How much coffee can you drink while pregnant? Is it possible to drink coffee for pregnant women in the early stages and why there are restrictions

23.09.2019 Vegetable Dishes

Can I drink coffee during pregnancy?

During the period of expectation of the baby, the taste preferences of the woman change. For example, before she did not like coffee, but then she suddenly realizes: very, for some reason, I want coffee. Let it be not strong natural, but at least 3 in 1 (which is not at all useful) - just to feel the invigorating aroma. This option is also possible: the girl has always been a passionate coffee maker - and during pregnancy she cannot start the day at all without the cherished cup.

But is it possible or not to drink coffee for expectant mothers?

The question is ambiguous: doctors cannot agree on one thing: some people think that a little coffee does not hurt, while others strongly object to the use of a strong invigorating drink by a woman who wears a child under her heart. Doctors give different answers to the question: is it possible to coffee for pregnant women in the early stages and in the later stages. Where is the truth?

  • Coffee during pregnancy: possible or not
  • Coffee with milk
  • Why pregnant women should not drink coffee
  • Restrictions in the second trimester
  • Third Trimester Restrictions
  • How much can you drink per day and how often
  • Low Pressure Coffee
  • Why instant coffee is harmful
  • Decaffeinated coffee: the pros and cons

Early Pregnancy Coffee

Can pregnant women drink coffee early on? To be able to make an independent decision, let's recall what properties the drink has.

The main purpose of coffee is to invigorate and give energy. For this purpose, pure grain ground coffee, with cream or milk, is drunk in the mornings by people who find it difficult to wake up quickly - the so-called “owls”.

Indeed, coffee:

  • drives away sleep;
  • levels lethargy, weakness;
  • helps to focus;
  • speeds up the metabolism.

All this is wonderful. However, the drink does not always have a positive effect on pregnancy: due to its exciting qualities, it tones the uterus and blood vessels somewhat - therefore, in the early stages, a large amount of coffee consumed increases the risk of miscarriage. But to implement this scenario, you need to drink natural coffee in huge quantities, more than five cups per day. At the same time, it should not be cappuccino coffee, not a weak drink, but a really strong grain coffee. Not every woman, even if she is an avid coffee maker, is capable of such a “feat”! Therefore, the risk is not so great.

Can pregnant women drink coffee with milk

The aromatic drink has diuretic properties, increasing the burden on the kidneys - and they already work hard, removing the metabolic products of the mother and child. Here lies the benefits and harms: on the one hand, coffee, on the other - at an accelerated pace, removes calcium, iron and other necessary trace elements from the body.

Exit? Those who drank coffee with milk during pregnancy assure that they felt great, and the doctors did not find any deviations in the analyzes. Milk contains small amounts of calcium and other substances needed by the mother and fetus, and somewhat replenishes the reserves depleted by the invigorating drink. In addition, milk perfectly saturates and slows the flow of caffeine into the blood. The latter property allows you to soften the effect of the drink on the cardiovascular system and the uterus.

Coffee during pregnancy: 2 trimester

Is it possible for pregnant women in the second trimester? When blowjob - comes the calmest and most pleasant time. The dangers of miscarriage are minimized, and the difficulties of the last trimester are yet to come. What is the risk of busting coffee these weeks?

The placenta is already formed and functions perfectly. Coffee helps to narrow the blood vessels - this has a negative effect on the child. Little oxygen enters the placenta - this can cause fetal hypoxia. In addition, calcium is actively eliminated - and it is now especially necessary for the fetus, since it has a bony system. Coffee in large volumes affects the fetus, and therefore the question: "To drink or not to drink?" A woman must decide, weighing many circumstances. If, for example, she has not found any deviations in her health, she can afford a cup of milk a day, or even two (maximum). If doctors point to an increased level of blood pressure - you should not provoke its further growth, it is better to think than replace your favorite coffee. But more on that later.

Is it possible for pregnant women in the second trimester? If there are no deviations in health, a little tasty drink will not hurt. If there are problems, we drink coffee only occasionally, on major holidays, and then in small quantities. Or we change it for something else - it is possible for a decaffeinated barley drink, chicory.

