Marinated tomatoes with fragrant marigolds. Health and beauty from nature Canned tomatoes with marigolds reviews

19.10.2023 Snacks

Small tomatoes, for pickling, flowers and leaves of marigolds.

FILLING for 1 liter of water:

  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp salt,
  • 1/2 teaspoon vinegar essence.
Fill sterilized jars with tomatoes (I use 1-liter jars). Place 2 flowers and 2 marigold leaves on the bottom, pour boiling water over them and leave for 15 minutes.

Drain the water, dissolve sugar and salt in it, bring to a boil, pour in the tomatoes and add a little less than half a teaspoon of vinegar essence. Roll up, turn over the jars and wrap. You do not need to add garlic, pepper or other spices to this marinade.

The taste is extraordinary, probably due to the marigolds. Real, low-growing marigolds need to be added. I have been making these tomatoes for the 4th year now and I have not been disappointed. Marigolds in Georgia are called "Imeretian saffron"

Tomatoes with carrot tops
Once you try these tomatoes, you will definitely want more! Maybe it’s the tomato tops, or maybe it’s the somewhat unusual - sweet - marinade, but absolutely everyone likes them.
So, let's get started... Wash the jars and tomatoes. We pierce each tomato with a toothpick or skewer, then when heated, the air comes out of them freely and the tomatoes do not burst. Some may think this is unnecessary, but I always do this (even if I’m canning two buckets), good appearance is already half the battle.

We put tomatoes in jars mixed with carrot tops - those same tails, “braids on the street” that are usually thrown away. For 1 liter of volume 1-2 pcs. tops NO OTHER SPICES! This recipe is not for showing initiative!

Pour boiling water over it and let it sit until it cools down (or even until it cools down).
Drain the water, add 4 tbsp per 1 liter of liquid. spoons of sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 70 g table vinegar (6%). Let it simmer for a minute, pour in the tomatoes, roll up, turn over until cool. You can wrap yourself in a blanket, but that’s who you’re used to...
The most delicious, tender tomatoes are ready! Bon appetit!

Dancing with cans from the stove to the computer!

To those who are making holes in the sky, driving the wind and chilling the air, let us write: “AUTUMN is a difficult case... BRING BACK SUMMER!” and the signature "People".

A piece of bright summer!!! Tomatoes with grapes!!!

The tomatoes come out with a piquant, unexpected, specially pleasant taste that is difficult to discern unless you see that the tomatoes were canned with grapes. A light fruity note enhances the taste of tomatoes, giving it grace and sophistication.

Grapes with the original taste of olives can be served separately as an appetizer. Sweet grapes turn out to be special, spicy and salty.
This is a very tasty and beautiful appetizer for a winter feast! A piece of bright summer in a plate! And there is no shame in giving them as a gift to friends!!!

I close it very simply like a compote using the same principle. Wash the tomatoes and herbs thoroughly, soak them for 20 minutes in a soda solution of 1 tsp per 3 liters of water, rinse thoroughly. Then I put it in a washed, microwave-sterilized jar, greens, spices on one side of the jar and grapes on the other in the middle, tomatoes. I pour boiling water, set aside for 20 minutes and repeat again, then pour the water into a saucepan, add salt, bring the sugar to a boil and pour the marinade into jars, add 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar. I close the lids and wrap them up. You can do it without vinegar, but it’s scary. Use the herbs and spices you like, I add 1 cm of horseradish root, 1 clove of garlic, cut into slices. dill umbrella - 1 pc., cherry leaf - 1 pc., currant leaf - 1 pc., chili pepper - 1 cm, black pepper - 3 pcs., cloves - 2 pcs. I use greens in very minimal quantities, and you can experiment with as little or as much as you can.

