Garnish for fish: the most successful types of garnish for fish dishes. Pike stewed with carrots and onions For fried fish

20.10.2023 Egg dishes

Oh, how lucky I was - my brother shared his catch, and I got two small pike weighing 600-700 g. But that’s not all my luck - I got them already cleaned and gutted, so I cooked them right away.

Stewed pike with carrots and onions turns out incredibly tasty and tender in taste. The only drawback of this dish is the numerous pike bones, so it’s best for children to make cutlets from such fish, but for adults it’s just the thing, especially with the “” sauce - in my region they don’t serve fish dishes without it!

So, if you have a fresh pike, then you need to clean it of scales by placing it in water, and then gut it and rinse thoroughly, removing the black film inside the fish - it is bitter. Vegetables also need to be peeled and washed in water. If the vegetables are large, then reduce their quantity.

Cut the cleaned, washed pike into portions about 1.5-2 cm wide. I cut off both the fins and the tail.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes, and sauté the chopped vegetable mass in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil. This will take you about 10-15 minutes. There is no need to fry the sliced ​​vegetables - just bring them until soft so that they release their juice.

Then pour in hot water, add salt and ground black pepper, and bay leaves. Place pike pieces into the sauce and cover the container with a lid. Simmer for about 10 minutes and then turn the pieces over to the other side. Simmer for the same amount of time. If you do not serve Muzhdey sauce with the dish, then press a couple of peeled and washed garlic cloves into the frying pan, stir lightly and turn off the heat, leaving the entire contents of the container under the lid for 5 minutes - during this time the dish will absorb the aroma of garlic.

First place a bed of stewed vegetables on a plate, and on it - stewed pieces of pike. Add a little sauce and serve the stewed pike with vegetables hot. If you like cold fish dishes, then choose a deep plate, put vegetables, pieces of fish in it and pour in the remaining sauce, place in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After this time, you will have an excellent fish aspic made from stewed pike with carrots and onions!

Most people don't bother with choosing a side dish, considering it just a small addition to the main dish. However, it is very important to combine foods correctly, because the side dish determines how quickly the body digests the food. Not every product is suitable for fish dishes, but by studying the information on this topic, you can avoid mistakes and learn how to successfully select a side dish for fish.

Every evening housewives have a headache about what to cook for dinner. I want something simple so that I don’t have to stand at the stove all evening, but at the same time tasty and satisfying. Dinner is the time for light food, because according to the rules of healthy eating, the main amount of energy should come from breakfast. In the evening it is recommended to eat: eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish. But the best and simplest dinner option is fish with a side dish. Let's try to figure out which side dish goes with fish.

The thing to remember is that the side dish and the main dish should balance each other. That is, if the fish is prepared according to a dietary recipe, then you should choose a more high-calorie side dish. And if you are serving hearty, fatty fish, then there should be a light, simple side dish on the same plate with it.

Side dishes can be complex, consisting of several products, or simple, which include only one ingredient. But it is very difficult to choose a complex side dish for fish dishes, because the ingredients must simultaneously be combined with the fish and with each other.

An excellent and very simple version of a complex side dish is a vegetable salad or just chopped vegetables. Moreover, vegetables go well with fish in different states: stewed, boiled, baked, salted and fresh.

The following vegetables can be used to prepare a side dish:

  • peas;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • beet;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cucumbers;
  • various types of cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • bell pepper;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • arugula;
  • spinach;
  • potato;
  • asparagus.

Some fruits are served as a side dish for fish: apples, oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, mangoes, pears, lemons, etc.

A successful and more satisfying option are cereals that can be served with fish. This is usually rice, buckwheat, millet.

Choose a side dish based on the method of cooking the fish. After all, it would be very doubtful to serve steamed fish without salt and oil with greasy, fried potatoes.

The best side dishes for different types of fish dishes

For fried fish

For fried, well-buttered fish, a side dish of potatoes is perfect. This can be mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes with fried onions and carrots, fried potatoes or jacket potatoes.