Coffee during pregnancy: 3 trimester

What is the danger of coffee in the 3rd trimester? Doctors indicate the possibility of premature birth and the birth of a child with an underweight. In the last weeks of coffee, drinking is dangerous due to possible fetal hypoxia. However, all of the above applies to large doses of a drink beloved by many. With moderate use - a cup a day, for example, in the morning - nothing bad will happen to either the mother and the child either at 9 months or earlier.

How much coffee can pregnant women drink

If you drink coffee in the morning in small cups, and even with milk and a hearty sandwich - such a breakfast is not harmful.

How often can pregnant women drink coffee? It is advisable to do this no more than once a day. But this issue is resolved individually. How much coffee can you get during pregnancy specifically for you, the doctor will tell you.

If the woman does not have a completely healthy stomach, her blood pressure is increased, most likely, the gynecologist will recommend to refrain from the daily portion and replace it with tea - green or very weak black. If swelling appears, coffee can do a good job of acting as a tonic and diuretic.

Low blood pressure and coffee

During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, women are noted. They are expressed in different ways, but many complain about:

  • nausea
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness.

A woman can feel that she is feeling ill at any moment. Doctors advise to monitor the level of blood pressure, as these symptoms may indicate a decrease. In this case, a little coffee is a great way out. You can drink freshly brewed or custard, which is prepared directly in a cup. To get rid of nausea, make coffee with. It will be good and - it will quickly raise the pressure, since it also contains caffeine, albeit in slightly smaller quantities. Strong tea at low pressure acts approximately like coffee.

Coffee under reduced pressure in a pregnant woman is beneficial. The main thing is to know your norm and not get the opposite effect - an increase in blood pressure.

Can instant coffee be pregnant?

Many people like to taste instant coffee or 3 in 1 bags in the afternoon or as a snack - so faster, no need to mess with the cooking process. But instant coffee during pregnancy is unlikely to be beneficial - it contains no more than 15% coffee beans. What else is included in the drink? Various “chemical” additives, which at best are simply neutral for the body, at worst, can be dangerous. So you can drink or not instant coffee - decide for yourself. But if you really want a fragrant drink - it is better to drink a little natural.

Can pregnant women use decaffeinated coffee?

It might seem that decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women is a great way out. In principle, if a woman’s pressure often rises, she can recommend such an alternative. But do not get carried away: this coffee is subjected to special processing. As a result, instead of the invigorating caffeine, substances appear in it that can cause atherosclerotic plaques in the future mother, and in the child - a tendency to allergies.

It is scientifically confirmed that the use of decaffeinated coffee in a volume of 2-3 cups increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times!

Changing coffee for tea in order to get rid of the effects of caffeine, you will not achieve anything: this element is present in both black and green tea. But chicory in this case will help. It contains inulin, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, metabolism. When chicory is used instead of coffee, pregnant women feel that the intestines began to work better. Neither in ordinary coffee, nor in tea inulin. Therefore, it is worth considering: perhaps, to buy bags of chicory and brew them as soon as you want to swallow a cup of coffee?

Doctors provide a solution to the issue of whether or not to drink coffee, the expectant mother. This drink does not pose an immediate threat to the fetus or the woman herself. One or even 2 small cups per day is allowed for almost everyone. But drinking more than this amount is not worth it - it really can harm the child or suffer from increased pressure. In general, monitor your well-being - you will understand what your norm is and how much coffee is optimal for you.

Regarding the positive accomplishment of conception and a successfully developing pregnancy, every conscious woman as soon as possible completely revises her usual way of life, adjusting, among other things, the diet. After all, it is known that the expectant mother, in anticipation, is responsible not only and not so much for herself and her own health: from now on, it also directly depends on how successfully the pregnancy will develop, and how it will still feel very small, but growing rapidly inside women are a new organism.

