Oyster mushrooms are spicy Chinese. Chinese cuisine: oyster mushrooms in sweet and sour sauce

How I sometimes want to diversify gray everyday life, to do something unusual. We get bored, and we get tired of everything - from work, fuss, and, of course, everyday life, where there are household chores. But, having changed the pace of life, having tried to bring something simple, but interesting and bright into it, you can again fill the familiar world with colors. Food is no exception, because it is so important to us, and sometimes we don’t feel like cooking anything. We offer to diversify your table and emotions, and cook delicious and tart oyster mushrooms in Korean.

You will be surprised how much a dish can simply and quickly make the diet more varied, satisfying. Such an appetizer will have for all occasions, by the way, it will delight the family and surprise guests. Other housewives will definitely ask you for the recipe. In addition, mushrooms in combination with vegetables are beneficial and vitamins that make us healthy. Moreover, the dish is so nutritious and satisfying that it can act as an independent meal. We will offer you different recipes.

A little about oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms in our time have become mega-popular, yes, also affordable. They are sold in many supermarkets, which are even in small towns. This pleases the housewives, because the diet can be made very diverse, while not wasting energy and a lot of money. Oyster mushrooms are grown by many at home or in specially equipped premises, this is a profitable business. The technology, by the way, is not so complicated and accessible to many, but the return is high.

Oyster mushrooms, like all mushrooms, are nutritious. They are indispensable for the nutrition of people who do not eat meat and are as close as possible to it in composition. The protein in mushrooms is easily digestible, and the substances that are in the composition are indispensable for us. So, in oyster mushrooms there are a lot of amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, zinc, copper and selenium. There are vitamins, and it is very important that mushrooms contain the necessary and rare D2. There are a lot of polysaccharides, chitin in oyster mushrooms, there are nicotinic and ascorbic acids and many more benefits. Fiber is essential for our digestion.

Here are just a small part of the benefits of eating mushrooms and dishes from them, for example, such as Korean oyster mushrooms:

  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • help to slow down atherosclerosis;
  • cleanse the body, helping to expel all toxins and toxins from it;
  • useful for those who live in ecologically polluted regions, especially where there may be radiation;
  • help the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system;
  • serve as a tone for the nervous system;
  • help to better absorb calcium;
  • stimulate metabolism.

Did you know? Scientists still don't know much about mushrooms. Some of them say that the mycelium has a mind, it is even a separate living organism, like people and animals. There are a lot of unusual and old legends associated with mushrooms.

This is not all that mushroom dishes can give our body. But today we are not talking about useful properties, but about a specific snack - Korean oyster mushrooms. By the way, many recipes from Korea, China, Asia have become very popular in our country and have taken root like traditional ones. In general, food in the East is treated very, very scrupulously, there is a whole philosophy. Not surprisingly, Asia has a very long life expectancy. So let's cook.

Korean oyster mushroom recipes

With carrots - fragrant

We will need:

  • oyster mushrooms - about a kilogram of mushrooms;
  • garlic - head;
  • sunflower oil - 75-80 grams;
  • carrots - about 500 grams or three pieces;
  • spices - you can take your favorite. You can put zira, marjoram, suneli hops and so on in a snack. We also advise you to immediately buy a bag of seasoning specifically for Korean carrots. It is in every store;
  • a tablespoon of salt;
  • a little less than a tablespoon of sugar;
  • vinegar - 70 grams.

You will need only half an hour of time, and the snack will be ready. So, my mushrooms, clean, set to cook for 20 minutes, slightly salting the water. After the mushrooms are cut as you like. My carrots, peel and chop on a Korean grater, that is, finely. Then we mix the mass with all the ingredients, and crush the garlic, add spices to taste. Before serving, it is better to keep the appetizer for about six hours in the refrigerator. You can make your own carrots, use fresh ones, or buy ready-made marinated ones in Korean.

It is important to know! In 1997, a very important discovery was made, which suggests that mushrooms can help our immunity, and most importantly, they resist all tumors.

Recipe two - delicious pickled oyster mushrooms

We will need:

  • mushrooms - as much as in the first recipe;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • three bulbs;
  • black and red pepper to taste. You can again take your favorite spices;
  • water - 50-100 grams;
  • two tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • salt - a teaspoon with a slide, again, you can change the recipe for yourself;
  • vinegar - 3 tablespoons.

