Birthday animal salads. Well, very nicely presented salads! Ladybug pomegranate salad

02.07.2020 Buffet table

Examples of salads design, with photos and short descriptions.

Dishes on any table should not only be tasty, but also appetizing in appearance. Salad not neatly decorated, looks unsightly on the table and raises doubts about its taste.

A bright colorful salad, on the contrary, decorates the table evokes delight and admiration both for the salad itself and for the culinary abilities of the hostess. In order to make the salad look beautiful, we select contrasting colors for decoration.

Important: The taste of the decoration should correspond to the products in the salad.

Can be decorated with other foods only if they can be removed from the dish.

How to decorate a salad under a fur coat?

The main ingredient in the salad is herring, and the top layer is usually brightly colored beets. Therefore, the salad can be decorated with boiled egg yolk or white, herbs, cucumber.

The most common way:

  • Finely grate the yolk of a boiled egg
  • Sprinkle gently on the surface of the salad

Salad under a fur coat decorated with boiled yolk

Very original decoration in the form of a fish:

  • We make a beautiful shape of fish from a salad on a platter
  • Cut the onion into half rings
  • We spread it on a salad in the form of scales
  • Cut out triangles from boiled carrots
  • We form a fish's tail, fins, flippers, nose
  • Cut the boiled egg in half
  • Put the yolk up on the head of the resulting fish - this will be the eye
  • Put peppercorns or black caviar on the yolk
  • We make cilia around the eye with caviar or pepper

We decorate the salad under a fur coat

You can make a simple and beautiful drawing with mayonnaise:

  • We use a cooking syringe and draw beautiful parallel lines on the surface of the salad

We decorate the salad under a fur coat

We decorate the salad using herring fillets:

  • Put fish, cleared of bones and skins, in the center of the salad
  • With green onions we make a hut from bright crossed sticks

We decorate the salad under a fur coat

A bright salad decorated with dill sprigs looks beautiful.

We decorate the salad under a fur coat

Video: Herring under a fur coat in potato boats

How to decorate salad Olivier?

The main composition of the salad is cucumber, potatoes, carrots, boiled eggs, green peas.

We use them for decoration.

  • Cut fresh cucumber lengthwise into thin strips
  • Gently fold the strips in half
  • We spread around the perimeter of the salad, so that each strip slightly overlaps the next
  • In the center, you can put a herringbone-shaped herringbone cut from a cucumber Add a herringbone cut from raw potatoes, and then rosettes baked in the oven

How to decorate salad Olivier?

  • Distribute green peas along the edges of the salad
  • Put a lily cut from a boiled egg in the center
  • Cut into plates from boiled carrots
  • From which we form by cutting out any beautiful shapes, in the form of Christmas trees, stars, flowers
  • We decorate the lily with parsley leaves
  • Lay out the dill greens, between the carrot drawings

How to decorate salad Olivier?

Decorate with a rose of fresh tomato and cucumber leaves

How to decorate salad Olivier?

Video: How to decorate an Olivier salad?

How to decorate a mimosa salad?

The brightness of the salad will add the yolk of a boiled egg crumbled on the surface

How to decorate a mimosa salad?

Salad sprinkled with yolks can be additionally decorated with egg mice

  • Peel boiled eggs
  • Cut the ears and tail from hard cheese
  • On the egg, there are slots for the ears and under the tail. We put cheese ears and a tail on the prepared places
  • We make eyes and a nose from peppercorns, cloves or cut from olives

How to decorate a mimosa salad?

Decorate with a beautiful green tree:

  • Rub separately hard cheese and yolk on a fine grater
  • First, spread the cheese over all the surfaces of the salad
  • Then spread the yolk around the edges of the salad
  • Putting a sprig of dill in the center of the bacon
  • Sprinkle with yolk in some places dill imitating flowers

How to decorate a mimosa salad?

Another very beautiful decoration option:

  • Sprinkle finely chopped green onions around the salad on a platter
  • Garnish the salad sprinkled with grated yolk with a sprig of parsley
  • Cut lilies from the protein of a boiled egg
  • Which we place on the tips of the parsley sprigs, so that we get a sprig with flowers
  • In the center of the flower, put any bright berry

How to decorate a mimosa salad?

Video: How to decorate a mimosa salad?

Salad dressing with pepper?

Pepper decorations are bright, saturated due to the variety of its colors.

But it is worth remembering that pepper has a very specific taste. So that he does not interrupt the main taste of the salad, it should be added to the decorations very carefully. Basically, as removable items.

Bell pepper lily:

  • We wash the pepper well
  • We clean out the core
  • Without bringing the knife to the end of the pepper by 1 -2 cm, cut the pepper into wide strips
  • Blanch the peppers in hot water for 3-5 minutes so that the petals become pliable and a beautiful lily can be formed from
  • You can decorate a salad with such a flower or fill it with salad and serve as a separate dish.

