Sour pancakes with kefir: sour and fluffy, sour pancakes, expired recipe and photo of how to make a spoiled one. Pancakes made from sour kefir Pancakes made from sour kefir recipe

27.12.2023 Snacks

Spoiled food does not always need to be thrown away; it is often possible to prepare excellent and very varied dishes from them. One example of such dishes is pancakes made with sour kefir; it is the expired fermented milk product that gives the baked goods a fluffy and piquant taste. Homemade pancakes with sour milk filled with fruit, aromatic honey or jam will pleasantly complement your tea party, making it unforgettable.

Flatbreads made with sour milk will turn out much tastier if you add pieces of fresh fruit to the dough. It can be any sour, sweet, or even very exotic-tasting fruit; it’s up to you to decide what exactly to add.

However, we would like to offer you a favorite and many-tested recipe for pancakes with banana filling. You can get a whole portion of this deliciousness in just an hour. And believe me, this delicacy will surely bring your whole family together at the dinner table.

Pancakes made with expired kefir


  • Kefir (expired)— 250 ml (1 glass) + -
  • Soda - 1 tsp. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - 12 tbsp. with a slide + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • Banana - 1 pc. + -

How to cook pancakes

  1. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, salt, sugar.
  2. Add kefir to the egg mixture and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the sifted flour into the kefir-egg mixture, add 1 tsp to it. soda and stir everything with a whisk. It is important that the dough turns into a homogeneous mass (without lumps) and the consistency becomes similar to thick sour cream. It is in the thickness of the dough that the secret of lush and tasty pancakes lies.
  4. Cut the peeled banana into small pieces, then transfer the slices into the dough.
  5. When the dough reaches the required consistency, leave it for 15-20 minutes at room temperature so that it settles and the gluten has time to swell.
  6. Heat the frying pan in vegetable oil and place the sour kefir pancakes one by one on the hot bottom.
  7. Bake the pancakes for 1-2 minutes under a closed lid, over moderate heat, until lightly browned. As soon as one side turns golden, turn the flatbreads over to the other side. We do this with the entire portion of pancakes.

You can eat newly baked pancakes from old kefir with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, jam or honey. We serve baked goods not only with hot drinks like tea or coffee, but also with all kinds of fruit juices, smoothies, jelly, compotes, etc.

Pancakes made with sour milk have several irreplaceable secrets to success. They lie in the subtleties of kneading the dough, in the correct ratio of the main ingredients, the temperature of kefir and many other nuances, without which the preparation of airy pancakes is impossible.

  1. We make the dough for pancakes exclusively with warm kefir. Room temperature of sour milk is the best option for creating fluffy flatbreads. As for the degree of acidity, remember that the longer kefir sits in the refrigerator, the “older” it will become, which means that pancakes based on it will turn out better.
  2. The secret of a good dough is its thickness. To achieve this, you need to add more flour. If you use 1 liter of sour milk to make pancakes, then 1-1.5 cups of flour will not be enough. Take at least 2 large glasses, but remember that the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. You need to mix the dough thoroughly, but not for long. If you beat the flour too vigorously, you won’t get fluffy pancakes.
  4. When you use fruit to make pancakes, do not forget to take into account the degree of their sweetness. If the fruits themselves are quite sweet, then add minimal sugar, otherwise the dish will turn out too tart.

How to replace ingredients in a recipe

Every housewife, sooner or later, is faced with the fact that her arsenal of products does not contain the necessary ingredients at the most necessary moment. In order not to put off preparing the dish until later, simply replace the ingredients that are missing in the house with those that are available.

So, what can be replaced in the recipe for pancakes with sour milk.

  1. Baking soda can be replaced with baking powder, with the exception of when honey is added to pancake batter. If there is honey, baking soda is required in the dough. In other cases, baking powder can be safely used.

    The ideal proportion is considered to be no more than 10 g of powder per 400 g of flour.

  2. Sugar in pancakes can be replaced with any sweet: jam, preserves, honey, chocolate (not bitter), condensed milk, yogurt, etc.
  3. The filling can be not only all kinds of fruits, but also vegetables, berries, dried fruits, mushrooms, nuts, oatmeal, cottage cheese and much more.

Try making pancakes with sour kefir - and you will see how tasty and easy to prepare this dish is. Flatbreads made from spoiled kefir baked in a frying pan will undoubtedly become an excellent indicator of your culinary skills, the aroma of which will attract all household members.

