Juice from apples for the winter from a juicer. How to make apple juice for the winter at home

28.09.2019 Bakery products

With the advent of autumn, the question becomes more and more relevant: how to preserve apple juice? After all, this time of year is always famous for the large harvest of this fruit. Of course, fresh berries and fruits have the maximum benefit and taste. But, unfortunately, you can not enjoy freshness for long. And what can be tastier than apple or other juice made independently? Juice can be preserved from one fruit, so combining several options. The process of preserving the juice itself is quite simple. It is enough to follow the recipe and all the recommendations. Already all subsequent times will be worked out to automaticity, and you will not have to peek at preservation recipes.

Where to start conservation?

To make it tasty and healthy for the winter, you must follow all stages of conservation. When preserving juices at home, it is worth going through the preparation of the juice itself, its heat treatment and direct preservation. So, the preparation of the juice consists in squeezing it or pressing it. To do this, you can use:

  • Juicer;
  • Meat grinder;
  • Chatterbox wooden.

For apples, the juicer is the most suitable option. These fruits are very hard, and using a meat grinder can be difficult. In addition, the juicer significantly saves time, because the push-up occurs very quickly, without much effort. In order to squeeze out all the juices from the fruits as much as possible, they are recommended to be crushed a little and heated in a water bath. Very often it is apple juice that is cloudy, with pulp. While cherry juice has perfect transparency. If you do not like juice with pulp, just pass it several times through filtered paper. To the flesh settled, you can just leave the juice in a cool place for a day.

This is followed by heat treatment. So, you can use two ways: pasteurization, hot spill. By following the latter option, you can significantly save time. That is why the preservation of juice by hot spill is very popular. So, you need to do the following:

  • Heat apple juice in a pan to 75 degrees;
  • Filter the juice;
  • Reheat it again;
  • Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes;
  • After time, immediately pour into banks, roll up.

The pasteurization method involves pouring juice into an enameled pan, and heating it to a boil. Next, the drink must be cooled, and reheated. Still hot juice is poured into jars, and once again pasteurized for 15 minutes. The final stage of direct preservation of the drink is quite simple. Firstly, juice is bottled only in previously sterilized jars. It is important to know that the juice spills to the top of the dishes so that it does not deteriorate.

Secondly, for maximum clogging of the can, metal lids must also be sterilized. And finally, after cooling the apple juice in banks, they are turned upside down and put in a dark place for a week. If for a given period of time the juice does not clouding, does not ferment, you can safely put the cans of the drink in a normal position, in a cool place until winter arrives.

Popular recipes for canning apple juice

There are three main options for preparing this drink for the winter at home. To make the juice tasty, without a sharp sour taste, you need to choose only ripe fruits. If the fruits are slightly spoiled, the juice can ferment, and not reach the winter. Such a drink will have to be poured. It is worth noting that an apple drink always turns out to be concentrated, so many people breed it in purified water, or other types of juices.

The first option is conservation of apple harvesting

In the first version of preservation, it is necessary to pour the resulting juice into an enameled pan, heat it up to 95 degrees on fire. When heating, add sugar (1 tablespoon of sugar for every 0.5 liters of juice). If you do not have a kitchen thermometer, you can guess the temperature yourself. As soon as small bubbles begin to appear in the liquid, then the drink has reached the required temperature. You can’t boil the broth. It is very important to constantly stir the juice. The resulting foam is removed using an ordinary slotted spoon. Still hot liquid is poured into banks that must be warm. After rolling up, the cans are wrapped in a warm blanket.

The second way to preserve apple juice

For the second option, you need to cook a large and wide pan. A raw drink is bottled in sterilized cans. But, the jars should be cold, they should not be preheated. After the spill, the jars should be covered, but not rolled up. Now, dishes with juice are put in a cooked wide pan. Water is poured here, which should not reach the neck of cans by 1-1.5 cm. Having covered the pan with cans with a lid, put it on fire and heat the water to 85 degrees.

