as you know, has quite an impressive composition. number of eggs.

To understand the selection of aromatic liquids for baking, you must first decide on the filling for our dessert. If in the future we are considering options with cream layers, then in this case our choice in the "wet" issue undoubtedly becomes syrups: vanilla, cognac, milk, honey and coffee.

For the same products where confitures, jams, marmalades and other fruit and berry sweet masses are used as a filler, it is better to take fruit, sugar and alcoholic syrups.

However, again, a reasonable question may arise regarding those delicacies that are a full-fledged product "without cuts", for example, rum baba or cupcake. In this case, what is the best way to saturate a classic or chocolate biscuit? Cognac and rum impregnation is rightfully considered the most versatile humidifier, so it can be used for such "buns" and even for a cake. In addition, coffee, honey and sugar decoctions will be a great addition to them, just like fruit syrups.

Impregnation recipes for biscuit

When taking the course of a young pastry chef, we must definitely master a lesson on moisturizing biscuit cakes, otherwise all our previous efforts and merits will go to waste. To do this, we must familiarize ourselves in detail with the options for preparing various syrups.

In general, if there is no desire to bother too much, then you can use the classic sugar impregnation for a biscuit made from refined sugar and water, taken in a ratio of 4: 6 and cooked until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved, and already based on this broth, add aromatic inclusions to obtain necessary impregnation.

To make a simple syrup, you can get by with vanilla or lemon juice as a flavoring. However, we are not looking for easy ways, so we will prepare each wetting consistency strictly according to an individual recipe.

However, it is not enough just to boil a fragrant liquid, it is also necessary to observe the technical parameters for processing biscuits. For example, an extremely important aspect is the observance of the time regime of aging of finished baked goods before wetting, which is about seven hours. If patience is not your strong point, and you nevertheless “sinned” by wetting the future cake ahead of time, then, alas, the cakes threaten to fall apart, and the product itself loses its attractiveness, and the taste characteristics “suffer” significantly.

In addition, the process of applying the aromatic solution itself is important. But first things first. First, let's take a quick look at the recipes for the most popular syrups.

Cognac and rum impregnation for chocolate biscuit with cognac

  • Granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Water - 6 tablespoons;
  • Cognac - 2 tablespoons or rum 1 tablespoon;

We heat sugar and water and boil a little until a syrup is formed, after which we turn off the brew and add alcohol to it. From the stated proportions, 300 g of impregnation is obtained at the output.

Impregnation for biscuit strawberry without alcohol

  • Strawberries - 300 g;
  • Water - 320 g;
  • Sugar sand - 50 g;


Usually, such a biscuit "humidifier" is prepared with the addition of alcohol-containing drinks, but not every parent dares to feed their offspring with such a cake, so we will prepare a harmless "sober" syrup.

We pass the strawberries through a juicer. Mix the resulting cake with sugar and water, cook for 5 minutes over low heat, then filter and mix with strawberry juice. Boil the fragrant liquid again for no more than 3 minutes and cool.

Coffee soak for biscuit


  • Natural ground coffee - 2 tablespoons;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Cognac or coffee liqueur - 1 tbsp;

Preparation of coffee syrup for biscuit impregnation:

Sugar must be mixed with 125 ml of water and heated until the grains of sand are completely dissolved, and as soon as the sweet liquid boils, turn it off. Now we will brew coffee in the remaining amount of water, and after boiling, set the Turk aside for 20 minutes, so that the broth is saturated with coffee aroma and cooled down a little. After the allotted time, we filter the strong drink, cool and mix with cognac and syrup.

Dairy impregnation for biscuit with condensed milk

Probably the simplest impregnation for a biscuit is made from condensed milk. Even a baby can handle this task. All you need to do is dilute a can of sweet, thick milk with 750 ml of boiling water, ennoble everything with vanilla or cinnamon, cool and process the cakes.

If there is no ready-made condensed milk at home, then you can prepare an impregnation from milk brought to a boil (2-3 tbsp.) And 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.

