Mint - medicinal properties and contraindications, varieties, use in cooking and traditional medicine. Mint tea: recipes

23.09.2019 Meat Dishes

Tea with is a wonderful refreshing and invigorating drink, characterized by a large number of positive properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

It is a medicinal plant, so it has a large number of healing properties.

The smell and taste of mint are very reminiscent of the summer season. It was at this time that mint tea was particularly pleasant and surprising. Some lovers add honey and other ingredients to it. People say that this drink is not only healthy, but also has excellent taste and smell. It calms the nervous system tremendously and provides relaxation. But it is worth remembering that tea from a mint plant should not be consumed excessively often.

The key ingredient of mint tea in the form of an amazing plant has not only useful and positive features, the ability to treat certain diseases. It can also cause harm to some patients. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with contraindications before drinking this product. Many people grow peppermint for making tea in their own plots or in a house together with other cultures. Even while growing, you can enjoy the wonderful aroma of mint.

Another way to find mint plants is to purchase them in a pharmacy in fresh or dried form. This option is preferable for people who do not have their summer cottage or garden. Moreover, in pharmacies, dried mint is sold all year round, regardless of the season.

Fresh mint plants should be added to the selected dishes and pour with ready boiling water. Then the mixture is insisted, and then consumed inside. For a greater flavor at the end, you can add a sprig or mint leaves again. You can make tea from a mint plant using another method: put a mint twig in a teapot and add boiled hot water here. In this case, the drink will have new taste and aromatic features.


The main property of the mint drink is the refreshment and cooling needed on hot sunny days. This effect is achieved due to the presence of menthol substance in the mint leaves. Thanks to him, the plant acquires a special taste and smell.

You can also drink tea as a pain reliever or sedative. In this case, the drink can easily cope with nervous excitement and stress.

When honey is added, peppermint tea can be used as a remedy for colds.

Patients also drink peppermint tea for other problems. For example, these include:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Sensation of nausea or vomiting.

It is worth noting that the drink is also beneficial due to its calming and relaxing effect. It has a positive effect on the central nervous system, and helps with insomnia, especially if you combine it with a small amount of honey.

Such a drink effectively relieves a person of a runny nose and nasal congestion. Breathing becomes easier and free.

If you experience stress or signs of depression, you also need a cup of mint tea. Such a drink will allow you to quickly calm down and relax due to its natural and safe composition.

Mint has calming properties that are due to the content of menthol in its leaves. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieving stress. In addition, mint will help get rid of migraines and normalize blood pressure. It is good to drink it at bedtime, if you often suffer from insomnia or just want to sleep.

Peppermint tea has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, contributing to their normal functioning. This tea is perfect for women, as it solves many problems: eliminates pain during menstruation and normalizes the cycle, reduces the manifestations of PMS and helps to tolerate menopause more easily. Also, due to the high content of female hormones, peppermint tea can minimize hair growth in unwanted places.


It is not necessary to drink a lot of mint tea for hypotensive patients, since it has the ability to lower blood pressure. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of drinking this product. Even in the absence of contraindications, you can not drink peppermint tea in huge volumes, because in such a situation it provokes the appearance of drowsiness. You can not drink it with allergies or individual intolerance. The recommended dosage of the drink is one cup of mint tea per day, especially when it is made from dried mint. It is recommended to brew crushed dried mint grass (1 large spoon) in boiled water (0.5 liters). At the same time, concentrated tea has a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water.

Mint tea will help pregnant women cope with toxicosis, unless, of course, the doctor has authorized it. Despite the natural components and organic origin of mint, in some situations during pregnancy such a product is prohibited. You can not give a drink to small children up to five years. In other cases, after a hard day, a cup of mint tea will help relieve fatigue and relax. Men are not recommended to drink peppermint tea at all. Especially you can not drink such a drink at night.

Like any medicinal plant, mint can also harm health if it is not used correctly. Do not drink mint tea in the morning if you need to be in good shape. Also, due to its calming properties and the presence of female hormones, this tea can markedly reduce libido in men. Of course, we are talking about the constant use of mint tea, and not about one cup every three days.
  Pregnant women need to carefully drink mint tea, especially if there is a boy, since mint reduces the amount of testosterone, and the fetus may experience some developmental pathology.


