Cold salting of pepper. Bell pepper winter preparations: the best recipes

23.09.2019 Lean dishes



Salting of bell pepper for the winter  “Cold way” will allow you to fully enjoy the taste, smell and even crunch of these vegetables. No other way of harvesting sweet pepper will provide you with the same effect. Such an appetizing snack will be able to stand in the banks for a very long time, so that the preparation can be done in any quantities. If you have never tried to close bell peppers for the winter, then our step-by-step photo recipe will describe in detail the whole process and help you easily cope with such a winter harvest.

At home, today we will close the green bell pepper:   it looks very refreshing and summer-like. At the same time, you can safely close the pepper of other colors in the same way, this will not affect the taste of preservation. The preparation of the marinade is very important in creating this preservation; the taste of the peppers themselves directly depends on its taste.   As for spices, you are free to use any perfect ones to your taste.  The same applies to greens, both fresh and dried. The main thing is to remember that all greens infiltrate peppers not only with their taste, but also with their aroma. Let's start pickling bell peppers for the winter.

Pepper, like tomatoes, can be pickled, or can be salted, preserving the maximum of its benefits and getting a wonderful taste of the fruit.

Make pepper salting in several ways, some of which are presented below.

Before folding into jars, it is better to salt the pepper in a large container. To do this, select medium-sized hard fruits, peel them and rinse well. Next, dip the peppers in boiling water for 2 minutes and cool immediately.

We put them in a pan, a barrel or a bucket, and salt (per 1 tablespoon per 1 kilogram). Other traditional ingredients can be added to taste. When the peppers give the juice - after about 12 - 14 hours, they are covered with a wooden circle with oppression and transferred to a cool place.

After 2 to 3 weeks, ready-made peppers can be transferred to jars, closed with nylon covers and stored in the cold.

Many people think that salty hot peppers are much tastier than pickled ones. Try and you compare their tastes, especially since no special efforts are required for this.

Take 1 kilogram of bitter pepper, you can - multi-colored, cut each one at the tail, along the pepper, without removing the tail itself. Fold the peppers in a saucepan or other large container and cover with hot brine. To prepare the brine, dissolve 8 tablespoons of coarse salt in boiling water per 1 kg of fruit.

Peppers covered with brine are put under oppression for three days. After the brine is poured, and the fruit is poured with a new one, prepared according to the same recipe, and left for 5 days already.

When the set time is up, put the peppers in jars and again fill them with new hot brine, close them with nylon covers. Great appetizer for meat is ready!

Bell peppers need to be salted for the winter quite simply: on a three-liter jar, take 4 tablespoons of salt, firmly put peeled peppers and pour brine. All! Store in the cold under oppression.

There are few conditions for the success of salting:

- choose fleshy, large fruits of light green or yellow color;

- we take purified water, do not boil (with chlorine it will not work);

- it is better to salt in a wooden barrel or ceramic dishes;

- a napkin or gauze, which we cover with pepper on top, must be changed or washed daily to prevent souring.

After 2 - 3 weeks, salty bell pepper is ready!

For salting of hot capsicum, we dip the fruits in boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes, then immediately in cold water, and put the cooled ones under oppression for about half an hour.

  Next, we put the peppers in jars or put them in a barrel, pouring cherry and currant leaves, pour brine. For brine, you will need 0.3 liters of vinegar per 1 liter of water (less can be), and sugar and salt - at your own discretion, since in this recipe they do not play the role of preservative.

We close the finished peppers with nylon covers and store in cool.

If you are preparing sweet peppers, then it is enough to take salt in the calculation of 40 g per 1 liter of water. Keep also in a cool place.

Together, sweet and hot peppers do not salt, as they have too different taste qualities that, when mixed, will destroy the aroma and taste of each species.

But sweet pepper can be salted, for example, with tomatoes or cucumbers: its proportion can be 1/5 of the entire bookmark. Before salting, peppers, unlike companion vegetables, need to be blanched for 2 to 3 minutes or a little more, be sure to clear the seeds so that there is no bitterness.

