Weaving a basket from dough. How to bake an Easter basket from dough (master class)

01.01.2024 Desserts and cakes

Many people remember “Korzinki” cakes from childhood. In Soviet times, they were sold in all cafes. They were decorated in the form of mushrooms, flowers, strawberries or even chicken. How delicious they were... The shortbread baskets simply melted in your mouth. And he was very gentle. We would like to bring to your attention a recipe for making such cakes at home. The process is not too labor-intensive, and such a treat will bring a lot of joy to the children. So...

Dough for baskets

To prepare the dough for the baskets, we need to stock up on the following products:

  1. Butter - 150 g.
  2. Sugar - 100 g.
  3. Vanilla sugar - 10 g.
  4. One egg.
  5. Sour cream - 1 tablespoon.
  6. Flour - 250 grams.
  7. Baking powder - one teaspoon.
  8. Metal molds.

So, let's start making the dough for the baskets. To do this, beat sugar with butter and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Then add sour cream and egg, mix well.

It is better to sift the flour and then add it to the mixture. Mix. But you shouldn’t knead it for a long time, because it doesn’t like it. Baskets are a delicate cake, and therefore the “cups” should be crumbly. Wrap the resulting mass in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for about one hour. After some time, we take out the dough and, cutting off a small part of it, roll it into a sausage. Cut it into pieces, each of which needs to be rolled out into a thin flat cake. The size should be approximately the same as the diameter of the baking pan. Each such circle must be placed in a mold, pressed firmly against the walls and bottom. The bottom part can be pricked with a fork so that the basket does not become deformed during baking. We would like to warn you that the dough turns out to be very sticky, and therefore you will have to use flour. Here are our sand baskets and they are ready. All that remains is to bake them.

Place the molds with the dough on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. It is better to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees. Seven minutes is enough. Baskets are delicate cakes, they cook quite quickly, so be careful not to overcook them in the oven.

Now you can proceed to preparing the cream.

Cream ingredients

As you know, baskets are cakes with cream, although today there are many ways to decorate them: with fruits under jelly, with nuts covered in honey, with berries... We will now focus on the first option. And first of all, we need to decide what kind of cream we will make. The classic recipe involves using protein. To prepare it, let's take:

  1. Whites from three eggs.
  2. Sugar - 250 grams.
  3. Water - no more than 90 grams.
  4. Citric acid - one third of a teaspoon.

Preparing cream for cakes

You can start preparing the delicious cream. To make it tight, you must remember two rules:

  1. The dishes must be completely clean. The pan in which the syrup will be prepared can generally be cleaned with powder in advance.
  2. Under no circumstances should whites be mixed with yolks. The fact is that the yolk is fat, which will prevent the whites from whipping properly.

Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in a mixer bowl.

Next, pour water into the pan and add sugar, put it on the fire. You can stir it a little once to prevent it from burning. The syrup is cooked for about four minutes. You need to add a little citric acid to it. Mix everything again. You can check readiness very simply - to do this, drop a little sweet mass into a plate of cold water. If the drop does not spread, it means it is ready.

Important! While checking the syrup, remove the pan from the heat. It needs to be light in color: if you overcook it, it will turn out creamy and will be bitter, and this can spoil the cream, but we want it to be white, with a dense texture.

Are you sure everything is in order? Great! At this point you can start. The peaks should be very strong. And at the final stage, with the mixer running at full speed, you need to carefully pour in the syrup in a very thin stream. The mass will begin to increase in volume right before your eyes. You need to beat for another ten minutes until the cream has cooled. It should have a dense and uniform consistency and hold its shape well. Here the cream for the cakes is ready. Now there's just a little bit left to do. We need to collect our cakes. And then you can move on to tasting.

How to collect baskets?

Do you remember that there was always dark jam at the bottom of the cakes your mother bought you as a child? It seemed terribly tasteless. When making our baskets, we will, of course, follow the recipe, but we will put delicious jam or jam with berries on the bottom. For example, cherry. If you want, add a little boiled condensed milk. Or chopped prunes. Spread the cream on top using a culinary syringe. If you want, you can then sprinkle the cake with a little chocolate or sprinkles. The amount of food taken should make twenty-four baskets. You can start tasting.

