Fragrant Bulgarian pepper in healthy tomato juice for the winter. Bell pepper in tomato: the best recipes with photos

31.08.2019 Seafood dishes

In tomato - this dish is familiar to many. Old, time-tested recipes fully justify themselves. But sweet peppers in tomato juice are not only lecho, as is commonly believed. There are many other cooking options that are just as good. We will talk about this in this article, where we will consider various ways to prepare this vegetable in tomato sauce.

We cook traditionally

To prepare juice according to this recipe, you will need 1.5 kilograms of sweet peppers, one liter of tomato juice, a head of peeled garlic, 4 large tablespoons of vegetable oil, one spoonful of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3 tablespoons of table vinegar (apple or grape). There are no restrictions on the use of herbs and spices in this recipe. Optionally, you can take celery, peppercorns, bay leaves, cloves, cilantro and fresh herbs. We wash the pepper with water and remove the seeds and stalk from it. Then we cut it into long and not very thin strips. Cut the garlic into slices.

For this recipe, you can cook it yourself by twisting the tomatoes and boiling them to the desired density.

For this, only well-ripened fruits are taken. But you can also use the finished product or dilute high-quality tomato paste (250 grams) with one liter of water. Add vegetable oil, sugar and salt to the juice. After that we taste the resulting mixture and, if necessary, add these two ingredients. Next comes the vinegar. We put it in with care, trying it. Now we are waiting for the filling to boil. After that, put chopped peppers and garlic into a saucepan. Cook for about 10 minutes. It is necessary to ensure that the peppers are not overcooked in tomato juice for the winter. Next, we lay them out in prepared jars and close them with lids. As usual, wrap the sweet pepper and leave to cool completely. Then we move it to a cool place.

in tomato

This is an unusual recipe. Pepper in tomato juice turns out to be very tasty. Take 10 sweet peppers, 500 grams of tomato paste, three carrots and one onion, 400 grams of white cabbage, a small spoonful of essence and salt to taste. Now let's start cooking. We chop the cabbage very finely, peel the onions and carrots, finely chop and three on a grater. Mix these three components and salt to taste. We take out the seeds from the peppers and remove the stalk. Next, fill them with minced cabbage and vegetables. We put them in jars and pour boiling water over them. Temporarily cover the containers with lids and leave for 40 minutes. After that, pour the water into the pan, remove 500 milliliters of liquid from there and add tomato paste to the filling. Bring the mixture to a boil and salt to taste. Now we fill it in jars. For each liter of the workpiece, put half a spoon. Roll up the jars. Peppers for the winter in tomato juice are ready. After cooling down, we send them to a cold storage place. This dish combines two main ingredients: bell peppers and pickled cabbage. This is a wonderful tandem. Peppers for the winter in tomato juice will appeal to everyone.

Do not forget to prepare vegetables for the winter during the season. bell pepper in tomato, which will be useful to you in order to diversify your diet in the autumn winter period when the body is in dire need of vitamins. Canned food can be used not only as a snack on the table, but also added to various dishes during their preparation, for example, pepper can be used for stuffing, prepared on the basis of tomato sauce for borscht or gravy for meat, garnish.

Bell pepper in tomato

Surely you know many recipes, of course, each of you at least once tasted an amazingly tasty Hungarian appetizer - lecho, which is a vegetable mix that includes not only tomatoes and peppers, but also onions, carrots, and sometimes other seasonal vegetables. But today we will consider other options for harvesting bell peppers, which will be useful to you if you want to stock up on them for future use for the whole winter to cook for your loved ones delicious food for lunch and dinner.

In the summer there are no problems to cook, all you have to do is buy fresh vegetables, prepare minced meat - and the dish is ready. But, when the season of vegetables passes, we have to deny ourselves our favorite recipes for one simple reason - the lack of fresh vegetables, and even if they are sold in the store, they are frightening for their cost. Of course, the housewives found a way out of this situation, and now they freeze the pods for the winter in the freezer, and then use them if they want to cook stuffed pepper with meat or lean dishes, or maybe even borscht.

But we will prepare bell pepper in tomato for the winter without the addition of marinade, so that you can later use the pods for stuffing if you want to please your household with a delicious lunch in winter.