Make pancakes from sour milk as often as possible, pamper yourself and your family with homemade delicacies.

Bon appetit!

We are all accustomed to the fact that good, tasty sour pancakes are made from wheat flour mixed with milk or fresh kefir. But this is not so, lush pancakes can be prepared with sour kefir or milk, this will not make them “spoiled”, on the contrary, they will acquire a new special taste that will appeal to many people who like dishes with sourness and add lemon to many for this reason juice. Children can be served these pancakes with sweet jam and then it will be a complete dessert for your sweet tooth. In addition, such pancakes are suitable for those who try to limit themselves in sweets, but sometimes still want to enjoy delicious pancakes.

  1. Expired kefir – 250-350 ml;
  2. Flour – 10-12 tbsp. l.;
  3. Eggs – 1-2 pcs.;
  4. Salt - to taste;
  5. Baking soda or baking powder;
  6. Sugar - to taste.

Cooking pancakes with sour kefir is delicious

A dish like pancakes, even if they are not fresh, but based on sour kefir, has its own set of required ingredients, without which pancakes will not work. As already noted, you can knead pancake dough even with spoiled milk or kefir, and this will not affect their quality or spoil the taste of the dish.

Therefore, do not rush to throw away an expired fermented milk product, it will still serve you faithfully.

We are all accustomed to the fact that flour is an essential element for pancakes.

She may be:

  1. Classic wheat flour;
  2. Buckwheat flour;
  3. Oatmeal with added wheat;
  4. Bran processed into flour;
  5. This ingredient will make your pancakes even more healthy.

Pancakes made from expired kefir and bran flour will be useful for people with intestinal problems, for children and the elderly. Making such pancakes is not difficult and they do not require many ingredients. Essentially, this is the same set as for ordinary pancakes made with milk or kefir. You can add additional ingredients, for example, it could be a banana, strawberry, apple or peach, but the fruits added to the dough must be finely chopped or ground.

Making sour kefir pancakes fluffy and tasty

Having prepared the necessary ingredients, you can begin preparing the dough for sour pancakes.

All this is best done in stages to optimize and speed up the work.

Consider a classic recipe for pancakes made with old kefir.

It includes the following:

  1. Beat the eggs, add salt and sugar to taste and mix again.
  2. Pour sour kefir into the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again until smooth. It is best if the kefir is at room temperature, that is, before you start cooking, you should put it on the table to warm up. This will allow the dough to become as fluffy as possible.
  3. Mix the prepared and sifted flour in portions into the mixture of kefir and eggs until the dough becomes 30% thick or thicker than sour cream. The splendor and airiness of the pancakes will depend on the thickness of the dough.
  4. Next, you can add an additional ingredient in the form of some fruit. The fruit should be washed, peeled and crushed, preferably to a puree. Add the resulting fruit pulp to the dough, and mix everything properly again.
  5. After the dough is kneaded, add slaked soda or baking powder, then let it “rest” for 16-19 minutes at room temperature. You can cover the top with a clean cloth.
  6. While the dough is reaching, put a frying pan on the stove and pour oil on it. Then you can add oil as needed.
  7. The pancakes need to be baked for about 1.5-2 minutes until golden brown on both sides.

After the pancakes have cooled a little, you can serve them.

Original pancakes with sour kefir: a quick recipe

As you can see, preparing pancakes based on sour kefir or milk is not at all difficult.

Even a teenager who wants to learn how to cook something tasty quickly and easily can handle this recipe.

Once your pancakes are ready, you can decorate them before serving.

You can decorate with anything:

  1. Pieces of fruit.
  2. Drawings on plates and pancakes. Such designs can be made with jam, multi-colored jams or even chocolate sauce. Such decorated desserts have become very popular among children and teenagers.
  3. Greens combined with spicy sauces if the pancakes are served to a more mature group of guests.

A delicious combination is the duet of sour pancakes and honey. Honey allows you to focus on the unusual taste of the dish.

Nutritious sour pancakes with kefir (video)

Among drinks, it is best to give preference not only to hot sweet tea, but also to various freshly squeezed juices, jelly or fruit smoothies, which are also better to make yourself.

Pancakes with sour kefir: recipe (photo)

Heat thick, sour kefir until warm in the microwave. To prevent kefir from curdling, it is necessary to heat it in the microwave at medium power several times for 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds, remove and stir until warm.

Separately, lightly beat the egg and pour it into the kefir.

Add sugar and salt and mix everything. If desired, you can add more vanilla sugar or vanillin.

