Soup fry onion carrots bell peppers. Frozen Fry for Carrot and Onion Soup

15.03.2020 Egg dishes

What is soup frying for? It turns out that this important semi-finished product can be prepared for at least several purposes. Vegetable sautéing is good in order to make almost any soup more aromatic and beautiful. To save your own time (no matter how strange it may sound now). The prudent housewives also prepare the stew for the soup. They do it once in a certain period of time. Then they freeze the cooled sauté in small portions and, for example, having come home from work in the evening, they can easily prepare any first course by adding a strategically stored soup ingredient in the process.

What is soup frying

A dressing, usually consisting of several vegetables fried in fat or vegetable oil, is frying. Also, this semi-finished product is called sautéing or frying. Despite its name, soup frying can be used in several other dishes. Its main task is to give a culinary masterpiece a brighter taste and color.

Its varieties

The main ingredients of vegetable sautéing (or frying) are onions and carrots. Pre-frying the onion changes its taste and appearance in a more interesting way. Carrots also look nicer and at the same time tint the dish golden. Soup fry, made from onions and carrots, complements pickle soup, pea soup, with noodles and vegetables.

You can add finely chopped sweet peppers to the general recipe, and then the dish will sparkle with new flavor notes. The same will happen if you squeeze a few cloves of garlic into a sauté sauté (at the end of cooking).

A soup frying recipe can also include tomato or tomatoes, raw beets - such a semi-finished product is good for making bright borscht. Pieces of bell pepper and garlic will also come in handy here. In general, by combining vegetable (and not only) ingredients, you can even invent your own recipe.

Simple Soup Fry: Recipe

First of all, we will learn how to cook the simplest frying. It only needs onions and carrots. You will also need a frying pan and odorless vegetable oil. We take all products in the following quantities:

  • carrots - half a kilogram;
  • onions - half a kilogram;
  • lean oil, no aroma - 100 milliliters (about half a glass);
  • the pan is the largest.

Cooking method

And now for the details of how to fry the soup. We clean the onion from inedible elements. We carefully wash the carrots, peel off the peel from it, chop it with a grater of any fraction. If you like coarser carrot shavings, use a larger grater. You can just chop it into pieces. If you (or your children) don't like the taste of this root vegetable, use a fine grater.

We cut the onions as conveniently as possible. Dicing is generally more acceptable in dishes.

And now we heat a frying pan on the stove, having previously poured all one hundred milliliters of oil to the bottom.

Which vegetable to fry first? It is believed that carrots are better. But this rule is true only when the carrots are grated or cut into pieces. Finely grated root vegetable is added after the onion.

Fry the carrots until soft over medium heat. Do not forget about stirring so that the vegetable cooks evenly. As soon as the oil begins to draw on the reddish carrot juice, it's time to introduce the onions. Pour it out and, stirring from time to time, cook over moderate heat with the carrots. When it acquires transparency and a beautiful shade (golden), turn off the stove.

We cool the finished sausage and transfer it to a plastic bag. You can use a plastic container to freeze the semi-finished product.

The method of using ready-made frozen onion and carrot frying is simple: cut off the required amount and put it in an almost ready-made soup. We wait for it to boil slightly for 2-5 minutes. During this time, the roast thaws and mixes with the main course. The soup gets that unique taste and beautiful appearance.

If you need to make a frying with pepper, follow the recipe and add pieces of pepper with the vegetable that we introduce as the second.

Fry vegetables for borscht soup

(or cabbage soup) is prepared in the same way as carrot and onion. But carrots and grated beets are added after the onion. At the end of cooking, a tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added to such a frying so that the beets do not lose their brightness. Add to soup and do not boil. Thus, your borscht will have a bright color.

A soup fry recipe for the winter can be a great lifesaver for working women who don't have much time to prepare lunch or dinner for the whole family. Having such a preparation, it will not be difficult to prepare a fragrant soup in 20 minutes. Well, the fact that at the time of harvesting vegetables is much cheaper than in winter, and the quality of vegetables leaves much to be desired, also plays an important role.

