How to make apples to dry pears. Drying pears - what are the ways and their main differences? How to Dry Pears in an Electric Oven

05.04.2019 Bakery products

Summer and autumn are the time for winter supplies. During this period, various crops mature in gardens and kitchen gardens. While making supplies, many people prefer to freeze or preserve food, but there is another simple way that helps to preserve healthy vitamins and minerals in fruits - this is drying.

In this article, we will describe how apples and pears are dried so that they remain healthy and tasty for several years.

What varieties to choose?

Dried fruit compote is loved by many. For its preparation, you can use various fruits harvested in summer or autumn. Most often these are apples and pears. You can buy a dryer from them in the store or cook it yourself. This is easy to do, especially if you know how.

First you need to decide which varieties are suitable for drying and which are not. Some prefer to harvest summer apples in this way, such as white filling and paprika. Others prefer autumn varieties - Antonovka, Korichny or Zimny \u200b\u200bpepin saffron.

Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but apples are most suitable:

  • Intolerant fruits;
  • Having a sweet and sour taste;
  • With pulp of medium density, juicy, but not watery;
  • The skin color does not play a role, but inside it should be white or light yellow.

What apples to dry we figured out, and now let's talk about pears. Here, too, it is better to choose varieties with dense pulp and stony cells. The seed chamber should take up as little space as possible. Sweet juicy pears without a tart flavor, such as Forest Beauty, Lemon, Victoria or Klappa's Favorite, will do.

For drying, well-ripened, juicy fruits are taken.

How to prepare fruit?

How to dry apples for the winter? To begin with, the fruits must undergo preliminary training. It is worth noting that fruits torn from a tree and those that fell to the ground are suitable for this type of canning.

At the first stage, they are washed and visible damage is removed. You do not need to wipe them, it is better to put them on a dry towel and wait until they dry out on their own. After that they are calibrated.

At the second stage, the fruits are cut into slices. Connoisseurs recommend removing the core and peel. There are special devices for this, but you can do without them.

At the last stage of preparation, pears and apples are cut into pieces. Small fruits are simply cut in half or left whole, large or medium fruits are cut into slices and circles. Their thickness can be from 5 to 10 mm, but these are just recommendations, sizes can be arbitrary.

One more tip. Apples and most pears contain a lot of iron, so after cutting they quickly “rust”. To avoid this and get little white slices of dried fruits, it is recommended to moisten the fruits in saline.

To prepare it, a teaspoon of salt is diluted in a liter of water. Fruits cut into slices are dipped into the resulting liquid and then they are laid out in the sun or in a warm, dry room to allow excess moisture to the glass. After that they are dried.

How to dry?

There are several ways to prepare dried fruits. The simplest and most common is drying in the fresh air in direct sunlight. This method is suitable for those who live in their home or have a country house. Sliced \u200b\u200bfruits are laid out on a grid or baking sheet in one, maximum 2 layers.

So that flies and other insects do not crawl over the fruits, they are covered with gauze. Having set the container in the sun, it remains only to ensure that the sun constantly falls on the dryer and periodically turn it from one side to the other.

If there is no sun or there is no way to put fruit on the street, you can use another method. To do this, you need to learn how to dry apples on a string. It's simple. Treated fruits are strung on a regular string, like beads.

The main thing is not to press them tightly against each other so that there is space between the slices. The resulting garlands can be hung in the attic or in the kitchen. The room should be warm and dry. Every few days, the apples are moved so that they do not stick to the thread and to each other.

These 2 ways are very long. To get a quality product, at least 7-10 days must pass. If you need to process a lot of fruits and for a short period, then you should choose a microwave or air grill.

In the first case, apples and pears are laid out on a plate in small portions. Power no more than 300 kW, time - 2 minutes, if this is not enough, you can add another 30 s. After this period, the slices are immediately removed from the stove and laid out on a towel to cool. In aerogrill, you can process a significantly larger number of fruits at a time.

The slices are laid out on special grids that can be put in the unit several floors. Dried at a temperature of 100-120 degrees at a low speed blowing. Periodically, the nets are swapped, and the slices are turned over. Cooking time 1 hour.

Still how can you dry apples for compote? If you have time, then it is best to use an oven. Fruits dried in this way are very tasty and stored for a long time. The baking sheets are pre-coated with foil or baking paper so that the slices do not stick. After that, spread the pears and apples in an even layer.

