Lemon ginger concentrate for homemade lemonade. Ginger lemonade: the best vitamin drink

21.03.2023 Desserts and cakes

Delicious and healthy homemade lemonades can be prepared not only from lemons and limes. Root vegetables are often used to make refreshing drinks.

Ginger, as we know, is an extremely useful plant, it contains many important substances for the body, vitamins and amino acids that a person needs. Fresh root has a characteristic, rather pleasant, slightly pungent taste. The systematic use (in reasonable doses) of lemonade with ginger and lemon actively contributes to "fat burning", so this drink can be recommended to those who want to lose weight. In the cold season, ginger drinks can be consumed hot - this is an effective warming agent.

Making lemonade at home is a simple matter, it will require ginger root, lemons, water and, if desired, some other ingredients (although these are quite enough). So, let's look at several ways to make lemonade - a tasty and healthy drink.

Ginger Lemonade - Recipe


  • ginger root - 1 pc. medium size;
  • lemon - 1-2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh mint leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • water - about 1 liter.


Rinse the ginger root thoroughly and chop with a knife. Cut off the tips from the lemons, cut them into slices, remove the seeds. We put the slices in a bowl and fall asleep with sugar. Lightly crush lemons with sugar with a crush or a spoon. We boil water. We place the chopped ginger in a liter thermos, pour boiling water over it, close and leave for 1 hour. In no case do not fill the lemon with boiling water, because at high temperatures the vitamin C contained in citrus fruits is destroyed. When the ginger infusion is ready, cool it to warm and mix with sugared lemons. Add 2 mint leaves (you can also knead them with a pinch of sugar). We filter, pour into a bottle (preferably glass) and cool to room temperature, and then place in the refrigerator. The ideal temperature for serving lemonade is + 8-11ºС.

Gourmet lemonade with ginger, lime and anise seeds

We prepare this drink without sugar. We replace it with honey or stevia (gives a sweet taste) - so the lemonade becomes more dietary.


  • ginger root - 130 g;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • anise seeds - 10-20 pcs.;
  • mint leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • natural honey or dry stevia - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Thoroughly wash the ginger root, chop with a knife and place in a thermos with a capacity of 1 liter. We also put anise seeds and a spoonful of stevia there (if we use honey, then add it to the finished lemonade to preserve the beneficial substances). Fill with boiling water and leave for an hour.

Cut the ends off the lemon and lime and cut the fruit in half. We squeeze the juice into a separate cup (there are special manual juicers for citrus fruits).

Cool the infusion and add lemon and lime juice (honey is added at this stage). Season with mint, let it brew for half an hour and filter. Pour into bottle and chill.

If you want to diversify your diet not only with lemonade, then you can always cook Sangria wine and crucon.


How to make ginger lemonade

Ginger lemonade is a delicious tonic soft drink, and very healthy - an excellent prevention of many diseases. Lemon contains vitamin C, and ginger supports immunity and kills pathogenic bacteria.

Homemade ginger lemonade

Homemade lemonade cannot be compared to store-bought lemonade, and it is also prepared quickly. It requires a minimum of ingredients to make it. Lemonade is prepared from various berries, fruits - which are at hand. Well quenches thirst and is a source of vitamins ginger lemonade. If you want to pamper your loved ones with a wonderful drink - stock up on ginger root, lemon, boiled water, mint. To get one and a half liters of drink, you will need: − a small root (4 cm) of ginger; − one lemon; − 1.5 liters of boiled water; − mint leaves; − sugar or honey to taste. Mint gives the drink a rich spicy aroma. Peel the ginger, cut into small pieces, pour cold water (1 cup) and boil for 2-4 minutes, no more, cool, you can throw mint leaves into the ginger broth. While the ginger is cooling, squeeze the juice from the lemon. An ordinary citrus juicer is suitable for this procedure. If there is none, you can squeeze the juice from the fruit with a fork. Take a jug (it can be any glass vessel) with a volume of 1.5 liters, pour the strained ginger broth into it, put a few pieces for beauty in the vessel, fill it to the top with boiled cold water, add lemon juice, sugar or honey as well. sweetener. Remember, honey is an allergenic product, children should be given it carefully. If kids will drink lemonade, it is better to use sugar.

gourmet recipe

You can make ginger lemonade in other ways. Same ingredients, different cooking method. Finely grated ginger (50 g), lemon juice (you can add chopped peel), sugar - put in a saucepan, pour water, throw a few pieces of cloves there, put to boil. When the brew boils, reduce the temperature to a minimum and cook for about 15 minutes. Strain the finished drink and leave to cool for 10-12 hours. Add crushed ice to the cooled lemonade, you can do without it, just refrigerate.

ginger cocktail

Recipe for a very quick ginger cocktail. Take: - one lemon; - a small piece of ginger; - 6 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar; -0.5 carbonated mineral water; - crushed ice; - mint. Prepare fresh juice from grated ginger and lemon juice, add sugar, let it brew for a few minutes. Prepare ice - crush it in a blender. Put mint leaves in a tall glass, mash them, add ginger and lemon syrup, pour crushed ice with mineral water, lemonade is ready.