As soon as you have received the necessary temperature, the fire is reduced, and this temperature in the dishes is maintained. The time for such heat treatment depends on the capacity of the cans. So, for cans up to 1 liter - 20 minutes, 2-3 liters - 30 minutes. After the required time has passed, each jar carefully gets their pots, and the battle rolls back. After that, as in any other cases, the banks turn over and wrap themselves in a blanket.

The third option for preserving an apple drink for the winter

In this case, it is meant to boil the liquid for 5 minutes. At the same time, it is worth noting that a fairly large part of the beneficial vitamins and minerals will be lost. But, pleasant taste and freshness will be preserved. This option is great when using ripe apples when you doubt their high quality. When boiling, the likelihood of further fermentation of the drink can be excluded.

So, the mass obtained during the extraction is poured into a pan, brought to a boil, and boiled for 5 minutes. In hot form, the juice is poured into cans, hermetically sealed with lids, turned upside down. Be sure to wrap the container with a warm blanket. After cooling, the dishes with the drink are turned over to their original position, and put in a cool dark place until winter.

Blending Apple Juice

Very often, many housewives when preserving an apple drink also add the juices of other fruits or vegetables. The combination of several juices during conservation is called blending. This helps to slightly improve the taste, bring a little more benefit from the drink. It is also known that apple juice is a very concentrated mass that can have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, it is better to breed it with other juices. Very tasty and healthy apple blending options are as follows:

  • Grapes;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Carrot;
  • Rowan;
  • Zucchini.

Very useful for the body is a blend of apple and pumpkin. But, it is worth noting that this canned product has a specific taste. But in combination with an apple, you can get a pleasant taste. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash the pumpkin, peel it of a dense peel, seeds and fibers. To soften pieces of pumpkin, they are softened with steam. Then the pulp is rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender. It is not necessary to pre-boil the vegetable. As a result, you will get a liquid puree, which must be mixed with apple juice. This mixture is pasteurized, bottled, and rolled up. The ratio of these components is selected individually, taking into account your taste preferences.

There is a delicious recipe for apple and pumpkin juice, which is prepared quickly enough. To do this, you will need:

  • 3 cups pumpkin puree;
  • 5 large apples;
  • Pinch of cinnamon;
  • 1 cup boiled water;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla;
  • 50 grams of lemon juice.

Such juice for preservation will more like liquid mashed potatoes, weeks of water. Apples must be removed from the peel and core, cut into slices or slices, put on the bottom of the pan. The apples are sprinkled with cinnamon, watered with lemon juice. After mixing the ingredients, water is added to the dishes. The mass is quickly brought to a boil. As soon as the mass boils, you need to muffle the fire, and cook the mixture for 45 minutes. Pumpkin puree is being prepared at this time. As soon as the apples in the pan are softened, they add pumpkin. To get a homogeneous mass, it is worth interrupting it in a blender. Already in the blender vanilla is added for taste. After mixing all the components, the mass is boiled for 5 minutes, and rolled up hot.

To prepare a blend with carrots, follow these steps:

  • Carrots are peeled, washed, cut into pieces.
  • These pieces are softened in a steam bath, passed through a juicer or sieve.
  • Carrot and apple juice are mixed, pasteurized.
  • The juice is bottled hot in jars, rolled up.

You can soften the taste of apple juice during preservation by blending with zucchini. In addition to a rather unusual pleasant taste, such canned juice will be saturated with minerals, especially calcium. To prepare such a mixture can be in any way that was mentioned above. Therefore, the drink is very simple, due to this and is popular.

When else prepare apple juice for the winterif not in August ?! It is during this period that fruit trees are at the peak of their ripening, and contain a maximum of vitamins in each fruit. As far as apples are concerned, they are rich in iron, and may well be preserved for a long time without spoiling for their own taste and beneficial properties. But, like everything else, the term storage of fruit data also comes to a logical end. And this can happen in December and February ... How to be? After all, replenishing the body with a vitamin set is necessary throughout the cold season (especially during spring vitamin deficiency). And just quench your thirst with a delicious drink.

