Lush kefir cake: the best recipes, cooking features and reviews. Recipe: Curd cupcakes - Curd cupcake on kefir with pears Small cupcakes made from cottage cheese and kefir

05.12.2023 Fish dishes

I have long realized that baking with cottage cheese turns out very, very tasty, I love cottage cheese muffins, I have already written before how to bake a cottage cheese muffin in a slow cooker. But this time I decided to experiment and add fresh pears to the dough. I want to tell you that the combination of pears and cottage cheese is simply amazing, the cupcake turned out to be the most tender - store-bought cottage cheese cupcakes can’t hold a candle to this.
To bake a delicious cottage cheese cake, you don’t have to fuss for a long time - the dough for it is very simple, it’s prepared quickly, and you don’t need any special ingredients, almost everything is always in the kitchen of every housewife. And since my son loves cottage cheese, I always have this ingredient at home; if he doesn’t eat everything, then I use the leftovers for baking.
To prepare the dough, take a deep container and place chicken eggs, sugar and cottage cheese into it.
Using a mixer at low speed, in just a minute this mass will become homogeneous and liquid. Add kefir to it and continue whisking.

Then we send vanillin there,

Add wheat flour in small portions and continue beating at the same low speeds.

As a result, we will get a dough with a consistency like pancakes, we will add soda slaked with vinegar to it, and mix everything again.

Pears are large and sweet, so 3 pieces is enough.

I peel them and cut them into small pieces, then put them in a container with dough for cottage cheese cake.

I will bake my cake in a ceramic baking dish; do not forget to grease its walls with oil first so that the baked goods do not stick to it. Pour the resulting dough into the mold and carefully distribute it over the entire surface.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the form with the dough into it. We will bake the cake for about an hour, first checking it for readiness using a regular match. This is how tanned it turned out for me - it was baked perfectly inside, and rose a little during the baking process.

And this is what a curd cake made with kefir with pears looks like in cross-section - the most tender, most aromatic and most appetizing, my husband and son devoured it on both cheeks. But I think I should buy more pears to repeat my culinary experiment - it turned out to be very successful.

Bon appetit and successful culinary experiments!

Cooking time: PT01H20M 1 h 20 min.

Everyone thinks that cupcakes are dull, because they are dry and also too banal. No! We are here now to teach you how to make juicy and moist pies inside. So that immediately after the first bite your receptors go crazy.

A cupcake is a sweet pastry/confectionery product made from yeast or sponge dough. You can add whatever your heart desires to such baked goods. This could be chocolate, nuts, dried fruits, fruits, berries and so on. Moreover, it can be cut into cakes and coated with cream. Or fill it with some delicious curd, taking out the middle, and decorate the top to your taste.

What's good about cupcakes? Yes, at least that they can stay fresh for several days, smell fragrant and never cease to be tasty.

The good thing about the dough is that it can be given any taste and aroma, that you can take it with you and treat your guests with it. You can make it for breakfast, dinner or snack. Cupcake is a universal pastry that everyone should be able to cook.

What you need to know to prepare

To make a delicious cupcake, you don’t need to be a top-level culinary specialist and you don’t even need to be trained as a pastry chef. But you still have to master a couple of secrets or cooking tricks.

We will prepare cupcakes with raisins with the addition of chocolate, butter-based, vegetable-based, yogurt-based and cottage cheese cake. All of them will be based on biscuit batter, so they will require very careful handling.

The dough will need to be mixed with a spatula, prying it from below and smoothly moving in the opposite direction along the walls of the bowl. You need to mix gently so that the texture remains light, fluffy and airy. If this is violated, the dough will not rise in the oven, and you will end up with a bland cake instead of a voluminous and fluffy cake.

You also need to carefully pour the dough from the bowl into the mold. Next, you will have to level it with a spatula for precise uniformity. Before this, the mold can be greased with oil or greased with oil and sprinkled with flour, starch or semolina.

Knowing a couple of little secrets about making our pies, you can start cooking. You are ready?

Cake with raisins with butter

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Flavored butter. Introduce it in your baked goods. This way it becomes even tastier, even more aromatic. The finished dough is moister than usual and makes you crazy even from afar.

How to cook:

Tip: The pie can be served warm or cold. In any case, it will be delicious.

