How to freeze whole bell peppers. How to freeze fresh bell pepper for the winter: whole or in pieces

02.08.2019 Soups

Dear readers, summer and autumn are a great time for our preparations. I suggest that we do not miss such a hot season. We will keep everything that we have grown in summer cottages or bought depending on the season in the market or supermarket. Some of us pay attention to conservation, make a large amount of jam, compotes, pickles, and someone freezes food.

On my blog, I often mention the moment that of all types of preservation, freezing food is the most useful. I freeze a lot. And greens, and berries, and mushrooms, and vegetables, some fruits. Well, if our freezer allows us to do this.

Of course, I also make more “harmful” preparations, well, how can I do without my favorite raspberry or some other favorite jam, without my canned cucumbers, etc. And I think that if we are wise, then everything will be only for our health and, again, our mood. And now back to the topic of freezing bell peppers for the winter. Can you freeze bell peppers? Not only possible, but necessary.

What is the convenience and benefit for us?

  • With proper freezing, bell pepper retains all its beneficial properties,
  • In winter, pepper is very expensive, we save our budget,
  • We are confident in the quality of pepper,
  • We save time for cooking,
  • We know that the products have not been frozen and thawed several times, as is often the case with ready-made frozen products bought in stores,
  • We do everything with warmth and love.

What is the best pepper to freeze for the winter?

It is best to choose juicy, sweet bell peppers with thick walls. I like to freeze red peppers or orange-red-yellow peppers. Green peppers are not my inspiration for freezing, although they can certainly be frozen.

The pepper must be fresh and undamaged. And the sooner we freeze it from the moment of collection or purchase, the better.

What is the best way to freeze bell peppers for the winter?

I prefer two ways of freezing: in pieces and whole for stuffing peppers in winter. Let's consider them in more detail.

How to freeze bell peppers for the winter in slices at home?

This is a very convenient and quick way to freeze bell peppers in our freezer.

Preparing Peppers for Freezing

Everything is very simple. We look and select only juicy Bulgarian pepper without damage, rinse it with cold water. Dry on a towel.

For freezing, it is always important to remove excess moisture, otherwise the pepper may stick together and turn into a lump when frozen.

Carefully cut off the top of the pepper (do not cut off a lot), shake out the seeds, remove them completely. If we freeze the pepper in slices, then the easiest way is to cut the pepper in half and peel all the seeds.

Freezing bell peppers

1 way. Then everything is simple. We just cut the pepper into pieces. I like to use my favorite grater - I always have it in use, everything turns out so quickly, evenly, accurately, there are curly attachments to make the cut beautiful. And you can cut everything with an ordinary kitchen knife, use a food processor with special nozzles.

2 way. Peppercorn to peppercorn . We lay out the fresh sliced ​​​​pepper on a small pallet, a board and put it in the freezer, leave it there until completely frozen (it is best to stir it several times so that the pepper pieces do not freeze to the board or pallet), and then we lay out the already frozen pepper in containers (bags , containers). So I always do and it always turns out great.

Tare selection

I love freezing peppers in regular plastic bags. You can purchase special bags for freezing food. Food storage containers are also suitable. I like to freeze everything in small portions, but with bell pepper everything is much easier: you can freeze in larger packages and then just chop off the right amount of pepper with a knife.

How to freeze whole bell pepper for stuffing for the winter?

We prepare the pepper: we select even peppers without damage, wash it, dry it, remove the top and seeds of the pepper. We do this very carefully so as not to damage the pepper itself. And then we lay out the pepper for freezing.

What to do with hats? After all, many people like to cover stuffed peppers with them later. They can also be put in the same bag and frozen. But personally, I never freeze bell pepper caps.

1 way. You can put the peppers in bags or containers for freezing next to each other. Be sure to remove excess air from the bag.

2 way. I use this particular method of freezing, as it is more economical, I don’t have much space in the freezer. We put the pepper in a "train" into each other. You can wrap each peppercorn, just wrap the tail in plastic wrap, use the same bag for breakfast. So peppers do not stick together with each other and are better preserved for the winter. This moment can be seen clearly in the video.

Some advise to slightly blanched the pepper before freezing, then sue it and arrange it in freezer bags. I tried. Still, I like the recipe for freezing without blanching more.

And, of course, we can use another freezing method: prepare stuffed peppers and defrost them for the winter. I also like this method. It is very convenient to come home from work, get frozen stuffed peppers and quickly cook a delicious homemade dinner.