It is important not to make a mistake when selecting a product for procurement. After all, a summer apple crop, or rather early varieties, due to the presence of a small amount of moisture, is suitable only for mashed potatoes, marmalade or for drying. The later ones, on the contrary, are very juicy and are just suitable for manufacture. And do not get too carried away, preserving the drink in large volumes. It is best to minimize the stock to be no more than two years (optimal shelf life).

Apple juice for the winter: cooking with a juicer

It is extremely convenient to use a juicer for distilling fresh juices: quickly and efficiently. In addition to this device you will need: apples themselves, of course, gauze, seaming tin lids, glass containers, seaming machines, thermometers to control temperature, slotted spoon and tweezers. And, having received the ready concentrated and saturated liquid, it must be poured into an enameled container of a suitable volume and put sterilized on a stove. "Apple juice for the winter" recipe   in no case boils (with rare exceptions)! This is the golden rule of home blockage. It only warms up over moderate heat to 90 ° C; and the degree of heating is brought to the desired mark on the thermometer placed in the tank. Why such precision? That in a liquid all useful substances did not "die". And also boiling leads to a deterioration in taste.

Take care of your health from a young age ... And fruits and vegetables from the summer! And do not just take care, but procure it. Yes, more. Indeed, in winter, the body so needs useful substances, a full gamut of vitamins and a whole palette of pleasant gastronomic impressions. Harvest homemade apple juice for the winter in banks - and please every member of the family with all the above benefits.

And look for simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos in our convenient selection. Harvesting pure apple juice with pulp and without pulp at home, making apple-carrot, apple-pumpkin juice through a juicer, brewing a vitamin drink with spices in a juicer and much more ...

Classic apple juice at home for the winter

At home, you can make classic juice for the winter from a wide variety of apples. However, the use of exclusively acidic or tart fruits is not recommended. The taste of the finished drink is not very pleasant, and excessive acids will lead to painful heartburn. The ideal 100% apple juice should be cooked from the varieties Gala, Vita, Golden, Snow Calvin, Glory to the winners, Robin, Macintosh, Champion.

Essential ingredients for preparing classic apple juice for the winter

  • fresh apples - 10 kg
  • sugar to taste

Step-by-step preparation of traditional apple juice for the winter at home

  • Wash fresh (preferably homemade) apples, clean from cores, stalks and all damaged areas. Cut the flesh so that the pieces fit easily into the neck of the juicer.
  • Pass the apples through the juicer. Make sure that the containers of the device are thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
  • At the same stage, any other additional components can be processed in the juicer. For example, celery, pears, pumpkin, if indicated in the recipe.
  • Wash large or small cans in a soda solution, rinse and calcine in an oven at 100C. Boil the lids in clean water.
  • Remove all froth from squeezed juice. Pour the liquid into jars without filtering. Juice with pulp is more healthy and nutritious.
  • In each jar, add from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of sugar. Focus on your own taste preferences.
  • On a note! If the juice for the winter is made from apples of sweet varieties, you can do without sugar at all. So the drink will turn out not only tasty and natural, but also low-calorie!

  • In a wide pan, place the juice jars covered with sterile lids. Pour water over the shoulders of the cans. Pasteurize the workpiece over medium heat for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • After time, carefully remove the jars from the boiling water, substituting a plate or board under the bottom. Roll up classic apple juice at home for the winter with a special key. Wrap the blank in a blanket and leave until morning.
  • How to make juice with pulp from apples without a juicer

    Making natural apple juice is one of several possible methods. Most often, the fruits are passed through a Soviet or modern type juicer. The squeezed liquid is pasteurized in jars or adjusted to 95 ° C in a pan. The housewives, wise by their life experience, also use juice cookers - devices that languish steamed fruits and thereby seize the maximum of a healthy drink. But even without these two kitchen machines, you can make juice with pulp at home. It is enough to grind the fruits on a fine grater or scroll in a meat grinder, and then squeeze through 2-5 layers of gauze.