We clean and wash the mushrooms, cut into cubes or slices, as you like. Boil for 10-15 minutes, dry on a napkin or towel. Onion cut into rings or half rings. We cook the brine in a saucepan - pour water, vinegar and add salt and granulated sugar, after boiling add spices. We put the mushrooms on a substrate of onions, squeeze the garlic and pour our brine. Now you must put the dish in the cold for several hours, covering it with a press.

With stewed onions - simple and fast

We will need:

  • mushrooms - again one kilogram;
  • onion - three heads;
  • garlic - half a head;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • bite spoon 9%.
  • sugar, spices and salt to taste.
  • cilantro and other greens.

So, my mushrooms, clean, separate, cook for 20 minutes. After drying, cut into slices. While the mushrooms are cooking, sauté the onion in butter until tender. Further, everything is simple - put oyster mushrooms in a cup, add onion, cilantro here, pour a little vinegar, salt and add sugar and spices. At the end, crush the garlic and mix everything well. Serve after 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. Ideal for meat, wine, hot dishes such Korean-style oyster mushrooms according to all these different recipes.

As you can see, mushrooms can not only be stewed in sour cream, but also simply and quickly make a delicious, savory snack out of them. Good luck and bon appetit.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Oyster mushrooms are a fairly common and affordable mushroom among all the others.

There are many different recipes for oyster mushroom salads. Today we will try to figure out the main coins - how to properly pickle oyster mushrooms and make Korean salad out of them.

Traditionally, for canning such a salad, you will need about 1 kilogram of oyster mushrooms per serving. The most important point in the preparation of salad is that it retains its taste for a very long time, and is convenient to use at any time. Consider several options for oyster mushroom salad in Korean.

Option number 1.

List of required ingredients:

  1. Oyster mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  2. Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp;
  3. Pepper red and black;
  4. Coriander;
  5. Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  6. Onions - 2-3 heads;
  7. Lemon juice from half a lemon;
  8. Sugar;
  9. Salt 1.5 teaspoons;
  10. Water - 1st;
  11. Garlic 2-3 cloves;
  12. Greenery.

How to make a marinade.

In order to prepare the marinade, you need to take a small saucepan, put all the necessary ingredients in it, except for mushrooms and onions, add a glass of water and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Vinegar is poured 2-3 minutes before the end of the cooking time of the marinade.

Cooking mushrooms.

Wash oyster mushrooms, dry on a paper towel. Large hats are cut into small pieces, small mushrooms are left whole, put into a saucepan and poured with a small amount of water. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes.

Preparing the salad:

After the mushrooms have cooled, we filter the marinade. Carefully lay out the mushrooms, put the onion on top, cut into half rings. Pour marinade, leave this mixture for half an hour, so that the mushrooms are saturated with all the spices and spices. To serve, carefully remove the excess marinade and grease the salad with sunflower oil.

Preparing a canned Korean salad is similar, just after cooling, put all the ingredients in jars and sterilize for 10-1 minutes. Then we close.

Option number 2.

To prepare this salad, you need all the above listed ingredients, in addition, you need to add:

  • Carrots - 1-2 medium carrots;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Soy sauce - 50 ml.

The cooking technique consists of boiling the marinade and mushrooms.

  1. In the cooled marinade, add carrots, onions and soy sauce.
  2. Carrots are best grated on a special grater or finely chopped into strips.
  3. Then add the cooled, strained mushrooms.
  4. After thorough mixing, the salad must be put in the refrigerator for 1.5 - 2 hours.

Pickled carrots with their crunch and spicy taste will give the salad a Korean touch.

For example, I pickle Korean-style carrots separately, and then mix them with mushrooms, it turns out pretty well.

The taste of this salad is excellent, mushrooms are honored very well.

Option number 3.

This variation of Korean salad with oyster mushrooms has a very pleasant, piquant taste and a minimum of spiciness.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Vinegar 1st.l;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • 2-4 garlic cloves (to taste)
  • For those who like spiciness, you can add red pepper;
  • Coriander.

We put all these ingredients in a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes, add vinegar 1 minute before turning it off.

Preparation of the main component:

Wash mushrooms, cut into small pieces and boil for 8-10 minutes over low heat. Then strain and let cool.

At the final stage, it is necessary to lightly fry one onion and put it on the bottom of the dish where we will put the mushrooms next.

  • Next, lay out the oyster mushrooms - half of the available ones.
  • Top with a fresh onion, cut into half rings or rings.
  • Then again the remaining mushrooms.
  • After that, fill everything with marinade, and turn it off with a small press.
  • Lettuce should stand under pressure in the refrigerator for 6 to 8 hours.

