Apples. Useful properties of apples and treatment with apples

26.09.2019 Bakery products

An apple is a popular plant of the genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Pink family. Its most common species in Russia is the domestic apple tree, the fruits of which are eaten fresh or used as raw materials for numerous culinary dishes and drinks.

Central Asia is considered the historical homeland of the apple tree. People have always been kind to the mysterious fruits of this plant. The fruit of wisdom, which was forbidden to Adam and Eve and became a prerequisite for their expulsion from paradise, is called the forbidden apple. On Olympus, the goddess of discord, Eris, started the Trojan War by throwing an apple between the gods.

Statistical calculations have shown that half of all fruit trees on the planet are apple trees. Breeders have studied and created more than 10 thousand varieties of apple trees. The single progenitor of this variety of fruit plants is the wild apple tree. It is widely distributed in Europe, Asia, America. Mankind has definitely paid attention to an amazing tree for a long time. But scientists have not yet been able to establish the exact date of the beginning of the cultivation of apple trees. There is no doubt that the age of the domestic apple plant is thousands of years old. The fruity species is mentioned in the documents of Lucius Junius Columella, who was a famous writer and naturalist in ancient Rome. He stated the history of the domestic apple tree, which is already equal to three thousand years (now a total of 5 thousand years can be counted). Presumably, the plant began to be cultivated in Mesopotamia, where the Sumerian state was formed near the favorable soils of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It is authentically known about the popularity of apples in ancient Greece. The philosopher Theophrastus, who worked in the IV-III centuries BC. e., in his writings listed several varieties of plants. After Hellas, the Romans also knew the fruit crop, and then the apple tree traveled throughout the entire European part of the world. Russia has been familiar with the tree since at least the 11th century, when Yaroslav the Wise created a personal garden with apple trees and other fruit plants.

In addition to the domestic apple tree, more than 35 types of culture are known. The plum-leaved apple tree, the low apple tree and the Chinese apple tree are very popular. Trees are often grown as decorations for parks and gardens, which look especially impressive in spring. Apple trees are good honey plants, and their strong wood is easily polished and easy to work, which makes it an excellent raw material for carpentry and miniature products.

The apple tree has a spreading crown and reaches a height of 2 to 15 meters. Flower buds grow on slightly shortened branches, and elongated branches are called growth branches. Some types of wild apple trees protect their branches with thorns. The petiolate leaves may be hairy or without a velvety covering, and the stipules are usually shed, although there are exceptions. Pink, scarlet or white petals form a semi-umbrella or shield. The flowering of apple trees is observed in late spring, while the trees delight passers-by with a strong pleasant aroma. Spherical fruits on the handle usually have a concavity at the top of the fruit. Varieties differ in taste and size of apples, so their radius can be from a few millimeters to 8 cm. Depending on the timing of fruiting, summer, autumn and winter varieties are distinguished, and it is the latter that stand out because they endure harsh climatic conditions.

Almost 15 thousand species of apple trees are known in Russia. In the European and Caucasian region, the forest apple tree is common. Asia Minor, Crimea and Iran more often export oriental apple trees. The Japanese coast of Eurasia is rich in berry (Siberian) apple trees, and the Tien Shan breeds the Nedzvetsky apple tree. The Mississippi basin creates favorable soils for the development of the Soulard apple tree.

The cultivation of apples is widely developed in states with a temperate climate without sudden changes in temperature. Fertile soils and a sufficient amount of moisture - this is a modest "rider" of an apple plant. World exporters of "forbidden fruit" are Germany, Italy, China, Japan, USA, Canada, Spain, Chile, New Zealand. Almost 50% of the turnover of apples are varieties Delicious and Golden Delicious, which have adapted to a wide range of climatic conditions.

Nutritional and vitamin value of apples

The fruits contain approximately 4/5 of the water, if you count the proportion of the weight of the whole apple. The remaining 20% ​​are extremely rich in fiber, sugars, organic acids and vitamin complexes A, C, PP, group B and several others.

