How much stuffed pike is cooked. The best recipe for stuffed pike in Jewish: cooking features, recommendations and reviews

10.03.2020 Vegetable dishes


(6 servings)

  • 1 medium pike (1.2-1.5 kg)
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • 100 g white roll or 1 medium potato
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • To stuff a pike, we need one good pike weighing more than a kilogram. If the fish is frozen, then gently defrost it, preferably in the refrigerator, in extreme cases, at room temperature.
  • We clean the pike from the scales. Carefully cut the skin and meat around the head. We separate the head, trying to pull the giblets out of the pike together with the head. We do not cut the abdomen; a whole body is required for a stuffed pike. You do not need to trim the fins.
  • We wash the pike in cold water to remove the remnants of scales and viscera.
  • The skin should now be removed. To make the skin of the pike easily detach, we lightly beat the pike over the entire surface with an ordinary kitchen hammer. Usually, after such a massage, the skin leaves the meat much easier.
  • After beating off with a sharp knife, trim the skin around the cut. We grab the skin with our hands and pull it in the direction of the tail (remove it like a stocking). We carry out the procedure carefully, without undue enthusiasm, so as not to accidentally tear the skin.
  • When we have reached the tail, from the inside, at the base of the tail, we cut off the ridge. After that, the skin, along with the tail, is completely separated from the carcass.
  • We turn the skin "on the face" and hide it in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Separate the fillet from the bones from the carcass itself using a fork. It turns out about one kilogram of fish fillets.
  • Peel the onion and then finely chop it. Since the onion gives not only taste, but also juiciness to the filling, it must be stewed in vegetable oil. Simmer over low heat, the onion should become soft and transparent, light golden in color.
  • Boil the carrots.
  • Soak a loaf or white bread in milk. Instead of a loaf soaked in milk, you can put raw potatoes grated on a fine grater into the filling. Try both, pick whichever you like best. With potatoes, the filling turns out to be more whole, with a loaf more crumbly and tender.
  • Pulp of fish, onions, carrots and garlic are passed through a meat grinder.
  • Add grated potatoes or bread pulp soaked in milk to the minced fish (squeeze the excess milk beforehand).
  • We put the egg, add the vegetable oil remaining after frying the onions, salt and pepper to taste, do not forget to put a little sugar.
  • Add one or two tablespoons of mineral water to the minced meat. Knead the minced meat thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass.
  • We stuff the skin of the pike, evenly distributing the filling over the entire volume. We put the filling not very tightly, the pike should take its natural shape, and not resemble a balloon. In addition, overly compacted filling during cooking can tear the skin, and the dish will not turn out very beautiful.
  • Usually minced fish remains a little, you can make several fish cakes from it.
  • Put the stuffed pike on a baking sheet covered with parchment or baking paper.
  • If this dish is planned for a festive table, and the pike will be decorated in a festive way, then we also put the pike head with removed gills next to the stuffed carcass. We fasten the skin with wooden skewers, or sew on the head with ordinary threads.
  • Lubricate the carcass with mayonnaise and put the fish in a hot oven.
  • We bake the stuffed pike in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.
  • Stuffed pike is a cold dish, so be sure to cool it down. And only after complete cooling, we cut the pike into portioned pieces, decorate with lemon, herbs, vegetables. Everyday or festive design of our dish is made depending on the significance of the moment.

Pike is a very tasty and healthy fish that can be cooked in many ways. It goes well with vegetables, it is often used to make rich fish soup, and it is also stuffed.

Today it is worth paying special attention to the preparation of stuffed pike. In this form, it turns out to be uniquely tasty, juicy and aromatic. Of course, preparing this fish in this way requires a lot of work, but it is worth it.

How to properly prepare fish

Before you start cooking stuffed pike, you should first choose and prepare it. One important caveat - for cooking, it is worth using fish that is not large, but best of all medium.

Large individuals have tough and dry meat, so they will not be as juicy when cooked. The average weight of a pike should be 1.2 - 1.7 kilograms.

  • first of all, the fish must be cleaned and rinsed well;
  • first of all, the gills are removed, then the pike is thoroughly washed under running water;
  • the head is cut off with a sharp knife blade, the cut is closer to the base;
  • then with one hand you need to hold the area of ​​the spinal bone, which opens after cutting off the head of the fish, and with the help of the second hand, the skin is carefully removed towards the tail of the fish;
  • Once you get to the area of ​​the fins, you need to cut them off with scissors or a knife from the inside of the hide. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the skin;
  • after you get to the tail, you need to cut it off with a knife closer to the base;
  • as a result, a kind of cover should be obtained, it should be turned out and after that it can be used for stuffing.