Drying takes place in 3 stages:

  • Withering;
  • Moisture evaporation;
  • Sterilization.

At the first stage, the oven should not be very hot, enough 50-60 degrees. At this temperature, the fruits languish for at least an hour. Periodically, the stove door opens to let off steam.

At the second stage, experts recommend opening the door a little. At what temperature do apples dry? For the evaporation period, 75 degrees will be enough, the fruits will begin to lose water, which will come out in the form of steam, so the oven door is not closed.

So that the slices do not burn, the fruit is regularly turned over. Evaporation time depends on the variety and size. 4-6 hours are enough for apples, about 10 hours for pears.

At the sterilization stage, the fruits are finally dried. Apples will need about 30 minutes, it is better to hold pears longer. This is done at a temperature of 80–90 degrees with the door closed.

After the last step, the dryer is taken out of the oven and laid out on a clean towel, where it cools. Ready-made dried fruits have a light yellowish tint, are very elastic and do not break. These are great ingredients for compote and vitamin tea.

How and where to store?

How to dry apples and pears sorted out, it remains to find out where and how to store them. Well-dried fruits retain all the vitamins and minerals that are present in fresh fruits. With proper storage and compliance with cooking technologies, drying can be stored for more than two years.

Dried pears, like fresh ones, are very beneficial for our body. True, you need to consider that the calorie content of 100 grams of pear drying is much higher than the calorie content of fresh fruits. It is 270 kcal. Drying pears at home is not difficult, because they can easily be dried in the sun, using an oven, an electric dryer. Even a microwave. Choose any of the methods and harvest pear drying for the winter. It does not take a very long time.

Drying pears at home

With any method, the initial step is to prepare the fruits themselves. For drying, it is recommended to take ripe (but not overripe!) Pears of summer and autumn varieties. Fruits with a small number of stony cells, juicy, dense, sweet pulp are chosen. Tart use is not worth it. After collection, they are not stored for more than 2 days. The collected fruits are thoroughly washed and dried. Small ones are dried whole, large are cut, seeds are removed. Then cut into slices or slices to dry faster.

The dryer is stored in a dry, dark place, using cloth bags, as well as glass jars (tightly closed). Dried fruits do not lose their taste all year.

Drying pears in an electric dryer - temperature and time

At home, it is easiest to dry fruits with an electric dryer. This is convenient because:

  • You can immediately dry a fairly large amount.
  • There is a choice of temperature conditions.
  • There is no need to closely monitor the process.

On the pallets of the dryer, the prepared fruits are laid out so that there are small distances between the pieces. So they are uniformly blown by air currents. Preferred are electric dryers with air supply from the sides rather than from below. With this design, all tiers are heated equally, so the fruits dry out more evenly.

Drying is carried out at a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees. Periodically mix, swap pallets, so that the process goes faster. Drying time of pears in an electric dryer is from 8 to 20 hours. Readiness is checked by touch - the pieces should not stick to the fingers. It is also important not to overdry - the slices should become brown, but remain elastic, and not brittle.

My favorite way is drying the pears in the oven.

Unfortunately, I don’t have electric dryers. I don’t like to dry fruits in the sun because of insects, therefore, I also dry other fruits and berries using an oven. In this way, drying pears at home in a gas oven is simple. True, quite long. But the result is excellent. The finished product saves all-all useful substances. It tastes great!

  Pears are oven dried with the door fully open with minimal heat.
  1. I cut the washed and dried fruits into 4 parts. Cut out the middle with the seeds. I remove broken, damaged pulp, wormholes to improve quality. Then cut in half every quarter.
  2. I place the octopuses on baking sheets in one layer (skin down).
  3. I light the gas, set the minimum fire - if only it would not go out.
  4. I leave the oven door completely open so that the pears do not bake.
  5. Periodically bake swap places. When the slices dry out a bit - mix.

Of course, you can dry the pears in the oven with the door closed. Therefore, it will be necessary to control the process (temperature, time) more carefully:

  1. The first 2 hours are dried at a temperature of 50-60 degrees.
  2. Then mix, increase the temperature to 80. Withstand until the fruits dry out, reduce the size.
  3. Mix again. Reduce the temperature to the original, stand until ready.