If you have any questions, I suggest watching a video on how to freeze bell pepper for the winter at home.

How can you use frozen bell peppers?

It can be used for frying in soups, for cooking vegetable stews, vegetable casseroles and even baking, for a children's menu. And also, if we have frozen the whole bell pepper, you can use it for stuffing.

Do I need to defrost frozen peppers and how?

I never defrost frozen peppers, just like that, and add them to the dishes that I am going to cook.

Can bell peppers be re-frozen?

You should never do this. If you unfrozen something, then you need to use everything.

In repeated freezing, the taste is lost, the appearance deteriorates, and there will be no benefit.

Freezing temperature

The optimum freezing temperature is minus 18 degrees.

Shelf life

Peppers will be stored for up to a year, so we keep the crop until the next harvest.

I wish you all a wonderful mood, simple joys of life. I hope that the information on freezing bell peppers for the winter was useful to you. Share your intricacies of freezing. Perhaps you also have your own secrets.

And for the soul, we will listen today SECRET GARDEN(Reflection). Great music with great visuals. Sensual violin and keyboards - what a wonderful combination.

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freeze peppers fresh, and here's why. If the pepper is first blanched and then frozen, then during the cooking process it will become completely soft, overcooked. But the advantage of this method is that such peppers take up less space in the freezer. I don’t freeze stuffed peppers because I prepare different fillings for peppers (rice, buckwheat, mushrooms, meat). It is more convenient for me to freeze the peppers fresh, and stuff them before cooking. And be sure to freeze the pepper in pieces, in winter it diverges in large quantities, and it helps a lot! So if you are still in doubt - is it possible to freeze peppers for the winter, I think my detailed photo recipe will give you the exact answer - yes, of course you can, and even need to!

How to freeze peppers for the winter and what we need:

  • Bulgarian pepper of different colors;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes (optional)
  • parsley (dill or whatever you like);
  • polyethylene tight bags.

How to freeze peppers for stuffing - step by step instructions

For stuffing, I select medium-sized strong multi-colored peppers to fit in a cauldron. Be sure to wash the pepper, cut out the stalk with seeds, rinse again under water. I leave it to glass with water or wipe it with a towel.

I make such pyramids of three peppers (you can use four, it’s more convenient for me to freeze three).

My freezer is not very spacious, but I want to freeze everything and more. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed from practicality and save space. Before freezing peppers for stuffing, I grate a couple of carrots, chop a few tomatoes and a bunch of greens - all this will also go into a bag of frozen peppers. Very convenient - in winter there will immediately be greens for the filling, and carrots for frying.

I wrap carrots, tomatoes and greens separately for each batch of peppers.

A stack of peppers, along with bags of greens, carrots and tomatoes, I wrap in cling film or place in a bag and tie. In this form, I send it to the freezer for several hours. It is not necessary to defrost the pepper before stuffing, stuff with the stuffing, put it vertically in a cauldron and cook as usual (cooking time increases slightly due to the fact that the pepper is dense).

Freezing pepper for the winter slices

For this type of freezing pepper for the winter, it is not necessary to select the most beautiful vegetables. We take different-sized, crooked, cracked, preferably different colors, so that winter stews and gravies are bright, like in summer. By the way, when we cut the stalk from the peppers for stuffing, the pulp remained around - we cut it off and also freeze it. Cut the peppers in half, shake out the seeds, and cut out the stem. We cut the peppers into small pieces (I also cut some into strips for pizza). You can freeze each color separately, or you can mix everything and make a bright assortment.

We put a bag on a dish or a flat plate, a cutting board or cover it with cling film. Lay out the pepper pieces.

From above we cover with another package (a layer of film), lay out the pepper of a different color. We send our building to the freezer. When the pieces of pepper are frozen, pour into bags, wrap and return to the freezer.

In winter, frozen pepper slices are consumed in large quantities: in pizza, vegetable roasts and gravies, vegetable soups, stews, stewed cabbage and potatoes, and much more. I use frozen peppers for the winter for their intended purpose - I stuff them with stuffing and cook them in a cauldron in the oven.

I hope my advice will help you figure out how to freeze bell peppers for the winter for stuffing and how to freeze peppers in pieces.

Bell pepper- a vegetable is not only healthy, but also tasty. It is added to first courses, snacks and salads, boiled, stewed, baked and frozen for the winter. You can freeze bell peppers in several ways, depending on how you plan to use them.

