Sour cream with gelatin for decorating the cake. Cream with gelatin - step-by-step recipes for making it at home with photos

01.01.2024 Salads

Sour cream for cake

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos of Sour cream with gelatin for cake and baskets. How to make cream from sour cream and gelatin for cake and roll with banana and more

30 min

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The simplest and most “lazy” cream is it's sour cream. It is prepared practically with one “swipe” of the mixer. Except you just in preparation, the cream has two more positive qualities. Firstly, the sour cream from which it consists contains many different itamines and useful elements. Secondly, this cream is low-calorie and dietary, unlike many other creams, so sour cream with gelatin turns out to be very light.

The standard version of this cream consists of only two ingredients - sour cream and sugar or powdered sugar. Sometimes, when purchasing sour cream for future cream, especially in packages, we find that it is not thick enough, and there is a need to thicken it. We don’t have the time or desire to wait for the sour cream to “hang out.” Then we take gelatin into our hands and correct the situation. Gelatin, by the way, is also very useful, especially for our joints.

With cream made from sour cream and gelatin, you can not only soak cake layers, for example, sponge cake, but also make it very beautiful and tasty Dessert. These are the useful components I want to tell you about.

I will share with you not only the traditional method of preparing sour cream, but also tell you how you can diversify it.

Sour cream for making cream must have a fat content of at least 25%.

Basic recipe for sour cream with gelatin

If possible, it is better to replace sugar with powdered sugar. Then the cream will whip up faster and be softer.
To prepare it you need:

We will also need: mixer and mixing bowl.

The cream is ready. Ready-made cream is better use immediately- before the gelatin begins to harden.

Cream options

The taste of the basic sour cream recipe can be embellished with the help of flavoring additives. They can be either natural or artificial. I offer you several such options.

Sour cream with lemon

  • sour cream – 1 serving;
  • medium lemon – 1 pc.

Sour cream with strawberries or other berries

  • sour cream – 1 portion;
  • strawberries – 100 g;
  • starch – 1 tsp.

  • ready-made cream – 1 serving;
  • medium banana – 1 pc.

  • ready-made cream – 1 serving;
  • essence – 2-3 drops.

Cream of sour cream and condensed milk

  • sour cream – 1 serving;
  • condensed milk – 3-4 tbsp. l.

Everything is simple here.

You might be interested in how else you can cook it.

Chocolate cream made from sour cream

  • ready-made cream – 1 serving;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.

Instead of cocoa, you can add dry instant coffee.

Since childhood, we all love light and tasty homemade desserts. Therefore, it is unlikely that any of you will refuse jelly with sour cream. You will learn the recipe with gelatin by reading today's article.

It should be noted that this inexpensive delicacy is prepared from simple and affordable products, most of which are almost always stored in every kitchen. To create a tasty and healthy dessert, it is advisable to use only high-quality and fresh ingredients. It is based on gelatin, sugar and sour cream. The latter should not be too sour. As for its fat content, there are no special requirements.

Instead of granulated sugar or powder, you can add artificial or natural substitutes to dietary gelatin. To slightly diversify the taste of the finished dessert, you can additionally add coconut flakes, any chopped nuts, milk, cocoa, chocolate, berries or pieces of fruit. To add a delightful aroma, experienced chefs add zest, essences, syrups, cinnamon or vanillin to this delicacy.

Classic version

It should be noted that the traditional one (the recipe with gelatin will be discussed later) is prepared with the addition of vanillin. It can be consumed as a separate delicacy, or can be used as a filling for various cakes and pastries. Before starting the process, be sure to make sure that you have all the necessary products in your kitchen. You should have at your disposal:

  • Four hundred grams of fresh sour cream.
  • Two spoons of gelatin.
  • One hundred grams of powdered sugar.

To make a tasty and light jelly from sour cream and gelatin, the above list of ingredients should be expanded a little. Additionally, fifty milliliters of water and a bag of vanilla sugar are added to it. By the way, the last component can be replaced with pure extract or essence.

Cooking technology

In one bowl, combine water with gelatin and set aside for thirty minutes. After this time, the container filled with the swollen mass is sent to a water bath and they try to melt all the small particles.

In a separate clean bowl, mix sour cream, vanillin and powdered sugar. Whisk everything thoroughly using a regular whisk until the smallest grains are completely dissolved. As a result, you should have a fairly liquid mass. At the next stage, gelatin is gradually poured into it, without ceasing to work with the whisk. The container with the resulting mixture is placed in the refrigerator. After four hours, a well-frozen jelly made from sour cream and gelatin, the recipe for which we are considering in today’s publication, is decorated with coconut flakes, fresh berries, pieces of fruit or whipped cream and served.

Fruity option

This recipe is a little different from the traditional one. To prepare such a dessert you will need a slightly different set of ingredients. Before you begin, be sure to check that you have everything you need on hand. In this case, your kitchen should have:

  • Half a kilo of fat sour cream.
  • Twenty grams of gelatin.
  • One banana and one kiwi.
  • 250 grams of brown sugar.
  • Half an orange.
  • One hundred grams of strawberries.