As you can see, if you wish, you can prepare the “Basket” cake with cream at home, and believe me, the result will delight you and your children, because the delicacy will be no worse than what is sold in a cafe. Your household will appreciate such a culinary masterpiece. And they will ask you to make more sweets.

What other cream can you make cakes with?

We discussed how to prepare the “Basket” cake, so to speak, according to the classic recipe. But you understand that there are many variations on this theme. Do not limit your culinary imagination and try all new options.

Instead of protein cream, for example, you can make a cake with cream and marmalade, pour seasonal fruit with jelly (strawberries, red currants), decorating with cream. In general, there is room for your imagination to run wild.

Brownies with whipped cream

If you want to quickly prepare an excellent dessert, then this option will certainly suit you. Whipped cream will add a festive touch to your sweet dish. Just think how delicious the baskets will be with cream! The cake will turn out exquisite, beautiful and very tender.

When buying cream, make sure it is fresh, this is very important. In addition, their fat content must be at least thirty-five percent. At home, before pouring them out of the package, shake them well so that all the fat does not remain in the corners.

Remember one trick: the container in which you will beat the cream must be very cold. Therefore, cool the mixer bowl and cream well in the refrigerator in advance.

In addition, wash and dry the dishes very well. This is also important for the final result. And it’s better to take powder, not sugar, which needs to be sifted in advance so that it is free of lumps and turns out light and airy. You need to add it in small portions, after the cream itself has whipped into a stable foam.

And one more piece of advice. Start whipping the cream at the lowest speed, gradually increasing it to the maximum, and finish in the reverse order.

Do not make the whipping process itself long, as inclusions may appear on the surface of the cream, which will spoil the appearance. You can finish when, having stuck a spoon into the mass, you see that the hole does not close.

Of course, you can also use thickeners or gelatin. They are introduced during whipping. Using all these tricks, you will get excellent results. Well, let's move on to practice?

Cooking with gelatin

To prepare “Baskets” cakes at home, take the following ingredients:

  1. Heavy cream - 600 ml.
  2. Gelatin - 20 grams.
  3. Powdered sugar - three tablespoons.
  4. Vanilla sugar - one packet.

Beat cold cream with powder and vanilla sugar until peaks form. Dissolve gelatin in water according to the instructions written on the package. Very quickly you need to mix a couple of tablespoons of cream with the resulting solution. Next, whisking, slowly add it into the cream. Our cream is ready. It is better to cool the mixture a little before use. And then put them in baskets. Ready-made cakes are stored in the refrigerator. By the way! Remember that cream absorbs extraneous odors very well.

And further. You can decorate the cakes with homemade marmalade or buy ready-made ones.

Baskets with butter cream

The cakes are very tasty. To prepare, take one hundred grams of butter and four tablespoons of condensed milk.

Mash the butter until it becomes thick sour cream and start beating with a blender, mixer or whisk. You should get a fluffy white mass. Next, you need to slowly pour in the condensed milk and continue whisking for another ten to fifteen minutes. The cream will be homogeneous. It needs to be cooled a little and then you can put it in baskets. It is recommended to decorate the finished cake with slices of fresh fruit.

Combining cream fillings for “Korzinochka” cakes

In fact, each cream can be used either independently or combined with other fillers. For example, first put the protein mass in a basket, and then make an oil rose with a leaf on top. It will turn out beautiful and tasty.

If you made gelatin, you definitely need to decorate it with some kind of cream on top.

And another option is possible. But you'll have to tinker with it a little longer. A cream, for example, a protein cream, is placed in a basket, combining it with fruit in a gelatin shell. Berries are picked according to the season. Strawberries and raspberries, even currant branches, look very beautiful in such cases. The cake is not very sweet, because the cream is combined with fruity sourness. And there’s no need to talk about the beauty of such baskets. They turn out very bright. A real culinary masterpiece.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to buy sweets in stores and cafes - if you wish, you can prepare a wonderful dessert yourself at home. We hope that the recipes given in our article will definitely be useful to you, and you will decide to make baskets for the first time. This cake from childhood will surely please your children. Enjoy your meal!

Edible dough basket. Photo

For Easter, we invite you to bake a wicker basket made from yeast dough for Easter eggs or sweets.

To prepare a wicker basket you will need:

2.5-3 gr. fresh yeast;

0.5 cups of warm water;

0.5 glasses of milk;

1 egg;

0.25 cups sugar;

0.25 tsp salt;

0.25 cups vegetable oil;

3-4 cups flour;

1 egg for brushing the dough.

