Soup with corn and egg. Canned corn soup Chicken canned corn soup

06.12.2023 Seafood dishes

A good housewife always has a jar of canned corn in stock in her pantry or refrigerator. What if guests show up unexpectedly? Then you can quickly make some salad. Unfortunately, corn is most often used in salads. We suggest making a simple chicken soup with corn. Have you ever tried it? Then go ahead. A delicious, uncomplicated soup that will add variety to your daily menu. Due to the bright colors (yellow corn, orange carrots and red peppers), it looks very beautiful and appetizing on a plate.

How to Make Chicken Soup with Canned Corn - Recipe of the Day.

- chicken carcass – 1 piece;
- onion – 1 piece;
- carrots – 1 piece;
- sweet red pepper – 1 piece;
- vegetable oil – 30-40 ml;
- canned corn – 1 jar (380-400 g);
- potatoes – 2-3 pieces;
- salt - to your taste;
- fresh dill and parsley – 7-8 sprigs each.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Wash the carcass thoroughly, cut into portions, place in a saucepan. Pour in water to completely cover the meat, place over high heat and bring to a boil. When the liquid begins to boil, turn the heat to low and continue cooking the broth until the chicken is cooked. At the same time, periodically collect the resulting foam.
During this time, prepare the vegetables, peel them from skins, husks, seeds and stalks, and wash them. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater (you can cut them into very thin cubes), chop the onion into cubes, and chop the pepper into thin strips.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetables, alternately adding onions, carrots and peppers at intervals of about 3-4 minutes.
Transfer the corn from the jar to a colander and rinse under running water. Let it drain a little and add it to the broth.
Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into small cubes and add to the pan after the corn.
Now add the fried vegetables from the frying pan to the soup, add salt to taste and cook until the potatoes are ready.
Rinse the greens under water, dry and finely chop.
When serving ready-made chicken soup with corn, sprinkle it with herbs.

You can leave the cooked chicken in the pan and cook with it. When you pour the soup, fish out a portion for each person. Or take out the meat, cook the soup, and then simply place a piece of chicken in front before pouring it into bowls.
You can also add parsley root to the vegetable frying; this will give the finished soup a special aroma.

Just as tasty and easy to make

Before you prepare soup with rice and corn, you should choose the right dishes. Try to take a large container, as the chicken broth will foam a lot and the amount of soup may be reduced by one serving.
First of all, you need to cook the meat. You can use any part of the chicken - legs, wings or breast. Before cooking, the meat should be washed well in cold running water.

Place the legs or wings in water and place on medium heat. As soon as the meat boils, reduce the heat and cook for another 20 minutes until fully cooked.

During this time, vegetables and rice should be prepared.

Cut the sweet pepper into strips or rings. You can take frozen preparation for the winter.

Finely chop the onion; if you use onion, it is better to chop it into thin rings.

Canned corn must be strained from the brine in which it is stored.

It is best to take round rice - it boils better. Wash the rice in cold water several times to remove excess starch.

After the water is clean and clear, pour water over the washed rice and leave to swell for 5-10 minutes.

The canned corn soup recipe is also suitable for preparing a hot dish with fresh and frozen grains. In this case, they will need to be left to cook along with the meat.

When the meat is ready, add soaked rice to the soup.

Cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, then add the prepared vegetables.

Bring the corn and chicken soup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for another 10 minutes. You can add some fresh herbs or roots to taste.

Diet soup can be served.

If you want to prepare a more rich soup, before adding it to the meat broth, you need to lightly fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.

The finished soup can be pureed in a blender, and before serving, add white bread croutons or croutons fried in butter. If you want to save time, prepare the main ingredients in advance - boil the chicken and rice. Then all you need to do is bring the broth to a boil and add fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

The most ingenious idea that has ever crossed the minds of culinary experts is to invent puree soup. It is simply impossible to find faults in this dish. The taste of the puree soup is much tastier than the classic version of the soup. There is also no need to cut the food beautifully and neatly, anyway, then you will have to chop it.

If there are small, unwilling children in the house, then there is no better way to feed your child healthy vegetables than to make puree soup.

The ingredients for such soups also do not force anyone into limits. You can use both expensive seafood delicacies and ordinary vegetables from the garden.

  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Fresh milk - 3 cups

Today we will prepare a simple, but no less tasty puree soup from canned corn.

  1. Grind the corn in a meat grinder and add three glasses of water. Let the water boil.
  2. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and carefully add flour. Don't forget to stir constantly. Add hot milk and bring the flour mixture to a boil.
  3. Mix the corn porridge with the milk-flour mixture and cook for about 20 minutes.
  4. In order for our soup to have a delicate taste and without any lumps, we rub it through a sieve. Add salt and two tablespoons of butter.

As an addition to the soup, you can serve croutons or corn flakes (just make sure they are not glazed).

It turned out to be a very tasty and satisfying soup. And most importantly, it took less than half an hour to prepare.

