Birch sap making wine. Birch wine is an amazing drink with a long history! Wine on birch sap - the sequence of preparation

08.03.2020 Dishes for children

Home-made drinks and winemaking have been popular in Russia for a long time. For any owner, it is a matter of pride when the guests liked the drink of their own preparation. The list of ingredients and options is endless: tinctures, liqueurs, wines made from berries, fruits, and various exotic ingredients.

Wine made from birch sap can be the main decoration of the table and a reason for the delight of friends.

The main ingredient is mined in the spring, before bud break. The healing and healing properties of liquid from Russian wood have been known for a long time. Use allows you to cleanse the body, remove toxins. The composition contains various substances that affect the generation of cells and the condition of the skin.

You need to put the drink immediately after collection.

Homemade birch sap wine will require application. To make it is simple, you need to pour a handful of black raisins with 2 glasses of water and let stand for three to four days in a warm place. Dried grapes do not need to be washed. Natural yeasts are preserved on the surface, which will help speed up the fermentation process.

Recipe for making birch wine at home


To prepare a drink you will need:

  • Birch sap - 25 liters (necessarily fresh and filtered);
  • Sugar - 4-5 kg;
  • 150 gr honey. Adding this component and its grade as desired;
  • Lemon acid - 10 gr or juice of 1-2 fruits;
  • Raisin sourdough or wine yeast.

All products must be clean, free of foreign matter. The main component must be freshly harvested (yesterday-today).

Features of the preparation of birch sap

By itself, the liquid does not have a pronounced taste and smell. It contains tannins and sugar. To improve the gastronomic properties, honey and lemon acid are used. Adding honey allows you to give the drink a floral flavor.

One of the stages of preparation for making a drink from birch sap at home is boiling or heating the main ingredient. Temperature treatment is necessary to prevent contamination by harmful microorganisms that may enter the container during collection.

First option

  • We put a container with juice on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • Add sugar, citric acid and honey.
  • Stir until completely dissolved.
  • Boil until 1/5 of the volume evaporates (out of 25 liters, 20 should remain).
  • Cool down to twenty-five degrees.

After that, we continue to work with the wort.

Second option

  • We heat the liquid to 75 degrees, but do not bring to a boil.
  • We add sugar, honey, lemon juice and stir until completely dissolved.
  • We maintain the temperature until the fifth part of the liquid has evaporated (as in the first variant).
  • Cool down.

Any of the options is designed to disinfect the juice. After processing, you can move on.

During heating, in each case, remove the foam from the surface. Solid particles and dirt during the movement of warm streams huddle into one mass and float to the surface. As a result, pure juice will remain, suitable for further use.

Stages of making birch wine

Wine on birch sap must be prepared following the recipe. The main condition for obtaining the result is the use of high-quality ingredients, the cleanliness of dishes and additives, compliance with the temperature regime of storage and fermentation.

A simple birch sap wine recipe

To get a good drink, you need to follow several steps in sequence:

  • Add yeast to warm wort. If we cook without them, then we use sourdough with raisins.
  • After dissolving all the ingredients, pour the workpiece into a clean container. You need to fill the container no more than ¾.
  • A liquid seal must be installed on the neck of the dish. We transfer everything to a dark and warm place for 3-5 weeks.
  • After that, we drain the wine from the sediment into another dry and prepared container. We send to a dark place with a temperature of up to 16 degrees for 1-1.5 months.
  • Ready drink can be tasted immediately. It should be poured into a clean container that does not transmit ultraviolet light (not transparent). The shelf life of the drink is about one year.

Wine made from birch sap without yeast is prepared using natural sourdough from raisins. Dried grapes have their own "wild" yeast, which starts the fermentation process. In the process, the wine gets the aroma of this ingredient, and the taste is similar to white grape.

The classic recipe for wine made from birch sap involves the use of a boiled product, but wine made from birch sap without boiling, and through long-term pasteurization of the liquid, becomes softer. If honey is present in the composition, then light floral notes will appear in the taste.

When preparing a drink from birch sap, you need to neutralize the bitterness, which is given by special substances in the composition. Heat treatment in combination with sugar, citric acid, honey hide this feature.

Containers for storage and fermentation must be processed and sterilized. Wine must is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms, so cleanliness is a must.

The nuances of making wine from birch sap

Cooking will not require any titanic efforts, time or special conditions. The recipe for birch sap wine is very simple. All ingredients are easy to get in a regular store or market.

Having given the process a few minutes of time in 1-1.5 months, you can achieve an amazing result. Only the first stage takes a relatively long time, which is necessary for cleaning, harvesting and controlling the heat treatment of the juice.

Unlike traditional drinks, harvesting birch sap does not require picking berries and fruits, everything happens on its own. The product must be fresh, otherwise, during the preparation process, the juice may curdle and become unusable.

The result of simple manipulations will be a wonderful, low-alcohol drink that wine lovers will certainly appreciate.

  • Popular and original recipes for peppercorns in ...
  • Have you ever heard of birch sap wine? This drink has been enjoyed since ancient times. Belarus is the birthplace of this original wine. A hundred years ago, in the cellars of the villages, there were huge reserves of birch sap. Interestingly, the wine was prepared without the addition of sugar. Honey was used instead of granulated sugar.