Of course, every mommy seeks to minimize any risks for a baby already living her life, albeit in the prenatal one. And from the early stages of pregnancy, the question of optimal nutrition and the permissibility or prohibition of certain foods is quite acute. Of course, all products with “synthetic” ingredients, all kinds of powerful flavors, dyes or stabilizers, mom, if possible, try to exclude as much as possible from the diet, so as not to harm the baby. Those women who are used to starting the morning with a cup of aromatic coffee or taking a coffee break in the middle of the day justifiably ask themselves the question: is it possible during pregnancy?

It would seem that coffee is a completely and completely natural product; no particularly dangerous “additives” can be found in it. But at the same time, many experts strongly recommend that inveterate coffee makers treat coffee very carefully, be sure to reduce the number of servings of a bitter-aromatic drink drunk during the day, and in some cases even completely exclude it from the menu. So still: is coffee consumption acceptable when carrying a baby? Will coffee break sessions hurt a growing and yet defenseless new life? Should I be afraid of the effect of coffee on the development of pregnancy and the formation of the baby? If, nevertheless, coffee is allowed during pregnancy, then in what permissible quantities?

Fragrant tonic drink - coffee

The main active ingredient in coffee is the substance caffeine. Caffeine is known for its tonic ability, property, to provide an additional charge of energy and vigor. It is caffeine that is responsible for the process of "opening the eyes" and the final awakening after actually leaving sleep.

Today, in what forms of coffee is it not available on the shelves: here you can find coffee beans, ground coffee already packaged in packs, instant coffee, and coffee in the so-called “3 in 1” sticks. But there is also decaffeinated coffee. True, one shouldn’t be so naive as to believe the manufacturers ’statements, as if caffeine is absent completely in such coffee: it is still contained there, only in a much lower concentration than in“ classical ”coffee.

It is common for someone to drink 5-8 servings of coffee a day, and such eating behavior, medical experts unanimously condemn. So, constant pressure surges under the influence of coffee can play a very bad joke in the future with gourmets addicted to coffee - the burden on the heart in such a situation is serious. And coffee does not have the best effect on the gastric mucosa, increasing acidity and, in some cases, contributing to the manifestation of heartburn. And therefore, coffee is also categorically not recommended for drinking on an empty stomach or immediately after waking up, without prior breakfast coffee.

Large quantities of coffee are also undesirable for women because of its negative impact on the skin condition: abuse of a fragrant drink affects the skin color, thins it and dries it. In addition, coffee does not have the best effect on the condition of the teeth - tooth enamel gradually darkens under its influence. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is considered good form in “right” coffee houses to serve ordinary clean drinking water along with ordered coffee. But what do experts say about the use of coffee by women who are waiting?

The dangers of drinking coffee during pregnancy

As mentioned above, one of the properties of coffee is its ability to significantly increase blood pressure. It is known that during pregnancy, the volume of blood circulating throughout the body and the load on the cardiovascular system increases significantly, and an additional surge in pressure for the future mother is simply useless. But on the other hand, coffee will be useful in this regard to hypotensive mothers, for whom low blood pressure is the norm.

Future mothers should also remember the main effect of coffee, which is the excitation of the nervous system. Excessively carried away by coffee or savoring it in the evening, you can earn trouble sleeping and get insomnia that is not needed right now. By the way, this is true in relation to other drinks and food products, which contain caffeine - Coca-Cola, chocolate, strong tea.

It has a coffee and a diuretic effect, and this factor can also not be discounted. Keep in mind that the urge to go “little by little” during pregnancy makes itself felt much more often: an increasing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, forcing the future mother to take trips to the restroom. With excessive use of coffee, the urge increases even more, which, in extreme cases, can “come around” with dehydration or an imbalance in the water-salt balance.

According to some data from individual researchers, coffee is also able to affect the growth and development of the fetus by penetrating the placenta. So, there is a version according to which coffee consumed during pregnancy even in moderate amounts can cause the birth of babies with a weight gain of 100-200 g. And the addiction to the coffee of the future mother in the form of 8-10 servings drunk during the day can even end in disastrous: hypoxia and a child’s developmental delay, miscarriage (coffee increases uterine tone) and even, God forbid, the birth of a dead baby.