    Essential ingredients for preparing apple juice with pulp without a juicer

    • sweet apples - 10 kg
    • cinnamon to taste

    Step-by-step preparation of natural juice from apples with pulp for the winter without a juicer

  • Wash juicy and ripe apples of sweet varieties in two waters, clean from stalks and cores.
  • Grate the fruit with the peel on a fine or medium grater.
  • Fold the apple mass into 1-2 layers of clean gauze, curl the ends, forming a neat pouch. While squeezing a gauze bag, squeeze all the juice out of the fruit. Hang the cake over the dish with the liquid so that all valuable residues are collected.
  • On a note! The more layers of gauze you prepare for squeezing the juice, the less likely it is that the flesh will remain in the drink. So, it’s better not to overdo it with the density of the “bag”.

  • Pour apple juice into a clean enameled pot and simmer for 10-15 minutes without boiling. Turn off the burner from hour to hour so that the temperature of the liquid does not exceed 90C - 95C. Add cinnamon powder to your drink to your taste.
  • Wash three-liter or two-liter cans with soda, rinse and sterilize over steam (in the oven, in boiling water). Lids also heat.
  • Pasteurized juice with apple pulp without a juicer, pour into a clean container, roll up the lids until winter. Soak the workpiece "under the casing" for 8-10 hours. Then move to a permanent storage location.
  • Delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer

    It would seem that preparing delicious apple juice for the winter through a juicer is the simplest type of workpiece at home. But even in such a primitive business, there are pitfalls: it turns out that the apparatus is different for the apparatus! If juicers of Russian or Belarusian origin can easily process several kilograms of apples in half an hour, then an overseas device is suitable only for squeezing 2-3 fruits per glass of fresh drink. And after - it takes a long rest. In addition, foreign juicers, unlike the “Soviet” ones, do not leave dry cake, but liquid slurry. Thus translating useful products.

    See in the video recipes how to cook delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer:

    Natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter at home

    Sokovarki have been known to cooks since Soviet times. And, meanwhile, still remain in the active kitchen arsenal of thousands of housewives. Which is not at all surprising!

    • juice from a juicer does not need additional heat treatment before rolling;
    • the pulp left after the juice is evaporated can be used to make jam;
    • an open can with a drink is stored in the refrigerator for at least 7-10 days, and not 2 days, as in versions with other methods of preparation;
    • natural apple juice through a juicer for the winter is very easy to cook at home, without wasting energy on preliminary twisting or grinding fruits.

    Essential Ingredients for Natural Apple Juice through a Saucer for the Winter

    • juicy apples
    • granulated sugar (if apples are sour)

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting natural apple juice for the winter through a juicer

  • Select the juiciest and ripe apples. Spoiled or sluggish fruits are better set aside for other types of harvesting. They won’t give enough juice, but they are likely to spoil the quality of the product.
  • Wash all suitable apples in several waters, cut into slices, remove the cores and roots.
  • Take out and prepare the juice cooker. Keep fruit and liquid containers clean and dry. No odors should be present on the device.
  • Pour water into a clean cooker. After boiling, pour apples on the upper tier. When the fruits are softened, sprinkle them with sugar in an amount depending on the acid of the fruit. At first, the juice will begin to drip, then - run in a thin stream.
  • On a note! Sokovarka hose should be lowered into a can for preservation. The container must be sterile, since the finished juice does not pass additional heat treatment.

  • As you fill, change the jar to another. Use a mechanical or automatic key to roll containers with natural apple juice through a juice cooker for the winter at home.
  • Diet Apple Juice - Sugar-Free Winter Prepare

    Refined cinnamon is an amazing spice. She perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples and sets off their sweetness with her own astringency. And also - along with cloves and nutmeg, cinnamon provides invaluable benefits to the body: it speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, stimulates brain activity, and destroys harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. Prepare diet apple juice without a sugar recipe - and enjoy all year round not only a delicious, but also a very useful spicy drink.

