Duck with sauerkraut. Stuffed duck with sauerkraut in the oven Prepare duck with sauerkraut

02.01.2024 Snacks

Russian cuisine has a great variety of traditional dishes, one of them is baked duck with sauerkraut. And yes, I won’t let you into the kitchen with just one recipe. Well, let's get started.

Duck with sauerkraut and apples in the oven

For this rather tasty dish we need:

  • Duck carcass - two to two and a half kilograms
  • Sauerkraut – half a kilo
  • Sweet apples – four hundred grams
  • Spicy Dijon mustard - tablespoon
  • Dried oregano, rosemary and grated nutmeg - a teaspoon each
  • Salt and black pepper - to your taste
  • Broth - one hundred and fifty milliliters
  • Cream 20% - one hundred milliliters
  • Red semi-dry wine – one hundred and fifty milliliters

Let's start with cutting the carcass. There’s a gutted duck lying in front of you, but what to do with it? Carcasses usually come with giblets inside, such as lungs, heart and liver. They need to be cut out and placed on a plate.

It is also necessary to remove the neck, cutting it off along the vertebrae at the base. We will need it, like the giblets, for the broth. Next, you need to cut off the wings at the joint, leaving only the humerus. We will also send them to the broth. We remove and discard the coccygeal gland.

We got rid of the unnecessary stuff, now let's move on to the main preparation. We need to carefully separate the skin from the carcass itself in the area of ​​the fillet, legs and wings. This is done with your hands, smoothly passing your fingers between the skin and meat. Do not use a knife under any circumstances.

Now let's prepare the marinating mixture. In a deep bowl, mix Dijon mustard, oregano, nutmeg, rosemary and add salt. Apply this mixture to the meat under the separated skin and marinate in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

Wash the sauerkraut and squeeze it lightly. Wash the apples and cut them into slices. While stuffing the duck, take a small bunch of cabbage, “pack” an apple slice into it and place it in the duck. It is necessary to stuff the carcass tightly only at first; closer to the neckline, the skin should remain loose and close without tension.

The carcass is stuffed, now we secure the skin with toothpicks and sew them together with culinary threads in the form of a kind of corset. We also fix the wings together with the legs so that the carcass has a more monolithic appearance.

In this form, remove the duck to bake for thirty minutes, after which it will need to be turned over and left in the oven for another forty minutes. Then turn it over again and let it sit for another 15 minutes.

But you can’t eat it just like that; you also need a sauce for it. To do this, cook and strain the broth from the remaining duck parts. Pour wine into it and boil it by half. When the mixture boils, gradually pour the cream into it. Keep it on the fire until it reaches the consistency of liquid sour cream, don’t forget to add salt and pepper to the sauce.

Serve the finished duck hot with sauce, be sure to enjoy the taste!

Duck stuffed with sauerkraut in the oven


  • Duck - a carcass weighing two to three kilograms
  • Sauerkraut – half a kilo
  • Cranberries – one hundred grams
  • Salt and pepper - at your discretion

We cut the duck in the same way as described above. Squeeze the cabbage and mix with one hundred grams of cranberries. We stuff the duck with it. Rub a mixture of salt and pepper into the carcass. Place in an oven preheated to two hundred and fifty degrees, then reduce the temperature to two hundred.

The duck should bake for about ninety to one hundred minutes. Every thirty minutes, baste the duck with the fat that has been rendered from it, this will preserve its juiciness.

You can serve the duck with any sweet and sour sauce and vegetables baked with sour cream.

Country-style duck with sauerkraut

Roasted stuffed duck was mainly prepared in rural areas due to the availability of poultry, making the recipe quite authentic. What is needed?