The nutritional value 100 g apples:

  • 0.44 g proteins
  • 0.43 g fat
  • 9.82 g carbs
  • 1.84 g dietary fiber
  • 0.84 g organic acids
  • 86.33 g water
  • 0.144 g unsaturated fatty acids
  • 0.144 g saturated fatty acids
  • 9.35 g monosaccharides and disaccharides
  • 0.82 g starch
  • 0.52 g ash

vitamins in 100 g of apples:

  • 0.032 mg beta-carotene (vitamin A provitamin)
  • 5.35 mcg retinol equivalent (A)
  • 10.5 mg ascorbic acid (C)
  • 0.034 mg thiamine (B1)
  • 0.025 mg riboflavin (B2)
  • 0.073 mg pantothenic acid (B5)
  • 0.084 mg pyridoxine (B6)
  • 2.21 mcg folic acid (B9)
  • 0.32 mg vitamin PP
  • 0.41 mg niacin equivalent (RR)
  • 0.245 mg tocopherol (E)
  • 0.32 mcg biotin (N)
  • 2.24 mcg phylloquinone (K)

Energy value of apples

The low calorie content of apples is known all over the world. Nutritionists actively recommend choosing this fruit as the main dish of many types of diets. Apples do not contain fat, and the abundance of carbohydrates in the pulp gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety. It is important for people who follow the figure to remember the different energy value of apples after processing. The calorie content of apples especially increases after drying.

  • The calorie content of 100 g of fresh apple is 46 kcal.
  • The calorie content of a fetus with a diameter of 5 cm (90 g) is 41.4 kcal.
  • The calorie content of a fetus with a diameter of 6.5 cm (130 g) is 59.8 kcal.
  • The calorie content of a fetus with a diameter of 7.5 cm (200 g) is 92 kcal.
  • Calorie content of 100 g of baked apples - 65 kcal.
  • Calorie content of 100 g of dried apples - 255 kcal.

Macro- and microelements in apples

It is no coincidence that apples are one of the most popular fruits in Russia. They are used at any age to replenish iron stores, as well as potassium, sodium, calcium and iodine. The benefits of apples for teeth, bones, digestive system and metabolic processes are really huge. The fruits are rich even in such rare mineral components as boron, selenium, vanadium and rubidium.

Macronutrients in 100 g of apples:

  • 16.044 mg calcium (Ca)
  • 278.32 mg potassium (K)
  • 9.044 mg magnesium (Mg)
  • 11.052 mg phosphorus (P)
  • 26.012 mg sodium (Na)
  • 2.035 mg chlorine (Cl)
  • 5.021 mg sulfur (S)

trace elements in 100 g of apples:

  • 2.234 mg iron (Fe)
  • 0.153 mg zinc (Zn)
  • 2.03 μg iodine (I)
  • 110.05 µg copper (Cu)
  • 0.0472 mg manganese (Mn)
  • 0.34 µg selenium (Se)
  • 4.32 mcg chromium (Cr)
  • 8.02 μg fluorine (F)
  • 6.03 μg molybdenum (Mo)
  • 245.09 mcg boron (B)
  • 4.02 μg vanadium (V)
  • 1.03 μg cobalt (Co)
  • 110.05 µg aluminum (Al)
  • 17.03 μg nickel (Ni)
  • 63.04 μg rubidium (Rb)