Step by step recipe

Ingredients Quantity
pike - 800 gram
medium-sized onions - 2 heads
carrots - 2 pcs.
fresh bacon - 100g
eggs - 1 PC.
fennel seeds - pinch
white pepper - pinch
butter - 50 grams
salt - 2 small spoons
of bread - two pieces
milk - Cup
vegetable oil - 50 ml
Cooking time: 150 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 160 Kcal

Let's start cooking stuffed pike baked in the oven:

  1. To begin with, fresh pike is cleaned of scales, the gills are cut out with special scissors and washed thoroughly;
  2. Then you need to cut off the head and with it all the insides are taken out;
  3. After that, the pike should be placed on a cutting board and slightly beaten off on both sides with a rolling pin. This is required in order for the meat to come off the skin;
  4. From above, carefully cut off the skin and begin to remove it like a stocking to the tail area;
  5. As soon as you get to the tail, it needs to be cut from the inside along with the skin;
  6. From the surface of the turned out skin, remove the remnants of the fish with a small spoon;
  7. You also need to separate the meat from the ridge and put everything in a bowl;
  8. We wash the carrots, clean the skin from the surface;
  9. Cut the carrots into small pieces;
  10. Peel off the skin from one onion head and cut into small cubes;
  11. Pour oil into the pan, put it on the fire and heat it up;
  12. Put vegetables in hot oil and fry for several minutes, stirring constantly. Add a pinch of fennel to the frying;
  13. Cut the pork fat into medium pieces, it will add juiciness to the pike;
  14. Peel the second onion and cut into large pieces;
  15. Then the pike meat, frying, bacon and raw onion are scrolled several times with a meat grinder. Well, if you have an electric meat grinder, the process of passing will be much more convenient and faster;
  16. Pour slices of bread with milk and leave for a couple of minutes, so that the pulp is completely saturated;
  17. Next, squeeze the bread and also pass it through a meat grinder;
  18. Next, add the egg, white pepper and salt to the finished minced meat;
  19. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained;
  20. Next, put the filling in a leather stocking. Do not stuff it too much, otherwise the skin may burst;
  21. Lay foil on the surface of the baking sheet;
  22. Sprinkle the foil with vegetable oil and lay out the stuffed pike skin stocking, placing the head;
  23. The surface of the fish must be thoroughly greased with butter;
  24. Next, carefully wrap the fish in foil;
  25. We heat the oven to 180-200 degrees and remove the baking sheet with the pike;
  26. We bake the fish for 35-40 minutes;
  27. After that, the finished stuffed pike should be left overnight to cool;
  28. The cooled fish can be served with sauce and vegetable slices.

Jewish pike

We will cook from the following components:

  • one large pike per 700 grams;
  • two carrots;
  • two onion heads;
  • two large spoons of semolina;
  • 2 large spoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper to your taste.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Caloric content - 180 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to clean the scales from the pike and rinse thoroughly;
  2. Next, we cut off the head and take out the insides;
  3. We cut off the skin from the surface of the fish, it should be cut off in strips;
  4. The meat should be carefully separated from the ridge; small bones can be removed with tweezers;
  5. We place the meat in a blender and grind it to a state of tender minced meat;
  6. Add salt and a couple of large spoons of semolina to the minced fish;
  7. Be sure to add black pepper for the smell and mix well;
  8. We leave it to stand for about 20-25 minutes, during this period the semolina will swell;
  9. We wash the carrot roots, remove the skin from the surface;
  10. Cut the root vegetables into small slices;
  11. Peel the onion and cut into rings;
  12. Pour vegetable oil into the cauldron and place on the fire;
  13. Put slices of carrots on the bottom, put onion rings on top of the carrots;
  14. You need to make oval cutlets from minced fish;
  15. We wrap the cutlets with pike skin and put them in a cauldron;
  16. Cover the cauldron with a lid and leave to bake over low heat;
  17. The baking time is about 30 minutes;
  18. After that, put the finished fish on a plate, decorate with herbs and sprinkle with grated cheese.