Wicker basket made from yeast dough step by step:

Mix milk with water, 2 tbsp. Add spoonfuls of this mixture to the yeast and leave for a few minutes. Then add the egg, the rest of the water with milk, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, mix everything well. Then gradually add flour, about half a glass at a time, until the dough is soft and elastic. Let the dough sit until it has increased in volume (doubled in size). The finished dough must be divided into parts and rolled into rolls.

As a form for braiding, use heat-resistant glassware, which must be wrapped in foil. Roll out the dough and cut it into strips (1.5 mm thick). Turn the bowl over and begin weaving strips of dough.

After the basket is completely formed, grease its surface with yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 180-190. Determine the baking time yourself - it is important that the basket acquires a golden hue. Let cool.

Shape the edge of the basket into a braid, as well as its handle. Place the braid on the cup in the center, brush with yolk and bake.

Every year on the eve of March 13th, I start a “puzzle” - what to give for my birthday to a girl who already has everything and who doesn’t eat any sweets at all.
It so happened that in our family of terrible sweet tooths and meat eaters, 9 years ago a completely unusual child was born, as far as nutrition is concerned. My niece doesn’t eat meat at all and doesn’t accept any vegetables, and she doesn’t like any candy, cakes or pastries (well, she doesn’t like it, she just doesn’t eat it and doesn’t even try to try it - there’s no way to persuade her).
Remembering her passion for my buns, I decided to surprise her for her birthday and give her an unusual bun in the shape of a basket from the forest.
To be honest, the very procedure of weaving a basket from yeast dough always scared me a little, but having mustered up the courage, I became convinced that it is not so difficult, and the most important thing is to prepare the dough correctly, observing all the points.
For the test we will need the following products:

I indicate the quantity of ingredients as in the classic recipe, but I used 1.5 servings for my not too large basket and was right: there was enough dough.
To begin with, let the yeast swell a little, that is, pour 2 tablespoons of warm water and the same amount of warm milk into a bowl:

Add the yeast there and leave it alone for a few minutes until all the yeast is properly soaked.

At this time, beat the egg in another bowl:

Add the remaining water and milk, mix:

After melting the butter in the microwave or in a water bath, cool it:

add here:

Pour in sugar and salt, beat in one egg and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the entire resulting mass into the already swollen yeast.

Having mixed everything thoroughly again, we begin to gradually add flour and knead the dough.

The end result should be a dense dough, which at the same time should remain soft and not stick to your hands.

Place the dough in a warm place and wait until its volume doubles. It took me about 40 minutes.
During this time, we will prepare the form for weaving. We take a heat-resistant dish, for example, a fireproof glass bowl or, as I did, a small cauldron, and wrap it in foil or parchment paper. But doing this with foil is much more convenient and of better quality.

Now place the dish on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. When creating this entire structure, it is important to consider that after placing the dishes on the baking sheet, there should be some space left (2-3 centimeters) to the edge, since our basket will further increase in size during baking.

Knead it again and, twisting it into a roller, divide it into two parts - one larger - for the base of the basket, and the other slightly smaller - for decorating the edge and weaving the handle.

Armed with a rolling pin, we begin to roll out most of it to a thickness of 0.5-0.8 centimeters.

Now cut all the dough into strips about 1.5 centimeters wide:

Now, carefully, lay out the strips on the mold, dividing it, thereby into conventional slices (as shown in the photo):

To prevent the bottom of our basket from falling apart during weaving, and also to give it a flatness and stability to the basket, we place a bowl on top, preferably heavy, and you can pour water into it:

Now, with the remaining strips, we begin weaving in a circle:

We pass the transverse stripes, alternating under and above the longitudinal ones, circle by circle:

We tighten each edge of the strip so that the joint is hidden under the longitudinal strip:

The last circle should lie directly on the baking sheet. Carefully trim off the excess edges of the longitudinal strips with a knife:

Now, having previously beaten the second egg, using a silicone brush:

carefully lubricate our entire basket with it, paying special attention to the joints so that the color of the basket is uniform:

We send the basket to a preheated oven, where we bake it until a beautiful golden brown color at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Immediately when you take the basket out of the oven, do not remove it from the pan, but while it is still warm, press down on the bottom with the same heavy bowl of water as you did at the very beginning, so that the bottom is flat and the basket is stable.

