Recipes for cooking turi. Tyurya: a forgotten cold soup of ancient Russian cuisine. What is tyurya made from?

20.10.2023 Desserts and cakes

We are willing to bet that for most modern people the word “prison” evokes one association - something from the difficult feudal past, the food of serfs who lived from bread to water. In original Russian cuisine there is cabbage soup, okroshka (including bread), and botvinya, and various complex porridges, and tyuria, in fact, was the simplest and cheapest dish. They ate this soup if they had no time to prepare pickles or in times of disaster. If we ignore the sad pictures of financial collapse and look at this dish objectively, the prison is not so bad and quite edible. Add a few additional ingredients and a lot of love to the traditional recipe for bread türi, and you will get a pleasant summer cold appetizer, like okroshka.

Tyurya, also called murtsovka, was a common peasant dish until the nineteenth century. Remember Nekrasov’s famous lines about Yasha, who did not get milk for the prison because the evil master stole the cow. It turns out that this dish is a symbol of the inevitability of revolution, when the lower classes no longer want... to eat prison.

The classic of Russian cooking, William Pokhlebkin, described the prison as a cold liquid dish, like okroshka, the preparation of which does not require heat treatment. A very simple dish without fats and meat, undeservedly forgotten and despised. Yes, this unusual soup is not served in restaurants, but we suggest you try cooking it at home. If you follow all the rules and add something of your own, you will get a tasty, light and refreshing meal that can sometimes be used to diversify the table. You need to prepare the tyura immediately before eating; you won’t be able to put the plate away for tomorrow or even for an hour - everything will turn sour and become inedible.

On cold winter evenings, we don’t advise you to cook our crisis-okroshka, but in the summer, in the heat, when there is no appetite and you just want to eat something without much preparation, prison is just the thing. They say they got used to using it as an aperitif and after a bath. Why not?..

What is the prison made of?

You can experiment, but the main products that must be present in the recipe should remain bread and kvass. Of course, it’s better to make homemade bread kvass - it will be sour and light, and this is exactly what you need for turi and okroshka. Preferably rye bread, but if you don’t like it, a gray brick will do.

In a departure from the classic recipe, you can spice up the stew with vegetables. Boiled or raw vegetables according to your taste should be chopped very finely or grated on a coarse grater. An interesting taste is obtained by adding horseradish or radish, but in this case you need to grate it on a fine grater. The recipe is very decorated with spices: dill, parsley, pepper, cilantro and other aromatic herbs.

Alternatively, you can prepare a simplified okroshka using vegetable juice - tomato or carrot.

Recipe for making turi with onions

  • 4 servings
  • Cooking time - 5 minutes

We offer you a slightly refined version of turi - with onions and sour cream. It’s the 21st century outside the window, and we are not serfs - we can afford it.

You probably have everything you need for our recipe at home or at your “court” grocery store. :

  • Kvass (light and sour) – 1 liter.
  • Green onions - half a glass.
  • Onions – 1 onion
  • Rye bread - half a loaf.
  • Garlic – 4 large cloves.
  • Chopped dill – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sour cream – 3-4 tablespoons.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

As you can see, no special preparation is required for our bread crumb recipe. From start to finish the preparation will take just a few minutes.

  1. We cut the bread into slices and then into cubes, not very small, so that the bread does not become soggy instantly. A size of about 2x2 cm seems optimal.
  2. Place the bread cubes on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the bread with vegetable oil - the taste of the dish will immediately become noble (to the envy of the serfs). You can not dry the bread at all or prepare the crackers in advance.
  3. Finely chop the onion and dill.
  4. Press the garlic and grind it with salt.
  5. Place bread on plates, add onion and garlic.
  6. Fill with kvass.
  7. Add sour cream.
  8. Stir and eat.

Bon appetit!

P.S. If you add not bread to the prison, but radishes, sausage, eggs and cucumbers, you will get okroshka.

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Tyurya is a simple, quickly prepared, but healthy and, with the correct skillful observance of the proportions of all components, a tasty dish.

Tyurya is especially good and useful in the summer heat.

Tyurya is a traditional liquid cold dish, which is bread or crackers, crusts, crumbled in water with salt and flavored with a small amount of vegetable oil; bread okroshka made with kvass, sometimes with onions chopped into kvass. Milk (a children's dish) can also serve as the basis for turi. In a more general form, it is a dish made from bread crumbled into kvass, milk or water.