Pepper salad dressing

Bell pepper cloves:

  • Cut the pepper in half
  • Do not remove the core
  • With scissors we make narrow strips 2-3 cm long
  • To make the petals look more spectacular for a few minutes, put the chopped part of the pepper in the bottom in boiling water

Pepper salad dressing

Original octopuses:

  • Cut the pepper into strips without reaching half a centimeter to the edge
  • We put one half of the pepper, bending the cut strips down, bend the other half inward
  • You can put a little ready-made salad inside

Pepper salad dressing

Such a beautiful chick can be obtained with the help of pepper

Pepper salad dressing

Pepper salad dressing

Video: Pepper Flower

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

Pineapples are not very bright in color, without contrasting additions of other elements, special decoration will not work.

  • Cut pineapples into rectangles 1.5 cm by 2 cm
  • We spread it on the surface of the salad in the form of a flower
  • Put pomegranate seeds in the center

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

  • Cut pineapples into rectangles
  • In the center we put pieces of fruit in the form of a flower
  • Put olive or cherry in the middle
  • Put the olive in a circle
  • We make the next circle from pineapples

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

Decorate the salad made in a ring by laying out the whole salad with pineapple slices

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

In the center we put beautifully alternating chopped tomatoes and cucumbers

Original salad laid out in pineapple shape:

  • Decorate with pineapple slices on top
  • Imitate pineapple leaves with greens

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

Decorate with pineapple roses made:

  • Cut the pineapple into thin slices
  • We stick in a salad, in the form of roses
  • Put any bright berry in the center
  • We make small paths of berries, giving contrast to the salad

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

How to decorate a salad with pineapples?

Video: Pineapple Butterfly

Tomato garnished salad

Tomato roses are beautiful and easy to prepare.

  • We wash the tomato well
  • With a sharp knife, peel off with a spiral

Decorate the salad with tomato roses. Preparation stages

  • We wrap the resulting spiral, starting from the edge and up to the end in a rose

This flower can be used to decorate any salad.

Making a rose from the skin of a tomato to decorate salads

You can make cut roses:

  • Cut the tomato halves very thinly

Cut the tomatoes very thinly to make a rose

Fold the chopped vegetables in the shape of a rose

Decorate the salad with a tomato rose

Uncomplicated in cooking, tulips from tomatoes will be a masterpiece of any table.

The photo shows the stages of preparation in detail.

The filling can be any, at the discretion of the hostess

Cooking a tomato tulip to decorate salads

A variety of salad dressings using a tomato

Video: Tomato flower

Cucumber salad

  • It's easy and simple to decorate salads with cucumber
  • Its neutral taste is suitable for almost all salads, while the bright green color looks beautiful both in its own version and in combination with other decorations.
  • Making jewelry, shown in great detail in the photo

Cucumber lotus flower for salad dressing

Flower Shaped Cucumber Salad Decoration

Pickled cucumber rose for salad dressing

You can simply cut a cucumber and form a green rose from the salad.

Salad formed with fresh cucumber in the form of a rose

Or make a rose decoration out of the cut

Fresh cucumber for dressing salad in the form of a rose

Chopped pickled cucumber, beautifully decorate the dragon-shaped salad

An easy way to garnish your salad with cucumber

The buffet version of the salad can be prepared in boats made from fresh cucumber

We decorate the salad with a boat-cucumber

Video: Salad decoration. Cucumber rose

How to decorate a salad with an egg?

The most common way to decorate salads with an egg.

Easy to make and very beautiful snowmen will decorate any festive table. Children will like them too.

Stages of preparing salad dressing with a snowman

You can make funny mice and little boats by simply cutting a boiled egg in half.

Cutting out the necessary elements from cheese and carrots.

We decorate children's salads with boats and mice

Or we will make ears from boiled carrots.

Original mice will decorate any salad

We make bright spiders from boiled eggs and olives.

Decorating the salad with spiders

Video: We will decorate the original chamomile salad made from boiled eggs

How to decorate salad with mayonnaise?

With a little mayonnaise on hand, you can decorate salads in an amazing way.

  • We spread the salad in the form of a turtle shell
  • Making a mesh of mayonnaise
  • Making a turtle head from a boiled egg
  • We put the paws from the walnut

We decorate the salad in the form of a turtle

The mesh made on a bright salad of herring under a fur coat looks very good.

We decorate the salad by making a grill on the salad under a fur coat

Originally, you can arrange a salad with a birch:

  • We make the trunk from mayonnaise
  • Black dots on the trunk - from olives
  • We form the crown with parsley
  • Add parsley and dill to the ground. It will make a wonderful herb

Decorating the salad with mayonnaise

Salad garnish with mayonnaise

Video: The most beautiful salad designs

How to decorate a salad with dill?