Useful properties of apples

  • As mentioned above, apples make a great addition to even the most restrictive diets due to their low calorie content.
  • Organic acids in the pulp and skin of apples, together with tannins, fight putrefactive processes in the intestines, relieve flatulence and bloating, remove toxins from the body.
  • The pectin in apples is a mild and completely safe laxative. For the treatment of constipation, it is useful to consume a couple of sour apples in the morning on an empty stomach. Some components of the fruit reduce the growth rate of cancer cells in the liver and intestines. To combat this, it is recommended not to limit the use of apples only to the morning meal, but to add them to dinner. A monthly fasting day with an apple mono-diet is very useful for cleansing the body.
  • Apple fruits provide the body with a healing effect, regardless of whether it is healthy or not. Fresh apples contain twice as much vitamin A as oranges. The component carries out active prevention of colds and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the eyes.
  • An extremely rare vitamin G is found in apples in a record amount for a fruit. The so-called “appetite-stimulating vitamin” prepares the body for the process of digestion and promotes human growth. Also, the fruits are very rich in ascorbic acid and B vitamins. There are 8 times more iodine in unsalted apples than in bananas; orange is inferior to apples by a thirteen-fold handicap. Apples are actively used to treat goiter.
  • fresh apples especially useful together with the peel or after grinding on a coarse grater. Wild fruits are not as sweet as domestic varieties, but they contain ten times more useful components. After eating apples, gastric juice is abundantly secreted. This causes appetite and speeds up digestion, so the fruit is very useful for people who do not have time to eat calmly and chew foods diligently.
  • Ascorbic acid, which is especially abundant in sour fruits, supports immunity, thickens the walls of blood vessels, removes toxins, and restores strength. Natural antibiotics (phytoncides) from the pulp of apples destroy influenza viruses, treat rashes on the face, and prevent dysentery.
  • Potassium and tannins serve to prevent gout and urolithiasis due to the ability to stop the precipitation of uric acid salts. Thus, humble fruits can even cope with kidney stones.
  • The mild choleretic effect of the fruit prevents diseases of the gallbladder (for example, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis). Especially effective for the above problems is freshly squeezed apple juice: 0.5–1 glass 20 minutes before meals.
  • After apples, a person feels invigorated and refreshed. The low sugar content in fruits allows you to unload blood vessels and improve well-being. Sour varieties of apples are always recommended for diabetics. During the apple diet, the level of cholesterol in the blood is reduced by 30%. Therefore, "forbidden fruits" are called the strongest purifiers of the blood and lymphatic system. They very quickly cope with the hardening of blood vessels and low blood pressure.
  • Older people greatly appreciate the described fruits, because their use helps with rheumatism, gout, nervous diseases, eczema and skin problems. This is due to an increase in the level of uric acid relative to the level of formic. Apples effectively strengthen the skin, vision, nails and hair.
  • There is an opinion that the regular use of apples and fruit juice prevents destructive processes in the brain and strengthens memory.
  • Experiments were conducted at the Nottingham Research Institute, the results of which proved that daily consumption of 5 apples reduces the risk of respiratory diseases by several times. To this ability should be added the prevention of asthma.
  • Dentists know that apples are great. replace brushing teeth. Of course, you should not rely on fruits alone, as the brush cleans more "professionally", but one fruit guarantees clean teeth throughout the day. Apples are able to save tooth enamel from destruction.
  • Fresh fruits are recommended for those who suffer from gastritis, colitis, beriberi. Baked sweet apples help with chronic constipation and bowel problems.
  • Biologically active components found inside the seeds of apples stop the development of cancer. In addition, 5-6 apple seeds provide the daily iodine requirement for the body. However, it should be remembered that the seeds contain a poisonous amygdalin glycoside, which breaks down in the environment of gastric juice with the formation of hydrocyanic acid. To reduce the possible harm from the seeds, it is best to fry them and sweeten them with sugar. Even with such precautions, you should not consume more than 6 apple seeds per day.

Contraindications to eating apples

  • It is dangerous to eat apples with ulcers and gastritis due to the high content of organic acids in them. In this case, it would be more correct to eat apples after a meal, and not on an empty stomach.
  • With urolithiasis and colitis, doctors advise eating apples only in the form of puree.
  • The use of several apple pits per day greatly increases the concentration of hydrocyanic acid in the body.
  • A decoction of apple leaves sometimes causes diabetes.
Apple useful properties

Central Asia is considered the native continent of the wild apple tree. From there, all the varieties that are known to us today went. Around the world there are about 7,500 varieties of apple trees adapted to different climatic conditions. They are eaten, used in cooking and cosmetology. They are also part of most diets, due to their low calorie content.

80% of this fruit consists of water, and 20% of useful elements such as boron, phosphorus, zinc, organic acids, iron, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, selenium, folate, chlorine, potassium, fiber. Vitamins in an apple contain the following: A, E, B1, B6, PP, C.

Their number depends on the conditions of storage, cultivation, as well as on the type, maturity and even color:

  • sour apple is more saturated with vitamin C;
  • wild-growing have more anti-inflammatory and pectin elements, starch, fiber;
  • greens have more iron than reds, but they have less starch.

An apple grown in season and plucked from a tree will bring much more benefit than a stale winter or store-bought one.

Apple useful properties. The effect of vitamins and elements on diseases

An apple saturates our body with fiber, and the minerals and dietary fiber contained in it are an indispensable storehouse of useful elements for the body.

What vitamin in an apple will protect against diseases

The main feature that an apple has is its saturation with vitamin C, which not only affects the immune system, but also strengthens blood vessels, making them impervious to toxins. This will help restore the body after severe ailments.

In addition, it improves overall well-being, regenerates cells and increases their tone. And the content of phytoncides (natural antibiotics) makes fruits an indispensable prophylactic against diseases such as influenza, dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus.

The apple itself does not contain any antiviral enzymes. The composition can affect the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and help the body reject toxins and remove them.

Tannins and digestion

Tannins also come to the aid of ascorbic acid, which strengthen the vessels even more. Therefore, a couple of fruits a day are a good preventive measure against colds.

These substances, together with acids (citric, malic, tartaric), allow you to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system as a whole. They prevent constipation, increase appetite, improve digestion and intestinal microflora, remove toxins.

