Universal SMS congratulations for any event. Any event is inevitable, otherwise it would not happen (?) Any event

12.06.2023 Restaurant notes

By mastering various make-up techniques, you can easily diversify your daytime and holiday looks: today, classic arrows, and tomorrow, a weightless nude bow. One of the most popular types of makeup is smokey ice makeup. Let's learn about its features and how to avoid application errors.

smokey ice (English “smoky eyes” - literally “smoky eyes”) is a makeup technique, the main highlight of which is to create the feeling that the eyes are shrouded in an enveloping haze or veil. This effect is achieved by careful shading and smooth transitions from dark tones to light skin tones.

Classic Smokey Ice is a direct reference to. In the conditions of silent black-and-white cinema, the expressiveness of the features was achieved by the actresses precisely thanks to the smoky eyes makeup: bright, saturated, jet-black eyes in a carefully shaded pencil technique.

A unique feature of this type of make-up is its versatility. The right smokey ice will suit all ages, all types of appearance and all shades and cuts of the eyes, successfully correcting their shape. And smoky eyes makeup for the impending century is an absolutely ideal option, a kind of must have that every girl with a similar eye structure should be able to do.

So to master the principles of beautiful smokey ice makeup at home is a task of paramount importance for all the fair sex.

Types of smokey ice

The beauty industry does not stand still, rapidly developing and introducing novelty into seemingly already honed skills. So the classic smokey ice makeup technique over time and with the advent of a variety of decorative cosmetics has been supplemented with very interesting options. Let's find out more about them:

Classic smoky eyes pencil- a bright version of the make-up, for the execution of which you need a soft, bold eyeliner. It serves as an excellent substrate as it blends very well. In the future, the pencil is fixed with shadows. Thus, the makeup is not only bright, but also resistant. The classic solution is black smokey ice.

A modern variation of the pencil technique creating a similar make-up involves more use of shadows than a pencil. Makeup artists use at least three related shades that are in harmony with each other. At the same time, the border between light shadows and dark shadows is carefully shaded, giving the eyes the necessary relief, volume and depth.

Also, over time, the color palette of shadows has expanded immensely to create smokey ice. Therefore, now, wherever you go, to go out you have the opportunity to choose a smoky makeup for every taste and for any event:

for example, for work or a business meeting, you can stop at the day version, made in beige and brownish tones;

an elegant variation for going to a restaurant is an evening version, made in black, gray or graphite tones, possibly with the addition of mother-of-pearl accents;

and if you are planning one of the most exciting events in your life, well-executed smoky eyes in a color palette that suits you will be an excellent option for wedding makeup;

if you are heading to a club, a party or a bright photo shoot and are not afraid of experiments, you can try colored smokey ice. Green, purple, blue, pink, gold shades are at your disposal. But you can also make multi-color smokes or a bold fiery red haze. Look at the photo - how many variations!

lovers of expressive "cat's eyes" in makeup will like smokey ice makeup with arrows.

Above, we talked about the fact that you can not be limited to black. But how to make smokey ice makeup perfect for your appearance? For this you need to consider the color of the eyes that you possess:

  • for example, smokey ice makeup for brown eyes will look very harmonious in turquoise, cold pink, lilac, deep blue tones;
  • gray, silver, golden, purple, brown-gray, lavender shades of shadows can be used to create smokey ice makeup for blue and gray eyes;
  • green-eyed beauties should focus on brown tones, as well as copper, golden and green shades.

In addition to the shade of the iris You can also go with hair color. After all, the perfect smokey ice makeup for blondes will differ in its range from smokey ice makeup for brunettes:

  • make-up artists advise fair-haired girls to use pink, blue, brown and gray shades;
  • smokey ice makeup for red hair includes soft golden and olive tones;
  • young ladies with dark curls can use black, gray, purple, brown shades;
  • silver, lavender, graphite, pearls - all these are the colors of smokey ice makeup for light brown hair.