A side dish for fried fish can be in the form of a light vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. If you have fried fish cutlets for dinner, then you can serve beans in tomato sauce at the table with them, since tomatoes highlight the taste of fried fish very well.

Baked fish goes best with cereals, best of all with rice. It can be served boiled or served with vegetables. Sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable salads, go well with both stewed and baked fish. You can also make a vegetable stew that would look appropriate with a piece of baked fish.

If you don’t want to work too hard, you can simply cut the vegetables into large pieces and bake them with the fish. But for stewed fish, a side dish of mashed potatoes and green peas makes an excellent pairing.

For fish in batter

As a side dish for battered fish, a delicious, slightly sour salad of fresh vegetables suggests itself. But a good, always appropriate option is mashed potatoes seasoned with milk and butter. Cauliflower, lightly boiled and then fried in spices, also makes a great addition to the dish.

For smoked and salted fish

Young, boiled potatoes with fried onions and carrots just begs to be paired with salted fish. Or mashed potatoes, which will also go harmoniously. If you are already tired of potatoes, then you can serve fresh vegetables as a side dish, or better yet a salad, which must include lettuce, olives, lemon juice and tomatoes.

The best side dish options for different varieties and types of fish - the most delicious recipes

Fish salad made from apples, pears and celery

  • one pear;
  • one green apple;
  • celery – 150 grams;
  • olive oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • parsley;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • salt to taste.
  1. All ingredients should be rinsed well with running water before cooking. Apples and pears must be cut into small pieces or thin slices.
  2. Finely chop the parsley and celery.
  3. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients, adding lemon juice, olive oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Fruit salad

List of necessary ingredients to prepare 2 servings:

  • one apple;
  • canned – 150 grams;
  • two oranges;
  • red onion - one small onion;
  • cilantro – 50 grams;
  • lime juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. All ingredients should be rinsed well with running water before cooking. The fruits should be cut into medium-sized pieces, and the cilantro and red onion should be chopped.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, season with lime juice and salt to taste.

To prepare 6 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 7 pieces;
  • champignons – 300 grams
  • sour cream – 200 grams;
  • two onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • cream – 1 glass;
  • hard cheese – 150 grams;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. Potatoes must be peeled and cut into thin slices. While we are working on other ingredients, you need to put the potatoes in cold water, as they may darken.
  2. Chop the onion and cut the champignons into cubes. Fry the onion in heated vegetable oil until transparent, then add the mushrooms and keep on the fire for another 10 minutes.
  3. Add sour cream and salt to the mushrooms, reduce heat and simmer under the lid for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place potato slices on the bottom of a deep form and add salt, and add mushrooms on top. Sprinkle everything with pre-grated cheese and pour a glass of cream. Place in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.

Potato wedges

To prepare 2 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 2 large tubers;
  • dry garlic – 1 teaspoon;
  • dry onion – 1 teaspoon;
  • black pepper;
  • olive oil;
  • parmesan – 50 grams;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. For potato wedges, you need to use only young potatoes, which have thin skin. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with running water and cut into long slices.
  2. In a separate plate, mix all the spices, grated Parmesan and olive oil. Lubricate each slice well with the resulting mixture.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place potato wedges on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes.

Rice with vegetables

  • rice – 100 grams;
  • one tomato;
  • fresh cabbage – 200 grams;
  • carrots – 50 grams;
  • one small onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • canned peas – 50 grams;
  • water – 150 milliliters;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. All vegetables must be rinsed well with running water before starting cooking. Onions and carrots should be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil.
  2. Shred the cabbage, add to the onions and carrots and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the tomato, cut into small cubes, to the cabbage a little later.
  3. Wash the rice very thoroughly and add to the vegetables. Fill everything with water, salt to taste and cover with a lid.
  4. After the rice and vegetables are cooked, add green peas and you can serve.

Baked bell pepper

To prepare 4 servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • bell pepper – 8 pieces;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt to taste.

The step-by-step cooking recipe is as follows.

