Dried plums for the winter. Dried plums in the oven with garlic, recipe with photo

29.09.2019 Buffet table

For the winter, dried in the oven with aromatic herbs. it is prepared in almost the same way, it is also called spicy, because it is prepared with spices (spices). The taste of plum is spicy and with the aroma of basil, Provence herbs. You can make an excellent snack from dried plums, add cheese, nuts, it will be very tasty, especially with dry wine. In Europe, dried plums are added to a variety of salads. They also cook sweet dried plums. In any case, we have a lot of plums, you can cook such a yummy, it is stored in the refrigerator, even all winter. Let's try, and the following recipes will help us with this.

Dried Plum - Recipe

To prepare dried plums, we need 2 hours, the product yield is 0.5 liters.


Ripe plum varieties "Hungarian" - 1 kilogram

Olive oil - 100 milliliters

Garlic - 3 cloves

Dried basil - to taste

Provence herbs - to taste

Salt Extra - to taste

Table vinegar - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking steps:

Let's prepare all the products for the preparation of dried plums. The plum should be separated from the bone, and so the variety can be any, not necessarily like mine. Instead of olive oil, sunflower, fragrant, is also suitable.

Wash the plums, pat dry and halve, discard the pits. Salt, sprinkle with spices and sprinkle a little oil, mix the plums thoroughly.

We put parchment paper on a wind sheet and lay out the livas with the cores up.

We dry the plums for 1 hour 45 minutes, on the slowest fire. They should not be dried, but slightly soft. Keep an eye on them, all ovens are different, it may take you less time to cook.

In the meantime, we will prepare a clean jar, it needs to be steamed, the lid is boiled for a couple of minutes. Peel and cut the garlic into slices, you can also use dried garlic in this recipe. We spread the plums in a jar alternating with slices of garlic, the aromas are divine.

From 1 kilogram of plums, I got a 0.5 liter jar of dried plums. Pour the plums with olive oil and vinegar so that they are stored longer and saturate the fruits with all the aromas.

Close the jar tightly with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Dried plums are ready! An appetizer for true connoisseurs of original dishes. By the way, such plums are very useful, they contain a lot of fiber, carbohydrates and improve the functioning of our gastrointestinal tract. So they replenish our body with a mass of vitamins. Do not save on health, cook delicious plums and your body will not let you down.

Dried plum is sweet.

For this blank, you will need the following products:

Plums - 1 kilogram

Granulated sugar - 100 grams

How to cook dried plum.

My plums, then cut into halves and remove the seeds from the fruits.

Then we put the halves of the plums in a saucepan, sprinkle them with sugar, set oppression on top and put it all in a cool place for several hours. During this time, their fruit juice should stand out.

We stand the cream in the oven until it dries, but remains elastic.

We put the finished dried plums in clean and dry glass jars or cloth bags and send them for storage, like dried grapes, in a dry and dark place.

Please note that the remaining juice drained from the drain can be used to make compote, jelly, and it can also be preserved. , you will find out by reading our special article on this site.

Fruits and berries


dried plums in olive oil with tart dried Italian herbs and garlic - a real highlight of winter preservation. Such exquisite recipes are gaining more and more popularity, when the very main ingredient is not enough and you want to diversify its taste with something unusual. As a result of such experiments, new culinary masterpieces are born. The dish that we will cook today is no longer so much a simple preparation of plums as a full-fledged snack or side dish. Those who know say that such plums taste like real olives.

Agree, it’s so hard to imagine the process of preparing this preservation right away, so we have prepared for you a simple step-by-step photo recipe from which you will learn about all the intricacies of creating dried plums with spices. Hot chili pepper will help us to make the taste of plums more expressive, we will add quite a bit of it and thereby only emphasize the taste of the main ingredient. The oil in which plums will be dried and stored can later be used to sprinkle vegetable salads. Let's start cooking dried plums for the winter at home.



    To create such an unusual winter preservation, we need small, dense and ripe plums, which we thoroughly wash in cold water in advance and let the fruits dry.

    We divide the already washed and prepared fruits into halves and remove the bones, which we will not need during the cooking process. Put the halves of the plums for a while in a deep bowl..

    We divide the heads of garlic into cloves, and peel them from the husk. There are a lot of useful vitamins and minerals in garlic, which he will definitely give to olive oil and plums.

    We cut each clove into not too thin plates as shown in the photo. The amount of garlic can vary depending on how many plums you took to create this preserve.