In the oven of an electric stove, the process is carried out at the same temperature. An electric oven, as a rule, has lower and upper heating, therefore drying takes place a little more evenly and faster. The total drying time using the oven, like in any other way, directly depends on the size of the dried fruit. For whole pears (small size) to dry, it will take more time, about 18-24 hours. Pieces or slices will dry faster, after 12 - 16 hours.

Drying pears in the sun

In stable sunny weather, it can be dried in natural conditions. Trays or baking sheets with pieces spread out in one layer are exposed to the open sun for 2 to 3 days. Turn over periodically. In the evening they clean the premises so that they do not dampen during the night. Dried in the shade with good ventilation for another 2 to 3 days.

As you can see, drying pears at home is simple. In winter, such a product is very useful as a treat. Dried fruits, in addition, excellent raw materials for flavorful compotes, fillings for pies, muffins, puddings.

On cold winter evenings, you can remind yourself of the gentle summer by delicious dried pears. These dried fruits, which after processing retain a delicate taste and delicate aroma, are quite simple to make at home. The main thing is to prepare the fruits for drying and choose the most optimal cooking method for yourself. How to dry pears? Let's get it right.


Best for drying are a little unripe pears, dense, not too juicy. If we talk about specific varieties, it can be “Victoria”, “Zaporizhzhya”, “Klapp's favorite”, “forest beauty”, “Ilyinka”, “bergamot”, “fragrant” and “lemon”. Ideally, you need to collect pears in your own garden, but you can buy fruits in the market or in the store.

You need to start drying the pears as quickly as possible after collecting them, since over time the fruits become soft.

  1. Carefully sort out the crop, put the pears damaged or starting to rot, set aside (you can eat them fresh by cutting off the damaged areas).
  2. Wash the pears well under running water, wipe them dry with a towel or napkins and dip in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. Then cool the fruit at room temperature and cut into pieces.
  4. Cut large pears into centimeter slices, divide medium and small into 4 or 2 parts.

After that, you can start drying in any way convenient for you.

In the oven

  1. Put prepared and chopped pears in one layer on a baking sheet.
  2. Place the pan in the oven, heated to a temperature of +60 ° C.
  3. After 2 hours, increase the heat to +80 ° C.
  4. When the fruit decreases markedly in volume, the temperature should again be reduced - this time to +55 ° C.

The drying time of pears in the oven varies from 12 to 24 hours, depending on the size of the slices and the variety of fruit.

In the microwave

Microwave drying takes only 5-7 minutes.

Put the sliced \u200b\u200bslices on a plate and send them to dry in the microwave at a power of 300 watts for a couple of minutes. Then turn over the pieces of fruit and repeat the procedure.

In the electric dryer

In an electric dryer, a large volume of fruit can be dried in 15-30 hours.

  1. Lay the slices of pears on the grates, set the temperature to +70 ° C.
  2. Periodically check the degree of preparedness of dried fruits: slices of pears should become slightly brownish, soft and elastic, but in no case brittle and brittle.

In the sun

Lay the pieces of pears on a baking sheet or tray and place in a sunny place in the fresh air. 2 days is enough for drying. At night, be sure to bring the fruits into the house and cover them with polyethylene so that they do not absorb excess moisture and rot. After 2 days, place the dried pears in a well-ventilated area and wait a couple more days.

Dried Pear Storage

  • Ready dried pears can be stored in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid or in a cloth bag in a cool, dry place.
  • When stored in bags from time to time, dried fruits must be checked for spoilage, because pears can rot, mold, or acquire larvae of fruit moths or small bugs. To prevent trouble, once a month, stocks should be poured onto a baking sheet and lightly dried in the oven at a temperature of +50 ° С.
  • If desired, you can grind dried fruits in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Pear powder can be used for cosmetic purposes (as part of hand-made masks) or as an additive to baked goods or cereals.

Now you know how to dry a pear. You and your family will definitely like it. Throughout the winter, you can pamper yourself with vitamins and minerals of fruits, without spending a lot of time searching for more or less tolerable fresh pears in a supermarket.

How to dry pears at home? For this most fit  fruits are slightly unripe, not very juicy, with dense flesh with the presence of hard impregnations - “stony cells”. It is also desirable that the pears have few seeds, and they have a small seed chamber.

Viscous Fruit do not useIt is recommended to dry sweet summer or early autumn varieties.

Most preferred is the selection of the fruits of the golden product Aromatic, Ilyinka, Bergamot, Zaporizhzhya, Forest Beauty, Limonka, Victoria. It is better to take medium-sized fruits. In the process of making dried fruits, you can use sugar.

