Fresh fish in the oven. River fish baked in the oven

04.03.2019 Fish dishes

This page is dedicated to cooking river. fish in foil   in the oven, double boiler, multi-cooker and aerogrill immediately with a side dish, for example, with potatoes. In my notebook I will try to demonstrate to you that cooking fish in foil is simple, healthy and tasty. In addition, river fish can be baked entirely in foil with vegetables, mushrooms, porridge - then you do not need to spend time preparing a side dish. And another plus for housewives who value their time: no need to stand at the stove and turn over each piece while frying the fish, and then wash the stove from the oil 😉 Well, persuaded? We switch to a healthy diet without carcinogens and save our time!

How to cook river fish in foil   in the oven

In general, this recipe for baking fish in foil can be used for any river fish weighing 800-1000 g. If fish with more weight than specified is baked in foil, you just have to increase the cooking time in the oven.

What river fish can be baked in foil entirely? Many do not like river fish because of the presence in it of many small bones. Well, if there are avid fishermen in your family, then this recipe is for you 🙂 Do not give the whole catch to the cats, right? This is a joke, but doctors recommend including any fish in your diet, it has a lot of useful microelements that are not in meat. I have already written about the useful properties of carp, I highly recommend reading it! Any river fish can be used for cooking in foil: carp, chub, carp, perch, grass carp, bream, pike, tench, pike perch, catfish, crucian carp, burbot, silver carp. Fat varieties of fish (catfish, silver carp, carp, asp, bream) in the foil are more succulent, but when cooking in the oven of a perch, it is better to add a piece of butter to it. A large fish such as catfish and silver carp is better for cutting into large pieces. But for roasting pike in the oven because of its special flavor, it is recommended to make a sauce of mustard, horseradish, garlic and mayonnaise (sour cream). Again, this is only a recommendation, I cooked baked pike several times just with lemon slices in the gills.

Today we will cook with you fish, or rather carp in foil with potatoes ,

For this recipe we need:

  • Carp (or any other river fish) weighing 1 kg,
  • potatoes - 1 kg,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • dried dill or fish spices,
  • sheet of foil for baking.

I, for good luck, got a mirror carp, it was a great pleasure to clean it! How to cook baked fish with eggplants and zucchini, can be found.

River fish for roasting need to gut (remove the insides and gills), head is not necessary to remove. Then the fish is salted and rubbed with spices. While the fish is marinated, we are engaged in a vegetable pillow for baked fish. I use potatoes, peeled and cut into thin ringlets.

You can bake river fish in foil with other vegetables, for example, carrots and onions fried in a pan. If you are an opponent of roasting, pour onion and carrot with lemon juice and sprinkle vegetable oil. Mushrooms go well with baked fish: mushrooms or oyster mushrooms (add them to vegetables and you will get another new fish dish). So, with the choice of pillows for baking river fish in foil decided. Turn on to warm up the oven, and we collect the fish and its fur coat.

Put a sheet of foil on a baking sheet with a margin on the pocket in which we place fish with vegetables. Foil grease with a spoon of vegetable oil (ideally olive), lay out the substrate for the mirror carp: potatoes or vegetables. Many people like to bake fish with lemon, please. Put the fish on salted potatoes, sprinkle with a second spoon of oil on top

and pack everything neatly in foil, so that the seams are on top and all the juice that has come out of the fish remains in the pocket. It remains to fish in foil bake.

How to bake river fish in foil?

A dish of whole fish weighing about 1 kg in foil is baked for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. But you need to know that all the dishes in the foil turn out to be pale, and if you want a ruddy crust, then carefully (you can burn yourself with steam!) Open the foil and ruddy up about 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. For this purpose, I grease carp baked in foil with separated juice with a silicone brush.

Who loves mayonnaise, lubricates them with fish during the marinating of fish, it will redden well if you open the foil.

Fish in foil   can be cooked even faster if steamed in a double boiler or a slow cooker.

