Panna cotta with raspberries. Vanilla panna cotta with raspberry sauce Share on social networks

26.12.2023 From fish

Prepare the ingredients.

Pour the cream and milk into a small saucepan and add all the sugar.

To reduce the calorie content of panna cotta, instead of heavy cream, you can use less fat 20% cream.

Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds.

Place the pod along with the seeds in a saucepan with the cream.
Stir the cream and bring to a temperature of approximately 90°C over low heat (almost to a boil, but do not let it boil).

Remove the pan from the heat and let the cream sit for about 15-20 minutes - during this time the cream will absorb the vanilla aroma.
Remove the vanilla pod from the cream and, if desired, strain through a sieve (if the cream has cooled too much, reheat).
Soak the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water for 5-10 minutes (or follow the manufacturer's package directions).

Squeeze the swollen gelatin well and add to the flavored cream.

Stir and ensure that the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Tip 1. If you use granulated gelatin instead of sheet gelatin, it must first be soaked in 100 ml of cold water and allowed to swell for an hour. After swelling, add gelatin to the hot cream, stir and make sure that the gelatin is completely dissolved. Strain the cream through a sieve.

Tip 2. The most important thing in panna cotta is to add enough gelatin so that the dessert turns out not like rubbery jelly, but like the most delicate cream. Because gelatin is different and has different gelling strength, it is better to take the gelatin that you have already worked with.
Panna cotta can be served in two ways - choose the one that suits you:
You can pour the panna cotta into beautiful glasses or bowls and serve the dessert directly into them, pouring raspberry sauce on top when serving. In this case, you don’t have to worry about gelatin and even reduce its amount a little, because the less gelatin, the softer the panna cotta (but do not reduce the gelatin too much, otherwise the cream will not thicken))).
The second method: pour the dessert into portioned molds, let it harden, and carefully turn it onto a plate before serving.
In this case, you will need a little more gelatin so that the dessert does not spread on the plate, but holds its shape.
Therefore, if you have a new brand of gelatin and you have not tested it in your recipes before, it is better to play it safe, and if you cannot carefully remove the dessert from the molds, serve your loved one a glass of dessert;)

Place the portion molds on a cutting board or tray (to make it easier to transfer the dessert to the refrigerator).
Grease the molds with odorless vegetable oil (any except olive oil).
Pour panna cotta into molds and refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

“Boiled cream” or “boiled cream” is the translation of the name of the famous Northern Italian dessert “Panna Cotta” made from cream, sugar and vanilla. I don’t know if there is a tastier dessert than this? Surprisingly tender, with a velvety texture, with the aroma of vanilla, with fresh berries... What else do you need for dessert?!

In Italy, this delicacy is considered a classic, and it is prepared in different ways. The main one, of course, is the classic version: vanilla panna cotta without any additives. Today we will prepare it according to exactly this recipe. The only thing is that we will introduce some tasty variety in the form of fresh raspberries, which are already ripe and delight us with their fresh taste. You can also cook it with other berries. It turns out no less tasty with strawberries, blueberries, and currants.

However, coffee panna cotta, which is especially tasty with morning coffee, is no less popular. It is also very good with sweet, viscous liqueur. There are recipes with the addition of cottage cheese. I don’t presume to say that they cook this way in Italy, I don’t know. But here we are definitely cooking. Just like the one loved by many

But panna cotta can be not only sweet; it is also made with cream cheese. And then it is decorated with olives, tomatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables. Or added to salads.

Today we have dessert - and we prepare it, as already mentioned, with raspberries. Preparing panna cotta (let's call it that for simplicity, especially since we often call it that) is very easy and also quick. The whole process will take about 20 minutes. Agree, that’s pretty good for a delicious dessert. True, it will take time to cool it down. But at this time you can do completely different things. I usually leave it to cool overnight. And in the morning, after breakfast, I serve it as a wonderful surprise for my household. For a great start to the day - just what you need!

Delicious dessert panna cotta with raspberries - step by step recipe

  • cream 33% -300 ml.
  • milk 3.5% - 300 ml.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons (75 g)
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon (10 g)
  • cold water 60 ml.
  • vanilla - 1 pod

For the sauce:

  • raspberries - 150 gr
  • mint - 2 - 3 sprigs
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons (75 g)
  • water - 1/4 cup


1. Gelatin must be soaked in water in advance to swell. Swelling time may vary. It is best to use the instructions on the packaging. Because there is instant gelatin, and there is regular gelatin, which has a time stamp of 40 minutes. There is a leaf one. For him, 15 minutes is enough time.

Therefore, read the packaging carefully and follow the instructions. Better yet, buy a sheet one, there are no problems with it at all.

2. While the gelatin is swelling, let’s prepare the “boiled cream”. To do this, mix milk and cream. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that the cream must be fat, 33%. It is also not recommended to use milk with a fat content below 3.5%. This is the basic rule for a real and delicious Italian dessert!

If the cream and milk are of a smaller percentage, then you won’t get real panna cotta! Many pastry chefs think so.