  Hot pepper salting requires either a multiple change of brine (recipe above), or the use of a large amount of vinegar. Hot peppers do not need to be cleaned of seeds, it is enough to chop in several places with a fork.

Pepper is one of the most useful vegetables, which must be present in the diet of people of any age. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, useful substances that protect our body from the penetration of dangerous infections into it and the development of many ailments. It is advisable to eat pepper not only in summer but also in winter. So that you do not have to spend big money on the purchase of this vegetable out of season, we suggest you use our recipes on how to pickle pepper for the winter so that it retains all its useful properties.

Pepper is one of those vegetables that can be eaten in unlimited quantities, without fear for the figure and the occurrence of an allergic reaction. But this is the case when it comes to a fresh product. All the same, you need to be able to cook pickled pepper properly so that it does not cause harm to the human body.

  • Use only good fruits, on which there is no rottenness, dents or various damage. The better the fresh vegetables are, the better you get the harvest for the winter.
  • Use peppers of different colors. So you can achieve not only an amazing combination of tastes in a jar, but such an appetizer will look much more appetizing.
  • Pick peppers so that they are at least approximately the same size. If you are going to pickle them whole, then the core and the stalk can not be removed (you only need to make a few punctures with toothpicks), if you want to make something like a salad of different peppers, then rinse thoroughly, clean and dry the fruits.
  • Do not invent anything with the preparation of brine. The main thing is that you choose the right combination of water and salt. These components will keep the pepper beautiful and crisp.

Now we offer to consider some interesting recipes on how to pickle pepper for the winter, so that it turns out to be tasty, juicy and mouth-watering.

How to pickle bell pepper: recipes

When it comes to bell pepper, it is assumed that sweet varieties of this vegetable will be used. Housewives annually come up with new recipes on how to pickle such pepper in jars so that its taste starts to play in a new way.

But still, the priority remains only a few options for making snacks for the winter from pepper, which are already considered classic:

  1. Pickled bell peppers with garlic:
  • Take 5 kg of vegetables (remember that it is advisable to take pepper in different colors). Wash it, dry it, and then peel the seeds and stalks. You need to cut the vegetables into identical long slices.
  • Boil 1 liter of water. After it boils, add 50 ml of vinegar, 7 tbsp. To it. sugar, 40 g of salt. This will be the marinade with which you will pour peppers. But first you need to blanch them in the same brine so that the peel can be easily removed from them.
  • While the pepper is blanched, sterilize the jars (we recommend using liter containers), and put 5 cloves of garlic, cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves on the bottom of each (some still add currant leaves for flavor). You can also put in a jar a small piece of chili pepper (but this is not necessary, you can do this if you want to pickle piquant bell peppers).
  • Put prepared peppers in each jar, fill them with marinade and roll up the lids. The workpiece can only be lowered into the basement after the cans are already cold.

By the way, this recipe can be cooked a little differently. You can cut the stalks, clean the core and stuff it with a vegetable preparation of carrots, cabbage and greens. It turns out very tasty. Such a preparation can be eaten in the winter instead of a salad for meat and any side dish.

  1. Pickled bell peppers with onions in tomato paste:
  • Take 1 kg of sweet pepper (again, we recommend taking vegetables of different colors so that red pepper does not merge with tomato paste). Prepare it for preparation in exactly the same way as we described the procedure in the previous recipe.
  • Halve 2 onion heads. Choose the largest fruits. Fry the onion in vegetable oil so that it acquires a beautiful golden crust.
  • After the onion has the desired color, add pepper to it. Fry it for 15 minutes.
  • After this is added to the stewpan with vegetables 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 cup of water, as well as salt and pepper (spices are added exclusively to taste). Everything should be put out for 20-30 minutes.
  • In 3 minutes before removing the stewpan from the stove, pour 1 tablespoon into vegetables vinegar. After that, the workpiece can be transferred to sterilized jars (use half-liter containers) and rolled up with lids.