Then add sifted flour in parts and mix. The amount of flour will depend on its moisture content and the thickness of the kefir.

The dough should be not too thick and not too liquid, the consistency of thick sour cream.

At the end, add soda, which is quenched with vinegar.

Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil, place small flat cakes by the tablespoon at a distance from each other and fry over medium heat. When the dough starts to brown on the bottom and is covered with holes and a lot of bubbles on the top, it’s time to turn the pancakes over to the other side. This is best done with a spatula and a fork, or two forks, one to pry up and turn over, and the other to support.

And so fry the pancakes in batches using all the dough. To remove excess fat, you can first place it on napkins.


Sour kefir is an excellent base for baking, for example, for pancakes. It’s not for nothing that experienced chefs are of the opinion that the more acidic the kefir, the better the dough rises and the more magnificent the baked goods will be. In the case of pancakes, this is true: pancakes made from sour kefir will be fluffy and appetizing. Take note of this recipe, and you will no longer have to reproach yourself for forgetfulness; the expired fermented milk product will find use in home baking.


  • Sour kefir of any fat content – ​​1 glass;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • wheat flour – 250 gr;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • salt -1/3 tsp;
  • soda – 1/3 tsp;
  • table vinegar 9% – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed for frying.

How to cook pancakes with sour kefir

Beat the eggs until bubbles and foam appear. You can immediately add sugar and salt, or add these additives along with the flour.

You need to heat sour kefir over barely noticeable heat, otherwise it will instantly separate and curdle. Pour the fermented milk product into a small saucepan or bowl and place on low heat. Stir continuously, pushing away from the walls. As soon as it warms up to room temperature, stop heating. Pour the heated kefir over the eggs. Whisk.

Sift the flour, adding it to the dough in parts. Its quantity may vary slightly and depends on the thickness of kefir and on how you want to make pancakes from sour kefir - fluffy or more tender, soft. For low-fat or low-fat flour it will take approximately 230-250 grams; for thicker flour with 2-3% fat content, 200 grams is enough.

Add sugar and salt if you did not do so when beating the eggs. For sweet pancakes, you can add vanilla sugar or a little ground cinnamon.

Stir. At first you will get a rough, lumpy mass, but as you beat it it will become homogeneous and not so thick.

Having achieved a homogeneous, smooth consistency, add slaked soda to the dough. For a regular recipe you need more of it; pancakes made with sour kefir turn out fluffy with a minimal amount of added soda.

There is no need to make the dough very thick. The main thing is to achieve uniformity so that there are no lumps of dry flour. The consistency is approximately the same as homemade thick sour cream or condensed milk. Let it sit for 10 minutes.

Pour oil into the frying pan, completely covering the bottom by 1-1.5 cm. Heat over medium-high heat. Reduce the flame and reduce the heat to medium. Take the dough and place it in hot oil. To make sure how well it is heated, drop a couple of drops of dough and see if bubbles appear around. If there are a lot of bubbles, the temperature is normal, you can fry the pancakes. If there are almost no bubbles, the heating is insufficient. Fry the pancakes for two to three minutes on one side until bubbles begin to burst on the surface.

Using a fork or spatula, carefully turn it over and brown the bottom. After you turn the pancakes over, they will rise and look like crumpets.

Place the hot pancakes on a paper towel and remove excess oil. Pancakes made from sour kefir taste even better than those made from fresh product. They have a pleasant sourness, but there is no foreign aftertaste. You can serve them with any additives from condensed milk to melted butter or sour cream. Bon appetit!

Sour kefir is an excellent base for baking, for example, for pancakes. It’s not for nothing that experienced chefs are of the opinion that the more acidic the kefir, the better the dough rises and the more magnificent the baked goods will be. In the case of pancakes, this is true: pancakes made from sour kefir will be fluffy and appetizing. Take note of this recipe, and you will no longer have to reproach yourself for forgetfulness; the expired fermented milk product will find use in home baking.


  • Sour kefir of any fat content – ​​1 glass,
  • eggs – 2 pcs,
  • wheat flour – 250 gr,
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l,
  • salt -1/3 tsp,
  • soda – 1/3 tsp,
  • table vinegar 9% – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed for frying.

How to cook pancakes with sour kefir

Beat the eggs until bubbles and foam appear. You can immediately add sugar and salt, or add these additives along with the flour.

