Champagne and glasses. From the history of the champagne glass ...

The New Year is coming, which means that it is time to buy champagne, and at the same time prepare the right glasses for it. Distinguish between conical, elongated, cylindrical and cream-shaped champagne glasses. Which one to choose? Which glass best reveals all the features of the sparkling wine? As always, let's start with a story.

According to legend, classic sweet champagne glasses were made according to the shape and size of the chest of the Queen of France Marie Antoinette or another famous French aristocrat. These glasses correspond to the "B" size according to the international classification of the size of women's breasts and a volume of 200 ml according to the metric system. However, this legend is almost certainly wrong: this glass was developed for champagne in England in 1663 - that is, more than a century earlier. Nowadays, such glasses are used to serve champagne quite rarely - as a rule, they line up, into the upper glass of which champagne is continuously poured, gradually flowing down into all the glasses underneath, right down to the base.

By the way, this glass is designed according to the shape of Kate Moss's chest.

Now champagne is usually served in special glasses for champagne in the form of a flute (flute, French champagne flute), which have a long stem and a tall narrow bowl. A wider, flat glass (a bowl, French coupe champagne), which better helps to appreciate the sweeter varieties, is now not recommended by connoisseurs for use, since it does not retain the bubbles and aroma of the wine.

It is better to taste champagne from large red wine glasses (for example, from a Bordeaux glass), since the aroma spreads better in a large glass, but, unlike a bowl, it does not evaporate and remains inside the glass.

At the end, let's give a short and specific answer: what kind of glasses to choose for the New Year's table? Whichever sparkling wine you choose, use classic and versatile flute glasses.

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A glass of champagne is an indispensable attribute of a celebration, because champagne is that magical drink that is invariably associated with the holiday. Not a single New Year, not a single wedding, and a rare birthday can do without a glass of champagne.

The intelligent drinking of champagne is a kind of ritual that requires appropriate attributes. The most important of these, of course, is the glass. He should emphasize the sophistication of the drink and the solemnity of the occasion. Such glasses are acquired for a long time and are inherited. Therefore, the requirements for them are high.

What should be a champagne glass

The glass for this mysterious drink is designed to preserve its airiness and weightlessness. It is designed to retain all the champagne bubbles. And for this, the most stringent requirements are imposed on glasses. The correct champagne glass (as pictured) should be made of crystal or glass. Glasses also differ in their shapes. Let's consider the most popular ones.

Classic glass shape

The most classic type of glass is a flute-shaped wine glass. It is a “style icon” in its respective category. These glasses are great for traditional events and fit perfectly into any format. Outwardly, such a glass resembles a narrow bowl on a high or medium leg. This shape allows the bubbles to "play" as they rise from the bottom to the surface.

However, true gourmets of this sparkling drink are unlikely to appreciate this glass due to the impossibility of presenting the entire bouquet of aromas in full glory. This is due to the small surface of the glass, which does not allow the bouquet to unfold completely. However, this is not a problem for young wines. If you have purchased an expensive, aged sparkling wine, then consider other types of glass forms to present it properly.

Original shapes of glasses

In this case, the tulip shape will "help out" you. It is more suitable for fine, aged wines. Therefore, fans and connoisseurs of expensive champagne will appreciate it. The shape resembles a flute, but has a larger bowl. The latter, expanding towards the center, tapers at the top, like a blossoming tulip bud. This shape does not lack the advantage of the flute: it also allows the bubbles to play. At the same time, she will not allow them to "hit" your nose: they will gather on the right part of the tongue. In addition, this shape allows the bouquet to unfold more fully, which favorably distinguishes it from the previous one.

A glass in the form of a saucer or goblet is the most ancient of the forms of wine glasses, which dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. This is a great option for retro-style holidays. The glass has a wide but shallow bowl. This shape of the wine glass is strongly associated with luxury and extravagance. It was from such glasses that the heroes of The Great Gatsby, Hollywood stars of the 40s, and participants in Andy Warhol's notorious parties drank.

The high popularity of this form was due to the fact that in those days the most popular sparkling drink were sweet varieties of champagne. However, now, when we prefer drier versions, this shape does not allow them to fully reveal their bouquet. This is because the small bowl does not allow the bubbles to play out properly. In addition, this shape leaves a high likelihood that you accidentally spill champagne.