  • Duck carcass - two to two and a half kilograms
  • Sauerkraut – kilogram
  • Onions - three medium heads
  • Carrots – one hundred grams
  • Prunes - one hundred and fifty grams
  • Garlic – three cloves
  • Thyme – small bunch
  • Salt and pepper - teaspoon

We cut the duck into parts, remove excess fat and skin. We cut the meat from the skeleton, try to do it in one piece. We send the skeleton and wings to cook in broth. Melt the fat from the skin in a frying pan. We remove the skin and put the legs, breast and back meat into the fat. Fry over high heat on each side for four minutes.

Peel the onion and cut into slices. Cut the carrots into slices about a centimeter thick. Remove the meat from the pan and place the vegetables in their place, adding the squeezed garlic to them. After browning the vegetables, add the cabbage to them and mix well, then add the prunes.

Place the fried duck parts on top of all this, add salt and pepper, and put thyme on top. Fill this with broth so as to cover the cabbage. Bring our dish to a boil and put it in the oven for a couple of hours at one hundred and eighty degrees. This duck will go well with young boiled potatoes.

Duck thighs with sauerkraut recipe

The thighs are a rather fatty part of a duck carcass, but this can be turned into a big plus by preparing them correctly.

Required components:

  • Duck thighs – eight pieces
  • Sauerkraut – one kilogram
  • Lemon – one large fruit
  • Water – one liter
  • Garlic – six cloves
  • Sugar - tablespoon
  • Salt - tablespoon
  • Pepper - to your taste
  • Vegetable oil – forty grams

Place the duck thighs in a deep container, fill with water, add salt, chopped garlic and the juice of a whole lemon. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for about a day.

Wash the cabbage and squeeze lightly. Let it simmer in a deep bowl with the addition of sugar and vegetable oil. If necessary, you can add a little water.

After thirty minutes of stewing the cabbage, add the duck legs, sprinkle with pepper and salt, cover with a lid and set to bake for an hour and a half at one hundred and eighty to two hundred degrees. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lid, this will allow the meat to form a golden brown crust.

Secrets of cooking delicious stuffed duck

It's time to get a couple of duck skeletons out of the duck cabinets, or, more simply, to give you some tips on cooking duck with sauerkraut.

The relationship between such products as duck and sauerkraut is not accidental. Duck is a rather fatty bird. And too much fat can ruin the taste and texture of the dish. So sauerkraut came to the rescue, which, thanks to its acidity, prevents fat from spoiling the dish. I won’t fool you with chemicals, but if you come across a rather fatty carcass, then use the least washed and less pressed cabbage.

Another point concerns keeping duck meat juicy. When baking, it is important to place the duck in the oven, which is heated to a higher temperature than necessary, fifty or even seventy degrees. This will allow the meat to “close” and form a crust that will not let moisture out. Place the duck in a preheated oven and immediately set, so to speak, the operating temperature. While it drops from the elevated level, a crust will have time to form.

Excessive fat content of duck can also be covered with salads from fresh vegetables with high acidity. From tomatoes, for example. It’s also worth making a light dressing for such salads.

To improve the taste of duck, it is best to marinate in an acidic environment. This will tenderize the meat and improve its taste and texture.

Experiment, try, enjoy. Enjoy your meal!

For a festive feast I would like to offer an original version of baked duck. This will be a juicy stuffed duck, cooked whole in the oven, with sauerkraut and apples as a filling. Very often, such a dish causes fear among inexperienced housewives. But don’t worry, our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you cook a whole stuffed duck in the oven without any problems.
Preparation time: 1.5 hours.
Cooking time: 1 hour.
Yield: 4 servings.

To prepare stuffed duck, we will need:

Fresh medium-sized duck – 1 pc.
Sauerkraut – 250-350 g
Sweet and sour apples – 2 pcs.
Quince - optional
Onions – 2 pcs.
Garlic – 3 cloves
Cumin - a handful
Black pepper - a handful
Bay leaf – 1 pc.
Raisins - a handful
Salt – 1 tbsp. l.
Honey – 2 tbsp. l.
Soy sauce – 30-50 ml
Bread loaf (crumb) – 2 pieces
Vegetable oil – 30 ml
Potatoes for side dish – up to 1 kg

How to cook stuffed duck with apples and sauerkraut in the oven, step-by-step recipe with photos:

How to cut a duck:

1. The most time-consuming process in this recipe will be preparing the carcass for stuffing. First sharpen the knife. Place the duck in front of you with its back facing up. Make a slit along the back with a knife. Now try to carefully run the knife along the skin of the duck.

