Chocolate orange cake with buttercream. Cooking with pleasure: chocolate orange cake

12.01.2024 Meat dishes

Chocolate baked goods and dessert lovers are constantly experimenting to find the perfect companion for this beloved product. A great winter option and a real find is making a chocolate orange cake. This dessert will appeal even to those who are indifferent to chocolate and prefer less sweet pastries. Adding orange to the dough and cream can significantly reduce the sweetness of the finished dish and give it an indescribable sweet and sour shade. Drinking tea on cold evenings with orange cake will become a favorite family pastime.

Chocolate Orange Cake Recipe

Culinary experts have come up with many variations for making chocolate-orange cake, and each recipe is good in its own way. However, a cake recipe consisting of chocolate sponge cake, delicate orange cream and sour citrus impregnation is perfect for the holiday. And if you spend a little more time on decorating and serving, the dish will be in no way inferior to a restaurant dessert.

Ingredients for the recipe "Chocolate-orange cake"

Before you start preparing the orange-based chocolate cake, you should prepare the products specified in the recipe in advance. We divide all the components necessary for making an orange cake into 3 groups: products for sponge cake, cream and impregnation. Before use, oranges should be thoroughly washed with hot water and a brush to remove the wax that sellers use to treat the fruit to preserve its presentation.


Before you start cooking, you should prepare the ingredients for the chocolate sponge cake. To increase the concentration of chocolate in the orange cake, you can increase the amount of the component. The combination of sponge cake and bitter dark chocolate is ideal for orange cake. Therefore, it is better to take a product in which the mass fraction of cocoa is not lower than 70%.

To make a biscuit you will need:

  • 150 g sifted flour;
  • 200 g chocolate (bitter);
  • 6 chicken eggs (you can immediately separate the white part from the yellow, just watch carefully, not a drop of yolk should get into the white);
  • grated zest of 1 orange;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 200 g sugar (additionally prepare 2 tablespoons);
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 50 ml of orange liqueur (if it is expected that children will eat the orange cake, then replace the liqueur with orange juice);
  • ¼ cup hot water.


To make the perfect accompaniment to chocolate orange cake, you'll need citrus cream.

To ensure that the dessert filling has the desired consistency, you should carefully choose the cream. They should have maximum fat content (at least 38%), and initially the density of the cream is like cream.

General list of cream components:

  • 400 ml high fat cream;
  • 100 g sugar for whipping cream + 75 g for the cream itself;
  • 4 oranges;
  • butter 60 g;
  • 2 chicken eggs and 1 yolk;
  • half a teaspoon of cornstarch.


The basis of the impregnation is a syrup based on orange juice. Due to the fact that the zest will be used in the dish along with the pulp, the oranges for the orange-chocolate cake should be thoroughly washed. For orange syrup you will need:

  • grated zest from half an orange;
  • 100 g of freshly squeezed juice (if the fruit is juicy, then approximately this amount is obtained from half the fruit);
  • 50 g sugar.

Video of making chocolate orange cake


Cooking step by step

It is better to start the process of making chocolate cake with orange cream by kneading the sponge cake. While it is baking, there will be time to prepare the cream and impregnation.

  1. First, the chocolate base for the dough is made. Coffee is dissolved in the specified amount of boiled water. In a separate bowl, steam the chocolate broken into pieces along with butter. When the consistency allows, mix the mixture thoroughly and pour the prepared coffee into it. Then pour out the zest and add juice or liqueur (the liquid should be at a warm temperature, otherwise the chocolate will begin to thicken ahead of time).
  2. Beat the separated egg whites with 2 tablespoons of sugar. To speed up the process, add a few drops of lemon juice. As soon as the whites become as dense and fluffy as possible, transfer them to another container (if you used a food processor container during the whipping process). The beating stage should be given special attention, because... It is due to the proteins that the dough will be fluffy, because there is no soda or baking powder in the composition.
  3. Prepare the dry ingredients: pour cocoa into the sifted flour, add a pinch of salt and mix everything.
  4. Beat the yolks with sugar until creamy, then mix them with the chocolate mass until a homogeneous structure is obtained. Then add the prepared dry ingredients in several stages. Combine the dough with the beaten egg whites. At this stage, you should no longer use a mixer, so as not to damage the airy structure of the dough. You need to mix strictly by hand, very carefully, with twisting movements, using a spatula.
  5. Then you can go in two ways: bake the entire sponge cake at once and cut it ready-made, or bake the cake layers separately. The first method is suitable for experienced pastry chefs and owners of a sharp knife of a suitable size. The prepared dough is poured into a mold with a diameter of 18 to 21 cm, greased with butter and lined with baking paper. Place in the oven until done. Place the baked cake with the upper part on a flat dish and cool. The orange and chocolate cake base is ready.