Let's prepare a cupcake with raisins on yogurt

Classic yogurt without additives is delicious. Now imagine how delicious the cake will be if you cook it with this yogurt.

It will take 35 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 308 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Beat the eggs well with sugar into a fluffy foam;
  2. Add yogurt and mix well;
  3. Place flour in a sieve;
  4. Add flour to the liquid mass in several stages, stirring each time with a whisk or mixer until smooth;
  5. Add oil, baking powder and mix the dough;
  6. Pour boiling water over raisins for ten minutes;
  7. Then drain the water, rinse the dried fruits and add to the dough;
  8. Using a spatula, spread the raisins evenly throughout the dough;
  9. Pour the dough into the mold and bake for 35 minutes at 190 Celsius.

Tip: the pie can be decorated with fruits or berries to suit your taste.

Chocolate cupcake with raisins

Baking with chocolate automatically becomes even sweeter, tastier and more aromatic. It would be a shame not to make this cupcake and not to try it.

It will take 30 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 378 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla into voluminous foam;
  2. Add butter and beat until smooth;
  3. Pass the flour through a sieve;
  4. Add it to the sweet eggs in several parts;
  5. Add baking powder there and mix;
  6. Wash the raisins and dry with napkins;
  7. Add raisins and drops to the dough, stir until everything is evenly distributed;
  8. Add cinnamon and mix the batter well to avoid any clumps;
  9. Grease the mold with oil and pour the dough into it;
  10. Preheat the oven and bake the cake for 40 minutes.

Tip: it’s better to use milk chocolate for this pie, because white and black chocolate can taste bitter after heat treatment.

Quick cake with sunflower oil

A very quick and tasty recipe that you simply must try. All products are very simple and affordable. So there is no doubt about whether such a cake is worth making or not.

It will take 20 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 296 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour flour and baking soda into a sieve, strain both components;
  2. Add sugar and raisins to them, mix;
  3. Pour in water and mix everything again;
  4. Add butter, beat the mixture with a whisk, or better yet, with a mixer;
  5. Pour the homogeneous dough into the mold and bake for 35 minutes at 175 Celsius.

Tip: if you do not have a silicone mold, you need to grease it with oil or line it with paper.

Curd cake with raisins

Cottage cheese is a delicate and delicious product that can improve any dish. Pies and muffins with cottage cheese as a base simply melt in your mouth. You can't miss this.

It will take 1 hour and 30 minutes to cook.

How many calories – 447 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The butter must be soft in order to first beat it with sugar until fluffy;
  2. Add cottage cheese and beat the mixture again;
  3. Next, beat in the eggs one at a time, beating the mixture each time until smooth;
  4. Place the flour in a sieve and add it in stages to the dough;
  5. After each stage, bring the dough until smooth;
  6. Add baking powder and beat again;
  7. Wash the raisins, pour boiling water over them (in other words, blanch) and cover with a saucer for ten minutes;
  8. Next, drain the water, rinse the raisins, dry them and add them to the dough;
  9. Gently stir the mixture with a spatula to evenly distribute the raisins throughout the dough;
  10. Grease a baking dish with butter;
  11. Pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven;
  12. Bake the cake for 55 minutes at 185 degrees.

Tip: to prevent the cottage cheese from forming lumps in the dough, you can punch it with an immersion blender until smooth in advance.

Knowing recipes and being able to mix/pour the dough is not enough. You need to know more secrets and secrets that will help you in cooking.

  1. If you use butter, you need to remove it from the refrigerator or freezer in advance. It should be at room temperature so that it can be easily whipped with sugar into a fluffy mass;
  2. If you have vegetable oil, be sure to add unscented oil. Otherwise the cupcake will be spoiled;
  3. The baking dish must be greased in all cases except one. If the mold is silicone, it does not require lubrication;
  4. If you are afraid that the cake will be oily, sprinkle the butter in the mold with flour, starch or semolina and only then pour the dough into the mold;
  5. If you add a little lemon/orange/lime juice and a little zest to the dough, the aroma of the finished cake will be simply unforgettable;
  6. Vanilla, chocolate, coconut flakes, nuts, and other dried fruits (except raisins) are also often added to cupcakes;
  7. As a decoration, the cupcake can be decorated with powdered sugar and nuts. Berries, fruits, citrus rings, cream, dried fruits and so on;
  8. To ensure that the raisins in the cake are voluminous and juicy, you should wash them before adding them to the dough, steam them in boiling water for ten minutes, then rinse them again and then add them to the raw dough;
  9. Instead of vanilla and vanillin, you can add fresh, or rather real vanilla. To do this, take a vanilla stick and cut it in half. Next, with the sharp side of the knife you need to “scrape off” what is inside. This mass consists of small black dots. This is the part of the vanilla bean that is used in cooking;
  10. The good thing about these cupcakes is that you can pour them into any shape. It can be a round cupcake, square, rectangular, triangular, heart-shaped and so on;
  11. You can make a cake not only from wheat flour, it can be corn, oatmeal, pumpkin, or soy. Walnut flour, unfortunately, will not work here.