You can add finely chopped or pureed vegetables, green or onions and other greens to the turyu. It is used immediately after preparation; it is not prepared for future use.

Until the 19th century, prison was an everyday dish in village families and was considered the food of the poor. Modern prison serves as a kind of liquid snack, usually prepared in the summer, on hot days.

This is a cheap, quick (cooked without the help of fire), simple, albeit high-calorie food, the most common and unsophisticated ancient dish for Lent.

Tyurya is a liquid cold dish, prepared quickly without the help of fire. The fact that prison is simple compared to other soups, as well as the absence of meat and fat in prison, gave them the “glory” of being a dish for the poor, and this, in turn, led to the fact that restaurant cuisine began to be shunned from prison.

In fact, tyura is a cheap, tasty and convenient dish at home, which you need to be able to prepare carefully and in compliance with certain rules.

The main components in prisons are bread and kvass. In this case, the bread should always be fresh, soft, cut off the crusts and best heated in the oven and then cut into small cubes.

Kvass should be sour, i.e. white or light bread kvass intended for first courses.

The replaceable component in prisons is vegetables, either finely chopped or grated. The cutting should be very thin, neat, grating should be done only on a fine grater.

The türi gets its name from these vegetables - türya with onions, türya with horseradish, türya with radish, etc.

Tyurya is a typical home dish: it must be eaten immediately after preparation and cannot be prepared ahead of time and for future use. In addition, the prison must be flavored with fresh herbs - dill, celery, etc.

Only under these conditions will prison be a tasty, enjoyable dish. Tyuri is usually consumed in the summer, on hot days, in the absence of appetite, when an aperitif is required, as well as when tired, after a bath, or with a runny nose.

Türi can therefore be considered as a kind of liquid snack. According to the prison type, you can prepare appetizer soups based on various vegetable juices - carrot, tomato, etc.

Here are some of Tyur's recipes:

Prison with radish
1 liter of kvass
1 black radish (the size of an apple 200 g)

1 tbsp. spoon of parsley
1 tbsp. spoon of celery greens
1.5 teaspoons salt

Prison with horseradish
1 liter of kvass
4 tbsp. tablespoons freshly grated horseradish
1 cup finely chopped rye bread cubes
0.5 cups celery, parsley and dill
1 teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients and add kvass.

Prison with a bow

1 liter of kvass
0.5 cups finely chopped green onions
1 onion (finely chopped)
1 cup finely chopped rye bread
4 cloves garlic (crushed with salt)
1 tbsp. spoon of dill
2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
1 teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients, except sour cream, evenly in an enamel bowl, pour in kvass and season with sour cream.

Tomato prison

1 liter tomato juice
0.75 cups finely chopped black bread
0.5 cups celery root, grated
0.5 heads of garlic
1 teaspoon coriander
1.5 teaspoons salt
Grind the garlic and coriander with salt, mix with the remaining ingredients, and pour in tomato juice.

I will try to cook Tyurya according to these recipes, joining the food of the poor!

I invite everyone to speak out in

Tyurya is a soup-type dish, formed in the culinary traditions of the poorest segments of the population of the Russian and Belarusian villages. This is a simple and unpretentious, relatively high-calorie stew. In poor village families, prison was often an everyday dish until the 19th century. Usually kvass is used as a basis for preparing turi. You can cook tyurya with milk or yogurt. The remaining components are bread (mostly rye, although this is not essential) or bread crumbs, crusts and onions. Grated radish and herbs were added to all this. Seasoned with vegetable oil. Boiled potatoes and other finely chopped vegetables were also added to the turyu (if such products were available on the farm at the time of preparation).

How to prepare a prison?

The process of preparing turi could not be simpler: the liquid base (kvass or milk, yogurt) is poured into a bowl and all the other ingredients are crumbled into it. Then season with oil and salt, mix and eat. Modern tyurya can be prepared and served as a liquid snack on hot days (instead of okroshka). It’s quite a good idea to prepare this dish on fasting days.

Belarusian version

So, for connoisseurs and lovers of prison in Belarusian.


