Gost at home: how to bake bread at home, memorable from childhood.

Hello everybody. It is this Izmailovsky bread that has quite a few true lovers. They not only love the taste of this bread, but with all their hearts they want to bake such a miracle for their family. For this, they acquire bread makers and apply efforts and abilities. But the result does not please the young hostesses.

I personally know such hostesses for whom this particular bread is the goal, a kind of peak to which they strive. I myself would love to bake homemade bread, which is as similar as possible to Izmailovsky.

What do we like about him?

The form? Well, you won't surprise us with a round shape. Nevertheless, the shape of the bread is wonderful.

The size?The size of the bread is slightly smaller than average. Ideally. Never dries up before it ends.

Taste Of course, we love this bread for its taste. Goodbye figure

Consistency Dense, not loose. PERFECT!

What is the secret of this bread?

Let's pay attention to the composition.

Have you read it carefully? Don't you notice anything? Have you ever baked bread yourself? Did you add sunflower oil or margarine to the dough? Do you see it as part of it?

Is this the original recipe or a manufacturer's mistake? This bread has a certain dryness in its taste.

The manufacturer baking this miracle, this dream of homemade bread makers, simply forgot to indicate the fats in the composition ?! This is unlikely. Maybe this is the secret of this bread? To be honest, I have no answer to this question. But I always have this bread in my house. Even if I'm on a diet, even if there is homemade sourdough rye bread.

Also, the signature style of this bread is a kind of muzzle of holes. The manufacturer humorously makes special holes in the bread.

You don't have to look for a production date for bread Date of manufacture in the most conspicuous place.

If you decide to please yourself with incredibly tasty pastries, then you should make real bread in accordance with GOST. Such a loaf turns out to be incredibly fragrant and tender. The inside of the bread is very soft and pliable. At the same time, it is covered with an appetizing and crispy crust on top, which is so pleasant to savor with coarse salt or slices of homemade ham. Having learned the step-by-step recipe for making real homemade bread, you no longer have to eat that "surrogate" that is sold in stores today under the guise of this pastry. You no longer need to serve food overflowing with preservatives and chemical additives to the table. Try this option! You will surely like it!

Cooking time - 5.5 hours.

Servings Per Container - 1.


To bake delicious, fragrant, real bread in accordance with GOST, we need to use the following set of simple products:

  • first grade flour - 200 g;
  • fine salt - 1 tsp. with a "slide";
  • high-quality flour - 200 g;
  • dry fast-acting yeast - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • drinking water - 260 ml.

How to bake real bread according to GOST

Have you decided to bake real homemade bread in accordance with GOST? Do not worry! There is nothing impossible about such a culinary task. Everything is done very simply. It is recommended to follow the step-by-step photo recipe and follow all the tips given.

  1. Prepare all the ingredients first.

  1. Make flour of the first grade. Pour in the required amount of product. Sift it through a fine sieve into a deep dish or small bowl.

  1. Prepare premium flour. First, measure the amount of dry powder indicated in the recipe on a scale. Sift too. You can do this immediately to the first grade flour.

  1. Pour salt into the flour mixture. Dry fast-acting yeast is also added here. Everything is thoroughly mixed so that the composition becomes homogeneous.

  1. Gradually add room temperature drinking water to the dry mixture and knead the dough. First stir everything with a spoon. When the mass is almost formed, add a spoonful of vegetable oil.

  1. Then go to manual kneading. The dough is laid out on the work surface. It must be thoroughly kneaded for 5 minutes, after which the composition is sent for proofing for 2.5-3 hours. The mass should stand in a closed container and warm.

On a note! During this time, the dough will increase in size by about 3 times.

  1. After 2.5-3 hours, knead the mass.

  1. After the specified time, thoroughly knead the composition. First, spread the mass on the table, then roll it up into a kind of roll.

  1. Place the dough piece in a bread pan. The container is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil. The dough is pressed down on top. The workpiece is covered with a towel. It should be left for a second proofing. It will take 40-50 minutes. During this time, the mass will rise almost to the edges of the form.