How to pickle hot peppers for the winter: recipes

We want to focus more on recipes on how to salt hot pepper at home, because most often we use it only as a seasoning for certain dishes and do not consider vegetables as a full-fledged product that can be eaten just like Bulgarian pepper.

We have selected several, in our opinion, recipes for salting hot peppers, which are worthy of the attention of housewives engaged in conservation for the winter:

  1. A simple recipe for pickled chili peppers (we will present the number of ingredients per 1 liter jar):
  • Take 300 g of hot pepper. Carefully cut each fruit on one side and use a teaspoon to remove seeds from it.
  • Put pepper in a pan and pour boiling water over it so that the water completely covers the vegetables.
  • After 15 minutes, the water will need to be drained (as a rule, during this time the seeds remaining in the pepper float to the surface, which we need to remove).
  • We must sterilize the jar, put 1 bay leaf, 7 peas of black pepper, 1 tablespoon each at its bottom. coriander, salt and sugar.
  • After that, put the pepper in a jar and fill it with 500 g of white wine vinegar and the same amount of boiling water. When the jar of pepper has cooled, we lower it into the basement.

By the way, such a hot pepper can be salted under a capron lid, but you need to store it in this case not in the cellar, but in the refrigerator.

  1. Pickled hot pepper with honey:
  • Take 300 g of chili peppers. Lower them for a few minutes. in boiling water, and then remove from the water and gently pierce with a fork or toothpicks.
  • Sterilize a 1 liter jar, put spices on its bottom (each 1 pc): a clove of garlic, cloves, bay leaf, allspice, an umbrella of dill, a leaf of horseradish, currant and grape.
  • Put pepper on top of the spices.
  • Prepare the marinade: boil 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon to it. honey, sugar and salt. After the marinade boils, and all the ingredients dissolve in it, pour them pepper, into which immediately add 1 tsp. vinegar, and roll it up the lid.

  1. How to pickle hot pepper in Georgian:
  • Take 1 kg of “Tsitsak” hot salted pepper (people in the Caucasus salt this pepper for the winter). It is necessary to wash it, dry it and leave it in a warm place for several days so that it loses its shape a little (let’s say, let it down).
  • After a few days, pierce each pepper with a fork.
  • After that, put the pepper in the pan. We fill it with chopped garlic (it will be necessary to chop the whole head) and dill with parsley (each kind of greens should be used in a bunch).
  • Pour pepper with saline prepared on the basis of 1.5 liters of water and 3 tbsp. salt. Cover the pepper and let it sit for 2-3 days (as a result, the green tsitsak should turn yellow).
  • After the specified time, squeeze the pepper so that the whole brine is stacked from it. Put it in a sterilized jar and fill it with fresh brine, which must be prepared in exactly the same way.
  • It remains only to roll up the pepper lid and lower it to the basement.

Hot peppers will always find application in cooking. If you don’t even want to eat it in its pure form, you can add it to any dish, and at the same time it will be very tasty.

We hope that our options for pickling pepper will help you out in the kitchen and help replenish your winter supplies in the cellar. We wish you inspiration and patience, as well as imagination, because it can change the recipe and turn an already tasty and healthy workpiece into a real culinary masterpiece!

Video: Pickled Peppers

Discard the usual cans and remember how our grandmothers made pickles. They used only barrels for this. This method is less energy intensive. And pepper will have an unusual, but very spicy taste.

The process of salting will take some time, but it is worth the wait, then to enjoy a tasty treat. You will need:

Please note that you need to take only green or yellow bell pepper, but in no case red. From the last after such salting, only one peel remains.

The barrel needs to choose wooden and ceramic. You can use a plastic eggplant with a cut top. Discard the enameled container, as salt corrodes the enamel, which spoils the dishes.

Normal water will do. Boil it is not necessary. If you doubt its cleanliness, then simply pass the fluid through the filter.