    It turned out such homemade wine slightly carbonated. The alcohol content of the drink is low. Unfortunately, the recipe was forgotten for many years. More recently, winemakers remembered this interesting drink and decided to optimize the process of its preparation in modern conditions. And they did great! Homemade drink is very original. Its taste is impossible to forget.

    So, you have decided to please yourself and your loved ones with an amazing drink? Then let's get down to the exciting process - winemaking.

    We begin to "conjure", or the Recipe for making birch wine

    The raw material in this case is birch sap, and it must be fresh. It is impossible to make good wine even from quite a bit of sour juice. Sugar must be added - it is he who will give the drink sweetness, as well as a fortress.


    • birch sap - 25 liters;
    • dried grapes - 200 grams;
    • honey - 200 grams;
    • granulated sugar - 5 kg;
    • citric acid - 8 grams.

    Cooking method

    1. Before you start working with juice, you need to make a starter from raisins. If you have wine yeast, you are exempt from this stage.
    2. Next, you need to take a large saucepan. Mix juice, citric acid and sugar in it. Boil the mixture over low heat until about 20 liters of liquid remain in the container. The foam from the wort must be removed in a timely manner. To such an extent, the juice must be evaporated in order to increase the concentration of solids in it. This will positively affect the final taste of the drink.
    3. Stir the mixture occasionally until it cools down to 25°C. It is desirable to prevent the formation of a film on the surface of the liquid. If it does appear, remove it.
    4. After that, add sourdough (or wine yeast), as well as liquid honey, to the wort container. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Pour the liquid into a special container, where the most important process - fermentation - will take place.
    5. Either a medical glove or a water seal must be installed on the neck of the container. If you are using a glove, remember that one of the fingers must be pierced. Take the container to a dark and warm room (t=19-25°C).
    6. Active fermentation will stop after about a month. But all cases of preparing a drink are strictly individual. Therefore, carefully monitor the water seal. If fermentation is over, it will stop bubbling. A dropped glove also informs about the end of this process. The wort will also change - it will become lighter, and the sediment will fall to the bottom. From this moment on, the mixture gets the proud name - young wine. Carefully pour the drink into another container, trying to leave the sediment in the jar.
    7. Now the container with wine should be hermetically sealed with a lid. Place the container in a cool, warm place to soak. Three weeks is enough.
    8. The finished drink must be carefully filtered again. Pour the wine into dark bottles and put them in the cellar or refrigerator. It is best to use glass containers. An alcoholic drink will keep for about a year. However, it is best to open the wine for the next holiday.

    Birch sap champagne is an original move, an unusual solution!

    Another very interesting drink is birch champagne. Pleasant taste and original aroma accompany this sparkling wine. Preparing it is quite simple.


    • 12 liters of birch sap;
    • 4 tbsp. spoons of yeast;
    • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
    • 4 lemons;
    • 0.5 liters of vodka.

    Cooking method

    1. Add sugar to the juice and boil the liquid in a saucepan. It is best to choose enameled containers. Remove foam from the surface. When a third of the liquid has evaporated, turn off the heat. The mixture should cool down to the temperature of fresh milk.
    2. Next, carefully strain the syrup. After that, pour it into a wooden barrel. Add yeast and vodka to the wort. Lemons are best cut into circles and released into free swimming in a barrel. The liquid must not reach the edges of the container.
    3. Leave the must overnight in a warm place. There it will begin to roam. After that, the barrel must be taken to a cool place for 2 months. After this time, strain the drink and pour it into bottles. It is important to seal the bottles tightly with corks. Store champagne in a cool place.

    You will remember the great taste of this drink for a long time. Wine made from birch sap is not found on store shelves. But a true winemaker will always have a bottle of birch wine or champagne in his “stash”.

    Home-made drinks and winemaking have been popular in Russia for a long time. For any owner, it is a matter of pride when the guests liked the drink of their own preparation. The list of ingredients and options is endless: tinctures, liqueurs, wines made from berries, fruits, and various exotic ingredients.

    Wine made from birch sap can be the main decoration of the table and a reason for the delight of friends.

    The main ingredient is mined in the spring, before bud break. The healing and healing properties of liquid from Russian wood have been known for a long time. Use allows you to cleanse the body, remove toxins. The composition contains various substances that affect the generation of cells and the condition of the skin.

    You need to put the drink immediately after collection.

    Homemade wine from birch sap will require the use of sourdough. To make it is simple, you need to pour a handful of black raisins with 2 glasses of water and let stand for three to four days in a warm place. Dried grapes do not need to be washed. Natural yeasts are preserved on the surface, which will help speed up the fermentation process.

    Recipe for making birch wine at home


    To prepare a drink you will need:

    • Birch sap - 25 liters (necessarily fresh and filtered);
    • Sugar - 4-5 kg;
    • 150 gr honey. Adding this component and its grade as desired;
    • Lemon acid - 10 gr or juice of 1-2 fruits;
    • Raisin sourdough or wine yeast.