From the description of the properties of mint tea, it is obvious that for women it is very useful. He will also help relieve stress after a hard working day and sleep well before exams. If you are concerned about pressure problems, you should periodically brew mint tea or add mint to your usual black tea.
  It is better to drink mint tea after dinner and in the evening, as it relaxes well and helps to tune in to rest. It is also useful for colds, especially if the airways are affected.

How to brew

In fact, there are no special subtleties or tricks in the process of brewing mint tea. In most cases, one mint sprig is added to a glass of boiling water and insisted for several minutes. Then you can take the drink inside, if you want, adding a little honey to it.

Another option for making such tea: adding one mint sprig to green tea. Such a drink can be consumed at any time of the day.

Dry crushed mint is brewed in the amount of 1 small spoon per 200 ml of boiling water. So that tea is not too concentrated, water can be taken in a volume of half a liter. After insisting, you can also put a little honey here.
  Mint is a very famous aromatic herbaceous plant that is used both fresh and dry. It is added to dishes as spices, including baking, tea is brewed from it, and it is also actively used as a medicinal and cosmetic product.
  Mint is most often brewed as tea. It turns out a pleasant, light infusion with a cool menthol aroma and a refreshing taste. If desired, mint can be added to, as well as brew assembled with other herbs. However, first you need to learn about the properties of such herbal teas so as not to harm your health.

Green Mint Tea Recipe

To prepare green tea with mint, you need to put a pinch of green tea leaves in a clay teapot (bags are better not to use), and one or two leaves of fresh mint or a pinch, you can have less or more, depending on preferences, dry mint leaves and brew it with cool boiling water . Insist for about 10 minutes. Lemon will be a great addition to green tea with mint. You can add a slice directly to the cup, or put the lemon zest in a teapot. Orange zest is also suitable.

Black Mint Tea Recipe

Similarly, prepared black tea with mint. Due to the fact that black tea itself is more tart and aromatic, you can add more mint than in green tea. For example, 2: 1. You need to brew with boiling water, insist for at least 10 minutes. In black tea with mint, you can also add lemon or lemon zest. And honey is also good. This tea goes well with jams and preserves. Such tea is especially useful before bedtime, as black tea in combination with mint invigorates less than green tea.

Mint Tea Recipe

Peppermint iced tea is a great drink for a hot day. To cook it, you need to brew fresh sprigs of mint and insist them for 10-15 minutes. Dry mint leaves will do, but fresh leaves are more aromatic. Ready tea must still be cooled to room temperature and poured into glasses. Now add three to four ice cubes to each glass and garnish with fresh mint leaves. Sugar is added as desired in still warm tea immediately after brewing. You can also put half a slice of lemon or lime in tea.

Mint Tea with Honey Recipe

Tea made on the basis of peppermint and honey can be consumed inside both hot and cold. Such a drink provides activation of the digestive system, elimination of headaches and nervous tension, relaxation. In the summer season, you can add other ingredients to cool mint tea with honey: for example, lemon balm, lemon or ginger, depending on the tastes of the person.

In winter, it is tedious to give preference to hot mint tea with the addition of honey. Sometimes lemon slices are added to create a little acidity. The drink will benefit in the treatment and prevention of colds or flu.

Honey as a separate ingredient also has a large number of useful and valuable properties. It contains a variety of trace elements and vitamins. With its help, it is possible to replace granulated sugar. Therefore, in mint tea, you can simply add one teaspoon of honey. It also acts as a restorative method, due to which it fights insomnia and anxiety. Therefore, you can drink peppermint tea with honey before going to bed.

In the article, we are talking about tea with mint - a benefit for men and women. You will learn how to make mint tea according to various recipes and find out if a tasty and healthy drink has contraindications.

Mint tea is good for women and men

A rich, refreshing, natural, healing and fragrant drink is popular all over the world. It is appreciated for its good taste and affordability. Is mint tea good for you?

The benefits of peppermint tea are as follows:

  • invigorates and improves brain activity;
  • reduces headaches;
  • well restores digestive functions;
  • eliminates nausea, relieves cramps with gastric colic, restores biliary balance, reduces gas formation and bloating;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system: eliminates anxiety and improves sleep quality.

The use of mint tea is undoubted for respiratory diseases, so prepare it if you need to improve expectoration, eliminate nasal congestion, lower temperature. Drink peppermint tea as a preventative measure to strengthen your immune system and prevent vitamin deficiency.