Pierce each peppercorn in several places with a fork and put it in a barrel. Add salt to the water and mix well. The main thing is that the solution covers the whole pepper. Cover vegetables with a cotton napkin from above and put oppression. After a while, the contents of the barrel will be halved. Mold will appear on the napkin. It needs to be removed and rinsed with fabric. After 10-15 days, the pepper will be ready. It goes well with barbecue, meatballs, and chop meat.

Hot pepper in a barrel: recipe

Can be prepared for the winter and hot peppers. To do this, the pods must be carefully cleaned of seeds. They contain essential oils that add bitterness to the vegetable. In this case, you need to use spices: parsley, celery, dill. The proportions for brine are as follows: for 3 liters of water 1 kg of salt.

Put greens at the bottom of the barrel (you don’t need to cut it), then put pepper and pour brine. It can be crushed by oppression, but so that it does not interfere with the access of air. That is, the top of the dishes do not close completely. Pepper will be ready in 10-12 days. During storage, you need to periodically add water so that the vegetables are always in brine.

Pepper in a barrel is a simple but tasty treat.

Salting pepper in a barrel of pepper for the winter: recipe

  pickling pepper in a barrel does not require much effort and time. But you will always have a delicious product on the table.

Pepper salting for the winter

This is the most delicious and easiest way to pickle pepper for the winter. Its only drawback is that it must be eaten before the new year, because then it will no longer be delicious.

Meatballs with gravy or chop may well be on the same table with such bell peppers.

Pepper Salting Recipe

  •   bucket of water (10l)
  •   2 cups of salt
  •   about 5 kg of pepper

Peppers need to choose large, thick-skinned, fleshy. Necessarily green or yellowish. A pink barrel is not allowed, only one peel will remain from such a pepper.

Salting water is used the most common from the tap. If desired, it can be passed through the filter. You do not need to boil. Recipe for salting bell pepper in a barrel for the winter.

Pickle the pepper in a ceramic or wooden barrel. If there is neither one nor the other, you can take a plastic eggplant and cut off the top from it. Bulgarian pepper is also very well salted in it. Throw away after use. Enameled dishes are not suitable. The salt will corrode the enamel and the pan will begin to rust.

Salting pepper in a barrel for the winter

My whole pepper. We pierce each peppercorn with a fork in several places. Add to the barrel. Mix water with salt. Here you will need to adjust. Depending on the size of the pepper, a different amount of water may be needed. The main thing is that the water completely covers the whole pepper. Fill it.

Cover the pepper with a cotton cloth and press down with oppression. It can be a stone or a bottle of water.

Over time, the amount of pepper will decrease, almost twice.

Every day, pickling will be moldy and need to be washed off. Rinse the cloth and cover again. If it is possible to store pepper in a cool place, then mold will be less common.

You can start eating such pepper 10-15 days after salting. Usually before winter it doesn’t lie with us. Also at this time, you can try the recipe for sauerkraut.

Recipe for salting bell pepper in a barrel for the winter: a proven way, Culinary specialist - recipes and homemade cosmetics, food and cooking, diets and delicious food

  Recipe for salting bell pepper in a barrel for the winter: a proven way

How to salt pepper in a barrel for the winter at home?

Pickle pepper in a wooden or ceramic barrel.

For salting, we need: 10 liters of water, 5 kg of green or yellow fleshy pepper, 2 tbsp. salt.

Wash all the peppers, pierce in several places and put in a barrel. Dissolve the salt in water and pour the peppers so that the peppers are completely covered, cover with a cloth, put the load on and put it in a cold place. Rinse the cloth every day, because there will be mold on it. After 15 days you can eat.

