Tea with fennel for newborns. Tea for newborns "Hipp": reviews

23.09.2019 Salads

For decades, fennel has been used as a medicinal herb. Many doctors are confident that it is thanks to fennel that you can restore vision and cure many diseases. Today, due to the fact that the appearance, methods of application and the smell of this herb are similar to dill with anise, they use it in exactly the same way.

The first tea for a newborn - with fennel

Everyone knows that tea, with the addition of fennel and dill, will improve the digestive tract, remove bloating, irritation, and improve digestion. In lactating women, due to fennel, the amount of milk increases. And what is the use of tea with fennel for a newborn child - parents know not only experienced, but also beginners.

Speaking specifically about the benefits of fennel tea for a newborn baby, there may be many questions. This tea solves problems well - it will calm the crumbs nervous system and help deal with colic (by the way, fennel “fights” much better than other means), strengthens the baby’s immune system, which is very important for him, because he’s still weak, he need to grow and strengthen.

Benefits, appearance and ingredients of tea

In fact, tea with fennel is the same dill water familiar to everyone, which was used by our mothers and grandmothers as needed. But it turns out that today it is quite difficult to buy real dill water. The only exceptions are pharmacies that make prescription drugs. True, this is not always convenient for potential buyers (the pharmacy is far from home, there is no time to go there or some other problems). But dry tea with the addition of fennel extract is available to everyone.

Tea with fennel to a newborn can be both in bags (they are poured with boiling water and insisted for several minutes), and in the form of granules (they are diluted with warm boiled water). And according to the pharmacological properties of the variety of products are absolutely identical.

Parents should pay special attention to the constituent elements of tea. And this is no accident, because there is a lot of necessary things for a small organism: useful microelements, vitamins, protein, ascorbic acid, sugar, carotene. All this will come in handy to the little one at the very beginning of his life's journey.

A huge plus of fennel tea is, oddly enough, its smell. It is very delicate, similar to the sweetish light aroma of anise. Kids really like it. In the process of the research, experts found that newborn babies are very sensitive to various odors and can refuse something just because they did not like the smell.

How to choose tea and dosage of broth?

When mom chooses this product on supermarket shelves or in pharmacies, she should pay attention to the fact that the composition does not contain gluten, artificial colors and flavors and, of course, sucrose. And in some cases it is more correct to refuse tea, which has lactose in its composition.

Important!  The main components of any ready-made tea with fennel for newborns are the extract of this plant and glucose.

In addition to the fact that mom knows how to brew fennel and in what form to take it, she needs to understand what dosages can be offered to a newborn.

The main thing is to remember: no matter what choice mom makes for her peanut (dill water, tea or broth), for the first time only one teaspoon will be enough. Then, for some time, observe how the baby feels. If after such a tiny portion no redness occurs, no rashes appear on the skin, you can very carefully increase the portion.

Experts suggest giving infants dill water in a teaspoon three times a day before feeding. If the baby is on artificial feeding, the same amount of water can be added to his mixture. Such a dose will be enough for the first month of a child’s life, and then the amount of medicine can be slightly increased - up to 6 teaspoons.

Tea with fennel and decoctions prepared in the home kitchen are allowed to be offered to the baby when he is one month old, the dosage should also be minimal.

Fennel and colic: who is who?

Colic baby can not be called a disease. They absolutely do not need to be treated, they will slowly pass by themselves. Any pediatrician will agree with these words. The pediatrician - yes, but not a little one. A newborn miracle cannot yet understand that it is enough just to tolerate and wait a little. Therefore, babies cry so often. Mom, who does not sleep at night, spending time at the bed of her baby, is ready to do everything possible and impossible so that her baby’s state of health becomes at least a little easier.

In this case, the huge problem is that such small crumbs cannot be given almost anything of what modern pharmacology can offer. It is in this case that the fennel plant will come to the rescue. Let's figure out what it is and how to give it to kids correctly?

Fennel is a plant that belongs to the family Umbrella. Familiar to all dill lives in the same family. Back in the days of Avicenna and Hippocrates, who successfully used fennel to cure digestive ailments, this plant was unprecedentedly popular. It can be used both in raw and in heat-treated form, moreover, all parts. Fennel has carminative properties, which makes it easier to relieve colic and swelling in both infants and adults.