At the same time, other studies - they were carried out by Danish scientists - say: during the time of carrying the baby, the expectant mother can drink up to 3 small servings of coffee per day without special dangers. At the same time, without the risk of premature birth or weight loss in newborns.

The data, as we see, diverge surprisingly. That's why doctors always emphasize: it is advisable to coordinate the issue of the permissibility of drinking coffee by a future mother with a doctor leading the pregnancy. Based on individual data and a picture of pregnancy, he will be able to most adequately determine whether a woman can drink coffee during pregnancy, or whether it is better to refuse a fragrant drink while carrying a child. But, even if the doctor has allowed coffee in small quantities, you should definitely pay attention to your condition and well-being: if during a coffee session you suddenly feel unwell, do not hesitate to put the cup of the drink aside and refrain from coffee in the future.

Should I drink coffee during pregnancy?

The “Horror stories” listed above, even the most persistent mother’s heart will make you flinch, prompting avid coffee lovers to look for a way out of their frustrated feelings. We dare to console you: there are really no serious reasons for the disorders: all the possible negative consequences are permissible unless in the case of drinking coffee during pregnancy in larger than permitted quantities. And yet - subject to addiction to coffee in a very strong form and high concentrations.

If a woman drinks coffee intelligently, and does not “knock over” cup after cup every third hour, there are no reasons for worries. Although, of course, it is better to coordinate the issue of drinking coffee while carrying a baby in the early stages of pregnancy with a doctor.

In the case when the specialist “gives the go-ahead” and does not see any reason to ban the use of coffee, drinking an invigorating drink should, of course, be carried away. Firstly, you will definitely have to limit the use of coffee by drinking one, maximum two servings of coffee per day. At the same time, it is better if the drink is not strong, and even better - with the addition of milk or cream. The fact is that coffee, in addition to everything else, is also known for its ability to “steal”, wash out such important calcium during this period from the body. To compensate for its partial loss, milk or cream will help, with which it is useful to dilute coffee. In addition, milk “additives” also “soften” coffee, eliminating its aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa.

By the way, for women with a weak stomach, with the presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer, coffee during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. It is better not to take risks with such diagnoses, but to immediately replace coffee with a drink from chicory root. A chicory broth, like coffee, is known for its tonic properties, therefore, it can be a worthy alternative to a fragrant drink. However, it should be remembered that chicory also has its contraindications, which also cannot be ignored. And coffee can be replaced with both tasty and very useful other drink - cocoa. Cocoa prepared with milk will become a source of not only calcium necessary for future mothers, but also vegetable protein.

In general, the advice for pregnant women, including regarding coffee, is still the same: if you really want something, then you can. But - in reasonable quantities and without fanaticism. From a cup of coffee, and even with milk, and even sweet, in the early morning after a light tasty breakfast, nothing will happen to the future mother. Although no, it will happen, but exceptionally good: energy, like mood, will increase, and life will go on in its usual joyful course.

Specially for  - Elena Kichak

Tasty, aromatic, invigorating, this drink is familiar to the whole world. For most of us, drinking a cup of coffee a day is a guarantee of productivity and excellent work. But what if an interesting situation obliges you to abandon it? Replace or add other drinks to minimize negative impact? Let's look at it together, especially since doctors are not so categorical as to whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink coffee with milk or not, as it seems to us.

Perhaps, only the lazy does not argue about the beneficial and harmful properties of coffee during pregnancy. But, despite all the negative consequences from the use of an invigorating drink, doctors do not undertake to completely ban it in an interesting position. Do you know why? It turns out he is shown by:

  • who has low blood pressure;
  • who has swelling;
  • who hardly wakes up in the morning;
  • who are so used to it that they are not able to deny themselves.

And if you add milk to it, then to everyone else. It is reliably known that caffeine leaches calcium from bones. But he is vital for the growth of the skeleton of a child. Ideally, this trace element should be ingested by the mother with food, so she is recommended to include dairy products, cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts, vegetables, fish in her diet at the planning stage.