2. Remove the rib bones, collarbone, cutting with kitchen scissors, the necessary parts inside the duck.

3. Leave the bones in the hind legs and wings intact. The bone in the breast area can also be cut out or left. An important point when cutting and preparing a duck is the removal of glands from the bottom of the tail. Just carefully cut them off with a knife; they are the ones that emit an unpleasant odor when baking. Rinse the carcass with water and pat dry with paper towels. Rub the duck inside and out with salt. Grind a few cloves of garlic in a mortar and brush over the duck.

Duck filling:

4. Prepare the filling for stuffing the duck. Heat the frying pan and first add the chopped onion in half rings. Then add the squeezed sauerkraut to the onion. Warm everything together for about ten minutes.

5. Cut the apples and quince into cubes.

6. Add apples and quince to the frying pan with the vegetables and cook for another five minutes. The duck filling is ready, remove from the stove.

7. Since the filling has released quite a lot of its own juice, you need to add chopped white loaf crumb to it. It will absorb all the juices.

8. To add a piquant filling, add a handful of cumin, raisins, black pepper, and bay leaf. If desired, you can add a little honey to the filling to soften the sour taste of the cabbage.

How to stuff a duck:

9. While the filling is cooling, sew the duck up the back with thread.

10. Turn on the oven to 200 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil. Place the duck on the foil. To prevent the duck from burning on the bottom, you can place slices of vegetables under it. As an option, I sometimes put a banana peel under the duck: it will add flavor and the duck will not burn. Fill the duck tightly with the filling.

11. Sew up the belly of the duck with a needle and thread.

Roasting a whole duck in foil in the oven:

12. Cover the top of the duck with foil and place the baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes.

13. Remove the duck and remove the top layer of foil. Take some of the rendered fat and meat juice from the baking sheet into a bowl. Then add a spoonful of honey and soy sauce (30 ml) to the bowl, squeeze out a clove of garlic. Using a brush, brush the duck with the resulting filling and place it, uncovered, in the oven for another 20-30 minutes, now at a temperature of 170 degrees. Every 10 minutes, brush the duck with the filling for a beautiful crust.

As a result, you will get a fragrant and beautiful baked duck stuffed with apples and sauerkraut.

As a side dish for duck, use cabbage stuffing or bake whole potatoes.
It is better to cut the finished duck after it has cooled slightly at the table in front of the guests.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 180 min

Usually the bird is baked with potatoes, stuffed with apples and other fruits. This dish is a huge hit with guests on the holiday table. Baked duck with cabbage in a duck pot is also very tasty. It is her recipe with photos that I offer you. Orange jam will give the duck a sweet taste and aromatic crust. Try it, you won’t regret it.
Preparation time: 1 hour.
Preparation time: 2 hours.


- duck - 900 g,
- orange jam with pear - 3 tbsp. l.,
- tomato sauce (homemade) - 3 tbsp. l.,
- salt - 1-2 tsp,
- black pepper - 1 tsp,
- onions - 0.5 pcs.,
- white cabbage to taste - (0.5 heads).

How to cook with photos step by step

To prepare this dish, choose a medium-sized duck carcass. The meat of such ducks is soft and juicy. In addition, it will take much less to roast a small duck than a large bird. Gut the duck, thoroughly rinse the belly and surface of the duck. If there are any remaining feathers or lint on the skin, remove them.
Boil a liter ladle of water and place the duck in a clean sink. Now pour boiling water over the top of the duck. After five minutes, repeat this procedure. The skin on the duck immediately begins to tighten and the pores close. Now, when the duck is baked, the meat juices will remain inside.