The process of pre-cooking fish with a side dish, pickling and packaging is the same. The process of cooking fish in foil reduces the heat treatment process with steam, for whole fish weighing 800 g it takes 30 minutes. In a double boiler for fish in a foil pocket, you can put vegetables: potatoes, grated carrots, browned onions and tomato circles, or put vegetables over the fish on the upper tier of the double boiler.

If in your multicooker (for example, as in my Panasonic) there is a steaming function, then the recipe for cooking river fish in steamed foil for it! Pour 2 glasses of water into the multicooker bowl, better than boiling water, so you will save on cooking time. Put the whole fish with vegetables in foil in the steaming container. Select the “steaming” function using the menu selection button, set the time to 30 minutes and start your multicooker. The time will be counted after the water boils. After a specified time, the multicooker will cook in a foil for a couple of juicy mirror carp or other river fish, and even with a side dish!

And you can cook a duet dish in this way in a multicooker:

Fish will be cooked on top for a couple, and whole potatoes in the water (peeled or in uniform, this is up to you). You can use rice instead of potatoes, but since they have different cooking times with whole fish, you can use either rice sachets or fish fillets. Rice in bags is convenient to take out in the middle of the process of boiling fish for a couple.

Baked whole fish can be cooked in aerogrill, with or without side dish, in foil or without foil. I will show you a video recipe for baking perch in conveying oven (by MrPogrebok), according to this principle, you can cook any whole baked fish without a head, and decide whether you will use foil. When baking fish in foil, the aerogrill will need to be washed less 🙂 It is a pleasure to fry river fish in the aerogril, because you don’t even need to turn it over on the grill!

Choose how you cook for yourself. fish in foil with potatoes   and be healthy!
  With you was the owner of the site Notebook, Annie.


P.S. If the network is busy, you may not have access to it, just try again several times

Baked fish in the oven is not only healthy food, but also extremely tasty. In addition, the fish is preparing quickly enough, which saves time - this is another plus of the product.

Recipe 1: Fish baked in foil in the oven

Foil is a great invention of humanity - protects food raw materials, like dishes, but has no negative sides. The foil is not oxidized, it is compact, lightweight, retains useful substances in the product, provides an unsurpassed flavor to the fish dish without any additional intervention. For this recipe it is advisable to use pink salmon meat.

Ingredients: one pink salmon, one lemon, large onions, carrots - one, 50 gr. drain oils, any choice of herbs for decoration.

Cooking method:

1. Fish clean, rinse. Onion cut into half rings. Grate grated carrots (preferably large). Lemon, like onions, cut into semicircular lobules.

3. The fish should also be coated with salt and pepper inside and out, stuffed with roasted vegetables, put 2-3 slices of lemon and cut into small pieces of cream.

4. If the vegetables remain, they should be laid out in a prepared sheet of foil, and on top lay stuffed fish and a couple of lemon slices (on the fish). Thoroughly wrap the future dish in foil, well sealing the edges (if one sheet is not enough, take more), put it on a baking sheet and bake for an hour at 180 degree temperature.

Free the prepared fish gently from the foil, put it in an oblong large dish and decorate with greens. Food can be cut into portions and serve.

Recipe 2: Fish with potatoes in the oven.

For this recipe, take the fish fillet, which is baked with potatoes in a delicate milk sauce. A tasty and very healthy dish is perfect for a family dinner. According to the recipe principle, potatoes can be replaced with other vegetables (for example, cauliflower) or baked fish in a separate form.

Ingredients: fillet of medium-fat fish - 800 gr., 10 medium potatoes, 2 onions, sour cream of 10% fat content - 250 gr., 300 ml of milk, grated cheese - 100 gr., 2 tbsp. l high-grade flour, ketchup, salt, pepper at will and taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the potatoes, but they should remain slightly undercooked, let them cool. Grate the onions on a medium grater, fry them slightly. oil, then add flour to the pan with onion, mix everything, hold on the stove for another couple of minutes.

2. Then add onions with flour with sour cream and ketchup (2 tablespoons of ketchup are enough) and stew, stirring, for another 2 minutes. Next, pour the milk, stir and boil again a couple of minutes. Salt and pepper the sauce.