To prepare the impregnation, heat the juice, zest and sugar in a small container. While the biscuit is baking, prepare the cream. Grate the zest from the oranges and squeeze out the juice (you should get about 1 cup). Mix the zest with sugar and juice and let it brew for about half an hour. At this time, beat the eggs with the yolk, add starch and zest with juice. As soon as a uniform consistency is obtained, put the beaten eggs on the fire and cook without bringing to a boil. During the cooking process, stir the mixture constantly and cook until thick. Pass the finished cream through a sieve, add butter and let cool. Whip the cream and sugar until fluffy peaks form and add the remaining cream ingredients in several additions.

Decorating and serving dessert

It is better to assemble the cake in a springform pan with high sides. We place the still warm first cake layer on the bottom and generously coat it with the uncooled impregnation. Let the cake cool after soaking. To speed up the process, each layer can be soaked separately in a warm state.

You can not soak the top layer of the cake, but decorate it with dark chocolate icing. To prepare it, crushed chocolate is poured into hot cream and stirred to a uniform consistency. The finished orange cake is covered with glaze on top; if desired, orange zest can be sprinkled on top.

Agar-agar is an analogue of gelatin

There are several subtleties in preparing chocolate cake with oranges:

  1. To make the cream as dense as possible, you can add gelatin or agar-agar to it. First soak the gelatin in cold water and pour it into the cream at the final whipping stage.
  2. After assembly, the cake should be placed in the refrigerator to harden, preferably for a day.
  3. If it is not possible to beat the whites to the desired state, add baking powder to the biscuit.
  4. Whipped egg whites or cream must be mixed carefully; this will preserve the fluffy structure of the finished product to the maximum.
  5. Beat the eggs together with the yolk and cook with the addition of corn starch, because... After heating, it will not be possible to distribute the dry component well throughout the mixture and many lumps will form that cannot be gotten rid of.

If you like sweet desserts with bright flavors, then be sure to read our article. In it we will tell you how to prepare delicious desserts for tea or for a holiday table. This chocolate-orange cake will delight those with a sweet tooth of any age and will lift your spirits even on the gloomiest day.

Soufflé cake with almonds

The original combination of chocolate, orange and nuts will not leave even the most severe critic indifferent.


  • Sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Dark chocolate - 80 grams.
  • Orange jam - 150 ml.
  • Heavy cream - 100 ml.
  • Almonds - 30 grams.
  • Oat flakes - 50 grams.
  • Gelatin - 10 grams.
  • Vanilla sugar - one pack.
  • Butter - 30 grams.

How to cook

Chocolate cake with orange soufflé is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Melt the chocolate and butter in a double boiler or low heat. As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, add flakes and crushed nuts to it.
  • Pour the warm mixture into the mold and smooth it out with a silicone spatula. When the cake base has cooled, place it in the refrigerator.
  • Soak gelatin in 40 ml of warm water. To achieve the desired result, carefully read the instructions described on the package. After about ten minutes, the gelatin will swell and can be mixed with Heat the mixture over low heat, and then cool it.
  • Combine the orange mixture with sour cream and beat the products with a blender. Place the soufflé in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.
  • Whip the cream with vanilla sugar, and then carefully mix it with the orange soufflé. Place the air mass on the chocolate base and level the surface.

Place the cake in the refrigerator for several hours. Chocolate cake with orange jam can be decorated with coconut shavings and almonds.

