Souffle in a slow cooker recipe. Cottage cheese soufflé with berries in a slow cooker: a healthy and tasty delicacy Cottage cheese and semolina soufflé in a slow cooker

25.12.2023 Healthy eating

Cottage cheese is a product that must be included in the diet of any child. It contains calcium. This mineral is simply necessary for a young, growing organism. In addition, cottage cheese contains highly digestible proteins. Curd soufflé in a slow cooker A very tasty, and most importantly healthy dish, it is suitable for all family members, even small children, find out its recipe below.

Often capricious children do not want to consume such a healthy product that is necessary for their health. In this matter, cottage cheese soufflé will come to the rescue, which can be easily prepared in multicooker.

This dish will appeal not only to children, but also to the adult members of your family. I can confirm this from personal experience. When this dish was placed on the table, it was devoured in one sitting!

Curd soufflé prepared in a slow cooker turns out very tasty. It is fragrant, fluffy and extremely tender! If you serve it with sour cream, condensed milk, jam or preserves, then it will be impossible to tear the children away from the dish!

Recipe for cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker

To prepare cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker, we need to have the following products available:

  • Eggs – 5 pieces;
  • 400-500 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 g kefir;
  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 1 cup granulated sugar;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 packet;
  • baking powder – 1 teaspoon.

Prepare a tender curd soufflé in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour kefir into the semolina and leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell.
  2. Separate the whites and yolks. Add sugar to the whites, beat until foam forms.
  3. Next, using a blender, you need to mix the remaining components with the swollen semolina. You also need to add whipped whites. Gently mix all ingredients using a spoon.
  4. Then you need to pour the mixture into a container that has been previously greased with butter.
  5. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode, cooking time is 50 minutes. After the time has passed, do not open the lid of the device; you should let the dish cool for 20 minutes, otherwise the soufflé may fall off.
  6. Remove the curd soufflé from the container. For this we need a container for steam dishes.
  7. Cut the soufflé into portions.
  8. Pour sour cream, condensed milk, jam or preserves over the dish.

Now you can try. We wish you bon appetit!

The dish was originally intended to be cheese casserole, and it turned out to be a very tasty curd soufflé. All my household needed a supplement, so the food disappeared before our eyes!

Children who do not like to eat cottage cheese eat this dish with great pleasure, and they will also ask for more. Get ready cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker and be healthy!

Do you like airy, tender and healthy desserts? Then it’s time to learn how to cook curd soufflé, the recipe for which, although it seems simple, has its own subtleties. They will be discussed below and how to prepare this delicacy in different kitchen devices.

A delicate curd dessert is prepared from a minimum of ingredients, but the combination of curd mass and airy protein foam will give an amazing effect that can delight anyone.

To make cottage cheese soufflé in the oven, you must prepare:

  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • chicken egg whites - 4 pcs. and yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • flour – 30 g;
  • lemon zest - 5 g or vanillin to taste;
  • salt – 3 g.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or mash with a potato masher. The fewer lumps there are in the cottage cheese, the more tender the soufflé will be.
  2. Pour sugar, flour, zest into the prepared cottage cheese and add the yolks. Mix everything thoroughly into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Separately, beat the whites with a mixer with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form. Combine the egg foam with the cottage cheese in two or three steps, trying to preserve its airiness as much as possible.
  4. Transfer the mixture into a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with sugar. Cook in an oven preheated to 150 - 180 degrees for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

Since soufflé is a very delicate substance, it can be prepared not in one large form, but in several small portions. For this purpose, you can use, for example, heat-resistant cups. The cooking time in them will be 7 - 15 minutes.

Cooking in a slow cooker

The slow cooker produces not only the fluffiest biscuits, but also the fluffiest soufflé, although the cooking time will be longer than when baking in the oven.

The recipe for cottage cheese soufflé for a slow cooker includes:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • starch – 40 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • vanillin – 2 g;
  • butter – 10 g.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Place cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream, starch, vanillin and yolks in a deep bowl. Combine all these products into a homogeneous, smooth mixture using a submersible mixer.
  2. Beat the whites separately into a stable foamy mass, which is carefully mixed with a spatula into the curd base.
  3. Grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of soft butter and transfer the curd mixture into it. Cook the soufflé in the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes, then let it cool for another hour in the multicooker with the lid on.

This is a basic recipe for a slow cooker treat that can be varied with your favorite fruits or berries. They can be added to the curd mass or made into a sweet sauce for the finished soufflé.