Soups with canned corn are so quick to prepare and require a minimum amount of ingredients that their recipes are similar to quick questions, just as short and concise.

Potato soup with added corn

Now let's add some calories to the dish and find out how to cook corn soup with potatoes.

  • Potatoes - 600-700 gr.
  • Corn - 1-2 cans
  • Small onion and carrot
  • Choice of parsley or celery root
  • Salt, spices

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the potatoes using your favorite method and set to boil.
  2. We fry the remaining vegetables with the addition of roots.
  3. Add the frying to the potatoes and cook everything together.
  4. While we were frying, the potatoes were almost cooked.
  5. After you have opened the corn, do not drain the brine, but add it to the soup along with the corn.
  6. Don't forget to add spices and check for salt.

Spicy soup with corn and melted cheese

The following recipe is dedicated to those who love cheese soups.

  • Processed cheese (special cheese for soup) - 200 gr.
  • Corn - 1 can
  • Starch (corn) - 8 gr.
  • Dill, parsley (can be dried)

This soup can be prepared in two ways. In the first option, whole grains are used, and in the second, they are crushed with a blender or through a meat grinder. In our case, this is not important, do it at your discretion.

  1. In any case, first put the water on the fire while we prepare the cheese. It must either be grated or very finely chopped. You can use special cheeses for soups; they melt very quickly and do not need to be grated or cut.
  2. After the water boils, add the cheese and stir until it dissolves. If there are still small pieces left, grind it with a blender.
  3. Some of the corn also needs to be mashed and added to the soup.
  4. Following the crushed corn is the second half of a can of whole grains and dried herbs. Cook for 10 minutes.

A little advice. If the soup is not as thick as you would like, you can add a little starch. To do this, dilute the starch in cold water and add to the soup, stirring constantly.

Spicy frozen corn soup

But you don't have to use canned corn to make soups. Many housewives are stocking up for the winter, and it is likely that you can find several bags of frozen corn in their freezers.

  • Vegetable broth (meat broth if desired) - 750 ml.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Corn - 400 gr.
  • Spices (cumin, turmeric, cumin)
  • Corn oil

Step-by-step preparation of soup

  1. If you don’t have pre-prepared broth, prepare it now. Boil finely chopped onions, carrots and celery without adding salt.
  2. Chop the onion and chili into thin strips and fry them.
  3. Combine the fried vegetables with the broth. Add most of the corn and let it cook.
  4. Making a dressing for the soup. Fry the onion cut into half rings with the remaining corn. Be sure to add spices.
  5. Using a blender, turn the vegetables and broth into puree soup.
  6. When serving, add corn dressing.

Don't forget to decorate soups with herbs. It is not only beautiful, but also delicious.

I assure you, you have never tried such soup before! It contains potatoes, corn, mushrooms, and ptitim (pasta in the form of round pucks - this is Israeli couscous). Bright and light, tasty and original - this is what soup you will get from this recipe.

In this soup, cutting is important - no grating or large pieces, everything should be approximately the same size. It is best to use chicken broth to prepare it, although if you have another meat broth, feel free to use it, the soup will turn out no less tasty;))

So, to make canned corn soup, prepare chicken broth, potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms, sunflower oil, ptitim (Israeli couscous), canned corn, dill and salt.

Peel and cut the potatoes (small cubes), rinse and dip in chicken broth. Let the broth boil, add salt to taste and cook until the potatoes are soft.

While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the stir-fry of vegetables and mushrooms. Peel the champignons, onions and carrots, cut everything into very small cubes, no need to grate anything. Fry onions, carrots, mushrooms in sunflower oil. When the potatoes are cooked, transfer the frying from the frying pan to the pan.

Drain the marinade from the canned corn and add the kernels to the pan. Let the soup come to a boil and simmer for about 5 minutes over low heat.

Then add ptitim to the soup. Instead, you can use small pasta, stars or alphabet, vermicelli or orzo.

Let the soup return to a boil. Cook it over low heat until the ptitim is ready. At the end, add finely chopped dill to the soup.

Turn off the heat and let the soup sit for a few minutes. Then the canned corn soup is ready to serve!

Enjoy your meal!!!

Corn is a very ancient crop, used as food by our ancient ancestors. To this day, a great variety of different dishes are prepared from it. It is used for preparing appetizers, hot main courses, soups, and also as a side dish. This article will give examples of corn soups with various additional ingredients: chicken, crab, eggs, shrimp and vegetables.

IMPORTANT! When preparing corn dishes, you can use fresh, frozen or canned corn.

The soup according to this recipe turns out to be very light and dietary, and it is very simple to prepare.