    All products must be clean, free of foreign matter. The main component must be freshly harvested (yesterday-today).

    Features of the preparation of birch sap

    By itself, the liquid does not have a pronounced taste and smell. It contains tannins and sugar. To improve the gastronomic properties, honey and lemon acid are used. Adding honey allows you to give the drink a floral flavor.

    One of the stages of preparation for making a drink from birch sap at home is boiling or heating the main ingredient. Temperature treatment is necessary to prevent contamination by harmful microorganisms that may enter the container during collection.

    First option

    • We put a container with juice on the stove and bring to a boil.
    • Add sugar, citric acid and honey.
    • Stir until completely dissolved.
    • Boil until 1/5 of the volume evaporates (out of 25 liters, 20 should remain).
    • Cool down to twenty-five degrees.

    After that, we continue to work with the wort.

    Second option

    • We heat the liquid to 75 degrees, but do not bring to a boil.
    • We add sugar, honey, lemon juice and stir until completely dissolved.
    • We maintain the temperature until the fifth part of the liquid has evaporated (as in the first variant).
    • Cool down.

    Any of the options is designed to disinfect the juice. After processing, you can move on.

    During heating, in each case, remove the foam from the surface. Solid particles and dirt during the movement of warm streams huddle into one mass and float to the surface. As a result, pure juice will remain, suitable for further use.

    Stages of making birch wine

    Wine on birch sap must be prepared following the recipe. The main condition for obtaining the result is the use of high-quality ingredients, the cleanliness of dishes and additives, compliance with the temperature regime of storage and fermentation.

    A simple birch sap wine recipe

    To get a good drink, you need to follow several steps in sequence:

    • Add yeast to warm wort. If we cook without them, then we use sourdough with raisins.
    • After dissolving all the ingredients, pour the workpiece into a clean container. You need to fill the container no more than ¾.
    • A liquid seal must be installed on the neck of the dish. We transfer everything to a dark and warm place for 3-5 weeks.
    • After that, we drain the wine from the sediment into another dry and prepared container. We send to a dark place with a temperature of up to 16 degrees for 1-1.5 months.
    • Ready drink can be tasted immediately. It should be poured into a clean container that does not transmit ultraviolet light (not transparent). The shelf life of the drink is about one year.

    Wine made from birch sap without yeast is prepared using natural sourdough from raisins. Dried grapes have their own "wild" yeast, which starts the fermentation process. In the process, the wine gets the aroma of this ingredient, and the taste is similar to white grape.

    The classic recipe for wine made from birch sap involves the use of a boiled product, but wine made from birch sap without boiling, and through long-term pasteurization of the liquid, becomes softer. If honey is present in the composition, then light floral notes will appear in the taste.

    When preparing a drink from birch sap, you need to neutralize the bitterness, which is given by special substances in the composition. Heat treatment in combination with sugar, citric acid, honey hide this feature.

    Containers for storage and fermentation must be processed and sterilized. Wine must is an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms, so cleanliness is a must.

    The nuances of making wine from birch sap

    Making homemade wine does not require any titanic efforts, time or special conditions. The recipe for birch sap wine is very simple. All ingredients are easy to get in a regular store or market.

    Having given the process a few minutes of time in 1-1.5 months, you can achieve an amazing result. Only the first stage takes a relatively long time, which is necessary for cleaning, harvesting and controlling the heat treatment of the juice.

    Unlike traditional drinks, harvesting birch sap does not require picking berries and fruits, everything happens on its own. The product must be fresh, otherwise, during the preparation process, the juice may curdle and become unusable.

    The result of simple manipulations will be a wonderful, low-alcohol drink that wine lovers will certainly appreciate.

    Cooking secrets and recipes for birch sap wine: how to make it without yeast and boiling

    Birch sap has a sweet refreshing taste. For which he fell in love with winemakers. Wines from this drink are dry and light. Their taste depends on the recipe and the addition of additional ingredients. For beginners in winemaking, the advice of experienced craftsmen, proven in practice, will come in handy on how to make wine from birch sap.

    Creation secrets

    Wine made from birch sap retains all the beneficial properties of the raw drink. The juice itself does not have a strong taste and smell, so winemakers experiment with recipes, supplementing wine with various additives, such as honey, citrus fruits or berries.

    Raw material preparation

    Fresh birch sap is the most important nuance in making wine. If after collecting the juice stood for some time, then during heating it may turn sour.

    Collection of birch sap

    Another important ingredient is raisins. On its surface contains wild yeast, due to which fermentation occurs. When buying this dried fruit, pay attention to its composition. If sulfur dioxide is indicated in it, then such raisins do not contain wild yeast and will not be able to start the fermentation process.

    Container and accessories

    Prepare in advance all the necessary containers and tools for making birch wine.

    • Large enamel saucepan for heating and boiling juice.
    • Glass or plastic containers for fermentation of a suitable volume.
    • Long stick or spatula for mixing.
    • Water seal or rubber glove.
    • Gauze for filtering the wort.
    • A thin tube for draining wine from sediment.
    • Required ingredients for the recipe.
    • Storage bottles and storage caps.