When you freeze peppers in the freezer, they will be dry after defrosting, but in a jar in juice they retain their juiciness and tenderness. The number of ingredients depends on the volume of the jar, in our case we will prepare 10 pods, for juice we need about a kilogram of juicy and fleshy tomatoes. We will add only salt to the jars, without vinegar and sugar, in order to preserve the natural taste of vegetables. The functions of a preservative will be performed by sour tomato juice, it will not allow the spread of bacteria, so the preservation will be perfectly stored throughout the winter.

Preparation should start with tomatoes: they must be thoroughly washed, then cut into arbitrary pieces (small cubes) and put on fire. It is better to choose a pan for cooking with thick walls and a bottom, it is better to use a cauldron so that the vegetable mass does not burn. After the mass boils, the fire can be reduced and boiled for another 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir to make it homogeneous.

Pour water into a large saucepan and put it on the fire to blanch the pods, but first they must be washed and the stalk must be cut off, then the seed part must be removed and rinsed again so that no seeds remain inside. Likewise, we cook the peppers before stuffing them. The pods should be blanched for a few minutes and then drained in a colander.

Special attention should be paid to jars and lids, they should be sterilized: steam cans, and boil the lids for five minutes. You only know it will last long if you sterilize the jars.

Salt should be added to the tomato mass and mixed, and then rub through a sieve to make it homogeneous: without pieces of skin and seeds. Peppers can be placed in a jar, two pods in each row, pour the juice on top and hermetically sealed with an iron lid. Like other preservation, the banks must be turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket.

Bulgarian pepper in tomato recipe

Our cookbook also contains one more delicious recipe - bell pepper in tomato marinated. In this case, we will cut the pods into pieces - large strips or squares. Such a salad can be served as an appetizer, because it ideally complements any dish, and if you suddenly get hungry and do not have time to cook dinner, then by opening the jar, you can quickly have a snack on a salad with black bread. Housewives have found another use for this preparation: they add pepper and sauce during the preparation of a dressing for borscht.

Suppose you have canned tomato juice in your cans since last year, and you doubt its suitability for consumption, so we suggest using it again, but this time as a filling for pepper. You can also prepare the juice separately, we will also tell you more about this at the end.

Pieces of pepper are pickled very quickly: after one week you can open the jar and taste a delicious salad. Now let's consider what ingredients we need: of course, the main component of the snack is sweet Bulgarian pepper, you need to take 2.5 kilos. In the summer, you can find peppers of different colors on the market: red and yellow, green and yellow, some pods (usually yellow-green) have thin walls, it is better not to use them for preservation, you can choose fleshy red pods. For such an amount of Bulgarian pepper, we need one and a half liters of ready-made juice, to which we should also add half a glass of olive, corn or sunflower oil, the same amount of table vinegar, an incomplete glass of granulated sugar and only three tablespoons of salt.

We will not sterilize the jars with steam, but use the oven, but first they should be rinsed with a soda solution, which will help remove dirt from the glass surface. The jars should be placed on a baking sheet lined with a towel and placed in the oven at 100 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Pay attention that the walls do not touch, otherwise the jars will crack. By tradition, we will boil the lids for a few minutes and leave them in water until they are tightened.

Pour tomato juice into a saucepan, add oil to it, add salt, then stir granulated sugar until dissolved and pour in vinegar. Take the saucepan "with a margin" so that, in addition to the sauce, the pepper will also fit in it. After boiling, the sauce should be boiled for another 10 minutes, stirring regularly.

To avoid wasting time, you can process the pods while the spiced sauce is on the fire. Prepared vegetables must be washed from dirt on the skin, then carefully remove the stalks and rinse the inside of the pod from the remnants of seeds. Then cut them into slices at least a centimeter wide. From the cutting board, the slices can be sent to the boiling tomato juice until all the peppers are in the marinade pot. Simmer the slices for 25 minutes, be sure to stir the mass while boiling.

Bell pepper with onions in tomato

If you decide to cook bell pepper with onions in tomato, it is not at all necessary to pre-stew the vegetables in the marinade, they can be fried, which will give the appetizer a unique taste and aroma. For the recipe, we need four kilos of pepper, five kilos of tomato and one kilogram of onions. We add only a glass of sugar and salt to the marinade to taste.