And to be honest, up to 25 - 29 years old, doctors generally recommend that the representatives of the fine article adhere to a milk diet. Just because calcium is accumulated intensely only up to 30 years, and then it is mainly spent at the rate of 1% per year. Hence, by the way, early osteoporosis, problems with teeth, frequent fractures, bone pain, poor metabolism, low immunity and even early wrinkles. According to statistics, the probability of their appearance in the mother and problems with the skeletal system in the child only increases over the years.

Everything is explained by poor nutrition and exhausting diets in girls as early as adolescence. As a result, having appeared, the fetus takes away from them those existing particles of calcium that have time to be deposited, and leaves them with nothing. To prevent this from happening, you just need to pamper yourself with a cup of coffee with milk. Another acceptable option is coffee with cream, which will also compensate for the loss of calcium.

When and how much can I drink

When asked about how much coffee you can drink per day, experts answer that a woman with a tummy can afford this drink once. It is worth abandoning it as soon as the first signs of toxicosis appear, especially burdened by convulsions, headaches and severe vomiting. Otherwise, the condition may worsen.

At low pressure, two cups of coffee with milk are acceptable, but it is better to drink them in the mornings in the early stages of pregnancy or before lunch in the later ones. Drinking at night is not recommended, because frequent trips to the toilet, headaches due to high blood pressure and insomnia are now useless for you.

Especially moderate the ardor with this drink should be women who have crossed the line at 35 - 40 years old: by this age they often have high cholesterol levels. But it is additionally influenced by cofestol - a substance that is contained in coffee. True, in order to feel all the unpleasant consequences of its effects, you should consume more than 4 cups per day.

If a future woman in labor has gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer or other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, she is strictly forbidden to indulge herself with a coffee drink. Otherwise, the acidity will still increase, especially after drinking a cup on an empty stomach, and complications will not take long.

Which to choose

The main requirement for coffee for a woman in her new position is the quality of the product and the correctness of its preparation. It means that you need to make a weak, weak drink in purified (filtered) water and dilute it with several tablespoons of milk.

In this case, preference should still be given to natural coffee. In it, the amount of harmful substances is reduced to zero. Its only drawback, according to the consumers themselves, is the need for long-term welding, but it is fully compensated by the taste and properties of the product: it invigorates, increases pressure if necessary.

Of course, it is easier and faster to prepare instant coffee, but is it worth it? It contains up to 15% of coffee beans. Everything else is the compounds with which it is enriched during processing into a rapidly soluble form. The true effect of these substances on the child’s body has not yet been established, but it’s not worth the risk. Especially when there are worthy substitutes.

Decaffeinated coffee is another product marketed by marketers that is also chemically processed during production. The most interesting thing is that caffeine remains in it, albeit in small quantities, but because of the procedures carried out by the manufacturer, it takes an unusual form, which subsequently can cause the development of an allergic reaction in the fetus and atherosclerotic plaques in the expectant mother.

Scientists are still working on studying the true effect of such a drink on the body, but still do not advise women with a tummy to include it in their diet. The same goes for 3-in-1 coffee - compact bags and sticks that allow you to enjoy the product within a few seconds after preparation. It has a lot of artificial additives, of synthetic origin, and natural milk or cream is replaced by unnatural ones.

Do pregnant women drink green coffee? Judging by the messages on the forums of future mothers, no, and they’re doing it right. This product differs from the usual processing process: the grains during its preparation are not fried. Is it useful, is it harmful, time will tell. At the moment, research in this area is only being conducted. Therefore, it is not worth experimenting with your health yet.

What is dangerous

A sweet or tart drink with and without bitterness is of great interest to scientists around the planet. It tones and adds strength, but at the same time it sometimes provokes the development of dangerous diseases. In order to fully understand its positive and negative sides, coffee is constantly examined and ... all the time it opens up new and new properties.

Do pregnant women benefit from this? Unfortunately not, and here's why. Even a cup of coffee drunk once a day can cause them great harm, because it:

It is difficult to say whether coffee is harmful only in a certain period or always. In the first weeks after conception, it is better to completely abandon it in order to protect yourself from interruption. After 20 weeks, the danger passes, but it is still not worth it to abuse the drink at this time. In the third trimester, coffee is also harmful: it can cause narrowing of the placental vessels and, as a result, provoke fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

There are research results confirming that caffeine in the late stages also affects the nervous system of the crumbs: it becomes highly excitable and remains so even after birth. Sweet coffee increases the risk of diabetes in future babies.