Ginger ale

We all know a huge number of beers. But among them there is one that stands separately - this is ginger ale (beer). This drink, in principle, only in color and foam can remind us of real beer. It is classic non-alcoholic. But there are recipes that allow you to cook it as an alcoholic one. All this can be easily done at home. Your beer will differ from store analogues, only natural products. Ginger beer is a highly carbonated, brown-colored sweet drink with a strong ginger flavor. As a rule, it is drunk chilled in its pure form or added to spirits (vodka, whiskey, gin). Ginger beer can taste like regular kvass, which can be a little sweeter. Instead of a malt base, it uses a mixture that consists of ginger, lemon and cane sugar. Such a drink was invented by the surgeon and American pharmacist Thomas Cantrell. The first recipe for such beer appeared in the 70s of the nineteenth century.

non-alcoholic ginger beer recipe



Grate the ginger root and mix it with sugar. Add lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Pour our mixture with cold mineral sparkling water. We insist 5 minutes. Then we filter the ginger beer through cheesecloth, add mint and a few pieces of lemon. We serve to the table.

Alcoholic ginger beer recipe


  • 25 g of crushed ginger;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 150 ml of white wine;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 15 g dry yeast.


Mix ginger with wine and sugar, pour hot water and let cool to 30°C. Add dry yeast. When fermentation is noticeable, after about 2-3 hours, pour ginger beer into a bottle and put it under a water seal (as an option, you can put a medical glove on the bottle and make a hole in one of your fingers). We filter our drink through cheesecloth after 2 days. Pour it into bottles, close tightly with lids and put in the refrigerator. After one day in the refrigerator, ginger ale is ready to drink. It foams like real beer thanks to carbon dioxide.

Jamaican ginger ale


  • 30 g of tartar;
  • 100 g of ginger;
  • 2 kg of cane sugar;
  • 4 lemons;
  • package of brewer's yeast.


Mix chopped lemon with skins, grated ginger, sugar and cream of tartar. Then we cook this mixture for half an hour on low heat for half an hour. Cool to room temperature and add yeast. The mixture ferments for a day. Then pour it into another bowl and leave until fully ripe.

A little about the features of ginger beer:

  1. Another name for ginger beer is ginger lemonade.
  2. Pairs well with whiskey.
  3. Ginger non-alcoholic beer is often drunk by characters from the Harry Potter books.
  4. Used to treat headaches, coughs and indigestion.


ginger beer

Ginger ale or, in other words, non-alcoholic homemade ginger beer is a wonderful refreshing and tonic drink. Buying a ready-made drink in the store can be problematic, so it is best to prepare it at home. It perfectly quenches thirst and is good for digestion. Let's take a look at how to make ginger ale.

ginger ale recipe


  • fresh ginger root - 150 g;
  • carbonated mineral water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh mint - to taste.


So, to prepare ginger ale, we take the ginger root, peel it, rub it on a coarse grater and, without draining the juice that has been released, sprinkle it with sugar. Next, add the lemon zest, mix everything well and press something heavy on top for about 20 seconds. After that, carefully pour in the juice squeezed from lemons, fill it with mineral carbonated water and let the mixture brew for 15 minutes. We filter the finished drink, take a sample: if it seems to you that it turned out too sour, add a little more sugar, and if, on the contrary, it is sweet, dilute it with lemon juice. Now we pour the homemade ginger beer into tall glass glasses and garnish with sprigs of fresh mint if desired.

Ginger beer - recipe


  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • fresh ginger root - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated baker's yeast - 0.5 tsp;
  • fresh water - 2.5 liters.


We take a plastic three-liter bottle from mineral water, wash it, dry it, insert a funnel into the neck and carefully pour granulated baker's yeast through it so as not to spill it. Fresh ginger root, rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with the juice of one lemon and rubbed with a spoon until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. We introduce the resulting mixture into the bottle: if it does not pass through the funnel, dilute it a little with water.

Add the remaining water, close the bottle with a cap and shake its contents thoroughly. Shake the bottle until the yeast and sugar are completely dissolved. We remove the bottle in a dark warm place for about 30 hours. The readiness of homemade ginger beer can be checked by simply squeezing the bottle, if this causes dents, the drink is not yet ready. Before drinking, cool the ale well and open slowly, gradually releasing the gas.

For lovers of non-alcoholic ginger drinks, we recommend trying out the ginger tea recipe.


It’s hot and very thirsty, but store-bought drinks don’t inspire confidence for a long time? There is a way out: by preparing homemade lemonade, you will kill several birds with one stone - and save your health, replenish your body with useful nutrients, and quench your thirst.

Traditional lemonade from lemon or orange, exotic drinks from passion fruit, kiwi or lavender, a lot of recipes for lemonades with mint and ginger - this is a small list of what we will offer you in this selection of homemade lemonades!