Sweet pepper, frozen whole

You will need 2-3 kg of sweet pepper. Choose peppers that are about the same size, even and not flattened. An elongated pepper with a pointed spout is best suited.

Wash the vegetables, cut off the cap and carefully remove the core with seeds and tails. Fold them into each other "pyramid". Don't pack too hard or the peppers may burst. Put them in the container you plan to freeze them in. If there is no container, you can use a tight plastic bag (regular or with a zipper). Caps can be frozen together with whole peppers or cut into slices and frozen separately.

Freezing in this form allows you to cook stuffed peppers in winter. The filling can be, for example, fried carrots with onions, rice with meat or buckwheat with mushrooms.

Sweet peppers, frozen

For freezing with rings, you will need smooth sweet peppers, preferably of different colors. Green, yellow, red and orange look great together.

Wash the peppers, remove the tail and the middle. Cut each of them into rings and carefully fold into a container or bag, alternating colors. It will turn out bright, elegant and beautiful.

Peppers frozen in rings can be used to decorate various dishes. Such multi-colored rings look great on homemade pizza or hot sandwiches. They can also decorate dishes intended for a New Year's feast or other family holiday.

Sweet peppers frozen in cubes

For freezing in this way, any pepper is suitable, including small and curved ones. Color does not matter, the main thing is that the vegetables are fresh and unspoiled.

Wash the pepper well, remove the tail and seeds. Cut it lengthwise into several pieces and cut into cubes. You can put all the cuts in one container, and it’s even more convenient to pack each chopped pepper in a separate bag - then in winter you won’t need to break off a piece from a frozen monolith, but you can immediately take the right “portion”.

Diced pepper is best used as an addition to soups, borscht and other first courses, but it will also be good in salads (pre-thawed). In addition, it can be added to scrambled eggs, fried with onions, tomatoes and herbs, as well as in various gravies and stir-fries. In general, it will come in handy everywhere.

Frozen vegetable platter with sweet peppers

To significantly save time on cooking many dishes, you can stock up on a ready-made vegetable "soup set" for the winter. After all, it takes 15-20 minutes to wash / peel / grate / chop onions, carrots and other "flavors", and then wash the grater and plank every time. And if all this is prepared in advance and frozen, then exactly 1 minute will be spent - take the bag out of the freezer, unwrap it and put it in a saucepan.

To freeze a soup platter, select vegetables in such a way that in one portion package you have 1 sweet pepper, 1 medium onion, 1 small carrot, a bunch of greens. It is most convenient to process vegetables one by one. They rubbed all the carrots - they put them in bags, and in the same way with the rest of the vegetables.

Weather conditions in our country do not allow growing fruits and vegetables year-round. In summer, we can eat an unlimited amount of fresh fruits, saturating our body with essential vitamins and minerals, but in winter, most people suffer from a lack of nutrients in the body. Many housewives try to preserve the summer gifts of nature by canning or freezing. It is important to note that frozen fruits and vegetables, such as bell peppers, practically do not lose their vitamin qualities.

Sweet pepper is a storehouse of useful substances: minerals, carotenoids, vitamins, bioflavonoids. Due to its rich taste and multi-colored color (green, yellow, red, orange), it makes dishes colorful, bright, savory and tasty. Frozen bell peppers are an ideal winter preparation that is quickly defrosted and used to prepare garnishes for soups, goulash, pastries or a main dish. We will talk further about whether it is possible to freeze bell peppers and how to do it correctly at home.

How to choose bell pepper for harvesting for the winter

In order for the vegetable to be stored for a long time and not lose its beneficial properties, you need to know which fruits to choose for freezing, for this, use the following recommendations:

  1. The peel of the vegetable should be smooth, without dents, wrinkles, scratches, cracks. Flaws on the fruits indicate improper care or long-term storage in unsuitable conditions for this.
  2. Pay attention to the stalk of the vegetable; in freshly picked sweet peppers, it has a juicy green color.
  3. Spots of white or brown color on pepper indicate a detrimental effect on it. The vitamin content of this fruit is very low.
  4. Fresh, juicy fruits have more weight than stale ones.
  5. The pulp of the fruit should be firm and thick.
  6. Black spots on peppers indicate diseases of the vegetable during growth.
  7. When buying a vegetable in supermarkets, pay attention to how it is packaged, whether there is moisture or drops of water inside the package. These fruits do not like moisture, quickly deteriorate.
  8. The color of bell pepper speaks of its positive properties:
  • Red pepper varieties have the greatest amount of vitamins and carotene. The red vegetable is the sweetest.
  • Yellow varieties - useful for people with problems of the cardiovascular system. This yellow vegetable is good for children, it contains a lot of phosphorus, which contributes to the proper formation of bones.
  • Green - the lowest calorie, it contains vitamin K, which increases blood clotting, improves its composition.