  1. The bread is sent to an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake it for 45-55 minutes.

Note! In the process of baking real bread, according to GOST, do not open the oven door!

Without any additives, flavor enhancers, eggs and milk, real bread is obtained. Such pastries turn out to be very satisfying and aromatic.

This is my first experience of baking bread in the oven, so don't kick too much ... and now it will definitely not be the last :)
It all started with a replica of kozii_kopytcy to one of my posts. Of course, I asked for a bread recipe and, having received it with instructions for use, began to cook.


Rye flour 200 gr
Wheat flour 200 gr
Dry kvass 2 tablespoons
Water 150ml
Beer dark 150ml
Dry yeast 1.5 tsp
Sugar 1 tablespoon

Dilute dry yeast in a small amount of warm water. While they disperse, pour all the dry ingredients into a large bowl. We mix.
Pour the diluted yeast, the remaining water and beer into the mixture. We mix everything well. I mixed in the beginning with just a spoon

Then I used a mixer for better mixing. Ha! It was purchased during the Soviet Union and still works :)))

Stir it up? Then we put the dish with the dough in a warm place and cover it with a clean towel.
Sorry for this kind of saucepan :)

Let the dough rise once

We take out the dough, mold it into a ball or bun and put it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable or butter. We make two cuts. You can make four :)
We put the baking sheet in a cold oven and wait for the dough to rise again.

When the dough rises by about a third, turn on the oven at 200 degrees and wait for the finished, aromatic bread.

You can check the readiness with a wooden skewer, piercing the bread to the middle. The dough should not stick.
Checked - done. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, take out, put on the board and cover with a towel.

The bread must be allowed to stand and cool. If you cut right away, the crumb will be moist :(
The bun turns out to be small, so you can safely double everything and the size of the bread will be almost like that of Izmailovsky purchased.

On the very first evening, this bread was gone, so in the morning we had to prepare another double batch. I divided it into two parts. He left one unchanged, and in the second he poured caraway seeds between his hands. It turned out delicious, but it was necessary not to spare the cumin. (I threw in a pinch). You can safely throw a tablespoon :)
You can also add a spoonful of honey, removing almost completely the sugar. (Haven't tried it yet)
The total cooking time is 3.5 hours.

And now questions for you. Maybe someone knows and can explain:
Why are dry kvass and beer thrown into the dough? And in that and in that there is malt, is there hops?

And further! If you have any proven bread recipes - share, do not hesitate. I will make and upload photo recipes :)))))

PS I would like to thank you again for your responsiveness and recipe. If not for Olga, when would I still get to baking bread ... and now I will feed my family with different breads :))))
Enjoy your meal!

In those days, the lower classes of people consumed, and the white was consumed by the wealthy strata of the population.

Only by the twentieth century, many people changed their preferences when it became clear that rye-wheat baked goods contain a large amount of vitamins and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

White bread, on the contrary, from that moment began to be considered a product with the worst properties, and those who wanted that extra pounds never appeared on his body began to refuse it.

Today, many supermarkets are overwhelmed with an abundance of various brands of rye and wheat bread. Sometimes it is produced with the addition or additional products that give a special unique aroma and taste inherent in this particular type of bread.

Differences from other species

Rye and wheat bread is a gourmet product that combines two types of flour. Since the cooking recipe is quite simple, many housewives try to make such baked goods on their own.

If we make a comparative characteristic with different types of bread, then the following can be revealed.

Products from this category

The most popular brands in this category are products called "Peasant". This product is made from several types of flour, and includes, among others, wholemeal flour, which has a beneficial effect on digestion in the body.

In addition, the product is filled with various types of vitamins and microelements.

One hundred grams of the product contains:

  • fats in the amount of 0.9 grams;
  • proteins - 6.2 grams;
  • 40.2 grams of carbohydrates;
  • the total number of kilocalories is 222.

