Amazing salad "Champs-Elysees". Salad "Champs Elysees": options for preparing the dish Champs Elysees salad with sausage

27.12.2023 Grill menu

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

France for every Russian person is Paris, the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees. One of the writers said that Paris is splendor and poverty, a beautiful city with thousands of streets, a holiday that is always with you. The Champs Elysees is an abode of luxury and wealth. The street got its name from ancient Greek mythology and is translated as Paradise. If you have been there, consider that you have been in Paradise. It is not for nothing that the residence of French presidents is located here - the Elysee Palace, the Arc de Triomphe, and the most expensive stores of all world brands. Chic restaurants are ready to surprise their visitors with the most delicious dishes. But, if you want to celebrate the New Year, celebrate Christmas or another holiday with your family at home, let's make the “Champs Elysees” salad together and Paris will become a little closer. Our recipe with step-by-step photos will help you prepare this dish without any difficulty. Perhaps this salad will create worthy competition for the famous salad.


- 50 grams of hard cheese,
- 3 boiled chicken eggs,
- 100 grams of sausage,
- 1 fresh cucumber,
- 1 red tomato,
- 100 grams of mayonnaise.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We clean the boiled eggs from unnecessary shells and grate them on a coarse grater. We clean the sausage, grate 2/3 of it.

We also grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Let's start forming the salad.
The first layer - finely grated light cheese - is distributed evenly over the base of your favorite dish. Using a pastry bag, apply a thin mayonnaise mesh on top.
Carefully, trying not to damage the design, place the grated eggs. Apply a layer of mayonnaise with a thick mesh.

Then add some grated sausage. Coat with mayonnaise again.

The first part of the salad is completed, let's move on to the main action.
To decorate the salad and create a light French touch, we will cut cucumber and fresh tomato into strips. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Let's go back to our base that we have already created. We divide our salad into four or five virtual stripes, and put hard cheese on the first, sausage on the second, cucumbers on the third, tomato on the fourth. I still had a fifth layer left, so I layered it with sausage again.

Use mayonnaise to place narrow dividing strips between all ingredients and along the edge.
The wonderful “Champs Elysees” salad is ready! We wish you a romantic evening in Parisian style.

And since we are already talking about interesting salads, we also advise you to pay attention to the delicious


  • Grilled chicken – 1 breast;
  • Celery – 2 stalks;
  • Leek – 1 stalk;
  • Cucumber – 2 medium vegetables;
  • Canned green peas – 4-6 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Mayonnaise – 500 grams.
  • I recently tried a new salad. I really liked it. Naturally, I recognized the name and asked for the recipe. The salad was presented as “Champs Elysees”. Typed it into Google salad "Champs Elysees" and saw a large number of recipes with that name. After reading a certain number of posts, I realized that the composition of the salads is completely different. Among the recipes I read, I came across a combination of smoked chicken with fruit, a combination of fresh and pickled vegetables with cheese, and also a combination of cottage cheese with herbs and red fish. In general, it is obvious that all these salads have only the name in common “ Champs Elysees" Therefore, I gave the salad a new name, taking into account the main ingredients "". So let's get started.

    Cut the chicken breast and cucumbers into cubes or cubes.

    Finely chop the celery stalks

    and leeks.

    Add green peas.

    Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix.

    Decorate with fresh cucumbers and herbs and serve.

    I was recently given a good recipe for homemade mayonnaise. Recently, the quality of store-bought mayonnaise has deteriorated significantly; all kinds of stabilizers, emulsifiers and dyes are added to the sauce. You understand that such things are harmful to health. So learn to cook homemade mayonnaise, in my opinion, a very correct idea.

    For cooking homemade mayonnaise you will need:

    Quail eggs – 4 pieces;

    Salt – 1/3 teaspoon;

    Sugar – 1/3 teaspoon;

    Mustard – 1/3 teaspoon;

    Refined sunflower oil – 100 milliliters;

    Lemon juice - to taste.

    Add eggs, salt, sugar, mustard to the cup of a blender, mixer or food processor and beat. Without stopping whisking, gradually pour in vegetable oil in a thin stream, due to which emulsification occurs and the mayonnaise acquires the desired consistency. At the end, add the juice of one lemon slice.

    Bon appetit and delicious food on your table!

    Side notes:

    It is better to prepare mayonnaise at home.

    If you add olive oil instead of refined sunflower oil, the mayonnaise will be more healthy and tasty.

    Video Salad with chicken and celery

    An excellent video recipe that will help you better understand the process of preparing this tasty, satisfying and healthy dish.

    New video will be uploaded soon. Thanks for waiting!

    Thank you for your attention and bon appetit!

    For many salads, it is important that they are not only tasty, but also attractive. If there is a twist in the salad, then it instantly becomes a holiday favorite. The Champs Elysees salad somehow immediately attracts you and you want to try it. It is light, tasty and juicy, and is easy to prepare, as you will see for yourself from our recipe, which we prepared with a photo. If you are gathering guests and planning a feast, then do not pass by this recipe and take it into service. The composition of the products will not confuse anyone, they are all for sale, and the day before the celebration you will buy everything and calmly prepare the salad in 20-30 minutes. If you have time, make it for dressing - it tastes better than store-bought. There is no need to soak such a salad for a long time, as, for example, a herring under a fur coat is soaked. The Champs Elysees salad should cool in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, and then it will delight everyone at the table. Try it and enjoy. The bright colors of the salad lift your spirits, and you immediately feel a sense of celebration and extravaganza. Prepare yourself, you won’t regret it!

