Lobio from beans - recipes for Georgian dishes. Green bean lobio with minced meat Bean lobio classic recipe with meat

12.06.2023 For children

The main thing in cooking lobio according to the classic recipe is the right kind of beans. Red or variegated cream beans from the current year's harvest are best - they will have enough starch and at the same time they will not be too dry.

Place the beans in a large bowl and cover with water. The water is cold.
If some beans float to the surface, feel them with your fingers, they may be empty in the middle. Those beans should be thrown away.
Leave the red beans to swell for 6-8 hours.

Then drain the water, put the beans in a deep saucepan and pour fresh water so that the water completely covers the beans. Set the pot over high heat to bring it to a boil.
As soon as the water boils, you need to get rid of it - pour it out and pour cold water again (the ideal ratio is 1: 4). Cook over medium or low heat, stirring occasionally, for 50 minutes - an hour and a half. The beans should become soft.

Mash some beans with a fork right in the pan. Just do not overdo it, there should be a lot of whole beans in the dish.

Sort out the nut kernels from the husks and shells. Nuts should not be rotten or spoiled.

Grind them in an accessible and convenient way for you - using a blender or meat grinder.

For lobio according to the classic recipe, take two large onions weighing about 180-190 grams or three medium-sized onions. It is necessary to remove the husk from them and cut into a not very small cube. The onion in the dish should be felt and seen.

Prepare a frying pan (preferably large in diameter with high sides) - heat it up, pour in vegetable oil.
Spread the onion in an even layer and fry it on a small stove burner until it is transparent, with a slight gold in color.

Blanch fresh tomatoes. First, wash the tomatoes well, make cross-shaped shallow cuts near the stem and on the opposite side with a sharp knife, and, lowering the tomatoes into boiling water, count to ten. It is not worth keeping vegetables in boiling water for more than 10 seconds. If there is a bowl of ice nearby, then you can instantly cool the tomatoes in it, if there is no ice, hold it under running cold water. Pry off the skin with the blade of a knife and remove it without much effort. That's it, our tomatoes are blanched.

Cut a bunch of cilantro with a knife. Grind the greens should not be very fine. Finely chop the garlic cloves into cubes. You can grind them through a press, but chopping with a knife will still be more correct.

Add tomato cubes to the transparent onion, season with spices - suneli hops, black pepper, a small amount of dried red pepper. Control the amount of hot pepper to your taste. In principle, the dish should be spicy and spicy, but at the same time, edible for spiciness.

Add beans, nuts, cilantro, garlic and a little broth in which the beans were cooked to the onions and tomatoes. Salt.

Mix and simmer on fire for 3-4 minutes. If you see that the dish is getting dry, you can add more water from under the beans.

If you serve lobio according to the classic recipe hot, then this is the main dish. And if it's cold, it's an appetizer.

1. If you do not use ready-made minced meat, then the first step is to prepare minced meat for lobio. To do this, wash the meat and cut into small pieces. In a meat grinder, twist the meat into minced meat. To make the stuffing more tender, you can twist it twice.
2. Peel, wash, cut the onion in half and chop finely.
3. Put a frying pan on the stove, pour in vegetable oil and heat it up. Add the chopped onion to the hot oil and fry until golden brown. Keep an eye on the onion so it doesn't burn.
4. Wash the green beans and cut into small pieces, pour into the pan, add half a glass of water and simmer until the water evaporates over moderate heat.
5. When the water has evaporated, add the minced meat to the pan and fry it, stirring well so that no lumps form. Fry the minced meat until the excess liquid has evaporated, the minced meat should turn out to be fried.
6. Then break the eggs into the pan, mix, salt and pepper the lobio to taste. Remove the skillet from the stove.
7. Wash, dry and finely chop the greens. Arrange the lobio on plates, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.