Basic Mistakes

In order for the result of makeup to be flawless, it is necessary to hone the technique of applying it. Unfortunately, many girls make the same mistakes, as a result of which they believe that this type of make-up does not suit them. But it's not! To verify this, let's find out how to do smoky eyes makeup beautifully and correctly and how to avoid common mistakes:

  1. Lighting. Make sure that the lighting is sufficient and falls perfectly symmetrically on the face, otherwise you risk making one eye brighter than the other.
  2. Perfect skin. No make-up eye will look good on unprepared skin, so before you apply shadows and pencil strokes, you need to moisturize it, apply cream, hide flaws with a corrector and even out its tone.
  3. Primer for eyelids. The use of an eyelid base is highly desirable to even out the skin for better blending.
  4. Feathering. It's the most important! Clear and sharp transitions between shades of shadows are unacceptable. Everything should be carefully shaded to create that very mysterious haze.
  5. . If you want to get a beautiful and neat make-up, use a clean brush. Ideally, there should be several brushes: for shading a pencil, for applying each shade, for shading shadows, for painting over the lower eyelid and the crease of the eyelid.
  6. Pencil. As already mentioned, the pencil should be bold and soft and shade without problems.
  7. unity of lines. An important point is the absence of light, unpainted areas of the eyelids. The lash line and mucosa should be carefully drawn with a pencil, and the line of the lower eyelid should be connected to the upper one.
  8. Shadows. It can be difficult for beginners to choose related shades of eye shadow for makeup, so many cosmetics manufacturers create special palettes for smokey ice. Among them are:

Do not paint over the outer corner of the mucosa, so as not to visually reduce the eye!

Now that you know the intricacies of how to do smokey ice makeup correctly, it's time to take a step-by-step look at the daytime version of light smokey ice, as in the photo:

  1. Prepare your skin for makeup application: apply your day cream and let it absorb, then hide small skin imperfections with a corrector, even out its tone with foundation fluid and set it with loose powder;
  2. Using a primer, prepare your eyelids: so yours during the day;
  3. Shape your eyebrows with your favorite;
  4. Apply the lightest shade of eyeshadow to the brow area;
  5. With light brown shadows, emphasize the crease of the eyelid and the growth line of the upper eyelashes, carefully blend the border between the colors;
  6. With the darkest shadows, draw a line along the growth of the upper and lower eyelashes, starting from the outer corner of the eye and do not forget to gently blend;
  7. Curl your lashes and apply lengthening mascara;
  8. Cover your lips with delicate peach or soft pink lipstick;
  9. Highlight your cheekbones with natural blush.

You can see another option for daytime smokey ice in the video, which shows the process of creating it step by step:

The evening version of smoky eyes differs from the daytime version with more juicy colors, more accentuated eyelashes and eyebrows and, perhaps, slightly brighter lips. Let's look at a step-by-step smoky ice makeup for a festive exit:

  1. Prepare the skin in the same way as for the daytime smoky ice;
  2. With a pencil, outline the lower and upper eyelids, the mucous membrane and the interciliary space. Accuracy is not important, because then all the lines must be shaded with a brush;
  3. Apply black shadow over pencil strokes with patting movements of the brush;
  4. Highlight the crease of the eyelid with brown shadows, shading the border between the colors;
  5. Now apply blue-violet shadows to the center of the eyelid and blend the transitions well;
  6. Then add iridescent blue shadows on top and emphasize the lower eyelid with them;
  7. False eyelashes look best in evening smokey ice makeup, and if they are not there, then paint over the eyelashes with lengthening mascara in several layers.

Smokey ice evening makeup is ready!

We present you another video tutorial in which Elena Krygina shows you step by step how to make a bright smokey ice makeup with black shadows:

Learn smokey ice makeup tutorials and don't be afraid to be different!

There is nothing in the clenched fist;
the whole sky fits in an open palm ...


So, let's accept as a fact that any event that comes into our life is a blessing planned by us. How potential, to further improvement and transformation! Any event brings with it the possibility of a deeper knowledge of oneself and the world.

We will only talk about events in this article that are an invitation to enter and explore a given opportunity. When we can choose whether we enter this space or pass by.

Stage 1 - We are not ready for the event

We do not see the importance of the event from the perspective of the entire incarnation. Our heart does not respond to this event.

We can choose - and we just pass by. Past what seems to us “not ours”. We do not think about the fact that this potential has manifested itself, which means that there is a wonderful journey through this to a new Self.

Such events return again after some time, quite possibly, when we have already reached a different level of perception.

Stage 2 - We are ready for the event

Our heart responds to the event. There is a keen interest in what is happening.

We tend to answer yes. But at this moment, internal frameworks, limitations, etc. appear. And if this conflicts with the event, then an internal conflict occurs. When we WANT, but CANNOT afford to accept an event to the full in our lives.

Since the situation is, in fact, stressful, we cannot stay in it for a long time and either “depart” from the event again, based on the decision of our mind, or, after some internal work, discard the framework and accept the event completely.

In fact, there are no and cannot be any criteria, there is just a choice ...

Stage 3 - We accept the event

We immediately accept the Event with our hearts, without thinking about its expediency, necessity, possibility or impossibility... The key word here is trust in oneself and space.

