It is better to dry or freeze cilantro. Harvesting cilantro, drying and freezing for the winter

12.12.2023 Grill menu

Many people love cilantro, but keeping this rather delicate herb fresh is not always easy - it often begins to spread and rot. However, if you approach the issue of storing it wisely, you can keep cilantro fresh even for several months. And then you can enjoy delicious dishes with fresh herbs throughout the season.

Cold storage

You can store fresh cilantro in the refrigerator. However, before putting it in the refrigerator, you should trim its stems. It's best to use a pair of fairly sharp kitchen scissors for this. It is not recommended to cut more than 2.5 cm of stem from each branch. And if you don’t have scissors, you can use a sharp knife. Why do you need to trim the stems? This procedure allows you to free the so-called “living” parts of the stems that can absorb water, because stems that have been exposed to air for more than an hour die, thereby limiting the ability of cilantro branches to absorb life-giving moisture.

You shouldn’t wash the cilantro at this stage - its leaves should be dry. If there is debris or dirt on the plants, they are washed off immediately before use. It is important to remember that in all cases, cilantro is washed at the end of storage, and not before it.

Then fill a glass jar with cool water - as a rule, it is filled half or a quarter full with water. The water level should be sufficient to cover the stems. But the leaves should not be under water. That is, cilantro is treated almost the same way as a bouquet of cut flowers - just like flowers standing in a vase, it will absorb water through the stems. Accordingly, the cilantro leaves will remain fresh all this time.

The cilantro placed in a jar is covered with a plastic bag. The package must be clean. You can secure it around the neck of the jar with a rubber band. Such a “vacuum” will protect the greenery from the destructive effects of air. And you should store the jar of cilantro in the refrigerator. As a rule, it is stored until the leaves begin to change color or fade. In most cases, cilantro will stay bright and fresh for about two weeks or more. By the way, the water in the jar needs to be changed systematically - as soon as its color begins to change, it is poured out and the jar is filled with clean, fresh water. It is enough to change the water every few days.

Storing in freezer bags

Fresh cilantro leaves are washed under running cool water, then the water is allowed to drain and the greens are dried with a paper towel. You can also let the water drain by placing the cilantro in a colander, or you can simply spread it out on several layers of clean paper towels and keep it like that until all the water has drained. The plants must be fairly dry, so the leaves are additionally wiped dry with a paper towel. You should not rub them vigorously, as in this case there is a high probability of damaging them.

If desired, the leaves can be trimmed a little. In principle, it is quite acceptable to freeze whole leaves, however, if you want to use the greens immediately after thawing, it is better to cut the leaves from the stems with a sharp knife. It is not forbidden to use kitchen scissors for this purpose. This method is good because it makes it possible to easily measure out the required portions of greens after they have been defrosted.

Then the cilantro is laid out in a single layer on a baking sheet. It is important to ensure that the branches and leaves do not lie on top of each other or touch each other. If you lay out the greens in several layers, the branches will begin to stick together, which will significantly complicate the process of their subsequent separation during defrosting. Place the baking sheet with cilantro in the freezer until it is completely frozen. Next, the frozen greens are transferred to special bags for freezing. They usually write the date of freezing, as well as the name of the herb and its weight. In this form, cilantro can be stored in the freezer for several months. And before using the greens, let them thaw - their temperature should rise to room temperature.

Frozen cilantro is an incredibly healthy and fragrant “memory” of summer. It can be added, for example, to soups, fillings for pies and pies, and many are completely unthinkable without this spicy plant with an amazing, incomparable smell. This preparation perfectly preserves all the original taste and vitamins, but on the condition that the product is frozen quickly. And another very important point - before freezing, the plant must be soaked in hot water. This is done so that when frozen, cilantro does not lose its amazing emerald color and does not lose its taste.

Recipe information

Cooking method: blanching and freezing.


  • fresh cilantro
  • water.

Cooking method:

Note to the owner:

  • It is not necessary to freeze greens in molds to make ice cubes. Any other small containers you have, such as ice cream molds, will work just fine.
  • In the same way, you can freeze dill, parsley, basil, celery and any other herbs.
  • The freezing season for cilantro is September–October.

Spicy green coriander with a piquant aroma is called “cilantro” in the Caucasus, and “cilantro” in South America. A fresh, sharp smell, which becomes softer as the grass matures, accompanies many dishes of Georgian and Mexican cuisine. Connoisseurs of cilantro want to consume it all year round, and not just in the summer, during the growing season of all greens. To do this, it must be stored correctly so that in winter you can not only enjoy the taste, but also receive health benefits.

Features of cilantro

All herbs that people eat have some beneficial properties. Cilantro is no exception; its leaves contain essential oils, vitamins, and organic acids, which have a general strengthening effect on the body. Biologically active substances help process meat and fatty foods and protect the body from toxins. If you eat cilantro regularly, blood circulation will improve and many problems with blood pressure and the gastrointestinal tract will go away.