    Remember that before starting work, it is necessary to sterilize the containers. This can be done by dousing them with boiling water or washing with soda. Then you need to wipe it dry.

    Cooking technology

    So that the works are not in vain, and the wine from birch sap turns out to be tasty, it is necessary to follow the technology of its preparation.


    When using raisins, it cannot be washed. Dried berries contain wild yeast on the surface, which is needed to start the fermentation process. If you wash them off, then fermentation will not begin.

    Fermentation of wine from birch sap


    Filter the must through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. To drain the wine from the sediment, insert a thin long tube into the liquid without touching the sediment. Inhale the air from the other end and lower it into a clean bowl. The wine itself will overflow through this tube.

    Birch wine is removed from the sediment twice. After which it is ready for use.


    From 25 liters of birch sap, after boiling, adding various ingredients and filtering, about 20 liters of wine are obtained.

    Among the many recipes, it is sometimes difficult to choose the most suitable one. Choose one as a basis, and then experiment by adding different ingredients and improving the taste. Try and you will get your own unique drink that has a unique color, aroma and taste.

    Storage features

    Store birch wine in the refrigerator or in the cellar (if available). It is important that this drink does not have a long shelf life and it is recommended to use it almost immediately after preparation. Do not store wine for more than 1 year.

    A simple homemade birch sap drink without boiling

    Wine from birch sap

    If you have birch sap and desire to make delicious homemade wine from it. Try to make it according to the simplest recipe, without much effort. The following describes in detail how to make wine from birch sap without boiling.


    • 3 liters of birch sap.
    • 500 ml of honey.
    • 1 kg of sugar.
    • 1 liter of white wine.
    • 1 stick of cinnamon.


    1. Put birch sap on a small fire. Warm it up, but do not bring it to a boil.
    2. Dissolve sugar in juice. Cool to 60°C and add honey.
    3. Cool to room temperature. Add wine and cinnamon.
    4. Cover with several layers of gauze and put in a dark, cool room for 10 days.
    5. Filter the wine and pour into clean bottles.
    6. Insist in a cool shady place for a month.
    7. The wine is ready for tasting!

    Classic way

    Thanks to citric acid, which is part of this recipe, the wine has a balanced acidity, which makes it taste the most pleasant. And also acid promotes longer storage.


    • 15 liters of birch sap;
    • 2.5 kg of sugar;
    • 5 grams of citric acid;
    • 200 gr raisins or wine yeast;
    • 100 g of liquid honey (optional).


    If you use raisins as a fermentation activator, then 3 days before working with birch sap, you need to make a starter. To do this, pour 200 g of raisins into a bottle, add 50 g of sugar and 300 ml of water. Close the bottle with a cotton or cloth stopper and keep in a warm room for up to 4 days.

    • Pour birch sap into a large saucepan. Add sugar and citric acid to it.
    • Boil. Cook over low heat, skimming off any foam that appears.
    • To make the taste of the finished drink more concentrated, it is necessary to evaporate some of the water from the juice. When the volume decreases to about 20 liters, remove from heat.
    • Cool at room temperature. When a film forms on the surface of the wort, it must be removed.
    • Add starter or yeast and honey. Stir.
    • Fill the container for fermentation with the mixture no more than ¾.
    • Put a water seal or attach a rubber glove (make a small hole in it in advance to let carbon dioxide out).
    • Leave to ferment at room temperature, in the dark for 3-4 weeks.
    • After this time, fermentation will be completed (bubbles will disappear, the glove will deflate, sediment will appear and the wort will become more transparent).
    • Now the wine must be drained from the sediment using a thin long tube (this can be purchased at a pharmacy).
    • Let's taste it. If necessary, add sugar and fix with vodka (2-15% of the volume).
    • Next, you need to pour the wine into clean containers, tightly cover with a lid and leave to brew for 2-3 weeks.
    • Re-free from sediment and pour into bottles.

    The strength of the wine is 10-12%.

    Yeast-free option

    There is another way to put wine from birch sap.


    • 15 liters of birch sap;
    • 3 kg of sugar;
    • 600 gr raisins;
    • 3 lemons.


    • Check for wild yeast in raisins. Take a small amount, about 200 g, and prepare the starter as described in the recipe above. If the starter begins to ferment, then these dried berries are suitable for making wine.
    • Strain the juice, put it on a slow fire. Boil until the liquid is reduced in volume to 20 liters.
    • Dissolve sugar in hot juice. You can add only part of the sugar, and during the fermentation process, add in portions, thereby regulating the sweetness of the wine.
    • Cool the juice to room temperature, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, zest of several citrus fruits, raisins and sourdough.
    • Cover the pan with several layers of cheesecloth and leave in a warm, shaded place for 7 days. It is necessary to stir the wort regularly, knocking down the resulting cap so that it does not sour.
    • After a week, the wort must be poured into a fermentation container, a water seal or a glove should be installed.
    • At the end of fermentation, after about a month, the wine must be drained from the sediment with a tube and filtered.
    • Next, the wine is poured into a clean container, tightly closed and placed in a cool room for 2-3 weeks.
    • Now the wine must be drained without sediment and bottled.
    • The drink is ready for tasting!