Is it possible to replace and how

“I love coffee!”, “I’m so used to it that I can’t refuse it”, “How to get rid of addiction?” - periodically, such messages slip on the network. Answering them, the doctors themselves give specific practical advice:

  • Refuse coffee in favor of cocoa. By the way, you can drink it safely in the mornings in the early stages due to the low caffeine content. They say the effect will be the same. Another possible substitute is chicory, but you should consult your doctor before using it.
  • Come up with a useful and interesting activity, and then "go" into it literally with your head whenever you want coffee. Moreover, often the latter helps many of us to pass the time.
  • Maintain blood sugar: eat foods rich in protein and carbohydrates in small portions, take vitamins for pregnant women. White chocolate is also shown (black also has caffeine). By the way, this substance is also contained in tea, especially green tea, therefore, when asked about how much it can be given during pregnancy, doctors give the same numbers - 1 - 2 cups.

Coffee is a tasty and healthy drink if you drink it in moderation. Therefore, pamper yourself with it if you cannot refuse it. But most importantly, choose and cook correctly.

Hello dear readers!

In this article, we will find out how much coffee you can drink during pregnancy and what benefits it can bring.

When a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she seeks to maximize her diet and lifestyle as a whole. And then the benefits of drinking coffee are called into question. Adds fuel to the fire and conflicting information from the Internet and the media. In addition, this is the drink that many women find it very difficult to refuse.

So, let's find out what consequences for the fetus can lead to the use of caffeine.

Coffee is a delicious, invigorating, hot, aromatic drink! A lot of controversy in scientific circles is caused by the effect of coffee tree beans on a person.

He helps many to wake up, can raise blood pressure (only to those people who rarely take it), to relieve headaches. And morning drowsiness and, possibly, headache are frequent companions of pregnancy.

In addition, there is evidence that moderate consumption of a fragrant drink has an antidepressant effect. A pleasure from a drunk cup is worth it! A little coffee can be beneficial for type 2 diabetes - it increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.

A fragrant cup will also bring some benefit in case of constipation - frequent companions of the third trimester of pregnancy.

2. Implications for the fetus

We have dealt with the benefit, now let's move on to the risks for pregnancy.

Coffee is a plant product. Many plants have a pronounced effect on the human body.

Often, the mechanism of action of plants is not fully understood. Some plants and herbs are undesirable to use during pregnancy or their use must be drastically limited.

Coffee tree is one of these plants. In addition, grains undergo a roasting stage during processing, and when exposed to high temperatures, toxins can form in the products.

Due to the wide popularity of the drink, scientists conducted research on the effects of coffee and caffeine-containing products on pregnant women. And what conclusions they came to:

Moreover, the dose of coffee that can cause negative consequences is purely individual. It depends on the general state of health and the state of the liver enzyme system, in particular.

3. How to make a drink safe

The risk of drinking coffee during pregnancy is directly related to its quantity and caffeine content in a drink.

All sources are taken into account: tea, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, cola and others ... It is desirable to limit black coffee to the 1st cup or less, since it is the most significant source.

It is worth considering that the caffeine content depends on the variety of grains and the amount of powder per serving of the drink, as well as the method of preparation.

For example:

  • Boiled in Turk (210 ml) contains from 80 to 135 mg of caffeine.
  • From a drip coffee maker (210 ml) contains from 115 to 175 mg of caffeine.
  • Espresso (210 ml) contains about 100 mg of caffeine.

A complete rejection of caffeinated drinks such as cola, limited consumption of coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate will help to get all the benefits of these products, to preserve and enhance the health of mother and unborn child.

There is also evidence that filtered (through a paper filter) coffee is preferable to not filtered. A paper filter takes on oily substances, thereby preventing the increase in low molecular weight lipoproteins ("bad" cholesterol) in the blood.