3. Cut potatoes with plastics, grease a baking sheet with butter, cover the bottom with potatoes, and place fish pieces on top. Pour the potatoes with fish sauce cooked and clean in a preheated oven (up to 220 degrees). Bake 40 min. without cover. Ten minutes until cooked, sprinkle with grated cheese.

The finished fish on top will be covered with a beautiful, appetizing crust, and inside - soaked in milk sauce. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Fish with vegetables in the oven

Fish is a very useful product, vegetables are also valuable. They ideally complement and reinforce the beneficial properties of each other.

Ingredients: sea fish - 2 pcs., white cabbage   - 1, 2 carrots, 2 onions, Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc., Tomato ( tomato paste), mushrooms, spices of your choice (for fish), mayonnaise, half a lemon, melted cheese - 2, greens.

Cooking method:

1. Shred cabbage, carrots, onions and peppers; put everything in a frying pan for frying. When the cabbage is soft, add a twisted tomato or pasta.

2. Cut fish into pieces that are salted, dab with mayonnaise and spices.

3. Grease a baking sheet with fat, lay out a layer of half fried, then - fish, sprinkle it with lemon juice, and top with the remaining roast. Make a mesh of mayonnaise and send to the oven until done. 15 minutes before being ready, sprinkle the future dish with grated cheese.

Recipe 4: Fish in foil in the oven with lemon and mustard

Ingredients:   a kilogram of fish, a bunch of parsley, a bulb of medium size, ground black pepper, tomato, fine salt, 50 g of mustard, lemon.

Cooking method

1. Wash the fish carcass thoroughly, if necessary, clean it of scales. Cut off the head and tail, cut off the fins and remove the insides. Rinse and blot again with a paper towel. Across the carcass, make a few small cuts to the ridge. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper, and leave it to infuse for 20 minutes.

2. Tomato wash, rub and cut into thin slices. Peeled onion cut into half rings. Cut the lemon in half and cut one half into thin circles.

3. Cover the form with foil and place the prepared fish on it. Insert a slice of tomato and lemon into each cut.

4. Squeeze the juice from the second half of the lemon. Mix it with mustard. The resulting sauce grease the fish on both sides.

5. In the abdomen, place the remaining tomatoes and onions. You can top with a bow. Wrap the carcass in foil. Put the form in the oven for half an hour. Bake at 200 degrees. A few minutes before readiness, open the foil to brown the fish.

Recipe 5: Fish in the foil in the oven under the vegetable fur coat

Ingredients:   six pieces of fish fillet (200 g each), vegetable oil, four medium carrots, seasoning for fish, two large onions, finely ground salt, 200 g of cheese, 70 g of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. If you are using frozen fish, you must defrost it by placing it in cool water. Rinse thawed pieces of fish fillets and dip them in a napkin. Season each piece with pepper and salt on both sides. Leave for a while, so that the fish is soaked with spices.

2. Peel and wash vegetables. Using a blender, chop carrots and onions. Put the pan on the stove and heat the vegetable oil in it. Transfer the onion to the pan and fry until transparent. Then add carrots to it. Fry vegetables until soft carrots. Fry cool.

3. For each piece of fish make foil some kind of plate with sides. Put the fish in foil.

4. Add mayonnaise to the vegetable fry and mix until smooth.

5. Put the vegetable mixture on the fish in a uniform layer. Coarsely rub the cheese and sprinkle them with fish. Place the baking tray with the fish for forty minutes in the oven. Bake at 175 degrees. Serve without taking out the foil.

Recipe 6: Fish in foil in the oven in a cream-soy marinade

Ingredients:   300 g of any non-bony fish, fresh greens, 50 ml of soy sauce, a pinch of cumin seeds, 50 ml of sour cream, a pinch of ground chili pepper, 50 g of sour cream, 30 g of olive oil, Art. spoon of grated ginger, two cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Clean the scales from the fish carcass, cut off the head and tail. Make a cut along the ridge. Separate the fillets from the bones. Cut the fish into small chunks.