First of all, fruits must be to wash. If they are supposed to be chopped, first cut into quarters, cut the seeds, and then cut into thinner slices.

So as not to let them darken, they need to be soaked in tartaric acid  (1% solution). Before drying, the fruits are dipped for 1-3 minutes in boiling water.

When the process lasts mainly 2-3 days, after which the product is dried in the shade - in a ventilated area. If, then, choose a starting temperature of 75 ° C ... 85 ° C, and a final temperature of not more than 65 ° C. Drying time - 5-6 hours.


How to dry pears at home? Consider how to dry pears different ways. This can be done both naturally and using special drying devices:

  • in the sun;
  • in an electric or gas oven;

You can also find on our website.

Preliminary processing

How to dry pears at home? Drying pears at home involves fruit pretreatment.

Do not store collected pears over 2 days, this will soften them and make them unsuitable for drying.

Preparation of fruits for drying is the same for all its methods. Firstly need boil water in a pan. Then, if desired, add there sahara. Fruits are sorted by maturity, damage is cut out of them, running water is used for washing.

Damaged by pests and rotten rejected. After washing, the fruits are boiled in boiling water10-15 minutes (depending on maturity) until soft. After cooling, taking into account the size and type of pears, they are either cut into slices about 10 mm thick (large specimens), or into 4 parts, can be cut in half (medium), or left whole (wild).

Then they should be laid on the basis in which they will be dry.

Processing in tartaric or citric acid (in 1% solution) protects the product from darkening  when drying.

Slices to give them elasticity need to be blanched for 5 minutes in boiled water.

Natural technique

The method of how to dry pears at home in a natural way is as follows. Parts of the fruit are laid out on a sieve or baking sheet, a tray, which are put in place with a good solar lightingwindless and dustless. The slope of the base should be given so that the pears are lit as long as possible during the day.

In the private sector, to dry apples and pears, you can also use roofs of houses. In the evening, the fruits are covered with polyethylene and brought into the house. After 2 days, they are laid out in a shaded place and dry outwithin 2-3 days. For full, uniform drying, the slices need to be periodically turned over.

Some in the middle of drying squeeze the slices with two boards, then put on a threadHang and dry. Sometimes in the manufacture of dried fruit for better preservation it is fumigated with sulfur dioxide.

However, due to the danger of gas, it is necessary to use special rooms, observing safety regulations.

Using the oven

How to dry pears at home using an oven? Since weather conditions do not always provide the opportunity for drying fruits, this can be done successfully with the help of an oven, in the kitchen. Fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer and dried at a temperature of 55 ° C ... 60 ° C.

After 2 hours, heat must be raised to 80 ° C. When fruit is reduced in size, it is reduced to 55 ° C, this temperature is finish line. The duration of the process depends on the size of the product used: for slices you need 12-16 hours, for whole fruits - 18-24.

Use of electric dryers and microwaves

How to dry pears at home using household appliances? Drying apples and pears using household appliances has its own features.

Electric dryerequipped with several trays, layers, allows you to dry a decent amount of product per night.

The technology provides for complete autonomy of the process: uniform, automatic circulation of warm air is provided, fruits do not need to be turned over.

The drying method of 18 kilograms of pears in an electric dryer in this video. We look:

Using microwave oven  - the fastest way to prepare drying: one serving is prepared for 2-3 minutes. However, not everyone accepts it, because here you can’t not calculate accurately and dry the fruits, turn them into coals. Before placing in the oven, the pears are washed out, placed on a plate covered with cotton cloth.

The device is installed on 200 watts and 2.5 minutes of operation time. If the pears are too dry, repeat the process for half a minute. Cooked dried fruits should be elastic, spring  with pressure.

Hardwill be for one reason: the scavenger was dried or very immature specimens.

Whole fruit drying

Another question arises, how to dry whole pears at home. There are no special moments here, the principles of drying them are almost identical to the rules for drying crushed fruits. To do this, take small fruits  and kept in the sun for 6-8 days.

For cooking in the oven, the oven also uses whole small fruits. They need to remove the sepals and peduncles, the skin does not need to be removed. Dry for about 20 hours, often turning over. The process is accelerated 2-3 times in the presence of good ventilation. The color of properly dried pears is light and dark brown.