  1. We wash the bell pepper well with running water and remove the core and grains. Cut the pepper into slices.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with a small amount of olive oil, add pepper and season with salt to taste.
  3. Place the pepper in the oven for 15 minutes.

Most often, regular boiled rice is chosen as a side dish for fish. The most useful advice is how to cook fluffy rice. The secret is as simple as possible: you need to salt the rice only after cooking; if you do this before, it will turn into porridge.

The second most popular side dish is mashed potatoes. To make it milky and tasty, you must add milk and butter, otherwise the puree will be very bland.


It’s not that difficult to choose side dishes for fish; you just have to remember the list of ingredients that always go well with fish dishes. And if you still have some difficulties with choosing a side dish, feel free to serve a salad of fresh vegetables along with the fish, which will never be out of place.

Pike has long been considered a delicacy. Working with this fish is not easy, but its meat is very tasty, so chefs treat this fish with great respect. To get a good result, you will have to try, but the aromatic stewed pike will be an excellent reward for your efforts.

Preparing the fish

If you plan to buy fish in a store, you can immediately select fillets. This will save you a lot of work. But if you got a real princess of the rivers in all her beauty, and even with a persistent smell of mud to boot, get ready for the upcoming work.

Separate the head lengthwise. By the way, you don’t have to throw it away - it’s an excellent basis for fish soup. If you plan to use the pike head later, be sure to remove the gills from it and only then freeze it.

You can cook the stewed pike directly with the skin, but if you don't like it, getting rid of it won't be difficult. It comes off like a stocking if you pull it from head to tail.

Remove the backbone by cutting off both sides of the fillet. Large bones are easy to remove, but small ones require chasing with a fork. Ordinary cosmetic tweezers will also help a lot in your work.

Stewed pike will be much more tender if you first soak the salted fillet in milk. This will completely neutralize the smell of the swamp.

Pike with mushrooms

The expressive taste of this fish goes well with mushrooms. You can even use regular oyster mushrooms and champignons from the store. And stewed pike with porcini mushrooms will become a real delicacy worthy of the most festive table - for example, Easter or New Year's.

You can adjust the proportions of the products depending on the taste and the amount of mushrooms available. Usually fish fillet is taken twice as much as other components.

Cut the pike into pieces, lightly dust with flour, fry on both sides in butter. Place in a saucepan and pour in vegetable, mushroom or fish broth to cover the pieces. Let it simmer. Add the fried mushrooms 10 minutes before they are ready. If desired, you can add finely chopped sautéed onions to the sauce.

Fish in milk sauce

This dish can be served both hot and cold. Pike stewed with onions in milk takes quite a long time to prepare, but the result will exceed your expectations.

A cast iron frying pan with a lid is perfect for cooking. In a small amount of oil over high heat, quickly fry the meat cut into large pieces - this is necessary so that it does not fall apart during stewing. Add finely chopped raw onions (at the rate of 2 pieces per kilogram of fillet). Pour milk (700 g). Place on low heat, covering with a lid. The fish will be stewed for at least 1.5 hours. Don’t forget to keep an eye on it, and add more milk as it boils. In total, you will need at least a liter of liquid. At the very end of stewing, add 100 g of butter, black pepper and salt. When cold, this dish resembles aspic.

Pike in sour cream

Now it’s difficult to say how long ago this version of the recipe appeared. But even in princely Rus', pike stewed in sour cream was considered a classic.

For a kilogram of fillet you will need 3 onions, a little oil, 2/3 tbsp. sour cream and seasonings to taste.

Mix black pepper and salt and season the fillet pieces generously. Fry them in a preheated frying pan for 5 minutes on each side. Because of the salt, they will immediately release juice and will not stick to the bottom. Then load the onion, chopped into half rings or strips, on top of the fish. Pour in sour cream, cover with a lid and simmer for about half an hour.

Pike with vegetables

This recipe will definitely be appreciated by tomato sauce lovers. You can use it to cook not only fillets, but also regular pieces (with backbone and ribs).