I cook absolutely simple frying, you can add other ingredients, I prefer to use onions, carrots, bell peppers and a little tomato. Sometimes I don't even put a tomato.

IMPORTANT: it is advisable to cook all the ingredients for frying in separate pans, and then stew together, since the cooking time for each vegetable is different.

Wash carrots, peel and rub on a coarse grater.

Peel the bell peppers and cut them into cubes.

I will cook the carrots and bell peppers in the same skillet as the pepper will let the juice out and allow the carrots to stew a little. Pour 2 tablespoons into the pan. vegetable oil, put the pan on fire. Fry the carrots for 5-7 minutes, then add the bell pepper and fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally, over medium heat for another 10 minutes. We make sure that the vegetables do not burn.

Cut the onion into small cubes.

Fry the onion for 5-7 minutes on the remaining 1 tbsp. vegetable oil until soft, it is important not to let the onion burn, otherwise the frying will taste bitter!

Put the fried carrots and bell peppers in a pan with fried onions.

If you want to cook a roast without tomatoes, then simply stew the vegetables for another 10 minutes before the liquid evaporates.

I'm making a roast with tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into very small cubes.

We spread the tomatoes to the rest of the vegetables and simmer the frying for another 15-20 minutes.

There should be no liquid left in the frying; pieces of vegetables will simply be enveloped in vegetable oil.

The soup fry is ready for the winter. We distribute the finished frying in small jars, previously sterilized. Let the frying cool completely in jars and store the workpiece in a cool place.

Delicious and aromatic soups for you with a wonderful preparation !!!

Vegetables should be of high quality, you do not need to take stale carrots or sprouted onions. So, for example, the carrots should be firm to the touch and cannot be pressed with a finger, but if after such manipulations a dent remains, then this indicates the beginning of the decomposition process.

Such a vegetable will not add flavor to the dish, and I would not really like to feel one onion. Having chosen juicy carrots, you should grate them on a coarse grater, having previously peeled them. Then you need to finely chop the onion. These can be small cubes or half rings.

Roasting process

Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to a preheated pan and put onions. Fry until golden brown. Then you can add carrots and fry together until you get the desired shade. It is quite acceptable to jointly fry onions and carrots, but here it must be borne in mind that onions will not have a golden crust. If you add carrots first, then you can forget about the aroma of onions, because during the roasting process, the carrots will in any case let out juice, which neutralizes the aroma of other vegetables used for frying.

For the pickle, the frying is prepared a little differently. Fry the carrots and onions together, then add the pickled cucumbers and fry for another 5 minutes. Then, if necessary, add a little vegetable oil and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid. A few minutes before the end of cooking, the frying should be put in a pickle.

For beetroot borscht, onions and carrots should also be fried together, stirring occasionally, then add grated beets and a little vegetable oil. After 10 minutes, add the broth to the resulting mass and simmer the frying on the fire for another 10 minutes. Before the end of cooking, the frying is added to the main composition of the borscht.

A friend, I remember, was lamenting: Why, why is your pea soup beautiful, and Vali's is gray-green? Because I do not regret carrots, and I pass them correctly.

How is it right? For the soup - an important point - the carrots are sauteed until they are colored with oil. Here you need to medium heat and stir, not allowing it to burn-dry, and so, how to slightly heat it - there literally one extra minute and the juice from the carrots is given to the oil. I understand that it sounds strange and unprofessional - but it is exactly so.

And I also never boil spices or bay leaves in my soup. First, only salt. Well, maybe ground black pepper. Pepper, which I would generally pick out of the dining rooms. I would forbid.

Sometimes you eat soup, and then kaaaak you scoop up a full spoonful of such peas from the bottom ... ugh. Would have been!

And I also sauté vegetables in one pan, but in turn. For example, first, onions and carrots, as soon as they are saved, I move them to the edges, and chop the garlic in the middle. I fry the garlic for a minute, stir everything together and again open it, freeing the middle - I put the salad pepper there.

A minute or two for pepper - I mix everything again. Something like that.

I remove the ready-made soup from the stove and only then add the bay leaf to it - I just stick it in, herbs (fresh or dry) and other spices (others, however, are rare). Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Only then stir and you can eat. I do not boil, as I said above.