Now some cafes serve panna cotta, but it has a completely different taste and a completely different texture. This is because they saved on cream. We do it for ourselves, and of course we won’t save.

3. Cut the vanilla pod in half using a very sharp knife, or even better, a blade. When purchasing vanilla, make sure the pod is soft and slightly moist. If the pod is dry, then there will be no benefit from it, it will not give off a smell. Using the back of a knife, carefully scrape out the seeds.

4. Add the pod itself and seeds to the creamy milk mixture. Add sugar there too. Place everything over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

5. As soon as the mixture boils, it must be immediately removed from the heat. It is not recommended to boil cream.

6. Remove the vanilla bean and discard. If you want to remove the seeds, then prepare gauze and a colander or a fine sieve in advance. Strain the mixture. Everything needs to be done quickly enough. We need to add gelatin, and it dissolves at a temperature of 85 degrees. Therefore, you should not hesitate, since it is no longer advisable to reheat it a second time.

7. Add gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved.

8. Let the creamy mass cool slightly, then pour into molds. Different forms for panokota can be used. You should immediately think about how you will serve the dessert. And there are two ways to submit. Or the finished and frozen dessert is placed on a plate. Or serve directly in the form in which they were prepared. There are special forms for serving desserts, or you can make it in a regular transparent glass.

If you want to serve it beautifully, on a separate plate, then use any suitable beautiful mold. Silicone ones also work well. They can be pre-lubricated with odorless vegetable oil. Then it will be much easier to get it. But I admit, I don’t practice this.

When the dessert is ready, place the mold in hot water for a few seconds, then cover it with a plate and turn it over.

9. Before you pour the mixture into the molds, place them on a tray. This is necessary so that when transferring them to the refrigerator, the walls of the mold remain free of smudges. This is in case you don’t turn the panna cotta over later. Aesthetic appearance is also very important.

When the mixture has cooled completely, place the molds in the refrigerator until completely set. This usually takes 4-5 hours. I leave it overnight. They say that you can eat sweets in the morning. So I'm preparing it for breakfast. So as not to think about extra pounds when you eat such a delicious dessert.

10. But in the morning you also need to prepare berry sauce. It also cooks very quickly.

11. Wash the berries. Set aside a few large berries for decoration. Place the remaining berries in a saucepan, add sugar and water. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for 3 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool.

12. Rub the berries through a fine sieve.

13. You will get this raspberry sauce.

14. Remove the chilled panna cotta from the refrigerator. Pour raspberry sauce over it.

15. Decorate the top with whole berries and mint leaves. You can put it in the refrigerator for another 20-30 minutes.

16. Serve on the table in all its glory, and eat with great pleasure and pleasure!

And it won’t work any other way. The taste of panna cotta is simply divine, the texture is delicate and velvety. When combined with fresh raspberries, it adds the most wonderful fresh note of warm summer! You can say about this dessert in three words - “Well, very tasty!”

  • There are different recipes for making panna cotta. There are recipes where it is prepared only with cream alone, without adding milk. I cook with milk so that it is not very high in calories. If you decide to cook it only with cream, then replace the milk with cream.
  • There are recipes where, for example, 2 parts of cream are added, and only 1 part of milk. In this case, the calorie content is slightly reduced.
  • Recently, on the Internet you can find recipes in which yogurt is used instead of cream, and sour cream is also added. Why not? I myself love to experiment.
  • the amount of sugar also varies. We're not big fans of it, so I didn't add much of it.
  • It is believed that when preparing panna cotta you only need natural vanilla in the pod. But I believe that if there is none, then this should not stop anyone from preparing it. If you can't find a vanilla pod, add vanillin or vanilla sugar. Maybe in this case it won’t be called panna cotta, but the dessert will still turn out delicious. Many people cook it, and eat it with no less pleasure than with lamb.
  • and in general, instead of vanilla, you can flavor the dessert with lemon or mint zest.
  • It is recommended to take sheet gelatin. It is believed that it is free of impurities and purer. This allows you to get a more “clean” vanilla scent.
  • You can’t “overdo it” with gelatin, otherwise the panna cotta will turn out “rubbery”. But if you are cooking and know in advance that you will be turning it over onto a plate, then you can increase the quantity quite a bit. To make it easier to remove it from the mold.
  • Everyone already understands about the presentation. Either take it out of the mold or serve it in it.
  • You can store the finished dessert in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. And if you freeze it (blasphemy, of course), then you can store it for a month.

And now a short video on how to prepare panna cotta according to the simplest recipe.

So that you have a choice of what to prepare, let's briefly look at how to prepare coffee panna cotta. It's better when you have a choice.

Coffee panna cotta with chocolate sauce

Let's change the recipe a little to illustrate how it can be changed.

We will need (for 4 servings):

  • cream 33% - 370 ml.
  • milk 3.2% - 150 ml.
  • sugar - 75 gr. (3 tablespoons)
  • strong coffee (espresso) - 80 ml.
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon, or 3 leaves (leafy)
  • bitter chocolate - 100 gr.