Game pears: features of drying a game

Now about how to dry wild pears at home? In the process of drying, wild animals have their own specific features. It is not harvested from trees, but the fruit is expected to fall naturally. Then they put it into a container - a box, a bucket, allow it to lie down for a while, when they darken and the skin becomes brown.

Then their taste instead of bitter and tart will turn into aromatic-sweet. Ignorant people often throw away such fruits, taking them for spoiledbut this is a mistake.

Then the game is washed, cut into halves (or left whole) and dried similarly to cultivars.

Their seed nest is not cut, they should not be fumigate and blanch.

With the right process, the pears are elastic, soft, and do not break when squeezed or bent.

They are pleasantly aromatic, their taste is sweet, the color varies from light to dark brown.


Pear is one of most valuable products  for health. It contains vital elements for the body, fiber, iron, vitamins. Thanks to various antioxidants, it rejuvenates the skin, normalizes the work of the heart, and is an excellent immunomodulator.

Her intake does not lead to the appearance of food allergies.

Of course, Homer was not mistaken in calling this fruit “the gift of the gods,” since its use prolongs youth. Harvesting this sunny fruit for the future, you save on the shelves a divine gift that provides you healthy and fulfilling life.

But, despite their rich taste and the presence of a large number of vitamins and minerals, their somewhat problematic  dry at home.

"Home" dried fruits are most often made from pears, the preparation of which at home is not difficult for both experienced and novice housewives. About drying pears in the oven  and will be discussed in this article.

general information

Is it possible to dry pears in the oven? Before moving on to basic rules  drying pears in the oven, you need to find out the following: are pears in general subject to drying in a gas and electric stove?

Of course, pears can be dried in the oven, both in a gas and electric stove. The method of preparing dried fruits in this way will take much less time than. One thing to keep in mind some features  drying pears in the oven, which will be discussed below.

Of course, in our time, when the modern world is replenished daily with more and more technological innovations, the evolution of household appliances also does not stand still.

Over the past twenty years, kitchen appliances have replenished with such innovations as: an air grill, a sandwich maker, a waffle iron, a yogurt maker, a slow cooker, a double boiler, a pressure cooker, a toaster, an electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, and much more. On our site you can familiarize yourself with that.

Naturally, along with this, such a traditional method of drying fruits as drying in the oven somewhat outdated. Every modern housewife wants to have more and more in her kitchen new kitchen appliances, which significantly facilitates and saves time when cooking.

Therefore, more and more housewives are turning to a more modern way, like. But since not everyone can afford to get all these quite expensive items  of small household kitchen appliances, you have to be content with the method that has been established for centuries, drying pears in the oven of the stove.

Basic Rules

How to dry pears in the oven? First of all, you should pay attention to the pears that you plan to subsequently dry.

For a successful drying procedure, fruits should be selected. with hard flesh without pronounced sour tastebut. Of course, the fruits should be well ripened and sweet.

For the drying procedure, it is best to select such varieties of pears as: “Forest Beauty”, “Favorite of Klapp”, “Lemon”, “Zaporizhzhya” and “Victoria”.

Put the pears on a baking sheet only on the bed parchment paper. This is necessary so that the juice flowing from the pears languishing in the oven does not drain and does not come into contact with the baking sheet material.

Pears can be both peeled and left “in their clothes”. It only depends on purely individualtaste qualities. If you come across pears of hard varieties, you must first throw them in boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. It is very important not to spoil the overall drying result.

Step-by-step instruction

Now we will try to describe in more detail the procedure for drying pears in the oven for the winter.

How to cut pears correctly, at what temperature should the pears be dried, how to determine the readiness of dried pears and much more, you will learn by reading the information below.

How long (hours) to dry the pears in the oven? Drying time  pears directly depends on what form the fruits are dried in the oven. If whole pears flaunt on your baking sheet, then it will take 18-24 hours to completely dry them.

If you prefer to cut the pear into slices before sending it to dry, then the result can be expected after 12-16 hours. In both cases, the pear drying procedure is not a very long and time-consuming process. And most often takes less than a day.

At what temperature should the pears be dried in the oven? The heat temperature during the drying process of pears changes three times. Therefore, we denote the drying process in three stages:

  1. First step. For the first time, sending pears to the oven, you should set the temperature corresponding 55 ° С ... 60 ° С  and keep them in the oven at least 2 hours.
  2. Second phase. After the set time, the pears should be mixed and the temperature increased up to 80 ° C.
  3. The third stage. After the pears begin to decrease in size, they should be mixed again and again reduce the temperature to 55 ° C ... 60 ° C. This will be the final indicator at which the drying process is completed.