    Essential ingredients for winter sugar-free diet apple juice

    • sweet and sour apples - 4 kg
    • cinnamon powder - 0.5 tsp
    • crushed nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
    • cloves - 5 pcs.

    Step-by-step preparation of spiced apple juice for the winter without sugar

  • Wash juicy apples of late sweet and sour varieties in cold water. Cut each fruit into 4 parts, carefully cut the cores. Twist the fruit through a meat grinder.
  • Put part of the resulting apple mass on a gauze substrate. Form a pouch and squeeze out all the juice. Treat the rest of the fruit mass in the same way.
  • Pour all the available juice into a deep enameled pan, add spices. Without boiling, pasteurize the drink at 90C-95C.
  • Wash and sterilize cans for workpieces. Prepare the sealing lids in the same way. Diet apple juice - a preparation for the winter without sugar. So, the container should be clean enough so that bacteria do not spawn in the drink.
  • Fill sterile jars with pasteurized juice, roll up lids. Wrap the blank in a terry towel or warm blanket until it cools completely.
  • Apple juice with pear at home: a simple video recipe

    The composition of blended apple juices and assorted juices can be listed indefinitely: apple-pumpkin, apple-carrot, grape-apple, etc. But the most delicious and popular is still juice from ripe apples and pears, prepared by hardworking housewives from their own crop at home. Such a drink, like the previous ones, can be sweet or spicy, with or without pulp, light or concentrated.

    Watch how to make apple juice with pear at home in a simple video recipe:

    Vitamin apple and carrot juice - canning at home for the winter

    Making homemade juice is the most convenient and practical way of harvesting for the winter. And especially, such a plentiful crop as apples and carrots. Of course, they can be neatly packed in wooden boxes with dry grass or sawdust and hidden in a dark basement. But after all, a glass of bright vitamin apple and carrot juice, canned at home for the winter, which is much more appetizing than a withering apple or carrot. Is not it?

    Essential ingredients for carrot and apple juice for the winter at home

    • sweet and sour apples - 3 kg
    • juicy carrots - 5 kg
    • ginger root
    • lemon

    Step-by-step cooking at home according to the recipe with a photo of vitamin juice from apples and carrots for the winter

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients: wash the apples thoroughly and chop, peel the carrots from the upper skin, squeeze the juice from the lemon, grate the ginger on the smallest grater.
  • Using any convenient method, squeeze the juice from carrots and apples. You can use a homemade juicer, a traditional squeezer, a meat grinder, a fine grater, etc.
  • Sterilize the jars, boil the lids. The resulting apple and carrot juice mix with lemon and grated ginger.
  • Pour the drink into the container and place the flasks with the workpiece in a pot of water. Pasteurize vitamin apple and carrot juice according to the canning rules at home for the winter: 0.5 l cans - 10 minutes, 1 l - 15 m, 2-3 l - 20 minutes.
  • After time, remove the cans from the "pasteurizer" and roll them under the tin covers with a special key. Store a delicious vitamin drink in a cool, darkened place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Tart apple juice with grapes - canning at home

    Apple juice is useful in itself: vitamin C, organic acids, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus have beneficial effects on the respiratory, digestive, circulatory system and the whole body. But in combination with fresh homemade grapes, the drink becomes more miraculous at times. Tart apple juice with grapes according to canning recipes at home is an amazing preparation for everyone: from kids to the elderly.