Delicate dessert in the microwave

Microwave soufflé is a breakfast fit for a queen. But it is worth mentioning that for the first time you will have to very carefully monitor how it behaves in the microwave, since the power of the devices and the forms used are different for everyone.

Ingredient proportions:

  • cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 40 g;
  • semolina – 20 g.


  1. Beat the banana pulp, cottage cheese and semolina with a blender into the most homogeneous mass, which is allowed to stand for a quarter of an hour so that the cereal swells.
  2. Beat the egg and sugar until fluffy and foamy and mix with cottage cheese and banana. Next, distribute the mixture into small 100 ml molds.
  3. With a microwave power of 1600 W, cook the soufflé for 1 minute at maximum power, then let it stand for a while and turn on the device again for 15 seconds.

The fattier the cottage cheese, the more tender the finished treat will be. But those who are watching their figure can also prepare a dietary soufflé from cottage cheese with zero fat content - it will also turn out very tasty.

Dietary recipe in a steamer for PP

Low-fat cottage cheese is ideal for proper nutrition because it has few calories and quite a lot of protein. And in order not to increase the calorie content of the soufflé, it can be prepared in a double boiler.

For the curd and berry dessert you will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • any berries – 100 g;
  • sweetener to taste.

Prepare pp soufflé from cottage cheese as follows:

  1. Beat the cottage cheese, egg and sweetener with a mixer into a fluffy and homogeneous mass. If the cottage cheese was too dry, then 50 ml of kefir should be added to it in the amount specified in the recipe.
  2. Wash the berries, sort them, add sweetener to them and turn them into puree using a blender.
  3. Place ½ of the curd mass into a silicone mold, pour berry puree onto it, and the remaining curd on top.
  4. Cook the soufflé in a double boiler for about a quarter of an hour. Before serving, you can garnish it with whole berries and mint leaves.

If you don’t have a double boiler, you can use another device instead - a multicooker, then pour water into the bowl, and place the soufflé pan on a special rack.

Curd soufflé with gelatin without baking

A tender, cloud-like cottage cheese soufflé can be prepared without heat treatment, but before tasting it, the dessert must spend the night in the refrigerator so that both its taste and consistency are proper.

Ingredients needed for gelatin soufflé:

  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • water – 60 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • honey – 40 g;
  • cocoa powder – 40g.


  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell, then put on fire along with honey, milk and cocoa.
  2. Melt all ingredients until smooth, remove from heat, add cottage cheese to the mixture and blend with a blender until smooth.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into prepared molds and place in the refrigerator overnight. To remove the finished dessert, dip the molds in hot water for a few seconds.

This recipe is used to bake a chocolate soufflé. If you melt gelatin together with berry juice, you get a berry dessert. If you do not add syrup or cocoa, but add only a pinch of vanillin, the delicacy will acquire a pleasant vanilla taste and aroma.

The apple-curd dessert includes:

  • cottage cheese – 300 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • large sweet apples – 2 pcs.;
  • butter for greasing the mold.


  1. Wash the apples, thinly peel them, cut out the seeds, and chop the pulp into small cubes or grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender along with the yolks. Beat the whites together with sugar into a stable foam.
  3. Combine all three masses: cottage cheese, apples and egg whites. Distribute the mixture into greased molds and bake in the oven.

The top of the finished soufflé will rise and become golden. Depending on the operating characteristics of each specific oven, baking may take up to 25 minutes.

France has long been considered the standard of culinary art and for centuries, Parisian chefs have showered the world with their skills. Thus, most of the dishes of Parisian cooks are rooted in the cuisines of other nations, for example, the recipe for cottage cheese soufflé is the most international. This dish has firmly entered our lives, and now it often serves as a worthy decoration for the holiday table, as well as the main treat for the little ones.

Oh, here you are... soufflé..

Souffle. This French delicacy has always been the centerpiece of the menu of any celebration. What was the cost of Louis 16’s love for this light and airy dessert, which immediately had to be present at the royal person’s breakfast.

This culinary product is called “airy” for a reason, because from the French dialect the word soufflé is translated exactly like that, which most accurately reflects the truth of this masterpiece of culinary thought.

The preparation of this delicate dish was initially based on bechamel sauce, with which raw egg yolks and other ingredients were mixed, and after that, whites whipped to a stable foam were gradually introduced into the composition, and then the product could be sent for baking in the oven. Under the influence of hot air, the mass increased in size, as if swelling, which served as a kind of porosity and lightness for this masterpiece.

Using this recipe, today the soufflé has acquired new multifaceted cooking options. These delicacies can be sweet and creamy, meat and fruit, mushroom and vegetable, but for the grateful young public, an excellent recipe for “Curd soufflé” was discovered, which today, in our age of advanced technology, is increasingly being prepared in a slow cooker, which makes it much easier housewife's work.