You can decorate any salad with dill. You can use it, both finely chopped and twigs.

Herringbone decorated with finely chopped dill for salad

Beautiful New Year's wreath made of dill sprigs for salad decoration

An original type of salad dressing decorated with dill sprigs

Chamomile with dill is a very beautiful festive option for decorating a salad

The original football field - a simple salad dressing with dill and mayonnaise

Video: How to decorate a salad with dill?

How to decorate salads with herbs beautifully?

Almost any salad is not complete without herbs.

In addition to the fact that greens add beauty and appetizing to the dish, they are very useful. It is used as a separate element in great demand at the table.

Unusual palm:

  • We take a cocktail tube
  • We string olives on it
  • Insert parsley sprigs inside
  • Sprinkle the surface of the salad with dill
  • Put the dish itself on a salad bowl covered with lettuce leaves

Spectacular palm tree made of greenery

Decorating the salad with herbs

Salad decorated with herbs

Video: How to decorate salads with herbs beautifully?

Decorating and decorating holiday salads

A festive table requires special beauty in decoration. But this does not mean that everything should be intricate and difficult to prepare.

Chopped crab sticks can be used to decorate a salad laid out in the shape of a fish.

Beautiful fish salad garnished with crab sticks

Put a gift bow cut into thin strips of boiled carrots and ginger

Festive option for decorating salads

  • Form a five-pointed star out of lettuce
  • Cover the edges with red fish
  • It turns out a spectacular starfish

Decorating a festive salad

We make a beautiful aster from a fresh onion.

Decorating the salad with an onion flower

  • Beet juice diluted in hot water will help add brightness. Where we lower the finished flower for a couple of minutes
  • A chic "monomakh" hat will be made from a salad slide covered with salmon fillets
  • Spread red caviar on top with a slide

Decorating a festive salad

  • Popular sunflower salad
  • Making petals from chips

We decorate the salad in the form of a sunflower

We make seeds from olives. Video: Festive table. How to decorate your New Year's salad?

Decorating baby salads

Children's salads should be especially bright and kind.

These cows can be made with boiled eggs, carrots, olives and herbs.

We decorate the salad with funny cows

The bright sun will delight the kids.

  • Sprinkle the salad with yolk
  • We make eyes from protein
  • Pupils, mouth and eyelashes from olives
  • We make rays of cheese
  • We decorate the sponges with a cherry

Children's salad decorated in the form of a sun

We make a kind and tasty dragon from bell pepper.

We decorate children's salads

Video: Decorating baby salads

Decoration and decoration of snacks

We decorate jellied fish:

  • Thinly sliced ​​lemon, cucumber plastics folded in half, in which we put olives
  • Cut a lily from raw onions
  • Fill with lemon

We beautifully fold the cold cuts with an envelope.

We make jellies with carrots and onions

Video: How to arrange cold snacks beautifully?

No special culinary skills are required to decorate salads beautifully. It is enough to have a desire and not a lot of imagination.

Video: How to decorate a salad? 50 beautiful options

Today it is difficult to imagine any festive table without salads. Our Slavic people love salads: different, tasty, with vodka, traditional and original! And beautiful salads are such a pleasant addition to any salad that every housewife tries to implement in her kitchen.

Salad decorating is like religion and philosophy - each housewife has her own, and they have one common hobby - decorating dishes. Philosophizing on how to decorate salads can take a long time. And there are people who do not like dressing salads at all in our usual sense. In any case, beautiful salads are the atmosphere of a holiday, celebration, this is an opportunity to make ours brighter and more saturated.

Dear guests of the site, I bring to your attention an original selection with examples of decorating salads, which, I hope, you will not only like, but will also appear on your festive table.

Sunflower salad

The recipe for the "Sunflower" salad and design options can be viewed

Salad with chicken and mushrooms "Mushroom"

How to cook and decorate the "Mushroom" salad see


  • Chicken breast - 300-400 grams,
  • champignons - 300 grams,
  • onions - 1-2 heads,
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
  • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.,
  • green onions - 1 bunch,
  • hard cheese - 100-150 grams,
  • olives.


Boil the chicken breast - finely chop.

Cut the mushrooms and onion into cubes, fry in vegetable oil, with the addition of butter.

Boil eggs, cut into cubes.

Lay out in layers: chicken breast - sour cream-mushrooms fried with onions - sour cream - boiled eggs - sour cream.

Top decoration: tomatoes - finely chopped, cucumbers - in strips + dill, cheese - on a grater, olives.

