Milkshakes: the best recipes. Milkshakes in a blender - delicious mixes

01.10.2019 Soups

A milkshake is useful for adults and children; it is rightfully considered a dietary product if low-fat components are added to the composition. The mixture is loved by adults, children and the elderly, because the benefits of milk are legendary. The drink can be prepared at home, if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the constituent ingredients and technology. However, like any other case, the procedure includes a number of features that must be considered. Consider the important aspects in order, give practical recommendations.

Features of making a milkshake

  1. If you are preparing a cocktail for a child, give preference to a non-alcoholic composition. In "adult" cocktails, you can add liquor, cranberry tincture, rum, etc. (at your discretion).
  2. As a basis for a milkshake, you can take not only milk, but also sour cream, kefir, cream, fermented baked milk. Some people add cottage cheese to the drink to increase the energy value.
  3. The traditional milkshake technology does not include additives. The drink is prepared exclusively from milk and ice cream, so the technique is not particularly difficult.
  4. Before making a cocktail, put the milk in the refrigerator and cool. The optimum temperature is considered to be 5-6 degrees.
  5. The drink is prepared using a blender or mixer, in some cases a bartender's shaker. All ingredients must be whipped at maximum power so that the composition increases and does not fall off for a long time.
  6. In cases where a homemade milkshake is prepared with additives such as chocolate or ice, the latter must be passed through a kitchen sieve.
  7. If you are on a diet or watching your figure, counting calories, use low-fat products. In this case, give preference to low-calorie milk, replace ice cream with low-fat yogurt. It would also be useful to add not very sweet fruits (kiwi, strawberries, currants, apples, etc.).
  8. A visual inspection will help you determine the readiness of the product. If all conditions are met, a dense thick foam with bubbles of the same size is formed on the surface of the milkshake.
  9. You can take the classic technology as a basis, and then vary it at your discretion. Add condensed milk, various toppings, coffee, cocoa, syrups, fruit juices. For those who do not have imagination, ready-made recipes are suitable.
  10. Often a cocktail is made from hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds and other similar ingredients. It is necessary to pre-fry the ingredients in a pan, then grind in a blender or coffee grinder to a state of flour.
  11. Milkshake is served to the table immediately after mixing all the ingredients. Otherwise, the foam will settle, the mixture will heat up, as a result of which the taste will suffer.
  12. The most valuable fillers are considered to be fruits, berries, fruit drinks and juices. Especially popular are strawberries, bananas, apricots, raspberries, strawberries, currants (red, black). Do not forget about avocados, blueberries, seedless grapes, etc.

Milkshake: a classic recipe

  • milk (fat content 2-3.2%) - 1.3 l.
  • creamy ice cream - 325 gr.
  1. To prepare a milkshake in the traditional way, you must first melt the ice cream. Remove the product from the packaging, place in a deep bowl and leave at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. For convenience, you can cut the ice cream into cubes of the same size. It is advisable to choose a composition marked "vanilla" or "creamy" with a minimum content of additives.
  3. Milk, on the contrary, must be cooled to 6 degrees. Place the bag in the refrigerator, wait a certain period.
  4. When all the ingredients are ready, take the blender bowl, send the melted ice cream into it and pour in the milk. Turn on the device first at the middle mark (about 1 minute), then beat at maximum speed.
  5. Prepare glasses or glasses for a milkshake. Wash them and wipe dry, put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or in the freezer for 10 minutes. After the dishes have cooled, pour the finished drink, insert a straw. Garnish the rim of the glass with berries or fruit, if desired.

  • creamy ice cream - 165 gr.
  • milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 245 gr.
  • fresh strawberries - 12 berries.
  1. Remove the ice cream from the package, transfer to a glass bowl, leave at room temperature for a quarter of an hour. At this time, wash the strawberries, remove the stalks, twigs, leaves. Dry the berries with a paper towel.
  2. Place the milk in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, pour it into a blender glass, add melted ice cream and fresh strawberries.
  3. Beat the ingredients at maximum power until the mass becomes fluffy. For those who do not have a blender, you can use a shaker or mixer. If the mass is thick, dilute it with milk, then whisk again.
  4. Put a few glasses in the refrigerator, cool them. Pour the milkshake into a bowl, decorate the top with grated chocolate or cocoa, place half a strawberry on the edge. Serve immediately, do not forget to insert the straw.