The beneficial properties of mint in tea are determined by the components that make up the plant:

  • menthol;
  • ascorbic, pantothenic, folic acid;
  • tannins;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • volatile;
  • trace elements: copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium.

What is useful mint tea for women

The benefits of mint tea for the female body are as follows:

  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • improves the condition in the premenstrual period and during menstruation;
  • restores skin cells;
  • eliminates the symptoms of menopause.

In the absence of contraindications, mint women can drink 2 cups a day. A low-calorie drink (8.5 kcal per 100 grams) is popular with those who carefully control their weight. It reduces appetite, permanently eliminates the feeling of hunger and reduces cravings for sweets. Mint tea drunk between meals speeds up the metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the figure and overall well-being.

What is useful mint tea for men

Men with a tonic drink should be careful, because the added mint in tea will benefit or harm depending on the amount.

One cup of peppermint tea before bedtime will help relieve stress and relieve insomnia.. In large volumes, mint reduces testosterone levels, which will cause male impotence.

Can I use mint tea during pregnancy?

The properties of mint in tea for women carrying a child cause controversy among obstetricians and gynecologists. Some claim that in small amounts of mint:

  • smoothes out the unpleasant symptoms of early toxicosis;
  • eliminates dizziness and constipation;
  • tones the uterine muscles;
  • prevents heartburn;
  • reduces swelling of the limbs;
  • boosts immunity.

When using mint tea, it can also harm women in position:

  • allergic reactions;
  • excessive tone of the uterine muscles, leading to miscarriage;
  • severe heartburn (especially in the 3rd trimester);
  • decrease in pressure in hypotensive patients.

After the birth of the baby, knowing what is useful mint tea for a woman, doctors recommend drinking it rarely (2-3 times a week). If pregnancy and childbirth proceeded with complications, if health problems were even before conception, then the use of the drink should be agreed with the observing gynecologist.

Mint Tea Recipes

  Mint tea can be brewed with various additives

Various additives — cinnamon, lime or lemon, honey, pine nuts, as well as leaves of blackcurrant, raspberry, cranberry or strawberry — help to diversify the taste of tea and complement the benefits of mint. Make a natural drink according to the best recipes for yourself and your family.

Soothing tea

Make soothing tea to relax before bedtime, relieve headaches and get rid of insomnia.


  1. Peppermint leaves - 1 tablespoon
  2. Oregano - 1 tbsp
  3. St. John's wort - 1 tablespoon
  4. Chamomile pharmacy - 1 tbsp.
  5. Honey - 1 tbsp

How to cook: Mix all herbs in a ceramic or glass teapot. Pour the mixture with 2 cups boiling water. Insist 15 minutes.

How to use: Drink 1-2 glasses. The effect of the prepared drink will answer the question, is it possible to drink peppermint at night?

Result: Herbal tea with mint soothes, relieves headaches, relieves stress accumulated during the day.

With ginger and honey

In the morning, ginger-mint tea will give energy, in the evening - it will calm and relax.


  1. Black tea - 1 tsp
  2. Mint sprig - 1 pc.
  3. A slice of ginger root.
  4. Honey - 1 tsp

How to cook: The specified ingredients are intended for preparation of 1 portion of drink. Brew black tea. Put peppermint and ginger in a cup. Fill them with hot tea leaves. Insist 5 minutes. Add honey before use.

How to use: Strain the prepared tea or drink it directly with mint and ginger. No more than 2 mugs per day.

Result: What is the use of peppermint tea with ginger? Regular consumption of the drink will reduce cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels, speed up metabolism, restore weakened immunity, prevent inflammation and relieve stomach cramps.

With cranberries and honey

Tea with mint, honey and cranberries perfectly quenches thirst (in summer it can be drunk chilled). Drink relieves fatigue and improves performance.


  1. Chinese red tea - 2 tsp
  2. Cranberry Berries - 100 gr.
  3. Cane sugar - 2 tsp.
  4. Shredded peppermint leaves - 1 tsp
  5. Sprigs of peppermint - 2 pcs.
  6. Honey (to taste).

How to cook: Pour tea and peppermint into a hot kettle. Pour boiling water slowly. Insist 5 minutes. Rub cranberries and mix with sugar.

How to use: Arrange the cranberries and honey in cups, and then pour the mixture with the prepared tea.

Result: The benefits of black tea with mint and cranberries are undeniable - you normalize digestion, reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, increase immunity and quickly restore the body after vitamin deficiency.