    The necessary ingredients for the preparation of tart grape and apple juice for the winter at home

    • juicy apples - 4 kg
    • pink grapes - 5 kg
    • blue grapes - 1 kg

    Step-by-step preparation of tart apple and grape juice at home for the winter

  • Wash all apples thoroughly. Cut large fruits into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Remove the pitted kernels.
  • Wash the grapes, separate the berries from the twigs.
  • Pass the fruit through the juicer, pour the juice into a thick-walled pan.
  • Cook the workpiece for 5-7 minutes at 90C-95C, avoiding boiling. Remove the resulting foam.
  • Pour tart apple juice with grapes at home in sterile jars, roll lids. Turn the container upside down, wrap it with a blanket overnight.
  • Rearrange the cooled juice in the pantry. The drink is excellently stored at room temperature.
  • Homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter

    Pure pumpkin juice is very valuable for the human body, but not everyone enjoys its taste. Some do not like the astringent structure with an abundance of pulp, others are confused by the "soapy" taste. Fortunately, there is an excellent solution to all these nuances - mix pumpkin with apple and prepare a multivitamin juice for the winter. The technology of its preparation is not much different from the blanks from previous recipes. And the storage method is exactly the same.

    See more details about making homemade apple and pumpkin juice for the winter in the video recipe:

    Homemade apple juice for the winter is the noblest harvest from the most primitive representatives of the summer-autumn harvest. A healthy vitamin drink can be made sweet and transparent, devoid of any sediment. Or tart with carrot or pumpkin pulp. Having a juicer or a juicer in the arsenal, each cook will prepare at home a whole batch of a delicious drink "in cans" without any difficulties.

    Post Views: 55

    Among the many recipes for homemade preparations for the winter, I also have natural juice from apples. It seems that it is not necessary to say that the homemade apple juice that we will prepare for the winter today is not only very tasty, but also certainly healthy. It can be used as an independent drink, simply diluted with water, or used as the basis for the preparation of jelly, tea, mousse, jelly and even popsicles.

    The benefits of apple juice prepared at home can be discussed for a very long time. Not only is it a low-calorie product (especially if harvested without sugar), it also has a lot of iron, pectin and fruit acids. Regular consumption of apple juice (within reasonable limits, of course) helps to increase immunity, as well as the body's resistance to infectious and colds. It is recommended to drink to improve digestion and to stimulate the intestines.

    How to make apple juice at home? There are several options, but today I propose making juice from apples through a juicer, as I simply do not have a juice cooker. As a result of simple manipulations, you will get a very saturated concentrated drink that needs to be diluted with water before use (I dilute it about 1 to 3). I hope this year and you have a fruitful season and you will definitely get apple juice at home for your family.


    Cooking in steps with a photo:

    The winter apple recipe includes only 2 ingredients: apples and granulated sugar. You can adjust the amount of sugar yourself, depending on the natural sweetness of apples. My fruits are sweet and sour, so I slightly sweetened the finished apple juice.

    So, we sort out the apples, my, if there are rotten places - cut out. We pass the fruits through the juicer, not forgetting to remove them from the cake from time to time.

    Pour apple juice into a large container and let it stand for 10 minutes. During this time, the foam (it turns out a lot) will rise up and condense.

    It’s easier and simpler for me to strain the juice first, and then squeeze out this dense foam - it also has a lot of juice. By ladle I remove the foam and transfer it to another container. If your cake is wet, squeeze it out too.

    Filter freshly squeezed apple juice through a dense natural fabric or 4-5 layers of gauze. Initially, the juice will actively drain, after which it will begin to drip - then it will need to be squeezed out by hand.

    The result is a slightly unclear freshly squeezed apple juice, the color of which depends on the variety and color of the apples. From 6 kilograms of fruit I squeezed 3.1 liters of juice.

    Add sugar to taste - 400 grams of sugar for such an amount of juice was enough for me. If your apple juice is very sour, add sugar. And if the apples are initially sweet, you can don’t sweeten the juice at all. Mix everything and put on medium heat. You do not need to boil apple juice for the winter - just bring it to 95 degrees (the juice is about to boil) and you can close it in jars.

    Pour hot juice into pre-prepared jars. Each hostess sterilizes the dishes for the blanks in their own way, but I prefer to do this in the microwave - I wash the cans in a soda solution, rinse and pour 2 fingers into each cold water. We steam the cans in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. If sterilized, for example, immediately 3 cans of 0.5-1 liter, enough for 7-10 minutes. I boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes.