This dish is perfect for both a one-year-old child and a high school student, so this delicacy must be present in the arsenal of a mother with many children.


  • — 5-6 pcs. + -
  • — 200 g + -
  • — 0.7 kg + -
  • Potato starch— 90 g + -
  • Vanilla - 1/6 tsp. + -
  • — 300 g + -


Most women do not risk getting involved in preparing the curd and egg delicacy due to the feigned capriciousness of this dish. Therefore, housewives often prefer cheesecakes or casserole to curd soufflé.

However, today we are ready to debunk all the myths about the complexity of preparing the French dessert, but first you should learn some subtleties and tricks that will allow you to cope with this amazing dish perfectly.

  • For our cooking, we should choose the softest cottage cheese, not grainy, but it is better to just make do with curd mass.
  • Sour cream should be as fat as possible.
  • Beat the whites until they reach a stable, strong foam.

Now we can start creating an airy dessert.

The heat treatment process also has its secrets, for example, you should never open the lid during baking. Also, after the allotted time has passed, you should switch the device to the “heating” mode and keep the confectionery product for about half an hour under the lid.

Your patience will be rewarded with a fabulous soufflé cake. This product can be eaten hot, and if you pour chocolate glaze over it and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, it will become even tastier.

This recipe is considered universal and is often used to prepare the “bird’s milk” dessert; however, cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker has its own version exclusively for children.

Treat for the baby

This requires a smaller number of eggs (1 piece), because babies are often sensitive to this product. Also, instead of starch, we will choose semolina - 20 g and the same amount of sugar. It is better to choose sour cream and cottage cheese with lower fat content, 10-15% will be enough.

Preparing the dough is not particularly tricky; we simply mix all the ingredients in a blender and leave the mixture for 20-30 minutes so that the semolina swells. After that, put the dough into molds and put it in the slow cooker. We will steam them using a steam attachment for 20 minutes.

Such a tender and tasty soufflé in the form of cartoon characters, butterflies, bears or cars, sprinkled with condensed milk, will please even the most capricious children. For older children, from 1.5 years old, you can add cocoa to the mixture, then we will get a wonderful chocolate dessert.

“The eyes are afraid, but the hands are busy,” this folk wisdom can be fully attributed to our amazing delicacy. Having mastered this simple recipe, cottage cheese soufflé will always delight your guests, and you will be able to cope with feeding a picky little one with a bang.

Soufflé in a slow cooker - Recipes. The soufflé prepared in MV Polaris, Phillips, Supra, Panasonic, Moulinex, Redmond, Scarlet, Vitek, March and other models can have a meat base, fish and curd, since this dish consists of a variety of ingredients to which egg whites, beaten until foamy, are added . Soufflé recipes for a slow cooker are simple and tasty: from chicken, from meat, from cottage cheese, from fish.

Meat soufflé in a slow cooker: recipe step by step

Ingredients for meat soufflé:

  • 500 g minced meat;
  • 1 measuring cup of milk or cream;
  • 40 g white bread (2 slices without crust);
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste;
  • butter to taste (about 1 teaspoon);
  • 4 measuring cups of water.

How to deliciously cook minced meat soufflé in a slow cooker? To prepare meat soufflé at home in a slow cooker, mix the minced meat with cream or milk. Add white bread soaked in water. The water must be squeezed out.

Add spices. Beat everything well until fluffy and soft. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Place the yolks into the minced meat. Beat the chilled whites until stiff foam.

Carefully combine the minced meat and whipped whites. Stir. Grease the steamer container with vegetable oil. Place meat soufflé in it. Smooth the surface with a multi-cooker spoon.

Pour 4 measuring cups of water into the removable multicooker bowl. Place the steamer container with the meat souffle in the multicooker. Close the lid until it clicks.

Which mode (function) to choose, which program to prepare the soufflé in the multicooker and how much

Put "Steam" mode. Cooking time 30 minutes. The meat soufflé in the multicooker will be ready after the sound signal. Bon appetit!

Chicken soufflé in a slow cooker: step-by-step recipe

Ingredients for chicken soufflé:

  • 600 g chicken breast;
  • 3 slices of white bread (pulp);
  • 1 measuring cup of milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook chicken soufflé in a slow cooker? Soak crustless white bread in milk. Prepare minced meat from. Pass the fillet along with the onion through a meat grinder.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to the minced meat and add salt. Mix well. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until foamy. Add to the minced meat and mix gently.