Peppers can be fried in a pan on both sides until golden brown and the pulp is ready, you can bake over a fire in foil or grill, but the most economical option in time is to bake the whole pods in the oven. They should be rinsed and dried with a towel, then placed on a baking sheet and baked at a moderate temperature. The pepper should be baked on both sides, so when it darkens on one side, carefully turn it over to the other side.

Immediately from the baking sheet, the pods should be folded into a tight bag, after which you can easily peel the skin from them. In addition to the peel, carefully remove the stalk with seeds.

Separately, you need to process onions: first, peel them, then cut into medium cubes or thin half rings. Pour oil into the cauldron and heat it, then add the onion and fry until golden.

As for tomatoes, you can use a grater to make juice: cut into halves and remove the stalk, then grate and discard the remaining peel. Send chopped tomatoes to the onion and cook for about 20 minutes, counting from the moment the mass boils. It is better to set the fire after boiling at the minimum mark, and cover the cauldron with a lid. After 19 minutes, add salt to the mass and mix.

The jars must be filled with pepper, then pour in tomato juice, and then put them for additional sterilization. A liter jar should be sterilized for half an hour in boiling water.

Bulgarian pepper in tomato for the winter

Fans of spicy, pungent appetizers will definitely like it, which can be served as a sauce for meat cooked over a fire. And if you are looking for a light side dish for meat, then it is not at all necessary to bake vegetables on the grill, you can open a jar of aromatic lecho.

You might like it with the addition of spices and herbs. You can use pickled cabbage or Korean carrots as a filling.

Now it is necessary to say a few words about how you can make juice from a tomato, this knowledge will definitely come in handy if you have definitely decided to implement one of the recipes presented above.

In the traditional version, it is customary to use a juicer, in this case the juice will turn out to be homogeneous without skin and seeds, but the hostess may not have this kitchen appliance in her arsenal, so we suggest using improvised kitchen tools. Of course, without a juicer, the juice will turn out to be less homogeneous, there will be bones in it.

The easiest option is to grate the tomatoes on a coarse grater, because this kitchen device is definitely in your kitchen. But you can pre-extinguish the mass on the fire until tender, and then rub it with your hands through a fine sieve.

For the recipe, you must definitely choose fleshy, large, ripe fruits, pay attention that there is no green hard area near the stalk (it must be cut out). You can also take slightly spoiled fruits by cutting out the unsuitable areas.

The mere thought of bell peppers in a tomato can whet the appetite of many. This is a dish that you want to eat more and more. But what a pleasure it is to open one such jar and eat it with freshly baked bread. Blanks in tomato juice are an indispensable attribute of many holidays, therefore, it is necessary to preserve it in large quantities for the winter. To prepare this blank of bell pepper for the winter, you will need tomato juice, peppers, you can use both sweet and bitter, depending on your taste preferences, and a standard set of spices: salt, vinegar, sugar, olive oil.

Recipe for pepper in tomato juice in slices

For cooking you need:

  • 2 p. fruit drink (tomato juice);
  • 4 kg of bell pepper;
  • 1 cup vegetable oil;
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 1 cup vinegar

First you need to prepare all the products for rolling in tomato.
Rinse the pepper, cut into halves or into 4 parts, but if it is large, you can cut it into 6 parts. It is necessary to weigh in a purified form, for cooking we need 2 kg. Add the rest of the ingredients to the tomato juice and bring to a boil. Pour sweet pepper over it, after which you can roll it into sterilized jars, after which our workpiece cools down, you can put it in the refrigerator or store it in the cellar.

Cooked peppers in tomato juice are a delicious and popular canned salad for the winter. And for the preparation of such a dish, the color of the vegetable does not really matter.

Pepper recipe in whole tomato juice

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 kg of sweet bell peppers;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 15 pcs. peppercorns;
  • ½ glass of sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of vinegar essence.


And so the first thing you need to do is wash the pepper, cut off all the tails and put them in a cauldron. The same procedure must be repeated with tomatoes, rinse them and remove the stalk. Then grind them with a blender to the maximum, so you get about 2 liters, it's okay if it's a little more or a little less. Pour the peppers with our tomato, then add sugar, salt, put our blank on the fire and wait until it boils. Only then pepper it and add half a glass of oil. Now you need to boil it for 20 minutes over medium heat. Be sure to stir occasionally.