    This wine has fruity and earthy tones on the palate, it is light and dry.

    Useful video

    This video is about how to make excellent wine from birch sap at home.

    A simple recipe for birch sap wine. How to do at home?

    Since ancient times, on the territory of Belarus and Russia, wine was made from birch sap, adding honey. The result was a little carbonated drink with a small percentage of alcohol.

    Recently, the recipe has been revived, thanks to which you can get acquainted with its unusual taste.


    In order to make birch wine, you need significant amount of juice. This life-giving liquid, extracted from tree trunks in the spring, has no distinct taste, color or aroma.

    Therefore, using various recipes, certain additives are used. Flavorings can be citrus, honey. Berries give a beautiful color.

    Making wine from birch sap at home, craftsmen realize their imagination by inventing a new recipe. The uniqueness of the resulting product is a big plus in favor of the drink.

    Another feature is that you do not need to include water in the number of ingredients, as well as additionally process raw materials. Add only sugar and other ingredients that make the wine unique.

    How to cook at home?

    Consider a typical method: how to make wine from birch sap. First action - sterilization of containers and equipment with boiling water. Compound:

    • 25 liters of fresh birch sap;
    • 5 kg of sugar;
    • from 8 to 10 g of citric acid;
    • 200 g dark raisins (wild yeast);
    • 200 g liquid honey (optional)

    The preparation steps are as follows:

    • Raisins can be replaced with wine yeast. But here, 4 days before cooking, you need to do sourdough from it - a handful is poured with 1.5 or 2 glasses of water, kept warm for up to 4 days.
    • boil sugar, citric acid with juice. Boil, skimming off the foam, until only 20 liters of must remain.
      Let cool, stirring to prevent a crust from forming.
    • Add starter(or wine yeast), honey (optional), pour, stirring well, into a fermentation container. Leave 25% space.
    • Put a water seal on the throat (or put on a rubber glove with a puncture in the finger). Leave in the dark at 18 or 25 degrees C.
    • The main fermentation will end after 3 or 5 weeks, a precipitate will fall out, the bubbles in the shutter will stop. Pour into another container without sediment. You can take a sample, optionally add sugar or up to 15% alcohol (vodka).
    • Bottled, seal tightly and leave for up to 20 days in a dark, cool place (5 to 16 degrees C).
    • Pour again to eliminate sediment.

    Birch homemade wine with a strength of up to 12% is ready, you can store it in cold conditions up to a year .

    Other birch wine options

    The subtleties of making wine with birch sap are comprehended from the variety of possible options. So the obligatory citric acid is replaced with lemon juice (1 lemon instead of a teaspoon of bulk product).

    We get lemon-birch kind of drink. Honey, cinnamon will make the wine spicy, and additives from the fruits of garden or tropical trees - fruit, berry.

    The given yeast-free method is not the only possible one. The "English" method (and not only them) is used to make wine, where yeast is used instead of raisins.

    For 9 liters of juice, take 4 lemons or limes and 2 oranges (citrus zest and juice are used). And also it is 2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of raisins, wine yeast (1 pack) with white wine, herbs or honey. The preparation steps are the same as above.

    If one manages to stock up on juice as raw material during the two-week spring sap flow, one form of storage could be making wine.

    How to make wine from birch sap

    Birch sap is a source of unique beneficial substances for the human body. In cooking, it is used to make various tinctures or in the preparation of desserts. Wine made from birch sap has been consistently popular for a long time and occupies a special place among homemade alcohol recipes.

    How to make wine from birch sap

    It has long been believed that such a drink, due to the content of tannins in it, can increase immunity, and also helps to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances. Making wine requires a fairly responsible approach. The main requirement for an ideal drink is the use of fresh birch sap. This is justified by the fact that stale juice is able to curdle during the heat treatment process. Excess released protein, in most cases, harms the taste of the drink, up to complete spoilage of the entire prepared volume.

    Another important detail in preparing a gourmet drink is the correct ratio of sugar. As in the preparation of other wines, sugar can greatly affect both the taste and the strength of the future wine. In various recipes, the share of sugar is from 10% to 50% of the total volume of raw materials. At the same time, each winemaker is able to level its amount in order to create a drink to suit his tastes.

    Particular care should be taken when choosing yeast. Wine yeast is considered a classic option for making a drink. This choice allows for a fairly short time to process all the sugar into alcohol. Avoiding the use of yeast will slow down the process of making wine, but this approach will allow the product to be obtained by natural fermentation.

    As with the preparation of any alcoholic beverages, it is worth paying great attention to the cleanliness of the containers in which the fermentation and heat treatment process will take place. Each container should be sterilized in advance with boiling water and wiped dry with a towel. For greater confidence, many winemakers use special cleaning products based on chloride compounds. This method allows you to achieve complete disinfection, but after it requires thorough washing of all surfaces of the dishes. Proper and timely disinfection will avoid the spread of harmful microorganisms at all stages of the preparation of the drink.