Grease the removable multicooker bowl with oil. Transfer the soufflé mince into the slow cooker. Level the surface. Install the "Baking" program. Set the cooking time to 40 minutes.

After the beep, remove the finished soufflé from the multicooker using the steaming container. Grease the top of the soufflé with butter. Bon appetit!

Liver soufflé in a slow cooker: a recipe for cooking at home

Ingredients for liver soufflé without bread:

  • 400 g liver (beef or chicken);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 80 ml milk or cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5-6 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder;
  • salt and spices to your taste.


Chicken or beef liver soufflé in a slow cooker. Rinse with cold water. Clear it of film and veins. Grind the liver in a blender along with the onion.

Add eggs and milk to the mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Stir. Mix flour with baking powder and add to liver. Mix well again. The consistency of the liver soufflé mixture should resemble pancake batter.

Pour the dough into the multicooker bowl, which you first coat the inside with vegetable oil. Bake on the “Baking” setting for 40 minutes. A side dish for liver soufflé can be or.

Fish soufflé in a slow cooker: recipe

Ingredients for fish soufflé:

  • 150 g (fillet);
  • 1 slice of white bread without crust;
  • ½ measuring cup of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • butter;
  • salt and spices to taste.


How to make fish soufflé? Combine minced fish with bread, milk and egg. Season with salt and pepper. Grease silicone molds with oil. Place minced fish in them. Pour 3 measuring cups of water into the multicooker bowl. Place a steamer container in the pan.

Place the molds with the fish mixture in it. Close the lid. Get ready on the “Steam” program 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. Bon appetit!

Curd soufflé in a slow cooker. Recipe for making cottage cheese soufflé step by step

Ingredients for curd soufflé:

  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream (20%);
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 50 g semolina (cereal);
  • 3 eggs.


How to deliciously cook cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker? Add sour cream, semolina, sugar and yolks. Mix thoroughly. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Combine the whipped whites with the mixture.

Pour 4 measuring cups of water into the multicooker bowl. Place a sheet of foil over the steamer container. Place the curd mixture on it. Close the lid. Set the “Steam” mode. Cooking time for soufflé in a slow cooker 30-40 minutes. Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese casserole is a dish for all times, a favorite food of many adults and a lifesaver for parents whose children do not like cottage cheese. Despite the ease of preparation, there are dozens of recipes for this dish. Semolina, wheat or rice flour, and starch are added to the curd base - even without fruit additives, cottage cheese casseroles can be quite varied.

The recipes also differ in the cooking method: in a double boiler or the old fashioned way - in the oven to get a golden brown crust. With the advent of multicookers, there are even more methods - cottage cheese casserole can be prepared in a convenient device without unnecessary hassle. And what’s interesting: the casserole will turn out just as tender as steamed, but it will have a golden brown crust, as if it came out of the oven.

The secret to making a cottage cheese soufflé casserole lies in one little culinary trick: you need to add the whites and yolks to the mixture separately, while beating the whites first. Thanks to this, the mass turns out fluffy, rises greatly during cooking, and then slightly loses in height, but remains tender and very juicy.

Cooking time: 80-90 minutes / Yield: 8-10 servings


  • fat cottage cheese 800 g
  • powdered sugar 80 g
  • potato starch 4 tbsp. small heaped spoons
  • eggs 4 pieces
  • heavy cream 4 tbsp. spoons
  • vanillin

The casserole is prepared in the Mirta MC 2211 multicooker.

In addition, prepare a little butter to lubricate the multicooker bowl.


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    Separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with half the powdered sugar. You can increase the quantity at your discretion, because the soufflé casserole is not too sweet. If you plan to serve it with honey, jam, or simply like moderately sweet dishes, do not change the amount of powder.

    Beat the yolks with powder until fluffy, and then add the cream. Mix until the textures are completely combined.

    Add cottage cheese and vanillin to the yolks.

    Stir and puree the mixture with a blender. The more uniform you want the casserole to be, the more thoroughly you need to beat it.

    Now add starch to the mixture and stir.

    Separately, beat the whites until foamy, then add the second half of the powdered sugar.

    Beat the egg whites with the powder until the mixture becomes shiny.

    Fold the whipped whites into the curd mixture in 4-5 additions, mixing each portion very carefully to maintain airiness.

    Place the resulting “dough” into the multicooker bowl, greasing it with butter.

    Select the “Baking” mode (temperature 140 degrees) and cook the casserole for an hour. The finished dish will jiggle slightly in the center.

    Let the soufflé casserole cool slightly, then serve it with cream, yogurt, sour cream, honey or jam.