  • soak the gelatin, laying out one sheet at a time. Or soak regular gelatin according to the instructions
  • Brew strong coffee and let cool
  • Place the cream and sugar in a saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil. We're filming right there.
  • melt chocolate in a water bath
  • add a few tablespoons of cream to the chocolate so that the chocolate becomes the same consistency as cream
  • add chocolate mixture to cream, mix
  • squeeze out the gelatin and drain the water. Powdered gelatin is left with water
  • add gelatin to part of the creamy chocolate mass and mix. We remember that we cannot hesitate. Gelatin dissolves well at a temperature of 85 degrees.
  • when the gelatin dissolves, pour the resulting mass back and mix the contents
  • add already cooled coffee
  • pouring content into forms
  • put in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours, or better yet overnight
  • we serve, as already described above, in one of the ways.
  • decorate as your imagination dictates

This dessert has an exquisite taste and aroma. With a very soft, velvety texture. It cooks quickly and eats even faster.

I hope that now no one will have any difficulties in making real delicious panna cotta. You can see for yourself how simple and accessible everything is. It’s not for nothing that they say that everything ingenious is simple! This is true.

I would be very grateful for your comments on how it turned out for you. I really want everyone to learn how to cook such a delicious dessert. Then we will all enjoy its taste together. And for this you don’t have to go to Italy, to Piedmont, the place where they invented the most delicious dessert of our time - panna cotta!

Bon appetit!

Raspberry panna cotta is only slightly more difficult to prepare than regular panna cotta. Well, panna cotta with raspberries is made even simpler - add raspberries to the vanilla one, and that's the end of it. But raspberry panna cotta with berry puree added to the cream, of course, tastes more interesting than just single berries. And be careful, because the berries have a stupid habit of turning the cream around them pink. If panna cotta with raspberries sits for more than a certain time, it takes on a sloppy, spotty appearance. Raspberry panna cotta does not have this problem; it is all uniformly pink. Well, are you ready to do a couple of extra operations for this? I'm ready and I'll do them! Because then it will be both beautiful and tasty.

When preparing raspberry panna cotta, it is very advisable to use, along with regular gelatin, a leaf or two of red. This way the color of the finished dish turns out more beautiful, otherwise it will be pale. Since gelatin can be different, I will say right away that this recipe requires an amount slightly larger than 500 ml of liquid. But, for example, less than 600. Panna cotta should not be too dense.

Cut the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds.

Stir both the seeds and the vanilla halves into the cream, and put the cream on low heat so that it is hot, but not boiling.

Soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. For me - in cold water for 5 minutes.

Strain the raspberries through a metal sieve.

Dissolve sugar in raspberry puree over medium or low heat, and then squeeze out gelatin after soaking. The mixture should not boil.

We extract halves of a vanilla pod from the cream, it has done its job. Mix cream with raspberry puree.

Pour the resulting liquid into bowls, put it in the refrigerator and wait until it hardens.

You can serve raspberry panna cotta with raspberries and mint leaves.

By the way, if you have children and your little ones love milk, I highly recommend including this most delicate dish in the baby food menu. After all, it contains only natural products - milk, cream, fresh or frozen berries. I make this one with different berries, but we like the raspberry panna cotta the best.

I often hear that many people do not like this berry because it contains seeds. If they confuse you too, rub the raspberries through a sieve, or squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, and use it to prepare the top jelly layer. Well, or take other berries.

How to make delicious panna cotta with raspberries


  • cream 10% - 200 ml.,
  • milk - 200 ml.,
  • sweetener - to taste (I used fructose),
  • berries (fresh or frozen) - 200 gr.,
  • gelatin - 4 g.,
  • water - 100 ml.


- take a bowl and pour 4 grams into it. gelatin. Pour in a small amount of cold water, stir and set aside to swell.

- pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, pour a glass of cream there, add sweetener to taste and mix everything well

- Place the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring.

Remove from heat, add half of the prepared portion of gelatin (we will leave the other half for the berry layer) and mix thoroughly. If you notice lumps of undissolved gelatin on the surface, strain the milk mixture through a sieve.

— pour the slightly cooled milk mixture into bowls or dessert glasses and put them in the refrigerator to harden

Berry layer for dessert:

- if you use fresh or frozen raspberries, first mash them with a fork or put them through a blender. I used frozen and already grated raspberries

— pour 100 ml of boiled water into the berry mass and put on fire. Add sweetener to taste and, stirring, bring to a boil. Remove from the stove, add the remaining portion of the prepared gelatin, stir and let cool slightly.

— carefully pour the berry mixture into the bowls with the frozen milk layer and, when the panna cotta is almost ready, put it back in the refrigerator for the top layer to harden

Decorate the finished dessert with raspberries with a sprig of mint and serve. Bon appetit, health and good mood to you!

On a note: Panna cotta can be made multi-layered (striped) by alternating a milk layer with a raspberry layer. You can also make the berry layers (stripes) different if you prepare them from several varieties of berries. In a word, use your imagination and surprise your household with culinary delights.

Panna cotta with mango: video recipe for a delicious and healthy dessert