With cinnamon and lime

If you want to lose weight, then choose a recipe for mint tea with cinnamon and lime.


  1. Leafy green tea - 2 tsp.
  2. Lime - 0.5 pcs.
  3. Sprigs of peppermint - 2-3 pcs.
  4. Cinnamon stick (length 3-5 cm) - 1 pc.

How to cook: Pour mint and tea into a heated teapot, put cinnamon. Pour boiling water. Insist for 2-3 minutes. The more you insist on tea, the more cinnamon will start to bitter. Instead of cinnamon sticks, you can use a powder, but in this case the tea will have to be filtered.

How to use: Take freshly prepared tea cold or hot in the morning or evening with the addition of lime slices or juice, honey or fresh berries squeezed from it.

Result: What are the benefits of green tea with mint, cinnamon and lime? It is perfect for those who want to lose weight: it improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, reduces sugar levels and breaks down fats.

Moroccan tea

In the homeland of Moroccan tea, the drink is taken all day to quench your thirst. European tourists prefer to drink it chilled with the addition of ice cubes. Try this invigorating drink too.


  1. Green tea - 2 tsp
  2. Sugar (to taste).
  3. Peppermint leaves (to taste).

How to cook: Pour green tea into the teapot, fill it with hot water (temperature not more than 85 degrees) and leave for 15 minutes. Without stirring, carefully pour into the kettle from a stainless steel through a filter. Add sugar. Bring the drink to a boil. Tea is ready. It remains to add mint: do not spare the leaves if you want to get a drink with a pleasant bitterness. If you like, add milk or spices (ground cinnamon, cloves), lemon or orange zest.

How to use: Pour tea into tall glasses and drink throughout the day, but no more than 5-6 cups.

Result: Tea has an excellent tonic effect, increases efficiency and gives strength for the whole day.

For more information about mint tea, see the video:

Contraindications and possible harm

When using mint tea, harm from the drink is possible if you have:

  • allergy to menthol;
  • low pressure - peppermint tea will lower it even more, which will lead to drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness;
  • varicose veins or heartburn - mint causes an exacerbation of these pathologies;
  • impotence;
  • constipation - tannins in mint have a fixing effect.

What to remember

  1. The beneficial properties of peppermint tea are their effects on the nervous system and digestion, heart and blood vessels. The drink has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, is effective in vitamin deficiency.
  2. Green tea with mint is especially useful for those who want to lose weight.
  3. For all its benefits, hypotonic, allergic, pregnant and lactating women, people suffering from varicose veins and gastrointestinal diseases can feel the harm from peppermint tea.
  4. Men can take peppermint tea only in small quantities.

Mother Nature took good care of us. At every step you can meet a plant that has healing powers. Such a fragrant unpretentious grass as mint belongs to them. A drink with it, for example, green tea with mint, will help solve many health problems. Of course, there are contraindications, and this is natural for a medicinal plant. But there are very few of them, which pleases.

The name of the grass is associated with the goddess Menta, which the wife of the god of the underworld from jealousy turned into this plant. Indeed, there is some divine power in mint.

Beneficial features

Green tea with mint can do a lot for human health. This unique plant, which is very easy to obtain, is known from ancient times - until the beginning of our era. They excitedly wrote about him even when cuneiform tablets were used for this case, and not paper. Certainly not for nothing that people of those times, closer to nature than modern ones, called this miracle plant the grass of longevity.

The drink, where mint is present, absorbs all its properties and immediately becomes surprisingly useful. And this means that he:

  • Soothes without drowsiness. Nerves, stresses, irritability, accumulated throughout the day, will easily remove the evening cup of mint tea.
  • Saves from headache and heartache, stomach cramps. This property of peppermint drink has been known since ancient times.
  • It drives off insomnia, but at the same time, if necessary, gives energy and vigor.
  • Protects the body with flu and colds.
  • Mint has been confirmed to relieve nausea.
  • It has antibacterial abilities.
  • Disinfects the oral cavity.
  • The choleretic feature of the drink is beneficial for liver diseases and problems with the gall bladder.
  • If a woman has increased vegetation, then green tea with mint can help her. With regular use, it reduces the amount of male hormones.
  • Establishes the menstrual cycle.
  • During menopause, stabilizes the condition.
  • Peppermint tea is a good cancer prevention.

Here you can see that this tea is more suitable for the fair sex. From here, we smoothly proceed to contraindications. Although they are almost obvious.