Making lemonade at home does not require large expenses and culinary skills - knowledge of the classic recipe is all you need. After studying the recipe classics of homemade lemonade, you will be able to successfully experiment with your favorite nutritional supplements - berries, fruits, vegetables or herbs.

From household appliances, complex devices are also not needed - a maximum blender for grinding ingredients, although grinding foods in the old fashioned way, on a grater, will give the result no worse.

And a few more creative touches for the success of your drink: together we will learn how to decorate glasses with homemade lemonade, freeze ice for it, and analyze the effect of the drink on children's and women's bodies.

Do not be afraid to experiment, your culinary Olympus will be conquered with us!

Lemonade from lemons

Preparing soft drinks at home in many families is considered a good seasonal tradition.

Housewives make juices, smoothies, cocktails from various fruits, but homemade lemonade from lemons is still the most popular type of refreshing drink. Its pleasant sour taste, emphasized by the freshness of ice cubes, tones up the body on a hot day, giving it vitality and energy.

ginger lemonade

A summer soft drink made from lemon almost always includes, in addition to citrus fruits, various spices.

Mint, tarragon (tarragon) and, of course, ginger most often play the role of spicy, but ginger lemonade is still considered the most original drink. The specific taste of ginger makes refreshing lemon juice especially spicy, and the essential oils of the spicy product add great benefits to drinking.

Homemade Ginger Lemonade Recipe…

Homemade lemonade with tarragon

Tarragon is often added to various home-made drinks in order to enhance and slightly diversify their usual taste.

On the basis of spicy herbs, the popular tarragon lemonade is most often made, the recipe of which we will consider in detail today.

How to make lemonade with tarragon ...

Lemon Mint Lemonade

Not all store-bought drinks can be accurately reproduced on your own directly in your kitchen and without the help of factory technologies.

But one drink still managed to find an alternative to its factory relative, and the name of this drink is homemade lemonade with lemon and mint. A simple combination of available ingredients allows you to prepare such a healthy cocktail of citrus fruits and spices in large volumes at any time of the year.

Mint Homemade Lemonade

The classic preparation of drinks has long been replaced by original technologies, according to which spice is an integral part of summer juices.

It is impossible to imagine lemonade, beloved by many, with mint at home without aromatic additives, it is prepared more often than other varieties of this drink. A mixture of citrus fruits and a spicy plant quenches thirst better than any ice, and fragrant notes of fragrant products make the refreshing procedure even more pleasant.

mint lemonade recipe...

cucumber lemonade

Making drinks is a useful activity, but not everyone realizes that it is also a good occasion for an exciting culinary experiment.

By tradition, many of us make juice only from fruits, but drinks from vegetables are no worse, as evidenced by cucumber lemonade. At first glance, cucumbers do not seem like a very good ingredient for a drink, however, the first sip you tried will undoubtedly convince you of the opposite.

Lemonade from oranges and lemons

The cupbearer of the French monarch Louis I first ventured to dilute lemon juice with non-carbonated mineral water back in the 17th century.

Over the years, royal homemade lemonade, the recipe for oranges and lemons of which we will consider today, has ceased to be a “nectar” for only one person. Now this is a drink loved by many, which is prepared even at home, it is for such self-preparation that we have selected the best recipes.

How to make Orange Lemon Lemonade...

Lemonade with passion fruit

A curious opportunity to easily get the pulp with a spoon, an abundance of seeds, yellow, red and pink color of the fruit and an immediately memorable unusual name.

Passion fruit lemonade, the recipe of which we will prepare today, can be an appetizing decoration of your table in a range of healthy drinks. It can be offered to adults and older children, diversify a student's holiday or make it the basis for bold experiments with drinks.

lavender lemonade

Summer means sunny days and fun adventures, which accordingly require a summery, light and refreshing menu.

We invite you to add to your culinary collection a homemade recipe for lavender lemonade with an unusual tonic taste: tropical, herbal, sweet. And if you add coconut rum or vodka to its recipe, the drink will rise one step higher and will be appropriate at an adult party.

Kiwi lemonade

An inedible berry native to China that has been cultivated by a New Zealand breeder for 30 years and has become a favorite delicacy of Californians.

Today we use the kiwi lemonade recipe, because the fruits of this amazing plant can make a refreshing drink tasty, healthy and unusually beautiful. A greenish shade of cool moisture and a contrasting heart pattern that looks good in an ice cube - every part of this ingredient will decorate the drink.

Homemade Kiwi Lemonade Recipe…

orange lemonade

The feeling when the sun heats up the air to the limit, and you don’t know where to go from the heat, is familiar to each of us firsthand.

To somehow freshen up, it is not necessary to run to the sea, it is enough to make lemonade from oranges at home and quench your thirst with it. A homemade drink is much healthier than a store-bought one, which is why we suggest that you consider only homemade recipes for making it.