Use napkins to blot the duck and move it to a work surface. There are subcutaneous glands on the tail, it is advisable to cut them out. Often these glands emit an unpleasant odor when roasting, which spoils the taste of the meat.

Rub the duck with a mixture of pepper and salt. After 10 minutes, coat the duck with orange jam, don’t forget about the belly. Cover the duck with film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Chop the white cabbage into slices or strips.

Slice the onion thinly and place it in the duck pot along with the cabbage. Turn on the oven to heat up to 190 degrees.

Place the marinated duck on a bed of cabbage. You can add apples inside the duck. You can pour a little tomato juice on the sides of the duck onto the cabbage.

Now, at the rate of 1 hour of baking per 1 kilogram of duck, send the bird in the duckling pan to the oven.

Use a fork to test for doneness by piercing the thickest part of the duck. Leave the baked duck in the switched off oven for 30 minutes to cool. On a large platter, serve the duck with cabbage on the sides.

Best regards, Elbi.
It turns out just as gorgeous

If the duck is well-fed and not old, then its meat is tender and tasty. This duck can be baked in the oven or fried on a grill, or made into pilaf, stewed potatoes or cabbage.

It doesn't take much time to prepare stewed cabbage. The main thing is to ensure that the duck meat is completely cooked.

Duck stewed with cabbage: subtleties of cooking

  • If the duck is fatty, do not fry it in oil. Her own fat can handle this quite well. There are two options for using duck fat.
  • In the first case, the fat is trimmed from the duck, chopped finely, and placed on a hot frying pan. The fat is rendered, leaving only cracklings. They are removed, and the fat is poured into a jar and used as needed.
  • In the second case, pieces of duck carcass are placed on a dry hot frying pan and fried evenly on all sides. At the same time, the fat is also rendered, and the meat is covered with a golden brown crust. Other ingredients continue to be fried in duck fat.
  • An “aged” duck must first be soaked in the marinade. This could be water with vinegar or citric acid, wine, ketchup, even tomato juice. In this case, take into account the desired color of the finished dish, because tomato or ketchup will give the cabbage a reddish color.
  • All vegetables are added to the duck when it is almost ready. First add those vegetables that take longer to cook, then add the rest. Cabbage cooks quickly. But you need to take into account its type. Winter varieties have dense leaves, so this type of cabbage requires longer stewing. Young cabbage is cooked in literally 7-10 minutes.

Duck stewed with cabbage and cumin


  • duck – 0.8 kg;
  • cabbage forks - 1 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • cumin – 0.5 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Cut the prepared duck into pieces.
  • Peel the carrots and onions and wash them. Chop the onion into half rings, cut the carrots into large strips.
  • Free the cabbage from the top wilted leaves, wash, cut into several parts, remove the stalk. Chop thinly into long ribbons.
  • Place pieces of meat into a hot cauldron and fry on all sides. Add onions and carrots, stir, sauté in the separated fat. Add tomato paste and sugar. Fry everything together for a few minutes.
  • Fill the contents of the cauldron with hot water, add salt and pepper, close the lid, reduce the heat to low, and simmer the duck for 40 minutes.
  • Increase the heat under the cauldron, add cabbage. It may take up your entire cauldron, but after a few minutes of simmering under the lid, its volume will decrease. After that, stir it by adding cumin and bay leaf. Cook the cabbage over low heat until soft.

Hungarian duck stewed with sauerkraut (in the oven)

Video recipe for the occasion:


  • duck – 1 kg;
  • pork belly – 150 g;
  • smoked sausage – 150 g;
  • sauerkraut – 500 g;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • greenery.