Orange and lemon soak for biscuit

Among all the exotic fruits, the most aromatic, of course, are citruses, and this is easy to see. For example, here is a great recipe for how to make orange or lemon syrup to soak a biscuit, it is ideal for a "tropical" roll or "fruit and berry" cake. For both fruits, the cooking method is identical, the only difference is in the selection of juice.


  • Freshly squeezed orange (lemon) juice - ½ tbsp.;
  • Chopped lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • Chopped zest of 1 orange;
  • Granulated sugar - ¼ st .;


Before chopping citrus skins, soak them in boiling water for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness.

In a saucepan, mix all the ingredients and put on the fire, where all this aromatic splendor will be boiled down at a minimum temperature for about 15 minutes. After that, we filter the brew in order to extract the cake from the peel, cool it and use it as directed.

Honey and sour cream impregnation for biscuit

How delightful is the combination of honey syrup and sour cream, together with such an impregnation gives the confection a magical taste and indescribable tenderness.

It is quite easy to prepare such a combination, for a syrup you just need to dilute honey in a small amount of water, the proportions should be selected based on the consistency of bee nectar. If it is quite liquid, then for every 2 tbsp. the product should account for 1 tbsp. water, the impregnation itself should be somewhat thick.

Having moistened the cakes, we now need to grease them with cream, which is prepared by mixing a small amount of sugar with sour cream.

Impregnation for jam biscuit

Jam, for sure, is in every home, and from this product, loved by Carlson, you can cook an excellent syrup in a matter of minutes, perfectly combined with butter and sour cream. Moreover, we have before us a chic choice of taste for the future impregnation: raspberry, blackcurrant, blackberry, peach or apricot ... what is just not stuffed with the pantry of the handy hostess.

We will need:

  • Half a glass of fruit and berry mass;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar;


  1. Mix jam, water and sand in an enamel bowl and put on fire until boiling.
  2. After removing the brew from the stove, we should strain and cool it.

Cherry impregnation for biscuit

  • Cherry juice - 80-100 ml;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cherry liqueur - 3 tablespoons;

This syrup does not need to be boiled, all the components are simply combined, mixed until the sugar dissolves, and then added with water to a volume of 250 ml.

How to properly soak a biscuit with syrup or cognac

Having prepared the syrup to their liking, many hastily rush to the biscuit masterpiece and begin to pour liquid into it with relish, mistakenly believing that the more soak, the tastier and juicier the cake will turn out.

You can't argue that it will turn out juicy, especially when the gaze rests on a real biscuit "blotter", from which a whole pool of sweet liquid remains on the plate, and the confectionery "monster" itself looks at a lesser mass "tired" and tending to fall over on the side. The picture, it should be noted, is not a pleasant one, especially if you remember all this thorny path along which we went to achieve beautiful, even and fluffy cakes.

Stop, stop, stop, curb your impatience, because we are almost close to the finish line of our epic. And for the result to be stunning, in a good way, you need to follow the instructions, which will tell you how to properly soak the biscuit.

  1. The primary task for us is to determine the state of the cakes, that is, we need to evaluate whether they are dry or wet, and from the observation results we can conclude about the amount of syrup that we need. For the "crouton" we take more, for the "wood lice" - less.
  2. The second point is the method of applying impregnation. Of course, the best way is to spray the syrup with a spray bottle on both sides of the crust. However, not everyone has such a device, so we will distribute the liquid over the biscuit neatly, a little with a teaspoon.
    The most important thing is the uniformity of processing, otherwise it will be completely bad if dry crumbs fall from one side, and Niagara Falls pour out on the other. You can also moisten the future cake with a silicone brush dipped in syrup.
  3. And the last thing. After full treatment with impregnation, the biscuit should be refrigerated overnight (about 6 hours). Naturally, it should be packaged so that excess aromas hovering in the refrigerator do not stick to our product.

Which syrup you choose for yourself is already a matter of everyone's taste, the main thing is that now we can, like real confectioners, prepare any impregnation for the biscuit and apply it correctly.