However, the use of this type of bread must be carried out with caution in cases where a person has problems with an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

One of the most popular products from this category has long been recognized as Ukrainian bread. For its production, the manufacturer spends about forty percent of wheat flour and sixty percent - rye.

As a result of subsequent treatments, the product goes through four stages until complete preparation. After the baked goods are ready, they should not exceed three kilograms.

Izmailovsky is also a similar type of baking - bread made from two varieties of flour.

However, it contains an increased amount of carbohydrates (about 45 grams), therefore, it is contraindicated for people seeking weight loss.

Products remain of the highest quality: "Peasant" and "Ukrainian", because only natural components are balanced in their composition, without impurities for smell and color.

GOST 28807 90 on the composition of bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour

The composition of rye-wheat bread, according to GOST No. 28807 90, includes the following components:

According to the established standards, bread should be produced in a mass not less than half a kilogram.

Moreover, its shape should be appropriate for the type of bread, without additional contamination on its surface.

As for the color, it should be from light brown to dark brown, without the presence of burning on the surface of the product.

The structure of the baked product should be particularly uniform without pronounced irregularities and dents.

Wetting and crushing into small lumps is not allowed according to the established standard.

The inside must be free of non-mixed parts and completely baked.GOST establishes the question of taste and smell as follows: the smell and taste must be characteristic of this product without additional flavorings.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the product

The composition differs from other types of bread not only in taste, but also in nutritional components.

The main component of such a product is a mixture of wheat and rye flour.

This mixture is added to the product in a specific ratio of 1: 1.

If we increase the proportion of rye flour to the 1: 3 mark, then it turns out that the manufacturer has already prepared not rye-wheat baked goods, but black bread.

If we talk about the calorie content of the product, then the following features of such baking can be distinguished:

  • fats are 3.12 grams, which is approximately 28 kcal;
  • the protein part includes 10.36 grams of the product, which translated into kcal means 41;
  • the largest part of the product belongs to carbohydrates - 51.43 grams. This is approximately 206 kcal.

Additional ingredients added by the manufacturer

Manufacturers often decide to introduce an additional product with the composition of rye-wheat bread.

Such additional additives can be:

  • sodium propionate or E 280 - preservative;
  • sulfur dioxide (E 220) - a powerful preservative used against mold;
  • E 330 - citric acid, it is an acid regulator;
  • sorbic acid is a relatively harmless preservative;
  • emulsifiers - substances to improve the condition of the dough.

All these additives are carried out in order to give baked goods a certain aroma, which will be a distinctive feature of this type of product. Thus, buyers will remember its unique taste and aroma and will purchase the product on an ongoing basis.

Benefit and harm

First of all, it is necessary to indicate the undeniable benefits of the product. It consists in an increased content of useful trace elements and an abundance of vitamins.

These substances include:

  1. vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and a high content of vitamin E (tocopherol), which is especially suitable for women planning pregnancy and during lactation.
  2. Vitamin B1 (i.e. thiamine).
  3. Microelements necessary for the human body, such as sodium, chlorine and phosphorus.
  4. In addition, the product contains magnesium and iron, which contribute to the maintenance of high immunity in the body.

If the leaven of bread is not made with yeast, then bread is useful for those people who seriously think about their figure.

For men, this type of bread has a beneficial effect on sexual activity due to the content of healthy vitamins.

The most beneficial for the body comes from leavened bread. The fact is that lactic acid fermentation is beneficial for intestinal peristalsis. It gives the body strength and protects against infectious lesions of the body.

In addition to the positive effect on the body, this type of baking also has its drawbacks, which are manifested in the following contraindications:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • colitis.

One of the main disadvantages is the increased calorie content, that is, the excess content of carbohydrates in the product. This makes the product unsafe for the diet and, if used regularly, can harm a slim figure.

Rye-wheat baked goods have a unique taste that many people are used to, and they do not want to change this type of bread for another. However, it is important to remember the measure when using the product and not go beyond.