Thanks to these useful properties, an apple is recommended to be eaten:

  • For indigestion and congestion in the intestines on an empty stomach, eat a couple of sour apples every morning. For the stable functioning of the stomach, it is advisable to do a fasting day, consuming only an apple once every three weeks.
  • With obstipation - low acidity, every day you need to drink 2 tbsp. juice from sour apples.
  • With increased acidity, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as well as duodenal ulcer - 1.5 hours before a meal, you should eat a sweet apple.
  • Baked - indispensable for those suffering from high acidity of gastric juice and heartburn.

Potassium and urolithiasis

Saturated with potassium and tannins, an apple will help with urolithiasis and gout. This is due to the fact that these substances do not allow uric acid salts to precipitate.

With the frequent use of these fruits (one apple a day), you can forget about urolithiasis (it is detected by urine analysis and the presence of high salt content in it).

Potassium and gallstone disease

Due to the fact that apples have a choleretic effect (since they have eleven times more potassium than sodium), they contribute to the prevention and treatment of cholelithiasis and prevent the appearance of cholecystitis in the blood.

iron and anemia

Antioxidants and the cardiovascular system

An apple has a diuretic effect, which will help relieve swelling during pregnancy and diseases of the vascular system. This makes them an indispensable tool in the treatment of arterial hypertension, heart failure and atherosclerosis.

This fruit strengthens the cardiovascular system due to the action of antioxidants and will help to cope with a heart attack.

  • the risk of heart disease will be reduced by two Antonovka apples eaten an hour before breakfast;
  • fasting days will help with hypertension (two kg of apples in six doses per day);
  • three apples a day will replace antioxidant tablets or multivitamin preparations.

pectin and cholesterol

Pectin improves the condition of the teeth. Due to its bactericidal properties, it cleans the plaque on the enamel and sanitizes the oral cavity. And thorough chewing acts like a massage for the gums, improving blood circulation. Therefore, the beneficial properties of apples are recommended for use in diseases of the oral cavity.

  • 4 fruits help to normalize the level of cholesterol in the liver;
  • 10 grams of fiber (0.5 product with skin) reduces cholesterol in the body by 19%, five cups of green tea and one onion will help enhance this effect;
  • an apple can be used instead of toothpaste by eating it after the main meal, while the acids destroy up to 97% of bacteria.

Iodine and the thyroid gland

Endocrinologists advise apple as a prophylactic against thyroid diseases, as they have a high iodine content. In diseases of the endocrine system, it is advised to take crushed bones, and not the pulp of the fetus. Six seeds contain the daily requirement for iodine and have a pleasant bitter taste.

Apples are often used as a filling for pies. In Europe, apples are served in an unusual form for us. For example, fried apples are a side dish for sausage or pork dishes.

The best varieties of apples were bred over 2000 years ago. The global apple harvest averages over 60 million tons per year, the vast majority of which comes from China. More than half of the crop is consumed fresh.

In Europe, most of the harvest goes to cider, wine and brandy.

The composition and calorie content of apples

The calorie content of apples is 47 kcal / 100 gr.

Composition in 100 gr:

Chewed and crushed apple seeds turn amygdalin into a poisonous compound that can lead to death. It only appears in damaged seeds, so swallowing a few whole seeds won't hurt you.

The benefits of apples are to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and dementia.

Live Science writes about the beneficial properties of apples: “Apples can mitigate the effects of asthma and Alzheimer's disease. They help with weight loss, improve bone health, improve lung function, and protect the gastrointestinal tract.”

Eating apples is healthier in its natural form. They are high in nutrients and fiber that provide health benefits.

For muscles

For the heart and blood vessels

Fresh apples serve as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke.

Apples help prevent clogged arteries.

Eating apples reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke by more than 50%.

For nerves

Apples protect neuronal cells from neurotoxicity and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease.

For breath

Eating apples is associated with a low risk of developing asthma.

For digestion

A healthy human diet should contain complex carbohydrates that improve the metabolism of bile acids and activate digestion. An adult with constipation should consume fresh apples and vegetables to improve bowel function - at least 200 grams per day.

For the pancreas and diabetics

Eating apples reduces the risk of type II diabetes, according to a Finnish study. 3 servings of apples a day reduce the risk of diabetes by 7%, as they regulate blood sugar levels. Apples contain compounds that produce insulin and increase the uptake of glucose from the blood.

Apples have long been famous for their amazing taste and a lot of useful properties. No wonder they were called "rejuvenating" in Russian fairy tales. In ancient Russia, they were endowed with a special sacred meaning: they were considered a symbol of chastity, hope, a symbol of life and fertility. These fruits are literally woven into Russian folklore and cultural traditions. What is only the great Slavic holiday of the first harvest - the Apple Spas? It was on this day that various culinary products made from apples were served at the table. In many villages, this tradition can be found to this day.