Features of table etiquette

As a rule, drinking champagne presupposes a special, refined atmosphere, corresponding to the solemnity of the occasion. Therefore, in order not to spoil the impression of the celebration, you should adhere to a certain etiquette. This will prevent you from hitting your face in the dirt.

If you are lucky enough to receive guests, then you should remember that champagne requires special appetizers and desserts that emphasize its exquisite taste. Here is a list of appetizers that cannot be paired with champagne:

  • chocolate;
  • dishes containing onions and garlic;
  • red meat products (this includes everyone's favorite pork, brisket, sausages - leave them for another occasion);
  • oriental sweets, such as Turkish delight, halva, etc.

All these products interrupt the taste of champagne, and therefore are unwanted guests on the table where this capricious drink is present.

What then can you combine sparkling wine with? Don't worry, there is an impressive list of products that will perfectly complement champagne. These primarily include seafood. Treat guests to sandwiches with caviar, shrimp, mussels or squid. Sparkling wines, especially rosé wines, are ideally combined with cheeses. It is not a sin to offer guests fruits, as well as light salads without the addition of mayonnaise. Desserts are also fine, but only if you're serving a semi-sweet drink to your guests. Do not forget about nuts, especially almonds, which delightfully set off the aroma of champagne. From more "impressive" dishes, boiled poultry and white meat are suitable.

How to hold a glass correctly

However, the basics of etiquette may not be enough to fit the occasion. It is also important to understand how to properly hold a glass of champagne. After all, there are a lot of subtleties in this issue. And you will have to hold a glass quite often - after all, special occasions involve a rather impressive number of toasts.

The wine glass should be held exclusively by the leg. This is due not only to elegance, but also to practicality: if you hold the glass by the cup, the drink heats up faster and loses its original properties.

DIY champagne glasses for the New Year

Champagne is the drink that is invariably associated with the New Year. To make this holiday unforgettable, you should pay special attention to the decor of the table. At the same time, do not forget about decorating glasses. For this occasion, they can be decorated in a special way.

Perhaps the most festive and elegant decoration option involves the use of rhinestones. This work is very painstaking and requires a certain amount of patience, but the result will exceed all expectations. Stock up on rhinestones in different sizes and colors. They should be flat on the underside. Choose rhinestones depending on the style of your holiday table. You will also need glass glue and a small pair of tweezers. Prepare toothpicks, an orange tree stick (sold in nail shops), a cotton napkin, and rubbing alcohol.

Tip: Ordinary tweezers can be replaced with a specialized accessory for gluing rhinestones to nails.

We propose to decorate the stem of the glass with rhinestones, and use single rhinestones for the bowl.

Before starting work, wipe the corresponding surface with a cloth dampened in an alcohol solution. This will help degrease it and the crystals will adhere better.

Glasses for the New Year should look bright and solemn!

Instructions for festive glass decoration

Apply some glue to the edge of the stem of the glass with a toothpick. Use tweezers to pick up the crystal and stick it on the leg. Then - the second, and so on. Glue the rhinestones around the circumference of the leg. Press them to the glass with an orange stick. Ideally, the row will converge exactly, but this does not always happen. If you're unlucky, use a smaller rhinestone. Next, we move on to the second row, and beyond.

You can use larger rhinestones for the bowl. Lay them out in the form of a pattern, or randomly spread them over the surface of the bowl. A great idea is to lay out rhinestones in the shape of the first letter of the guest's name. This glass will replace the traditional nameplate. To do this, transfer the pattern to paper. The lines should be bold. Roll the sheet of paper into a tube so that the drawing is on the outside. Insert the resulting tube into the glass. The drawing should not move anywhere. Now just lay out this letter with crystals, and the glass is ready.

Decorating the glass with sugar or salt

If this activity seems to you too painstaking, then there are other ways to make glasses more effective. You can decorate champagne glasses for the New Year with the help of impromptu frost. You will need either sugar or salt, depending on how you want the champagne to taste.

Tip: This decoration changes the flavor of the champagne. Consider this if you are serving expensive aged wine, or if there are connoisseurs among your guests who will not appreciate this trick.