Orange peel lemonade

In search of a tonic and refreshing drink for hot days, we are ready to try many unexpected variations.

Many of us will find orange peel lemonade delicious, whether alone or with albedo (the white part of citrus peel). And someone, perhaps, will remember the long-forgotten tricks of grandmothers, who often prepared this economical drink in the middle of the 20th century.

Orange cucumber lemonade

Today we will tell you how to prepare a natural soft drink with an unexpected combination of two flavors - vegetable and fruit.

Consider cucumber-orange lemonade, the recipe of which, even during preparation, will delight us with a colorful combination of ingredients, a sweetish and light taste. Let's find out how to have a real thirst quencher on hand all summer long, especially since cooking requires minimal effort.

How to make Orange Cucumber Lemonade…

Raspberry mint lemonade

Summer with an abundance of fresh and healthy fruits is the perfect time to take care not only of delicious food, but also of proper nutrition.

It will not be difficult to do this if we fill the day with vitamin and refreshing drinks made from berries and savory herbs, such as raspberry mint lemonade. The taste of the drink gives the opportunity to quickly quench the thirst of adults and easily give drink to picky kids thanks to a beautiful serving with a contrast of colors.

Making homemade lemonade with raspberries and mint…

Lemonade for kids

A juicy word in which many adults remember the cozy names of Duchess, Pinocchio, Cheburashka and smile with a bright childish smile.

Fruity, cool and colorful lemonade for children, we most often prepare at home to avoid artificial colors and sweeteners. The choice of natural products helps us to solve several problems, whether it is the need to drink plenty of water in the summer, or an interesting drink for the holiday.

lemonade diet

Summer is the season of long-awaited vacations, light outfits and beach activities, when the idea of ​​​​losing weight quickly becomes especially attractive.

Lemonade for weight loss sounds unexpected, although the recipe has long been used not only by the singer Beyoncé, who lost 9 kilograms in 2 weeks. Similar recommendations with drinks made from local ingredients are known and popular among naturopaths in several countries - the USA, Russia and even Turkey.

Lemonade with ginger for weight loss

Reducing excess fat mass is one of the difficult tasks in the life of every person who is faced with changes in the figure.

However, there are simple recipes from affordable products that help achieve the desired result, for example, ginger lemonade for weight loss. Anyone can reap the benefits of a healthy spice if they are willing to spend half an hour preparing this drink.

Lemonade: benefits and harms

The demand for soft drinks is steadily generating supply, which contributes to filling the market with low-quality drinking products.

Because of this, many are switching to the production of home-made drinks, the most popular type of which is lemonade, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed in society. In our article, we will try to find out all the pros and cons of drinking a summer refreshing drink, and determine how safe it is for health.

Are store-bought and homemade lemonades healthy?

homemade lemonade calories

Oh, this is the eternal concern of a person about the accumulation of excess weight, when the ironic question sounds: “What would you eat to lose weight?”.

Today we will go even further, turning restless curiosity to the story of what to drink, and how many calories are in lemonade. After all, few gourmets will dwell on the simple idea that the best drink for losing weight and maintaining a normal weight is pure drinking water without gas.

How many calories are in homemade lemonade...

lemonade during pregnancy

The birth of a child is the main event in the life of a woman, for which she prepares long before the birth, because there is nothing more important than the health of the baby.

From the first days of gestation, women have many questions, of course, we cannot answer all of them, but we will try to find out: is it possible for pregnant women to drink lemonade? Given that it is summer now, the issue is very relevant, but choosing a good drink is not an easy task, but we will still try to solve it correctly.

Is it possible to drink lemonade during pregnancy ...

Is it possible for a nursing mother lemonade

And then came these unforgettable first days of communication with the long-awaited newborn, who peacefully sniffs on the chest of a happy mother.

From now on, for many months there will be a new excitement and concern - breastfeeding, when many questions arise, including whether lemonade can be given to a nursing mother. This issue is especially relevant for the hot summer, when the vast majority of people dream of hiding from the heat under the air conditioner with a soft drink in their hands.

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Homemade ginger lemonade with honey: recipe with photo

Of course, all adherents of a healthy diet, and even more so, people who want to lose weight, know about the incredible benefits of products such as lemon, honey and ginger. It is impossible to overestimate their positive impact on the body, and the healing properties can be listed endlessly. In a nutshell, lemon is a source of vitamin C, helps strengthen immunity, improve metabolic processes, fight fatigue, ginger enhances metabolism, honey fights a huge number of diseases, contains many trace elements and nutrients in high concentrations. And all these three priceless products can be combined in such a wonderful drink as lemonade with ginger and honey. Preparing ginger lemonade at home is very simple and quick, the drink can be consumed daily, or can be served as a delicious cooling non-alcoholic drink for a holiday.

For more information about the properties of ginger, read the article: How to lose weight fast with ginger.