9. For stuffed peppers, pick medium-sized, elongated fruits.

10. For stews, salads and stews, prepare peppers of different colors to saturate the dish with bright sunny colors after.

11. Green pepper is used only for fresh consumption, after heat treatment it starts to taste a little bitter.

12. For harvesting in small pieces, use large-sized fruits, it has thick walls, and after thawing it will completely retain its integrity and vitamin properties.

What utensils do you need

To freeze, prepare the following inventory:

  • If you have removable trays of different depths in your freezer, set aside the middle one for the peppers.
  • If your freezer only has standard built-in shelves, prepare a plastic tray, tray, or flat container that won't freeze to the freezer walls.
  • Line all pepper utensils with a clean cotton cloth.
  • Already completely frozen vegetables are placed in tight bags.

Recipes with photos

Freezing sweet peppers is an alternative to canned vegetables. After all, when freezing, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved, and the consistency, color, taste of the thawed product are no different from fresh ones. There are several ways to freeze sweet peppers - whole, in pieces, with herbs. We'll talk about them further.

in pieces

An excellent addition to stews and salads in the winter season will be multi-colored frozen pieces of bell pepper. Duration of storage from 4 to 6 months. For cooking we need:

  • Sweet pepper (different colors) - 2-3 kg.
  • Water.

Cooking method.

  1. Choose good ripe fruits without damage. Sort them, rinse in running water, cut the stem with a knife, remove the seeds.
  2. Cut each peppercorn as you like - into halves, quarters, rings, half rings, cubes, straws.
  3. Cover the tray with a clean cotton cloth, put the peeled pieces of vegetable on it.
  4. Place the tray with slices in the freezer for 48 hours.
  5. After the time has elapsed, lay the hardened sweet pepper in tight plastic bags, close tightly. Send to the freezer.

Freezing whole for stuffing

In Soviet times, stuffed peppers were equated with a festive dish, it was cooked on a special occasion. In order to pamper their relatives with delicious, hearty stuffed peppers in winter, they marinated them in three-liter jars. But the amount of pickled vegetable in the jar was often not enough for a huge family, or vice versa, it was in abundance and something else had to be cooked, and the taste of such pepper differs significantly from fresh. We suggest you use the modern, rational way of harvesting a whole pepper for stuffing.


  • small Bulgarian longish pepper - 23 kg;
  • water.

Cooking method number 1:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them with a paper towel, remove the stalk and seeds.
  2. Put the fruits on a tray previously prepared and covered with a cloth.
  3. Send to the freezer of the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
  4. Then pack portions of the frozen product for compactness and convenience in bags, pack tightly. Put in the freezer.

Cooking method number 2:

  1. This option requires more time to harvest, but the pepper is obtained as fresh. Washed vegetables, cut out the caps with a knife and set aside, remove the seeds.
  2. Put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Dip all the peppers in boiling water for half a minute. Thanks to this heat treatment, vegetables will retain all their vitamin properties and will not lose their shape when frozen.
  4. We put the processed peppers into each other and pack them in bags. Add caps to them.
  5. We send everything to the freezer.

Freeze with dill and parsley

Greens will give the pepper a special rich flavor. For harvesting, you need to take only young plucked parsley and dill. For cooking we need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 kg;
  • Dill - 150-200 g;
  • Parsley - 150-200 g;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Leave the well-washed greens to soak for 5-10 minutes in a large bowl of cold water.
  2. Then carefully drain the water and fill it with new water for another 10-15 minutes.
  3. After dill and parsley, pull out from the water, shake. Dry the greens, but make sure that it does not begin to fade, then chop it.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the pepper. Wash it, remove the seeds, the stalk, cut it the way you want (cubes, straws, etc.).
  5. Separately, lay out a thin layer on a tray of medium depth pepper, on a flat tray - chopped greens. Send for a day in the freezer to freeze.
  6. At the end of the time, take out the trays with vegetables and herbs.
  7. Evenly mix pepper, dill, parsley, pack in bags, pack hermetically.
  8. Freeze until winter.