Avocado cocktail

  • milk - 650 ml.
  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • honey - 35 gr.
  • syrup (optional) - 10 ml.
  • ice cream (optional) - 200 gr.
  1. If the milkshake will be prepared with ice cream, remove the product from the packaging and let it partially melt at room temperature.
  2. Place the milk carton in the refrigerator, leave for half an hour. Melt the honey in the microwave, stir in the milk. Combine these ingredients with ice cream.
  3. Get started with your avocado. For the preparation of the drink, only ripe fruit is used. Remove the bone, scrape out the pulp with a tablespoon, grind into porridge with a blender.
  4. Mix all ingredients, add syrup and honey. Beat with a mixer or blender at maximum speed, evaluate the result. If the cocktail is unsweetened, add more honey.
  5. Pour into glasses, do not forget to insert a straw. If you wish, you can decorate the “cap” of the drink with coconut flakes or grated almonds.

  • honey - 55 gr.
  • milk - 550 ml.
  • ice cream (vanilla or cream) - 275 gr.
  • fresh raspberries - quantity at your discretion
  1. Melt the honey in a water bath or in the microwave, pour into the milk, mix and refrigerate until completely cooled.
  2. Take the ice cream out of the package and transfer it to a glass bowl to melt it. After the milk reaches a temperature of 6-8 degrees, add ice cream to it.
  3. Pour the mixture into a blender, beat until smooth. The drink should increase in size, it is at this point that you can add fresh raspberries. Turn on the device again at maximum power, chop the berries.
  4. Before drinking the cocktail, strain the mixture through a kitchen sieve or cheesecloth to remove the seeds. Pour into glasses, decorate the edge of the container with a raspberry, insert a straw.

Currant cocktail

  • currant (black or red) - 235 gr.
  • milk - 650 ml.
  • vanilla sugar - 12 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 55 gr.
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • ice cream - 150 gr.
  1. You can use both fresh and frozen currants. In the latter case, leave the berries at room temperature to melt. Do the same with ice cream.
  2. Pour the milk into a deep container, add granulated sugar and vanilla. When the crystals have completely melted, send the milk syrup to the refrigerator, cool to 6 degrees.
  3. Mix ice cream with currants, pour in milk. Beat the chicken yolk in a blender, pour the remaining ingredients into the bowl. Bring the mass to a homogeneous thick state.
  4. Strain the drink through a kitchen sieve, pour into glasses. Insert the tube, if desired, sprinkle with grated almonds or walnuts on top.

  • milk - 525 ml.
  • powdered sugar - 15 gr.
  • ice cream - 160 gr.
  • frozen or fresh cherries - 135 gr.
  1. Place the cherry in a colander, rinse under the tap, dry. Remove legs and bones. If frozen berries are used, they must first be placed in the microwave on the "Defrost" mode.
  2. Put the milk in the refrigerator for half an hour. Take the ice cream out of the package, transfer it to a deep bowl and let it melt. Combine milk with ice cream in a blender glass, beat the mass for 2 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time, add cherries, turn on the blender again. If desired, you can use a shaker, but then the berries will be in the form of pieces (the cocktail will have to be eaten with a spoon).
  4. Pour a homogeneous drink into glasses, garnish with a mint leaf or coconut flakes. Insert a straw, serve immediately after preparation.

Cocktail with cocoa

  • cocoa powder - 20 gr.
  • vanilla ice cream - 175 gr.
  • milk - 220 ml.
  • chocolate - 40 gr.
  1. Brew cocoa according to instructions, cool. Partially melt vanilla ice cream at room temperature. Cool the milk in the refrigerator, mix with ice cream and cocoa.
  2. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater, add to the previous composition. Place all ingredients in a blender, beat at maximum speed for 3 minutes.
  3. Pour the finished drink into pre-chilled glasses, garnish with grated chocolate, insert a straw. If desired, place 3 pcs on the “cap”. hazelnuts or almonds.

Banana cocktail

  • ripe banana - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 320 gr.
  • ice cream - 245 gr.
  • honey - 15 gr.
  • ground cinnamon - 2 pinches
  1. Peel the banana, cut into thin slices, grind in a blender to a state of porridge.
  2. Remove ice cream from cups or packaging, cut it into cubes, send it to the banana.
  3. Pre-cool the milk in the refrigerator, then add honey and stir until completely dissolved. Pour mixture into blender over banana and ice cream.
  4. Add 1 pinch of cinnamon, whisk for 3-4 minutes, then pour into glasses and garnish with a second pinch of cinnamon. Insert a straw, serve immediately.

Milkshake is one of those drinks that can be easily prepared at home. The main thing is that a blender or shaker is available, if desired, you can use a mixer. Consider recipes based on strawberries, cocoa, cherries, bananas, currants, raspberries, or avocados. Decorate the cocktail with grated nuts, add chocolate or coconut flakes. Vary the quantity as you wish, add alcohol and surprise your guests.

Video: Oreo flavored milkshake

How to make a delicious, refreshing milkshake with ice cream at home in the summer heat? Not everyone knows a simple recipe for a milkshake, and sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicacy. You will find recommendations for preparing this great dessert drink in a blender in your own kitchen in this article.