Cooking method

  • Wash the duck and dry with paper towels. Trim the fat.
  • Peel the onion, rinse with water, cut into half rings. Finely chop clean greens.
  • Rinse the cabbage with cold water and squeeze.
  • Cut the brisket into slices, sausage into circles.
  • Place pieces of duck fat in a hot saucepan, melt it, remove the cracklings. Add duck pieces and fry until golden brown on all sides. Remove meat to a plate.
  • Fry the onion in the remaining fat until golden brown. Add dill and cabbage. Place pieces of meat, brisket, and sausage on top. Pour hot water into the saucepan so that it reaches only half the level of the cabbage, add salt.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid or foil and place it in an oven heated to 200°. Simmer until the duck is tender.
  • Remove the lid or remove the foil, pour sour cream over the duck, sprinkle with dill, put it back in the oven and bake at high temperature for 10 minutes (without the lid).
  • Place a piece of duck, brisket, sausage on a plate, and place cabbage next to it. Sprinkle with herbs.

Duck stewed with fresh and sauerkraut (in a slow cooker)


  • duck – 0.8 kg;
  • fresh cabbage – 500 g;
  • sauerkraut – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - a pinch;
  • cumin – 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method

  • Wash the duck, cut into portions, at the same time cutting off excess fat.
  • Rinse the cabbage forks in water, remove the limp outer leaves, cut into pieces, cut out the stalk and hard thickenings. Chop finely.
  • Rinse the sauerkraut in cold water and squeeze well.
  • Peel the carrots and onions, wash them, cut into strips.
  • Place duck fat in the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Fry” mode. Fry the fat until it turns into cracklings. Remove the cracklings. Place duck pieces in a bowl and fry well with the lid open until golden brown.
  • Add onions and carrots and stir. Fry for 10 minutes.
  • Pour in a glass of hot water, add a little salt and peppercorns. Lower the lid. Switch the multicooker to the “Soup” mode, simmer the duck until soft – about 40-50 minutes.
  • Turn off the multicooker. Open the lid and add fresh cabbage. Turn on the “Fry” mode and cook for 10 minutes with the lid closed. The cabbage will become limp, reduced in volume, and lightly fried.
  • Add sauerkraut. Add cumin, pepper, bay leaf. Stir.
  • Switch to the “Extinguishing” mode. Cook for 30-40 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of stewing, remove the bay leaf and taste the cabbage to see if there is enough salt.
  • Sprinkle the finished duck stewed with cabbage with chopped dill.

Note to the hostess

Even a novice housewife can cook stewed duck with cabbage. But you need to remember that you can’t put a lot of oil in dishes with duck - most often you can do without it altogether. You also need to simmer the duck until the meat is completely softened.

Cabbage loves almost any herbs and spices, so you can choose them to your liking. They are added to the dish 15-20 minutes before cooking, so that they have time to impart their flavor to the cabbage and duck.

The recipe for cooking duck can be found in any cookbook. However, most often we are offered to cook it with apples, prunes, and oranges. In short, the influence of European culinary traditions is evident. But the recipe for duck with cabbage is considered originally Russian. Our ancestors were generally moderate people and preferred simple food. In addition, they knew how to combine products so masterfully that even the most unpresentable dishes acquired a special taste. What is the already mentioned combination of fatty duck meat with cabbage worth!

You can't even imagine how delicious it is! And if you cook duck with real sauerkraut, it will not only be breathtakingly tasty and aromatic, but also completely harmless. The fact is that the acid neutralizes the duck fat, and duck meat ceases to be a heavy food. However, let's move from words to action, choose a recipe and finally start cooking duck with sauerkraut.

Duck with sauerkraut and apples

The recipe is more than traditional. This is exactly the kind of duck that was cooked in the famous Russian oven, using thick-walled cast-iron dishes. The bird simmered for a long time, was soaked in sauerkraut juice and became so soft that it simply melted in the mouth. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to accurately reproduce this recipe due to the lack of a Russian oven, but you can still try to get closer to the original by cooking duck in the oven.