If desired, you can add a third of a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Process description

First you need to deal with gelatin. It is poured with a third of a glass of warm water and left for about one hour. During this time it will have time to swell well.

Sugar and vanillin extract are added to a deep container filled with chilled sour cream. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer until the grains are completely dissolved.

Pre-washed and peeled fruits are cut into small pieces. Strawberries freed from stalks are divided in half. Berries that are too large are cut into four parts.

The bowl with the swollen gelatin is placed on the stove, brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. The heated mass is gradually poured into sour cream and mixed thoroughly. After this, pieces of banana, kiwi and strawberries are sent into the same container. The almost finished jelly from sour cream and gelatin is placed in bowls, covered with cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After two hours, dessert can be served.

Walnut version

This recipe is interesting because it contains ground almonds. To avoid having to interrupt the cooking process later and search for missing components, be sure to check in advance whether your kitchen cabinets have everything you need. Your arsenal should include:

  • Half a liter of sour cream.
  • 150 grams of sugar.
  • Half a glass of toasted almonds.
  • A packet of gelatin.
  • Half a glass of milk.

First you need to deal with gelatin. It is poured with milk and set aside for a while. After the granules have swollen, the saucepan is placed on the stove and heated, remembering to stir constantly. There is no need to boil gelatin. It is important that it completely dissolves in milk.

Pour sugar into a bowl filled with sour cream and beat thoroughly using a mixer. At the end, gelatin is gradually poured into the resulting mass. After this, add pre-ground almonds in a coffee grinder to the dessert base and mix thoroughly.

The resulting mixture is poured into bowls or molds and sent to the refrigerator. A few hours later, completely hardened jelly made from sour cream with gelatin and nuts is served to the table.

Jelly is a wonderful dessert, tasty and bright. Preparing jelly is not at all difficult, and what scope for creativity... There are ready-made dry mixes for jelly on sale, but making such a dessert yourself is much more interesting. For jelly, use gelatin or good quality agar-agar.

Today we will prepare a sour cream dessert with gelatin. You can take sour cream of any fat content, it’s even better if the % is lower, then the sour cream turns out fluffy and airy when whipped. You can use berries or pieces of fruit at your discretion, but I don’t recommend taking too juicy ones, such as pineapple, because the juice may prevent the jelly from hardening. Today I have my own frozen raspberries. For the "chocolate" layer, use cocoa. Or you can add nothing at all; a sour cream dessert with gelatin will still be very tasty.

First, soak the gelatin in cold water according to the instructions on the package.

Pour 100 ml of water over the berries and add 75 g of sugar (adjust the sweetness to your taste). Put on fire and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Beat the sour cream with the remaining sugar in a mixer or blender until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Divide the sour cream into three parts - leave two parts white, and add cocoa to one. Heat the swollen gelatin, stirring, until completely dissolved, but do not boil under any circumstances. Cool slightly and add in a thin stream to the sour cream, stirring well, about 1/4 of it. If you don't plan to add anything else to the sour cream dessert, just mix all the gelatin and all the sour cream with sugar.

Strain the raspberries through a sieve and cool slightly. Add some more gelatin to the raspberry syrup and mix well.

Let's prepare bowls, cups, glasses or any other forms for dessert. Let's pour the first layer into them - sour cream or raspberry. Let the jelly harden in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

If by the time the first layer hardens, your mixtures have thickened, it’s okay, you can quickly warm them up a little in the microwave. Fill the second layer in the same way and put the jelly back in the refrigerator. While the second layer hardens, warm the gelatin a little and add it to the “chocolate” mixture and the remaining sour cream. In this way we will fill all the shapes with layers. The sour cream dessert with gelatin is ready, please serve it!

Hello dear readers! Today we will prepare delicious sour cream with gelatin for a sponge cake. It doesn't require many ingredients and the cooking process is very fast. However, in order for the cream to turn out beautiful and tasty, you must strictly follow the preparation technology. In this article I will share the secrets of cooking and give six of the best recipes with photos for every taste.

Sour cream often turns out too runny. This leads to the fact that it cannot be spread to the required thickness, and after a while the layer begins to flow off the cakes.

An excellent solution is to use gelatin as a thickener. With it, the layer holds its shape well and can even be used for decorating a cake. When making a cake with fruit, a cream with a thickener will hold pieces of fruit on the surface and will not give streaks from leaked juice.

Gelatin makes the cake healthier, as it has a beneficial effect on joints. There is also no need to use too rich sour cream and a lot of sugar. The thickener will provide the missing density. This reduces the total calorie content of the product, and at the same time the likelihood of gaining extra pounds.

Cooking secrets

  1. To make the cream more fluffy, use chilled ingredients. It is also advisable to cool the container in which you will beat the mixture.
  2. If you want to reduce the whipping time, replace the sugar with powdered sugar.
  3. Heat the gelatin until dissolved over low heat, but do not boil, otherwise it will lose its properties.
  4. The gelling solution must be cooled to 25-35 degrees before adding to the base. Then mix until smooth with three tablespoons of base and only then add to the overall mixture. Otherwise, mucus lumps may form.
  5. To prevent the layer from coming out watery, for each gram of gelling agent you need to take no more than 5 grams of liquid.
  6. While beating the mixture, add each subsequent component in doses and mix evenly with a blender or mixer at low speed.
  7. It is better to take sour cream with a fat content of 20-25%.