  • 1 radish (with tops);
  • 100-200 grams of stale rye bread;
  • 3-4 medium-sized boiled potatoes;
  • approximately 1 liter of traditional bread kvass (without chemical additives) or cold water (preferably boiled);
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • green onions, dill, parsley, salt - to taste.


Peel the radish and grate it on a coarse grater. Add salt, add oil and mix. Let's let it sit for a while. In the meantime, finely chop the radish leaves, green onions and the rest of the greens. Finely chop the boiled potatoes. Crumble the bread (or break the crackers into fairly small pieces). Press the garlic through a press. Mix everything in a saucepan and add kvass or water, mix. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes until the bread softens. The Belarusian prison is ready. It would be nice, of course, to add a little more spices (for example, ground black pepper), but this is optional. You can use turnips or rutabaga instead of radishes. A spoonful of thick country sour cream won’t ruin this simple soup.

Prison with milk

You can prepare a milk prison. This recipe is good for dietary and baby food. There are 2 options here. If we are preparing for adults, we do everything the same as in the recipe with kvass or water, only we use milk as the liquid base, or better yet, yogurt. You can prepare a sweet milk stew - this dish is well suited for children under 4-5 years of age, as well as for amateurs. It should be noted that milk türi is higher in calories than those prepared with kvass or water.


  • 200 g of unsweetened bread (wheat, wheat-rye or bran), it is better to take fresh bread and without crusts;
  • 3-4 glasses of milk (preferably pasteurized for children);
  • 3-6 teaspoons of natural flower honey or jam.


Let's make crackers: first cut the bread into slices and trim off the crusts, then cut it into smaller pieces - into cubes or bars and dry on a dry baking sheet in the oven. Rinse the pan with cold water, pour in milk and heat over low heat. If the milk is raw, it is generally better to heat it in a water bath. Pour the warmed milk over the crackers in a plate or soup cup. Add honey or jam to the plate. You can season it with cardamom, saffron, cinnamon and vanilla, but not too much. Stir and wait until the crackers soften. If we feed a child, the prison should not be hot, but warm.

Tyurya - what kind of dish is this? It refers to Russian national cuisine. People say that this is a dish of the poor. And all because its preparation requires a minimum set of simple products. There are many variations of this dish, let's look at the most common ones.

What is prison and how to prepare it?

“Eat the prison, Yasha! There’s no milk!” These Nekrasov lines are well known to our grandparents. Prison was prepared when there was no pickles or meat in the house. This Lenten dish, despite its simplicity, is tasty and satisfying. And it is prepared in various ways, but the bread remains an unchanged component.

This is interesting! Tyurya can be found on the menus of expensive restaurants. Of course, this dish is prepared there not from ordinary bread, but from crackers made using a special technology.

So, the simplest turi recipe involves bread crumbs and water. It was in this version that this dish was distributed among Russian peasants. Today, of course, few people prepare such a prison, because this dish is a real field for flights of culinary imagination.

Turya with onions and kvass turns out to be especially tasty and aromatic. You can add any onion - onion or green. And instead of bread crumbs, many housewives use crackers. For satiety, add sunflower oil to the dish.

In addition to onions, you can add other vegetables to this soup. So, a prison is prepared with radishes, cucumbers, horseradish, and garlic. And if you add boiled potatoes, eggs and chopped herbs to the tyurya, it will resemble okroshka, beloved by many. True, without meat and sausage products.

Attention! Tyura is an ideal dish for a Lenten diet, but those who are on a diet need to be careful with it, since it is quite high in calories.

A prison with milk and crackers will fit perfectly into a child's diet. For sweetness, granulated sugar or honey is added to this dish. Tyurya is also prepared with tomato juice with the addition of celery root, garlic cloves and sliced ​​black bread. Such a prison is seasoned with olive oil and spices. By the way, this dish is somewhat reminiscent of the Italian soup “Gazpacho”.

The representatives of the stronger sex liked the prison with vodka. Of course, alcohol is added in small quantities.

On a note! Tyurya is served cold, so it is mainly prepared in the summer.

Prison with kvass is almost a classic!

So, today we are preparing a simple and fairly budget-friendly soup. But despite its simplicity, the prison turns out to be tasty and satisfying.