Pink salmon salad "Camomile"

How to cook and decorate pink salmon salad "Camomile" look

Hedgehog salad with Korean carrots


  • half chicken fillet - about 300 grams
  • marinated mushrooms whole from a jar
  • 2 medium onions
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • medium cucumber
  • about 200 grams of hard cheese
  • 1 pack of mayonnaise
  • a handful of walnuts
  • a glass of korean carrots
  • 3 medium pitted olives
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves
  • Salt and a little pepper


1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, cool and cut into small cubes.

2. Boil the eggs and grate them coarsely.

3. Peel and chop the onions.

4. Wash the cucumber and cut into small strips. You can, of course, grate, but then too much juice will come out and a mushy cucumber in this salad will not work.

5. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

6. Walnuts are very good to grind, you can in a blender and pepper them.

7. Leave a few fungi for decoration, and finely chop the rest of the mushrooms and fry in butter.

8. Even this amount of products will make a rather big hedgehog, so take a larger plate, lay lettuce leaves on the bottom and form the silhouette of a hedgehog, laying out the layers in turn: chicken - a layer of mayonnaise - onions - more mayonnaise - mushrooms - a layer of mayonnaise - eggs - again mayonnaise - cucumber - grated walnuts - cheese - mayonnaise.

9. Cover the body of the hedgehog with Korean carrots, leaving the muzzle cheesy. Make the eyes and nose out of olives, spread the greens around and plant the mushrooms on top of the "needles".

I recommend this dish for a holiday. It seems to me that the Hedgehog salad is a purely masculine recipe, but if you remove the pepper, it is also suitable for children. A very adorable animal for the center of the festive table. And it is better to prepare mayonnaise yourself, for your own health!

Ladybug pomegranate salad

How to cook and decorate Ladybug salad with pomegranate look

Tulips salad


1. Making a tulip, cut the petals at the top of the tomato, it is better if the tomatoes are firmer.

2. We remove what we cut. With a knife, neatly.

3. Then take out the core with a spoon, take out half of the tomato so that the taste of the tomato is also present, but as you like it, if you like more filling, take out more core.

4. For the filling cheese, boil two eggs, garlic, walnuts and mayonnaise.

Calla salad

How to cook decorate Calla salad look

"Birch Grove" salad


  • 300 gr. boiled chicken fillet,
  • 300 gr. fried champignons,
  • Fry 3 onions,
  • 200 gr. pitted prunes,
  • 5 eggs (white, yolk separately)
  • 2 small fresh cucumbers
  • mayonnaise, herbs.


1st layer — chicken — finely chopped fillet,

2nd layer - finely chopped prunes,

3rd layer - champignons with onions,

4th layer of protein,

5th layer cucumbers in small cubes.

The yolks are finely grated on top, on the sides the whites are also finely grated.

We decorate for every taste. Ready.

White Royal salad


  • Chicken meat 500 gr.
  • Cucumber 2 pieces (fresh)
  • Eggs 3-4 pieces
  • Mushrooms 300 gr. (any to taste)
  • Hard cheese 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise


The whole process of preparing a salad consists of layers that are laid out in a specific sequence. Before we start laying out the layers of salad, we need to prepare all the necessary ingredients for this in this way:

- chicken meat should be boiled;

- fry the mushrooms in a pan;

- grate cucumbers with a grater, while using a coarse grater;

- also boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater.

Lay out the layers in a certain sequence:

1 layer - boiled chicken;

2nd layer - mayonnaise;

3rd layer - fried mushrooms;

4th layer - mayonnaise;

5th layer - fresh cucumbers;

6 layer - mayonnaise;

7th layer - boiled eggs;

8 layer - mayonnaise;

9 layer - cheese.

Decorate like a grand piano using hard cheese and black olives. You can also form a beautiful rose from lightly salted salmon, which will perfectly transform the whole landscape of the salad.

Ladybug salad with caviar

How to cook Ladybug salad with caviar see

Sadovaya Polyanka salad


  • 1 large onion
  • chicken breast
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 pickled cucumbers
  • 2 fresh tomatoes
  • mayonnaise
  • dill, parsley, green onions.
  • For decoration:
  • olives
  • small tomatoes
  • green salad

To make the festive table look great, sometimes beautiful dishes and super expensive tablecloths are not enough, and this is not the main thing. The main thing is to arrange the dishes themselves in a beautiful and appetizing way. And nothing is simpler and at the same time brighter than decorating salads, there is where to roam the expanse of imagination. Here are some examples of decorating salads for a festive table, maybe they will give you an idea of ​​how to decorate your dishes beautifully. Click on the photos to request a detailed recipe and see the photo in full size.

For the watermelon wedge salad we need: 1 chicken leg; a can of canned mushrooms; chicken eggs (a couple of pieces); mayonnaise. For decoration: fresh cucumber (you can have two, if small); some hard cheese; 2 tomatoes; a couple of olives.