You can save money on going to a cafe and using a blender. The main rule is that the drink must be created on the basis of dairy products.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of each stage of making a cocktail in a blender:

We offer another milkshake recipe that you can easily make at home.

Pour half a liter of milk into a blender, add white vanilla ice cream (4 tablespoons), 3 tablespoons of strawberry syrup, half a peach and strawberries (previously diced), beat. Pour crushed ice into the finished mass and pour into wine glasses. Serve with a straw and a piece of peach.

Now you know well how to make a milk treat in a blender and you can treat your household to a delicious, refreshing drink on a hot summer day. But this material would not be informative enough without publishing recipes in video format.


Of course, this is not a complete list of recipes for making delicious milkshakes. But, having got your hand on the preparation of such homemade desserts, you will be able to come up with new original recipes. We will be glad if you use the Comments form below to share with our visitors your favorite ways to prepare these wonderful milk drinks.


Milkshake is a favorite delicacy of children, which is characterized by a rich creamy taste. When preparing this drink, you must use a special technique. In this article, we will show you how to make a milkshake in a blender.

First, cool the milk, its temperature should be + 5-7 ° C. Do not overcool the liquid, otherwise it will not give a fluffy and stable foam. Pour liquid into blender and add ice cream. Pour in some vanilla sugar. To prepare the drink, you need 1 liter of milk, 300 g of creamy ice cream and a bag of vanilla sugar. If you feel like the treat isn't sweet enough, sweeten it up. This is the easiest milkshake recipe ever. To prepare a drink with fruit filling, you can use fresh fruit puree or syrup. If you don't have these products, add strawberry or raspberry jam to your milk. In this case, try to pour very little sugar. To make a banana smoothie, puree 2 bananas in a blender. After that, pour in the milk and add the ice cream. Beat again at high speeds so that the mass becomes airy. If you are on a diet, use low-fat yogurt or kefir instead of milk. To prepare a low-calorie milkshake, you will need:
  • half a liter of low-fat kefir;
  • 150 g ice cream;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • a handful of your favorite berries.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 2 minutes. A foam should form on the surface of the mass. Pour the drink into glasses and garnish with strawberries. If you are preparing a treat for a children's party, then steal cups of tinted sugar. To do this, pour some beet juice on the sugar and let it dry. Immerse the glass in a saucer of water and then in pink sugar. Pour the drink into the containers and insert the tubes. Want to make a light dinner? Then try a milkshake with cottage cheese. Pour a handful of your favorite berries and one banana into a blender cup. Mash the fruit in a puree and add 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese. Turn the blender back on for 2 minutes. After that, pour 500 g of milk into a cup and add sugar. Beat a little more until you get a thick and fluffy mass. Don't know what to have for breakfast? Make a milkshake with oatmeal and cereals. Grind a handful of shelled walnuts and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Add 200 g of ice cream and 500 ml of milk to the resulting powder. If the treat seems unsweetened to you, add sugar. Turn on the blender and beat for 2-3 minutes. This drink can be considered a complete breakfast, which contains a lot of protein and energizes you until the next meal. Such a drink should be prepared for breakfast for children. It will help replenish calcium deficiency in the child's body.

You can use a shaker and an immersion blender to make a milkshake. But the fastest way to get a treat is to use a stationary blender with a cup. Try to get a household appliance with a large bowl. This will allow you to prepare a milk drink for the whole family and guests.

Posted on April 5, 2017

Everyone can make a milkshake. Many of us remember this taste from childhood. Once upon a time, I just dreamed that we would have a mixer at home in order to prepare these cocktails in unlimited quantities.

Today, a mixer is far from a problem; almost every family has either a mixer or a blender. But for some reason, we often buy milkshakes in cafes or pizzerias, but we don’t cook at home at all.

In this article I will try to give a few recipes for making milkshakes that will become your favorite. But first I want to tell you a few tips on how to properly prepare a cocktail based on dairy products.

Remember milk must be chilled. Only then will it be well whipped into foam.

You can add almost all fruits except orange, tangerine, grapefruit and sour apples. Otherwise, there is a risk after taking a cocktail to arrange a fasting day for yourself.

In addition to milk, you can use kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

You can decorate the cocktail with coconut flakes, grated chocolate, grated nuts, mint, pieces of fruit.

You can decorate with a beautiful cap of whipped cream. How to make whipped cream at home can be read by clicking on the link.

You can also decorate the edges of the glass in which you will serve the cocktail. Dip the glass in water and then in sugar. You will get beautiful edges in edible snow.

Ice cream is better to take white without dyes. And of course, only ice cream.

Fruits and berries that you plan to use in a cocktail can be whipped together with milk. Just remember to wash them first.