To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Frozen corn - 200 g
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Sweet pepper - 1 piece
  • Chicken bouillon
  • Greenery
  • Seasonings

How to prepare this soup:

  1. First, you need to prepare the vegetables. Peel the potatoes and carrots and cut into small pieces. Cut the onion into half rings. Also cut the pepper into small pieces.
  2. In a hot frying pan, fry onions, peppers and carrots, and then add frozen corn to them and fry a little.
  3. Heat chicken broth. If you don't have ready-made chicken broth, take chicken parts and cook them for an hour. Strain the broth. If you want to prepare a very light dietary soup, then discard the broth and cook the soup in water.
  4. Throw the chopped potatoes into the pan, then add the roasted vegetables. Cook until the potatoes are done.
  5. Add seasonings to the soup, sprinkle with herbs and pour into bowls. The dish is ready.

Corn soup puree like in Yakitoria

One of the most popular soups at the Yakitoriya sushi restaurant can be prepared at home. The following is a step-by-step recipe for making creamy canned corn soup.

To prepare it we will need:

  • Can of corn
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Butter
  • Milk – 400 ml
  • Crab meat
  • Seasonings

Let's start preparing the dish:

  1. First of all, you need to peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, and also peel and chop the onions.
  2. Fry vegetables in a hot frying pan until golden brown.
  3. Add corn from the can of juice to the pan. Simmer all this for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat. Add a mixture of vegetables to it and cook for 15 minutes.
  5. Then take a piece of butter and melt it. Add flour to the melted butter and mix.
  6. Next, use a blender to grind the vegetables in the soup and at the same time pour in the flour and butter. Make sure that you get a liquid consistency; if it is too thick, the soup will look like porridge.
  7. Pass the soup through a sieve to remove any corn skins and large pieces of vegetables. Add spices.
  8. Prepare the crab meat in advance: rinse and cook. The crab cooks very quickly. You can also use crab sticks, but then you will get a completely different taste.
  9. Chop the crab meat and add to the soup. The soup is ready. Pour into plates. Bon appetit!

IMPORTANT! You can also use shrimp instead of crab meat. In this case, the shrimp must be cooked and peeled in advance. Also add to soup.

Chicken soup with canned corn and cheese

This recipe makes a very hearty and tasty soup. It is also called “cheese”. You can prepare a dish so that the taste of chicken predominates in it, or you can so that the taste of cheese predominates.

  • Canned corn - 1 can
  • Chicken fillet – 400 g
  • Processed cheese - 200 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Greenery
  • Seasonings

Preparing the soup:

  1. First, you need to tackle the chicken. Wash the chicken fillet and cut into pieces. Fill it with water and cook the broth. Cook the chicken for 15-20 minutes after boiling. Once boiling, remove the chicken from the pan.
  2. Let's do the vegetables. You need to peel and cut the potatoes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion.
  3. Place the potatoes in a saucepan with broth.
  4. Fry carrots and onions in a hot frying pan until golden brown. Add corn from a can of juice to them.
  5. Add spices and fry for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  6. Add vegetables to the pan with potatoes and broth. After 5 minutes, add melted cheese. Then throw in the pieces of chicken fillet.
  7. The soup is ready. Pour into plates and sprinkle with herbs. Serve with croutons or a fragrant baguette. Bon appetit!

IMPORTANT! To preserve the rich flavor of the cheese, add it at the very end. During heat treatment, it loses its taste and aroma.

Cream of corn soup with shrimp

Corn puree soup with shrimp has a delicate taste and aroma. It is very simple to prepare; it will take you about 20 minutes to prepare.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • Cream 20% – 200 ml
  • Sweet corn - 1 can
  • Shrimp to taste
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Seasonings

How to prepare this simple soup:

  1. Boil the shrimp and remove the skins. You can fry them in olive oil, this will give them a subtle taste. Do not discard the shrimp broth.
  2. Next, take a can of corn. Grind the corn with a blender.
  3. Add corn puree and cream to the pan with shrimp broth. Put it on the fire and add seasonings (it’s better if it’s regular pepper and salt), soy sauce and shrimp.
  4. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished soup into bowls, garnish with corn and a whole shrimp and serve. Preparation will take no more than 20 minutes, and you will receive a lot of compliments about your culinary talents.

Option with egg

The following is a very simple and gentle recipe. You will definitely like this successful combination of flavors.

To prepare we will need:

  • Egg - 1-2 pieces
  • Corn - 300 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Sweet pepper - 1 piece

Let's start cooking:

  1. First, peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Place it in a pan of water.
  2. We decide what kind of corn we have. If frozen or canned, then add it at the very end along with onions and carrots, and if fresh, then throw it into the pan along with the potatoes.
  3. We cut the carrots, onions, peppers, and then fry them in a hot frying pan.
  4. Place the sautéed vegetables into the pan.
  5. Mix the eggs with a fork and pour them in a thin stream into the soup. Add herbs and seasonings. Cook for another 5-10 minutes. Ready. Bon appetit!

With chicken and ginger

This is an unusual recipe as it uses unusual ingredients such as young onions, ginger and sesame oil. They will give the dish a special aroma and piquancy.