You can decorate the Sunflower with a ladybug made from a cut half of a tomato and an olive:

And since we have already hinted about the Herring under a fur coat, here's how you can decorate it in different ways: herring salad under a fur coat.

Another dragon, now made of rice with crab sticks. The recipe is known, probably to everyone. Composition of rice salad with crab sticks: a handful of rice, package of 250 g of crab sticks, 300 g of canned corn, 4 eggs, onions, salt, lemon juice, honey, mayonnaise.

After all, salads can be decorated in the form of any animal, even a snake:

Such a recipe is just right for the New Year's table for the year of the snake according to the Eastern calendar. Ingredients of "snake" salad: 4 medium potatoes, 1 jar of canned pink salmon, 4 eggs, 2 processed cheese "Friendship", 1 clove of garlic, mayonnaise, pickled cucumbers and lettuce for decoration.

Even the simplest salad can be dressed up in such a way that it becomes the main decoration of the festive table. In this article, we tried to find the simplest and most beautiful ideas for decorating salads.

Salad decorations for any occasion

Salad dressing: Shape, sprinkle with grated cheese. The keys are made from slices of cheese and olives. Genera from tomato and herbs.

Salad dressing: salted straws; rings of fresh cucumber arranged in a chain, red fish wrapped in a roll at the ends of the straw, lettuce, olives, canned corn.

Salad decoration "Bee": olives, olives and fresh cucumber for wings.

Calla salad decorations: base of a calla flower from melted cheese (in bags), stamens from boiled carrots, stems and leaves from green onions.

Salad decoration "Astra": Crab sticks used as flower petals. Leaves, stems are made from fresh cucumber.

Salad decoration "Basket": the basket is made of green onions intertwined between salted straws.

Salad decoration "Lukoshko": basket weaving is made from pieces of hard cheese, egg white flowers and boiled carrots. Green onions, sliced ​​into rings.

Salad decoration "Palms": Palm trees are made from olives planted on wooden skewers and green onions.

Salad decoration "Heart": grated cheese, green onions at the base, pomegranate seeds for edging, cherry tomatoes for berries, fresh cucumber for leaves, green onions for stalks.

Salad decoration "Bouquet": tomato tulips stuffed with lettuce; stalks of green onions.

Chamomile salad dressing: egg white and yolk, thinly sliced ​​fresh cucumber.

Salad decoration "Mushroom": the leg of the mushroom is egg white, the bottom of the cap is grated cheese or boiled potatoes, the top is Korean carrots.

Salad decorations: Green peas and cucumber grapes. The following are ideas for original salad dressings from simple ingredients (cucumber, egg, olives, radishes). You can make beautiful spirals from green onions: separate the feathers from the onion, cut each feather lengthwise, gently break into thin strips along the entire length, soak the onion strips in cold water for 0.5 hour.

Decorate salad you can also ordinary bell pepper.

Salad decoration "Christmas": dill, pomegranate, corn, green peas.

Salad dressing: in this variation, the salad is simply spread over potato chips.

Salad decoration "Boat": original boats from fresh cucumber, filled with salad. The sail is attached with a toothpick.

Salad decoration "Lapti": processed cheese (in bags), herbs, canned mushrooms.

Pineapple salad dressing: walnuts, green onions. In the second version, chopped canned mushrooms and green onions are used.

Salad decoration "Myshki": mice are made of boiled eggs, cheese and black pepper (peas), the surface of the salad is sprinkled with grated yolk.

Salad decoration "Slice": Place the salad on a crescent-shaped plate. Sprinkle completely on top with grated cheese on a coarse grater. The edge of the "watermelon wedge" is a grated cucumber. Next is the cheese. And then a tomato without a crust. Seeds "watermelon" from half rings of olives. In the second version, grated egg white and boiled carrots were used as decoration.

Salad decoration "Rybka": Sliced ​​sausage (different types) and cheese are spread in the shape of a fish. Mouth - a sirloin of a tomato, an eye - a ring (egg white), a pupil - a slice of tomato or olive.

Salad decoration "Roses": Roses are made from a thin slice of sausage, rolled into a roll, with straightened edges.

Beetroot salad decoration.

Salad decoration "Pochatok": used for decoration canned corn and green onions, cut lengthwise on one side.

Salad decoration "Karta": green onions, tomatoes and olives.

And thus, in a roll, you can roll any puff salad, and then cut it. Looks original. In the photo, it is wrapped in a roll.

Salad decoration "Pouches": salad is placed in pancakes in portions, a pancake bag is tied with green onions.

Boiled egg swan.

Tomato roses.

Ladybugs made from tomatoes and olives.

Scallop made from tomato and boiled egg.