Acceptance of an event into your life at stage 3 can be of different quality:
In the first case, when there are no special internal conflicts, the event is accepted, but not as consciously as it could be. As a result, there is no important understanding of the significance of the event and high-quality internal work on it. An event can slip through our lives, barely touching, without revealing its full potential.

In the second case, the event is accepted CONSCIOUSLY and with GRATITUDE (and most often this happens after we have encountered the Event at stages 1 and 2). In this case, we begin to study what is happening and interact deeply with it, accepting all the possibilities that it opens up. It is here that the magical space of growth and transformation appears!

It is important not to spray yourself with emotions. Do not lose the value of what is happening, plunging into the activity of the mind.
Just accept and observe.

It is important not to let our motives transform this Event into THAT that will correspond to our internal idea of ​​it, based on past experience.

You have to let go of any intentions, because intentions do not lead to understanding.
Understanding occurs in silence, at the moment of dissolution in the Event.
When we become a part of it, understanding and accepting it completely as our perfect creation.

At the moment when we interact with it without superfluous fuss.
Deep in yourself.
Only the event and we ...

Wisdom and awareness lies in the fact that even at the 1st stage, when even the heart does not respond to the event, already accept it into life consciously and with gratitude. And, with great attention, observe what is happening in this magical space! Knowing that the event will reveal itself to us with all its facets and bring integrity, beauty, balance into our lives.

The most important thing to realize in this process is that THAT we can control Events is a big illusion as long as we live unconsciously. We can only change our attitude to the Event. And then what happens is what happens ... By itself)

But in the process of conscious creation, it is possible to create your own reality and attract events, or rather, to manifest events that are aimed at the highest Good of all!

With Love Knowing Who You Are
Anna Komkova

● 9 pcs. potatoes, medium, equal size
● 9 tsp. butter
● 9 slices of Dutch or Gouda cheese 5 mm thick
● salt and ground pepper to taste
Wash and peel the potatoes, cutting off a small piece from one end so that the potatoes can be stood upright. Make cuts along the entire length of the potato with a knife, as if you were cutting for french fries, but without cutting to the edge, approximately 1 cm. Salt, pepper, put 1 tsp inside each potato. oil, If desired, you can put a little garlic in the cuts.
Place the potatoes in a high rimmed baking dish. Place a slice of cheese on top of each potato. Bake in preheated to 180 gr. From the oven for about 30 minutes - until the potatoes are ready. Serve hot, sprinkled with dill. Or serve chopped dill separately.
● potatoes (by number of persons)
● garlic
● dill
● parsley
● red pepper
● vegetable oil
● salt (number of ingredients - to taste)
Finely chop the garlic, herbs, pepper. Salt, season with vegetable oil and mix. Cut the potatoes into slices 2-4 mm thick not completely, but so that it can unfold like a fan. For such cutting, it is convenient to place a potato on a spoon - the edges of the spoon will not allow you to cut through the potato to the end. If the potatoes are large, cut them on a snack plate or saucer with low sides. Or we lay two thin wooden slats on the sides of the cut potato. We spread the chopped potatoes in a mold and fill the cuts with a vegetable mixture. Sprinkle vegetable oil on top and place in the oven at 200C. We bake 1 hour. This side dish goes well with many dishes.
● several potatoes
● 500 g minced meat
● 100 g of cheese
● parsley
● green onion
● bacon packaging
● vegetable oil
● small onion
Boil the potatoes in their skins until half cooked for 10-12 minutes. Drain the water, let cool and clean. Then we cut the potatoes in half (do not confuse the halves of different potatoes with each other) and prepare them for stuffing, carefully removing the middle of the halves (the one taken out will soon come in handy for cutlets - see below). It is more convenient to take out the middle with a noisette spoon (a hemispherical spoon with sharp edges), but you can also use a knife, although it is much more troublesome.
Or one day you can donate one teaspoon made of stainless steel and sharpen the edges with it. While the potatoes were cooking, we fried the minced meat in vegetable oil. In the process of frying, the minced meat was salted, peppered and finely chopped small onion was added to it. Then fried until cooked and cooled. We mix minced meat with grated cheese and herbs. We take a package of chopped bacon.
We stuff the potato halves, put them together, wrap them tightly with bacon on top and stab with a toothpick.
We spread the stuffed potatoes on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees C.
Serve hot. Separately, we serve sour cream, tomato or any other sauce, chopped herbs and suitable drinks.
● 1 kg potatoes
● 1 smoked leg (or any smoked meat)
● 200 g tomatoes
● 50 g cheese
● Greens
● Mayonnaise
● Salt
● pepper
1. Boil potatoes (without peeling) in salted water until tender. Then cool the potatoes, peel.
2. Cut lengthwise into two halves.
3. Make a deepening with a teaspoon, remove the pulp.
4. Cut the potato pulp into cubes.
5. Cut the meat from the leg, cut it into cubes.
6. Finely chop the greens.
7. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
8. Mix potato pulp, meat, tomatoes, herbs.
9. Salt a little, pepper, add mayonnaise, mix well.
10. Grate the cheese.
11. Stuff potatoes with the resulting mass.
12. Sprinkle potatoes with cheese, put in the oven. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees until the cheese is browned.
● fresh potatoes (6-7 medium potatoes);
● vegetable oil (2 tablespoons);
● basil greens (bunch);
● dill greens (bunch);
● paprika pepper (2 tablespoons);
● dried oregano (1 tablespoon);
● salt (1/2 teaspoon).
1. Potatoes (preferably fresh) are thoroughly washed and cut into slices.
2. Mix vegetable oil with spices and chopped herbs.
3. We coat the potato wedges with dressing.
4. Put in a mold on foil.
5. Put in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.
6. Serve with fresh vegetables. Lyubanya Olifirenko