Advice to parents! Fennel to newborns is not a preventive measure. No need to give it to a baby who does not have colic. In some cases, there will be no negative consequences. But in others, there may be some getting used to this product, as a result of which the child will get used to this product. The consequences will not be very good: digestion of the crumbs will be carried out without any problems only if he uses fennel tea.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

It is necessary to immediately draw the attention of young parents to the fact that on the one hand it is a useful and harmless plant. But on the other - the kids should be given it with great care.

Important! In no case do not give teas or decoctions of fennel to a newborn if he has epilepsy or is allergic to this plant.

In order for mom to understand whether the baby has an allergic reaction or not, for the first time it is necessary to give him a small dose of broth (about 3-5 ml). If after some time there are no rashes or redness, the baby is in good order, you can gradually increase the dose, but do not stop observing the reaction.

We brew properly fennel for newborns

There are so many ways to brew herbs to get a healing drink that relieves discomfort in the belly of a baby. Consider the simplest recipes, thanks to which you can easily get the necessary broth.

Green Fennel Tea

Boiling water (200-250 ml) pour one tablespoon of chopped herbs (useful both dried and fresh). Insist for half an hour. Then strain the resulting tea and cool to room temperature. The baby can drink. Such tea is added to expressed breast milk or to the mixture. The main thing to remember is that no more than 50 ml of this herbal tea can be offered to infants per day.

Fresh Fennel Tea

To make such a healthy tea you just need to finely chop the fennel fruit with a knife. A glass of boiling water will be enough just a teaspoon of this "tea leaves."

It is not necessary to make a lot of such tea. It is better to brew a new portion later. After the brewing process, it is necessary that the infusion stand for at least half an hour. Now strain, cool (if necessary) and give the baby a drink. For one feeding, only 10-15 ml is enough.

Prepare an infusion of fennel seeds

Grind one teaspoon of fennel seeds in a mortar or coffee grinder. Pour them with a glass of boiling water. Let it stand for thirty minutes. Strain and cool to room temperature. For one feeding, the baby can be given one teaspoon. Kids tolerate such an infusion very well and the result can be seen very quickly.

Fennel tea producers: what do we choose?

Purchased teas are made taking into account all the needs of the baby's body: they have no harmful components, so parents do not need to worry about their naturalness.

A product from Humana, containing fennel, caraway seeds, fennel fruit oil, lactose and maltodextrin, is recommended for babies over one month of age. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the individual intolerance of the components to the child.

Bebivita tea granular, dissolves quickly. In the composition - fennel and dextrose. It is offered in a 200-gram jar; it is usually not packaged in sachets. Eliminates bloating and intestinal colic in infants.

Tea "Grandmother's basket" is offered in beautiful boxes of 20 bags in each. Applicable even to the smallest consumers (over a month old). It contains only fennel fruits.

So, it is already clear that one of the best natural remedies for intestinal colic in babies is fennel. Only apply it carefully. With the wise use of fennel for a newborn, you can greatly improve its condition and fully experience the joy of motherhood.

Pediatricians do not consider colic to be a disease and reassure young mothers that this phenomenon is temporary and will go away on its own by about the third or fourth month of a child’s life. But if painful attacks torment the baby after each feeding, then measures must be taken.

There are many drugs that relieve the condition. But the main problem is that not all of them can be used during the neonatal period. And here nature comes to our aid. Our grandmothers often used a plant called fennel to relieve abdominal pain in infants. This is what he will be talking about.

Fennel is a spicy plant, a close relative of dill. Fennel has good carminative properties, so it is often used to relieve increased gas formation in infants. After all, fennel for newborns is completely harmless, and removes colic very quickly.

The general benefits of fennel for the baby's body

What, besides relieving an attack of colic, will the plant be useful for infants?

  • The use of broths based on fennel contributes to a better work of the digestive system of the child.
  • With the development of spasm of smooth muscles of the intestine, the plant safely removes it.
  • Fennel decoctions improve the passage of metabolic processes and intestinal motility, and also increase immune defense.
  • The plant also acts as a good sedative on the child’s nervous system.