How to determine readiness? When the deadline for the drying process of pears comes to an end, you need to arm yourself with an ordinary fork, which will help us determine willingness  our fruits.

Poke any pear with it and if after that you notice that from the pear dripped juice  or any other liquid, it is necessary to leave the pears to dry in the oven, from time to time checking their readiness with a fork.


How to dry large pears? Large pears should be cut into slices 1 cm thick. Medium-sized fruits are cut in half or quarters. In order to avoid oxidation and darkening of the pears after contact with the environment, the pears must be washed with a solution citric acid.

If you come across solid fruits, then before you send them to the oven, they must be dip in boiling water  and boil for 4-5 minutes.

How to dry whole pears in the oven? Can be dried whole pears. Conventional varieties of pears are slightly different from wild fish in the way they are dried.

The wild pear is harvested when the ripened fruits begin to fall to the ground. After that, it is put in a box and left to be stored. in a dark, cool place  until the peel of the fruit darkens.

Darkening of the skin of the fruits indicates that the fruits have become sweet, juicy and fragrant. Unlike large pears, the game is dried whole fruitswithout cutting it. It is also not recommended to peel and core. Wild pear fruit is believed to have a brighter and more pronounced flavor.

How to dry pears in the oven? You will learn from this video how to make dried fruit from pears using an oven, by all means:

Electric stove

How to dry pears in an oven electric stove? Drying pears in an electric oven practically no different  from the procedure for drying pears in the oven of a gas stove. All basic rules and actions remain unchanged.

The only nice feature and plus of the electric oven is that its design provides for two types of heating: lower and upper.

In a gas stove, the oven has only one type of heating - the bottom. Therefore, based on these considerations, the drying process will be more comfortableif using an electric oven.

Convection mode

How to dry pears in a convection oven? As in the case of an electric oven, the preparatory process and the procedure for drying pears in a convection oven will not be any different from the procedure for drying pears in a conventional gas stove oven. Simple, convection mode makes it easy and makes the drying process easier and less nervous.

After all, you will no longer have to worry that pears may burn or stick  to the baking sheet.

The presence in the oven convection mode (fan) provides uniform distribution  temperatures for all areas of the future dish.

Therefore, as in the case of baking, which in the convection mode   baked evenly, and the pears will be evenly dried, thanks to this mode.


Oven-dried pears and apples in sugar syrup


  • pears - 1 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 150-250 g;
  • citric acid 2-4 g;
  • 1 liter of water.

Cooking method: for starters, you should choose fruits that match the taste and structure of the fruits that need to be dried. Information about what pears and apples should be by consistency and maturity can be found by going up the arrow.

Above, we have already described in detail what fruits should be selected for drying. Next, thoroughly wash the fruits and put them on paper towels, leaving them in this position for as long as possible.

Very importantso that pears and apples are as dry as possible before they get into the oven.

After our fruits have cooled, they should be cut depending on their sizes. Larger and larger fruits are cut into slices, smaller and medium-sized fruits are cut into halves or quarters.

Next, put the chopped fruit for several minutes in cold water, previously adding to it citric acid. After our apples and pears have absorbed some citric acid, it is necessary to boil them for several minutes in sugar solution. We cover the baking sheet with parchment for baking and lay out the cut fruit in a thin layer on the parchment.

After these rather simple frauds, we send our fruits to the oven, after exposing temperature of 80 ° С ... 85 ° С, and after drying, the temperature should reduce to 50 ° C ... 60 ° C  and at this temperature we leave to dry our pears to the end.

Due to the fact that before sending our pears and apples to dry in the oven, we boiled them for several minutes in a sugar solution, the pears are obtained very tasty and sweet! About that, you can find out on our website.

The drying process of pears in the oven is not so energy consuming and time consuming  process, as it might seem at first glance.

Drying pears at home in the oven will not take you much time and effort, but rather give enthusiasm and vivacity. After all, it is so nice to delight your loved ones and relatives, giving them delicious emotions and health.

The main thing is not to be lazy, and if you have never in your life tried to dry pears in the oven, be sure to do it! Dried pears in the oven are obtained very tasty and sweet. Pamper yourself sweet without harm to the figure and with health benefits!