Raisin muffin is definitely a must in your recipe book. This is a simple bake that doesn't require a lot of time or super affordable ingredients. All products are simple, always available, and it doesn’t matter what season you’re cooking.

If you like experiments, add various dried fruits, citruses, nuts, fruits and berries to your baked goods. This way, you can diversify your cupcake, adding not only a new taste, but also new, unforgettable aromas.

You can bake a cupcake for tea very quickly and without any hassle. The article contains recipes for this kefir-based delicacy with different fillings.

Sometimes you really want something sweet for tea. But you don’t always want to bother with baking. Are the ingredients in store-bought sweets scary? Then you can quickly and completely without hassle prepare a real treat - a cupcake.

Cupcake: a few words about a simple and tasty dish

The name of the confectionery product “cupcake” comes from the English word cake.

Round cupcake

IMPORTANT: It is unknown when exactly and where this delicacy began to be prepared. But cupcakes gained the greatest popularity in the 16th century, when powdered sugar began to be used in cooking in Europe and America.

The classic cupcake recipe includes:

  • sugar
  • butter or margarine
  • baking powder
  • yeast (if baked from yeast dough)

According to the classic recipe, so-called simple cupcakes are baked. But they love this pastry precisely because it can be very, very diverse. You can even whip up muffins with:

  • chocolate or cocoa
  • raisins and other dried fruits
  • nuts
  • chocolate drops
  • banana and other fruits
  • cream
  • jam
  • condensed milk
  • candied fruits
  • marmalade
  • Turkish delight

The classic shapes of a cupcake are a rectangle (then the sweetness looks like a brick bread) and a circle hollow inside. Today, portioned cakes are in fashion, ideal in size for enjoying them with one cup of tea or coffee. By the way, muffins are one of the traditional snacks for tea as part of the famous English tea ceremony.

As mentioned above, cupcakes are prepared and shared all over the world. There are many varieties of this pastry. This:

  • muffins
  • Easter chenille cakes
  • muale (and its variety fondant)
  • stollen
  • charlotte

Some of the above types of cupcakes can be tricky. But the recipes described later in the article are simple and quick. You can take them into service so as not to get into trouble if guests unexpectedly arrive.

Step-by-step recipe: quick kefir cake in the oven

This cupcake takes a total of 45-50 minutes to prepare. It turns out lush, airy and very presentable.

You need: chicken eggs - 3 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, kefir - 1 cup, butter or magarani - 100 g, flour - 3 cups, baking powder, vanilla sugar for taste

  1. First, prepare the liquid base for the cake: eggs and granulated sugar are ground into foam.
  2. Kefir and melted butter are added to this foam with constant stirring.
  3. Flour is mixed with baking powder and added to the liquid cake base.
  4. Pour the dough into the prepared mold and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.
  5. Before serving, decorate the cupcake at your discretion (the easiest option is to sprinkle with powdered sugar)

Cupcake from a small mold

VIDEO: Cupcakes with raisins on kefir

RECIPE: Microwave cupcake with kefir

A cupcake baked in the microwave in just 5 minutes is probably the fastest sweet dish. It should be noted that its taste does not suffer from the speed of preparation.

You need (for one piece): chicken egg – 0.5 pcs., kefir – 1 tbsp. spoon, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon, vanilla sugar or cinnamon as desired.

  1. Vegetable oil is mixed with kefir and an egg beaten with sugar.
  2. Add vanillin or cinnamon
  3. Add mixed flour and baking powder
  4. The kneaded dough is poured into molds (you can use ordinary cups)
  5. Place in the microwave at 800 power for 5 minutes.
  6. Before serving, decorate in your own way

RECIPE: cake in a slow cooker

In any multicooker recipe book you can find how to make a delicious cupcake. For example, this one.