But, despite the numerous positive properties of the plant for children of the first year of life, fennel may be banned. The use of decoctions based on this herb will be prohibited in the following cases:

  • with an allergic reaction to this plant;
  • with diagnosed epilepsy.

That is why, before starting to use such treatment, colic needs to consult a pediatrician observing a child.

How to test for allergies

To make sure that the baby’s body does not give an allergic reaction to the use of fennel, you need to give the child very little decoction for the first time. Half a teaspoon will be enough.

If the baby’s skin remains clean, i.e. a rash and redness will not appear on it, and the baby himself will not show signs of increased anxiety, then the decoction can be used without fear. But the dosage of the drink needs to be increased gradually, while continuing to observe the overall reaction of the baby.

How to brew fennel

There are several ways to make a drink from this plant. You can use all parts of fennel. This will not affect the quality of treatment: the effect will be the same.

Fresh Fennel Tea

Fresh root crops of the plant will be needed here. Before use, they must be washed and cleaned. Then carefully chop with a knife.

On a glass of boiling water you need to take no more than a teaspoon of the product. The drink should be allowed to infuse for half an hour, then filter out all the particles and cool to room temperature.

After feeding, you can give the baby no more than 15 milliliters.

Green Fennel Tea

You need to take a large spoonful of chopped green plants (you can use not only fresh, but also dried product) and pour boiling water. The volume of fluid is 250 milliliters. Let it brew for at least half an hour and filter thoroughly. Cool to room temperature before use.

Such tea can be added to the finished mixture. The daily dose of the drug is not more than 50 milliliters.

Fennel seed infusion

A small spoonful of plant seeds must be carefully chopped. Here you can use either a coffee grinder or a mortar. After that, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about thirty minutes. After that, pass the drink through several layers of gauze to remove all particles and cool to room temperature.

Seed-based infusion should be given to the baby during feeding. One teaspoon is enough.

Fennel Pharmaceuticals

If there is no way to prepare the product at home, then you can go to the nearest pharmacy and buy the finished product. The most popular is Plantex. It is designed specifically for use in infants and copes with colic.

Plantex is available in the form of a powder that can be dissolved in any liquid - water, breast milk and infant formula.

In addition to this, you can offer children's tea with fennel in other versions, in particular, Hipp granules and classic Bebivita brewing bags. These funds are also approved for use from the time of birth. Dosage and method of preparation are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

You can use a tool called "Dill water." The manufacturer also uses fennel as a main component.

Colic is not a disease, they do not need to be treated, they will pass by themselves. Any pediatrician will agree with this statement. However, a newborn baby suffering from this phenomenon does not understand what needs to be tolerated and wait. A young mother who does not sleep at night is ready for anything to alleviate this condition in a child at least a little.

The problem is that babies cannot do almost anything that modern pharmacology has to offer. This is where a wonderful plant - fennel will help. Fennel for newborns has been used for a long time and very successfully. What you need to know about this plant and how to give it to children correctly?

What is fennel?

Fennel is a plant belonging to the umbelliferous family. Beloved dill belongs to the same family. Fennel has been known for centuries. Throughout this time, it has been successfully used in both cooking and medicine. Even Hippocrates and Avicenna practiced the use of this plant in the fight against ailments associated with digestion.

All parts of this amazing plant (root, greens, seeds) can be eaten.  Moreover, it can be used both in raw and in heat-treated form. Fennel is rich in vitamins, essential oils, minerals. Due to its pronounced carminative properties, it is used to relieve colic and swelling in infants and adults.

What is the benefit of fennel for newborns?

  • The use of this wonderful plant in babies has many advantages:
  • Digestion is significantly improved.
  • Eliminates excessive gas formation, colic.
  • If there is a spasm of smooth intestinal muscles, then fennel will relieve it.
  • Metabolism and intestinal motility improves.
  • Immunity increases.
  • A very positive effect is exerted on the nervous system of the crumbs.
  • If a nursing mother drinks tea with fennel, then this will positively affect lactation.

However, do not forget that with all the positive properties of fennel, in rare cases it can cause an allergic reaction in infants, therefore, treatment should be taken seriously and, first, consult a pediatrician

Contraindications to the use of fennel

Despite the fact that in general it is a rather harmless and useful plant, it is very prudent to use it in children. Preparations and decoctions based on fennel are contraindicated:

  • with an allergy to this plant;
  • with epilepsy.