Filling or marinade per liter: sugar - 1 tbsp, salt - 1 tbsp, apple cider vinegar - for 1 jar 0.75 1 tsp / l

A piece of bright summer! Tomatoes with marigolds

Small tomatoes, for pickling. Flowers and leaves of marigolds. FILLING for 1 liter of water: 2 tbsp. l sugar and 1 tbsp. l salt, a little less than half a teaspoon of vinegar essence Fill sterilized jars with tomatoes (I use 1-liter jars), place 2 flowers and 2 marigold leaves on the bottom, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Drain the water, dissolve sugar and salt in it, bring to a boil, pour in the tomatoes and add a little less than half a teaspoon of vinegar essence. Roll up, turn over the cans and wrap. You do not need to add garlic, pepper or other spices to this marinade. The taste is extraordinary, probably due to the marigolds. Real, low-growing marigolds need to be added. Marigolds in Georgia are called "Imeretian saffron"

A piece of bright summer Sweet tomatoes

For sweet tomatoes, it is better to use cherry tomatoes. Canning cherry tomatoes differs from ordinary ones in that this variety requires fewer spices. The small size of cherry tomatoes allows them to pickle faster. To prepare sweet canned tomatoes. Place tomatoes in a jar and pour boiling water over them for 5 minutes. Then you need to pour this liquid into a saucepan and prepare a marinade from it: For one liter of water, 6 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt. After the marinade boils, they need to fill the jars with tomatoes again and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to each jar.

Marinade: 1 liter, sugar - 6 tbsp, salt - 2 tbsp, peppercorns - 4 pcs, garlic - 1 clove, allspice - 1 pc, cloves - 2 pcs, one piece of dill umbrella. Vinegar 9%, 1 tablespoon in each jar. Place spices in a 1 liter jar.

Tips from the comments:

Thanks for the collection of recipes, just in time. I would like to add one more, tested by our family. It's called "No Hassle Tomatoes." For a 3-liter jar you need: 6 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar (preferably apple), 2-3 buds of cloves. Place the tomatoes in a sterilized jar without seasonings and pour boiling water over them. After 5 min. Drain the water, pour sugar and salt into the jar, add cloves, pour boiling water again, pour vinegar under the lid and roll up. Turn over, wrap. Yesterday I rolled 3 three-liter jars, the whole process (including washing the tomatoes, sterilizing the jars) took 1 hour.

About tomatoes: I only started pickling tomatoes last year. And I immediately identified several points for myself. The most delicious and natural-tasting tomatoes are obtained without any spices, only with sprigs of carrot tops. I filled them with brine and added less than a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar to each jar. Extraordinarily delicious! And even people with gallbladder diseases can eat it, in reasonable quantities, of course. Another very original pickled tomatoes are made with cherry branches. and tomatoes with grated carrots, and gooseberries in raspberry juice.

Natalya Plastinina (Sidorenko) Thanks for the recipe! I offer my own version of filling, I’ve been making these tomatoes for a long time, everyone likes them. for filling: 3 kg of tomatoes, 50 g of garlic, 50 g of horseradish roots, 250 g of sweet pepper, 60 g of salt, 100 g of sugar. I make juice using a juicer. Finely chop the garlic, grate the horseradish, and grind the sweet peppers in a meat grinder. Mix everything, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil and pour into the jars with packed tomatoes. Sterilize 1 liter jars for 15 minutes. Bon appetit. to this add half a glass of chopped garlic and a quarter glass of grated horseradish... You will forever remember the taste of your preparations... (Add to the sauce before boiling)

Almira I have a recipe for "You'll lick your fingers." There, only the filling is different: for 1 liter of water, 7 tablespoons of sugar, 1 topped salt. Add onion rings to the bottom of the jar. Tomatoes cut side down. Enough for 6 cans of 0.7 l. if you lay it tightly. I also sterilize. Real jam!!! Regular tomato marinade 1 tbsp salt, 2 tbsp sugar

There are countless recipes for canning tomatoes: they are prepared whole, cut into slices, ripe, brown or green. And the variations of additional ingredients and spices are amazing in their diversity. Moreover, each housewife has her own signature recipe, which she proudly shares. A recipe for winter tomatoes with marigolds can become such a “crown” recipe, and the tomatoes will surprise you with their taste. By placing a jar with these beautiful flowers on the table, you can amaze those around you.