2. In a separate bowl, mix the sour cream with grated ginger root. Squeeze peeled garlic through the garlic press here. Add olive oil, season with cumin seeds and chili pepper. Pour in soy sauce. Thoroughly mix the marinade until smooth.

3. Dip each piece of fish in the marinade and leave it for at least half an hour for the fish to marinate well.

4. Cover the baking tray with folded foil. Put on her pieces of fish. Cover the top with the same layer of foil and wrap the edges well. Put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Bake the fish for about 20 minutes. Remove the finished fish from the oven, remove the top layer of foil and sprinkle it with finely chopped greens.

So that the dishes do not get clogged with fishy smell during baking, cover the baking sheet with a sheet of foil, just before you start cooking it can be smeared with vinegar or lemon juice, and then simply rinsed in water. To eliminate the smell from your hands, rub them with lemon peel or coffee grounds.

Fish in the oven, as a rule, baked in a pan or pan. The dishes should be completely filled with garnish and fish, otherwise the moisture will quickly evaporate when baking and the product will be dry.

Fish is a perishable product that must be stored properly, separately from other ingredients. Improper storage conditions will greatly affect the quality of future fish dishes.

And the last tip: it is best to bake the fish just before the meal and immediately serve on the table. Overcooked baked fish in the oven eventually loses its unique taste.

Baking fish attracts not only the lack of need to be fully involved in the cooking process and be at the stove, but also a pleasant aroma and unique taste that cannot be reproduced in other cooking conditions.

Baked fish is more beneficial to human health, but not every member of the fish world can be cooked this way.

When choosing fish for roasting in the oven, people are guided by various criteria and prefer types that contain the minimum amount of bones. As a rule, this refers to the large inhabitants of the seas.

Experienced cooks insist that bream, salmon, crucian carp, trout, mackerel, tench, carp, flounder, pike, silver carp, cod, pike perch, pink salmon, sterlet are best suited for baking in the oven.

In this case, the preparation of each fish has its own characteristics. So, one fish should be baked in foil, a special mold will work for the second, and a sleeve for the third.

True connoisseurs of baked fish, as the multiplication table, know what and what should be combined to get a pleasant taste and aroma.

So, in cooking trout in the oven it is better to use greens and lemon, which only complement the unique taste of fish. Trout should be cooked with steaks, but sturgeon is best baked in foil entirely.

Carp is the most common and affordable fish, and therefore is used for baking more often. An ideal addition to carp will also be lemon and onions. Cleaned fish should be stuffed with lemon, and sprinkle with onions on top. Baked carp entirely in foil.

Carp can be baked using a large amount of onions, which can better soak the fish meat. For this, carp pickled in lemon juice should not be placed directly on the foil, but on the onion layer. On top of the fish laid out the same layer of chopped onions.

Sterlet is considered to be the most picky in cooking, which, due to its unsurpassed taste, does not need any additions. It is enough to salt and pepper this fish before baking in foil.

Dorada, perch, sea bass and haddock in tandem with greens and hard cheese will help create a tasty and juicy dish. At the same time a mixture of greens and grated cheese should be used as a filling. Any fish from the same list can be cooked in a salt shell. Few people know about this method of cooking, but in fact, the chef does not require any serious effort.

For starters, fish should be gutted, rinsed well and remove excess moisture with a towel. Greens can be placed in the inner part of the fish with sprigs, and then proceed to the creation of the salt shell.

To do this, mix a kilogram of ordinary salt with water in a volume of 4 spoons. Then you should beat the protein with 1-2 tablespoons of water and mix thoroughly with wet salt.

The resulting mixture should be put on a baking sheet and slightly flatten with a spoon. Fish is placed on the salt and carefully covered with the remaining salt mixture. After baking it is necessary to wait a few minutes until the shell cools, after which it should be broken and cleaned from the fish.

Fish can be baked with vegetables. For these purposes, it is better to use hake or capelin, but vegetables should be selected on the basis of personal taste preferences.