The juicy fruits of the apple tree, which have an amazing taste, are unforgettable for us from childhood, endowed with a mass of nutrients. About what are the benefits of "paradise" fruits for health, we will consider further.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Useful properties of apples are determined by the rich chemical composition of the fruit. Nutritional value is represented by proteins, carbohydrates, fats and dietary fiber. A lot of apple and various acids: malic, citric, tartaric, and polyunsaturated mono-acids, pectins, sugars, vitamins and minerals.

They are also low in calories. 100 grams of fruit contains only 47 kilocalories.

In addition, apples contain a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, fluorine, zinc, boron, etc. The lack of most of these substances in the body leads to serious health problems, dysfunctions of systems and organs. But especially important in apples are certain groups of substances, without which our eyesight, skin, hair and internal body systems suffer.

Apples contain bioflavonoids (vitamin P). These substances well strengthen the vascular system. Reduce the level of permeability of the venous walls, which is especially important for people over 40 years of age. Bioflavonoids increase the concentration of ascorbic acid in the body, normalizes oxygen metabolism in tissues. Participates in the work of the endocrine system. They help stop bleeding and promote rapid tissue regeneration.

Everyone knows that there are a lot of apples gland. And this element is very important for increasing the level of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to organs and systems, and vice versa carbon dioxide to the lungs. Deficiency of the element causes anemia, and the complications associated with it.

Do not forget about the high content in apples potassium- an indispensable element for the work of the heart muscle. It has a powerful diuretic effect, removes excess fluid and salt from the body.

As in other varieties of the pome species, apples are dominated by fructose. Unlike sucrose and glucose, it is more useful and easily digestible. It is slowly digested, but quickly removed from the blood without raising sugar levels. Therefore, apples are useful for people prone to diabetes. This element is converted into glycogen acid. Glycogen acid saturates muscle tissues, organs and systems with energy, gives a person endurance and strength.

Availability pectins helps the body form compounds with toxic metals and remove them. This is especially true for urban residents, since there the air is more polluted with emissions that enter the human blood. In addition, pectin breaks down bad cholesterol and removes it from the blood. This prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, heart failure, and other problems associated with the development of atherosclerosis.

These fruits contain coarse dietary fiber. Fiber is an essential element for proper digestion. It forms a beneficial microflora, inhibits the action of pathogenic bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the blood of toxic substances and decay products. Coarse fibers strengthen intestinal motility, activating the process of digestion, and reducing the frequency of constipation.

Beneficial features

All types of apples are useful, but preference should be given to green ones, since they do not have coloring pigments. This means they are hypoallergenic. Children can eat them safely from the age of four months. The pulp and peel of apples is very rich in iron and vitamins. Especially the skin, which many often just throw away. To protect yourself from chemicals, you need to thoroughly wash the apples before eating with hot water with a brush.

Green fruits contain more fructose and less sucrose. This is the perfect snack for those suffering from high blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of apples in all forms is beneficial for both children and adults.

With regular use, apples have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Stimulates the work of the digestive tract, thanks to fiber.
  • Normalize appetite by stimulating the production of gastric juice.
  • Strengthen the immune system, thanks to the rich vitamin complex.
  • Increase the level of iron in the blood, prevent the development of anemia.
  • They give a diuretic and choleretic effect, cleansing the body.
  • Reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  • Strengthen the nervous system, help to endure stress.
  • Prevent the appearance of malignant neoplasms.
  • Favorably act on the skin and hair.

Fruits are especially useful for women. They contain a lot of folic and pantothenic acid, which is necessary during pregnancy. Retinol and tocopherol have a beneficial effect on the skin and the condition of hair and nails. Iron and potassium are needed by the weaker sex, especially during menopause. Calcium strengthens bones, which prevents osteoporosis. This is the perfect product for fasting days.

Apples contribute to rapid weight loss.

They are also suitable for babies. This is one of the first products that pediatricians introduce into complementary foods. From about 6-7 months for breastfed babies, and from four to five for those who are bottle-fed. They strengthen the immune system, the skeletal system, accelerate teething, and saturate the body with vitamins and nutrients needed by the child during the period of growth and development. Apples can be given in the form of puree, juice, add pieces of fruit to porridge, natural cottage cheese or casseroles. Baked apples are well absorbed by children.

apples in cooking

There are cases when the body does not tolerate fresh apples. They cause stomach problems, flatulence, diarrhea and other stomach problems. Baked apples are an alternative. Of course, during heat treatment, most of the vitamins are destroyed. However, pectin, carbohydrates and other usefulness remain in full. Baked apples are easier to chew, they are much softer, so they are suitable for those who have problems with their teeth and mouth.


baked fruits have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. They have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, binding and enveloping properties. Baked apples have a mild laxative effect, help with gastritis. Relieve inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, reduce the manifestations of bronchitis.