To make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction, a very small dose of the drug or decoction should be given for the first time (no more than 3-5 ml). If there were no rashes, redness and the child feels well, then you can gradually increase the dose, observing the reaction of the crumbs.

How to brew fennel for newborns

There are many ways to brew this plant to get a healing drink that will help relieve discomfort in the baby’s tummy.

  You can successfully use any part of the plant - everything will be equally effective

Here are some of the simplest recipes:

Fresh Fennel Tea

To make healthy tea, you need to purchase natural fennel fruits and chop them with a knife. Such a "tea leaves" will need only a teaspoon for one glass of boiling water. You don’t have to do much at once, it’s better to brew a new portion each time. After brewing, you need to let the tea brew for half an hour. After this, the infusion should be thoroughly filtered, cooled and you can give the child. Do not give the newborn too much of this infusion. Enough 10-15 ml per feed.

Green Fennel Tea

A tablespoon of chopped greens (you can use both fresh and dried) should be poured with boiling water (200-250 ml) and infused for 30 minutes. After this, strain the tea, bring to room temperature and give the baby. You can add such gulls to the mixture or expressed breast milk. The total amount of such herbal tea in the case of infants should not exceed 50 ml per day.

Fennel seed infusion

A teaspoon of seeds must first be crushed in a coffee grinder or mortar. Then pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Further, the infusion is filtered and brought to a comfortable temperature. Such a remedy can be given to a child by a teaspoon during each feeding. It is very well tolerated by babies and gives a quick positive result.

Pharmacy products

The most popular fennel based product for newborns is Plantex. It is a well-established drug to reduce colic. Thanks to a convenient form of release (powder that is diluted with water, a mixture or breast milk), it is easy to use and dose.

Also in pharmacies you can find tea with fennel in different versions - granules (Hipp) and ordinary tea bags for brewing (Bebivita). Both can be used from the first day of life. Tea is dosed and prepared according to the instructions on the package.

You can still find the drug "Dill water." Despite its name, fennel is often used as the main component, not dill.

How to apply fennel to a young mother during lactation

This plant has long been known for helping to increase and establish lactation. It has been used by mothers since time immemorial, and a positive effect is always noted. Using fennel is not at all difficult. It can be brewed and drunk in the form of herbal tea or infusion.

Lactation Tea

Two teaspoons of fennel seeds should be well chopped and pour boiling water (250 ml). After that, tea is brewed for half an hour, filtered and consumed. In order to increase and maintain lactation, you need to drink 3-4 glasses of such tea per day. It is best to drink the drink warm or hot.

  If annoying trouble has occurred and a nursing mother has a cold, then this tea will serve as an excellent expectorant and prophylactic antiviral agent.

Fennel during pregnancy

The use of any herbal infusions, teas and decoctions during pregnancy should be extremely careful. Fennel is an excellent way to relieve toxicosis. Tea based on this plant copes with nausea and vomiting. However, if pregnancy is difficult and there is a threat of miscarriage, then you should not abuse such a drink.

The fact is that the substances contained in this plant act on the smooth muscles of the intestines, which in turn can affect the muscles of the uterus, activating them. This is extremely undesirable and threatens with a miscarriage. Therefore, drinks based on fennel are contraindicated in pregnant women in the first trimester and with a difficult pregnancy with the threat of miscarriage.

Even if there are no contraindications, and the expectant mother feels well, it is better to avoid risks and use safer means to relieve toxicosis

Fennel is, indeed, one of the best natural remedies for colic, but you need to use it wisely and carefully. With proper use, you can significantly alleviate the condition of the child and fully experience the joy of motherhood.

Almost every new mother has a problem with her baby's intestinal colic. This condition is primarily associated with the characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of infants and their body getting used to independent digestion of food. According to pediatricians, the digestive system of newborn babies is characterized by "sterility" due to the fact that colonies of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, necessary for proper digestion of food, colonize the intestine gradually. And it happens that conditionally pathogenic microorganisms “prevent” the normal processing of food “occupy” their place. As a result, the baby has bloating, intestinal colic, which entails such unpleasant manifestations as crying, anxiety and lack of appetite. In such a situation, naturally, each mother seeks to help her baby in different ways.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical market is currently represented by many different medicines that promise to save babies from increased gas and intestinal colic, many mothers still prefer to use more natural preparations that do not contain chemical additives and artificial components. These include tea with fennel for newborns, which is also called dill water. We offer to talk about the features of the use of this tool, as well as how to brew fennel for newborns.