Semi-finished product from peppers stuffed with meat and rice

In winter, it is nice to pamper your loved ones with summer dishes, but you need to take care of their preparation in advance. , quick and easy to prepare. If you have a freezer at home, use the following recipe for a hearty convenience food. Essential ingredients for a family of three:

  • Sweet pepper - 9-10 pcs.;
  • Minced meat - 500 g;
  • Rice round - 100 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, seasonings - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. In a pre-washed pepper, remove the cap and seeds.
  2. Peel carrots, onions, finely chop, lightly fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  3. Boil the rice until half cooked, rinse with cold water.
  4. In a bowl with minced meat, add frying, half-cooked rice, season, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Stuff the peppers with stuffing.
  6. Put stuffed vegetables in bags, pack well. Send for storage in the freezer.

Freezing Roasted Sweet Peppers

Frozen baked peppers are delicious. In winter, such vegetables are simply defrosted, poured with vegetable oil, seasoned with garlic, spices and served as a ready-made dish. For cooking we need:

  • Pepper - as required, without proportions;

Cooking method.

  1. Peppers, pre-washed and peeled from seeds and stalks, are laid out on a baking sheet.
  2. We send the vegetables to bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Then put the finished peppers in a saucepan and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  4. After that, we remove the skin from them, put them in plastic containers, hermetically close them with lids. Sent to freeze until winter.


Freezing vegetables is very popular among modern housewives. Unlike preservation, pickling, the vitamin composition of frozen fruits is not destroyed, and the freezing procedure does not take much time, effort, and does not require special knowledge. Anyone can cope with such a task at home, and for a good example, we recommend watching the following video.

Do you like stuffed peppers? I'm sure yes! This is our number one dish this season. In winter, alas, it is also often no longer possible to cook it - the prices for pepper at this time of the year bite painfully, and the quality of vegetables leaves much to be desired. Therefore, harvesting bell pepper for the future is the most suitable option. There are several ways to prepare it: roll already stuffed peppers, pickle whole peppers, or freeze them. The last method is by far the easiest. Now I will tell you in as much detail as possible how to freeze pepper for the winter for stuffing quickly, simply and so that it takes up a minimum of space in the refrigerator. The option is perfect for freezing a small amount of peppers, and for a rich harvest. In any case, the harvesting process will not take much time.

Frozen peppers can be stored for quite a long time - up to a new harvest, but, of course, it is eaten much earlier.

For preparation you will need:

  • bell pepper - in the desired quantities,
  • a dense cellophane bag or cling film.

How to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing:

Peppers for freezing are better to choose approximately the same size and shape, small in size - those that are ideal for stuffing. Wash them well. We cut off each “hat” - about 1 cm. Then, carefully, using a knife with a long blade, cut out the core and cut off all the veins.

When all the peppers are cooked, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. As it boils, we load several peppers into it and boil them for literally 30 seconds, a maximum of 1 minute. It is important not to overcook the peppers here. They should only slightly change color and become a little softer. To make it easier to keep track of the degree of readiness of peppers, it is better to load them into boiling water in portions of 4-8 pieces (depending on the size of the pan).

Next, the peppers must be thoroughly dried - when wet, they will simply freeze tightly to each other. The quickest way is to blot them both inside and out with a paper towel. Or let them dry naturally, but this will take quite a long time - at least 1.5-2 hours. Excess moisture will not only make the peppers more brittle, but will also negatively affect their taste.

Well, now dried peppers can be packaged in bags. To do this, first we add them one to one, forming a kind of train of peppers. The number of peppers in the "train" is up to you. The main thing is to put in one bag of peppers for one cooking. I used 3-4 peppers. This compact molding method saves a lot of space in the freezer.

Then we hide the resulting “train” in a plastic bag, trying to let the air out of it as much as possible when tying, but do not crush the peppers. Or, alternatively, you can tightly wrap the peppers with cling film.

Ready! We send the peppers to the refrigerator, where they will calmly wait in the wings.

Using this pepper is easy. Remove the freezer bag from the freezer and chill for 1-2 minutes. We separate the peppers (they are separated very easily) and send them under a stream of cool water. The peppers will thaw a little, and it will be possible to stuff them with stuffing and then cook as usual.

Good luck with your preparations!