Fruits can be baked in the oven or microwave. The microwave will do this in a few minutes. You can add honey to them. They have few contraindications. Unless individual intolerance, but there are a lot of indications for use


In soaked apples retain all the beneficial properties of fruits. Especially if you add cabbage leaves to them. This improves their taste and benefits. Therefore, if you have sauerkraut in a barrel, you can put Antonov apples there. Soaked apples are easily digestible. They have a lot of ascorbic acid, so it is better to eat them in the cold season, when the risk of SARS is high. In addition, they are rich in calcium and are very useful for people with osteoporosis who have fragile bones. They also have contraindications for use - increased acidity of gastric juice.

Late varieties of green fruits are suitable for soaking. They must be freshly picked and undamaged. Take a three-liter jar. Cover the bottom with cherry and currant leaves. Lay the fruits in a dense layer, sprinkle with leaves, and again a layer of apples and so on to the top of the jar. Add a handful of cranberries to enhance the taste. Then pour in the brine.

For the brine, you will need five liters of water, half a glass of granulated sugar and a quarter glass of coarse table salt (not iodized). Boil the composition and cool. Pour one and a half tablespoons of mustard powder into the cooled brine. Mix well and pour into jars. Close jars and put in a cold, dark place. After about three weeks, you can feast on soaked apples.

This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make pickled apples.


Recently, dried vegetables and fruits have again reached the peak of popularity. And apples have always been consumed in dried form. They are stored for a long time without losing their beneficial nutritional properties. They contain a lot of minerals and trace elements, fructose, biotin, nicotinic acid, toxpherol. However, their calorie content is higher than that of fresh fruits, so you can’t eat a lot of them. If you are overweight or have high blood sugar, it is enough to eat them once a week.

dried apples activate the immune system, stimulate the brain, have a general strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system, are rich in antioxidants. You can eat just dried apples without additives. You can add natural honey or sugar. Use for compotes, jams, an additive to desserts and pastries. Of course, they also have contraindications. This type of apples has more acids and fiber, so people with ulcers and acute gastritis should not eat them.

To dry fruits, you need to wash fresh apples under hot water with a brush, cut out the core and seeds and cut into equal halves. Dip apples in salt water for two minutes. Take out the fruits and lay them out on a flat surface (tray, plywood). Take out to open sunlight. Stir every three hours so that the fruits dry evenly.

The use of apples for diseases

Apples are widely used in folk medicine against various diseases. The skin and pulp of the plant is used. Seeds and core are best removed - they contain toxins.

From anemia you need to eat a pound of green apples daily. Do not peel the skin. The duration of the diet is a month. If there are no allergic reactions, every day prepare a vitamin fresh juice from apple and carrot juices in a ratio of 80 to 20. The course of treatment with fresh juices is two weeks.

For bronchitis apples will also help. Remove the skin from the apples, cut into equal slices. Put in a saucepan and pour a liter of water. Simmer over medium heat for fifteen minutes. Cool apple broth. Take three glasses a day half an hour before meals. You can add a teaspoon of honey.

From cough Peeled apples and one medium onion are rubbed through a fine grater. Add a tablespoon of honey and mix well. Drink one tablespoon before each meal, but not more than three times a day.

With laryngitis fruit leaves help. Two tablespoons of dried leaf in 250 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for at least two hours. Infusion drink half a cup daily.

For stomach pain one large green apple is enough. Grate on a coarse grater along with the skin. Add some honey. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach. About five hours before breakfast.

For constipation cut two apples into medium-sized slices. Pour a glass of fresh milk and 125 ml of water. Boil the mixture for no longer than seven minutes. Take on an empty stomach one hour before your morning meal.

With stones in the bladder in folk medicine, it is recommended to take apple broth. Grind three fruits with a skin randomly into pieces of medium size. Add a liter of boiling water. Simmer over low heat for ten minutes, stirring lightly. Cool and add honey or sugar to improve the taste. Drink half a glass three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

From atherosclerotic plaques and thrombosis two medium fruits should be taken. And pour boiling water to cover the water. Cover and leave for four hours. Mash the steamed apples with a crush without draining the water. Mix well and filter. Pour in a tablespoon of liquid honey. Take 200 ml of the mixture per day. In addition, it is recommended to mix half a glass of carrot and apple juice. Drink daily.

