Is it possible with breastfeeding ice cream: features of use and recommendations. What to choose and whether it is possible to ice cream at all with breastfeeding

23.09.2019 Bakery products

Ice cream is a treat we all love from early childhood. In any store, regardless of the season, there are more than a dozen varieties of this product. Is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream, or is it better to go around refrigerators with a treat on the side? How to choose a treat so that it does not harm the baby. What tricks do manufacturers go to reduce the cost of the product and how not to fall for these tricks.

Composition of the product

Real ice cream is made from whole milk, sugar and cream. The product may contain fruits, chocolate and cocoa, nuts and a whole range of different ingredients.

However, today many manufacturers make ice cream not according to GOST, but according to TU, which allows them to replace cream with palm oil and other vegetable substitutes. Such a treat is dangerous to health and often causes allergic reactions in humans.

Real ice cream is quite high-calorie, for this reason nutritionists strongly recommend not eating this treat for people who want to lose extra pounds.

Product hazard

Even the most natural, without the addition of artificial ingredients, ice cream can be dangerous for babies. The milk and sugar included in the composition, when consumed by a nursing mother, can cause allergies in the crumbs. Animal protein, which is the basis of cow's milk, is a strong allergen.   For this reason, ice cream with breastfeeding can only be used when the baby is one month old from birth.

The highest content of cow protein in ice cream. Sundae is not suitable for nursing mothers in the first months after childbirth. Moreover, today in the production of ice cream, cow's milk is often partially replaced with artificial fats, which makes it even more dangerous.

Many young mothers are sure that if you use fruit ice cream while breastfeeding, there will be no danger to the baby. It's a delusion. Sorbet, which is manufactured in industrial production, can contain not only an increased amount of sugar, but also flavors and flavors dangerous for the baby. For this reason, sorbets, like ice cream in the first month after childbirth are not allowed, it is on the forbidden list for a nursing mother.

When and what exactly can you start to eat after delivery to a nursing mother

Allowed Ice Cream

If you are one of those people who cannot imagine life without ice cream, you can cook it yourself at home. In this case, you will know for sure that it does not contain harmful additives, and will not harm your baby if he is not allergic to cow's milk.

Homemade ice cream can be prepared from milk, cream and sugar. In order for the ice cream to be not only tasty, but also useful, you can add bananas to it. For the preparation of goodies you will need 2 bananas, 100 grams of sugar and 350 grams of milk and cream. Grind bananas in a blender. In the puree, put all the remaining components, and simmer over low heat, not bringing to a boil. Sugar should be completely dissolved.

Precautionary measures

As already mentioned, in the first month after childbirth, it is better not to think about ice cream. After this period, mothers can try a little treat, carefully observing the reaction of the child.

If you choose between sorbets and creamy ice cream, it is better to try the dairy product for the first time.

First, mom can try one teaspoon of ice cream, then a day you need to watch the baby. If the baby has an allergy, he becomes restless or has a disorder of stool, unfortunately, it is better to refuse this delicacy for another couple of months.

How to choose

Not all mothers have the opportunity or desire to make ice cream for themselves at home. In this case, carefully select the label when choosing a store product. Avoid purchasing ice cream with various additives (chocolate, cocoa, nuts, jam, etc.). Give preference to a creamy product from a well-known manufacturer with a short shelf life.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat barbecue and what cooking rules will make it a healthy dish

Of course, breastfeeding imposes a lot of restrictions on mother’s food, but if you need to give up your favorite treats, think first of all that this will protect your baby from many diseases. However, you do not need to sit on a strict diet. Look for an alternative to forbidden goodies. In this case, your diet will be varied, healthy and of course delicious. Today on the Internet you can find a lot of recipes that will not affect the health of the baby, and only benefit and enjoy the mom!

During pregnancy, the expectant mother often thinks about whether she can eat certain foods. With the birth of a child, everything becomes much more complicated. In the first months of the baby, colic can disturb. Because of this, a woman is forced to follow a strict diet. However, the fair sex in this period, as never before, wants to eat something special. This article will discuss whether it is possible to use ice cream when you find out the opinion of experts on this subject and can read reviews of experienced women. It is also worth saying how it is better to eat ice cream for nursing mothers.

What do the experts say?

Many pediatricians, gynecologists and lactation specialists still can not come to a consensus on whether it is possible to use ice cream while breastfeeding. Some doctors claim that such a diet is not only unsafe for the baby, but can also harm the body after childbirth. Other doctors say that ice cream during breastfeeding is becoming the most common treat for women. So how is it really? Can I eat this product during lactation?