What to do, the men were left out of work here. Because mint reduces the amount of their "courageous" hormones, and this is fraught with the fact that you can remain without your masculine strength. Of course, sometimes a cup of mint drink does not hurt, but, on the contrary, will be useful. But regular use is best eliminated. Even if you can’t believe it, in this case, you probably should not check the truth of the statement.

It is for the same reason that green tea with mint can not be pregnant for women who are waiting for the appearance of a boy. But one should not rush to drink it, even if a girl "lives" inside. It is believed that mint can adversely affect the ripening and development of the fetus.

There is still the possibility of excessive consumption of mint drink to reduce sensitivity to the beneficial components of the plant. In this case, the grass will cease to save from some kind of problem, it remains only to enjoy the fragrant and refreshing broth.

Tea with mint. The benefits and harms of the drink have long been studied and proven. But there are still some little things to consider. It is rarely said that it is better not to drink a drink if you often suffer from heartburn, with infertility and varicose veins. And give it to children only if the pediatrician gives permission to do so.

How to brew

To get the full benefit from mint leaves, you need to brew tea like this:

  • In a porcelain or glass teapot, put a small spoonful of dry mint and green tea. This amount is taken per liter of water, which for the correct drink needs to be boiled, but cooled to 80 degrees, and only then pour the raw materials for aromatic tea. You need to drink only a fresh drink. You can mix this infusion with fresh mint leaves and lemon or juice from it. Fantasy is not contraindicated.

And if you cool everything and add ice, you will get a wonderful healthy soft drink that will take care of your health and save you from unbearable heat.

Peppermint tea has a number of beneficial properties. Thanks to this drink, you can improve digestion, increase appetite, get rid of flatulence. Tea is used as a choleretic agent, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.

Peppermint tea is used as a sedative for severe nervous agitation. They recommend drinking the drink to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It stimulates the work of the heart muscle, improves blood circulation and normalizes.

It has a mint drink with the ability to lower high blood pressure. Since tea is an excellent painkiller, they are used to get rid of headaches and relieve cramps.

Mint drink is used to alleviate the condition with inflammation of the bronchi, asthma, colds. It improves well-being, removes toxins from the body. The essential oil contained in mint helps tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

Mint infusion can be used to rinse the mouth with toothache and stomatitis.

Peppermint is considered a female herb, it relieves pain during menstruation and normalizes it. Thanks to peppermint infusion, the amount of the androgen hormone in the body decreases, and because of this, the growth of unwanted vegetation on the body decreases.

You can not give peppermint tea up to 5 years, and this drink is not recommended for lactating women.

In large quantities, a mint drink can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is advisable to alternate it with other types of tea, and not drink it regularly.

Peppermint tea is a wonderful relaxing remedy that should be in every kitchen. The drink is useful for those who want to relax after a busy day, also tea will help to fall asleep and give a good, healthy sleep.

This magical drink will help to cope with sleep disorders, soothe nerves, and it can also replace sedatives. The latter is very useful, since there are many harmful chemical compounds in medicines.

In addition, peppermint tea has an incredible taste and amazing aroma. Drinking it is a real pleasure. He instantly cheers up and soothes. Prescribe such a delicious tea for colds.

Useful properties of tea

This drink has a pleasant cooling effect, thus it becomes almost indispensable on hot days. Mint leaves contain menthol. It is thanks to him that the plant has such a pleasant smell and taste.

Mint tea is most often used as a sedative, it is also able to relieve pain symptoms in case of excessive nervous excitement, as well as in stressful situations, when it is necessary to quickly calm down and return to normal.

  1. Tea is used for stomach and intestinal pain due to its anti-inflammatory effect. If you brew traditional tea and put in it a few leaves of mint, you get a great way to fight colds.
  2. Mint added to tea can relieve a headache, will help with hypertension and nausea.
  3. Peppermint tea calms the nervous system and will also help normalize sleep.
  4. The drink is recommended to drink with a small amount of honey. It is important to remember that honey should be thrown only in warm tea, in no case hot. Since it can lose all its useful properties.
  5. Tea is able to facilitate breathing with a runny nose.
  6. At present, probably, there is no such person who does not experience daily stress. Using mint tea every day will help to cope with this trouble. A drink will help calm the nervous system and relieve stress. This wonderful remedy was presented to us by nature itself.
  7. It will also be interesting to learn that mint will help improve skin condition. You can make mint ice. To do this, brew the leaves of the plant as regular tea. Then strain and freeze, pour in the molds. These ice cubes should be rubbed on the face. Such a tool will help improve blood circulation, make your skin supple and soft. They will also help refresh your face with mint tea.
  8. Mint tea stimulates the production of female hormones. Therefore, it will be simply indispensable for women during menopause. This is because it can reduce the symptoms characteristic of this period, such as mood swings, etc.