Now it remains to put everything in sterilized jars, pour tomato on top and add vinegar essence, about half a teaspoon for 1 liter.
Twist the jars, turn them over with the lid down and wrap them up. It is necessary to leave them in this position for at least three days. That's all, with a minimal investment of time and effort, we have received pepper in a tomato for the winter. For spice, you can add a few pieces of hot pepper.

The pepper in the preparation turns out to be quite dense, juicy, does not lose its taste and is not digested, because the cooking time after boiling is not long. If your goal is to leave peppers for the winter that will be suitable for stuffing, then the best option is to freeze them. But in the case when you want to cook an incredibly tasty pepper in a tomato, then the following recipe is perfect. The preparation is not very spicy, and the sauce in which the peppers will be marinated is tasty and thick. In this case, you will have the opportunity to pamper yourself from time to time with juicy and tasty peppers. Another feature of this workpiece is that it does not need to be sterilized. As for storage, it is recommended to store them either in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Non-sterilized sweet pickled peppers recipe

For cooking:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 kg;
  • Tomato juice -1.5 l;
  • Bitter pepper - 1 pod;
  • Sugar -1.5 cups;
  • Vegetable oil -1.5 cups;
  • Salt -1/2 cup.

Rinse the pepper, peel in different places, make 23 punctures with a fork. Boil the tomato with sugar, salt, vegetable oil, put pepper and cook until tender, stirring occasionally. Fold the pepper into sterilized jars (of any capacity) and pour over the tomato and roll up the lids.

And let the lecho have great popularity for many years, but you will not be able to find a single recipe for this dish, because each housewife uses her secrets and improves the recipes to her liking.

Of course, tomatoes and bell peppers and tomatoes are the invariable ingredients, but also carrots, onions, apples are added. Today we have to consider a pretty simple, but repeatedly proven recipe for pepper in tomato juice. We assure you that this preservation will turn out to be very tasty, bright and fragrant! So hurry up to make sure in practice to get a very tasty pepper in tomato, while spending a minimum of time and effort.

Step 1: Prepare the pepper.

Rinse the bell pepper on the outside, then divide it in half, remove the tail, the core with the seeds, and rinse the inside the same way. Dry the vegetables. Cut off the whitish partitions. Cut the pulp of the pepper into thick strips.
Colored peppers look the most beautiful; if you wish, you can even cut them larger and then put them in jars in layers.

Step 2: Cooking the peppers in tomato juice.

Pour tomato juice into a saucepan of a suitable size, add olive oil, vinegar, salt, granulated sugar and garlic cloves, peeled and chopped into thin slices. Stir in the tomato marinade and bring to a simmer over medium heat.

When the tomato juice with spices comes to a boil, add the pieces of peppers to it. Stir well and wait for everything to boil again. After boiling, cook the peppers for 5-6 minutes... The vegetable pieces should soften.
After cooking with a slotted spoon and fork, catch the slices of peppers, and then place them in dry, sterilized warm jars, pressing each layer tightly so that air bubbles do not accumulate there. After filling the jars with the peppers, pour the remaining tomato juice marinade into the jars.
Cover the jars with lids, put them in a pot of water (do not forget to put a towel on the bottom) and pasteurize in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Immediately close the hot jars tightly with lids, wrap in a "fur coat" of kitchen towels and set to cool on 18-20 hours... Cooked peppers in tomato juice should be stored in a cool dark place, and after opening only in the refrigerator.

Step 3: Serve the pepper in tomato juice.

The pepper in tomato juice can be added to a variety of dishes. The pieces of vegetables and the sauce in which they were pickled complement the winter diet very well, adding variety to it. And, of course, like any other preparation of peppers, peppers in tomato juice are very popular on the festive table as a snack, especially for strong drinks.
Bon Appetit!

Determine the amount of salt by taste, since tomato juices are often different in the amount of salt in them, so it is very difficult to guess.

Despite the fact that in this recipe the jars are sterilized along with the blanks, I insist that the container still needs to be sterilized before filling it with peppers.

During pasteurization, the water in the pan must be at the same temperature as the blanks inside the jars, otherwise the glass may simply crack.