Pickles, especially prepared in wooden barrels or tubs, differ not only in their original, with nothing comparable taste, but also retain many useful properties. Another plus: such pickles are prepared very easily and in approximately the same way:

  1. We make a steep brine: for 1 liter of water - 1.5 tsp. salt, stir well
  2. Prepared pepper (if we take bell pepper, then remove the seeds, if bitter - you can leave) put in a barrel and pour cold brine
  3. Be sure to add the leaven. A piece of bread and a tablespoon of sauerkraut are suitable as a starter culture.
  4. Press a little, put a small load. In this form, pepper should stand for several days at room temperature. Then you can clean it in the cold.

How to salt pepper in a barrel for the winter at home?

Pickle pepper in a wooden or ceramic barrel. For salting, we need: 10 liters of water, 5 kg of green or yellow fleshy pepper, 2 tbsp. salt. Wash all peppers, pierce in several places

Pepper Salting Principles

Pepper salting  among harvesters is the same familiar thing as pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms or cabbage. Such an appetizer always turns out to be very tasty and tender, with a pleasant aroma and bright color, which pepper does not change at all in a salted form, but on the contrary only enhances it by several tones.

Salt any pepper and even chili, but it’s best bell pepper salting, which is why we want to offer you such a recipe.

So, pepper salting recipe  Bulgarian with a detailed step-by-step description.

Ingredients required for salting bell pepper:

- sweet bell pepper - five kilograms;

- black pepper peas;

- pure distilled water - five liters;

- table salt (not iodized) - four hundred grams.

Step one. As in the case of cooking pickles, first pick good smooth fruits of approximately equal size for salting and rinse them thoroughly under running cold water several times, and then dry them by laying them on a kitchen towel or any natural cotton cloth.

Step Two Bell pepper can be salted with whole fruits or slices. If you want the salting process to go faster, then cut each fruit in half, remove the core with seeds from it, and then cut each half with wide “boats”.

If you prefer whole salted peppercorns, then just prick them in several places with a wooden toothpick or matchstick sharpened with a knife.

Also, pre-pepper can be blanched in hot water for two to three minutes, and then immediately cool in cold, but this is optional.

Step Three Prepared peppers, lay in layers in a suitable dish - it can be an enameled pan, a plastic bucket, a clay pot, a wooden tub, etc. Be sure to lay between each layer of pepper parsley and celery, black peas and bay leaves.

Step Four We prepare the brine, for this we bring 5 liters of pure distilled water to a boil, after which we add all the salt to it and boil until it is completely dissolved. Then remove the brine from the heat, filter through a fine sieve or three-layer gauze and completely cool.

Step Five Pour cold pepper, seasoned with pepper, with cold brine, cover the blank with gauze or a simple cotton cloth from above, lay a wooden circle or a plate suitable for the diameter of the container, turned upside down, and set the oppression, and leave it to be salted at room temperature. As oppression, you can use a glass jar filled with water or a plastic bottle.

Step Six After ten to twelve days, salty bell pepper will be ready for use. Next, we remove it for storage, like green tomatoes salted in a cold cellar or basement. If you do not have such storage conditions, you can transfer the salted bell pepper in ordinary glass three-liter jars, close the capron lid and refrigerate.

Pepper Salting Principles

  Pickling peppers among harvesters is the same common thing as pickling tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms or cabbage. Such an appetizer always turns out to be very tasty and tender with a pleasant aroma and

How to deliciously pickle pepper for the winter

To replenish the useful vitamins and minerals that are saturated with pepper, you need to be able to properly prepare it at home. This, by the way, will significantly save the budget, because in winter the prices for vegetables are very “biting”, and the quality of the products is in doubt, because it is not known where and how they were grown. Consider the most delicious and proven recipes for salting Bulgarian, bitter and hot pepper for the winter.

How to salt bell pepper

The peppers, whose homeland is America, stand apart. Low calorie and vitamin value allows you to use it in virtually unlimited quantities, and rich colors will give free rein to the imagination when harvesting.

Classic garlic recipe

Bulgarian marinated peppers with garlic will go well with meat and fish dishes, boiled potatoes and rice. Go to the cooking!