    Birch sap wine with wine yeast

    The classic option for making birch wine is the method using wine yeast. Special wine yeast can significantly speed up the process of making a drink. It is worth remembering that they should be added strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions. Their insufficient amount will not give complete fermentation of sugars. According to the recipe for the preparation of the drink you will need:

    • 25 liters of fresh juice;
    • 5 kg of white sugar;
    • wine yeast;
    • 10 tsp citric acid.

    Juice is poured into a large saucepan, sugar and citric acid are added to it. The mixture is stirred and put to cook on a slow fire. During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the scale that has appeared. It is worth boiling the mixture until about 20 liters of liquid remain in the pan. This means that the excess water has come out and the product is ready for further processing.

    Wine yeast is diluted according to the instructions on the package, then added to the chilled mixture of juice and sugar. The future wine is poured into a large fermentation tank, on which a water seal is placed or a rubber glove is put on.

    Fermentation of wine occurs within a month. After that, it is necessary to filter it to remove the yeast sediment at the bottom. The filtered drink must be bottled and sent to ripen for a couple of weeks in a dark, cool place. After this time, the wine must be filtered again. Birch wine is ready to drink.

    Birch sap wine recipe without yeast

    The process of preparing a drink without yeast is identical to the previous one, the only exception is the use of sourdough. A special starter is prepared on the basis of raisins and sugar. To make it, you need to add 100 g of raisins and 50 g of sugar to 400 ml of water. The resulting mixture must be tightly wrapped and placed in a warm room.

    In the future, the process of preparing the drink is identical to yeast. The only exception is the period of its fermentation - it stretches up to two months. In this case, the finished drink will turn out to be less strong, but at the same time sweeter due to incomplete fermentation of sugar.

    How to make wine from fermented birch sap

    Sometimes, if the storage conditions are not observed, the juice deteriorates and begins to ferment independently. This happens when wild yeast enters it from the surrounding air. Do not rush and pour it out - there are several recipes when such juice can be used to make kvass or wine.

    While experts in home winemaking advise using fresh material, it is quite possible to make a fairly pleasant wine from fermented juice. To make wine from birch sap, you need a 3-liter jar. It is filled at 23, then about 200 g of sugar is poured into it. The resulting mixture is poured into a saucepan and boiled for an hour over medium heat. This will enhance the further fermentation process.

    In this case, the use of sourdough is optional. For a brighter flavor and extra carbonation, a few raisins and a tablespoon of rice are added to the jar. Such wine should ferment under a water seal or a glove for about two months, then it should be filtered and bottled.

    Birch sap wine recipe with lemon

    Adding lemon to homemade wine allows you to dramatically enhance its taste, adjust sweetness and add new aromatic notes. At the same time, the amount of sugar used increases by an average of 10-20%. Ingredients needed for this wine:

    • 25 liters of birch sap;
    • 5-6 kg of sugar;
    • 6 medium sized lemons;
    • 1 kg of raisins.

    Birch sap is poured into a large saucepan and boiled over low heat. It is necessary to evaporate about 10% of the liquid. After that, pour sugar into the pan and mix well. The juice is removed from the heat and cooled to room temperature. After that, lemon juice is poured into it and a pre-prepared sourdough from raisins is added.

    The primary fermentation of wine in a saucepan lasts about a week with constant shaking, then the liquid is filtered and poured into a fermentation tank, covered with a water seal. Fermentation must occur completely, so it can be delayed up to 2-3 months.

    Wine on birch sap with raisins

    Using raisins to make homemade wine will avoid the need to add yeast to the drink. Properly dried raisins contain wild yeast on the surface that can ferment the sugars in the drink. For example, the same yeast on the skin of apples is involved in the preparation of cider. It is very important to remember that over-rinsing the raisins will remove almost all of the wild yeast and the wine will simply not ferment. To prepare the right drink you will need:

    • 10 liters of birch sap;
    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • 250 g red raisins.

    The production of wine takes place according to a recipe similar to cider. It is necessary to fill liter containers with juice and add 100 g of sugar to each of them. The liquid is stirred and 25 g of raisins are added to it. Bottles must be tightly sealed and left for 4 weeks at room temperature. During this time, the wild yeast will digest the sugar into alcohol, as well as saturate the drink with a small amount of carbon dioxide.

    After fermentation, it is necessary to remove raisins from the drink. To do this, the finished wine is filtered through gauze folded in several layers. The resulting drink is poured into sterile bottles and sent for storage in a cool place. The resulting drink has a light refreshing taste and is not particularly strong.

    Birch sap wine recipe with jam

    Using jam to make wine is one of the secrets of Soviet winemakers. During fermentation, jam saturates the wine with an additional fruity flavor, almost any is suitable. To make this wine you will need:

    • 5 liters of birch sap;
    • 300 g of jam;
    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • wine yeast.

    It is necessary to heat the birch sap on the stove and boil it for about an hour, avoiding strong boiling. Then cool, add jam, sugar and yeast to it. The resulting mixture is poured into a fermentation tank and covered with a water seal. After the end of the fermentation process, it is necessary to filter the resulting drink from a rather strong sediment. The finished wine is bottled, tightly corked and sent for storage.