In order for sugar or salt to stick to the glass, it must be moistened. This can be easily achieved with lime or lemon juice. You may need a small sponge for this.
Choose small grains of sugar. Brown or colored sugar is suitable, which will emphasize the solemnity of the event. If you opted for salt, then keep in mind that iodized and regular cooking will not work in this case. Better to use kosher or seafood. Put a small amount of salt or sugar on a dish. Place the glass against it with the bowl down and slowly turn it so that only the outside of the glass is covered with decor. Shake off excess sugar or salt.

Tip: Sugar will increase the number of bubbles in your glass.

Don't forget about the bottle! A very functional accessory that will also play a decorative function will be a plug in the form of a figure of Santa Claus, a penguin, a bear cub or other character associated with the New Year.

DIY champagne glasses for a wedding

The methods described above for decorating a glass are also suitable for a wedding. There are a wide variety of ways to decorate wedding glasses. For this, for example, the following materials are suitable:

  • beads;
  • beads;
  • pearl;
  • lace and veil;
  • satin ribbons;
  • hearts;
  • rhinestones;
  • feathers, etc.

The choice of decorative accessories depends on the nature and style of the wedding.

An example of the design of a champagne glass for a wedding can be seen in the video.

Glass of champagne: photo of lace jewelry

One of the most touching glass decoration options is lace. Before work, you should prepare wine glasses in a manner similar to preparing the New Year's decor for a glass, which was described above.
Then simply paste over the perimeter of the glass bowl with lace. Choose its color based on the thematic focus of the wedding. So, for a Tiffany-style celebration, turquoise lace is suitable. If you are a fan of bohemian chic, then do not deny yourself the pleasure of decorating champagne glasses (as in the photo) with bright elements - for this, fuchsia color, golden tint is suitable. Leave the beige and cream colors for a rustic wedding.

You can glue the lace to the glass with a glue gun and glue. Suitable for both silicone and instant, as well as PVA. The lace can be glued around the glass. Remember to step back about an inch from the edge.

Tip: Most types of glue contain substances that are dangerous to inhale. Take care of your safety - be creative in a well-ventilated room.

Lace can be used to decorate not only the glass bowl, but also its leg. For this it is recommended to "build" a decorative lace "skirt". Put it on the stem of a glass and decorate with a satin ribbon or bow - the festive decor is ready! You can also combine the lace hem on the bowl with the "skirt" on the leg. However, in this case, try not to "overdo it" and use less material, otherwise, instead of an exquisite glass, you will get a very tasteless thing.

Other holiday decoration options

You can restrict yourself to jewelry exclusively from lace, however, this decor option can be optimized. For this you need pearls and beads. Glue them to the lace in a certain or chaotic sequence - it all depends on your imagination and the chosen style. And the stem of the glass can be decorated with satin braid.

If you are not ready to decorate the glasses yourself, you can always buy a ready-made set of champagne glasses.

For christening celebrations.

In everyday life, we rarely think about which glass or glass to drink this or that drink.
But when inviting guests to the house to celebrate christenings, I want to set a special festive table, beautiful, light, light, with flowers, candles and, of course, a beautiful table setting.

To celebrate christening is impossible without glasses.

A properly chosen glass is one of the immutable laws of the culture of alcohol consumption.
He will tell you about your taste and knowledge of etiquette, and your guests will be pleasantly surprised and appreciate your efforts.

Glasses and goblets are on the upper right at the plate.
The order of construction is the one in which they will be used.
Ahead is a glass for the first wine or other aperitif, obliquely - a glass for the second wine.
Nearby to the right is a glass or a glass for water. It will remain on the table all the time, but unnecessary wine glasses can be removed.

However, in order to correctly choose the shape of the glass, you need to know the established rules.
What are they and what they are for ...

1. Glass of champagne flute (glass flute) used to serve refined sparkling wines. In a classic high glass, narrowed towards the top, the drink foams well, “plays” longer and does not fizzle out so quickly. A glass with a volume of 200-300 ml is filled strictly 2/3. Champagne can be served with all dishes, from appetizers to desserts, always chilled to 6 ° C.

2. Have champagne bowls wide neck, so the carbonation of the drink quickly evaporates. It was widespread in the 30s and 40s. XX century, but has now lost its popularity and is mostly used at events where they build towers from glasses of champagne. The volume of the glass is 120-200 ml.