The harm of ice cream after childbirth

Ice cream can have a rather bad effect on the state of a still immature organism. When a woman becomes a mother, hormonal restructuring begins, contributing to the onset of lactation. During this process, a decrease in the body's immune defense is often observed. If a woman eats ice cream, she may catch a cold.

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that during breastfeeding you can not take most medications. So, even a commonplace antipyretic is recommended to be used only in case of emergency. Almost all medicines have the ability to pass into breast milk. That is why ice cream during this period is not the best treat.

The effect of the product on the child

Ice cream, like any food product, is able to enter the body of a child with breast milk. Most cold treats are made using cow's milk. It is worth noting that pediatricians do not recommend giving the baby this drink until he reaches the age of three.

Often babies develop cow protein. At this time, the baby is covered with a red rash, his stomach begins to hurt and diarrhea can develop. All this will be a consequence of the fact that my mother simply ate ice cream.

Can I eat ice cream without milk?

Currently, you can find a cold treat on the shelves of supermarkets without the addition of dairy products. Most often, the composition of such ice cream includes coconut and palm oil. These ingredients are also not very beneficial for the baby and can cause allergies.

Ice cream made from fruit juice is acceptable. However, most of these formulations contain artificial colors, sweeteners and flavorings. It would be the best option to make such a dessert yourself.

Chocolate ice cream and treats with various additives

This type of product should not be used by a nursing mother. In addition to cow's milk, it also contains chocolate or products that replace it. All this can cause diathesis in the child.

Most modern manufacturers want to save on the production of cold desserts. That is why they use not quite high-quality raw materials. Such food will not only bring no benefits, but will also worsen the well-being of mom and her baby.

If, in spite of everything, you decide to enjoy such a product, then you should adhere to certain rules. In this case, you will protect yourself and your child from possible consequences.

  • Choose so much fresh ice cream.
  • Always pay attention to the composition. Better to have cow's milk in it than its various substitutes.
  • The first portion of the dessert should be minimal.
  • Carefully monitor the child's reaction to such food.
  • Eat a treat in the morning. In this case, you can help the baby in time in case of a negative reaction.
  • Do not abuse the delicacy even in the absence of reaction in the crumbs.


You now know whether it is possible to eat ice cream while breastfeeding. Experienced experts say that such a product is able to raise the mood of a woman and improve her emotional state after childbirth. That is why they are allowed to eat ice cream during lactation. Eat properly and varied. This is now necessary not only for you, but also for your baby.

Young mothers after birth have many questions. One of the most controversial and complex issues are diet. And in the spring and summer, many begin to worry about the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to ice cream.

It is better for mothers to consume milk ice cream, since the amount of milk fat in them does not exceed 3.5%. If you do not like it, you may prefer ice cream or cream ice cream. Their fat content is about 8-15%.

When feeding, try to refuse the use of chocolate ice cream or ice cream covered with chocolate chips. If a child experiences a reaction, you will not be able to understand whether he is responding to supplements or protein. Do not eat foods that contain a large number of additives. Also, do not eat popsicles.

Is it dangerous for nursing to eat ice cream

To understand this issue, it is necessary to introduce this product in small quantities and monitor the reaction of the child. If a child begins to have colic on the same day, monitor his reaction for three days. If the situation recurs, you should refuse to use ice cream. It is important to track the reaction to the introduction of each new product. Otherwise, you will not be able to understand what he is responding to.

If the reaction appeared on the ice cream, temporarily abandon it. The fact is that in infants after birth, the gastrointestinal tract is actively developing. Perhaps after some period of time you can return to its use, and the child will not have a negative reaction.

Keep track of the expiration date of this product. The smaller it is, the less ice cream contains preservatives and stabilizers. If you want fruit ice cream on a hot summer day, it is best to make fruit ice yourself. It should be consumed in small quantities.

What to look for when using ice cream

  1. The composition of the ice cream. This is the main disadvantage of purchased ice cream. A standard ice cream may contain stabilizers, thickeners and preservatives. It is important to focus on the expiration date. The smaller it is, the less harmful substances are contained in the product.
  2. Breastfeeding ice cream is one of the most high-calorie foods. At this time, many women feel the need for sweets. As a result, they begin to gain weight quickly. It can be used if you have no problems with being overweight or it is insignificant.