Chocolate cake with orange jelly

This delicate dessert has a bright original taste. It contains cottage cheese, and therefore can be offered even to the smallest member of your family. To make the cake neat and beautiful, you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you want everything to work out at the highest level, then carefully read our instructions.

For the biscuit you will need the following products:

  • Sour cream - 150 grams.
  • Egg yolks - two pieces.
  • Brown sugar - half a glass.
  • Slaked soda - half a teaspoon.
  • Wheat flour - one glass.
  • Cocoa powder - one tablespoon.

To prepare the chocolate-orange side, take:

  • Wheat flour - 110 grams.
  • Cocoa - 20 grams.
  • Brown sugar - 120 grams.
  • Butter - 80 grams.
  • Egg whites - two pieces.
  • One whole egg.
  • Milk - 45 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml.
  • Baking powder - five grams.
  • Orange zest.

To make curd cream, take:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams.
  • Orange juice - 125 ml.
  • Brown sugar - 150 grams.
  • Gelatin - 20 grams.
  • Water - 50 ml.
  • Orange zest.
  • Sour cream - 100 grams.

For decoration you will need:


We will prepare the chocolate-orange cake like this:

  • First make the sponge cake. To do this, mix the yolks, slaked soda, sugar and sour cream. Sift the flour and cocoa through a sieve and combine the products in a deep bowl. Place the dough in the pan and bake until done. Cool the cake on a wire rack.
  • Next you need to prepare the side. Beat 80 grams of sugar and soft butter with a mixer. Continuing to stir, add the egg whites. Gradually add cocoa and 80 grams of flour to the products. Spread the resulting dough evenly on the parchment, and then make a random pattern on it with your fingers. Place the dough in the refrigerator and wait until the dough hardens (this will take about half an hour).
  • Beat the remaining sugar with a whole egg, warm milk and vegetable oil. Add baking powder, zest to taste and the remaining flour (30 grams) to the products. You should have a fairly runny dough. Pour it onto the chocolate base, which has already hardened by this time. Immediately place the parchment in the oven and bake the cake rim until done. When the workpiece has cooled slightly, turn it over onto a flat surface and carefully remove the paper. After this, cut the edges with a knife so that the height of the side is about eight centimeters and the length is 30 centimeters.
  • The next step is preparing the curd cream. First, soak the gelatin in cold water. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, and then beat it with sour cream, sugar and juice. Place the cream in the refrigerator. Dissolve the gelatin in the microwave and combine with the cooled curd mass. All you have to do is beat the cream with a mixer and wait until it thickens.
  • Dilute the dry jelly in 250 ml of hot water and then cool it.
  • Cut the biscuit lengthwise into two parts. Place one on the bottom of the mold and install a side. Place half the cream on the base, then place the second part of the sponge cake and the remaining curd mass. Place orange slices on the surface and pour jelly over them.

The bright beautiful cake is ready. Place it in the cold, and after a few hours serve the dessert with tea or cocoa.

Chocolate cake with orange mousse

Here is another recipe for a festive dessert. We want to warn you right away that it will take time to prepare it. However, the result is worth the effort and you can see it for yourself.

For the biscuit, take the following products:

  • Rice flour - 60 grams.
  • Corn starch - one tablespoon.
  • Chicken eggs - three pieces.
  • Cocoa - two tablespoons.
  • Boiling water - two spoons.
  • Vegetable oil - one spoon.
  • Baking powder - one teaspoon.
  • Instant coffee - half a teaspoon.
  • Sugar - 180 grams.

For the mousse you will need:

  • 250 grams of sour cream.
  • Condensed milk - 300 grams.
  • Gelatin - 10 grams.
  • Heavy cream - 200 ml.
  • Orange juice - one glass.
  • Zest - to taste.

We will prepare the glaze from:

  • 60 ml water.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 70 grams of condensed milk.
  • 60 grams of white chocolate.
  • 60 grams of milk chocolate.
  • 7 grams of gelatin.
  • 100 ml glucose.