To make homemade ginger lemonade you will need:

  • 2 medium lemons;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey, there is no difference, liquid honey, or already candied;
  • 40-60 grams of ginger root;
  • 700-750 ml of water, it should be filtered or just boil the water and cool.
  • You will also need a blender and a strainer.

Recipe for lemonade with ginger and honey:

1. Squeeze juice from lemons. If the lemonade will be served to guests, then first cut off a few thin pieces to decorate the glasses. Strain the resulting juice from the seeds. Photo 2.

2. Peel the ginger root (the easiest way to do this is with a teaspoon) and cut it into pieces. Photo 3.

3. Put the pieces of ginger in a blender, honey, lemon juice and water. Grind everything in a blender (about 1 minute). Photo 4.

4. Strain the resulting mixture again.

Serve lemonade with ginger and honey in glasses garnished with lemon slices and granulated sugar. Before serving, you can put pre-made ice in it. You can make the drink even healthier and spicier by adding half a teaspoon of cinnamon to the ingredients.


homemade lemonade

If the thermometer outside the window grabs your head in horror, and you feel how your strength leaves you with each new mark, prepare yourself a decanter of lemonade with ice�

A golden liquid gurgles softly in the glass, splashing small sparks and exuding a lemon scent. The hand of the guilty butler trembles, but on the face of the monarch there is a smile of approval...

Like many other discoveries, lemonade owes its appearance to chance. At least, that's what the legend tells about the error of the cupbearer Louis I, who gave his king lemon juice instead of wine, and to brighten up his oversight, diluted it with mineral water.

So it was, or otherwise, but lemonade appeared - and swept through the world in a refreshing whirlwind, appearing in every country in a new guise.

American homemade lemonade

In a pure mind, the word "lemonade" should be associated with lemons. In a mind corrupted by rows of colorful bottles on supermarket shelves, it can be associated with anything. However, at the dawn of its history, lemonade was specifically and exclusively a lemon drink made from lemon juice, sugar and water. In this form, it has remained popular to this day in America, where thirst is quenched with a couple of cents and a street lemonade stand. However, it is not necessary to fly to the homeland of cocktails and jazz to treat yourself to condo lemonade. Stock up on a bag of lemons and enjoy it in your own kitchen - make lemonade at home.

The recipe for American lemonade is simple and affordable, both in terms of ingredients and relative to improvised means.

What you need:

  • 1 glass of lemon juice, i.e. 3-5 lemons (depending on their degree of maturity and size),
  • 200 g sugar
  • 5 glasses of water

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 1.5 liters of drink are obtained.

The formula for homemade lemonade is simple: sugar syrup + juice + water. Mix everything and refrigerate.

1. Sugar syrup. Sugar for lemonade is not dissolved directly in water, but sugar syrup is prepared from it. To do this, in a saucepan you need to mix sugar with a glass of water (water from the total amount in the recipe) and slowly bring the syrup to a boil, stirring it regularly so that the sugar does not settle at the bottom.

2. Syrup + juice + water. Then, in a large decanter, combine chilled syrup, strained lemon juice and water, cool in the refrigerator.

Lemonade is served in glasses with ice, and for the sake of aesthetics it is decorated with lemon slices.

Homemade Lemonade - Turkish Mint Recipe

On a frosty January evening, there is nothing better than a cup of tea in front of the fireplace. In the 30-degree July heat, there is nothing better than a glass of mint lemonade with ice on a shady veranda. And who, if not the Turks, knows a lot about soft drinks. Connoisseurs swear that the Turkish lemonade according to this recipe is the most delicious they have ever tried. And it's easy to make at home too.

What you need

This lemonade is made from mint syrup, lemon juice and water.

For mint syrup:

  • 1 cup tightly packed mint sprigs
  • half a glass of sugar
  • glass of water
  • 2 lemons for zest.

Carefully remove the lemon zest with a grater. Keep in mind that the zest is the thin, yellow-colored top layer of the peel. If, removing it, capture pieces of whitish pulp, it will give a bitter aftertaste. And one more important point: wash the fruit very, very carefully before use. Lemons grown for export may be chemically treated and sometimes coated with a thin layer of wax. In order not to get zest with harmful additives, wash them with a brush under hot running water.

When finished with the preparations, mix the zest, sugar and water and bring this mixture to a boil. Remove from heat, add washed sprigs of mint, cover with a lid and leave the syrup to absorb essential oils for about an hour.

We prepare lemonade by mixing all the ingredients in the following proportions: water, mint syrup and ice in equal parts, lemon juice - ½ part. Lemonade in a carafe can be garnished with lemon wedges and a sprig of mint.

By the way, it is easy to replace mint with tarragon and get another expressive taste. Connoisseurs say that tarragon should be added a little less than mint, and instead of lemon, it is better to use lime zest with its special aromatic astringency. Why homemade lemonades are good: there are so many ingredients that you can experiment at least every day.

Turkish lemonade made with lime and mint at home.