    On each pallet or grid of the dryer, lay out the halves of the plums with the slices up.

    On top of each half we put a prepared piece of garlic or a few if they are too small.

    First, sprinkle a slice of plum with garlic with prepared dried herbs and medium-sized sea salt, and then pour or just brush with a little olive oil.

    We set the temperature at 70 degrees on the regulator of the electric dryer and for the next 12 hours we dry our plum halves until cooked. If you want the plums to dry enough on the outside and remain a little soft inside, then reduce the drying temperature by 20-30 degrees.

    Now it remains to put the halves of the plums neatly into jars sterilized in advance by a dry method and prepare the filling.

    Pour the indicated volume of fragrant olive oil into a ladle or stewpan, send the remaining plates of garlic, Italian herbs to taste and chopped hot pepper there. Bring the liquid to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes..

    Pour the plums in the jar with the prepared liquid to the very top: it is necessary that the oil with spices completely covers the halves in the jar.

    We twist the jar with the sealed workpiece with a clean lid and send the preservation to the refrigerator: there such a value will certainly not deteriorate. Home-dried plums with garlic, herbs and salt are ready for the winter.

    Bon Appetit!

  • plum - 1 kg,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • dry herbs - thyme, dill,
  • oil 1 - 2 tablespoons,
  • canning oil - 300 grams.
  • coarse salt.

Cooking process:

Prepare the plum: wash, separate the stone, cutting into 2 halves.

Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Arrange the plum halves tightly on the sheet. Usually fits 1 kg. Place garlic cloves on each half. You can lightly sprinkle with coarse salt.

Sprinkle with chopped dry herbs.

Spray with vegetable oil.

Preheat oven to 100 degrees. Place the plums in the oven. The oven must remain half open to allow the liquid to evaporate. I put a matchbox between the door and the oven. Make sure that the temperature does not rise above 100 degrees. A large plum is dried for about 3 hours.

Look closer to the end so as not to overdry. The finished product resembles soft prunes.

Arrange the plum on a plate if you are preparing a seasonal appetizer. Cool down. Serve with meat dishes as a side dish or serve as an appetizer for an aperitif.

If you plan to prepare spicy dried plums for the winter, put them tightly in a sterile jar, fill with oil and roll up.

From 1 kg of plums comes a half-liter jar of workpiece. Store cream in the refrigerator. After 1-2 months, the plum will infuse and become tastier and more oily.

Use the butter from the cream jar as you would any flavored butter. It can be added to vegetable salads, seasoned with hot boiled potatoes, lubricated with black bread bruschetta. Sun-dried plums will please your loved ones and diversify your usual diet.

We have already dried tomatoes, and this divine snack has become one of the most beloved in our family. And now it's the turn of the plums. And that's great too, I tell you! It's spicy, sweet-spicy and peppery at the same time. Such dried plums with garlic, herbs and salt will decorate sandwiches with curd cheese, perfectly fit into the company of meat, poultry or rabbit. I already dream of adding them to the stuffing with which I will stuff the duck. The main problem is to keep the yummy, and not to eat it all at once and with pleasure without any accompaniment. It will be just indecently delicious!


    And pepper to taste

    Or some vegetable

    500 grams

    dry herbs


The technology for making dried plums in the oven is very similar to the one we used. It is simple and does not require much time. I'll tell you in detail how to cook dried plums at home for the winter!

First, the fruits should be washed and dried. I used Hungarian, it is quite sweet, so I excluded sugar from the recipe. If the plum is sour, sprinkle it with a little granulated sugar, this will straighten out the taste. Cut each fruit in half and remove the pit. Lay them skin side down on a heat-resistant dish.

Lubricate the top with a little oil, olive or other good vegetable refined. Use a silicone brush.

Sprinkle on top with salt and pepper. And sugar, if the fruits are not sweet enough.

Place in a preheated oven at 180°C, immediately turn down the heat to 100°C and dry with the door ajar and, if available, on the convection function (with fan) for 4-5-7 hours, depending on the size of the plums. Take a look so you don't overdo it. The finished dried plum is elastic, but the juice no longer stands out. It's very tasty, you just have to try it. And then don't quit.

How to store dried plums at home

Dried plum with garlic for the winter is poured with vegetable oil. To store in the refrigerator, it is enough to place dried plums tightly in dry jars and pour over olive or other refined oil. The oil should completely cover the dried fruits. Under a tightly closed lid, the workpiece will be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Gulf of hot oil, you can store dried plums outside the refrigerator. To do this, pre-sterilize the jars and lids. Lay also tightly dried plums. Heat the oil and, without boiling, completely fill the blanks with it. Roll up the jars with a lid, turn upside down and leave to cool completely.