There is rarely a person indifferent to this interesting herb. Usually people love cilantro very much or actively dislike it; they are irritated by the slightest smell. This is explained by its composition: essential oils and biologically active substances bring benefits to someone, but someone’s body rejects them because it fears harm. Allergic reactions to this plant are even possible, but they are probably not common, judging by the wide distribution and great demand for cilantro throughout the world.

Why do you need to prepare

In the summer, fresh herbs are added to salads, sauces, first or second courses; this is easy to do even for city residents who do not have a summer house. But in winter this is not so easy to do. You can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks. They do it this way: freshly picked twigs or leaves are placed in water, and the container is covered with a plastic bag. This is done with all herbs. The leaves will not last any longer when stored without water if they are simply placed in bags or plastic containers.

In order not to exclude cilantro from the diet after the end of summer, people have come up with many ways to prepare it for the winter. It is salted, pickled, and special dressings are made, which can be stored much longer, so that you can add it to ready-made dishes or use them in their preparation all winter.

For the marinade, you need to take 1 tablespoon of 9 percent vinegar and a pinch of salt for 0.3 liters of water. The green cilantro is washed, dried with a paper towel, finely chopped, placed tightly in glass jars, poured with marinade, and allowed to brew for a while. A little vegetable oil is poured on top for better preservation.

Some housewives suggest using a seasoning from oriental cuisine called “Chutney” as a preparation for the winter. Walnuts, garlic, cilantro , its seeds, which for some reason we call “coriander”, onions, hot peppers without seeds are crushed and, stirring constantly, diluted with the marinade. The marinade is made very quickly by mixing 50 ml of boiled water with 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar. The sauce is brought to the consistency of a thick soft paste.

If desired, add turmeric, salt or paprika to it. This ready-made sauce keeps well in the cold and is a lifesaver for cilantro lovers all winter long. You can prepare coriander greens in other similar ways - Eastern and Latin American cuisines offer many sauces made with cilantro. Well, for those who prefer more traditional methods of preparation, or simply do not want to dilute the taste and smell of cilantro with other spices, there is drying or freezing.


For drying, fresh herbs are selected, collected before flowering - the riper the plant, the softer and weaker its specific aroma becomes. Sprigs of cilantro, like other herbs, are usually dried in bouquets, hung by the stems in ventilated rooms: in kitchens, verandas, attics. The main thing is that there is no direct sunlight, and the temperature does not rise above 40 degrees. To protect from dust (or sun), tufts of grass are covered with a thin natural cloth or paper bag.

If the owners want to preserve the chopped greens, then they will need to be dried on special horizontal planes: pallets or trays. The twigs (or the leaves torn from them) are sorted out, leaving only clean, healthy, undamaged ones. Then they are cut and laid out on paper-lined trays in a thin layer. Drying should be done in a dry, ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, stirring occasionally to prevent mold or caking of the plant material. You can put the tray in the oven and dry it with the door ajar at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. It is advisable to store dried herbs in glass jars with tightly closed lids.

Drying allows you to preserve not only the aroma, but also all the beneficial properties of cilantro until next spring. Some housewives claim that before drying, as well as before other manipulations, the grass needs to be washed and then dried with a paper towel. Others argue that it is not worth washing clean-looking plants; anyway, then the dry grass is not eaten just like that, but added to dishes that are still heat-treated. Here everyone must decide for himself.

Further freezing

Modern freezers provide an excellent opportunity to store frozen greens for the winter. This is also a great way to preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant and improve the health of your family by adding summer vitamins to your winter dishes. For freezing, healthy fresh plants are selected, finely chopped, placed in bags, tightly closed and placed in the freezer. You can also freeze it in portions. Ice molds are used for this. Cut up leaves are placed in them, filled with water and frozen. Then you can take out one ice cube at a time all winter and throw it into soup, stew or any other dish.

You can freeze cilantro leaves not only with water, but also with oil. A container of the required size (usually small) is filled with leaves and not water is added, but any vegetable or melted butter. It will also freeze, and will preserve greens no worse than water. Oil, and even frozen, will also help preserve the beneficial components of cilantro until the next harvest. You can make a snack butter with herbs.

To do this, cilantro is washed, chopped and mixed with butter, preparing a delicious “spread” for a sandwich or toast. Then, using cling film or parchment, they form a “sausage” that is convenient for storage and cutting, and place it in the freezer. You can cut a piece and use it to prepare dishes from minced meat, vegetables, rice or potatoes within six months.

Video “How to freeze any greens”

Demonstrative video with examples and instructions on how to freeze any greens.

Housewives all over the world actively use various herbs when cooking. They are usually added to dishes, both fresh and dried. Such additives help improve the taste of food; in addition, they have a lot of useful qualities and, when used correctly, can prevent many diseases and even help cure them. Cilantro is just such a popular herb. Let's talk on the about how cilantro is stored, what recipes will help us with this, what beneficial properties and contraindications to its consumption can be used. Let's start the conversation by telling you that cilantro is valued and what benefits it has for our body.

The benefits of cilantro

Cilantro is actively used in Russia not only in the form of greens, but also as seeds, which are commonly called coriander. The foliage of such a plant is a source of significant amounts of provitamin A and ascorbic acid, so it is often recommended to consume it in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus. This herb helps with ailments of the retina of the eye; it should be taken as food for, as well as for degenerative diseases of the lens. Cilantro has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, helping to maintain youth and health.