Fruit and berry lemonades and other delights

By adding juices, syrups, herbal tinctures, spices and other ingredients to the basic lemonade recipe, you can expand the range of lemonade varieties to infinity. We will not give many recipes, but will dwell on the important points of preparation.

Since we are talking specifically about lemonades, and not about soft drinks in general, the background taste in our case is always the task of lemon juice. If you want to dilute it with a fruity or berry flavor, replace some of the lemon juice with another. In the case of sweet berries, you need to replace a third of the lemon juice or half of it, but if the additional juice is sour, for example, from cranberries, we replace half of the juice or two thirds of it.

ON A NOTE. If the fruit is sweet, replace it with the juice of 1/2-1/3 lemon juice. If sour - feel free to replace up to 2/3.

Herbs and hard fruits, citrus zest are brewed together with sugar syrup or infused in it.

Pay attention to the proportions of the combination of lemon and berry juice in homemade lemonade.

As an illustration of what has been said, here are two delicious recipes for homemade lemonade.

Homemade mint ginger lemonade

Ingredients: mint-ginger sugar syrup, lemon juice, water.

We prepare it in the same way as Turkish mint lemonade, but add chopped ginger root (about 5 cm of rhizome) to the sugar syrup a few minutes before removing from heat, and take a little less mint than for Turkish lemonade. Ginger and mint complement each other very well, and the drink has a delicate pleasant taste and aroma.

raspberry lemonade recipe

What you need

  • 180 g sugar
  • 180 g fresh raspberries (or currants)
  • 4 glasses of water
  • glass of lemon juice

We wipe the raspberries through a sieve, filter the lemon juice, prepare the sugar syrup in the same way as in the previous recipes - from sugar and a glass of water. Mix everything in a jug, cool, serve with ice.

Homemade mint and ginger lemonade

Those tasty bubbles…

"But what about the gas?" - you ask, and you will be right: no herb-berries can give lemonade amazing stinging CO2 bubbles.

However, lovers of carbonated sweet drinks should not lose heart and think that their lot is store-bought lemonade stuffed with sweeteners, thickeners, dyes, flavor enhancers, and so on and so forth.

The simplest solution is to dilute the lemonade concentrate immediately before drinking soda water. More elegant, but also more expensive, is to carbonate homemade lemonade using a household siphon. ***

Ginger with lemon in the form of tea or lemonade is considered not only tasty, but also a preventive, as well as a remedy for many diseases. In winter, you can make tea from these ingredients, and in summer you can make refreshing, refreshing cocktails or lemonades. Lemonade with lemon and ginger homemade recipe with photo step by step just what you need! Ginger root keeps well in the refrigerator, so you can make yourself a vitamin serving of lemonade from time to time or even daily. What are the benefits of ginger and lemon? Ginger strengthens the immune system, strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle, helps with varicose veins, and soothes the stomach. Lemon is known to have a good effect on recovery from colds, improves digestion, and helps to cope with headaches. Together, these two ingredients - lemon and ginger - can work wonders. If you want to lose extra pounds, drink for weight loss ginger and lemon lemonade. So you will speed up the metabolic processes in the body and you will be able to lose excess weight imperceptibly. Use to prepare this wonderful drink.

Ingredients for making lemonade

Cooking step by step with a photo of lemonade with lemon and ginger

Before serving, lemonade can be garnished with lemon slices and mint sprigs, and don't forget to insert a straw. Bon appetit!

It is generally accepted that refreshing drinks are a treat for the summer. But, why not enjoy delicious and healthy lemonade all year round? Moreover, their benefit lies not only in freshness and quenching thirst. So ginger lemonade helps to strengthen the immune system, increase blood pressure, normalize metabolism and say goodbye to annoying extra pounds. At the same time, such a delicious cocktail can be safely served at the festive table. And even replace them with alcohol. He will not intoxicate his head, but he will cheer up and tone. After such a drink, you will want to dance all night.

  • 5 lemonade life hacks;
  • Dzidzibira;
  • Classic lemonade with ginger.

5 lemonade hacks

Before you start making ginger lemonade at home, you need to remember a few important rules. With their help, the drink will benefit, not harm.

  1. Never add alcohol to ginger lemonade. The thing is that ginger has the ability to disperse blood throughout the body. If you add alcohol to this, the vessels may not be able to cope with such a crazy flow. And the pressure will jump even among those who have never complained about hypertension.
  2. The taste of lemonade with ginger can be emphasized with lemon balm, mint, raspberries. Spices such as cloves, cardamom, allspice and much more are added to drinks.
  3. It is better to refuse sugar in this drink and replace it with honey. It is better for health and for the figure.
  4. While ginger lemonade is refreshing in the summer, it can warm you up in the winter. Even if it's chilled. Don't expect a cold from him.
  5. This drink increases libido no worse than seafood. Therefore, it is worth preparing and drinking for couples who feel the fading of passion.