Despite all the beneficial aspects of coffee, it is not the only and most effective way to solve the problems of pregnant women with drowsiness, fatigue, low blood pressure, swelling and constipation. If any of the above problems occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor who is observing pregnancy.

Personally, I really like brewed coffee. However, in the light of such information, I limit it in my diet and I like it!

Thank you for sharing the article on social networks. Good luck to you!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko

Coffee is an invigorating aromatic drink that helps you wake up in the morning, cheer up tired at work, and tone people with low blood pressure. A woman, being in a position, also faces the above problems. But everyone insists on the dangers of coffee during pregnancy.

Is it all so clear about pregnant coffee, we will understand today. You will find out if coffee has beneficial properties. You will find out what its main danger to the fetus is, whether it is possible for future mothers to have coffee, and if so, how much. Consider the absolute contraindications for drinking coffee, we learn the whole truth about its different variations, as well as about what you can replace your favorite drink.

Useful properties of coffee

  • tones up and invigorates, increases the energy level, allows those who are said to wake up: “Raise - they lifted, but forgot to wake up”;
  • tones blood vessels - this is one of the means of helping people with low blood pressure;
  • in small doses, coffee improves memory, alertness, reaction speed;
  • natural coffee contains a large amount of antioxidants, that is, substances that inhibit harmful oxidative processes in the body;
  • studies have shown that people who regularly consume freshly ground coffee have a much lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes;
  • coffee stimulates metabolism (metabolism), which determines its fat-burning effect.

Undesirable effects of coffee for pregnant women

There are also undesirable effects of coffee for pregnant women:

high blood pressure  especially dangerous for future mummies-hypertensives, with a risk of developing gestosis;

coffee has a diuretic effect, which in some neglected cases can lead to dehydration of the mother's body, and, therefore, the fetus. It is also important for pregnant women that due to this effect of coffee they will have to experience even more frequent urge to urinate;

coffee promotes leaching of calcium from bones, therefore, it is worth restricting the intake of coffee in the first trimester of pregnancy when the skeleton is forming in the fetus. Otherwise, a lack of calcium can adversely affect the development of the child.

In this regard, many advise pregnant women to drink coffee with milk. But 5-10 ml of milk will not save you. It’s better to drink coffee with hard cheese or sesame kazinak, since cheese and sesame are leaders in calcium content (sesame seeds contain 1474 mg of calcium per 100 g of product);

coffee depresses appetiteAs a result, women in position can skip a full meal after drinking coffee, and the child will not receive the nutrients he needs.

Studies have shown that the risk of developmental delay and hypotrophy in children of a coffee parent is quite high. In particular, a study by British scientists showed that regular use of two cups of coffee a day throughout pregnancy leads to the birth of children weighing below normal by 50-100 g.

For an ordinary person, these figures seem small, but I recall that the period of adaptation in a normal newborn passes with a loss in body weight of up to 7-10% of birth weight. And when there is a reserve of adipose tissue, this period for the child will be better;

regular use of pregnant coffee in the first trimester  can lead to a violation of the contractility of the heart of the fetus, to the development of failures in the rhythm of his heart. It is in the first three months of pregnancy that there is an intensive development of the cardiovascular system of the baby;

- coffee increases the secretion and acidity of the gastric juice itself, which can often manifest as heartburn after drinking coffee;

- in coffee contains the substance kafestol, which is able to increase blood cholesterol in women up to 10% with regular intake;

- there is evidence that in large quantities of coffee is able to increase the contractility of the uterus;

- coffee interferes with the absorption of iron  in the small intestine, which threatens to decrease hemoglobin levels and anemia.

It is worth noting that all these effects are determined not only and not so much by caffeine contained in coffee. Coffee contains many different biologically active substances. That is why replacing natural coffee with instant or so-called “caffeine-free” coffee will not reduce the risk of negative effects on the fetus when drinking coffee in larger quantities than is allowed.

Absolute contraindications for pregnant women

Based on the above negative effects, we can distinguish a certain category of people who are absolutely contraindicated in the use of coffee during the period of gestation. Namely:

  • future mothers with arterial hypertension, with gestosis or threatened by the development of these pathologies;
  • women with low levels of calcium in the blood;
  • women with a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by increased acidity of the gastric juice;
  • women with anemia;
  • pregnant with toxicosis to eliminate the risk of dehydration.