Dip pieces of fish with a total weight of about 1 kg in flour, place in a frying pan and fry until almost done. Transfer to a saucepan.

Fry one grated (large) carrot and chopped onion in the remaining oil until soft. Return the fish to the pan, season, add salt and add 3-4 tablespoons of tomato paste. Pour in 0.5 tbsp. broth or water. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium heat for about 20 minutes.

Good not only at home. This is also a great idea for a summer house and picnic. And if you are preparing a dish during the vegetable season, you can add herbs and bell pepper to it for taste.

Side dish for stewed pike

Usually stewed pike is served with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, boiled fluffy rice. Stewed cabbage is good as a side dish. If you made pike in sauce or gravy, you can serve it with pasta, shells or spaghetti.

Combining products is an art. To choose the right side dish for fish, many factors should be taken into account. In order to successfully choose an addition to the main meal, you should take into account the type of fish and how it is prepared. The most commonly used are potatoes (in any form), cereals and vegetables.

Often, many housewives, while preparing dinner, do not know what side dish to prepare for the fish. Therefore, you should know what is best to combine fried, stewed, smoked or baked representatives of water with.

What to cook for fried fish

This dish is considered the most common, and in order for it to please the household every time, it should be served with different foods. Garnish for fried fish is chosen from the following:

  • boiled buckwheat, rice, lentils and other legumes;
  • boiled, mashed or fried potatoes;
  • vegetable puree;
  • potato, tomato, cabbage and mushroom salads;
  • stew of stewed vegetables, pumpkin and carrots;
  • salted and pickled mushrooms;
  • any steamed vegetables.

You can fry the fish in pieces, whole or as fillets and serve with mashed potatoes.

What to serve with baked and stewed fish

For such dishes, chefs recommend preparing something light. Simple side dishes should be prepared for baked fish. These include: fresh vegetable salads with oil dressing and aromatic spices. Mashed potatoes and canned peas or corn will also go well.

Baked fish is usually decorated with fresh herbs, pickled onions and lemons.

For stewed fish dishes, you should prepare side dishes of light cereals. The most popular are rice and buckwheat porridges, flavored with a small amount of butter. A vegetable side dish with carrots, cabbage, zucchini and broccoli, stewed or fresh, is also good. If for some reason they are not suitable, then you can prepare mashed potatoes with cream or low-fat sour cream.

Potatoes and rice are universal side dishes and go well with most fish dishes.

What to cook for battered fish

In most cases, a side dish for battered fish is not needed, as it is good as an independent dish. However, they prefer to serve it with light snacks and vegetable salads. It is very good to complement such a delicacy with sauces. Creamy garlic and tomato varieties work well.

As a side dish, you can also prepare mashed potatoes and vegetables with chopped herbs and lemon slices as a decoration.

What to eat with smoked and salted fish

It is more difficult to choose side dishes for smoked fish, because you need to take into account the calorie content so that the meal does not turn out to be too heavy. For fatty smoked and salted fish, it is better to make light salads from fresh and canned vegetables with herbs, carrots and zucchini. The classic version with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes is also suitable.

A delicious side dish of potatoes baked in the oven with quail or chicken eggs under a cheese cap goes especially well.

Often, simple baked or boiled potatoes are served with salted, smoked and dried fish.

Side dishes for red fish

As a complement to this fish, it is better to prepare the following dish:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 250 ml medium fat sour cream;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • 600 – 800 g eggplant;
  • 30 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1 small bunch of fresh herbs;
  • spices and salt in the required quantity.

A side dish for red fish can be easily prepared using a step-by-step recipe.

  1. Remove the skins from the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel the eggplant in a thin layer, wash and cut into cubes or bars.
  3. Peel the garlic and pass it through the chopping device.
  4. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. Then dip potatoes with eggplant and garlic into it, and then add spices and salt.
  5. Lightly fry everything until lightly golden brown, add a small amount of hot water and simmer until cooked.

After cooking, combine the stew mixture with sour cream and add finely chopped herbs.