Indications for the use of fennel for newborns

The main indication for the use of this drug is a violation of the digestive system of the baby, namely, bloating and intestinal colic. Tea with fennel for newborns effectively eliminates these manifestations and relieves the discomfort caused by them. In addition, fennel for newborns has a positive effect on the formation of the baby's immunity, and also improves the functioning of its nervous system. And due to the high vitamin C content in it, fennel promotes absorption by the child’s body of such an important trace element as calcium.

Currently, on the basis of pharmaceutical dill, many special medicines for colic in infants are produced (for example, Plantex). At the same time, you can prepare such a therapeutic drink on your own by purchasing fennel seeds in any pharmacy.

How to brew fennel for newborns?

Consider how to make tea with fennel for a baby. So, to get this drink you need fennel seeds (dill pharmacy), which must be crushed and pour boiling water at the rate of 2-3 grams per 1 glass of water. After this, the water should be allowed to infuse for at least half an hour, and then it needs to be filtered.

According to reviews of fennel for experienced newborns, therapeutic tea can also be prepared from fennel essential oil. To do this, it is necessary to dilute 0.05 g of ether in one liter of boiled water. Store the resulting liquid for up to 1 month.

If it is not possible to buy fennel, mother can always replace it with ordinary dill. The recipe for such a drink from fresh herbs is quite simple: you need to pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dill 0.5 cup boiling water. After this, water should be allowed to brew for 1 hour, and then strain.

If mother has no time to prepare a drink from fennel, she can already get it in a pharmacy ready-made. It is important to pay attention to the shelf life of such a medicine.

How to give fennel tea to a baby?

According to doctors, fennel can be used already from 2 weeks of a baby's life. To do this, 1 teaspoon of tea should be diluted in breast milk or in infant formula and invite the child to drink before feeding. Also, mom can gently infuse his cheek with a syringe without a needle. If the baby will take this drink for the first time, it is better to start with 2 teaspoons a day, gradually increasing its dosage to 5-6 spoons.

Parents need to carefully monitor the baby's reaction to this drug, and in the absence of signs of intolerance, the use of fennel tea for newborns can continue.

Contraindications to the use of fennel for newborns

In general, fennel tea is quite effective and safe, which in most cases is ideal for babies in their first months of life. But it happens that its use does not always give the expected result: tea either does not help the child to get rid of the swelling that torments him, or it helps, but not for long. In addition, this tool in some situations can even negatively affect the health of the crumbs. So, according to reviews of fennel for newborns, this drug is sometimes able to cause various allergic manifestations in infants: rash, urticaria, abdominal pain, shortness of breath and even photodermatitis. Although, according to pediatricians, the described adverse reactions are very rare.

In any case, tea with fennel has long established itself as an effective remedy for colic and abdominal pain in newborns. In addition, the mother can consume it herself, as it well establishes digestion, stimulates lactation, and also exhibits a mild sedative effect.

Undoubtedly, colic does not last forever. Often, for 3-4 months of a child’s life, they stop, and the functioning of his digestive system is successfully established. Until that time, tea with fennel will be an excellent assistant in the fight against such an unpleasant phenomenon that haunts the baby and its parents.

Bloating and colic occur in 80% of newborns. Authorized medications are sometimes ineffective, and then folk remedies are used. Tea with chamomile and fennel has been used for a very long time and is especially loved by mothers. But the speed of their preparation is also an important condition, since mother does not always have the opportunity to leave a restless child and go to prepare a healing infusion.

Tea for newborns "Hipp" is designed specifically for newborns, has an organic composition, is produced in a convenient form, which minimizes the time for its preparation. Read more about this product in our article.