  • 2 slices of rye bread;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • green onion feathers;
  • salt;
  • ¼ part horseradish root;
  • greenery;
  • cucumber;
  • 1 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oils;
  • ½ tbsp. kvass;
  • ground pepper.

On a note! Kvass can be replaced with filtered water. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to it to taste.


Advice! Tyurya must be prepared immediately before use.

And this prison is prepared with the addition of sauerkraut based on kvass. Be sure to try to cook it, especially since the entire culinary process will take you ten minutes at most.


  • 150 g sauerkraut;
  • 50 g stale black bread;
  • 2 tsp. refined vegetable oils;
  • 500 ml kvass;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Peel the onion and chop it as finely as possible.
  3. We need stale bread, we grate it.
  4. We combine the prepared products in a deep container.
  5. Add vegetable oil and kvass.
  6. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Sprinkle the dish with chopped dill and stir. Ready!

Another version of turi with kvass

Prepare turya with onions using kvass and serve it with pickles. Believe me, your household will appreciate this dish.


  • 500 ml kvass;
  • ½ part of an onion;
  • 3-4 slices of black bread;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • cilantro;
  • salt.


  1. Cut off the crust from the bread and chop the pulp into slices.
  2. Place the bread pieces on a baking sheet and dry in the oven.
  3. Then rub the bread with garlic.
  4. Peel and chop the onion.
  5. Wash the cilantro and finely chop it with a knife.
  6. Combine bread with onions and cilantro.
  7. Fill everything with kvass and salt, stir. Ready!

Milk prison for the little ones

And kids will love this dish. To prepare milk türi, choose wheat bread.


  • 200 g bread;
  • 3 tbsp. milk;
  • 3-4 tsp. granulated sugar.

Attention! Instead of sugar, you can add honey or jam to the mixture.


  1. Cut the crust off the bread.
  2. Cut the bread pulp into small pieces and place in a deep plate.
  3. Warm the milk slightly and pour it over the bread.
  4. When the bread softens, add granulated sugar and stir. Ready!

Tyurya is an old peasant dish. In modern cooking, few people have heard this name. It is not on the menu of restaurants and cafes. But our grandmothers can tell you several ways to prepare it.


Rye bread 200 grams Garlic 3 cloves Greenery 1 bunch Vegetable oil 4 tbsp.

  • Number of servings: 2
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

What is prison as a dish?

Tyurya is a liquid, high-calorie dish, more like a cold soup. It appeared in the villages of Belarus. This soup was mainly prepared in poor peasant houses. This simple stew was eaten daily. They prepared a soup based on rye kvass, milk or curdled milk. The main ingredients were rye bread, crackers from leftover bread or dried crusts and onions. They put into the stew any vegetables that were in the house at that moment. These were mainly: boiled potatoes, radishes and greens.

How to prepare a prison?

Preparing the stew does not take much time or effort. The liquid base is poured into a bowl and finely chopped vegetables and herbs are added. Everything is seasoned with oil and served to the table. We are familiar with this dish in the form of okroshka. It is prepared on hot summer days. This is an ideal dish during the fasting period. There are several options for preparing it.

1. Belarusian stew. To prepare you will need:

  • 200 grams of rye bread;
  • 4 boiled potatoes;
  • 1 liter of cold kvass;
  • garlic;
  • greenery;
  • green onions;
  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Grate the radish on a coarse grater, add oil, salt and mix thoroughly. She must insist. Radish leaves, green onions and herbs are finely chopped. Potatoes are cut into cubes. Bread or crackers are broken into small pieces. All components are mixed, garlic is added, and kvass is poured over. The stew should sit for 15 minutes so that the bread softens. You can serve the dish with sour cream.

2. Recipe for turi with photos using milk. If the dish is being prepared for adults, then the entire cooking process can be left as in the Belarusian recipe, only the kvass is replaced with milk or yogurt. Milk stews are much higher in calories than those made with kvass. A sweet milk treat is prepared for children.

You will need:

  • 200 grams of fresh white bread;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 6 teaspoons honey or jam.

We make small crackers from bread: cut it into cubes and dry it in the oven. Heat the milk. Place crackers on a plate and fill them with warm milk, add honey or jam. If your child likes crunchy crackers, you can eat the dish right away. Using your imagination, you can turn a traditional ancient Russian dish into a pleasant summer snack or treat for children.