Preparing dessert

How to make chocolate orange cake? Read the dessert recipe here:

  • As usual, first prepare the sponge cake. To do this, beat the sugar and eggs until the mass doubles. After this, sift flour, baking powder, starch and cocoa through a fine sieve. At the end, add vegetable oil and coffee (pre-dilute it in boiling water).
  • Bake the sponge cake, cool it on a wire rack and cut it into three parts. Soak each cake with a mixture of orange juice and cognac.
  • Soak the gelatin in water and then dissolve in the microwave. Whip sour cream with condensed milk. Combine both mixtures, pour orange juice into them and add zest. At the very end, mix the cream with whipped cream.
  • Assemble the cake by placing layers and mousse alternately in the pan. Place the dough in the freezer for several hours or overnight.
  • All we have to do is prepare the glaze. To do this, melt the sugar and wait until it changes color. Add water and glucose to it, as well as melted chocolate and condensed milk. After this, add pre-soaked gelatin to the glaze and mix all the products with a blender.

When the cream has completely hardened, decorate the dessert with glaze. Chocolate orange is ready and can be served to guests with hot or cold drinks.

No-bake chocolate cake with orange curd

A simple dessert is easy to prepare for the arrival of guests or for tea.


  • Chocolate cookies - 300 grams.
  • Butter - 250 grams.
  • Oranges - five pieces.
  • Sugar - 300 grams.
  • Eggs - six pieces.
  • Starch - one tablespoon.

Chocolate cake with orange curd It's very easy to prepare:

  • Grind the cookies in a blender and mix them with melted butter.
  • Pour the mixture into the mold, form the bottom and sides. After this, put the base in the refrigerator.
  • Mix sugar with orange zest and juice. Combine the strained mixture with pre-beaten eggs. Place the curd on the fire, add oil and starch. Boil the mixture, then remove it from the stove and cool.

Place on the base and place the cake in the refrigerator. In 10-12 hours, the delicious dessert will be ready.

Lenten cake with orange cream

On holidays, you can please your loved ones with a delicious cake.


  • Flour - 300 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml.
  • Vinegar - one tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 230 grams.
  • Soda - half a teaspoon.
  • Vanillin - to taste.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Cocoa - three tablespoons.
  • Orange juice - 500 ml.
  • Semolina - three tablespoons.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • and coconut shavings - for decoration.

Dessert recipe

So, let's prepare chocolate cake with orange cream:

  • In a deep bowl, mix sugar, water, vinegar and oil. Sift cocoa, flour, vanillin and soda into a separate bowl. Combine the prepared products and place the dough in the multicooker bowl. Cook the sponge cake in the “Baking” mode for an hour and a half, then cool it and cut it into three layers.
  • Squeeze the juice from the oranges and boil it in a saucepan. Add lemon juice and sugar to taste. After this, add semolina in a thin stream and cook the cream (not forgetting to stir) for a quarter of an hour. Beat the cooled mixture with a mixer.

Coat the cakes with cream, decorate the surface with petals and coconut flakes.

Pancake cake

This dessert combines the sweetness of chocolate and the freshness of orange surprisingly well. For it you will need the following products:

  • Ready-made pancakes - ten pieces.
  • Oranges - two pieces.
  • Condensed milk - three tablespoons.
  • Milk chocolate - a third of the bar.
  • Sour cream - 150 grams.

Chocolate-orange cake made from pancakes and delicious cream is prepared as follows:

  • Bake pancakes according to your favorite recipe. After this, trim the edges evenly using a small plate or mold.
  • For the filling, mix grated chocolate, sour cream and condensed milk.
  • Peel the oranges and cut into slices, not forgetting to remove the seeds and partitions.
  • Grease the first pancake with cream and place the fruit on it in an even layer. Continue adding food in this order until you run out.

Decorate the dessert with grated chocolate and orange slices.

Knowing how to cook delicious food for your family is the responsibility of every housewife. But sometimes, among the huge number of various desserts, you can simply get confused. To prevent this from happening, we offer you special recipes for chocolate sponge cakes, thanks to which you will definitely deserve praise. Those who cannot imagine their life without chocolate and oranges will especially like the delicacies.

Steam recipe

The rather unusual design of the sponge cake will make it a welcome guest on any holiday table. And the cooking process itself will surprise every housewife.