    By its popularity and usefulness, apple nectar is in the first place of all known juices. And, besides, it goes well with many fruit or berry juices, even with carrot juice. How to preserve apple juice? Consider some popular and commonly used options for juices with the addition of different fruits. Preserving apple juice is an exciting activity.

    This product is the base for the production of all mixed juices. Apples can be sour, sweet, red or green, but always ripe. Depending on the variety of apples, you can add sugar (1 tablespoon per 500 milliliters of juice) or do without it if the raw materials are sweet enough. At home, juice is almost always obtained with pulp, concentrated. In winter, before use, it is diluted with boiled water. The product is part of baby food.


    • apples - 3 kg;
    • sugar - 50 gr.

    How to make apple juice for the winter?

    1. Sort apples, discard spoiled, cut into slices, remove the core and pass through a juicer. The resulting liquid comes out very cloudy and must be filtered through a flannel fabric or several layers of gauze. This will help remove excess suspensions.
    2. If you do not have a juicer, then pass the prepared apple slices through a meat grinder. Then collect the pulp in a canvas bag and put it under the press.
    3. Next, pour the liquid into an enameled pan and bring to a temperature of 85 degrees, but do not boil.
    4. Pour the hot product into prepared jars, tightly cover with metal lids and sterilize. Depending on the capacity of the can, the sterilization time can be from 12 to 20 minutes.

    Also, many housewives harvest apples from apples that are delicious homemade, the recipes of which we have prepared specially for you on our website.

    Pear Apple Juice

    Apple and pear juice is a dessert for daily consumption. It has a tonic effect and improves metabolism in the body.

    Sokovarka is a common kitchen tool for gardeners who from year to year collect a generous harvest of fruits, berries and vegetables, and with large volumes of processing, the assistant is not interchangeable. Using a juicer, we get a product that does not need to be warmed up, but poured into cans and immediately sealed. The juice cooker works on the principle of a double boiler, where chopped fruit is steamed. A juice cooker is easy to clean, unlike a juicer mesh. It works silently. Modern juice cookers are electric and work on the hob.


    • apples - 3 kg;
    • pears - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 150 gr.

    How to make apple juice at home:

    1. We carefully wash the fruits, cut out damaged places, seed boxes and cut into small cubes. Then put the cubes in a pan - a grid.
    2. Pour cold water into the lower tank of the unit, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then we install a pan for collecting juice, we set a grid with apples and pears on it. If the apples are acidic, you can sprinkle a little sugar. Close the cooker with a lid and block the silicone hose. Leave to boil the juice for an hour.
    3. At this time, cans and lids can be prepared and sterilized.
    4. After an hour, open the lids of the cooker, knead the boiled fruit a little, substitute the jars under the hose, open the tap and fill the warm cans with a hot product. Then tightly cork with metal lids and cool. The juice is much more transparent than in a juicer.

    The remaining pulp can be used as a filling for pies and marmalade. With the same success, you can put halves of sweet plums instead of pears. It will be wonderful too.

    From the remaining apples, you can cook another excellent harvest for the winter, which is liked by both children and adults.

    Apple Raspberry Juice

    Apple - raspberry juice is useful in winter, not only as a delicious vitamin drink, but also as an antipyretic, it can be used instead of raspberry jam at a temperature.


      • Apple juice - 60%;
      • raspberry juice - 40%;

    For raspberry juice;

    • raspberries - 1 kg;
    • water - 200 ml.

    How to make juice from apples at home:

    1. Apples for juice can be taken in acidic varieties, we process apple juice in a juicer. The resulting juice is poured into a bowl and prepare raspberry juice.
    2. To do this, we sort through raspberries, we recline not ripened. We spread the berries in a colander and dip it three times in a bucket of salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 5 liters of water). The fact is that in ripe raspberries there can be raspberry bugs and in salted water they float. Then put the raspberries in a pan, knead with a wooden pestle, pour water and warm, but do not boil. Then we pass raspberries through a sieve. The resulting juice is kept for 15 minutes, after which we add to the apple.
    3. Then we bring the mixture to 85 degrees, pour into jars, sterilize and seal.