  • Bell pepper - 5 kg.
  • Garlic - 5 tooth.
  • Clove - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Peas pepper - 30 pcs.
  • Chile acute - 1 pc.
  1. Carefully washed and peeled peppers cut into several equal strips.
  2. Boil 1 liter of water in a three liter pan. Add sugar salt and vinegar.
  3. In this marinade, blanch the peppers portionwise for 5 minutes.
  4. In each sterilized container put a peeled garlic clove, bay leaf, a slice of hot pepper, cloves and 5 peas.
  5. Removed the pepper from the marinade tightly stacked in jars.
  6. After evenly pour boiling marinade and roll.

Turn the inverted jars to cool. You can wrap, but not necessarily. The recipe is also suitable for whole unpeeled peppers with ponytails. The marinade in this case is 2 times larger and the blanching time is increased to 10 minutes.

Onion and Tomato Paste Recipe

A delicious recipe for canned bell pepper.

  • 1 kg of sweet pepper.
  • 2 large onions.
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of vinegar.
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste.
  • 1 cup of water.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  1. Cut the peeled onions into large half rings.
  2. Sweet pepper for beauty, you can choose different colors and sizes. Wash, clean from seeds and cut into arbitrary pieces, it is not necessary to grind much.
  3. We heat the oil in a frying pan, and preferably in a saucepan, and fry the onions for about 3 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally so as not to burn.
  4. Add the Bulgarian vegetable and fry for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add tomato paste, a glass of water, pepper and salt to taste.
  6. Stew on low heat for 20 minutes. Pour vinegar two to three minutes before the end.
  7. We spread the workpiece in sterilized jars, roll up and turn over.

You can store pickles both in the cellar and in the pantry at room temperature.

How to pickle hot pepper

A special piquancy is distinguished by hot chili peppers, which means red. He will give any dish an extra spice. A big misconception is that eating hot pepper is bad for your health. On the contrary, it cleanses the blood, relieves insomnia, and normalizes brain activity. Anyone who loves this burning vegetable should definitely prepare it for the winter at home.

Canned Honey Chili

Ingredients for 1 jar:

  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of honey.
  • 1 clove.
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
  • Allspice, dill and parsley to taste.
  • Hot pepper pods.
  1. The washed pods with tails for two minutes lower in boiling water, then each pierce with a fork.
  2. We fill the sterilized jars with peppers along with spices and herbs. To taste, you can add leaves of horseradish, currant or grape.
  3. We lay the ingredients tightly, to the shoulders of the container.
  4. We prepare the marinade by heating 1 liter of water with honey, salt and sugar over low heat until completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the brine into filled cans, let cool slightly and drain the brine.
  6. Bring the brine to a boil and pour again into banks. Repeat the procedure 2 times.
  7. For the third time add vinegar.
  8. Roll up and done!

We store at room temperature, and the open dish in the refrigerator.

Simple Chili Recipe

A simple but equally tasty recipe for pickled hot pepper.

For one liter jar you will need:

  • 300 grams of chili.
  • 1 bay leaf.
  • 7 peas of black pepper.
  • Art. a spoonful of coriander seeds.
  • Art. spoon of salt without a slide.
  • Art. a spoonful of sugar.
  • 500 grams of wine vinegar (white).
  1. Gently cut the washed pepper on one side and clean the seeds with a teaspoon.
  2. We put the pan in a suitable size and pour boiling water.
  3. We merge water with the remains of seeds, if there are seeds, remove them with your finger.
  4. In a prepared jar, put the chili together with bay leaf coriander and salt.
  5. In a small saucepan, heat the water, put sugar and vinegar.
  6. Bringing to a boil, but not boiling brine, fill the workpiece.

The finished product is stored in the refrigerator for up to six months, but it will end much earlier.

Preserve green hot pepper

Unlike hot chilli, hot peppers have a green color and less pronounced hotness, although most people do not notice this.