Cupcake in a slow cooker

You need: milk - 1 cup, butter - 150 g, sugar - 1 cup, flour - 0.5 cups, baking powder, vanillin.

  1. Oil is melted until liquid
  2. Flour is mixed with baking powder and sugar
  3. Combine the dry part of the dough with butter and milk
  4. The dough should be thick enough that it does not drip, but slowly slides off the spoon
  5. The multicooker bowl is greased with oil and filled with dough.
  6. The cake is prepared in the “Baking” mode for 45-60 minutes

RECIPE: chocolate cake in silicone molds with kefir

Just add cocoa to the muffin batter and they will turn out chocolate-y. If you make baked goods in disposable convenient forms, they will turn out portioned and neat. The little cupcakes are baked in just half an hour.

You need: kefir - 1 cup, flour - 1 cup, eggs - 2 pcs., sugar - 0.5 cups, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons, baking powder.

  1. The base for baby cupcakes is prepared as in the first recipe, but not only baking powder is combined with flour, but also cocoa powder
  2. Cupcake tins are filled to half capacity, as the baked goods fit very tightly and can run over the edges.
  3. 15-20 minutes after the start of baking, you need to check if the bottom of the cupcakes is burning

VIDEO: Marble cake with kefir

RECIPE: zebra cake with kefir in molds

The Zebra cupcake is very cute, if you wanted to make it big: it has a spectacular cut. If desired, you can also make small “Zebras” in disposable molds.

Zebra cupcakes from disposable molds.

You need: eggs – 3 pcs., kefir – 1 glass, sugar – 1 glass, butter – 100 g, cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons, baking powder, flour - 3 cups.

  1. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved and a homogeneous foam is formed.
  2. Egg foam is combined with kefir at room temperature and softened butter.
  3. Gradually add flour and baking powder into the mixture
  4. Divide the dough into equal halves, add cocoa powder to one of them
  5. Alternately pour a spoonful of white and chocolate batter into the center of the mold to achieve the desired streakiness.
  6. “Zebra” is baked at 220 degrees for about half an hour

VIDEO: How to make a “Zebra” cupcake

RECIPE: Carrot cake with kefir

Carrot cake is a great baking option for kids. In addition to carrots, which are healthy in themselves, you can add raisins, dried apricots or nuts to it.

You need: eggs – 2 pcs., sugar – 1 glass, kefir – 100 ml, butter – 100 g, flour – 1 heaped glass, medium-sized carrots – 2 pcs., baking powder, raisins – 2 tbsp. spoons.

  1. The dough is prepared as for a regular cupcake.
  2. Peel and grate the carrots as finely as possible, squeeze out the juice
  3. Raisins are scalded with boiling water
  4. Add carrots and raisins to the cake batter
  5. Baking a cupcake according to a classic recipe

RECIPE: Kefir cake with apple

Classic muffins will have a pleasant sourness if you add apples to them. They must be peeled and cored, cut into small cubes and rolled in flour before being placed in the finished dough.

RECIPE: Lemon kefir cake

Very often lemon is added to the cake in the form of:

  • zest

Lemon zest is grated into the dough, and soda is quenched with juice (in the classic recipe it replaces baking powder).

RECIPE: Kefir cake with cottage cheese

You need: kefir - 100 ml, cottage cheese - 100 g, flour - 1 cup, egg - 1 pc., sugar - 0.5 cups, butter - 50 g, baking powder.

  1. Knead the cottage cheese with a fork
  2. Add sugar to it, then add an egg.
  3. Heat the butter and add it to the cottage cheese
  4. Pour kefir into the dough
  5. Gradually add sifted flour and baking powder into the dough and knead it thoroughly
  6. Divide the cupcakes into pans and bake.