Eating homemade ice cream

This option is the best option for the mother if she is breastfeeding. You can make it from natural products without using additives. You do not have to doubt its quality. The only warning is that the recipe does not contain components that can provoke an allergic reaction in the child. It will be the best indicator of the quality and ability to use certain ingredients.

For the independent manufacture of this product, mothers can use an ice cream maker. It is represented by a special apparatus that turns the original mixture into ice cream by cooling and mixing. If this device is not available, the finished mixture can be put in the freezer for 12 hours. But every 3-4 hours it will have to be mixed.

The following ingredients must be used to make cream ice cream: 0.5 l. cream with a fat content of not less than 35%, 5 medium-sized yolks, 100 ml. milk, 150 gr. sugar, 1 tsp. starch, as well as a pinch of salt and as much vanilla.

The process of making ice cream will be as follows:

  1. First, milk is heated to a warm state. It is diluted with salt and sugar.
  2. Yolks are added to the mixture. Then it is thoroughly beaten with a mixer or whisk.
  3. The mixture is put on a slow fire and cooked until it thickens.
  4. Then, starch is diluted in a small amount of milk. It is poured into the general mixture.
  5. The pan must be placed over cold water. Cream is added to the mixture, whipped until foam is formed.
  6. When the mixture has cooled, it is placed in an ice cream maker.

Skim ice cream does not affect the fat content of your own milk. No cream is added to it, so it turns out low-calorie. To cook it, use the following ingredients: 1 tsp. starch, 1 liter of milk, 2 tbsp. sugar, 100 gr. butter and 5 medium-sized yolks.

To make ice cream, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Milk should be warmed over low heat. Oil is added to it and the mixture is brought to a boil.
  2. Sugar is mixed with starch and yolks. The mixture must be stirred until the composition of sour cream. It is slowly injected into boiled milk. It is important to constantly stir the mixture so that the yolks do not curl.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil again. Cool it by placing the pan over a container of cold water. Then the mixture is placed in an ice cream maker.

Ice cream is an excellent way to cheer up and deal with the effects of postpartum depression. Is it possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream? It only depends on the specific situation. Introduce this product gradually and monitor how your child responds to it.

It is difficult to overshadow the happy period of breastfeeding and the development of the baby. Nursing mothers are completely devoted to their child, even forgetting about their own needs and wishes, especially in the gastronomic field. Why is mother's nutrition so important for the baby? Can a mother afford some sweet “joys” - sweets, cookies, ice cream while breastfeeding? And what consequences can you expect to see in a baby with a violation of the diet by her mother?

The composition, namely the quality of breast milk, the staple food of the baby, completely depends on the foods eaten earlier by the young mother. About half a century ago, no one would even have a question whether Mom could eat ice cream with HB, since the production of this dairy product was carried out only from natural ingredients.

In the modern world, any ice cream contains a lot of emulsifiers, chemical additives, flavor enhancers. It is difficult to imagine that all of the above supplements have a positive effect on the condition of the child. Synthetic vegetable fats completely replaced animals from ice cream, but these changes are not good for society - synthetic components accumulate and are deposited in the body, stimulating the development of obesity, atherosclerosis, and hormonal disorders.

When feeding women should be especially picky in choosing food products, but even in this difficult period you can find the opportunity to treat yourself to goodies, you just need to figure out which ice cream is permissible to eat.

How to choose an ice cream

When breastfeeding, you need to selectively make up a diet

In the first month after birth, you should not go into all seriousness, and you can think of a refreshing sweetness only at 3-4 months after the birth of the baby. If the child does not have lactase or milk intolerance (we will talk about this a bit later), turn your eyes to the classic ice cream or creamy version. You can eat this kind of ice cream for a nursing mother, but the composition should be read carefully. According to state standards, ice cream or cream ice cream is made on the basis of creams rich in phosphatides, which play a leading role in the baby’s fat metabolism.

To understand what ice cream to choose for nursing mothers, we will try to figure out what it consists of. Ideally, milk ice cream, cream and ice cream are prepared from pasteurized milk, and for the last two types, cream is used, then condensed and dried milk, sugar, flavoring, thickener (eggs or egg powder, or starch) are added. Then, for two days at a temperature of minus 40 degrees, ice cream is infused, and the thickener at this time performs its main function - forms a common single mass without "free" water, which means that the possibility of the development of microorganisms is excluded. This is an ideal cooking option, but do not forget about the features of modern technology, so reading the label is a must.