Not knowing the basic rules of roasting fish in the oven, you can easily spoil the dish, depriving it of sufficient juiciness, taste and aroma. Juicy baked fish will turn out if temperature conditions are maintained.

It is not recommended to keep the fish in the oven for longer than the allotted time or to set the temperature too high, otherwise the dish will be dry and may burn. Experienced cooks in baking fish in the oven recommend focusing on the range from 170 to 200 degrees.

As for the time spent in the oven, it should be determined at the rate of 20 minutes for every 500 grams of weight. If you plan to bake a whole carcass, then the above time should be doubled. So, baking a whole fish weighing 500 grams will take not 20 minutes, but 40.

No need to put the fish in a cold oven. The latter should be heated to the required temperature and only after that put a pan with fish. If this condition is violated, the dish can get dry and lose its flavor and taste.

If foil is used in the preparation of fish, it should cover the entire carcass. And to get a crisp crust, the top of the foil can be removed a few minutes before taking the fish out of the oven.

1. Kick-ass tasty potato casserole with fish

It turns out amazing crunchy cheese crust! Both fish and potatoes in cream with spices acquire a delicate spicy taste! Quick, easy and tasty! The recipe for a cozy family dinner, everyone will be happy and well fed.


- 5-6 potatoes
  - 500 g of fish
  - 2 tomatoes
  - 1 large onion
  - cheese
  - greenery
  - cream


Many observe fasting, so cream can be replaced with fish broth. And then the top layer instead of cheese can be put onion with sweet pepper, it will be no less tasty.

Cut potatoes into thinner slices, onions into rings or half rings - as you like, tomatoes can also be cut into rings or half rings, fish in small pieces.

Cheese is not three grated, as usual, but cut into thin slices - like on a sandwich. Green chop chopped.

In the cream, add salt, pepper, you can even some spices for fish.

First, lay out the potato layer in the form, then the onion, then the fish.

Sprinkle lightly, sprinkle with greens and grease well with cream (or water - it all depends on the fat content of the cream). Then the tomatoes - also grease cream.

The last layer is cheese! We spread the cheese platelets so that they cover almost the entire surface. The remains of the cream neatly poured around the edges.

We bake for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 - 220 degrees.

Enjoy your meal.

2. Baked cod with cheese and tomatoes

We will need:

2 small cod fillets or other white fish
  salt, black pepper - to taste
  2-3 tomatoes (I have 10 pieces of cherry tomatoes)
  5 tbsp. spoons sour cream 20-25%
  2 tsp of mustard (you can take a coarse grain, I have now ordinary)
  100 g of hard cheese

If the fillet is fresh, then there is no talk at all. If the ice cream, defrost in the refrigerator for a day, a little dry with napkins.
  Cut fish into large pieces, put it in a baking dish (ceramic will be very good here), sprinkle with coarse salt and black pepper.
  By the way, if you have portions of molds, lay them on them immediately, and you can also submit them.
Tomatoes are mine; for large ones, we cut out a stalk and chop into circles, and cut the cherry in half.
  Again, chaotically (such a day) scatter on fish fillets.
  You can even salt it, but I did not.
  Sour cream combine with mustard.
  We rub cheese on a large grater ...
  ... and mix with sour cream and mustard. If very thick, you can add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of cream.
  We distribute all this mass of cod with tomatoes.
  We put the form in the oven, turn it on 180 degrees and bake for 25 minutes (plus or minus 5 minutes) until the cheese is completely melted and an appetizing crust is obtained.
  Is done. The dish can be served without a side dish, with delicious bread and favorite greens.

Enjoy your meal!

3. Fish Baked with Cheese

Tender fish fillet baked in the oven under a cheese hat.


500 g fish fillets (tilapia, pike perch, etc.)
  50 g cheese
  2 tbsp. sour cream
  1⁄4 piece of lemon


I used tilapia fish fillets. The fish was very juicy and tender, with a light lemon flavor and delicious melted cheese.

With a piece of lemon, wipe off the zest on a fine grater (you will get about a teaspoon of the zest).

Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Thawed fish salt, pepper on both sides, put in the form.