IMPORTANT: You can also add curd balls to the classic muffin dough, then the cross-section of the baked goods will turn out very beautiful

RECIPE: Kefir cake with cherries

To make the cherry cupcake delicious, you need:

  • wash the cherries and let them drain
  • remove the pits from the cherries
  • roll them in starch before adding to the dough
  • send the cake to a well-heated oven (180-200 degrees) so that the dough does not fall


RECIPE with photo: banana kefir cake

You can add a banana to a classic cupcake:

  • rings
  • cubes
  • in the form of a paste

IMPORTANT: Banana is a sweet fruit. To prevent the cake from turning out too cloying, you need to put less sugar in the dough

VIDEO: Cupcake with Chocolate Chunks

Cupcakes made from kefir dough always turn out successful. They can be prepared with any delicious filling. For me, the combination of cottage cheese and cherries is a win-win, which is what I used in this baking. The cupcakes rise very well in the oven, and the curd mass makes a nice “hat.” Tender cupcakes with kefir- wonderful homemade cakes with a pleasant taste.


To prepare tender kefir muffins you will need:

1 glass of kefir;

1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp. vanilla sugar;

1 cup flour;

1.5 tsp. baking powder;

1/2 cup dried cherries;

2/3 cup odorless vegetable oil.

For the curd filling:

2 vanilla curds (100 g each);

1 tbsp. l. flour;

powdered sugar or cocoa for sprinkling.

Cooking steps

Rinse the dried cherries well and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Then drain the water. Dry the berries and add to the dough.

To prepare the curd filling, mix the cheese curds with the egg. If you use sweet vanilla curds like mine, you don't need to add sugar.

Place 2 tablespoons of dough with cherries into baking dishes, and spread 1 tablespoon of curd filling on top. Since the dough rises well in the oven, you should not fill the molds to the very top.

Bake tender kefir muffins for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cool the finished cupcakes a little in the pan, then remove and sprinkle with powdered sugar or cocoa if desired. When cooling, the cottage cheese in the muffins settles a little, but this does not affect the overall taste.

When guests are already on the doorstep, and you have nothing to offer them for tea, quick and easy-to-prepare pastries will come to the rescue. Lush is prepared from the simplest ingredients, which will definitely end up in the refrigerator of every housewife. Recipes for making fluffy cupcakes with kefir and sour cream, in the oven and in a slow cooker, are presented in our article.

Features and secrets of making a lush cupcake

The main problem that housewives face when preparing a cupcake is that the baked goods fall off immediately after removing the pan from the oven. It’s very unpleasant when it turns into a flat cake in 2 minutes.

The following secrets will help you prepare a delicious, fluffy cupcake:

  1. In order for the cake to turn out fluffy, the dough must be airy. To do this, first of all, you should beat the eggs with sugar well until it is completely dissolved, and only after that add the remaining ingredients to the fluffy white mass.
  2. The second secret to a lush cake is to enhance the reaction of soda and kefir by adding the powder exclusively to a warm fermented milk drink. These two ingredients are first combined together by mixing and only then added to the dough.
  3. To prevent the finished cake from falling off in the air, you should not rush to remove the baking dish from the oven. The finished pie should be kept in it for another 7-10 minutes.
  4. The cake rises better and bakes better in a round pan with a hole in the middle.

Thanks to the secrets presented, you will be 100% able to prepare a lush and very tasty cupcake.

Lush kefir cake with walnuts

Walnuts would be a good addition. As you know, this healthy product is recommended to be included in your diet daily. So why not add nuts to your homemade cake this time.

Step-by-step baking preparation is as follows:

  1. Beat eggs (2 pcs.) until white with a glass of sugar.
  2. Kefir (1 tbsp) and baking powder (2 tsp) are added to the sweet egg mass.
  3. The mass is mixed, after which vegetable oil (½ tbsp) is added to it and sifted flour (2 tbsp) is poured in.
  4. Walnuts (½ tbsp.) are added to the finished dough.
  5. The dough is poured into a greased form, which is immediately sent to the oven for 60 minutes. The heating temperature should be set to 180 degrees.

Check the fluffy cake for doneness with a toothpick. Immediately after cooling, the baked goods can be cut into portions and served.

on kefir

Kefir and cottage cheese are the ideal combination of products for making a lush cupcake. The baked goods are at the same time airy, tender, and aromatic. Your guests will definitely praise you for this perfect,

Baking preparation is as follows:

  1. Using a mixer, beat eggs (4 pcs.), a glass of sugar and cottage cheese (180 g).
  2. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm kefir and pour into a bowl with the egg-curd mass.
  3. Add vanillin and flour (2 tbsp.)
  4. Lastly, you can add banana slices if you wish.
  5. Transfer the dough into a greased pan.
  6. Bake the cake in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees.