Lemon is a classic decoration for stewed and baked fish.

What is best to cook for different types of fish?

The main problem in choosing a side dish is the following. It is necessary to take into account what kind of fish and in what way the treat is prepared. Based on these data, you should choose the best side dish for fish.

To the cod

This fish goes well with cucumber salad with ginger dressing. It is prepared very simply and easily, but its taste will add extraordinary notes to the main dish.

For cooking you need the following set of products:

  • 800 – 1000 g of fresh cucumbers;
  • 40 – 60 ml olive oil;
  • 200 g Yalta onion;
  • 60 g sesame seeds;
  • 10 – 15 g chopped ginger;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 – 4 sprigs of cilantro;
  • 50 ml rice vinegar.

For spices, you will need 30 g of sugar and salt in the required amount.

  1. Mix oil with vinegar and add salt and sugar.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse under water and cut into half rings. Pour the prepared mixture over it and leave to marinate for 60 minutes.
  3. Wash the cucumbers and cut into thin slices.
  4. Peel the garlic, chop and mix with ginger and salt.
  5. Combine the cucumbers with onions and sprinkle everything with a mixture of ginger and garlic.
  6. Transfer the salad to a deep plate and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

This side dish is served separately from the main dish. If necessary, you can decorate it with chopped parsley and dill, as well as small lemon slices.

These salads complement fried and baked fish well.

For salmon (trout)

No matter how banal it may sound, the best side dish for salmon and trout is potatoes. Moreover, you can cook it in any form, but baked potatoes are best.

  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml sour cream with low fat content;
  • 1 small bunch of parsley and dill;
  • 20 ml oil;
  • 100 g hard cheese.

The spices you will need are salt and pepper.

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse well and cut into slices.
  2. Peel the garlic and chop it to a paste.
  3. Wash the greens and finely chop.
  4. Place sour cream in a deep plate and mix it with garlic and herbs. Mix everything.
  5. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place potatoes on it in layers, spreading them with the prepared sauce.
  6. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it onto the prepared dish.

Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees, bake for 25 - 40 minutes, constantly checking for doneness.

You can also cook baked or steamed vegetables with trout and salmon. Broccoli and cauliflower are especially combined with these aquatic representatives.

Salmon is the general name for several varieties of fish belonging to the salmon family.

To the pollock

Pollock is not an oily fish, so it is best to cook it with carrots and onions.

To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 600 g prepared pollock fillet;
  • 400 g carrots;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil.

For cooking spices, use salt and ground pepper (black).

  1. Cut the fillet into small portions.
  2. Peel the carrots, rinse and chop on a coarse grater.
  3. Remove the skins from the onion and cut it into half rings.
  4. Mix all ingredients, salt and pepper.
  5. Grease a baking tray with oil, place everything on it and add a small amount of boiled water.

Place everything in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees, cook for 35 - 45 minutes.

This pollock with a side dish has a small amount of calories and is considered a dietary dish.

If for some reason this side dish is not suitable, then the fish can be fried in oil and supplemented with mashed potatoes and herbs.

Pollock dishes with a light side dish can be eaten during a diet

What to serve pink salmon with

Baked potatoes with mushrooms seem like a very simple side dish. This is true, but it perfectly complements pink salmon dishes.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg of potatoes (it is better to take white ones);
  • 350 g onions;
  • 350 g honey mushrooms;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • 6 – 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 130 – 160 g fresh dill.

For spices, you will need salt and crushed black pepper in the required quantity.

  1. Peel the potatoes with onions and garlic. Wash and chop the dill.
  2. Cut the potatoes and onions into half rings into cubes or cubes.
  3. Wash the mushrooms well and chop into small pieces.
  4. Place foil on a baking sheet and grease with oil. Place the potatoes with onions, garlic and mushrooms, and then sprinkle everything with dill. Season.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 - 200 degrees for about 45 - 55 minutes.

The dish is served on the table in portioned plates with pieces of pink salmon.