Sprinkle with lemon zest and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Brush with sour cream.

Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Put in preheated to 180 degrees oven. Cook for 20-25 minutes.

Fish baked with cheese is a simple, healthy and tasty dish.

4. Trout with garlic sauce, baked on potato "pillow"


Potatoes - 6 pcs.
  Cream - 250 ml
  Garlic - 2 cloves
  Flour - optional
  Carrots - 1 pc.
  Onion - 1 pc.
  Trout - 4 Steaks
  Butter - optional
  Vegetable oil - optional
  Spices - to taste


1. Prepare the ingredients.
  2. In a skillet, melt the butter. For a couple of minutes, sweat the finely chopped garlic in it so that it releases the aroma.
  3. Add a tablespoon of flour and lightly fry.
  4. Add cream, stirring intensely.
  5. As the sauce thickens, add a little. boiled water   and spices: salt, bay leaf and pepper mixture. Bring sauce to a boil, turn off and cover.
  6. Then fry grated carrots with onions.
  7. Potatoes cut into slices of medium thickness. Put in the form, add salt, pepper and some vegetable oil.
  8. Put the fish on top of the potatoes, slightly salting it.
  9. For fish - carrots with onions.
  10. And top with garlic sauce.
  11. Bake the fish for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Enjoy your meal.

5. Fish, baked in egg with mayonnaise


a fish


1. Rinse the fish fillets, dry them, if there are bones - it is better to cut them.
  (in The Telapy fish was used - ready fillet - sold almost everywhere, costs about 140-170 p / kg)
  2. Arrange the fillets in a pan, greased with oil, salt and sprinkle with spices.
  3. Cooking sauce:
  We break into the bowl 4 eggs, crumble the green onions and add 2-3 tbsp. Of mayonnaise (any). Stir.
  4. Pour the sauce into the pan with the fish, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Enjoy your meal!



● Trout fillet - 500 - 600 grams.
  ● Potatoes - 1.5 kg.
  ● Sour cream - 500 grams.
  ● Cheese - 200 grams.
  ● Salt, black pepper to taste.
  ● Any spices for fish to taste.
  ● Greens - dill, parsley, cilantro.
  ● Lemon - 1 piece.


1. Wash and dry the paper with a paper towel. Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices.
  2. Ready sauce. Mix sour cream with grated cheese, add salt, ground black pepper, spices, mix everything thoroughly. Pan grease with vegetable oil. Spread the pieces of trout on cooked sauces and spread them on a baking sheet. Then put the potatoes and pour all the remaining sauce.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place a baking sheet in it. Bake for 20 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and bake for another 25 minutes. Put on a dish and decorate with greens.

Fish baked in the oven is one of the simplest dishes: cleaned, salted, peppered, and sent to the oven, looking to keep it dry.

Since the fish in the oven is not only simple, but very tasty, you must be able to cook it. So let us bake the fish in the oven in foil right now, making it harder to add traditional and original flavor accents.


  • Fish baked in foil with avocado sauce recipe with step by step photos
  • Baked fish in ginger sleeve (freshwater)
  • The original recipe for baked fish with a crust of salt
  • Stuffed fish baked in the oven (with champignons)

All recipes - about roasting fish in the oven entirely, it unites them. In the step-by-step master class, foil was used, in other recipes baking sleeve and “salt peel”, which perfectly replaced both p / e and foil. Why do you need a "cover"? So that the fish is soaked with all the flavors and juices and so that it does not burn down, but acquires a delicate pair consistency.

If you want to get a beautiful appetizing crust, open the foil and sleeve a few minutes before full readiness.

Fish Baked In The Oven In Foil

  As the main character in this recipe made red carp. But the same spices and cooking method is suitable for any other fish. As well as separately prepared sauce for fish from avocado and tomato.

Ingredients to the recipe

  • fish - 500 grams
  • fresh thyme - 1 tbsp. spoon of leaves
  • dill - a few twigs
  • bay leaf - 1
  • salt, pepper mix - to your taste
  • coriander - 1 tsp
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • olive oil

For the sauce:

  • tomato - 1 large
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • avocado - 1

How delicious to bake fish in the oven in foil

    Clean the fish thoroughly from entrails and scales, wash and dry with napkins. Clean up or leave your head - you decide.