Chain, fan and openwork rings made from fresh cucumber.

Sometimes a head of onion and a little imagination are enough to decorate a salad.

Decorating New Year's salad "Dog"

Such a Poodle will perfectly decorate any New Year's dish in 2018. The symbol of the year. The muzzle is made from cauliflower inflorescence, the body is made from eggplant, the legs and tail are made from zucchini.

"Boiled egg cockerels"

Charming decoration of the New Year's table "Cockerels from boiled eggs". They can be used to decorate any salad. Or make an independent dish by seating the cockerels on the greens. The photo clearly shows how easy it is to make such a cock of their boiled eggs. In a small incision from the sharp end of the egg, you need to insert a scallop blank with a beak, made of boiled carrots. Eyes can be made from poppy by preparing a hole in advance with a toothpick.

"Egg White Rooster"

Shape the salad into a rooster, sprinkle with grated egg whites on top. The tail and wing feathers are made from half rings of olives, while the rooster's legs and beak are made from French fries. Tomato scallop and beard.

"Chickens in an egg"

Well, aren't they cute! Boil the eggs, carefully cut off the sharp end of the egg until the yolk. Remove the yolk, mash with a fork and mix, for example, with melted cheese. Fill the egg again with the filling, cover with the "egg white hat". We make chickens' eyes from black pepper, beak and legs from boiled carrots.

Decorating New Year's salads

Also, the ideas below are perfect for decorating a New Year's salad.

Christmas trees for the New Year's table

Cut the apple in half. Place half of the apple on a plate, cut side down. Insert a wooden skewer into the middle of the apple. And put slices on it. Wonderful Christmas trees will turn out.

Father Frost

Beautiful salads are not only delicious, but also look great. More and more hostesses are trying to surprise guests and loved ones with their culinary skills.

The appearance of the salad depends on the event for which it is prepared. New Year's salads, salads for Easter or birthday, or simply beautiful salads decorated with flowers from vegetables, these dishes look great on a festive table.

Most often used for decoration are onions, herbs, cheese, eggs and a variety of vegetables. The main thing in these salads is that they not only have an excellent taste, but also an unforgettable appearance. You and your guests will love it.

How to make beautiful salads - 15 varieties

Not everyone will like this salad, as it contains prunes. The dish looks great on a festive table. It will definitely attract the attention of your guests with its appearance and will delight you with its taste.


  • 150 g prunes
  • 250 g butter
  • 200 g of beef
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • onion
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • mayonnaise
  • parsley for garnish
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • a few black olives.


  1. Boil the meat in salted water, let it cool. For a richer taste, you can boil the meat with your favorite spices.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into strips, the onion into cubes. Fry mushrooms and onions in a little vegetable oil.
  3. Cut the eggs into strips, but leave 2 yolks for decoration. Also cut the cucumber into strips.
  4. Cut prunes and meat into thin strips.
  5. Spread the salad in layers, grease each layer with mayonnaise - prunes, meat, mushrooms, eggs, cucumber, grated yolk.
  6. To decorate, cut the tomatoes in half, making the body of a "ladybug" out of them, make a head and small black specks from olives. Place the "ladybug" on parsley leaves.

Delicious and easy to prepare salad. If you fill it with sour cream and exclude boiled potatoes, you get an excellent dietary dish. To start cooking, you must first boil potatoes, eggs and chicken legs, if desired, the legs can be replaced with fillets.


  • 2 chicken legs
  • 6 boiled potatoes
  • 200 g fried mushrooms
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2-3 boiled eggs
  • 1 can of olives
  • a bunch of green onions or lettuce leaves.


  1. All components of the salad must be chopped. Chop greens, olives, mushrooms and chicken. Potatoes, eggs and cucumber - grate on a coarse grater. Some of the olives must be set aside for decoration.
  2. Lay out the salad in layers. Put the olives on the bottom of the bowl, then the meat and coat with mayonnaise. We spread the mushrooms, grease with mayonnaise, spread the potatoes and mayonnaise. Sprinkle with grated eggs. Put the cucumber on the next layer, grease it a little with mayonnaise.
  3. The salad is ready, it remains only to decorate it, for decoration we form a crown with chopped onions. Cut the olives into thin strips and lay them over the salad. The decoration is ready.

Before the holidays come, every hostess wants to surprise her guests. Flower salad with tomatoes is a wonderful treat. The appearance of the dish will decorate the festive table, and it will take half an hour to prepare it.


  • 300 g prunes
  • 500 g smoked chicken fillet
  • 500 g tomatoes
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 eggs for decoration
  • 2 cucumbers
  • a few feathers of green onions
  • a few black olives for decoration.