In order to understand what to fear, we list the possible harmful (not only for the baby) supplements:

  • To increase the shelf life add chemical stabilizers, soda, formalin, household detergents, etc .;
  • Flavors, flavors, coloring agents are unsafe for a child. In newborn breastfeeding, even natural ingredients (berry supplements, cocoa) can cause an allergic reaction.

A small set of rules that will help the mother in the first six months after giving birth, without prejudice to the health of the baby, please yourself:

  • Everything has its time. Initially (several months) do not consume ice cream, because you can harm the body of the baby;
  • Small steps are the way to success. Closely monitor the reaction of the baby's body after each minor serving of milk dessert;
  • First Choice - Milk Ice Cream. After a successful test, pay attention to ice cream or cream. Chocolate ice cream or sorbet should be postponed for a few more months, until the digestive tract of the child adapts to feeding. In these types of dessert, additives are more often - fillers that can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Before use, examine. Buy products of manufacturers known to you for their quality. Study the ingredients in detail, if you find palm oil in the list, immediately identify this manufacturer in your black list, and remember - such a product should not be eaten;
  • Do no harm . If you categorically decide to eat ice cream with HS, prepare yourself and the baby for this moment. Within a few days of feeding, discard any new product in the diet in order to accurately determine whether or not the child has a negative reaction to sweetness;
  • Watch carefully, respond quickly. After the first symptoms of an upset gastrointestinal tract in a baby, make a note for yourself and forget about this product for a while, until the baby grows up. If besides intestinal colic there were no allergic manifestations (rash), after a few months, make another attempt.

Composition of ice cream "Your Ice Cream" from "Clean Line"

When to refuse dessert

Fortunately, not all mothers hear the diagnosis of lactase deficiency or milk protein allergy. These diseases are detected shortly after childbirth, or as soon as lactation begins (lactase deficiency - insufficiency or complete absence of the production of an enzyme for digesting milk, both cow and mother) or after a few months give something from cow's milk (an allergic reaction to milk protein )

What causes an allergic reaction in a child with cow's milk:

  • Casein A large protein compound that is not exposed to enzymes synthesized by the intestines of the baby. Consequently, these molecules enter the bloodstream, and the immune system perceives them as an aggressive foreign factor. Casein is found in ice cream;
  • Chemical compounds. It is possible that some medicine was given to the milk manufacturer, that is, the cow;
  • Early feeding. According to scientific studies, it is clear that the later introduction of cow-milk-based complementary foods helps parents avoid allergic reactions.

Doctors believe that regardless of the presence of allergic reactions to cow's milk protein, all dairy products should be thermally exposed, and ideally, replace them with fermented milk.

So is it possible to eat ice cream during lactation in the presence of an allergic reaction to milk protein in a child? Milk for the manufacture of sweets is subjected to heat treatment, but the temperature level does not reach a maximum so that casein is destroyed, therefore, the baby always has a risk of rashes.

Young mothers, always pay attention to the condition of the child after introducing a new product into your diet! With an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein, you should not try your luck, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

In order not to limit yourself strongly in your favorite treat, you can make homemade ice cream

We choose the option: tasty, safe, reliable

It is impossible to fully trust the label, so nursing mothers can make ice cream, ice cream, chocolate or sorbet on their own at home. This will be a new culinary discovery for you, and for a child a safer supplement in breast milk. For your convenience, there is such a machine as an ice cream maker, but for lack of it, we need a regular mixer and freezer.

Homemade Ice Cream Recipes


You will need 400 ml of 35% cream, 200 ml of 3.5% milk, 6 pieces of egg whites and 150 g of sugar to give the desired taste of sweetness.

Cooking process: combine the cream with sugar and cook for half an hour, constantly stirring, not allowing to boil. Cool in ice water, then mix thoroughly with a mixer. Separately, you can beat egg whites with sugar in advance to a homogeneous consistency. The contents of the two containers are combined, mixed thoroughly and sent to the freezer for one hour. After the specified time, take out, mix again, and again sent to the freezer. Your homemade ice cream without preservatives and chemical additives is ready!

Moms whose babies are allergic to cow's milk protein can use goat's milk dessert, which is hypoallergenic.

Hypoallergenic, from goat milk

You will need the following products - 1 liter of goat milk, 3 egg yolks, 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour and 150 g of sugar.