Recipe for green lobio with meat

  1. Dishes of Japanese and Chinese cuisine are becoming more and more popular in the Caucasus. Restaurants and cafes are opening where you can try various popular dishes of Eastern cuisine - sushi, rolls, various sauces. Delivery services for ready-made Chinese and Japanese dishes are constantly updating their menu. So, for example, in Novokuznetsk on this site http://nk.ya-goloden.ru/menu/wok/ you are offered to order and try a new dish - WOK. wok - This is a small frying pan in which pieces of meat, vegetables, noodles and seafood are fried. They are fried over a very high heat, due to which the products quickly become golden brown, inside the products remain fresh and juicy with the least loss of nutrients. It is this pan that gave the name to this dish of Oriental cuisine.
  2. Caucasian cuisine has something similar in its arsenal - these are cast-iron cauldrons with a flat or hemispherical bottom. In such dishes, the products are perfectly fried and boiled, also retaining their useful properties, a distinctive feature is the extraordinary tenderness and juiciness of the products, this is achieved due to the properties of cast iron and the thickness of the walls and bottom of the cauldron. The dishes are heated gradually and evenly over the entire surface, which allows the products to warm up equally and evenly from all sides. We suggest you prepare the antipode of the Eastern wok. It will be stew with green lobio in Caucasian style, and we will simmer on a small fire in a cast-iron bowl
  3. Let's start cooking green lobio with beef by preparing the meat. Separate the pulp from the bone. Do not throw away the bones, rinse under the pressure of cold water, put in a saucepan, cover with cold water, lightly salt the water and boil the meat broth. A little broth will be used to prepare our dish, and most of the remaining rich and satisfying broth can be used to prepare the famous Caucasian meat soups (shurpa)
  4. Peel the beef pulp from small bones, film and tendons. Cut into pieces of 30 - 35 grams. Rinse under running cold water. Each piece of pulp is salted and peppered. Animal fat is heated in a cauldron and pieces of meat are fried in it under a closed lid. The meat is slightly fried, add half a head of chopped onion to it. Stir and, covered with a lid, simmer for another 15 minutes
  5. While the meat is stewing, prepare the remaining products. Wash and cut the string beans. Sort through sprigs of fresh mint, cilantro and parsley. Rinse fragrant herbs. Finely chop it. Grate the garlic on a very fine grater or push it through a garlic press. It seems that all the products have been prepared, let's get back to the meat
  6. 15 minutes have passed. Open the lid of the pot. Mix onion with meat. Now add chopped green beans to the fried meat with onions. Pour in a small amount of meat broth so that it barely covers the beans with meat. We do not mix. We make a weak fire. Simmer until the products are completely cooked with the lid of the cauldron closed. Sometimes look under the lid, if there is not enough broth, then add it so that the beans with meat do not burn to the sides or bottom of the dish
  7. 10 minutes before readiness, we season the dish with crushed garlic, salt and pepper to taste, and on top we cover everything with a carpet of a mixture of finely chopped fresh cilantro, mint and parsley. Cover tightly with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. During this time, the garlic and herbs will be slightly steamed and begin to exude aroma. We remove the cauldron from the fire and set aside the plates on board for 20 - 30 minutes, so that the dish is completely saturated with the aroma of herbs and garlic. Due to this, meat and beans will acquire a new unique taste.
  8. Green lobio with meat served in ordinary soup bowls and only hot. The dish is served with fresh fragrant bread. Some pour ayran before serving, others prefer spicy sour milk sauce in a separate bowl to dip bread in. An additional side dish is not needed, as the dish turns out to be very satisfying and quite self-sufficient.
Enjoy your meal!

For Georgians, it's just beans. In any of its manifestations - both grains and green pods. And only then - a dish, the most common, everyday. And for us it has become a festive alternative to our native menu.

“I have never eaten in Russia ... real cabbage soup. But show me a Russian home where they don't know what lobio is,” Weil and Genis wrote in their book Russian Cuisine in Exile. They are right: most likely there is no such house. And, nevertheless, for the recipe we will go to the land of Sakartvelo ...

Experts say that the classic lobio is prepared only from a special type of legume - lobia. This is not a bean, but a hyacinth bean, or dolichos - a herbaceous climbing plant. In cooking, its mature seeds are used - small, almost spherical, beige or pinkish-brown in color, and immature green pods.

As for the numerous modern versions of this dish, they are made from any beans - both green beans and grains (today, mostly red). And to make it easy to distinguish between them, culinary experts came up with the terms “green” and “red” lobio. The second option is especially popular with us, which is understandable: it is better to cook green beans in season, and there are always dry grains in stores.

Eastern fairy tale

String beans are often referred to as vegetable beans. Unlike dry, it is not so “capricious”, and there are no problems with its preparation, although there are some subtleties here.

Pods freshly picked from the garden do not require pre-soaking. But fresh, bought on the market or in a store, immediately after preparation (the tails are cut off, the hard veins are removed), it is better to soak for a couple of hours in cold water. However, you should not refuse young juicy canned pods (green or yellow). And from frozen - they retain all the useful properties of fresh beans, and cook much faster.