3. Red wine will be more enjoyable if served in squat, round, wide-bottomed glass... A large area of ​​contact with air contributes to the saturation of the drink with oxygen, a more subtle and full disclosure of the bouquet. The volume of the glass is about 260 ml. Red wine is served with duck, geese, beef, pork, lamb, game, and also with dessert. Dry and semi-dry red wines are drunk at room temperature, about + 18 ° C, sweet and semi-sweet - slightly chilled.

4. For white wine use glasses with a small bowl tapering upwards(210 ml) - thanks to frequent pouring, the drink in such a vessel will always be cool and fresh. White wine is poured into 2/3 of the glass, served chilled to 10 ° C with fish, poultry, chicken, turkey, veal, as well as dessert.

5. If wine is served as the only drink, then a universal or tasting glass is placed behind the plate. It is wide enough at the base, narrowed at the top, high stem, volume from 140 to 370 ml; filled in by one third.

6. Glass for liqueurs. 40-60 ml. 40 ml is standard. Only pure liquor is served in such a glass. By the way, liqueur is usually served in the afternoon.

7. Sherry glass. 60-80 ml. The canonical form, which has come down to us since the beginning of the last century, retaining the elegance of the leg with a figured shape. It is customary to serve such a glass with cherries. The triangular shape facilitates the evaporation of alcohol.

8. Glass "snifter"- with a thick bottom and a powerful short stem, strongly tapering upwards, - intended for serving pure brandy, cognac, Armagnac and Calvados. The vessel fits perfectly into the palm, from the heat of which the drink is warmed up and reveals its taste and bouquet. Therefore, drinks should be served at room temperature and drunk in small sips, savoring the taste. The volume of the snifter is 260-390 ml, but you can fill it only up to the edge of the wide part of the glass, that is, no more than a quarter.

9. Whiskey glass... Old fashioned glass (old fashion), 180-320 ml. It was popular before for strong drinks served with ice, therefore, despite its small size, the glass is very roomy. Thick walls are needed to prevent the ice from melting too quickly.

10. Small straight glass "shot" with a thick bottom, with a volume of 40-60 ml, is intended for strongly chilled strong alcohol in its pure form (for example, vodka) and for strong, layered cocktails of a small volume, designed for 1 sip.

11. Tall glass extended towards the center intended for beer, but can also be used to serve various cocktails. Its volume ranges from 220 to 500 ml. The colder the drink, the better.

12. Beer mug has a larger volume than a glass - from 250 to 1000 ml.

13. Tall highball glass with a volume of 150-300 ml, with strong walls and a thick bottom, widening at the neck, is used for serving water, soft drinks and some types of cocktails.

14. Collins is a tall glass with thick straight sides and bottom, with a volume of 230-340 ml, is the most popular glass for strong alcohol mixed with soda and ice, as well as for large volume cocktails with ice (Mojito, Long Island Ice Tea).

15. Universal tumbler tumblervolume 260-320 ml, with thickened sides and bottom, used for serving spirits, as well as some simple cocktails. Its name comes from the Old Fashioned cocktail, considered the pioneer of mixed drinks.

16. Martini, or cocktail glass, - a triangular glass with a wide neck and a long thin stem, thanks to which the cocktail does not heat up. It is ideal for most chilled medium-sized cocktails without ice, but it is not at all suitable for pure drinks (including martinis, despite its name). The volume of this glass is 90-280 ml.

17. Glass with a volume of 200-250 ml on a thin long stem, very narrow at the base and very wide at the neck, suitable for the Margarita cocktail and its variations, as well as for frozen drinks. The edges of this glass are usually decorated with a sugar border.

18. Hurricane - a long tulip-shaped glass with a short curly leg volume of 400-480 ml - specially designed for serving tropical cocktails such as "Blue Hawaii" or "Pina Colada".

19. Glass for grappa. Grappaglas (Grappaglas) is used to serve grappa (an Italian alcoholic drink, a tincture of grape pomace, used to be considered a drink for the poor). It differs from other wine glasses in its unusual shape: a narrow neck and a spherical base. This allows a very narrow stream of drink to be delivered to the tip of the tongue, highlighting the components in the taste, this glass neutralizes the alcohol in the aftertaste, harmonizing it with other components. Italians claim that only after drinking grappa from such a glass, you can feel the spirit of Italy.