You need to heat sour kefir over barely noticeable heat, otherwise it will instantly separate and curdle. Pour the fermented milk product into a small saucepan or bowl and place on low heat. Stir continuously, pushing away from the walls. As soon as it warms up to room temperature, stop heating. Pour the heated kefir over the eggs. Whisk.

Sift the flour, adding it to the dough in parts. Its quantity may vary slightly and depends on the thickness of kefir and on how you want to make pancakes from sour kefir - fluffy or more tender, soft. For low-fat or low-fat flour it will take approximately 230-250 grams; for thicker flour with 2-3% fat content, 200 grams is enough.

Add sugar and salt if you did not do so when beating the eggs. For sweet pancakes, you can add vanilla sugar or a little ground cinnamon.

Stir. At first you will get a rough, lumpy mass, but as you beat it it will become homogeneous and not so thick.

Having achieved a homogeneous, smooth consistency, add slaked soda to the dough. For a regular recipe you need more of it; pancakes made with sour kefir turn out fluffy with a minimal amount of added soda.

There is no need to make the dough very thick. The main thing is to achieve uniformity so that there are no lumps of dry flour. The consistency is approximately the same as homemade thick sour cream or condensed milk. Let it sit for 10 minutes.

Pour oil into the frying pan, completely covering the bottom by 1-1.5 cm. Heat over medium-high heat. Reduce the flame and reduce the heat to medium. Take the dough and place it in hot oil. To make sure how well it is heated, drop a couple of drops of dough and see if bubbles appear around. If there are a lot of bubbles, the temperature is normal, you can fry the pancakes. If there are almost no bubbles, the heating is insufficient. Fry the pancakes for two to three minutes on one side until bubbles begin to burst on the surface.

Using a fork or spatula, carefully turn it over and brown the bottom. After you turn the pancakes over, they will rise and look like crumpets.

Place the hot pancakes on a paper towel and remove excess oil. Pancakes made from sour kefir taste even better than those made from fresh product. They have a pleasant sourness, but there is no foreign aftertaste. You can serve them with any additives from condensed milk to melted butter or sour cream. Bon appetit!


Pancakes made with sour kefir

Sour kefir? Don't rush to throw it away! Plyushkin has an excellent recipe for this case - pancakes with sour kefir, they will turn out even fluffier and tastier than with fresh kefir. And all because the acid, when interacting with soda, raises the dough well, pancakes made with sour kefir will be fluffy, airy, with a pleasant sourness. You will love them right away, sour kefir pancakes will suit your taste! You can add fruits, berries, raisins, spices, cottage cheese and much more to them. The problem will be solved, and you will have a practical recipe for pancakes with sour kefir, which will come in handy more than once.


To bake pancakes from expired kefir we will need:

  • wheat flour – 280 g,
  • egg – 1 piece,
  • thick sour kefir – 1 glass,
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l,
  • salt - a third tsp,
  • soda – 0.5 tsp. + vinegar 1 tbsp. l,
  • Refined sunflower oil for frying.

How to cook pancakes with sour kefir

Beat the egg with a whisk or fork until the white and yolk combine. Pour into kefir, pre-heated to a warm temperature.

Advice. When heating kefir in the microwave, set the power to medium. On the stove, heat over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent it from overheating and curdling near the sides.

Add sugar and salt and shake. You can increase the amount of sugar; I make pancakes made with sour kefir almost unsweetened, so that they are tasty with any additives. For flavor, I recommend adding vanilla sugar, vanillin or cinnamon.

Sift the flour into the kefir mixture, adding in parts. The quantity may vary and depends on the fat content and thickness of kefir, the quality of the flour, its moisture content and other factors.

When stirring the homogeneous dough, we focus on its consistency: the thickness should be such that the whisk leaves noticeable marks, and they do not immediately disappear, but slowly tighten. Lush pancakes made with sour kefir cannot be made from batter; the thicker the flour mixture, the better the pancakes will rise when frying.

We extinguish the soda by pouring table or apple cider vinegar into the powder.

After adding soda, the dough will not be so dense, it will be viscous, viscous, reminiscent of very thick sour cream.

Heat a frying pan with oil over medium heat. Place the flatbreads at a distance and fry until golden brown on the underside. The top will gradually become dull, bubbles will appear, and then holes - it’s time to turn it over.

Advice. For frying, use refined oil; unrefined oil will taste bitter.

I got used to turning the pancakes over with two forks: I put one under the bottom, and I hold the other on top so that it doesn’t slip off. I quickly turn it over and cook the second side. Pancakes made from sour kefir are fried quickly, for two to three minutes on each side. Having removed one batch, we lay out the next one.