Marigolds are better known under the name Chernobryvtsy (Ukrainian language). These unpretentious flowers delight gardeners from summer until late autumn. But few people thought that they could be used as a spice. They can easily replace saffron, a very expensive spice. Tomatoes canned according to the proposed recipe have an unusual, amazing taste and an incomparable bouquet of aromas.

One advantage is that there is no need to use any spices; marigolds are self-sufficient in the pickling process.

Required Ingredients

The simplicity lies in the fact that the recipe does not contain a large number of components:

  1. Tomatoes. It is necessary to select dense, undamaged fruits. Preferably small ones, especially if pickled in liter containers. Large vegetables will be difficult to remove from the jar, they may lose their integrity, and the finished snack will look unattractive. Vegetables need to be washed and stems removed. Before placing in jars, pierce the place where the stalk is attached with a toothpick; this will prevent the tomatoes from cracking during pickling.
  2. Marigold. Flowers along with leaves are selected undamaged and not dry. They must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  3. If desired, you can add garlic, increase the amount of sugar if you want a sweeter snack.

Cooking method

The cooking method is striking in its simplicity; even a novice housewife can handle it. For the volume of a liter jar, the following components are required:

  • tomatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • marigolds with leaves - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - ½ clove;
  • water - 360 ml;
  • vinegar - 33 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 25 g.


  • Remove the stalks of selected, washed fruits and pierce the place where they are attached with a toothpick so that the fruits do not crack during canning.
  • Place one flower with leaves and garlic at the bottom of a washed container of the required volume.
  • Place the tomatoes and place the second flower on top.
  • Add the required amount of salt and sugar, pour in vinegar. Vinegar can be replaced with 4 g of citric acid.

  • Boil water and pour in tomatoes. The volume of liquid varies depending on the filling density of the container.
  • Cover with a lid and sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  • Close the jar tightly with a suitable lid, place it upside down to check the seal, and cover it so that the contents of the container are thoroughly warmed up.
  • After cooling, the brine acquires a pleasant golden hue.

How and for how long are the blanks stored?

Tomatoes marinated in this way, in compliance with the recommended proportions and manufacturing technology, are stored in room conditions in the dark until the next tomato harvest, that is, a whole year. If the containers are placed in the cold and dark, the shelf life will increase to 3 years. It is not advisable to store it on balconies during severe frosts; the jar will freeze and burst.

Additional Information

Tomatoes and marigolds are the main components of the recipe and have important qualities:

  • Tomatoes are a low-calorie product. The presence of vinegar and the heat treatment process reduce the amount of valuable vitamins, but useful microelements and substances remain in tomatoes. And the specific gravity of lycopene, a strong antioxidant, even increases.
  • Marigolds are flowers that deserve a lot of attention. The ground flowers are the Georgian spice zafaran or also Imeretian saffron. Some consider it similar to saffron, but the spices are different. Red-red flowers are considered more fragrant.

  • It is not for nothing that marigold flowers serve as raw materials in pharmacology; their most valuable qualities have been known for a long time. They contain carotenoids, especially lutein. It can reduce the likelihood of cataracts. In addition, flowers have bactericidal, diaphoretic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is noteworthy that flowers do not lose beneficial substances during heat treatment.
  • They have some analgesic properties, help improve metabolism, strengthen vision, relieve fatigue and tension. They are good for preventing colds and strengthening the immune system.

The proposed tomato recipe will take its rightful place among the housewife’s favorite recipes. This appetizer will become a favorite for a holiday or family dinner.

I offer you a simple and original recipe for marinating tomatoes with marigolds or Chernobyvtsy, as they are called in Ukraine. Some people think that this is an amateur recipe, but in my circle everyone who tried these tomatoes was delighted!