The basket is very easily removed from the foil and looks like this from the inside:

Now we need to shape its edges and make a handle.
Edges first. To do this, we place, again on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, the same form on which the basket was baked and outline it with a simple pencil, defining the boundaries:

Then grease the paper a little with vegetable or butter.
Roll out the second part of the dough again, trying to be as long as possible, and cut it into strips just as we did with the first part. There should be 9 long pieces of them with the same length and thickness. We fasten three pieces at one end:

And we begin to braid the braid:

When the braid is braided to the very edge, we fasten the edges in the same way as we did at the beginning.

Place the braid on a baking sheet, in a semicircle, on the outlined border:

Brush with egg:

We do the second braid in the same way, laying it out in a semicircle and brushing it with egg:

Place in the oven and bake at 180 degrees until golden brown.
And the last detail of our basket is its handle. Make the braid a little longer and thinner than the previous two and lay it out, brushing it with egg

across the mold onto a strip of foil:

We also bake at 180 degrees until golden brown.
All elements of the basket must be cooled completely and allowed to dry a little so that the basket becomes rigid and does not wrinkle.
We assemble all the parts using toothpicks:

Now we need to worry about what to fill our basket with. I decided to make it with buns with cones and flowers. To do this, I kneaded the dough, as I already wrote in my previous recipe. And I divide it into two parts - for cones and flowers.
I won’t repeat how I made the cones again, you can find out by going to.
I'll focus on flowers. Roll out the second part of the dough to a thickness of 0.5-0.8 centimeters:

Using a mug and a glass, I cut out circles from it, per flower, two large circles and one small.

We place large circles on top of each other:

I make four cuts, dividing the circle into sections:

Now I cut each section into two more:

I unfold each of the resulting petals as follows:

I also cut the small circle into 4 sections and glue their edges together:

Now I put the small flower on top of the big one, and insert a dough ball into the middle.

I place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment and brush it with egg.

I bake like cones, until golden brown.
That's all, to complete the gift, I fill the basket with pine cones and flowers:

And I pack it in gift wrapping. All! The gift is ready.

I was very worried whether my niece would like this surprise or not, but all doubts were immediately dispelled this morning. Happiness in the eyes of a child - what else could be better?

I hope my recipe will be useful to you and help make your family happy!)

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT03H00M 3 hours

The Easter basket is the same symbol of the celebration of the Holy Resurrection as a decorated Christmas tree is a symbol of the New Year. They also collect it, decorate it, embroider beautiful capes for it, and on the holiday itself they eagerly await the return of their relatives from church with the blessed basket.

If you love the process of preparing for Easter as much as the holiday itself, bake an Easter basket of dough along with Easter cakes. It will not replace a real basket, but will become a beautiful Easter attribute that will remind everyone of the coming of the bright holiday. Children especially like to take out all sorts of delicacies from such a basket, and then tear off a crispy piece from it and eat it, washing it down with sweet tea. You can also give such baskets with Easter cakes, eggs and sweets to family and friends.

To make the basket strong, we will bake it not from butter dough, but from ordinary yeast dough.

Recipe information

Cooking method: baking in the oven.

Total cooking time: 2.5 h

Number of servings: 1 .

Ingredients for the dough:

  • water – 270 ml
  • salt – 1 tsp.
  • sugar – 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil – 2 tsp.
  • flour – 450 g
  • dry yeast – 1 tsp.

Preparing the dough

  1. Dissolve salt and sugar in lukewarm water, add vegetable oil and flour mixed with yeast. Knead the dough and knead it until it begins to stick to the sides of the pan. There is no need to add additional flour. I added all the ingredients to the bread machine and kneaded the dough on a special mode. Technology helps a lot.

  2. Leave the dough to rise under the film or towel until it has increased in volume by 3-4 times. The dough will rise better in a warm place. You can place the bowl of dough in a pan of warm water.

  3. Basket formation.
  4. Knead the finished dough, place it on a well-floured table, and make a smooth “bun” out of it.

  5. Divide it into several parts.

  6. Place a third of the dough under a towel, and roll out the rest into long strips about a centimeter thick. Cut the rolled strips into thin strips, which will later become the “rods” of the basket. Try to ensure that the stripes are even and neat, of the same width, then the basket will turn out more beautiful.