Prepare for a 700 gram capacity:

  • Hot pepper.
  • 9% vinegar - 150 ml.
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Carnation - 1 pc.
  • Allspice - 5 pcs.
  1. Pour clean washed green pepper into boiling water for two minutes.
  2. To prepare the marinade in 150 grams of water, add sugar, cloves and allspice.

NOTE: If you like crispy pepper, don't blanch it. Immediately fill the jar with the pepper in boiling water and drain the water after a few minutes. This will reduce unnecessary bitterness. The second time pour already marinade.

  1. Complete cleanliness. So that the jars do not swell, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the working equipment with soda. After washing, turn the containers over to completely drain the water.
  2. Rapidity. Do not sterilize cans in advance. They should be prepared immediately before rolling.
  3. The quality of vegetables. Choose intact peppers, and if you see suspicious places, be sure to cut them out. It is not recommended to take too early a vegetable, in which case there is a great chance of the presence of pesticides.
  4. Following the recipe. In some cases, for example, when frying, take a thicker pepper. For lecho for the winter, thin-walled vegetables are suitable, which are less boiled during cooking.

Canned peppers are indispensable in the diet, due to the taste and healthy qualities. Both the necessary ingredient in borsch and a separate dish, such as stuffed peppers, will bring variety to the daily menu.

Hot peppers will breathe “fire” into dishes, adding piquancy. A huge amount of vitamins and minerals will replenish the body in the winter. Bon Appetit!

How to pickle pepper for the winter - Bulgarian, spicy chili, bitter

  In summer, we are surrounded by an abundance of fresh vegetables, but with the onset of cold weather, the usual diet loses saturation, so many are interested in how to pickle pepper for the winter.

Hot peppers are known for their beneficial properties and unusual taste throughout the world. There are many recipes to which this vegetable gives a “twist”. Many housewives continue to pamper their relatives with pepper appetizers even in winter. To do this, they pickle or salt the vegetable. Such blanks are made very easily. In addition, they allow you to save many useful substances in peppers.

Hot peppers are used not only as seasoning in dried or crushed form. Whole pods canned with various marinades. They also make amazing snacks - adjika and vegetable salads. For conservation, you can choose different varieties. At the same time, the size and appearance of vegetables should be taken into account.

If you want to pickle hot peppers, then you should choose fruits with firm, dense skin. It should be thick enough. As a result, your snack will turn out to be crispy on the palate. Also pay attention to the absence of damage. Everyone knows that peppers of different colors are more pleasant, they look more appetizing. For adjika and salads, any bitter peppers are suitable.

Hot pepper canning: features

Whole pieces of peppers look most beautiful. Usually core and seeds are removed from them. Remember that this is best done carefully, as they contain a large amount of essential oils. Because of them, we feel the bitterness and pungency of pepper. It is best to clean with rubber gloves. Also, pepper should be kept away from the face.

There are many recipes that allow you to cook excellent hot peppers for the winter. For those who prefer a sour crispy snack, we offer a very simple way of preservation. All ingredients are designed for 1 liter jar.


  • Green pepper - arbitrary amount
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 ml
  • Bay leaf, dill, allspice peas - to taste


  1. In clean, sterilized liter jars, we put the cloves of garlic, herbs and spices.
  2. Wash the pepper thoroughly, cut the tails and clean the seeds. Stack vegetables in jars. Then we add salt to them and fill them with hot water. After that, add the vinegar.
  3. We put the jars in a large pot. Then we fill it with water for sterilization. Heat the pan to a boil. After that, we sterilize the snack for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. The canning of hot peppers is completed by rolling the cans with lids.