    Birch sap wine without boiling

    The boiling process is necessary to actively start fermentation. However, the use of modern wine yeast avoids this procedure. Making wine in this case occurs at room temperature. Birch sap, sugar in the amount of 15-20% of the juice volume and wine yeast are poured into the fermentation tank.

    The wine must ferment for about a month, after which it is filtered and bottled. It is believed that the refusal to boil negatively affects the taste of the drink - it becomes more watery. At the same time, it ferments to a fortress of 14-15 degrees. Such a drink will be an excellent option for making hot drinks with spices. Mulled wine on it will turn out unique.

    How to make wine from birch sap with honey

    Often such a recipe is called birch mead. It combines the exquisite taste of birch sap and the sweetness of honey. To make this type of wine you will need:

    • 6 liters of fresh birch sap;
    • 1 liter of liquid honey;
    • 2 kg of white sugar;
    • 2 liters of fortified white wine;
    • 2 cinnamon sticks.

    Birch sap is heated over low heat, not boiling. Then it is cooled to 60 degrees, honey and sugar are added to it. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, white wine is poured into it and cinnamon is added.

    The resulting drink should be infused for about 10 days in a dark, cool place. After tincture, strain it, and then bottle it. The resulting mead should rest for about a month so that its taste becomes softer and more even.

    How to make wine from birch sap "in English"

    In England, the recipe for birch sap wine has been known for over several centuries. Traditionally, this wine was made with the addition of lime and orange, as well as a small amount of flower honey. For fermentation, white wine yeast is used. List of ingredients of traditional English birch wine:

    • 9 liters of birch sap;
    • 4 limes;
    • 2 oranges;
    • 200 g of honey;
    • 2 kg of sugar;
    • wine yeast.

    The juice is heated to 75 degrees and this temperature is maintained for about 20 minutes. Then the mixture is cooled and poured into a fermentation tank, where juice and citrus zest, honey, sugar and yeast are also added. The container should not be closed, it is enough to cover it with gauze. In this form, the mixture is infused for about a week, after which it is filtered and sent for a two-month fermentation under a water seal. The finished drink is filtered again and bottled.

    How to store birch sap wine

    The finished wine is a natural product that can withstand a fairly long shelf life. It is believed that a drink prepared using wine yeast can easily be stored for up to two years in a dark, cool room. Longer storage examples are also known, but such a product should be consumed in the first months after preparation.

    If the wine has been prepared with wild yeast from raisins directly or with sourdough, then its shelf life is significantly reduced. Fermentation in such cases rarely goes dry, so the remaining free sugar can spoil the resulting product, even if the storage conditions are properly observed. The recommended storage time in such cases is 2 to 6 months.


    Birch sap wine is a great option for a light, refreshing alcoholic drink. A huge number of recipes will allow everyone to choose the appropriate way to cook it. Refinement and fullness of taste is achieved through the correct selection of ingredients and proportions. This drink will not leave anyone indifferent.

    The tradition of making birch wine with honey appeared in Belarus several centuries ago. At the same time, a carbonated drink with original taste qualities was obtained, possessing all the healing properties of birch sap. And now such wines have not lost their relevance.

    Wine made from birch sap has many health benefits.

    With moderate use, birch sap wine helps to normalize metabolic processes, increase immunity, cleanse the body of toxic substances.

    In order to make birch wine at home, you need, first of all, to stock up on the main raw materials.

    When collecting birch sap, there are a number of rules that will allow you to collect the required amount of drink and not harm the trees:

    1. Young trees should not be chosen for collecting juice.
    2. Instead of notches in the trunk, it is desirable to drill shallow holes. They are recommended to be done from the north side, because more juice flows there. Then a tube is inserted into them, which is lowered into the prepared container to collect the juice.
    3. You can just cut a piece of a thick branch. After that, wrap the cut with a thin rope, along which the liquid will collect, and place it in a bowl.
    4. After the collection of juice is completed, the holes should be sealed with plasticine, wax or laundry soap so as not to cause the death of the birch from rotting the trunk.
    5. It is not recommended to collect more than one liter of birch sap from one tree.

    From one tree you can collect no more than one liter of juice.

    Required components and tools for making wine

    To make wine, you need birch sap, sugar, purified water. Honey, lemons, oranges, raisins, wine and baker's yeast, citric acid, cinnamon and ginger are used as additional ingredients.

    From the accessories for making an intoxicating drink from birch sap, it is recommended to prepare:

    • enamel pot;
    • a glass bottle in which the wort will ferment;
    • plastic tube for easy draining;
    • water seal;
    • bottles or cans for the finished drink.

    In order to properly make wine from birch sap, you need to follow some recommendations:

    1. In order to get a good drink, you need to collect birch sap before the buds open. It is advisable to process it immediately after collection. If this was not possible, it can be kept in a cool room in a closed container for several days. Sour or fermented juice is unsuitable for making wine.
    2. All containers used for making wine must be thoroughly washed and dried.
    3. The storage of the finished drink should take place in dry rooms with good ventilation and an air temperature of about 15 degrees.