    Apple - Carrot Juice

    The drink contains a large amount of vitamins A, C and group B. It is part of the diet and sports nutrition.


    • apples - 1.5 kg;
    • carrots - 1 kg.

    How to make apple juice at home for the winter:

    1. Prepare the apples.
    2. We clean and wash the carrots, cut it into small pieces.
    3. First, let the apples through the juicer, pour the apple juice from the juicer, and then pass the carrots.
    4. We mix the juices in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes, removing foam from the surface
    5. Then we pack it in jars and sterilize it without fail, then cork it, cover it with a blanket and cool it for about a day.

    Juice from apples and apricots

    Difficult to prepare and time consuming recipe. The product is part of baby food. Juice has a mild laxative effect, and indeed, it is very tasty and the kids drink it with pleasure.


      • apple juice - 50%,
      • apricot juice - 50%

    For apricot juice:

      • apricot puree - 2 liters;
      • sugar syrup - 1 liter.

    For syrup:

    • sugar - 250 gr.,
    • water - 1 liter.

    If you pass apricots through a juicer, you will get too much waste. It’s good if you live in the south, where apricots grow and bring a good harvest. And, if you are residents of the North or Siberia, where only imported fruits arrive. It is necessary to use this wonderful fruit completely, minimizing waste.

    How to make apple juice with pulp for the winter with the addition of apricots:

    1. For juice, take ripe or ripe apricots. We sort out the fruits, remove worms, spoiled and stalks. Then we wash, break in half and remove the stone.
    2. We spread the apricots in a saucepan, pour water, at the rate of 1 cup per 2 kilograms of apricots. After that, boil the fruit until soft. Then wipe boiled apricots through a sieve or colander. The resulting puree is diluted with boiled sugar syrup, mixed and boiled for 10 minutes.
    3. We process and pass apples, preferably acidic varieties, either through a juicer or through a meat grinder. The resulting juice is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into apricot and heated to the desired temperature, like ordinary apple juice.
    4. Then pour into jars, sterilize and tightly cork.

    We get a fairly concentrated and dense product, which, preferably, is closed in jars with a capacity of 0.5 - 1.0 liters, no more.

    You can give this juice to children from 6 months. It is better if you dilute it with plenty of water. There are such children who do not drink water, but will drink water with juice.

    Blackcurrant apple juice

    In this recipe, you will learn how to make apple juice at home for the winter. This drink is more suitable for a festive table. Blackcurrant, with its unique aroma, makes it unique. Serve it yourself as a dessert. With the addition of champagne, rum, liquor or cognac, you get exquisite low-alcohol cocktails. Often juice is used to make smoothies, jellies, which are served in portioned vases.

    As a rule, this juice is prepared in small quantities. Since currants give their juice hard, a juicer is used only for processing apples.


    • apple juice - 75%,
    • currant - 25%

    How to make apple juice with pulp at home:

    1. Squeeze the apples through a juicer.
    2. We process blackcurrant, we remove twigs and overripe fruits.
    3. We wash the berries, put them in a bowl, knead with a wooden pestle, fill in a little water and put on fire. We boil the mass for several minutes, then cool, spread on several layers of gauze and manually squeeze the liquid.
    4. Then pour the currant juice into apple juice and warm to the desired temperature.
    5. We pack it in jars and preserve it in the usual way.

    From the remaining berries, you can also prepare, which will decorate your dining table and will appeal to your household.

    To summarize. Home-made apple juice is several times healthier than what is sold in stores. Apples are a universal fruit. They are grown all over Russia, just desire is enough and you can make a wonderful dessert drink using additives from any fruit that your region is rich in.