Different coffee variations: which ones to prefer?

Instant coffee

Future mothers should choose natural products. Therefore, instant coffee that goes through various stages of processing, including chemical, is better not to choose. And the fact that this is a milder drink that contains significantly less caffeine is a common myth.

Decaffeinated coffee

This is actually just a marketing ploy. Caffeine is still present in such coffee. And again, only certain stages of the processing of natural coffee produce such a product. Everything that is transformed, restored, processed is not good.

Green coffee

In the modern world, this product is promoted as more wholesome than black coffee. He is credited with properties that promote weight loss. But is it really important for pregnant women ?!

The advantage of green coffee is that you yourself can control the degree of roasting. And the caffeine content in it will depend on how long it has been fried.

This is more relevant for people who are well versed in the topic of coffee. An ordinary person who drinks 1-2 cups of coffee a day and has no idea how best to roast it should hardly recommend experimenting with green coffee.

3 in 1 coffee

Every sane person knows that such coffee bags contain more additives, flavor enhancers, flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners than coffee itself. Extra chemistry to a woman expecting a baby is useless. And extra calories in this position are also dangerous.

Thus, forget about 3 in 1 coffee. If you really want coffee, it is better to choose a natural product, ideally freshly ground. And if there is no other type of coffee where you are right now, it’s best to refuse it altogether and exchange it for water or juice.

Is there a valid dose of coffee?

If there are no contraindications and your pregnancy doctor does not forbid you to drink coffee, then it remains to clarify the permissible dose of coffee per day.

Allowable caffeine intake is not more than 200 mg per day. It is worth noting that caffeine is found in black and green tea, and in cocoa, chocolate, Coca-Cola (I hope pregnant women do not drink it, but still). And the dose of caffeine is taken into account, naturally, in total of all these products.

Even different methods of making coffee can affect the amount of caffeine in the coffee. So, for example, coffee brewed in a Turk (200 ml) contains about 80-130 mg of caffeine in one portion, brewed in a coffee machine - 130-170 mg, 200 ml of espresso contains about 100 mg of caffeine.

Of course, it all depends on the type of coffee and its portion for one cup, but coffee brewed in a coffee maker remains the leader in the caffeine content in the final product.

Given all of the above, one coffee cup a day of a natural freshly ground invigorating drink for a future mother without medical contraindications will not harm either herself or her crumbs. But it’s better not to do this cup of coffee with a daily ritual.

Everyone knows such a coffee substitute as chicory. It remotely resembles coffee to taste. But this drink has a lot of beneficial properties for pregnant women. For example, it increases the level of hemoglobin, helps with constipation - frequent pregnancy companions, activates metabolism, gives energy, fights heartburn and nausea.

But this drink also has its contraindications: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, allergic reactions to chicory. With caution, but you can take cyclic coffee for women with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, since chicory enhances cough.

Pomegranate and orange juices also have a good invigorating effect.

Green tea cannot act as an alternative to coffee, as some of its varieties contain more caffeine than coffee itself. Not to mention the difference in the volume of tea and coffee cups.

So, you should always strive to choose products on the principle of maximum freshness and naturalness, especially during pregnancy.

In practice, it is noticed that the body itself will tell a person what foods and drinks he needs. The main thing is a sense of proportion. Any, even the most useful, product in excess can become harmful.

If you can safely do without coffee, then you should do without it. Your child will be pleased. If after drinking coffee your state of health does not change for the better, then refuse it without regret.

And if your body stubbornly cannot invigorate and wake up, it feels unwell at low pressure, then with one cup of coffee you can improve your well-being and not harm the child. After all, if a mother feels well, then the well-being of her child improves. A mother of a child with low blood pressure, dizziness and headache may not be well.

It is important to remember this wisdom of Paracelsus for centuries: "Everything depends on the dose." Be wise in choosing foods while in position. After all, you are already two, and therefore double responsibility. Health to you and your children!