If you are used to cooking with spices - try once to do as I advise, and "feel the difference" (c)

For colder days, there is a pea soup recipe. No potatoes. You can cook it without any meat at all. Or you can fry bacon or smoked sausages separately and add along with sautéing.

A few more words about soups

There I explained a little vaguely about the carrot sautéing.

I will explain in a little more detail.

Carrots should be simmered with oil over medium, or slightly less than medium heat (depending on the thickness of the pan). The thinner the pan, the lower the fire.

On high heat, you have carrots, and all other vegetables are fried almost dry, and not sauteed.

Sauteed vegetables should not have fried crusts. They languish in a little oil. And you need to torment them carefully. The vegetables should turn into oil. That is, paint the oil. With onions this is not very noticeable, but carrots, salad peppers, beets - oil is colored.

A common mistake is either over-fried vegetables. Or, conversely, undercooked. Sometimes it already seems to you that the same carrots are ready, but in fact, you should wait a couple more minutes, watch carefully and stir - and - bam! - the oil is colored.

This is what a perfectly cooked carrot looks like. Do you see what color the oil is? What color is the carrot itself?

And also a common mistake is saving on the sautéing process. Here, according to the principle "Jews, do not spare the tea leaves." Here you cook in the usual way - try to add more vegetables for one onion and one carrot next time - you will immediately understand HOW much the taste changes.

And here's another mistake - digestion. That is, forgetting the school physics course, first cook the potatoes until cooked, then add the rest of the vegetables and cook, cook, cook. And then remove the pan from the stove, and the larger the pan, the longer the heat remains, that is, the process of cooking the same vegetables, the same potatoes, continues. And the result is an unintelligible porridge, not soup.

I check the potatoes like this:

While it is still intact, but it has been boiling for about five minutes, I take out a piece, and I press it with the blunt side of the knife - if it breaks easily into two parts - that's it. I quickly add the sautéing, cereal noodles, bring it to a boil again and immediately remove it. (Or I gently turn it over onto a nearby table - if this is a 50 liter stainless steel pan with pickle, as I just did it).

That's why my soups are always delicious. Regardless of whether I cook five or two hundred servings.

The other day Belka and Den came in. For ideological reasons, they refused the restaurant borscht, and the pea soup, which I cooked for tourists for lunch, was happy to eat and called it ideal. (Bragging, yes!).

Let me explain right away - the one with potatoes is called home-style meat hodgepodge. The one without potatoes is a meat hodgepodge (classic recipe). And the homemade one was born already in the Soviet years: there are more potatoes, less smoked meats.


How to make a soup fry

The main rule is, of course, it goes to cooking with love. And a good mood. The second rule: you need to select only high-quality vegetables. For classic frying, you need carrots (fresh and juicy) and onions (white, not colored). So how do you prepare a roast?

First, grate the carrots. Small or large - you decide. It all depends only on your taste. Chop the onion finely enough. To do this, take a medium onion, cut it in half, then in half again. You should have quarters. And only then you can carefully cut the onion across into thin strips and squares. By the way, so that the onion does not pinch your eyes, periodically moisten it while cutting with cold water.

What to fry the roast on?

This issue is highly controversial. After all, someone likes to cook with ghee, someone with vegetable oil, someone else - with butter. And yet, experienced chefs advise using vegetable oil for making soup frying. Indeed, there will be enough animal fats (subject to the preparation of meat broth) in the soup.

How to fry? First, over low heat, you need to fry the grated carrots. At this time, you can do chopping onions. Carrots should be fried over medium heat for a couple of minutes. Add the onion and cook until golden brown.

Vegetable frying

Modern housewives often add some vegetables in addition to onions and carrots to frying. Below we present the original recipe for vegetable frying.

You will need: 500 g of tomatoes, 2 pieces of bell pepper, 1 onion and oil for frying.

First, cut the skins of the tomatoes crosswise. Pour boiling water over them for just a minute and hold them under cold water for 10 seconds. So the skin comes off easily. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Chop the onion finely and fry in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes. Then add the tomatoes.