Sun-dried plums have the aroma of tkemali sauce, and they taste like a cross between this sauce and marshmallow. It was difficult for me to find recipes for dried plums at home, for this I came to write in the library and leaf through several files of old culinary magazines. I checked my findings, everything is fine, the plums are delicious. Unfortunately, the culture of preparing for the winter with the advent of the era of convenience foods and fast food was irretrievably lost. This applies to conservation to a lesser extent, but as for drying, the picture is bleak.

At one time, drying fruits and berries seemed out of date, a kind of occupation for retired grandmothers. Then dryers began to appear, excluding any kind of trouble - loaded the fruits and sit, sip tea, wait until the drying cycle ends. At first glance, it’s great, but not all fruits turn out delicious when processed with such a dryer. And not everyone can (and wants) to buy another kitchen appliance. Considering that the kitchen is not rubber and that you need to place the already purchased double boiler, multicooker, toaster, blender, mixer, etc. somewhere.

In general, as you already understood, I am for a variety of recipes, especially in terms of the method of preparation. Therefore, today there is not one recipe for dried plums, but three. Choose.

Dried plums in the oven


  • 2 kg of blue plums, preferably Hungarian;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp dried oregano,
  • other spicy dried herbs as desired;
  • ½ tbsp coarse salt,
  • a little vegetable oil

Cut the plums in half, remove the pits. Lay tightly together on baking sheets lined with parchment. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, as well as dry herbs, lay thin slices of garlic.

Cook in a convection oven at 75 degrees with the door ajar. Dry the plums until they feel like prunes to the touch.

Arrange the finished dried fruits in sterile jars in layers with additives and fill with hot vegetable oil. Seal. I can’t say the amount of oil, because it all depends on the jar, and on how you put the plums in these jars - everything turned out somehow by eye. Before rolling up the jars, you can add 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar to each. I don’t add, I wrote vinegar in the list of ingredients just in case.

Dried plums in the sun

This recipe is suitable only for summer residents or residents of private homes. I rightly believe that dried plums will not work on the balcony - there is not enough sun there.


  • 5 kg of blue plums, not overripe;
  • 80 grams of baking soda;
  • 2 buckets of water.

The buckets should be different: in one soda solution, in the other clean cold water. You will also need plywood sheets, clean gauze and a sheet stand.


Sort the plums, removing rotten ones, then divide into halves. Throw away the bones. Be sure to discard the wormy halves of the fruit, they themselves will not be stored and the rest of the raw materials will be spoiled.

Boil water with soda (80 grams of baking soda per 10 liters of water). Put the halves of the plums in a colander and dip in a boiling soda solution for 4-5 seconds. Transfer immediately to a bucket of cold water. Once all the plums have been processed, rinse them and lay them out to dry on paper towels.

Put the slightly dried halves of the fruit in the sun, spreading it on sheets of plywood covered with clean gauze. From above, also cover with gauze from flies, preferably in one layer. Dry in the open sun for 3-4 hours, then transfer to the shade for 5 hours. Then put it in the sun again, this time for a longer time.

Alternate the drying and cooling stages until the drain becomes firm and elastic and, when pressed, no longer releases liquid.

Dried plums in an electric dryer

Of course, they can be simply blanched in a soda solution and dried, but I prefer to dry with spices and garlic. For this method of harvesting, only Hungarians are suitable, moderately ripe.


  • 25 blue plums;
  • 25 garlic cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt without a slide;
  • 1 pod of hot chili pepper;
  • 70 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • a mixture of herbs to taste.


Wash the plums, removing the bluish bloom, cut into halves, lay on a paper towel. Let them dry while you peel the garlic cloves, then spread them out - 1 clove per 1 plum half. Salt the fruits, sprinkle them with dried herbs and put them in the dryer tray, always in one layer. Dry for about 20 hours on medium power.

For storage, treat the jar with hot water, additionally sterilize over steam, then place hot peppers in the jar, then halves of plums with garlic and pour boiling vegetable oil. Close with a nylon lid, leave for a day at room temperature, then refrigerate. Spicy dried plums are an excellent spicy addition to meat dishes.

In the dryer, you can also dry the plums in slices.