Pancakes (sourdough without yeast). How to cook incomparably fluffy and airy pancakes with milk Sourdough pancakes recipe without eggs

12.12.2023 Restaurant notes

How to prepare recipes for sourdough pancakes - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Pancakes with apples, honey and cinnamon! Sourdough, without yeast or eggs

Sourdough recipe I have the simplest one, because I have never made sourdough before and bread without yeast at all I baked it for the first time a couple of days ago!

My starter is almost completely converted to wheat. I don’t know how the strength of the sourdough is determined, but for me it doesn’t fall asleep even in the refrigerator :) It comes up quite quickly, although I write that I’m waiting a couple of hours, in fact today I watched it on purpose, it came up in 1 hour 20 minutes on a warm floor under a film. Since the starter actively lives and breathes, at each daily feeding you need to either throw away some of it or look for ways to incorporate it into baked goods :) But, such a quantity of bread Even in my family they can’t handle it, so... sourdough pancakes! Unlike yeast pancakes, these can be eaten straight from the stove, which is what my family does! (Yeast pancakes are still not very healthy to eat hot; I even try not to give the children hot bread if it is made with yeast. Only the husband can afford to indulge in warm bread, and the children will still have time to ruin their stomachs)

So, a recipe for sourdough pancakes with apples, cinnamon and honey! How delicious, have you already imagined? In such a cold as we have now, it’s time to indulge in lush goodies with honey and apples :)

Contents [Show]

  1. Sourdough – 3 tbsp. spoons
  2. Water – 100 ml.
  3. Milk – 150 ml.
  4. Flour – about 300 gr. + *I, as always, use flour with 13% protein content. Premium wheat
  5. Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons
  6. Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons
  7. Apple – 1 pc.
  8. Cinnamon - to taste *I have 0.5 tsp.

How much to weigh in grams - read for those who don’t have measuring utensils, how to count the amount of one or another ingredient with spoons!


  1. Dilute the starter with water (100 ml) and add 4-5 tbsp. spoons of flour. We get the batter, put it under the film in a warm place *It took me 1 hour 20 minutes to get up
  2. Pour into the suitable dough warm milk
  3. Add honey *If the honey is candied, melt it in a water bath or in the microwave until liquid.
  4. Mix, add vegetable oil and flour so that the dough is like sour cream
  5. Place under plastic wrap in a warm place until it bubbles. *Took me about an hour
  6. Mix finely chopped apple and cinnamon into the risen dough.
  7. Stir
  8. Fry over low heat, covered, for 2-3 minutes in a small amount of vegetable oil. *So as to grease the pan
  9. Ready! Serve with honey, jam, sour cream, condensed milk at your discretion!

Bon appetit!

If you store wheat starter at room temperature, it needs to be renewed daily, or even twice a day. The selected part of the starter can, of course, be thrown away (as a rule, we are talking about very small quantities - literally a teaspoon or a tablespoon), or you can put it in a separate bowl and store it in the refrigerator. As a result, a decent amount of fermented dough (mature sourdough) accumulates quite quickly, from which you can prepare many delicious things. And the simplest and fastest thing is, of course, pancakes, and this can be done directly with “cold sourdough”, i.e. We took the container with the starter out of the refrigerator, made the dough and baked right away. Everything takes no more than half an hour, and the pancakes turn out simply magical! Try it!


At the very beginning, I would like to note that this recipe does not require exact adherence to proportions; you can safely change it, adjusting it to the one you are used to and which you use most often. I myself prepare pancakes exclusively “by eye”, so take the grams below only as indicative, as a canvas for your creativity!)))

For the dough, 120 grams of cold wheat sourdough (I have 100% humidity) and dilute with 120 grams of water. Add sugar to taste (I took 1.5 tablespoons), a pinch of salt, beat in the egg, stir. Gradually adding flour, bring the dough to a consistency slightly thicker than for pancakes.

Mix into the dough a tablespoon of vegetable oil and about 1/3 teaspoon of quicklime soda, previously diluted in a small amount of cold water. At the end, re-evaluate the thickness of the dough and, if necessary, add a little flour or water so that the dough is not liquid, but at the same time it is not thick, no longer dripping, but lazily sliding off the spoon.

In general, everything is as always. After mixing in the soda solution, mix the dough carefully and only if necessary, so as not to lose the gas formed when the soda reacts with the acid contained in the starter. Bake the pancakes in moderately heated vegetable oil, scooping out the dough with a tablespoon, until cooked and golden brown on both sides.