So, green lobio. There are many recipes for this dish. Often it is cooked with meat - mostly lamb. Cut the brisket into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, fry in a saucepan, add chopped onion and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then they put the pods, cleaned of veins and cut into pieces of 4-5 cm, poured with broth or boiling water, cover with a lid and stew until the meat is soft. It remains to fill the dish with mint and parsley, crushed garlic, black pepper, stand for half an hour so that it is saturated with the aromas of herbs and spices, and - you can serve with a bottle of young tart wine.

Another common variant of green lobio uses eggs instead of meat. 1 kg of green beans cut into pieces is poured with two glasses of boiling water (broth) and boiled under a lid over low heat for at least an hour. Half an hour before readiness, 3-4 chopped onions are added to the pan. When the liquid boils away and the pods boil, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs (parsley, basil, savory, tarragon, mint, dill), add 150 g of ghee and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then pour everything with 2-3 raw beaten eggs, leave for another 3-4 minutes on fire (it is better to put open dishes in a preheated oven), and the “egg” lobio is ready. It is served hot, although you can cool it down. The dish, of course, is not vegetarian, but tasty and satisfying.


Having finished experiments with green beans, let's move on to grains. Only in Georgian cuisine, several dozen varieties of it are used. Single-colored and spotted, "dotted" and "striped", it comes in all sorts of sizes and shapes. She needs different cooking times (small ones boil faster than large ones) and different seasonings. That is why for one dish it is better to always take one variety.

Dry grain beans are soaked in cold, preferably soft, water for 6-24 hours, changing it 1-2 times, then sorted and washed again (try soaking the grains in beer - you can get an interesting result). And only after that they boil in cold water: first on strong, then on low heat under the lid, without interfering. In some regions of Georgia, beans are cooked together with a whole piece of smoked ham “Lori”: this not only gives it a special flavor, but boiled and sliced ​​ham is used as a delicious addition.

Cook the beans for a long time - several hours, until the water is completely evaporated. If it has evaporated, and the beans are not yet ready, add boiling water little by little. The broth is drained, but not poured out - it will still come in handy. The grains are left whole, boiled into porridge or crushed part - “for a bunch”. In Georgian cuisine, preference is given to whole grains, although Imeretian lobio is brought to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Now about the ingredients of the future dish. The set includes (for 1 kg of beans): 250-500 g of onion, 1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil and about the same amount of wine vinegar. From seasonings - cilantro (you can parsley), mint, basil (regan), dill, leek or celery (choose 3-4 - no more needed). Will be appropriate: savory (no wonder it is called "bean grass") and thyme, as well as crushed garlic and suneli hops. Well, salt, black and red pepper, cloves and Imeretian saffron.

The finished beans are drained, transferred to a saucepan along with onions fried in oil, salted (only after full readiness - it takes longer to boil in salt water), add a little broth and heat over low heat for 10-15 minutes (to get lobio in the form of a semi-thick spicy sauce, longer). Transfer the mixture of beans and onions to an enamel bowl and add wine vinegar, boiled for 2-3 minutes with basil or tarragon. If you manage to find "tklapi" - a thin briquette dried in the sun from pomace of cherry plum - or a bottle of concentrated tkemal sauce "kvatzarahi", you can do without vinegar. (In the latter case, you can safely call your dish "kvatsarakhiani lobio" - this is aerobatics ...)

Another cute option is lobio with walnut dressing. Finely crush walnuts together with garlic, red pepper and salt, dilute with vinegar (or kvatzarahi) and combine with beans. We cook for another 3 minutes over low heat, stirring often, and we get a sauce of sour cream consistency, which is called “bazhe” in Tbilisi and the surrounding area and is used to season various dishes. Pour the sauce into the finished beans and mix with a wooden spoon - it turns out "divinely"!

If you want to complicate the process, then before the introduction of spices, you can add cheese (Imeretinsky or Suluguni) to the lobio. First you have to soak it in cold water, then grate it, add red pepper, cloves or cinnamon, dilute in a small amount of bean broth to the consistency of thick sour cream and send to the beans. Or - tomatoes: scald them with boiling water, remove the skin and mash them into a puree. Even potatoes boiled in their skins will not spoil this dish, as well as green peas.

It remains only to season the “red” lobio with spices and add finely chopped spicy greens - it is the seasonings that make its taste so diverse, giving it the necessary sharpness. If it turned out to be thick, pour a little more bean broth into it and warm it up, stirring.