20. A small glass on a thick stem it is used for cocktails of the sour group, which have a sour taste due to the content of citrus juices.

21. In small narrow glass with a volume of 50-120 ml pousse cafe is served - layered cocktails, the individual components of which are selected in contrasting colors, arranged in layers and do not mix with each other.

22. Irish coffee- a glass in the shape of a tulip with a short stem and a thick handle made of heat-resistant glass with a volume of 240-320 ml - specially designed to serve hot drinks such as mulled wine, grog or Irish coffee, but also suitable for coffee cocktails, drinks with ice cream.

23. In bowls with a volume of 100-180 ml serve hot punch, filling them three-quarters full.

We hope the article will help you in preparing for the holiday in honor of the baptism of your baby.

Serving a romantic dinner with a bottle of wine, or waiting for guests for a family celebration, we put a variety of glasses for drinks next to the devices. And very often we think, what is their shape and size suitable for wine and spirits, which we are going to treat our guests to? Let's try to understand this rather difficult issue.

The relationship between the shape of the glass and the disclosure of the taste and aroma of the drink was discovered and thoroughly studied by the Austrian Klaus Josef Riedel. He also developed special forms of containers for wines.

Factors of the importance of the shape of the glasses

Physiological features of the oral cavity and tongue

The taste buds of the tongue are not the same throughout its entire surface. Sweetness receptors are at the tip of the tongue; the tongue feels acid sideways; bitter tastes are recognized closer to the larynx, and salty notes in the center of the tongue.

It was taking into account the zones of the tongue that the varieties of wine glasses were developed, since wine is the most complex composition of tastes and aromas. The shape of the dishes directs the liquid into the channel where the receptors of the tongue will be able to perceive the taste as much as possible or, conversely, to feel it least.

Open, wide containers make us lower our heads in order to take a sip of the drink. Narrow long containers, on the contrary, force the head to be thrown back for the free flow of fluid under the influence of gravity. In order not to choke, we roll up the tongue and thus the necessary receptors of the tongue perceive the finest shades of the drink.

Starting point of contact of the mouth with wine

The impression of the first meeting of wine with the mouth and tongue depends on the diameter of the rim of the glass, its thickness and processing. The bezel can be rounded, thick and thin, polished or cut.

"Chemistry" of aroma

The bouquet of aromas and even the taste of wine depends on the phenols it contains. Phenols are aromatic compounds responsible for the brightness of the aromatic composition.

In a wide glass with a large area of ​​contact of wine with air, phenols are quickly converted into esters, providing a more pronounced dry taste.

The opening of the bouquet also depends on the volume of the container. The volume of the glass affects the intensity and quality of the aroma. The free space in the glass should match the personality of the wine or the type of alcoholic beverage. When choosing the types of glasses and their use, the main rule must be observed: the fewer degrees in an alcoholic drink, the larger the glass capacity.

For red wine, choose large glasses, for white - medium size, for strong alcoholic drinks - small glasses (this focuses on the fruit components of the drink, not on the strength).

Champagne glasses

There are 3 types of champagne glasses:

Volume - 120-200 ml

A classic container called "flute" (from English "flute"). The elongated shape does not allow the gas to escape quickly, but promotes the impact of bubbles on the walls of the glass.

A glass for fine champagnes and sparkling wines

Volume - 200 ml

It differs from the classical form by a slightly larger volume and a narrowing of the upper part of the wine glass. Served with vintage champagne, 2/3 full. Cooled before filling with wine.

Volume - 140-160 ml

For champagne, this form of wine glasses is rarely used, since carbon dioxide quickly leaves the drink. Usually, these types of glasses are used at buffets to build a tower of wine glasses, when champagne is poured into the uppermost glass, which is then poured into the lower bowls with numerous waterfalls.

Varieties of wine glasses

Containers for drinking white and red wines resemble a tulip bud in shape and differ in the height of the bowl, its volume and diameter. When choosing wine glasses, you should know that the most intense smell remains at the bottom, above the wine itself. The volume in the middle is filled with plant aromas, and the lightest and most delicate notes of the bouquet (floral and fruity) are gathered at the edges of the glass.