- take note of the recipe, this is a great opportunity to harvest vegetables for the winter.

Take note of the classic meat borscht recipe. How to cook deliciously and correctly.

Learn how to properly cook bottle chicken. This one is striking in its simplicity, but at the same time, the meat turns out to be incredibly tender.

Recipe for pike stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes in a slow cooker

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • pike - 1 piece per 700-800 grams;
  • potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • champignons - 200 grams;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 4 teeth;
  • butter - 50 grams;
  • one carrot root vegetable;
  • half a lemon;
  • a piece of lard - 100 grams;
  • bread or loaf (pulp) - 2 pieces;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking time - 2 hours.

Caloric content - 165 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  • small pike should be used - 700-800 grams;
  • you can bake any vegetables in addition with fish - potatoes, peppers, tomatoes;
  • the filling can be minced or cut into small pieces with a knife.

Cooking stuffed pike is a tricky process, but worth it. The result is an excellent dish that will be a wonderful decoration for any dining table. And the taste is simply beyond words, so it must be cooked!

Stuffed pike in the oven is an incredibly tasty fish delicacy, for the creation of which you need to stock up not only with strong patience, but also endurance. The one who was able to cook such a dish at home himself, and so that it turned out to be juicy and excellent, is rightfully considered a true culinary specialist! Stuffed pike is the main fish appetizer at all celebrations and therefore must be a table decoration.

So, it's time to cook the oven baked stuffed pike ...

To do this, choose only fresh fish, sniffing it and lifting your gills. Ideally, the pike should still be breathing when you acquire it. Buy lard immediately, otherwise the fish stuffed only with its own pulp and breadcrumbs will remain dry and not juicy.

Since I have crackers made from whole grains of wheat, I soaked them in warm milk in advance, so that they just swell by the time they are added to the minced meat.

Then you need to clean all the fish from the scales using a sharp knife or a special fish cleaning device. Let's cut off her head and take out all the insides, being careful not to damage the gallbladder. The insides are perfectly removable. We wash all parts of the fish and lightly beat off the carcass so that the meat is easier to lag behind the skin.

Sticking a knife under the skin, free it from the pulp and ridge. We will act very carefully, as any cut on the skin is an extra hole for the filling to come out. Remove the pulp from the ridge and bones with a knife and add it to the container.

Chop the washed and peeled onions with garlic in the same place.

Then rinse and grind the lard.

Let's add all the spices.

Together with the soaked breadcrumbs, grind everything in a food processor or pass it through a meat grinder several times. Thus, you will get rid of unwanted bones in the minced meat, if any accidentally got there.

Stuff the removed skin with the prepared filling, tamping it a little from the inside, but trying not to tear it in any way! Sew the edges with culinary thread, as toothpicks will not pierce the thick skin.

Place the pike carcass together with its head on a mold, which we will grease with vegetable oil before. We will also coat the carcass with oil to create a crust. Add the head and insert the mold into the oven at 160-170C for 70-80 minutes, keeping an eye on the surface. Remember to make a few punctures in the skin so that the air will escape during baking and the pike will not burst.

The stuffed pike baked in the oven is ready. Garnish the king's pike as desired and serve in portions.

Enjoy it!

The queen of the table stuffed pike is a frequent attribute of festive feasts. Therefore, there are many recipes for stuffing. I will introduce you to one of the most sophisticated, classic and successful - it always turns out delicious.

Stuffed fish is no longer fish, but rather fish cakes in a beautiful shell. This is what makes it interesting: it looks chic and festive, the taste is soft, without bones and with any additives that the chef's culinary intuition will suggest. As for stuffed pike as such, this is one of the classic dishes of the Russian national table, like pork brawn and pancakes with caviar. She is the queen of the fish table, it is no coincidence that it is customary to serve her with a "crown". And always with mayonnaise "serpentine", no matter how trite it may look ...

I want to propose a recipe for stuffed pike with a tender and juicy filling, and during the preparation I will reveal a little secret on how to remove the smell of mud from river fish fillets.

Ingredients for the recipe

To prepare stuffed pike you will need:

  • pike 550 g
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • dried mushrooms 2 tbsp. l.
  • processed cheese 1 pc.
  • White bread
  • milk 100 ml
  • a piece of fresh bacon 60 g
  • egg 1 pc.
  • greens to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, ground pepper
  • tomato for decoration
  • lemon, olives, mayonnaise

How to cook stuffed pike

  1. First, clean the scales from the pike and remove the gills.

  2. Make an incision on the carcass near the head and gently remove the skin (like a stocking) while removing the insides.