Very often, all possible syrups are used for cooking. If there is no syrup on hand, it can be replaced with jam.


Ice cream 1 waffle cup.

A glass of milk.


☑ Remove the ice cream from the cup and place in the blender bowl.

☑ Pour in the milk and whisk for 3-4 minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Strawberry Vanilla Cocktail


Strawberries-200 grams

Vanilla ice cream - 150 grams.

Milk 100-150 grams.

Vanilla sugar sachet.

Sugar to taste but not more than 150 grams.


☑ Mix strawberries with ice cream and beat well.

☑ Add milk, vanilla, sugar, beat for about three more minutes.

☑ Pour into glasses, garnish with strawberry halves and serve.

Your cocktail is ready.

Coffee banana milkshake


1 banana.

1 teaspoon instant coffee.

Milk half a glass.

1 tablespoon honey.

100-120 grams of ice cream.


☑ Banana cut into circles and mix with ice cream. Blend everything with a blender.

☑ Dissolve coffee in 2 tablespoons of warm water. And send to the banana.

☑ Add honey and milk, whisk for 3-4 minutes.

Your cocktail is ready.

Milk Almond Shake


Milk a third of a glass.

1 glass of kefir.

50 grams of almonds.

Apricot syrup or jam.

Sugar to taste.

Tablespoon of ice cream.


☑Peel the almonds, pour over boiling water to make it easier to remove the skin.

☑ Put the clean almonds into a coffee grinder and grind the grains.

☑ Mix the almond powder with the rest of the ingredients and beat until foam appears. Pour the cocktail into glasses and serve.

Hot milk chocolate shake


1 banana.

Half a liter of milk.

Dark chocolate bar.

Ground cinnamon.


☑ Peel the banana, cut into circles and turn it into a banana puree with a blender.

☑ Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire.

☑ Add banana puree and broken chocolate to milk.

☑ Continue heating the milk until the chocolate has completely melted.

☑ As soon as the chocolate dissolves and the mass begins to thicken, pour the cocktail into glasses, sprinkle with ground cinnamon on top.

Cocktail raspberry paradise


Raspberries 140-150 grams.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 100-120 grams.

Sugar 2-3 tablespoons.


☑ Put the raspberries in a saucepan, pour out all the sugar and put on fire. ☑ Bring to a boil boil for just a couple of minutes. Be careful not to burn the sugar.

☑ Cool the raspberries and pour in the milk, mix and pour into a blender. Add ice cream and beat until fluffy. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

☑ Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and serve to guests.

Milk cherry cocktail


Cherries, fresh or frozen. Maybe cherry syrup.

Milk glass.

Ice cream 120-130 grams.

1-2 tablespoons of sugar. Depends on the acidity of the cherry.


☑ Wash the cherries well and remove the pits.

☑ Squeeze out the juice from the berries. Or simply puree them with an immersion blender.

☑ Mix cherry puree with the rest of the ingredients and beat well for 3-4 minutes.

Mint cloud cocktail


150 milk.

150 ice cream.

30 mint syrup.

A sprig of mint.

Whipped cream.


☑ Mix all ingredients and beat until fluffy.

☑ Garnish with a cap of whipped cream and a sprig of mint.

Milkshake Paradise Apple


500 milk.

2 sweet apples.

50 grams of walnuts.


Honey or cane sugar about a tablespoon.


☑ Grind the grains of nuts in a coffee grinder to a powder state.

☑ Wash and mash apples.

☑ Add sugar or honey to the puree and mix.

2 tablespoons of sugar without a slide.

Coconut flakes or grated chocolate.


☑ Separate the yolk from the protein.

☑ Beat the protein for 1 minute and gradually introduce sugar.

☑ Beat for a few more minutes.

☑ Gently introduce the yolk and continue to beat the chilled milk.

☑ Pour in vodka again, beat everything well.

☑ Pour into glasses, decorate with coconut flakes and serve.

What's better than a cool, refreshing milkshake on a hot summer day? After all, this is what both children and adults love so much. Making a milkshake is not that difficult. This requires the usual ingredients for every housewife: milk, fruits, berries, ice cream, sugar, etc.

  • Milk (before mixing with ice cream) is better to cool.
  • When adding berries or fruits to a milkshake, we advise you to pass the finished mixture through a strainer. This will help get rid of the bones.
  • For those who count calories and watch their figure, we suggest using skimmed milk or low-fat kefir in milkshakes. Add your favorite juice or fruit (you can add an apple or kiwi as they are very low in sugar) and your low calorie milkshake is ready.

Milkshake Recipes

We are convinced that it will not be difficult for you to come up with your own milkshake recipe. But why waste time thinking? You can use the selected recipes. They are quite simple and quick to prepare.