Best Recipes

Recipe 1

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • Sour cream – 400 ml.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Gelatin – 10 g.
  • Water – 50 ml.
  • Vanillin – 1 g.

Cooking technology.

First, mix gelatin with warm water. When it swells, place it in a water bath until dissolved. Then cool to room temperature.

While the thickener cools, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Then gradually, while continuing to whisk, introduce the thickener solution into the base. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 45 minutes until it reaches the desired density. Now the cream is ready for use.

Recipe 2

Here the additional ingredient is condensed milk.


  • Condensed milk – 210 ml;
  • Sour cream – 210 ml;
  • Gelatin – 10 g;
  • Water – 50 ml;
  • Sugar – 30 g.

The cream is prepared as follows:

  1. Prepare the gelling solution as in recipe 1.
  2. Mix sour cream and sugar until smooth.
  3. Add condensed milk and beat again.
  4. Carefully add the cooled thickener, stirring constantly.
  5. Cool the finished cream in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours before use.

Recipe 3


  • Sour cream – 240 ml.
  • Cream – 100 ml.
  • Sugar – 70 g.
  • Gelatin – 1 tsp.
  • Vanillin – 2 g.

Cooking method.

In a small bowl, mix gelatin and cream. As the mixture swells, heat it over low heat until dissolved, stirring occasionally. Then turn off the heat and leave the solution to cool.

In another bowl, whisk the remaining ingredients. Then carefully introduce the thickener, stirring thoroughly. Cool the mixture for several hours in the refrigerator. Now you can soak sponge cakes with it.

Recipe 4

The composition of this cream includes cottage cheese, so it can be called sour cream and cottage cheese.

For preparation you need:

  • Sour cream 300 g.
  • Granulated sugar 60 g.
  • Cottage cheese 190 g.
  • Gelatin 10 g.
  • Vanillin 1 g.
  • Water 50 ml.

Cooking technology.

Prepare the gelling solution similarly to recipe 1.

Mix sour cream with sand and vanilla. Add cottage cheese to the sour cream mixture, after rubbing through a sieve. Beat thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Gradually pour the cooled thickener solution into the general mixture, constantly whisking. Place the filling in the refrigerator for 1 hour to thicken.

The finished curd filling can be used as a layer for a cake or as an independent treat.

Recipe 5

In addition to sour cream, yogurt will also be used as the main component.

To prepare the layer you need:

  • Yogurt – 250 ml;
  • Sour cream – 140 ml;
  • Gelatin – 17 g;
  • Water – 70 g;
  • Granulated sugar – 55 g.

We prepare the layer as follows.

Prepare the gelling solution and set it to cool.

In a separate bowl, whisk all other ingredients. Without stopping whisking, pour the thickener into the yogurt mass in a thin stream. After homogenizing the mixture, place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

The yogurt filling is ready.

Recipe 6

For those who don't like gelatin or don't want to bother with it, there is a gelatin-free layer option. It consists of only three ingredients:

  • Sour cream – 420 g.
  • Sugar – 75 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.

The sour cream should be very cooled, to about 1-2 degrees. Beat it until a stable, fluffy foam forms. Then add sand and vanilla and beat again. The filling is ready.

Many housewives have heard about the advantages of sour cream with gelatin for cake, and first of all, they include the ability of the most delicate cream mass to maintain the desired shape. This cake looks the most advantageous due to its originality and increased height. But few people decide to make cream from sour cream and gelatin on their own. And it’s completely in vain, the step-by-step recipe below will reveal all the features of creating an exquisite dessert.

Recipe for cake cream made from sour cream and gelatin


  • fresh sour cream with a fat content of about 20% - 400 grams;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons / powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • gelatin - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • warm boiled milk - 1/2 cup;
  • vanillin - to taste.


  1. Place gelatin in a small container and pour warm liquid, stir and leave aside for 30 minutes to swell.
  2. Place the container with gelatin in a water bath, cook, stirring constantly until the gelatin particles are completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained. Leave the resulting mixture to cool until warm (but not cold).
  3. Before thickening the sour cream with gelatin, beat the sour cream with sugar/powdered sugar using a mixer until a homogeneous fluffy texture is formed.
  4. Add vanillin to the sour cream-sugar mixture, and while continuing to beat, gradually introduce the dissolved gelatin mixture in portions. Beat for several minutes until the mixture acquires a light beige-creamy hue. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator.
  5. After cooling for a short time, the cream should be poured onto the cake located inside the springform pan and cooled until completely set.

Experienced cooks advise dividing the gelatin-thickened mixture into two parts. The first part, cooled in the refrigerator, is laid out on the cake, and cream at room temperature is poured on top, and after that the entire structure is sent to cool.
If you wish, you can slightly diversify the sour cream with gelatin for the cake by adding lemon juice, raspberries or pieces of fruit to the recipe.