    Only freshly picked birch sap is suitable for making wine.

    Recipe for classic birch sap wine


    • birch sap - 10 l;
    • sugar - 2 kg;
    • honey - 100 g;
    • raisins - 100 g;
    • lemon - 5 g.

    Preparation method:

    1. To prepare a starter for wine, raisins are mixed with 50 g of sugar and 500 ml of water. The mixture is poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and allowed to infuse for 5 days, then it is filtered.
    2. In an enamel pan, birch sap is combined with sugar and lemon. The resulting composition is heated over low heat, stirring regularly until the volume of liquid is reduced by 2 liters.
    3. Leaven and honey are poured into the chilled juice, thoroughly mixed, poured into a bottle and closed with a water seal. The container is placed in a dark place with an air temperature of about 25 degrees.
    4. Fermentation of the must lasts about two months. During this time, sediment should form and the wine should clear. After that, it is filtered with a tube into a large glass container. If the finished drink is sour, then you can add sugar to it. Then he is allowed to brew for about a month.
    5. The finished wine is filtered, distributed in prepared containers and sent for storage.

    Wine made from birch sap is prepared with the addition of raisins, water and sugar.

    Important! Wine prepared in this way retains its original taste and aroma throughout the year.

    Birch wine with citrus aroma


    • birch sap - 10 l;
    • sugar - 3 kg;
    • lemons - 10 pieces;
    • wine yeast - 25 g.

    Preparation method:

    1. Pour birch sap into a saucepan, combine with sugar and simmer over low heat for about an hour.
    2. Peel the zest from the lemons and squeeze out the juice.
    3. Combine the cooled syrup with the rest of the ingredients, pour into a fermentation container, put a water seal on it and send it to a warm place for a month.
    4. After that, the finished wine must be filtered, bottled and sent to the cellar for several months to ripen.

    Important! According to this recipe, you can make birch wine with orange , replacing them with lemon.

    Spicy birch wine


    • birch sap - 10 l;
    • sugar - 3 kg;
    • honey - 2 l;
    • white wine - 3 l;
    • ginger - 3 teaspoons;
    • cinnamon - 5 teaspoons.

    Honey, cinnamon and ginger add a pleasant spicy flavor to the wine.

    Preparation method:

    1. Heat birch sap in a saucepan to a boil and dissolve sugar in it.
    2. After the syrup has cooled slightly, combine it with honey, wine, ginger and cinnamon.
    3. The resulting composition is poured into a bottle and sent to a cool room for two weeks.
    4. Filter the finished wine, distribute it in storage containers and let it brew for a month. During this time, the drink will acquire the original taste and aroma.

    This simple recipe allows you to get a very pleasant and aromatic drink.

    Wine on birch sap and fruit and berry raw materials


    • birch sap - 5 l;
    • sugar - 3 kg;
    • pears - 1 kg;
    • blueberries - 2 kg;
    • wine yeast - 25 g.

    Manufacturing process:

    1. Birch sap is mixed with sugar and warmed up a little over low heat without boiling.
    2. Pears are washed and cut into small pieces.
    3. Blueberries are crushed and juice is squeezed out.
    4. All the ingredients are combined, the resulting wort is poured into a fermentation container and sent to a darkened room with an air temperature of about 25 degrees for a month.
    5. After that, the finished wine is filtered, poured into prepared containers and transferred to the cellar, where it is allowed to brew for three months.

    Effervescent birch wine


    • birch sap - 5 l;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • lemons - 3 pieces;
    • raisins - 50g.

    If you add lemon to birch sap, you can get a delicious sparkling wine.

    Preparation method:

    1. Dilute sugar in birch sap.
    2. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
    3. Combine all the ingredients, pour the resulting composition into a glass container and close the lid.
    4. After a week, you can already get delicious sparkling wine.

    A fizzy birch sap drink should be consumed immediately after preparation, as it is prepared without yeast and preservatives and is not subject to long-term storage.

    Birch wine with herbs


    • birch sap - 5 l;
    • sugar - 2 kg;
    • baker's yeast - 150 g;
    • kefir - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
    • herbs - to taste.

    Preparation method:

    1. Fresh birch sap is filtered, slightly heated in a saucepan and sugar is dissolved in it.
    2. The yeast is well crushed and, together with kefir, is added to the cooled syrup. Dry grass of lemongrass, thyme and oregano are ground and poured into the must.
    3. The resulting composition is poured into a prepared fermentation container, closed with a water seal and moved to a darkened, warm room for about one month.
    4. After the release of carbon dioxide is completed, the finished wine is filtered, distributed into bottles and sent to the cellar for three months.

    Dried herbs can be added to homemade birch sap wine: oregano and thyme.

    Important! Spicy birch wine is a soft drink with a very refined taste and aroma. At the same time, it is very transparent and practically does not precipitate during storage.

    Wine made from birch sap, prepared according to any recipe, has a mild and sweet taste. If you follow the recommended measures of its use, then it has a positive effect on the state of the body. But it is contraindicated for those who suffer from urolithiasis, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergies to birch pollen.