From skin diseases it is necessary to add the skin of one large apple to warm viburnum tea. And leave for an hour. Drink 15 minutes before meals for half a glass of drink daily. The course of treatment is four weeks.

From cracked heels fruits can be cut into slices. Place in a saucepan and pour over some milk. Keep on fire until you get a viscous slurry. The cooled mixture is applied to sore spots, securing with a film and a bandage. Leave for thirty minutes. The duration of treatment is a month.

From inflammation of the joints suitable apple peel. You need to remove the peel from the apples and dry it. Grind the dry skin into a fine powder. A tablespoon of crushed apple peel pour 250 boiling water. Cover and set aside for thirty minutes. Take 125 ml half an hour before meals. Three times per day.

From high blood pressure a medium-sized fruit is suitable. It needs to be peeled and dried. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Leave for fifteen minutes to infuse. Add some honey. Take 125 ml five to six times a day before meals.

To increase hemoglobin in babies a mixture of apple-carrot juice is useful for raising hemoglobin. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

To sleep better you can use a vinegar-honey mixture. For a glass of warm boiled water - 2 tsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. honey.

Apples are also used for weight loss. There are several types apple diet:

  • One day a week on apples with enough water. At least two liters per day.
  • In one day, use one and a half kilograms of fresh or baked fruits. Do not drink water.
  • For six days, eat one apple with a glass of kefir. At least six times a day.

Apple diets are safe for the body and do not cause stress. Extra pounds are not returned.


Despite all the useful qualities, there are certain contraindications to eating apples. The harm from these fruits is minimal, especially if you follow the measure. Therefore, it is important not to overeat them, and some people should not eat apples at all.

Allergic reaction on the natural coloring pigments in the fruit. Not only the skin of the apple is rich in it, but also its pulp. It is recommended for allergy sufferers and children under three years of age to eat green varieties of apples.

Limiting the consumption of apples is necessary for people who are overweight and high sugar in blood. Because they are high in carbohydrates and sugars. Therefore, one or two apples are enough for them.

Raw fruits of sour varieties are prohibited with acute gastritis. This worsens the course of the disease, causes severe discomfort and heartburn.

Selection and storage

To get the maximum benefit from apples, you need to choose them correctly. There are a number of subtleties that need to be considered when buying fruit.

Tips for choosing apples:

  • The fruit should be dense, strong, without bruises and spots, with a slight apple smell.
  • Medium fruits are better in size. If possible, cut it open and watch how quickly the apple darkens. Ripe fruits darken faster.
  • It is recommended to look at apples with wormholes. So the fruit is grown without chemical fertilizers.
  • Seeds should be dark. White or brownish in unripe apples.

You also need to store apples correctly so that they do not deteriorate and retain their beneficial properties for as long as possible. If you want to keep the fruits for several months, then they must be processed before laying them in containers. Put a little glycerin on a cloth. And rub each fruit well. As an alternative, you can wrap fruit in food paper. Place apples in a cardboard or wooden container. If there are sawdust or sand, you can sprinkle the fruits with them.

Do not put bunches of onions and garlic near fruits. They interrupt the natural smell of apples. It is better to put a box or box in a dark and cool place. Another storage method: tie fruit in polyethylene and bury it in an earthen hole. It should be shallow - about fifty centimeters. To protect the fruits from their pests.

Everyone knows from childhood that you need to eat apples - the beneficial properties of these fruits are unlikely to cause anyone doubt! But if you are asked what is the use of an apple, can you give a detailed answer? What exactly is the value of juicy fruits, and in what diseases should they be especially “leaned on”?

What is hidden under the thin skin of an apple?

To date, there are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees: summer, autumn and, with fruits of green, pale yellow, golden, light and dark red color, of various sizes, tastes and aromas. Some varieties contain more vitamin C, others contain more sugars, and still others contain more iron. Let's take a closer look at what is contained in apples, and which fruits are better to prefer for a particular disease.

Even after long-term storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year's harvest remain almost as useful as fresh ones.

80% of apple fruits are water, about 12% are carbohydrates, 10% are organic acids, and there are very few proteins and fats in apples - only 1%. It is no coincidence that many diets contain an apple: its calorie content is very low (43-47 kcal per 100 g), and a large amount of fiber (pectin) contributes to rapid saturation and, in addition, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances.