Preparation: combine the yolks, sugar and flour in one container, then mix the homogeneous consistency in a small volume of milk. And the remaining milk is safely sent to the fire, slightly heated, add to the milk, the previously prepared mass. Then everything is simple, on a small fire, the future ice cream is cooked, under our watchful supervision and constant stirring, until it is completely thickened. To give this mixture a frozen look, send it to the freezer.


For lovers of variety, you can move away from the classic milk ice cream, and try to make a hypoallergenic homemade sorbet. To do this, we use fruits such as avocados, bananas, a green apple, white cherries. Why? They are the least allergenic.

You will need 4 bananas, 200 ml of coconut milk and 2 tbsp. powdered sugar.

Preparation: pre-send bananas to the freezer for better beating in a blender, where we add a little coconut milk. In a blender, whipping bananas and milk, we get a homogeneous mixture, then we add powdered sugar, and again we beat. The resulting mass is sent for a 3-hour freeze, but do not forget to mix several times during this time. After that, you can eat dessert.


So to summarize. Nursing mom is allowed to eat ice cream, but there are some restrictions. You have two options - to cook at home with your own hands, which is more reliable, or to purchase in a store, and for this you need to remember the basics of choice:

  • it is important to determine the date of manufacture and the duration of storage;
  • external damage to the packaging indicates a violation of the rules of storage and transportation;
  • start with simple milk ice cream, in the absence of a negative reaction in the baby, you can try creamy or ice cream;
  • discard options with fillers and dyes.

Ice cream during breastfeeding is not prohibited, but a change in diet should occur gradually, and exercise control over the condition of the baby.

Some foods from the diet of a nursing mother provoke colic and an allergic reaction in a child. Pediatricians recommend a diet in the first three months after childbirth, while the newborn has a gastrointestinal tract. The ban list includes most types of sweets, including ice cream. Sometimes you want to treat yourself to your favorite dessert so much that mothers give slack and allow themselves this creamy treat.

In this tasty article, we talk about the danger of a creamy dessert for a nursing mother and baby. You will find out whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have ice cream and which of them is the most high-calorie. In conclusion, we will give recommendations on how to choose ice cream that you can eat for a nursing mother.

Many women after childbirth are concerned about overweight and lost forms. The use of ice cream does not contribute to weight loss. But you can choose for yourself a less nutritious dessert.

Ice cream made from milk is a high-calorie product. The calorie content of such a dessert is based on simple carbohydrates, which have a high glycemic index. Fast carbohydrates dramatically increase blood sugar, which leads to weight gain and the deposition of adipose tissue. The calorie content of ice cream depends on the composition.
  We offer a cheat sheet for the nutritional value of the product.

Ice Cream Fat and Glycemic Index

Please note that the lower the fat content, the more sugar in the product (an indicator of glycemic index). For example, cream-based ice cream is not as sweet as fruit ice, and not as fat as ice cream. The most high-calorie is ice cream, which is made from milk, cream and a large number of eggs. The percentage of fat content in the ice cream reaches 20-25%. Sorbet made with fruit juices or mashed potatoes contains too much sugar and artificial flavors. It is not recommended for nursing mothers because of possible digestive problems in the baby or an allergic reaction.

If the limitations of GV are morally exhausting, just choose a dessert that contains a lower percentage of fat. Nothing terrible will happen if mom allows herself to enjoy ice cream at least occasionally.

What is the danger of breast-feeding ice cream?

Finding natural ice cream is becoming increasingly difficult. To reduce the cost of the product, manufacturers use cheap raw materials and artificial additives. Milk is replaced with vegetable fats. Artificial flavors are used for aroma; dyes are used for attractive colors. The child's reaction to the ice cream eaten by the mother is also negative.

Allergic reaction.   Preservatives, stabilizers and dyes, which are part of some brands of ice cream, most often cause allergies in the baby. The body reacts with itching, rash, frequent sneezing, swelling of the respiratory tract, urticaria.

Often there is an allergic reaction to casein. This is a protein that is part of milk. Casein breakdown occurs slowly, and according to some reports, it is not absorbed by the body of children in the first six months after birth. Casein in milk is destroyed by boiling. But for the manufacture of ice cream, milk is not boiled, but only brought to 90 ° C.

An allergic reaction also manifests itself in the content of chocolate, cocoa, berries and tropical fruits in the ice cream composition.