This drink has been known for a long time. They were regaled even by the ancient Greeks. Over the centuries, many interesting, traditional and original recipes have been invented. And let's start with Greek lemonade.


These components will be enough to prepare 2 liters of a traditional Greek drink. Therefore, you can pre-take a glass jar of this or a slightly larger volume. This lemonade will be slightly carbonated, this should be taken into account for those who have problems with bowel function. Those who are losing weight should also not get carried away with soda, because it delays the breakdown of fats.


  • Ginger - 100 g.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Liquid honey - ½ tbsp.
  • Dry yeast - ½ tsp
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick.
  • Water - 2 liters.


Wash the root and citrus thoroughly. Peel the ginger. Grind both components on a grater. Squeeze juice from grated lemon. Put everything in a jar and pour honey. Top with hot water (1.5 l). But not boiling water, because it can spoil the honey. In a separate container, combine yeast and 0.5 liters of water. After 15 minutes, a cap should appear on this mixture, after which the melted yeast is added to a jar of lemon and ginger. After that, the jar is covered with a clean cloth, but in no case with a lid. Lemonade is left warm for a couple of days. This drink will be even better if it is infused for a week. It can be served by warming up to 40-50°C.

Classic lemonade with ginger

This drink is an ideal option for those who strive to reduce centimeters on their waist and hips. Firstly, the lemon and the root speed up the metabolism, and secondly, the ice makes the metabolic processes work faster to warm the body. In both cases, a lot of calories are consumed and the weight is rapidly decreasing. You can take a bottle of this lemonade with you to the gym.


  • Ginger - 100 g.
  • Lemon - 6 pcs.
  • Liquid honey - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ¼ tsp


Peel the ginger root, cut it into rings, 3 mm thick. In a small saucepan and saucepan, pour 2 tbsp. clean water, add ginger circles there and bring to a boil. After that, cool the broth a little, dissolve honey and a pinch of salt in it. Let the mixture soak for at least 10 minutes. Separately from 4 large lemons survive the juice. Mix it with 3 cups of cool water. Cut the remaining 2 fruits into rings and put in juice with water. Pour in the ginger broth. You can add ice to lemonade, so it will be much tastier and healthier. If the drink seems not sweet enough, you can safely add honey there. There you can also throw a sprig of lemon balm or a few raspberries for flavor.

You will also be interested in:

Properties of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric in the fight against colds and other diseases Gingerbread: the history and secrets of making a fragrant Christmas symbol

A summer soft drink made from lemon almost always includes, in addition to citrus fruits, various spices. Mint, tarragon (tarragon) and, of course, ginger most often play the role of spicy, but ginger lemonade is still considered the most original drink. The specific taste of ginger makes refreshing lemon juice especially spicy, and the essential oils of the spicy product add great benefits to drinking.

Homemade Lemon Ginger Lemonade Recipe

Making a lemon ginger drink at home is very inexpensive. A minimum of ingredients, some of which are always available at home, and 1 hour of preparation time - this is the whole list of basic requirements for the procedure for creating a drink.

We bring to your attention a simple recipe for instant ginger lemonade at home, which is also low-calorie (only 74.6 kcal per serving).


  • Boiled water - 3 liters.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs. medium size.
  • Ginger (root) - 200 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

How to make lemonade

  1. We clean the ginger root and rub it on a grater (preferably fine).
  2. Pour 1 liter into a large saucepan. boiled water and pour grated ginger into it.
  3. Wash the lemons under running water and cut each of them in half.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the halves. If you don't have a juicer or blender, you can do it by hand.
  5. Finely chop the zest from the lemons, then transfer the citrus slices to the pan with ginger.
  6. Add sugar to the pan and bring the contents to a boil.
  7. As soon as the drink boils, remove it from the stove, strain and leave to cool.
  8. In a no longer hot (it is necessary to wait until the drink is close to room temperature) lemonade, put honey and add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  9. Finally, dilute the lemonade with 2 liters. cold (but always boiled) water. If desired, to give more freshness, ice can be added to the drink.
  10. Pour homemade lemonade into glasses, decorate portions with a slice of lemon, lime or orange.

cooking options

Add sparkling water

To prepare a lemon-ginger drink, you can use not only boiled, but also carbonated water. You can add soda on a par with ordinary water, but you should not completely replace drinking water with it.

It is enough to add just a little carbonated water to lemonade so that bubbles appear.

Tea preparation

You can make lemonade with ginger not only from plain or sparkling water. Some housewives practice making a lemon drink based on tea.

You can use both black and green tea, but it is still better to take green tea, as it is more combined with the spicy taste of ginger drink. The technology for creating such lemonade is the same as on water, only brewed tea is used instead of drinking water.

Ginger Lemonade: Hot Cooking Recipe



Making a lemon drink with ginger is not necessary only in the heat. It is also very useful in winter, when all viruses and infections are activated.

For immunity, lemonade with ginger is the best tonic that will help you quickly overcome the flu and colds.