Various ingredients can be added to the drink as desired. For example, honey and lemon can strengthen the immune system, cinnamon and ginger root - it will give a feeling of vigor and improve mood, chamomile will calm, and melissa will help to cope with a headache.


Although this plant is a miraculous natural remedy and has a huge amount of useful properties, it also has contraindications. The main ones include the following:

  1. Peppermint tea is not recommended for people with low blood pressure. This is because, thanks to its calming effect, pressure can decrease.
  2. Women during lactation should consult a doctor before taking a drink so as not to harm the body.
  3. You should also abandon tea for those who have an individual intolerance to the components.
  4. You should not offer a drink to children who have not reached the age of five years.
  5. Men should also be careful with peppermint tea. This is because when all body systems are calmed down, libido can noticeably decrease.

Peppermint Tea

Mint in combination with traditionally prepared green tea has a good effect as a means to combat excess pounds. All due to the fact that mint contains many essential oils that can overcome the feeling of hunger.

Drink, with systematic use, can improve metabolism, as well as rid the body of toxins. Tea normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes digestion.

If you have chosen peppermint tea as a means of losing weight, you should remember that the plant has a diuretic effect, so you should drink plenty of fluids. Also, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you should not add sugar to tea.

Peppermint Tea and Pregnancy

Everyone knows that during this period a woman is not allowed to use a lot of medications. Mint is also a medicine, therefore, it also has contraindications. Doctors in this regard have no definite opinion.

But most still advise against mint tea during this period. This is necessary so that the estrogens included in its composition do not provoke an abortion.

But in some cases, even women are allowed to take mint during pregnancy. Tea with mint will help to cope with nausea, heartburn, etc. It is important not to overdo it with the rate of consumption of the drink. And this is not more than three cups daily.

Many expectant mothers say that peppermint tea helps them get rid of toxicosis. It should be remembered that during breastfeeding, tea is strictly prohibited, as it can provoke a decrease in lactation.

Peppermint tea for children

Of course, the drink is able to calm the body, a positive effect on the nervous system. But all this concerns adults. Its effect on the child’s body has not yet been studied. But it is known that mint is capable of provoking allergic reactions. It turns out that tea does not do much harm to the children's body, but it is necessary to get a pediatrician's consultation.

Rules for making a drink

Making peppermint tea is very easy. To do this, take a sprig of the plant and pour boiling water, about 250 ml. Let it brew for about 10 minutes, then cool and drink, adding some honey if desired. Mint can also be thrown in the traditional preparation of green tea.

Also, the plant can be used in dried form. Prepared in the same way, you just need to chop dry leaves.

Several different recipes

You can pay attention to the following recipes. All of them will make delicious tea. So, you can give preference to one of these recipes:

  1. Drink with mint, ginger and honey. All components should be poured with one liter of boiling water and add a little honey. The use of any tea is also permitted.
  2. Soothing composition with lemon balm and mint. You need to take a little of the leaves of different plants and pour 500 ml. boiling water, insist about 5-10 minutes. You can throw some honey in the drink.
  3. Tea with mint and cranberries. Mint is cooked in the usual way, and cranberries should be ground with honey. All mix and let it brew for 5 minutes under the lid. Such a drink can be drunk cold, adding a little ice.
  4. Tea with cinnamon and lime. It is prepared in this way: mint leaves, a little tea brew, a little cinnamon should be put on the bottom of the dishes, then everything is poured with boiling water and infused for about five minutes. A slice of lime is thrown into tea.
  5. Classic Moroccan tea. To prepare it, take 2 tea. Spoon the infusion of green tea and pour boiling water. Mint leaves are prepared separately. A little sugar is thrown into this container. After five minutes, everything should be mixed and poured in portions.

It can be concluded that peppermint tea is a tasty and healthy drink. With its dosed use, the body will only benefit, especially for women. The refreshing taste and invigorating aroma of the drink will certainly cheer you up and energize you.