  7. Take a metal bowl of suitable size (metal colander, saucepan, cauldron), wrap it in foil and place the base of the basket with 6-8 strips of dough intersecting in the center.

  8. Now braid the basket, starting from the bottom to the bottom (passing a strip of dough in turn under every second strip of base).

  9. The free edges of the center strips can be trimmed or folded over.

  10. Press the center of the basket well so that it is level. For this purpose, at the beginning of baking the basket, you can place a heavy plate or a wide cup of water on top.
    To ensure the dough is well browned, brush the entire surface with sweet water.
    Place the basket in a hot oven to bake at 180 degrees C.

  11. After some baking time, the basket will harden sufficiently.

  12. Remove it from the foil and change the position in the oven several times so that all parts are browned equally.

  13. Take our product out of the oven.

  14. That's how delicious and beautiful it looks. My hands are just reaching out to break off the ruddy side and eat it. But let's be patient. We have the final part of the work ahead of us - making a handle for the basket so that it takes on a finished look.

  15. Weave two braids from the remaining dough - for the edge of the basket and for the handle. Place one braid along the edge of the basket, brush with sweet water.

  16. And put the basket in the oven now with the bottom down.

  17. This is how it should turn out.

  18. Place the braid for the handle on an inverted bowl covered with foil, also grease it with sweet water using a silicone brush and place it in the oven.

  19. When it's browned on top, change position.

  20. Attach the handle to the finished basket, pinning it with toothpicks.

  21. That's all - a beautiful and completely edible basket is ready.
  22. You can decorate it, fill it with Easter attributes and place it in a place of honor in the house.

Note to the owner:

  • The dough basket will turn out more ruddy and shiny if you grease it with a mixture of egg yolk, water and sugar in a 1:1:1 ratio.

The Easter basket has long become an integral attribute of the bright holiday of Easter. They decorate it, collect it, buy beautiful towels for it. On the holiday, relatives are expected to return from church with a blessed basket full of holiday treats.

If you love preparing for Easter as much as the holiday itself, try baking a sweet Easter basket along with Easter cakes. This product can be placed on a holiday table or given to loved ones. And how much joy the kids have!

To make the basket durable, we will bake it from yeast dough. Sweet unleavened dough is not suitable for these purposes. We offer you a detailed recipe.

Easter basket made from dough


  • 450 g flour
  • 270 g water
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 tsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. dry yeast
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. salt


Take a deep bowl, pour slightly warmed water into it and dissolve sugar and salt in it.

Add one egg, vegetable oil and flour mixed with yeast.

Knead the dough. Knead it until it comes away easily from the sides of the bowl.

Cover the dough with cling film or a towel and place in a warm place. Let it expand 3-4 times. This may take 30 to 40 minutes.

Dust your work surface with flour, place the finished dough on it and shape it into a sausage. Divide the dough into four parts. Set aside two, and roll out the remaining two into a rectangular layer approximately 5 mm thick.

Cut the dough into 1cm wide strips.

Take a small heatproof bowl - this will be our form. Cover it with foil. Place the finished strips over the entire surface of the bowl, as shown in the picture.

Take half of the remaining dough. Roll it into a layer of the same thickness and cut into strips in the same way. Weave the resulting strips horizontally into those already laid out on the bowl. Alternately pass them over and under the vertical stripes. Where the strips intersect, a thick layer of dough forms. Press it down with a glass to form the bottom of the basket.

Trim off excess dough

Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees. Cover the Easter basket with a towel and let rest for 15 minutes. Lightly beat the egg and use a brush to brush the entire surface of the basket. Place the basket in the oven and bake until done. This will take approximately 25 minutes. Remove the finished dough basket, carefully remove it from the bowl along with the foil and let cool.

Now you need to form the handle, top rim and bottom of the basket. Wrap the bowl again with foil. Roll out the remaining dough into a layer and cut it into nine strips. Braid three braids. Lay them out as shown in the picture.

Bake the same way as the basket. Don't forget to brush with egg wash! When all the resulting parts of the basket have cooled, fasten them together with toothpicks. Attach the bottom braid and handle with the top rim to the base. Easter basket made from dough! If desired, decorate the basket with ribbons, flowers, and place a small Easter cake inside or lay out some paints. Bon appetit, and may the bright Easter holiday be warm and happy!