  • Duck carcass – 2 or 2.5 kg (approximately);
  • Sauerkraut – half a kilo;
  • Onions – 5 pieces;
  • Sweet and sour apples – 10 pieces;
  • Butter – 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • Dry white wine - half a glass;
  • Salt and spices - to your taste.


Pre-defrosted, thoroughly processed and washed poultry must be marinated. To do this, combine the wine with vegetable oil and add salt and spices. Spices can be anything - it all depends on your taste. But the traditional set includes dried garlic, ground coriander, basil, marjoram, curry, paprika and ground black pepper. So, rub the duck inside and out with the prepared mixture, place it in a plastic bag or in a large saucepan with a lid and leave it in the refrigerator for six hours.

After this time, remove the duck from the refrigerator and prepare the filling. This is done quite easily and quickly. Wash the cabbage, squeeze and chop. We clean the onions, chop them finely and fry them in vegetable oil. Remove the peel and hard center from the apples, cut them into slices and add to the frying pan with the onions. Pour in a quarter glass of dry white wine, cover with a lid and simmer for about five minutes. Finally, add the cabbage to the roasting pan.

We stuff the duck carcass with the prepared sauerkraut filling and chop off the belly with toothpicks or sew it up with thread. We leave some of the filling! Now take the duckling pot, pour a little vegetable oil into it, put the remaining filling on the bottom, and put the duck on top. Cover the duckling with a lid or foil and put it in the oven for an hour and a half. Bake the bird at a temperature of 200 degrees. After an hour and a half, remove the lid from the duckling and bake for another forty minutes, periodically turning the bird over and pouring the released juice over the carcass.

Remove the browned, finished duck from the duckling pan, remove the filling and cut into pieces. Serve on a large platter, garnished with fresh herbs and apples.

Country-style duck with sauerkraut

The recipe is very tasty and satisfying. This kind of duck with sauerkraut is especially good on a frosty day, served as a shot glass. What's good about this recipe? So, first of all, due to its simplicity and lack of any frills. But, despite the apparent primitiveness and rudeness, this recipe is quite suitable even for preparing a hot dish for a holiday table.


  • Duck carcass – 2 kg;
  • Onions – 3 heads;
  • Carrots – 1 piece;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Sauerkraut – 1 kg;
  • Raisins – 200 grams;
  • Prunes – 100 grams;
  • Thyme;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf.


We first defrost the duck carcass, wash and process it. Now we cut off excess fat from it and cut it up: legs, wings, back, breast. Remove the skin from the back and cook broth from it. To do this, fill the bird with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for about forty minutes over low heat.

In a roasting pan or directly in a duck pot, melt the fat with the shredded skin. As a result, the fat should be completely rendered, and the skin should be fried to the state of cracklings. We take it out and throw it away. Place duck legs, chopped breast and wings into the melted fat and fry them over high heat. First five minutes on one side, and then another three minutes on the other.

We clean the onions, wash them and cut them into halves or quarters (depending on the size of the onions). Peel the carrots and cut into large rings. Crush the garlic cloves without chopping them. Remove the meat from the frying pan and fry vegetables (onions, carrots, garlic) in the remaining fat. When the vegetables are browned, add shredded sauerkraut to them and stir. Place washed prunes and raisins on top. By the way, you need to take dark raisins. Place fried duck pieces on the dried fruits, sprinkle with salt, pepper, thyme and add a bay leaf. Fill everything with broth to the level of the cabbage layer. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.

While the contents of the duckling pot are boiling, turn on the oven and let it warm up to 180 degrees. Now we put the duckling in the oven and leave it there for two hours. Cooking duck with sauerkraut under the lid! Serve with boiled potatoes or vegetable salad.

So, dear housewives, if you have a duck carcass in your refrigerator, be sure to try cooking it with sauerkraut. And if you liked the proposed recipe, but there is no duck, then buy it immediately and cook it anyway. Believe me, you won't regret it. The main thing is to cook with pleasure. Bon appetit and success in your culinary career!