  3. Remove the skin to the tail, and cut off the entire tail of the ridge (the tail should remain with the skin). Separate the meat from the bones, and also trim off the meat remaining on the skin.

  4. Chop one onion and carrot.

  5. Fry the vegetables lightly in a skillet.

  6. Soak the mushrooms and soak a piece of toasted white bread separately. Transfer the sauteed vegetables to a bowl and prepare the meat grinder for use.

  7. Skip fish fillets, vegetables, mushrooms, bread squeezed from water, a piece of bacon and cheese in a meat grinder.

    Lard is needed in order to remove the smell of silt, which often occurs in river fish.

  8. Add a raw egg, salt, ground pepper and chopped greens to the pike mince.

  9. To make the minced meat more tender, grind it additionally with an immersion blender.

  10. Now we return the filling to the skin. Do not stuff the fish very tightly, otherwise voids will form in it during baking.

  11. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, nicely place the stuffed pike on it. How you put the fish on the baking sheet will determine its appearance on the dish, because in the baked form it will no longer be flexible.

  12. To get a good crust, you can grease the fish with sour cream or mayonnaise. Now place the baking sheet in a hot oven (180 C) for 30 minutes.

  13. Transfer the finished fish to a flat dish and decorate. Pike can be served hot or cold.

Let's cook stuffed pike in the oven today. This fish, so beautiful in serving and very delicate in taste, will be an excellent decoration for your festive table. Many people think that it takes a lot of effort and time to prepare this dish. But this is not the case. I will try to tell you everything in detail and in simple words, and you will definitely have a delicious stuffed pike baked in the oven. A recipe with a photo for such a dish is simply necessary - carefully consider all the pictures in order to learn the sequence, this will help you cope with the task the first time.


  • pike 800 g
  • medium-sized onion 2 pcs.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • fresh bacon 100 g
  • chicken egg (large) 1 pc.
  • fennel seeds a pinch
  • a pinch of white pepper
  • butter 50 ml
  • salt 2 tsp
  • white bread 2 slices
  • milk 1 glass
  • vegetable oil 50 ml

You will also need a baking sleeve.

Cooking time: 2 hours.

How to cook oven baked stuffed pike

Fresh, medium-sized pike must be scaled, cut out the gills with kitchen scissors. Rinse the fish with cold water. Cut off the head of the fish and remove all entrails from the belly of the pike. Rinse the fish again under running water.

Place the pike on a cutting board and beat lightly with a rolling pin, first on one side, then on the other. This is done to get the fish meat away from the skin.

Now remove the skin from the pike, turning it inside out like a stocking, starting at the top and going down to the tail.

Cut off the ridge at the tail with pieces of meat, set aside. From the turned-out skin, remove the remaining fillets with a teaspoon.

Also take fish fillets from the ridge, place everything in a bowl.

Cut a few carrots and one medium onion into small pieces.

Saute vegetables in butter for 5 minutes with a pinch of fennel until soft.

Cut fresh bacon into pieces, it will add juiciness and tenderness to the stuffed pike. Chop the second onion coarsely, you will add it to the raw minced meat.

Scroll the pike, fried vegetables, bacon and fresh onions through a meat grinder several times.

Dip a few pieces of white loaf in the milk beforehand. Then squeeze the loaf and also pass through a meat grinder.

Add raw yolk from a large egg to the minced fish. Minced meat must be thoroughly kneaded or beaten off. Alternatively, you can kill the minced meat with a hand blender. Whisk the egg white and add to the minced meat, gently stirring in with a spatula. Add salt and white pepper to the minced meat.

Fill the pike stocking with minced meat, not very tightly, otherwise the skin will burst when baked.

Cut the baking bag and place on a baking sheet, brush with vegetable oil. Place the stuffed pike on a baking sheet and rest its head. Grease the fish thoroughly with oil on top.

Wrap the stuffed pike with a roasting sleeve and cook in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

Leave the cooked fish to cool, preferably overnight. Then prepare the pike whole or cut into portions for serving.

Serve the stuffed pike on a large platter and decorate to your liking.