Another danger of ice cream for the baby and for mom is the possible content of vegetable fats. As a cheap alternative, natural milk is replaced with palm oil. This product is not absorbed by the body. Palm oil accumulates and settles on the walls of blood vessels, in the liver and causes various diseases: obesity, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors.

To reduce the risk of a possible allergy in a child, read the composition when choosing ice cream. A good product does not contain vegetable fats, dyes, artificial flavors. Such a dessert may not be too cheap.

Sweet allergy zones

Influence on the digestive tract of the child. Due to the high sugar content, ice cream eaten by a nursing mother provokes a child's intestinal fermentation and colic. This is due to a shift in the composition of milk in an acidic environment. The newborn's gastrointestinal tract only learns to digest food, produce enzymes. Do not overload the baby’s body with excessive intake of sugary, fatty foods in the first months.

“Due to these reasons, in the first month after the birth of a baby, nursing mothers should refrain from ice cream.
  In the second and third month, a nursing mother can eat 1 ice cream per week. At the same time, for the first time - quite a bit, and watching the reaction of the child.
  After the third month you can eat ice cream no more than 2 times a week. "

Rules for choosing a good ice cream

  • The product must comply with GOST R 52175-2003. Do not choose ice cream made according to TU. A manufacturer who works according to specifications, and not according to GOST, has the right to prescribe any fillers in the technology, including palm oil. The GOST system does not allow the use of vegetable fats in the composition of the product.
  • Choose ice cream with natural additives such as marmalade, candied fruit, dried fruit or without them at all. Chocolate chips are better than strawberry flavor, fruit juice flavor, etc.
  • Chocolate icing doubles the calorie content of dessert. 100 grams of goodies will cost you 500 kcal, this is a full meal. If you follow the figure, then it is better to choose a waffle cup.
  • Hold the ice cream in your hands. A vegetable fat product will quickly melt from the warmth of the palm. Natural chocolate icing does not melt in the hands.
  • Do not buy rumpled ice cream. Melted ice cream loses its shape and re-freezes. In such a product, bacteria develop.

Knowing these simple rules, a nursing mother will be able to occasionally afford her favorite treat without unnecessary worries.

We offer a visual reminder of how to choose ice cream. You can save, print and carry with you in your purse.

Simple recipes for making homemade ice cream

It is safest to make ice cream for the nursing mother herself. Moreover, it is not difficult to do this. No exotic ingredients or skills are required.

“Ice cream can be prepared without using an ice cream maker, but the consistency and taste can still vary. The fact is that the principle of making ice cream is the frequent whipping of the mixture during freezing. A special appliance regularly mixes ice cream. Then it has a creamy, delicate texture. When freezing in a freezer, the mixture freezes unevenly. Ice crystals form. To get a classic ice cream consistency, you’ll have to get the mixture out of the freezer every 30 minutes and beat it at a high speed mixer ”

We offer some simple recipes:

Curd and watermelon ice cream

  • 200 g soft cottage cheese
  • 300 g seedless watermelon pulp
  • 1 banana

Beat all the ingredients well in a blender. Put in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Every 30 minutes, ice cream needs to be whipped.

Berry ice cream

  • 200 g of natural yogurt without additives
  • 2 handfuls of berries (frozen or fresh)
  • 100 g of condensed milk

Mix all ingredients with a blender. Pour ice cream into molds and put in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Beat ice cream every 30 minutes. If the berries are too sour, you can add a little honey.

Caramel ice cream

  • 350 g cream (33% fat)
  • 350 g milk
  • 200 g of boiled condensed milk
  • 5 egg yolks

Mix milk, cream and boiled condensed milk in a saucepan and heat. The mixture should be very warm, but not hot. Remove the stewpan from the stove, pour part of another container. To prevent eggs from folding, gradually add a mixture of milk and cream to the yolks, and not vice versa. Stir the yolk-milk mixture thoroughly with a whisk. Then return the resulting melange to the stewpan. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. To check the readiness of the cream, slide your finger over the spatula with which you stirred the mixture. A noticeable fingerprint should remain on it. Then the cream needs to be cooled and put away in the freezer. Every 30 minutes you need to get and whip the ice cream.

If you can’t, but really want it, then you can - it says folk wisdom. Occasionally, ice cream eaten will not harm the child, but will give minutes of pleasure to mom. However, in order not to provoke an intestinal upset in a newborn, eat a cold treat in small quantities not more often than 1-2 times a week. And to avoid allergies in the newborn, choose the right ice cream.

Video - interesting facts about ice cream.