Recipe for a lush cake in the oven with raisins

The cake according to the classic recipe is prepared with raisins. If for some reason this ingredient does not suit you, it can easily be replaced with dried apricots, chocolate, dried cherries, etc.

Lush is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Beat eggs (2 pcs.) with a glass of sugar into foam using a mixer.
  2. A glass of kefir and vegetable oil (½ tbsp.) are added to the fluffy white mass.
  3. Next, flour (350 g) and baking powder are sifted.
  4. Steamed raisins are added to the dough kneaded with a mixer.
  5. The mold is greased with oil and the dough is poured out.
  6. The cake is baked for 40 minutes at 190 degrees.
  7. Cut and serve the cake after it has cooled. Otherwise it will crumble.

Lush chocolate cake with kefir

The rich chocolate taste of the cupcake is complemented by original fondant, thanks to which a simple pastry turns into an independent dessert.

A lush cake in the oven is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine and mix well all the dry ingredients for the dough: a glass of flour and sugar, a teaspoon of soda and 50 g of cocoa powder.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg, 30 ml of vegetable oil and kefir (1 tbsp.) until foamy.
  3. Gradually, the dry ingredients, literally one spoon at a time, are introduced into the liquid mass. Using a silicone spatula, knead the dough.
  4. The prepared dough is laid out in a greased form and placed in the oven for 40 minutes (180 degrees).
  5. While the fluffy cake is cooling, you can prepare the fudge. To do this, cocoa, sugar, sour cream (2 tablespoons each) and a little butter (20 g) are heated in a thick-bottomed saucepan. The sauce must be kept on the fire, stirring constantly until the mass becomes thick.
  6. Remove the cooled cake from the pan and pour hot fudge over it.

Recipe for a fluffy cupcake with jam

If you have uneaten jam in the refrigerator, use it to make a simple cake. Such pastries will definitely delight you with their taste and splendor.

To prepare the cake you need:

  1. Add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of jam, stir and leave the mixture for 5-15 minutes.
  2. After some time, the mass will begin to foam. After this, you can add kefir (1 tbsp.), sugar (½ tbsp.), and flour (2 tbsp.).
  3. Stir the dough and, if the jam was not thick enough, add a little more flour.
  4. Grease the mold with oil and pour the dough into it. The consistency should be like pancakes.
  5. Bake the cake for 45 minutes at standard temperature (180 degrees).

Any jam is suitable for the pie. However, baked goods with the addition of blackberry or blackcurrant jam will have a richer taste and color.

Lush cupcake: recipe in a slow cooker

A cake prepared in a slow cooker is no less tasty and fluffy. It is prepared in the “Baking” mode, it works well, but the crust turns out pale, which can be corrected by sprinkling the cooled cake with powdered sugar. When baking products in a multicooker, it is important not to open the lid of the device for another 10 minutes after the signal. In this case, the baked goods will not fall off and will turn out really fluffy. kefir cake.

The recipe for making a cake in a slow cooker is as follows:

  1. A glass of sugar is beaten with eggs (3 pcs.) into foam.
  2. Add a teaspoon of soda to a glass of kefir. As soon as the fermented milk drink begins to foam, it is poured into the egg mass.
  3. Add melted butter (100 g).
  4. Lastly, add flour (about 2 cups). The consistency of the finished dough will be liquid. It should drain from the mixer whisk.
  5. Now you can pour the dough into a greased bowl and set the cooking mode to “Baking”.
  6. In 60 minutes the cake will be ready.

Recipe for a fluffy cupcake with sour cream and chocolate

Fermented milk products almost always allow baked goods to rise well. Kefir, fermented baked milk, and sour cream are great for making dough. The main thing is that the fat content of the last product is not too high. If this condition is met, the result will be very tasty and

The baking recipe requires following the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. As in previous recipes, first beat 4 eggs and sugar (1 tbsp) until foamy.
  2. Then sour cream with a fat content of 15% (200 ml), baking powder (1 ½ teaspoons), 50 g of starch and 350 g of flour are added to this lush mass.
  3. The dough should turn out thin, the consistency less than for pancakes.
  4. Add pieces of dark chocolate (70 g) to the finished dough.
  5. In a greased pan, the cake is baked for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.