Serve with sour cream, jam, honey... in general, with whatever is familiar and tasty to you!))) Bon appetit!

When I feed the wheat starter, I have some left over, which I put in a jar and store in the refrigerator; when enough starter has accumulated, I use it on pancakes.

When I cooked them for the first time, I returned to my childhood. They made these pancakes for us in kindergarten. Lush, airy, aromatic, with large air bubbles inside. By the way, they are slowly displacing our favorite pancakes from our table.

Maslenitsa is finally over! No, I didn’t have a lot of pancakes, but still more than I usually bake and in the end it’s annoying, after the holiday I want to relieve myself. And tomorrow is also Forgiveness Sunday, you will need to ask everyone for forgiveness, and then fasting and vinaigrette. For several years in a row I have been starting Lent with vinaigrette, and this time also with Lenten pancakes. They are usually called tuzhilniks, because they are without eggs, milk and butter and, when preparing them, they are, as it were, stewed for a generous week of butter. I baked my “tuzhilniki” in the form of pancakes, but they turned out so bad that you couldn’t tighten them! Despite the fact that they do not contain animal products, they do not seem “empty”; on the contrary, if you try them, you will not believe that they are lean. Or vegan - whichever you prefer.

The dough for these pancakes is prepared with sourdough and soda, of medium consistency, but if you add liquid, you will get a moister dough suitable for pancakes. Everything is very simple:

For sourdough:
300 gr. white wheat flour (grade 1, for example);
300 gr. water;
40-50 gr. wheat or rye starter.

Dissolve the starter in water, add flour, mix well, cover and leave for 10-12 hours at a temperature of about 20 degrees, that is, overnight.

In general, you can take the rest of the starter from the refrigerator here, take either all 600 grams, or, if there is not enough, put the missing amount of starter to ripen overnight or mix the starter in the morning: add the missing amount of flour and water to the leftovers and leave to ripen . The last option is suitable if you have a lot of leftovers and the starter will ripen quickly.

For the test:
Juice of 1 orange;
1 apple;
1 banana;
100 grams of whole grain wheat flour;
½ tsp. salt;
1 tsp without a slide soda;
2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
Sugar is optional, but they are already sweet thanks to the fruit.

Add flour, salt and soda, butter to the ripened sourdough, mix.

Peel the apple from the core and grate it, peel the banana and mash it with a fork.

Press the juice from the oranges and add all the prepared fruits to the dough.

Stir and let stand for 40-60 minutes in a warm place (25 degrees), the dough should rise.

Heat a frying pan (I have a cast iron one), add a little oil and carefully lay out the dough. I cover the pancakes with a lid; as soon as the top begins to dry out slightly or bubbles appear that won’t close, we turn them over.

Every time, before you take the dough with a spoon, dip it in water so that the dough easily falls into the pan and does not reach for the spoon. To do this, I put a bowl of water on the table and keep a spoon in it.

Serve pancakes warm or cold with jam or honey.

Enjoy! Don't bother))

Not long ago I became a mother again. I had another child. No, even two! Wheat and rye sourdough. I am not exaggerating and in no way laughing - these are two completely living organisms that require daily care (even 2 times a day).

In fact, caring for sourdoughs is a pleasure. They just need to be protected from drafts, kept warm, fed twice a day - in general, created favorable living conditions, loved, cared for and cherished. Just like with kids.

About rye sourdough another time - in today's recipe the main character will be wheat sourdough. Not even she herself, but the leftovers (I just can’t find the right word to call the starter that is taken away from the main one before feeding), on the basis of which we will prepare wonderful fluffy pancakes.


(500 grams) (500 milliliters) (560 grams) (3 pieces ) (100 milliliters) (4 tablespoons) (0.5 teaspoon) (1 teaspoon)

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

A simple recipe for these delicious and satisfying pancakes includes wheat sourdough, wheat flour, water, chicken eggs, refined vegetable oil, sugar, salt and baking soda. You can also add a pinch of vanillin to the dough - it will be even more fragrant.

I store the starter used in this recipe in the refrigerator. Every day, renewing the main wheat starter, I put the leftovers in a jar before feeding and close the lid. It’s a shame to throw it away, and you can cook a lot of delicious dishes using it. Well, for example, the same awesome flatbreads with potatoes and fried onions. This is how I fill up a half-liter jar of leftovers and bake something for the family. I got distracted: we’re making sourdough pancakes. Straight from the refrigerator, pour the wheat sourdough into a suitable container. Add water, chicken eggs, salt, sugar, baking soda. Mix everything well.