The finished dish is sprinkled with thin onion rings marinated in wine vinegar. For "color" it is good to add a handful of pomegranate seeds to it. When hot, it is quite edible, and looks good. However, more often it is still served cold the next day or laid out in jars, closed with lids and put in the refrigerator - it will easily last for two weeks there. If you get a thick "porridge", you can form large balls or short sausages out of it, keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and serve, sprinkled with herbs. recipe My_cookbook

This traditional dish of the peoples of Transcaucasia in ancient times was prepared from hyacinth beans, which were called lobio. With the advent of beans at the end of the 17th century, food began to be prepared from it. A dish beloved both in Georgia itself and abroad is red bean lobio with meat.

For a classic dish, red beans are taken. It boils well, does not lose its shape and contains fewer calories than other varieties, although green is also used in some recipes. Legumes should be soaked for several hours before cooking, but it is better to leave them in the water overnight. The ratio is 1 to 5. Be sure to check that the beans are not expired, otherwise it will not turn out tasty.

Beans contain a lot of fiber, complex carbohydrates, protein, iron and other essential trace elements. It has a positive effect on almost all human systems and organs.

To prepare lobio, you need to take 500 g of beans, as well as the following ingredients:

  • beef (you can take pork) - 600 g;
  • tomatoes - 600 g (or tomato paste - 4 tablespoons);
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • large carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • wine vinegar - 120 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • salt.

This dish is unthinkable without spices, the amount of which depends on taste preferences. The classic recipe involves the use of ground black pepper, basil, savory, red hot pepper, marjoram, bay leaf, coriander and a number of others. You can take suneli hops, as well as pepper and bay leaf, not included in this ready-made mixture. Lobio cannot be imagined without fresh cilantro, parsley.

Boil the beans

Beans should be taken of the same variety and preferably from the same batch. Drain the water in which it was soaked. Pour legumes with clean water in an approximate ratio of 1 to 4. After boiling, cook for about an hour, periodically adding hot water, if necessary. You can salt at any stage. Do not cover. Beans in lobio can be pureed, whole or mixed (in this case, some of the beans are kneaded). Georgian cuisine involves leaving beans whole.

The older the beans, the longer they cook. Readiness can be determined by pressing the bean with a fork or trying to crush it with your fingers. Beans should be soft, but not mushy.

Cooking lobio

The recipe for bean lobio with meat suggests the following cooking sequence:

  1. Cut beef (pork) into pieces, put a frying pan, preheated. It is better to take dishes large, deep, with a thick bottom. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Fry in sunflower oil.
  2. Peel onions, carrots and tomatoes, finely chop.
  3. Add vegetables to the meat and fry for a few minutes, then leave to simmer for another 40 minutes.
  4. Put boiled beans and finely chopped or chopped garlic in a press. If tomatoes have not been added before, then at this stage you need to put tomato paste.
  5. Add chopped nuts, spices, vinegar to the dish. Salt everything, mix well. Leave everything to stew for another quarter of an hour.

Ready lobio with beef is sprinkled with green aromatic herbs before serving. To prepare Georgian lobio with meat, you can take minced meat - pork or beef. Twisted meat fry in sunflower oil.

Add vegetables to minced meat and sauté for 15 minutes. Put nuts, garlic, spices, nuts, vinegar and boiled beans. Leave to simmer for a few minutes.

Benefit and harm

A hearty meat dish, having an excellent taste, is well absorbed, saturates and provides the body with essential trace elements (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium) and vitamins A, C, E, group B. The bean content helps to reduce appetite, and also has a positive effect on the reproductive system and normalizes metabolism.

Despite the positive properties, lobio can also be harmful. With intestinal disorders, flatulence, bloating, eating a delicious Georgian dish can aggravate the situation. It is not recommended for children under three years of age and people with stomach ulcers, colitis and gastritis. You can not eat lobio with ailments of the liver and gallbladder, as it can provoke stagnation of bile. Legumes are not allowed to eat with inflammation of the pancreas; such restrictions are associated with excessive production of gastric juice and an increasing load on the digestive organs.


Lobio with meat according to the classic recipe is made from products that are in every home. Any housewife will cope with this easy-to-prepare dish, and guests and family will be pleasantly surprised by its taste. The food is very healthy and nutritious, but it is not recommended to eat it with some diseases of the digestive tract.