An interesting fact is that in the recipe, apart from sugar, salt and vinegar, no other spices are used - one freshly picked marigold flower can replace any spices that we are used to. Last season I prepared 3 cans of these tomatoes, and as soon as it was time to open the first preparations, I immediately decided to take a sample. The tomatoes turned out to be very tasty, and I was very upset that I prepared so few of them. This year I started preparing tomatoes with this recipe and plan to roll up as many of them as possible.

If you love something new and are not afraid of experiments, I highly recommend that you roll up at least one jar of tomatoes marinated with marigolds, especially since it’s so simple.

To prepare, prepare all the products according to the list. The ingredients are indicated for 1 jar with a capacity of 1 liter.

We choose small tomatoes, as similar in size as possible. We wash and fill a clean jar with them. Approximately in the center we place one blooming marigold bud. Flowers can be used in both yellow and orange.

Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the jar.

Fill the contents of the jar with cold filtered water and cover with a lid. Place a cloth on the bottom of the pan, place the jar and pour cold or slightly warm water up to the shoulders. Let's wait until the water in the pan boils and count down 10 minutes.

After this time, we take the jar out of the water and roll it up with a key or screw it on.

Turn the jars of tomatoes upside down and cover them with a terry towel or blanket until they cool completely. Tomatoes marinated with marigolds are wonderfully stored in the apartment.

Delicious preparations to you!

There are countless medicinal flowers in the world around us. Marigolds are one of them.

These bright flowers perfectly decorate gardeners' flower beds and are used by gardeners to protect vegetable crops from numerous pests.

Marigolds reach a height of up to 120 centimeters, forming branched bushes covered with lush flowers all summer and September. Flowers on the plant can range from bright yellow to dark brown and dark orange.

Flowers have a strong smell, which garden pests don’t like.

Under the cap of the flowering plant, the pinnately dissected leaves are barely visible. The fruits of the fragrant flower are lily achenes.

The homeland of marigolds is South America. In Europe they grow everywhere; they are not found only in northern latitudes.

Every gardener will confirm that the plant is unpretentious. Grows well in flower beds, parks, and front gardens.

Harvesting marigolds

Flowers are harvested from a medicinal plant. They are collected during the entire flowering period, from June to September.

Dry in a well-ventilated area or under a canopy so that the prepared flowers are not exposed to the sun's rays.

Store in linen bags. It is believed that medicinal raw materials are suitable for use up to 3 years from the date of preparation.

Marigolds Useful properties

The fragrant flower contains a high content of lutein, which is necessary for improving vision.

Lack of lutein leads to destruction of eye tissue and weakened vision.

Lutein absorbs the blue part of the light flux, reducing the destructive effect on the eyes.

It is very important to increase lutein in diet and folk recipes with marigolds and other medicinal plants for those people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen.

For elderly people, the use of medicinal recipes with marigolds saves them from cataracts.

The smell of marigolds is due to the essential oil contained in the above-ground part of the plant. The highest content in the essential oil of ocytomene, in addition to the aromatic ester, the plant contains micro and macroelements and vitamins.

Essential oil obtained from marigolds is used in cosmetology, cooking, and winemaking.

Marigold Action

  • reduces inflammation
  • increases sweating
  • destroys germs
  • improves digestion
  • excellent diuretic
  • cleanses the body of worms
  • improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver

Marigolds Folk recipes

Infusion of marigolds

Dry flower baskets, herb plants - 1 tbsp. spoon

Boiling water - 250 ml


The raw materials are poured with boiling water, left for half an hour, and filtered.


The resulting infusion is divided into four equal parts; for better absorption by the body, it is drunk a quarter of an hour before meals.

Marigold infusion for joint arthrosis

Place 30 fresh flowers of a fragrant plant per liter of water.

The cooled infusion is drunk throughout the day. The maximum dose is 2.5 liters per day.

The effect of infusion treatment will occur after 1.5-3 months.