Savvy hostesses in their variety of recipes have many blanks from sweet bell peppers. This set also includes recipes for lecho, pickles, salads. But in the very center of the blanks there are peppers in tomato juice for the winter.

This type of pepper is rolled up with various additives such as onions, garlic, carrots, dill and parsley, all kinds of spices. The preparation of such a dish is quite simple, and the taste is excellent.

Sweet pepper in tomato sauce - a recipe for the winter

Ingredients required for the preparation of this type of workpiece:

Wash tomatoes well, blanch, dry a little, peel and grind into a puree mass... Pour the tomato puree into a deep enamel bowl.

Carrots are also peeled, washed well, cut and crushed to a puree state... Add carrot puree to a container with tomato puree. Stir everything well. Place the container on the stove and turn on moderate heat. Wait for the mass to boil.

Wash the eggplants, cut off the stem and cut them into pieces that are convenient to eat. Rinse the multi-colored pepper, cut out the stalk and seeds from it, cut into small wedges.

When the carrot-tomato mass boils, put the eggplants in it and boil for a few minutes on minimal heat. Then put the slices of pepper in the mass. Simmer until the pepper is soft. While the mass is stewing, peel the garlic from the husk and squeeze it into a container with a garlic press.

Add granulated sugar, vegetable oil, rock salt, crushed black pepper and seasonings of your choice to the workpiece. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer simmer for 45 minutes... Remember to stir.

While the mass is in the process of preparation, prepare the container for preservation. Banks need to be ideally washed with a detergent or soda solution, well rinse and sterilize in the way that is most convenient for you;

Put the prepared salad in sterile jars and roll up the lids hermetically... Turn the salad jars upside down and wrap them until they cool completely. Then take it out for further storage for the winter.

Canned Pepper Recipe in Tomato Pouring

You will need the following components:

Cooking includes the following steps:

  1. Wash the pepper well, cut the stalks out of it and remove all the seeds. Cut the fruit into wedges.
  2. Prepare the fill. To do this, put tomato sauce in cold water (if you use paste, then slightly dilute it with water), granulated sugar, rock salt, vegetable oil and vinegar. Bring to a boil.
  3. When the filling boils, dip the slices of prepared pepper into it.
  4. Cook for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. While the vegetables are boiling, prepare the curling jars. Wash and sterilize them.
  6. Put hot ready-made vegetables in the filling in jars and tighten them with a special wrench. Flip over and wrap in warm robe. Wait until the workpiece has completely cooled down and take it to a cool place for further storage for the winter.

Bulgarian pepper twist recipe in tomato sauce

To prepare this type of workpiece, take the following products indicated in the recipe:

Cooking pepper according to this recipe includes the following stages: rinse the pepper under cold water, remove the seeds and the stalk. Cut into thin strips.

Peel the garlic and chop it into thin slices. Prepare the fill. To do this, chop the tomatoes into a puree mass. Put on fire and cook for 7 minutes... After that, pass the mass through a sieve.

Pour the juice into a container and add granulated sugar, rock salt, apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil to it. Bring the filling to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes... After 3 minutes, pour the pepper slices and garlic slices into a container with pouring.

Simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes. The finished workpiece is poured into cans prepared in advance and rolled up. Then it turns over and wraps up until it cools completely. Then it is taken out for storage for the winter.

Pepper recipe with garlic in tomato juice

To prepare a spicy piece according to this recipe, take the following ingredients:

The preparation of the workpiece according to this recipe consists in the following steps: wash the peppers thoroughly, cut off the stalk from them and remove the seeds. Cut them into 6 pieces lengthwise... Tomatoes are washed out and crushed into a puree mass. Then they are passed through a sieve to separate the seeds from the juice.

Garlic is peeled off and passed through a garlic press... The tomato juice is poured into a cooking container. Garlic is also added to it. The container is placed on the stove and boiled for 5 minutes. After that oil, salt, granulated sugar are added. Everything is mixed well and cooked for another 5 minutes.

After the next 5 minutes, pepper is poured into the container. The workpiece is mixed and simmer slowly for 20 minutes... When 20 minutes have passed, vinegar is poured in, the mass is mixed and cooked for another 15 minutes. Do not forget to stir the mass during this time.

Arrange the finished dish in sterile jars and well seal... Turn over, wrap and cool. After that, take out for storage for the winter.