When preparing a Korean salad with oyster mushrooms, you can experiment with different spices and ingredients for the marinade, the main thing is to stick to the required amount of spices so as not to overshadow the taste of mushrooms, which in this salad should only be emphasized by the selected spices.

Bon appetit, enjoy!

Hi all.
Recently, I have been increasingly turning my eyes towards Asian cuisine. There are a lot of interesting solutions there, and the taste of Asian cuisine is very different from European. And new tastes are my everything. By the way, an interesting story happened to this noodle. My wife is generally immensely happy that I am doing cooking, and does not get tired of praising my culinary experiences (apparently, in order to continue to go into the kitchen solely for the sake of a new portion of some sweets). But this time she had a completely new reaction to the dish. He sits to himself, calmly eats, and then he begins to smile, so much so that I was already beginning to worry. It turned out that the noodles turned out so tasty, the combination of flavors in it was so interesting that Katya got goosebumps from pleasure. This is what needs to happen. It never happened. Either the soup had an effect on her from the cold, or the noodles turned out so tasty, or something else. No matter how wonderful a husband I am, a woman's soul (like their taste buds) is still dark for me. So let's trust my wife's reaction and try to cook Asian-style rice noodles with chicken and oyster mushrooms together.

For this we need:

2 liters of chicken broth
400 grams of rice noodles
400 grams of chicken fillet
200 grams of oyster mushrooms
100 grams of green onions
50 grams fresh ginger
50 ml soy sauce
4 garlic cloves
2 star anise
1 large sweet pepper
1 lemon
black and chili pepper to taste

1. There will be many photos, but, in fact, the recipe is very simple. We clean the ginger and cut into strips, chop the garlic, and cut the sweet pepper into thin strips.

2. My mushrooms and also cut into thin strips, thicker than pepper, of course. We cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, ideally make the pieces oblong. In parallel, put a pot of water on the fire, in which we will cook the noodles.

3. Warm up the wok, add vegetable oil. It took me about 50 ml. We give it to warm up, which will take us less than a minute. Throw ginger, mushrooms and garlic into the wok. Fry, stirring, for just a few minutes, so that the mushrooms release the juice.

4. Add chicken fillet. And fry everything until almost all the mushroom juice has evaporated. Let some juice remain, otherwise the food will start to burn.

5. It's time to pour in the soy sauce, add star anise, sweet pepper, ground chili and black pepper. Cook for another minute, two at the most. By the way, there is one important point here. As you know, soy sauce is different. I have a large bottle of not very salty soy sauce, I am generally not friendly with salty. So my noodles were lightly salted. So you can add as much soy sauce and saltiness as you like.

6. Time to pour in the broth. My broth was freshly brewed, so there was no need to warm it up. If you use frozen, or just chilled, then preheat it, it should be hot, but not boiling. Did you add broth? Throw noodles into a separate pan. Remember, we put a pot of water on the fire a little earlier? Add some salt to the water and boil the noodles until tender.

7. When the noodles are ready, drain all the water. Remove the broth wok from the heat. We take out the star anise from it, add the juice of one lemon, throw in the green onions (chopped beforehand, but not finely) and add the noodles. We mix.

The dish is juicy, colorful, delicious!
I cooked in a lean version, but it can be cooked with chicken fillet or shrimp.

Bulgarian sweet pepper - 2 pieces (300 gr.)
leeks - 1 stalk (230 gr.)
oyster mushrooms - 500 gr.
garlic - 4 cloves (or asafoetida)
soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
ground coriander - 0.5 teaspoon without a slide
cilantro greens
vegetable oil for frying - 4 tablespoons
rice - 1- 1.5 cups


Cook rice in any way. I cooked in a slow cooker.
Wash the vegetables and herbs, especially the leeks. Remove seeds from peppers. Cut peppers and leeks into strips. Finely chop the garlic and chili peppers. Heat vegetable oil in a wok, add bell pepper,

and fry it over high heat for a minute. Add garlic.

Wash mushrooms.

Cut the oyster mushrooms into thick strips and send them to the wok.

Stir and fry over high heat for a few minutes.

As soon as the mushrooms start to juice, add the leek to the wok.

Add chili pepper, coriander and soy sauce. Stir and cook for another five minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with cilantro.

In Chinese, it’s more correct to mix boiled rice and vegetables in a wok. I didn’t follow the rules, served rice separately and laid out vegetables on top. Serve soy sauce separately.

Try it, just 15 minutes and a simple but very tasty dish will be on your table.

Bon appetit!