No matter what they say, but life is an interesting thing. Events, probabilities, accidents, possibilities, incidents... A car and a small cart of situations from which either laughs uncontrollably or sobs frantically. He gets nervous, hates, hiccups, lies, beats with a frantic pulse in his temples and jumps from skyscrapers without parachutes ...

Is it possible to call life an existence devoid of events? Yes, and does such an existence exist? Even lying on the couch most of your life and spitting at the ceiling, you can cause strong dissatisfaction with the neighbors, because the filling of the trash can, which has not been taken out for a couple of weeks, has already stink through the brick walls. And the dissatisfaction of the neighbors can lead to the dissatisfaction of the tax inspectorate, which will be absolutely incomprehensible on what kind of shisha you lie around the clock on the couch and spit at the ceiling. As a result, she will find out that you have a strange kind of unearned income and, puzzled, will transfer the authority to deal with your spitting on the ceiling to slightly different authorities. And other authorities will find out that between such an important and useful thing for society as spitting on the ceiling, you enter into the confidence of naive lonely old women and convince them to write a will in your name. After that, the old women without fail die of a heart attack. Well, it's kind of like the old story about the butterfly flapping its wings that caused a tsunami in the other hemisphere.

Or you are going somewhere by car, for example, just to withdraw money from an ATM, although it seems like this is an absolutely meaningless task, because you don’t need to withdraw money now or you can just as well withdraw it at another ATM, but while you are driving , you also think that there is a very good store on your way, well, some Letual or Yves Rocher, and that it’s time to buy yourself a new mascara and a super-duper lip gloss, but there is no place next to the store to put car, and you decide to drive a little further to park there, even further, even further, as a result, you still decide that first you will go to an ATM, and you will stop there on the way back, and even sleet has begun, and I really don’t want to walk an extra 100 meters ... And now, when 20 meters are left to the ATM, a young man drives into you. A very nice young man. Your fault, of course. Because you only saw an ATM ahead of you, and the existence of an obstruction on the right in your life was just an unfortunate misunderstanding. But annoying misunderstandings also sometimes exist. And this young man... He is probably smart, interesting and lonely. Traffic cops stopped him 100 meters from the intersection and looked for a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher. Perhaps the traffic cop was insanely sad and lonely... Or maybe he forgot what a fire extinguisher looks like... And after all, if the traffic cop decided to stop another car, this young man would not have met another car on his way, and if you went into this idiotic Letual, then, too, it is unlikely that she met a young man’s car on her way ... And they would have lived happily ever after and died on the same day, not knowing about each other’s existence. And then they crashed, met, got married, and also lived happily ever after and died on the same day. No variety.

Or you went to the subway, ran to the train, and the train is a vile creature, take it and slam the doors in front of your nose. Or don't shut up. Someone put their foot on the other side, the doors opened, and you, absolutely happy, crammed into this train. Whether the outcome of the situation will change, from the totality of actions and probabilities, no one will ever know. Because the situation has already happened. There is one of two things: either you are on the train, or the train is without you. Although, this funny banal situation, in my opinion, has already been considered in some manifestations of such art as cinema.

The situation that "any event is inevitable, otherwise it would not have happened" was also considered.

And if everything has already been described, filmed, viewed, lived, felt and thrown into a landfill a long time ago, because it’s not worth a damn egg, why the hell are we still talking here?