The finished pancakes made with sour kefir will be golden-brown and fluffy. To keep it warm, cover it with something, for example, an inverted bowl. If you didn’t calculate the oil correctly and the sour kefir pancakes turn out greasy and oily, put a napkin or paper towel on the plate to remove excess fat.

We take out sour cream from the refrigerator, honey, and jars of jam from the pantry. I most respect sour kefir pancakes with sour cream - I beat the sour cream with sugar with a fork and pour it over the pancakes. Good luck and delicious pancakes to you! Your Plyushkin.


Pancakes made with sour kefir

Flatbreads made with sour milk will turn out much tastier if you add pieces of fresh fruit to the dough. It can be any sour, sweet, or even very exotic-tasting fruit; it’s up to you to decide what exactly to add.

However, we would like to offer you a favorite and many-tested recipe for pancakes with banana filling. You can get a whole portion of this deliciousness in just an hour. And believe me, this delicacy will surely bring your whole family together at the dinner table.

Pancakes made with expired kefir


  • Kefir (expired) - 250 ml (1 glass) + –
  • Soda - 1 tsp. + –
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. + –
  • Salt - a pinch + –
  • Wheat flour - 12 tbsp. with a slide + –
  • Egg - 2 pcs. + –
  • Banana - 1 pc. + –

How to cook pancakes

  1. In a separate bowl, beat eggs, salt, sugar.
  2. Add kefir to the egg mixture and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the sifted flour into the kefir-egg mixture, add 1 tsp to it. soda and stir everything with a whisk. It is important that the dough turns into a homogeneous mass (without lumps) and the consistency becomes similar to thick sour cream. It is in the thickness of the dough that the secret of lush and tasty pancakes lies.
  4. Cut the peeled banana into small pieces, then transfer the slices into the dough.
  5. When the dough reaches the required consistency, leave it for 15-20 minutes at room temperature so that it settles and the gluten has time to swell.
  6. Heat the frying pan in vegetable oil and place the sour kefir pancakes one by one on the hot bottom.
  7. Bake the pancakes for 1-2 minutes under a closed lid, over moderate heat, until lightly browned. As soon as one side turns golden, turn the flatbreads over to the other side. We do this with the entire portion of pancakes.

You can eat newly baked pancakes from old kefir with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, jam or honey. We serve baked goods not only with hot drinks like tea or coffee, but also with all kinds of fruit juices, smoothies, jelly, compotes, etc.

Pancakes made with sour milk have several irreplaceable secrets to success. They lie in the subtleties of kneading the dough, in the correct ratio of the main ingredients, the temperature of kefir and many other nuances, without which the preparation of airy pancakes is impossible.

How to properly cook pancakes from sour milk

  1. We make the dough for pancakes exclusively with warm kefir. Room temperature of sour milk is the best option for creating fluffy flatbreads. As for the degree of acidity, remember that the longer kefir sits in the refrigerator, the “older” it will become, which means that pancakes based on it will turn out better.
  2. The secret of a good dough is its thickness. To achieve this, you need to add more flour. If you use 1 liter of sour milk to make pancakes, then 1-1.5 cups of flour will not be enough. Take at least 2 large glasses, but remember that the main thing is not to overdo it.
  3. You need to mix the dough thoroughly, but not for long. If you beat the flour too vigorously, you won’t get fluffy pancakes.
  4. When you use fruit to make pancakes, do not forget to take into account the degree of their sweetness. If the fruits themselves are quite sweet, then add minimal sugar, otherwise the dish will turn out too tart.

How to replace ingredients in a recipe

Every housewife, sooner or later, is faced with the fact that her arsenal of products does not contain the necessary ingredients at the most necessary moment. In order not to put off preparing the dish until later, simply replace the ingredients that are missing in the house with those that are available.

So, what can be replaced in the recipe for pancakes with sour milk.

    Baking soda can be replaced with baking powder, with the exception of when honey is added to pancake batter. If there is honey, baking soda is required in the dough. In other cases, baking powder can be safely used.

Try making pancakes with sour kefir - and you will see how tasty and easy to prepare this dish is. Flatbreads made from spoiled kefir baked in a frying pan will undoubtedly become an excellent indicator of your culinary skills, the aroma of which will attract all household members.

Make pancakes from sour milk as often as possible, pamper yourself and your family with homemade delicacies.

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