    Cook the marinade. Pour into a small bowl of olive oil. Add a mixture of peppers (if they are whole peas, go rolling with a rolling pin to get large pieces), squeeze the garlic, put in clean thyme leaves and coriander, rub it all thoroughly.

    Cut the lemon into thin slices.

    Salt the fish (do not forget to salt in the inside!). Rub the mixture.

    Place several circles of lemon on the foil, spreading them so that the fish will fit on them. Spread dill sprigs and bay leaves on top (if it is large, then divide it into halves).

    Place the fish, put a circle of lemon in the abdomen, and repeat the top styling on top: lemon and dill sprigs (you can no longer lay the bay leaf).

    Wrap the foil, lifting and constructing a semblance of an envelope. If the fish is large, then put it on a baking sheet, a small one can be placed in the form.

    Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then open the foil and bake the top, cooking another 10 minutes.

Original sauce for any recipe for baked fish

Peel the avocados from the bones and peels, fold them into a small bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice.

At the tomato, remove the skin, and then cut into small pieces.

Mash or rub through a sieve, or use a blender to turn avocado and tomato into a smooth mush.

Add the garlic squeezed through the press and to taste the salt, mix.

The fish is tasty both hot and cold.

When serving with sauce does not need supplements. But, if you decide to serve with a side dish, cook rice or potatoes.

Another couple of interesting recipes for baked fish in the oven

With ginger in the sleeve

The recipe is good for freshwater fish. Fresh ginger is used, which completely "scores" the characteristic smell of river fish (Tina).

For 1 kg of fish, take fresh ginger about 4 cm and 2 tbsp. spoons sour cream. Peel and slice the ginger.

Prepared fish, dry and rub with salt, put ginger inside.
  Spread sour cream on all sides. Wrap in foil (you can be in the sleeve, then do not forget to pierce a small hole on top) and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour. If you want the fish to brown, open the foil after 20 minutes (pull it out of the sleeve)

In salt crust

The original and very rational way of cooking fish in the oven, which, in its simplicity, will give odds to anyone else - fish in salt, which, when clotted, turns into a crust that perfectly retains moisture. The foil in this case is redundant, except perhaps as a “litter”. For cooking, take whole fish, coarse salt (preferably sea) at the rate of 1 kg per 1 kg of fish, along a bunch of parsley and dill, egg white (2 per 1 kg of fish) and 1 lemon zest.

In the belly of the prepared fish, place all the greens. Beat the squirrels lightly and mix them with salt and zest. Let stand a little. Lay a foil on a baking sheet and spread an even layer of half a salt paste mixture over it. Top with fish, covering it with the second half of salt.

Bake in a preheated oven t 200 small fish for about 20 minutes, more than about 40 minutes. Then free the finished fish from the salt captivity - knock the heavy knife handle and the crust will break.

Stuffed Oven Baked Fish

In essence, fish is almost always stuffed, even if it is just a sprig of dill in the abdomen or a slice of lemon placed there. But the filling can be arbitrarily rich and complex. Stuffing can be, for example, buckwheat porridge, potatoes and other vegetables, eggs, onions, nuts, fennel, mushrooms, cheese, and minced fish, and even cranberries - in general, can be listed for a long time. But it is better to cook it once, for example with champignons.

With champignons

For 1 kg of fish you need 200 grams of mushrooms, 1 onion, 80 grams of butter, 2 medium tomatoes, 100 grams of sour cream, a bunch of dill.

Fry champignons and onions in butter. In a tomato, remove the skin and chop finely, put it against the mushrooms. Add the finely chopped dill. Stew for 10 minutes.

Prepare the fish, rub with salt and pepper. Place cooled mushroom stuffing in the abdomen and sew or fasten with toothpicks.

Put in stuffed fish in foil, coat it with sour cream and cook for 30 minutes in a preheated to 190 degrees oven.