  1. Pour boiling water over prunes for 15 minutes. Leave some of the prunes for decoration, cut the rest into strips, put on the bottom of a salad bowl and coat with mayonnaise.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, put on prunes, do not coat with mayonnaise.
  3. Dice the chicken fillet, place on top of the tomatoes, brush with mayonnaise.
  4. Chop hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater, sprinkle on salad.
  5. To decorate, cut boiled eggs lengthwise, remove the yolk. From the protein, form a "glass of flower, from the green onion, the trunk, cut the leaves from the peel of the cucumber. Cut the olives into slices and decorate the salad around the perimeter with them and make the middle of the flower.

This salad will look great on a festive children's table. Small children are very picky about various dishes and products, but not this salad. The hedgehog-shaped salad awakens interest in children and the desire to taste it.


  • 2 chicken legs
  • 100 g fried mushrooms
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 200 g Korean carrots
  • olives mayonnaise
  • pepper
  • fresh dill.


  1. Boil chicken legs in salted water, cool, remove bones and skin, cut into pieces.
  2. Leave some Korean carrots for decoration, cut the rest.
  3. Divide the hard cheese into 2 parts. Grate most of it on a coarse grater, grate the smaller part on a fine grater for decoration.
  4. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl. Season with salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise and mix well.
  5. Put the salad on a flat dish, form a hedgehog. Sprinkle the spout with cheese, line the body with carrots. For thorns - cut olives into petals. Make the nose and eyes from olives. Finely chop the dill greens and make grass for the hedgehog.

Prunes go well with smoked chicken. The cucumber adds freshness and juiciness to this salad. The treat is perfect for both a festive and an everyday table, and you and your loved ones will definitely like it.


  • smoked chicken fillet
  • 150 g prunes
  • fresh cucumber
  • 6 boiled eggs
  • 50 g chopped walnuts
  • 150 g fried mushrooms
  • mayonnaise
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • boiled sausage for decoration.


To start cooking, you need to cut the prunes into strips.

If the prunes are too hard, they should be immersed in boiling water for 15 minutes and then dried with a paper towel.

Cut eggs, cucumber and chicken into cubes, add chopped prunes, mushrooms and walnuts. Season with mayonnaise and mix well.

Put the salad on a flat dish in the shape of a mouse.

Cut out "legs" and "ears" from boiled sausage. Grate the cheese on a fine grater to form a fur coat.

Decorate the salad. Make eyes, mouth and nose with prunes, and mustache feathers of green onions.

This salad design is perfect for a romantic dinner. It can also be served to any festive table, be it a birthday or a wedding anniversary. it takes a little time and patience to prepare the salad, but the result is worth it.


  • 200 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 200 g cheese
  • 200 g pitted prunes
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • mayonnaise


  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, put on a dish, coat with mayonnaise.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into cubes or strips, put them on a dish and cover with a mayonnaise mesh.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks, knead the yolks with a fork, put on a dish.
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and put it on a dish, cover with a mayonnaise mesh.
  5. Grate the proteins on a coarse grater.
  6. Grind the prunes.
  7. Using a glass or glass, outline the outline of the circles. Lay out the drawing.

Birch Grove salad with pomegranate will suit real gourmets. This dish is not for everyone's taste, since not everyone loves pomegranate, but it's still worth a try. An unusual combination of products gives the salad an unforgettable exotic taste.


  • 300 g of boiled meat
  • 200 g canned mushrooms
  • 5 boiled eggs
  • seeds of one pomegranate
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery
  • olives or prunes.


  1. Cut the meat into thin strips and place on the bottom of the salad bowl, lightly greased with mayonnaise.
  2. Chop the mushrooms, put on the meat.
  3. Separate the yolk from the protein and grate on a fine grater. Put the protein on the mushrooms, grease with mayonnaise.
  4. Spread the pomegranate seeds evenly on the protein and sprinkle with yolk.
  5. For decoration, we draw a trunk of birch trees from mayonnaise, we make strips from prunes or olives, and foliage and grass from greenery. You can put a few mushrooms on the "grass".

The salad consists of simple ingredients, which will allow you to prepare it quickly and easily if suddenly guests dropped by without warning. If the salad is seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice, it becomes light and low in calories, perfect for dinner.


  • Boiled chicken breast
  • Pickled cucumbers - 5-7 pieces
  • Boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Black olives - 3-5 pieces
  • Fried mushrooms
  • Green onions


  1. Cut the chicken fillet and cucumbers into small cubes. Chop the onion.
  2. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Grate the yolks on a coarse grater, the whites on a fine grater.
  3. Lay out the salad in layers - champignons, then chicken fillet, grease with mayonnaise. Lay the grated protein and cucumbers on top, grease with mayonnaise. Put the yolk in the last layer.
  4. Draw a birch with mayonnaise. Form the leaves with the chopped onions and the dark stripes with the olives. In order for the salad to be more delicious, it must be allowed to brew for at least 2 hours. Best left in the refrigerator overnight.