500 ml milk;
250 g flour;
200 g butter;
200 g sugar;
70 g dark chocolate;
70 g cocoa powder;
4 eggs;
1.5 oranges;
1.5 tsp. baking powder.

70 g butter;
5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
4 tbsp. l. cocoa;
3 tbsp. l. sour cream.


1. Take the butter, after keeping it warm, and fluff it with sugar to get a voluminous consistency.

2. Melt the chocolate, this can be done in a water bath.

3. Remove the zest from the citrus fruit and add to the butter-sugar mixture. Pour the chocolate here and beat again.

4. Add eggs, milk, mix well.

5. In a separate container, combine cocoa, baking powder and flour, then add to the liquid ingredients and bring until smooth without lumps.

6. Cooking the cake involves using a water bath. Coat a baking sheet with oil, place in a mold, pour the dough into it, and cover with foil. Place on a large container into which you pour water. This may be a larger form.

7. Bring water to a boil. Turn the heat down, but keep the water simmering a little.

8. Cook for up to one and a half hours. Remember that the water level should not change.

9. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Place all its components in a container and cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes.

10. The finished cake will be easy to remove from the mold, as it will shrink during cooking. Cut it into 2 parts. Cut the orange without peel into pieces and place between the cake layers.

11. Pour the slightly cooled sauce into the center of the biscuit so that it spreads over the surface. There is no need to put it in the refrigerator.

Orange cake with chocolate and coffee

11. Now make the biscuit into 3 parts by cutting it. Soak the bottom layer with juice and place orange jam on it.

12. Place the second cake layer, use citrus juice for it and brush with cream. Do the same with the third sponge cake.

13. Make the glaze by melting the chocolate bar and adding milk.

14. Fill the cake with glaze, decorate with halved orange slices and refrigerate for at least an hour.

An ideal holiday table with original delicacies is guaranteed to you. Whatever chocolate sponge cake you prefer, it will decorate your event, and oranges will add a delicious aroma and a touch of magic!

Friends, I present to your attention a chocolate-orange cake based on chiffon sponge cake. The recipe was born spontaneously, on the fly, as there were a lot of thoughts and desires, but what happened was what happened. The recipe is not difficult to execute, just with the decor, without getting used to it, I had to work hard. I don’t have a special thermometer to measure the temperature of chocolate and perhaps I overheated it, because it kept trying to melt quickly and ruin the whole picture. But I was pleased with the mirror glaze; it is no longer new to me. The recipe is designed for an 18 cm mold, but is also perfect for a 20 cm mold. Despite the fact that a lot of work was done, the result turned out to be impressively tasty and pleased my family.

To prepare chiffon sponge cake we will need: eggs, sugar, cocoa, coffee, orange liqueur, vegetable oil, flour, coffee, vanillin, baking powder.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks with half the sugar until white. Add vegetable oil and continue beating until thick.

Dissolve coffee and cocoa in boiled water. Stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

Add the resulting paste to the beaten yolks and stir.

Sift the flour with baking powder and vanilla and mix it into the yolk-chocolate mixture.

Beat the whites separately with the remaining half of the sugar. Mix the whipped whites into the resulting dough in several additions.

Pour the dough into the mold, lining the bottom with parchment. There is no need to lubricate anything. Bake the biscuit for about 40 minutes, at 170-180 degrees. until a dry match. Cool in the pan and then leave upside down overnight. I place the upside down cake pan on the edges of upside down glasses.

In the morning, run a knife along the edge of the mold and remove the biscuit.

Cut it into 3 parts.

To prepare orange jelly and sponge cake impregnation you will need: oranges, sugar, gelatin.

Grate the zest of one orange. Squeeze juice from oranges. Mix zest, juice, sugar and heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Soak the gelatin in water, then dissolve in the microwave (30 seconds), do not overheat.

Pour some of the resulting sweet orange juice into a container for soaking the biscuit and cool. Add gelatin to the juice and stir until completely dissolved. Then strain from the zest and undissolved gelatin crystals.

Pour the future jelly into a cake mold, the bottom of which is lined with cellophane and place in the freezer for 30 minutes to harden quickly, but not freeze.