To increase the evaporation area of ​​the wine and obtain a richer aroma at the edges of the container, the wine in the glass is specially shaken and rolled along the bottom and walls of the container. Then you can feel all the richness of the drink of the gods.

Volume - 180-260 ml

White wine is drunk chilled, and therefore the glass under it has a thin, high leg for holding it with only fingers, without warming the glass of the glass itself with the warmth of the palm. The bowl is narrow, more elongated upward, in order to hold the wine esters of the bouquet.

Volume - 240-255 mm

A red wine glass is more squat and open. Red wines are served warm, not cooler than room temperature. This is the only way to maximize the rich aroma of red wine. For the same reason, the container is only 1/3 full so that the fragrance fills the remaining space. It is allowed to hold it in the palm of your hand.

A glass for dessert wines or "Madeira" glass

Volume - 75-100 ml

Served for dessert wines, Madeira, port and sherry. Do not add such a glass to the edge by 0.5-1.0 cm.

Cognac glass - snifter

Glass volume: 250-875 ml

The shape of the snifter (from the English word "sniff") is specially designed to reveal all shades of cognac aroma. The cup of the glass fits perfectly in the palm, the warmth of which fully reveals the complex aroma of the drink.

The glass is filled to a height equal to the widest part of the glass. Snifters serve: brandy, cognac, calvados and armagnac.

Volume - 300 ml

The whiskey container is usually a straight, wide glass with a thick bottom, hexagonal or octagonal in shape. Such a glass is filled by 1/3, the rest of the volume is filled with ice or soda. You can also drink pure whiskey.

Such a glass is made, most often, of colored glass and has a high leg. Only liquors are drunk from it.

Volume - 300-500 ml

The beer glass container differs from the soft drink glass in its shape. The beer container resembles an oblong keg with a narrow neck or resembles an elegant tulip-shaped glass.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is not at all necessary to have all the listed types of glasses for alcoholic beverages at home. Knowing the preferred shape of glasses and their use for a particular drink, you can vary the choice of dishes.

Before a family celebration or a friendly party, ask each guest what drink he prefers, and place a glass of the desired shape next to his appliances. And this information about drinking traditions will help you to serve drinks with exactly those types of glasses that will favorably emphasize all their advantages.

Wide, or coupe de champagne, and flute - an elongated shape.

Since champagne is a white wine, you can also pour it into white wine glasses. It is best to serve the drink in a tulip-shaped glass to concentrate the taste.

Champagne bowls

Wide glasses are often called by bartenders bowls because their shape is somewhat reminiscent of popular bowls for. This is a long-stemmed glass with a low but very wide bowl, similar to a saucer. This glass was created in England in 1663 specifically for sparkling wines, although then it was sweeter and less carbonated.

Such a glass was popular until the middle of the 20th century, but then it lost its popularity, in it the drink quickly loses its sparkle. Nowadays, such glasses are mainly used for making cocktails or serving sweet sorts of drinks, and they also look beautiful in champagne fountains when it is poured into the upper glass and the drink pours, filling the ones below.

You can only drink champagne from a glass by holding it by the stem. To touch the cup itself is cultureless and not according to etiquette.

A very famous French legend is associated with the wide shape of the glass. It is said that this shape is Louis XV. He ordered to make a glass on the cast of the chest of his favorite, the Marquise de Pompadour. According to legend, the king of France, seeing the glass, exclaimed: "This is the only container that is worthy of such a drink!" However, it is not known how true this is.


The second type of glasses is flut. This is a tall, narrow glass with a thin stem. In such a champagne retains its sparkling for a long time, and the whole bouquet of wine is concentrated, and does not fade away. Yes, and through the transparent walls it is so nice to watch the play of bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass. It was invented back in Gallo-Roman times, but it became popular in France when dry champagne came into fashion, already in the 19th century. It was then that the tweezers for opening the champagne.
Filling the glasses completely is wrong. A glass of flut can be filled up to a maximum of two-thirds, but a bowl only a third.

Most of the glass molds were modernized in the 50s of the 20th century by the Austrian scientist Klaus Josef. Still later, the designers of the firms for the production of plastic lids