About Hipp Brand

The history of the world famous Hipp brand began in Germany back in 1956. At this time, farmer Klaus Hipp seriously engaged in organic farming and began to grow environmentally friendly and safe products in his small farm. He had to go through ridicule and reproach, but after 10 years they started talking about the Hipp brand as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality baby food in banks.

Today the company is guided by the same principles and uses only organic raw materials supplied to the factory with more than 8 thousand farms for the manufacture of baby food. The quality of Hipp tea and other brand products remains at the highest level.

Assortment of Hipp tea

Hipp tea is available in two different forms: in granules and in brewing bags.

Granulated tea contains natural extracts of herbs, as well as dried fruits and vegetables, juice extracts and vitamin C to strengthen immunity. They are available in different age categories: from 4, 5 and 6 months old baby. Represented by the following types and tastes: fennel, linden blossom with lemon balm (from 4 months); apricot, raspberries with wild rose, from wild berries (from 5 months); apple with lemon balm and fruit (from 6 months).

Hipp tea for babies packaged is intended for children from the 1st week of life (organic chamomile and fennel). In addition, special tea has been produced since 4 months (rosehip and apple-fennel), from 5 months (rosehip-sea buckthorn and fruit).

For newborns, the Hipp company released a special packaged tea, on the packaging of which a special quality mark HіPP ORGANIC is indicated. It is intended for the children's age category from the 1st week. For babies, 2 types of tea are made from organic raw materials: fennel and chamomile. These products are subject to increased requirements in accordance with European Union law.

Organic raw materials for tea are grown on special farms and controlled by an independent Control Institute. Parents can be sure that it does not contain harmful and toxic substances.

  • hipp tea for newborns from the first week of life can be given starting from one teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the volume to a daily norm of 50-100 ml. In this volume, tea is given from the 1st week to 3 months;
  • from 4 to 6 months, the volume is increased from 100 to 150 ml;
  • at 7 to 12 months, the baby is allowed to drink 150-200 ml of tea per day.

After 1 year, Hipp tea is offered to the child depending on his needs.

Hipp fennel tea: benefits for newborns

The main reason why fennel tea is recommended for newborns is problems with the digestive system in infants, increased gas formation and colic. The fact is that at the time of birth, the baby's body is sterile. Gradually, various bacteria begin to colonize the intestines, and this process is very often accompanied by various muscle spasms and other discomforts.

Hipp tea for babies helps to cope with most problems of the digestive and other systems of the child’s body:

  • relieves muscle spasms, due to which it is possible to cope with such common problems as bloating and intestinal colic;
  • accelerates the absorption of calcium, necessary to strengthen the bone apparatus;
  • strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the nervous system.

Which is otherwise called pharmacy dill, you can brew yourself. But with a small child in your arms it’s much easier and more convenient to make granulated or bagged tea from Hipp.

The composition of tea with fennel

Hipp tea with fennel, designed for infants, is an organic product that does not contain harmful and toxic substances. It is made from high quality fennel. It is recommended for use with digestive disorders, bloating, intestinal colic.

Hipp tea with fennel for newborns from the 1st week is packed in 1.5g bags and marked with the HіPP ORGANIC quality mark. The composition of the product is indicated on a pack: 100% organic fennel. Tea is hypoallergenic, does not contain sugar, gluten, preservatives, flavorings, colorings, GMOs. The special shape of the bag allows you to save all the beneficial properties and aroma of medicinal herbs.

Hipp tea for newborns: instructions for preparation

To make tea for newborns from mom will require a minimum of time and effort. Thanks to convenient packaged bags, you do not need to measure out the required number of granules or dry fennel seeds. There is nothing easier for mom than making Hipp tea with fennel for newborns.

The cooking instruction consists in the following sequence of actions:

  1. Boil purified water in a kettle.
  2. Prepare a 200 ml cup and put in it a bag of tea with fennel from the package.
  3. Pour a bag in a cup with water (200 ml).
  4. Let the tea brew for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Cool the tea to a temperature not exceeding 37 degrees.
  6. Pour Hipp tea for newborns from a cup into a bottle and give to the newborn.

Granulated tea for newborns is prepared in a slightly different way. In this case, pour a teaspoon of granules into a cup and pour 100 ml of boiling water. After this, the tea needs to be cooled, poured into a bottle and given to the baby.