For the cream we will need: cream, powdered sugar and vanillin.

Whip the cream into a fluffy mass along with powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin.

Remove the jelly from the freezer. It should set well.

Assembling the cake. Soak the bottom cake with sweet orange juice and spread with buttercream. Place the second cake layer on top and lightly soak it. Then it’s the turn of jelly.

Place the third layer on top and brush it with melted chocolate. The chocolate will harden in the refrigerator and will not allow the cream to be absorbed into the cake, it will not become soggy and the icing will lie smoother.

Coat the cake with cream on all sides and put it in the refrigerator so that the cream sets.

Let's prepare chocolate decor. To do this, you need a special film for chocolate and the chocolate itself.

Melt the chocolate, cut the film into strips. Lubricate the rough surface of the film with chocolate and make blanks for the bow. Cut the still soft chocolate into squares, as if marking the boundaries on the film. Cool everything in the refrigerator.

For mirror glaze you will need: liquid honey or invert syrup, sugar, cream, gelatin, chocolate, water.

Soak gelatin in 35 ml of water. Combine the rest of the water with honey, sugar and bring to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir all the time. Add cream and dissolved gelatin. Strain.

Break the chocolate into the hot mixture and stir until it is completely dissolved and a homogeneous and smooth glaze is obtained. Cool it to room temperature, stirring occasionally. The glaze will be ready.

Place the cake on a wire rack. Lattice onto a plate and pour glaze over it. There is no need to help, the icing should flow down the sides of the cake on its own. Let the cake cool for about 30 minutes to allow the frosting to set.

This is how the cake turns out. All that remains is to decorate it with decorations, but you can leave it like that. Enjoy your tea!

For lovers of oranges and chocolate!

This delicious chocolate orange cake came from... two different recipes! It is a hybrid of my favorite chocolate cake, on the basis of which the cakes are baked, and an unusual tangerine cake, from which I took the idea to add citrus fruits to the cream and dough. The cake turned out worthy of a restaurant! But why, tell me, should we go to a restaurant - even one about which only positive opinions are left - such as reviews of the Plyushkin restaurant - if we can bake an exquisite cake at home, “like in a restaurant”!

The orange cake turned out to be lighter and less sweet than the tangerine one, with an original orange flavor, perhaps slightly bitter from the zest and dark chocolate... but overall I liked the cake! Noble, unusual taste! Try it too, and then tell me about your impressions!



  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of soda;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of vinegar.


  • Orange juice.


  • 0.5 cups sugar;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 orange.


  • 0.5 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon cocoa, 3 tablespoons water;
  • half a bar of dark chocolate.

How to bake:

Mix flour with cocoa and 1 teaspoon of soda.

Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of lukewarm milk.

Beat sugar with eggs and soft butter.

Wash 1 orange thoroughly, dry it, grind it in a meat grinder along with the zest, and add it to the whipped mixture. We also add 0.5 teaspoon of soda and quench with vinegar. Perhaps we could do without this, because the dough already contains soda and vinegar, but I thought it would be safer this way, so that the dough with orange would definitely rise (I’m doing this for the first time, I didn’t know how it would behave!).

Once again, beat the mixture with the orange and pour it into the flour with cocoa, mix. Pour in the buttermilk (milk fermented by vinegar) and mix well again.

Pour the chocolate-orange dough into a springform pan, the bottom of which is lined with paper (lightly grease the paper and sides with oil).

Place in a preheated oven and bake at 180-200C for about 35 minutes. Test for doneness with a wooden stick.

Cool the finished cake and cut it into two. By the way, you can bake the cake a day or two before the holiday, and coat it with cream immediately two hours before.

We prepare the cream as you like: from butter with condensed milk, or from creamy custard. Twist the second orange and add it to the cream, beat with a mixer. Orange cream is ready!

Soak the cakes with orange juice and coat with cream.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, you can add a spoonful of milk or a piece of butter, 15 grams, to the glaze.

Cover the top cake with chocolate glaze or melted chocolate.

Decorate with orange slices; it’s great to eat the cake with as a bite!

What a New Year's, sunny citrus and chocolate cake!

Enjoy your tea!