    - 300 grams of smoked sausage,
    - 200 grams of fresh cucumbers,
    - 150 grams of hard cheese,
    - 150 grams of tomato,
    - 1 chicken egg,
    - a little salt,
    - 150 grams of mayonnaise.

    How to cook with photos step by step

    The first layer will be grated cheese, or rather its third part. Divide the cheese into two unequal parts. We rub most of it into a deep dish. We will pour a mesh of mayonnaise over each layer.

    Next we add most of the sausage. Cut into strips and put this layer in the salad. Then we also use mayonnaise.

    Grate the boiled chicken egg on a fine grater. This way we create lightness. It is the cheese and eggs that give the salad lightness and airiness. Lightly salt the egg layer.

    Now we will lay out the improvised “fields”: we place, one by one, fresh cucumbers cut into strips, then the remaining grated cheese, then the remaining sausage and finish with strips of fresh tomato.

    We mark the boundaries of the “fields” with mayonnaise. Salad ready.

    Place the dish in the refrigerator, let it cool, steep a little, and rest. After 15-20 minutes we present the salad to the table. Bon Appetite!
    Pay attention to the delicious recipe

    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not specified

    Salad "Champs Elysees" is a very tasty and original salad that beckons with its appearance. In addition to taste, salads should definitely have aesthetics, and if you are looking for something interesting, then today you have come to the right address, because we will show you in detail and clearly how to prepare a delicate and tasty salad for a festive or everyday table. The ingredients in this recipe with photo are very simple, they go well together, the bonus of the salad is just three layers of the main ingredients plus decoration. This salad can be prepared in portions, but it is better to make it on a large, beautiful platter. So let's get started. This one is very quick and easy to prepare.

    - smoked sausage – 300 gr.;
    - hard cheese – 150 gr.;
    - chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
    - fresh tomato and cucumber – 1 pc.;
    - Parsley – for decoration;
    - mayonnaise – 2-3 tbsp;
    - salt, pepper - to taste.

    Step-by-step recipe with photos:

    Prepare all the products, also prepare a flat plate. Choose hard cheese according to your taste; in this version, Dutch cheese is used. Grate the cheese into fine shavings and place as the first layer on a plate. Each of the three layers must be greased with mayonnaise and salt/pepper if desired. Leave a little cheese for decoration.

    Place the sausage in the next layer - it must first be cut into medium-sized cubes. Set some of the sausage aside for decoration.

    Wash and hard-boil chicken eggs in advance, then cool, peel and grate with fine shavings. Cover the sausage with grated eggs. Thanks to the fine shavings of the ingredients, the salad turns out to be quite tender.

    Cut the reserved sausage into strips and grate the cheese. Cucumbers and tomatoes should also be washed, dried and cut into strips.

    Arrange the prepared ingredients on top of the salad so that each product is laid out in a separate strip.

    Garnish the salad with herbs and mayonnaise and serve immediately. Also take a look at this one.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Try to prepare with us today a very tasty chicken salad “Champs Elysees”. Super quick and easy to make, everything can be prepared in one, two, three steps. A delicate and aromatic mustard dressing based on aromatic olive oil helps complement and flavor the main salad trio: chicken, green peas and cucumber. The salad is excellent to prepare in the summer; it is both light and, thanks to the chicken breast, gives you fullness. Don’t hesitate and try to cook it with us, you will get a boost of good mood.


    • chicken fillet - 300 grams;
    • fresh cucumbers - 2-3 medium pieces;
    • canned green peas - ½ can;
    • green onions, parsley, dill;


    • vegetable oil (I used olive oil) - 3 tablespoons;
    • mustard (classic Russian) - 1 teaspoon;;
    • grape vinegar 6% - 1 tablespoon
    • salt, spices to your taste.

    Very tasty chicken salad “Champs Elysees”. Step by step recipe

    1. Let's start by preparing the chicken fillet. We need to wash it under running water. Then wipe off excess water with a paper towel.
    2. Take salt and pepper. We wipe a whole piece of fillet on both sides. Determine the amount of spices yourself, based on your taste.
    3. There is no need to keep the chicken fillet in the refrigerator to marinate. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan. Heat it well and send a whole piece of chicken fillet to fry on both sides. Fry until fully cooked over low heat. It will take you very little time. Be careful not to overcook the meat, because then it will be dry and not juicy at all. Place the finished meat on a plate and set aside to cool.
    4. Let's move on to cucumbers. Wash and cut the cucumbers into small cubes. Place in a deep salad bowl.
    5. Open a jar of canned green peas. We will need approximately half the contents of the peas in the jar. If you like peas, you can add a little more.
    6. Wash a small bunch of dill and parsley and chop finely. Add everything to the bowl.
    7. Green onions, also in small quantities, wash and finely chop. Add to the salad bowl. You can only use the green part of the onion.
    8. The chicken breast has already cooled down, and now we can cut it. To do this, first cut it into slices of medium thickness, then cut it into small cubes. We also add it to all products.
    9. Let's start preparing the dressing. The dressing is prepared very simply and quickly. To do this, combine all the necessary ingredients for it in a small deep bowl and mix until smooth. If you don't have grape vinegar, you can substitute it with apple cider vinegar. Also, sometimes you can find not grape, but wine, which is also suitable.
    10. Then taste and add spices to taste. Season the salad with the dressing, then mix everything. The finished salad can also be supplemented with other spices at your discretion.

    The finished salad can be served immediately. Very tasty and easy to prepare. If you like chicken salads, try this option. Always cook in a good mood, let your dishes be tasty and healthy, and you can always find a variety of salad recipes on our “Very Tasty” website. We wish you success in the kitchen and bon appetit!