Marigold decoction for violation of water-salt metabolism

To obtain a healing decoction, take 5-6 flowers of a fragrant plant per liter of boiling water, boil briefly, no more than 3 minutes.


100 ml twice a day half an hour before meals.


The decoction is used for treatment for two months with a break after 30 days of use in one decade.

Infusion for the treatment of sore throat, stomatitis, sore throat

5-6 fresh or dried flowers are infused in a glass of boiling water for 1 hour.

Rinse the mouth and throat.

Marigold tincture for diabetes

Infuse 30 fragrant marigold flowers in 250 ml of alcohol for 15 days.

The container should be placed in a dark place and shaken regularly so that the components become properly friendly with each other.

To improve the functioning of the pancreas and reduce blood sugar, take the tincture 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day.

Infusion of marigolds for a runny nose, sinusitis

Boil 1.5 liters of water, add a handful of dry or fresh marigolds.

Let it brew for 10 minutes and do inhalations with a healing infusion.

Oil with marigold flowers for the treatment of wounds and burns

Grind the fresh flowers of the plant. Take one part of the flowers and add 10 parts of olive oil; you can use any vegetable oil for the recipe.

Let it sit overnight.

In the morning, boil the oil with marigold flowers for half an hour at a temperature of 70 degrees.

We use a water bath. That is, we put a pan of water on gas, and place a vessel with infused oil in it.

After the oil has cooled, it can be used to apply to wounds and burns.

This medicinal oil helps with coughs, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and removal of mucus during bronchitis.

Marigold flowers for tired eyes

If your work involves a computer or car, add fresh marigolds to salads, or eat fragrant flowers separately.

Marigolds in cooking

Marigolds are used to give dishes their unique taste:

  • added to marinades
  • decorate a variety of salads
  • added to fried and baked dishes
  • infuse wines, liqueurs

I love adding tender marigold petals to salads.

I especially love this recipe with plant petals.


wild mushrooms 300 gr

fresh cucumber 2 pcs

greens: parsley, dill, celery - to taste

handful of marigold petals

salt, black pepper - to taste

vinegar - a little bit

vegetable oil 1 tbsp


Boil the mushrooms, cool, cut into small pieces.

Wash the cucumbers and cut them into strips.

Put the greens, add vegetable oil.

Pepper and salt. Sprinkle with vinegar.

Sprinkle bright marigold petals on top.

You can infuse vinegar with fragrant flowers by adding the flowers of the plant.

Herbal mixtures are often made: marigold flowers, hyssop, kanufer, lofant are flavored with vinegar. Then they use it to season dishes.

Marigolds Preparations for the winter

The useful aromatic plant is not only dried, but also prepared in other ways.

Pickling marigolds

  • marigold flowers 1 kg
  • salt 50 gr
  • water 500 gr

Prepare the brine, after it boils, lower the plant flowers into the water.

Cook for 5 - 7 minutes, place in sterilized jars, store in the refrigerator.

We add flowers to any first course, an excellent aromatic addition to the diet.

Pickling marigolds

  • marigold flowers 1 kg
  • salt 40 gr
  • vinegar 500 ml
  • spices to taste: allspice, cloves, bay leaf.


Boil the delicate flowers in the marinade for 5 minutes. Roll into the prepared container and store in a cool place.

We put pickled marigold flowers in the main dishes. They complement them perfectly.

Marigold flower seasoning

We all use many different seasonings when preparing dishes, they make our dishes tastier, more aromatic, richer, more enjoyable.

In the summer, you can prepare your own seasoning from the fragrant marigold flowers.

It is called “Imereti saffron”, due to its similarity in color to yellow saffron.

To prepare the seasoning, only the yellow petals of the plant are taken.

Grind the well-dried petals into powder.

This wonderful homemade seasoning has a rich aroma and healthy taste properties.

If you found something new for yourself in the article, I will be pleased to know it.

Marigolds are familiar strangers growing in your garden bed. Use with pleasure, for the benefit of your health, enjoy the aroma of savory dishes!

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