This dish perfectly complements not only pink salmon, but also many other types of fish.

To the crucian carp

Potatoes are suitable in any form: fried, baked, mashed or boiled. But the best way is to prepare a vegetable stew.

The best dish for crucian carp is:

  • 200 g white cabbage;
  • 50 g onions;
  • 150 g zucchini;
  • 100 g eggplant;
  • 100 g tomatoes
  • 30 ml sunflower oil.

For spices you will need salt and pepper, and you should also use a small amount of fresh herbs.

  1. Wash all vegetables, peel and chop into cubes and strips.
  2. Mash the cabbage with your hands and add all the other prepared products to it.
  3. Pour oil into a thick-bottomed frying pan and heat. Place vegetables in it and fry a little until juice forms.
  4. Pour in a small amount of boiled water, season and cover with a lid.
  5. Simmer for 25 minutes over medium heat and after time, add chopped herbs.

Steamed vegetables and buckwheat with butter are also suitable for this fish.

Garnish for pike perch

This addition to the pike perch dish is easy and quick to prepare. The side dish is a mixture of vegetables with mushrooms and rice, seasoned with aromatic herbs.

For preparation you will need the following products:

  • 1 cup per 250 ml long grain rice;
  • 250 g eggplant;
  • 50 ml balsamic red vinegar;
  • 250 g zucchini;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 250 g bell red pepper;
  • 200 g onions;
  • 8 – 10 champignons;
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.

The spices you will need are salt and a mixture of peppers. The recipe also adds 1 small bunch of parsley and 3 sprigs of rosemary.

  1. Rinse and boil the rice in salted water until fully cooked.
  2. Wash, peel and chop all vegetables and mushrooms into cubes of the same size.
  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it. After 5 minutes, add carrots and bell pepper to it and cover with a lid.
  4. When half-ready, add vinegar, salt, chopped garlic and a mixture of peppers. Mix everything well.
  5. When the vegetables become soft, add boiled rice to them and after 4 - 6 minutes, remove the dish from the burner.

Before serving, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed on a large plate, which is then placed on the table. The dish is pre-garnished with chopped parsley leaves and rosemary sprigs.

This side dish will perfectly complement pan-fried pike perch.

Cereal side dishes

There are a lot of recipes for side dishes for fish dishes, but rice, buckwheat and millet are often prepared.

Buckwheat or millet porridges flavored with butter or sauces are more suitable for pike. They are prepared in water and added with spices at the end.

Salmon is best served with a side dish of rice. It is boiled, washed and decorated with herbs.

Housewives often think about what else can be prepared for these aquatic representatives. In this case, steamed vegetables are suitable.

Universal dietary side dish

It is perfect for people who adhere to proper nutrition and diet.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 50 ml filtered water;
  • 5 – 6 g of pepper mixture;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g dried basil;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 30 ml tomato paste;
  • 5 – 7 g salt.

You can prepare the dish according to step-by-step instructions.

  1. Peel the pumpkin and cut the pulp into large cubes.
  2. Heat the oils in a frying pan and fry a little until a light brown crust forms.
  3. Add salt, water, pepper mixture, basil and pasta to the pan. Mix everything.
  4. Peel the garlic, cut into large pieces, place in a dish and fry for another 1 - 2 minutes.
  5. Place the contents of the pan in a baking dish, add a little water and cover with foil.

Place the mold in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. This side dish has low calorie content (about 70 kcal per 100 g), it is tasty and healthy.

The dish can be served separately or with fish.

Small tricks

If you need a quick side dish, it is best to choose porridge or vegetable salads. They cook quickly and go well with many types of fish.

If you don’t know what will go best with cooked fish, then you should choose potatoes. This product is so versatile that it goes with any dish.

To decorate side dishes, use lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro or rosemary. Lemon will also add original notes of taste.

When planning to cook fish, you should think about the side dish in advance, because their combination affects the final taste of the dish. The main thing is not to forget that there are universal additions, such as boiled delicious rice or mashed vegetables and potatoes.