Video about the medicinal properties of apples

If you didn’t know before what vitamins an apple contains, the list will surprise you: almost the entire group B, vitamins A, C (10 g per 100 g of apple), E, ​​H, K, PP are present in juicy fruits. In addition, apples are rich in macro- and microelements:

  • iron, which is necessary for our circulatory system;
  • potassium, good for the heart;
  • calcium, important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones;
  • phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of calcium;
  • as well as sodium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, fluorine.

Even after prolonged storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year's harvest remain almost as useful as fresh ones.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dish.

health benefits of apples

Due to the soluble fiber (pectin), apples become an effective natural remedy for constipation. The work of the digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract is getting better, intestinal motility improves, harmful substances are more actively excreted from the body, and metabolism is normalized. As a result, the skin condition becomes better and the complexion is healthier. In addition, pectin helps to remove excess cholesterol from the liver.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dishes, making your diet more dietary and healthy, or spend fasting days on apples alone. These delicious fruits greatly facilitate the fight against excess weight and obesity. Just keep in mind that apples with a green skin color are more conducive to weight loss.

Astringent-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain an increased percentage of iron. They are especially recommended for pregnant women to raise low hemoglobin, as well as for everyone who suffers from increased fragility of blood vessels and anemia.

Tart-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain an increased percentage of iron.

Apples have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties, so it is useful to add them to the diet for:

  • acute and chronic colitis,
  • dysentery,
  • gastrointestinal infections,
  • urolithiasis,
  • gout,
  • edema of renal origin,
  • gastroenteritis,
  • chronic cholecystitis.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances, which is especially important for those whose work is related to radioactive substances and salts of heavy metals. And the substance quercetin found in apples prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease by protecting brain cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances.

Listing how apples are useful, it is impossible not to note their beneficial effect on immunity due to the high content of vitamin C. Varieties of sour apples are especially good for insomnia, headaches, and even diabetes. And tea from sour apples has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Are apples so harmless, what is their harm?

You may be surprised, but in fact, you can seriously harm your body by eating seemingly harmless apples - the benefits and harms depend on how correctly you eat these fruits. So, with caution should be treated with the ingestion of apple seeds. In small quantities, they are even considered useful because they contain iodine, but it should be borne in mind that they also contain hydrocyanic acid, the strongest poison. More than five ingested bones are already a health hazard.

Try to avoid store-bought apples polished to a mirror shine - for better storage, they are abundantly treated with chemicals, and to give an attractive presentation, they are covered with unsafe wax-based preparations that contribute to the development of gastritis. You can get rid of the protective film on fruits with hot water and soap, but it is better to choose apples that do not look so perfect and have wormholes - evidence of the naturalness of the fruit.

Rough fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating

Some consider apples to be hypoallergenic fruits, however, this is not entirely true. Only varieties with a green fruit color do not cause allergies, and red apples contain beta-carotene (a pigment substance), from which allergic reactions can occur.

Sour apples should not be eaten by people with duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, inflammatory processes in the pancreas. But sweet apples are undesirable for cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that coarse fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating.

Otherwise, apples are incredibly useful, just do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after each use, as the fruit acids and sugars contained in the fruits cause the destruction of tooth enamel.

What is the best way to eat apples?

Baked apples are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, only in the process of baking most of the vitamins are destroyed.

As soon as apples are not used in cooking: they are added to salads, make side dishes, used as a filling for pies, rolls and cakes, baked with honey, nuts, cinnamon, jam, jams, compotes, marmalade, mousse and other sweets. But best of all, the useful properties of apples are preserved in dried, baked form and in the preparation of freshly squeezed juice.

Baked apples they are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, only in the process of baking most of the vitamins are destroyed, from which the benefits of apples are reduced. Peeled baked apples remarkably help with constipation, dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis and hepatitis. They contribute to the careful restoration of the digestive organs after abdominal operations, and pectins remove from the body all unwanted products formed after the breakdown of drugs. In addition, baked apples are good for coughs.

Video about baked apples

dried apples they are especially rich in iron, fiber and carbohydrates, but vitamin C is completely destroyed during drying. It is recommended to use dried apples as a source of carbohydrates for additional energy, just keep in mind that the calorie content of dried apples is six times higher than fresh ones.

To get all the vitamins and nutrients in a concentrated, easily digestible form, apples can be prepared fresh juice. It perfectly quenches thirst, increases the tone of the body, and at the same time helps to cope with colds, has a beneficial effect on the digestive and genitourinary systems and activates the activity of the kidneys. With the regular use of apple juice in children with asthma, shortness of breath is noticeably reduced.