An elegant and appetizing dietary salad "Festive" perfectly diversifies the menu. For the preparation of the salad, dietary products and dressing are used. This salad will definitely be to your taste.


  • boiled chicken breast
  • boiled carrots
  • fresh cucumber
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • small boiled beets
  • sour cream
  • greenery
  • lemon juice


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and place on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  2. Separate the yolk from the protein and grate on a fine grater. Lay the yolk in a second layer, lightly grease with sour cream.
  3. Grate the carrots and cucumber on a coarse grater. Put the carrots in the salad bowl first, and then the cucumber. Sprinkle with finely chopped olives.
  4. Sprinkle with grated egg white on top.
  5. Decorate the dish. Draw the threads of the gift box from thin longitudinal strips of carrots. Peel and cut the beets into as thin slices as possible, form a bow out of them.
  6. Decorate the bow with green parsley or any other greens.

A bright salad for your table. The salad is hearty and tasty, it requires simple products and a little time to make it neat and beautiful, and the taste of this dish is delicate and juicy.

If you don't like black olives, you can substitute green or prunes for them.


  • 200 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • black olives
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 3 cucumbers
  • mayonnaise


  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes.
  2. Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater.
  3. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Cut a few olives into slices, the rest into slices.
  5. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  6. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater.
  7. Put fillets, eggs, olives, cut into circles, cheese (leave a little cheese for decoration) in a large bowl, season with salt, grease with mayonnaise and mix well.
  8. We spread the salad on a flat dish and form a semicircle.
  9. In order to turn the semicircle into a real watermelon slice, first put the tomatoes, then a small strip of grated cheese and cucumber. Depict the seeds with olives.

This salad is a real find for any housewife. To prepare it, you need a minimum of food and time, but it turns out that it is very tasty and satisfying.


  • 1 chicken breast
  • 3 boiled egg whites
  • 100 g cheese
  • fresh cucumber
  • boiled carrots
  • bulb
  • mayonnaise
  • greenery


  1. Boil the chicken breast until tender in salted water, add spices if desired.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, fry in vegetable oil.
  3. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater and finely grate the cheese.
  4. Lay out in layers, smearing with mayonnaise - onion, meat, cucumber, cheese.
  5. Cut the carrots into thin strips and twist them into flowers.
  6. Chop the herbs finely and decorate the salad.

delicious salad for quick preparation. Guests do not always warn of their arrival, and you can prepare this salad in 10 minutes. Also, the dish is perfect for lunch or dinner.


  • 300 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 200 g champignons
  • 300 g tomato
  • bulb
  • cucumber
  • 150 g hard cheese
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • mayonnaise
  • salt.


  1. Cut the mushrooms into strips and lightly fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet and onion into small cubes.
  3. Lay out the salad in layers, in the shape of a strawberry: meat, onions, mayonnaise, salt, put cheese and fried mushrooms on a fine grater. Put the tomatoes, chopped into small cubes, on top of the salad. Cut the strawberry "chubchik" from a cucumber.

This salad is a godsend. It will be a wonderful decoration for your table and will delight you with amazing taste. An unusual combination of products, namely an apple, gives this dish a special taste.


  • 300 g boiled chicken fillet
  • 4 boiled eggs
  • bulb
  • green apple
  • 200 g cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • olives
  • 300 g fried mushrooms
  • chips (how much will it take).


  1. Cut the chicken fillet and onion into small cubes.
  2. Grate eggs, apple and cheese.
  3. Lay the salad on a flat dish in layers: chicken fillet, onions, mushrooms, eggs and cheese. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.
  4. Garnish the salad with chips and olives, chopped in half.

Delicious and quick-to-prepare salad "Bunch of grapes" is perfect for those who like to combine meat products with fruits and berries. The grapes, paired with chicken and apple, give the salad an unusual and unforgettable taste.


  • 300 g chicken fillet
  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 2 green apples
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 300 g seedless grapes
  • lettuce or parsley
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Peel the apples, core and cut into slices.
  2. Grind the chicken fillet at your discretion.
  3. Grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater.
  4. Cut the grapes in half lengthwise.
  5. Lay the salad on a flat dish in layers: chicken, eggs, apples, cheese. Spread the last layer well with mayonnaise.
  6. Decorate the top of the salad with a "bunch" of grapes and herbs.

"Delicate" salad with pineapple

Pineapple is an exotic product familiar to us, with many vitamins. The combination of pineapple and meat is very successful, and this is what lies at the heart of this salad. In order to fully reveal the taste of the dish, it is worth leaving it in the refrigerator for several hours.