Pickled Hot Peppers: Recipe


  • Hot pepper of different colors - 2 kg
  • Salt and sugar - 2 tbsp each. l
  • Water - 2l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l


  1. This unusual snack turns out to be very colorful due to the use of different peppers. It is best to alternate them in color.
  2. First you need to wash the peppers. Then remove the stalk and grains inside. It is also worth cleaning the white partitions. Rinse the peppers again. At the top, make a small incision along the arc. Prepare clean half liter cans.
  3. Lay the pepper down vertically, alternating colors. The base should be located at the top. Boil water and pour it into jars. In this form, peppers should stand for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes water from cans needs to be drained.
  4. Separately, in a small saucepan, prepare the marinade for bitter pepper. We boil 2 liters of water and dissolve salt and sugar in a liquid. At the end, pour the vinegar. Pour this marinade into jars of pepper. It should completely cover the vegetables.
  5. Close cans with sterilized lids. Use a seaming machine to roll them. Turn the blank upside down and hide under a towel.

Hot pepper appetizer


  • Pepper - 400 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash and trim peppers of any size and shape from their tails. You do not need to clean the grains and the white film inside!
  2. Pass the vegetables through a meat grinder or chopper. Tomatoes also wash, cut and chop. Also grind the head of garlic.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a high-walled stewpan or cauldron. Put the dishes on the fire and pierce them well.
  4. Transfer chopped vegetables to a very hot stewpan. Salt to taste and simmer them for about 25 minutes. Readiness is determined by the amount of fluid. It should practically evaporate when exposed to temperature.
  5. The consistency of the finished snack is thick. The mass is easily spread on bread.
  6. Store appetizer from hot peppers in refrigerators, closing with a plastic or screw cap.

How to salt hot pepper?

Salty bitter pepper goes well with meat. Typically, a similar appetizer in Caucasian cuisine is served with barbecue. This procurement method is interesting in that it is efficient and simple. If during pickling you can make a mistake with the proportions of vinegar and spoil the vegetables, then with salting everything is different.

Salted hot peppers: a quick recipe


  • Green pepper - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 L
  • Salt - 8 tbsp. l


  1. Wash the peppers. The tail and the insides should not be cleaned. Then along the base we make an incision of 2 cm.
  2. Put the vegetables in a bowl or pan. Prepare brine in a separate container. To do this, boil the water and dissolve the salt in it. Peppers pour hot brine. Put a flat plate or lid on top and some kind of cargo. Vegetables should be completely immersed in liquid.
  3. Cover a bowl of peppers with a towel and leave to salt at room temperature. Vegetables are soaked in brine for 3 days. After this, fresh brine is prepared in the manner described above. The liquid from the basin is drained. Then the peppers are poured with fresh brine.
  4. Soak the vegetables for another 5 days. Then again we change the brine. Spread the peppers in clean jars and fill with freshly prepared liquid. Hot pepper is ready!
  5. It is believed that this method of salting preserves all the beneficial substances in the vegetable. Such pepper is not only very tasty, but also healthy. It improves the digestive system and has a positive effect on appetite.

Bitter Hot Salt Peppers

Hot peppers for the winter can be prepared in a slightly different way. This recipe allows you to cook like a store pepper. Spices give additional flavor to the appetizer.


  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Water - 3 L
  • Salt - 220 gr.
  • Garlic - 6 cloves
  • celery - 100 gr.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.


  1. Green peppers are thoroughly washed. Ponytails and grains do not need to be removed.
  2. We also peel and chop the garlic and celery.
  3. We take a large pot and spread the greens to the bottom. Put the peppers on top.
  4. In a separate container, prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve the salt in boiling water.
  5. Pour the peppers with hot brine. Then we put them in a warm room under the press. Salt vegetables for 14 days. No fluid change at this time!
  6. After 2 weeks we get peppers. They should change color - become yellowish. Vegetables are placed in clean, sterilized jars. Boil the remaining brine and pour into jars of peppers. The finished snack can be closed with any kind of lids.

Hot peppers for the winter are not only tasty, but also a healthy snack. There are several ways to prepare vegetables. For longer storage, pickling is suitable. To do this, pepper and spices are poured with hot brine and covered with lids. You can also pickle hot peppers. In this case, the vegetables are poured with brine and left under oppression for 5-14 days.