This herb is often recommended to be taken to activate digestive processes. So people suffering from reduced secretory activity of the stomach should consume one or two tablespoons of this greenery, pouring lemon juice on them about half an hour before a meal.

It is believed that cilantro has analgesic, diuretic, antiscorbutic, expectorant and anthelmintic properties. It can bring enormous benefits to digestion, stimulating appetite and optimizing intestinal motility. Also, this herb effectively lowers blood pressure, helps treat insomnia and adds vigor. Its consumption helps to disinfect the digestive tract, cleanse it of bacteria that can cause poisoning.

Cilantro juice is recommended to be used to treat bleeding gums, correct stomatitis, and also to eliminate toothaches. Among other things, this herb has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and helps eliminate bad cholesterol from the body. It is believed that taking cilantro when intoxicated helps reduce the negative effects of alcohol on the body and reduce the severity of a hangover.

But this plant is not always useful. So let's talk about who is dangerous from cilantro, what harm does it cause...

Harm of cilantro

It is believed that cilantro can harm women carrying a baby and breastfeeding. This herb is definitely not indicated for people who have suffered a stroke or myocardial infarction, as well as those who suffer from thrombophlebitis. It should not be eaten in excessive quantities, as such abuse can negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, causing sleep disturbances, weakened memory and irregular periods. You should eat no more than thirty-five grams of cilantro at a time. In addition, it is worth considering that such weed can cause allergic reactions.

There is harm, but in most cases the benefits are undeniable. Therefore, having prepared the grass, it must be securely stored. Therefore, we will talk further about how cilantro is stored and how to prepare this herb for the winter.

How to prepare cilantro for the winter?

The most common method of harvesting cilantro is considered to be drying. When properly dried, the herb retains all of its unique qualities and can be stored for a year. The first step is to rinse the cilantro in water and then under the tap. Next, you need to let the liquid drain and the leaves dry. Chop the plant material not very finely, distribute it in a thin layer over a tray (tray, dish) covered with paper. Dry in a fairly dry place with good ventilation, or in an oven heated to forty degrees. From time to time the raw materials need to be stirred. Dried cilantro should be poured into a clean glass container and sealed with a lid. It is also possible to store it in a canvas bag.

If you want to preserve the green color of the cilantro, you can freeze it. But this is only possible if you own a really high-quality freezer. First of all, sort out the greens, then rinse them and dry them on a laid out paper towel. Next, chop the cilantro, fold it tightly into a plastic tray or plastic bag and put it in the freezer.

Cilantro can also be pickled for the winter. This option can be considered very good. For it you will need fresh herbs (collected before flowering), glass jars and salt (twenty grams of salt per hundred grams of grass). Sort out the plant material, wash it thoroughly and dry it. Next, chop the cilantro and place it in jars, sprinkling it well with salt. Then tamp the greens so that they release juice, cover the containers with lids and place them in the coldest place of the refrigerator.

Some housewives prepare cilantro for the winter by pickling. In this case, you need to prepare three hundred milliliters of water, a tablespoon of nine percent vinegar and a pinch of salt. Pour vinegar into boiling water and add salt. Place the washed and chopped cilantro into the jars quite tightly, but not to the edge. Pour marinade over this raw material, cool slightly and pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil on top. Corked jars should be stored in the basement or refrigerator.

Cilantro is an amazing herb that is useful for preparing a wide variety of dishes, especially meat dishes. It is also recommended to add it to salads and soups, and combine it with cheeses and pita bread.

We have a small plot near the house where I have planted some greenery, mostly cilantro. My husband adds it to almost all dishes. I would like to keep this seasoning fresh until spring. Tell me how to freeze cilantro for the winter?

There are two ways to freeze cilantro:

  • whole branches;
  • chopped leaves.

Freezing whole cilantro sprigs

To freeze cilantro with sprigs, carefully sort through the green mass, select dried sprigs and add water. Wash the greens and place them on a paper towel to dry. The water left on the branches in the freezer will simply freeze and take up extra space in the bag.

Sort dry twigs into small bunches and tie them with thread. Stems that are too long can be cut off. Place the branches in plastic bags or plastic containers, close tightly and place in the freezer.

If there are already containers in the freezer with a different type of greenery, label them so as not to get confused.

Freezing chopped leaves

To prepare greens using this method, you will need a form in which ice is frozen and food foil.

The freezing procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Wash the cilantro sprigs and tear off the leaves.
  2. Chop the leaves with a sharp knife.
  3. Carefully place chopped herbs into an ice tray and pour 1 teaspoon of cooled boiled water (or olive oil) into each cell.
  4. Place the mold in the freezer overnight.
  5. In the morning, knock out the frozen ice along with the herbs from the mold. Wrap each piece in food foil.
  6. Place portioned greens in a common bag or container.

The advantage of this method is that the greens are already divided into portions, and you do not need to defrost all the cilantro.

Freezing cilantro in butter