Then gradually add sifted wheat flour, mixing it into the dough. I indicated the amount of flour that is needed specifically for my dough. If your dough is not thick enough, feel free to add more flour.

Now all that remains is to pour about 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix them into the dough. We will need the rest of the oil for frying.

The thickness of the pancake dough for this recipe is quite thick. It is about the same as yeast for pancakes - it does not flow from a spoon, but stretches and plops down in a piece. If the batter is thinner, the pancakes will turn out flat.

Pancakes with apples, honey and cinnamon! Sourdough, without yeast or eggs

Sourdough recipe I have the simplest one, because I have never made sourdough before and bread without yeast at all I baked it for the first time a couple of days ago!

My starter is almost completely converted to wheat. I don’t know how the strength of the sourdough is determined, but for me it doesn’t fall asleep even in the refrigerator :) It comes up quite quickly, although I write that I’m waiting a couple of hours, in fact today I watched it on purpose, it came up in 1 hour 20 minutes on a warm floor under a film. Since the starter actively lives and breathes, at each daily feeding you need to either throw away some of it or look for ways to incorporate it into baked goods :) But, such a quantity of bread Even in my family they can’t handle it, so... sourdough pancakes! Unlike yeast pancakes, these can be eaten straight from the stove, which is what my family does! (Yeast pancakes are still not very healthy to eat hot; I even try not to give the children hot bread if it is made with yeast. Only the husband can afford to indulge in warm bread, and the children will still have time to spoil their stomachs)

So, a recipe for sourdough pancakes with apples, cinnamon and honey! How delicious, have you already imagined? In such a cold as we have now, it’s time to indulge in lush goodies with honey and apples :)


  1. Sourdough – 3 tbsp. spoons
  2. Water – 100 ml.
  3. Milk – 150 ml.
  4. Flour – about 300 gr. + *I, as always, use flour with 13% protein content. Premium wheat
  5. Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons
  6. Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons
  7. Apple – 1 pc.
  8. Cinnamon - to taste *I have 0.5 tsp.

How much to weigh in grams - read for those who don’t have measuring utensils, how to count the amount of one or another ingredient with spoons!


  1. Dilute the starter with water (100 ml) and add 4-5 tbsp. spoons of flour. We get the batter, put it under the film in a warm place *It took me 1 hour 20 minutes to get up
  2. Pour into the suitable dough warm milk
  3. Add honey *If the honey is candied, melt it in a water bath or in the microwave until liquid.
  4. Mix, add vegetable oil and flour so that the dough is like sour cream
  5. Place under plastic wrap in a warm place until it bubbles. *Took me about an hour
  6. Mix finely chopped apple and cinnamon into the risen dough.

  7. Stir
  8. Fry over low heat, covered, for 2-3 minutes in a small amount of vegetable oil. *So as to grease the pan
  9. Ready! Serve with honey, jam, sour cream, condensed milk at your discretion!

Bon appetit!

If you want to use sourdough for more than just bread, then I suggest you give it a try. sourdough pancakes. To prepare such pancakes, you can use either wheat or rye sourdough - there is no difference. You can see the recipe for the rye sourdough that I used. The pancakes turn out very tasty, soft and fluffy. I also added an apple to them to make the taste more interesting, try it! You can serve these pancakes with jam, jam, honey, or simply sprinkle them with powdered sugar.


To prepare sourdough pancakes you will need:

warm water - 100 ml;

warm milk - 150 ml;

sugar (or honey) - 2 tbsp. l.;

refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. (in dough) + for frying pancakes;

premium wheat flour - 300 g;

apple - 1 pc. (optional).

Cooking steps

The starter for making pancakes must be active, that is, one that ferments at room temperature. If your starter was in the refrigerator, you first need to take it out, leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours, and then “feed” it by adding a couple of tablespoons of the appropriate flour and 2-3 tablespoons of warm water, mix, leave the starter for an hour 3-4 so that fermentation begins in it, only after this you can take the starter to prepare the dough.

To prepare pancakes, mix 50 ml of warm milk with 50 ml of warm water, add 3-4 tablespoons of starter, stir, add 3-4 tablespoons of flour, mix well and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.

Then pour in vegetable oil, 50 ml of warm water and 100 ml of warm milk, add sugar.

Knead the dough, similar to sour cream of medium thickness, leave it in a warm place, covered with film, for 1 hour. Next, if desired, add an apple cut into small pieces and mix.

Now you can fry the pancakes, placing them, as usual, with a spoon, on a frying pan heated with sunflower oil in the form of flat cakes. Pancakes should be fried over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Bon appetit!