In order to drink a drink in the cold, you must initially prepare it in a hot way. We will tell you in detail how to do this in our step-by-step recipe.

Food preparation

  1. My lemon in clean water.
  2. Scald citrus in boiling water.
  3. Wash the ginger root under running water. We cut off the piece of ginger we need and peel it.

How to make ginger lemonade

  1. We rub the ginger on a fine grater.
  2. We peel the lemon, but do not throw it away, since it will come in handy in the next stages of preparation.
  3. Squeeze juice from citrus using a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Place grated ginger and peeled lemon in a bowl.
  5. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 cup of water to the products.
  6. We put the pan on the fire and bring its contents to a boil.
  7. We put turmeric in boiled lemonade and let it boil for 2-3 minutes on fire.
  8. After a couple of minutes, remove the drink from the stove and cool it.
  9. We add honey to the cooled lemonade (but if desired, it can be replaced with sugar), after which we filter the drink through double gauze. If you use candied honey, then be sure to dilute it in a hot infusion.
  10. Finally, add the remaining water to the strained lemonade, and that's it - the drink is ready to drink. Do not forget to pour it into glasses or glasses, decorated with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint. Everything that you do not have time to finish drinking - put it in the refrigerator for storage.

If you cook a lemon-ginger potion in a hot way, you will not be in winter, but in summer, then you will need to immediately refresh it. To do this, remove the drink for a while in the refrigerator, or throw a few ice cubes into it.

Creative Cooking Options

How to make lemonade in a slow cooker

It is possible to prepare lemonade from ginger and lemon in a hot way not only with the help of ordinary cooking. It is quite possible to do without boiling.

  • To do this, you need to throw all the ingredients of the recipe into the slow cooker and set the “Extinguishing” mode on it for exactly 1 hour.
  • After 60 minutes, lemonade can be consumed.

How to cook with sparkling water

You can make lemonade with ginger according to our recipe not only with boiled water, but also with ordinary non-carbonated unsalted mineral water. A drink prepared on the basis of mineral water turns out to taste no worse than ordinary drinking.

Honey as a sweetener

Lemonade doesn't have to be sugar-only as a sweetener. You can always do without sugar by putting 2-3 tbsp. l. honey. But this is allowed only if none of those who will drink lemonade are allergic to this natural product.

Ginger lemonade is good because it combines double benefits. You can use it equally in winter and summer. Cooking will not take you much time and effort, but the joy of a delicious drink will remain in the memory of your family members for a long time. Prepare a multivitamin drink all year round - and always be healthy.

In the summer, you really want something refreshing, light, tasty! Since I am a big opponent of all kinds of carbonated drinks that are sold in the store, I have to prepare something similar myself. After all, it is necessary to offer some kind of alternative in response to a request to buy Cola, Pepsi, Fanta and the like. That is why I have picked up some successful recipes that help me in such situations, and very successfully. One of them is a recipe for ginger lemonade with lemon. It really turns out the way it should be - not very sweet, but pleasant to the taste, refreshing citrus, with a slight hint of ginger ...

A big plus of ginger lemonade at home is that it is very easy to prepare: children can actively help you, taking on almost all operations, leaving you with only the general management of the process. But then they can safely brag that they know how to make the most delicious lemon-ginger lemonade with orange in the world! Am I interested in you? Then I proceed to the story of how to make ginger lemonade - with all the details and step-by-step photos for clarity.


For 2 liters of ready-made lemonade:

  • 1 large orange;
  • 1\lemon;
  • 2 tsp grated ginger root;
  • 10-12 tablespoons Sahara;
  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 1.5 liters of water (regular or with gas).

How to make ginger lemonade:

Let's start with citrus fruits: wash the orange and lemon, then cut randomly into not too large pieces.

We spread the lemon and orange in a container convenient for working with a blender, add ginger, grated on a fine or medium grater.

Do not forget about sugar - add it to citrus fruits and ginger.

And now we call the blender for help - we need to chop the lemon and orange as little as possible. It won't take very long, just a minute or two.

And pour the mass that we have obtained with boiling water. Stir and leave alone for 2-3 hours (at room temperature).

During this time, the appearance of the citrus mass will practically not change.

But this, of course, is not quite what we need. This mass is quite thick, for ginger lemonade it should be filtered. We do this with a small strainer or gauze. It turns out a very concentrated lemonade with orange and ginger, a rich orange color. By the way, do not rush to throw away the remaining cake - it can be added to tea with great success, it will turn out very tasty.

But back to lemonade. As I said, we have a concentrate. We dilute it with water (with or without gas) and then we get exactly the lemonade that we need - not cloying, light, refreshing. You can not dilute the entire amount at once, but prepare one or two glasses, as needed. In this case, 1.5-2 tablespoons should be added to 200 ml of water. concentrate. Actually, you can change this dose, focusing on your taste, making homemade ginger lemonade richer or, conversely, weaker. For those who prefer cool drinks, you can throw a couple of ice cubes into the glass.